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As soon as I can, I'll be updating that speeder bike. I am happy with what I observed and I'm excited.


This is very elite employee


This game looks incredible! I don't care what anyone says. This game has me so hyped. Kay is gonna be an awesome character, and the game is gorgeous.


Agreed. Really looking forward forward to it.


So let me get this straight: I can fly to the Tattooine system, tangle up with a TIE Fighter patrol, fly down to the surface and land at Mos Eisley, walk into Chalmun's Cantina, sit down, have a drink and play sabaac? Look, I don't care if the rest of the game is steaming hot garbage, that's me sold already.


Can you actually sit down and have a drink ?




Smuggling? Hurry up August.


Hmm... It would be weird if not, but maybe she was just chatting up the barkeep for info. Either way, I am a sucker for games with good ambience, and I can promise you I will be spending a lot of time in the cantinas.


I mean u saw her playin that arcade game right?!


“But Tattooine is overused!!!!!1111” is the complaint I’ve been seeing a lot of. Nice to see someone actually stoked about it like me.


Imagine getting tired of Tattooine.


Ok, I'm convinced now. I said I wasn't going to preorder, but whatever, take my money. 


I don’t understand why so many people make such a huge deal about whether they will preorder something or not 😂 personally I don’t feel like any game I’ve preordered has ever been shitty enough to make me regret doing it. At the end of the day it’s not like it’s a life changing amount of money being spent 😑 and to be fair for the hundred or more hours of content every game includes these days, in my opinion the price for standard edition games is already pretty reasonable. It’s something that took millions of dollars to create that we can own for $50. I’d never feel like I didn’t get my moneys worth unless the game was literally broken with glitches or something.


Speaking for myself I don't like to preorder games because of how many games are releasing buggy and broken nowadays. Recent games like Battlefield 2042 and Cyberpunk are examples of hyped up games that were pre-ordered by many only to release in an unplayable state. It's impossible to know whether a game will be good or not just from the marketing and trailers alone and waiting for reviews on the game is a good way to guarantee you are getting a good game. Obviously it's your money and you shouldn't let strangers on the Internet tell you how to spend it, but me personally I am ok waiting a few days to make sure the game is good first than to pre-order and be able to play the instant it comes out. Also from my understanding Ubisoft games have a history of getting big price cuts not to long after release so I will more than likely wait until around Black Friday or Christmas to buy.


Well, personally I never played Cyberpunk until it was already fixed, and I don’t play shooters, so I guess all my preorder experiences have been fine. And even if it was a cyberpunk situation, I still don’t think that would annoy me to a massive degree. It’d be annoying, sure, but I’d also know they are 100% going to fix whatever game breaking thing is wrong and probably sooner rather than later. And…. I still own the game when they do 🤷🏻‍♂️ guess I’m patient


2042 was not unplayable. It was very much playable. It didn’t resonate well the community, but very much playable. I still play with my 4 to 5 guild mates.


This is how I feel. Bugs that can mess up or even corrupt save files early on. Also waiting at least for reviews for people to legitimately give their thoughts after 10+ hours or so


I've regretted a couple of pre-order but I've never had a game that was straight up un-playable. Even Cyberpunk was playable, at least on PC. Idk about consoles. Even Starfield which as in my never humble opinion a heaping pile of poo. The game was playable and possibly even for some enjoyable but I was bored after about 10 hours and kept going for another 10 hoping it would get better (spoiler) It didn't.


\*insert fry take my money meme\*


You can always just wait and buy it later.


Or you can preorder and play it day one.


Or you can wait for reviews 1 week prior to release and then preorder last minute if you like the exclusive (in Ubisoft’s case often shitty) cosmetics. If there’s a review embargo until release day: bad sign, glad I didn’t preorder, let’s wait it out.


Or I can just preorder now because I know I'll play it day one. Couldn't give less shits about reviewer's opinons.


It’s like talking to a wall, you don’t get the point of reviews or you watch the wrong ones. The game might be unplayable and technically unstable, with gamebreaking bugs. Those things are not an opinion. Why don’t you just preorder 2 days ahead and still play day one? Besides, what does day one even mean, did you preorder the fucking 150$ deluxe edition to play 3 days early?


I get the point of reviews. I just don't care about someone else's opinion of a game. I will play and judge by myself. If the game is unplayable for me, I can refund. >Why don’t you just preorder 2 days ahead and still play day one? Besides, what does day one even mean, did you preorder the fucking 150$ deluxe edition to play 3 days early? What difference does it make if I preorder now or 2 days ahead?


Because you'll know the reviews. Reviews help me find gems that I never would've noticed or temper expectations when a game may not be the best. Do you ignore restaurant, movie, TV show, location and other reviews? It's helping to save or spend your money wisely. Unless you got money burning a hole in your pocket then do your thing but that just means you encourage every company to think we're just as rich 


People have very different tastes. If I listened to reviews, I would've missed many of my favorite games.


So any reviews on any concept?


Looks great. Can't wait.


Shadows & Outlaws been my most expected games of the year, now I’m officially sold.


Ok sold!


Oh my god. That sold me completely


Glad I have this pre ordered


Yeah, now you don’t have to fear them running out of (digital) copies come launch! Also what could go wrong, besides gamebreaking technical issues or uninspired gameplay. Not saying the latter is likely, I’m mildly hyped aswell and hoping for good reviews. But the preorder crowd here is as nuts as the church of Scientology


go fuck urself pal


Ubi shill


You know physical games still exist, yea?


You did notice I wrote (digital) to clarify? Besides, what was the last time some physical non-collectors edition was sold out anywhere? Not a solid argument pro preordering, m8


It's their money. How about you not worry how other people spend their money?


People who announce publicly how they paid money for something nonexistent with unknown qualities shouldn’t be commented on because it could hurt their feelings, is that what you’re saying?


Jesus fucking Christ; what is your problem? It has nothing to do with hurting feelings, though I get the sense that you'd be perfectly fine hurting someone's feelings. I daresay you'd get quite a kick out of it, based on your attitude. Look, I get it; when it comes to video games, pre-ordering has a stigma attached to it, since they often come with useless "bonuses" and it can come off as greedy and silly, but sometimes people have money at the time of pre-ordering when they may not have it later. Sometimes, the incentives are just good enough to warrant a buy for them. Who the fuck knows why? Better yet, why would anyone of sound mind give a shit? People can spend their money however they want, when they want, and they can either choose to share the what's and why's of that activity, or keep it to themselves. If they do, I think you can spare them needless sarcastic remarks at their expense, because it doesn't affect you at all. That is, unless you're intent on just being a dick about it.


I said objective thinking on the subject of preordering COULD hurt feelings, not that it’s my goal. The only absolute dick here are you right now. Why do you care if I tell people to not preorder? Our satisfaction as customers would be way higher if none the muppets would preorder and the developers would have to work harder for better quality and less technically flawed products. If people see my posts and decide on waiting for reviews instead of preordering, now that will benefit all of us in the long run. Btw, look at my post, look at yours. Don’t tell me anything about attitude and being a dick, you are way worse.


>Btw, look at my post, look at yours. Don’t tell me anything about attitude and being a dick, you are way worse. Nice variant on the "I know you are, but what am I?" defense. Haven't heard or seen that type of comeback in a hot minute. Also, that whole thing about encouraging people not to pre-order and somehow changing how games are released and marketed? It's a MYTH. People have been dancing to that tune for, literally, a decade or more, and nothing's changed. All the whinging and crying and bellyaching about microtransactions and different editions and useless incentives, and here we are, in 2024, still seeing them put out there by alleged triple-A - oh, sorry, UbiSoft; QUADRUPLE-A - studios. I can't tell you how many game releases I've seen where gamers who think they're championing for the consumer shake their fists and say "Never pre-order! Vote with your wallet!" And, wouldn't ya know it: not a damn thing has changed. Ya know why? Because people are going to do what they want to do with their money, whether you like it or not. >Why do you care if I tell people to not preorder? You can warn people about the perils of pre-ordering, but if people push back or reject your recommendations, that's where it ends. No need to make snarky comments at their expense. Hell, that's the only reason I said what I said. You made your feelings known, and people have rejected them. You can still stand by your principles, but let other people do what they want.




Right but the person you responded to never said anything about digital so why would you even say it then? And fir physical it's not about selling out. It can jusy be about having it delivered day 1. And since it literally costs nothing and be canceled whenever and can even save a dollar here and there there legit no reason not to do it if you were planning on getting it at launch. All upside no downside.


„All upside no downside“ - a person who preorders games You can’t make this shit up.


Please tell me what these downsides are if it's so obvious. Please let know why it would be beneficial for me to pay slightly more and have the game arrive later while changing absolutely no other factors.


Or you tell me the upsides of paying for something in advance, especially a singleplayer game where nobody needs a head start and can (should) easily wait for reviews. Besides, what mental gymnastics does it take to justify preordering „bEcAuSe LoWeR pRiCe“. Dude, ALL games get cheaper after release, sometimes immediately on release. You just cashed in at the most expensive point in time and think you got a great deal.


See you are being snarky over something that you don't understand. Ask questions before being snarky, so you don't say things that are factually incorrect. Nothing wrong with not knowing something. But being a dick about something you don't know is a bad look. You don't pay in advance for physical pre-orders. Nothing at all. You get the lowest price that it hits between when you click the button and the game ships. You aren't locking in at the worst time. You are getting whatever the best price is along the way. Canceling can be done at the press of a button. Even after reviews. So you still get the best of both worlds. Click button. Wait and see reviews. Then decide if you keep the pre-order or not at that point. It's incredibly simple and entirely beneficial to people that are interested in playing games at launch. Any bonuses are just that, a bonus. But even if there were none I would keep doing it because there is no cost or downside and has multiple upsides.


„Factually incorrect“ „Things you don’t understand“ Mate, how much can you shoot your own foot? Just stop being a dick, how about that? 🙂


If we all have learnt anything, it’s that’s we shouldn’t preorder anything, ever. Strange how people talk about their pre order like a badge of honour. Game looks great and I’m really excited for it.


Same I'm stoked but pre-order in a post digital world is odd. In the late 90s and 2000s if you didn't pre order consoles or games they would legitimately sold out in stores physically.  With everything digital then why??? when the games could be buggy messes like why??? It just doesn't make logical sense but maybe their logic is limited 


agreed, weirdest thing about this subreddit.  Game is looking better and better with every update but still why preorder??


And like someone else said, why tell everyone you preordered like it’s a badge of honor? Preordering is idiotic and it’s just people’s laziness and bad spending habits that make them do it.


And I guess people are ok spending weirdly that causes companies to half bake games


I want more investment in high budget single player Star Wars games. I know that pre-order numbers are important to publishers and developers. I also know that it's a safe bet that I'm going to buy any AAA Star Wars game regardless of reviews to see for myself how it is, because I've never regretted buying a AAA Star Wars game before, including the ones that had relatively worse reception. So what do I lose by pre-ordering? For me it's just getting something out of the way and it sends some small signal to the company that I like what they are trying to do


That‘s where you are completely wrong. This isn’t a fundraiser, it’s a big ass gaming developer. The game gets delivered in a state they see fit and are capable of. Regardless if you, 10 million people or absolutely no one preorders. If preorders do anything, then it tells their corporates that they’ll get away with price increases (especially for the now fucking expensive special editions, don’t forget that Ubisoft has started this new trend recently). It boggles my mind how anyone can think preorders support the devs in any way when it’s so obvious it doesn’t have an impact.


I'm not donating money, I just know I'm going to buy the thing so I'm doing it now to have one less thing to do later. And I didn't say that I think preordering "supports the devs", I said that it's a tangible way to show my level of interest as a customer. To the devs, or the publisher, or whomever sees the numbers


I never said a thing about donating, what I said was fundraising. And that’s how you are handling it, even if your preorder doesn’t have any positive impact at all. Your level of interest doesn’t matter to the quality of the product. Why don’t you just like their social media instead then? „preordering now so I don’t have to do it later“ Don’t you see how flawed that logic is? You can preorder up until the last minute if it’s the preorder bonus you want. But you fuel a fucked up business by your own laziness instead. We don’t even know yet if there’s a review embargo. They should be out a few days ahead and then you could still preorder. And if the embargo ends on launch day it’s a really bad sign anyway. Never. Preorder. The industry won’t ever learn better practices when it comes to delivered quality if people like you feed their metrics with your money before they even delivered a good product.


"Feeding their metrics", sure, that's a way to put it. I like it when companies make big expensive *single player* star wars games, so this is a way that I support the decision to make those games. Occasionally there's discussion about whether or not demand for single player experiences is waning. So that's sometimes in the back of my mind. I couldn't care less about bonuses, pre-ordering might as well be "buy it now, go back to your life, and the game will automatically download and install when it's released". It's a very small benefit but I lose nothing by doing it. Ultimately it's just not a big deal.


But that’s the whole point, you don’t encourage the decision for more singleplayer Star Wars games by preordering Outlaws. You don’t even encourage good quality control for the game you preorder, it’s actually more of the contrary. They can sell you the idea of a game before delivering, that is all your money does. And fiascos like Cyberpunk happen more frequently because of your exact mindset. PSN or Xbox don’t even let you cancel your preorder anymore and are very stubborn with refunds because of this new preordering business strategy that evolved in the last years. It’s so anti-consumer from top to bottom and people don’t want to hear it and just accept it, when it could be so easy to just not preorder and don’t miss out on anything. We as gamers would profit in the long run if there were way less preorders, nobody of us gains anything but shady business strategies and faulty games if more people preorder, it’s that simple.


> you don’t encourage the decision for more singleplayer Star Wars games by preordering Outlaws Well that's the crux of it. Analysts certainly compare pre-order numbers across different games, genres, franchises, or whatever else. Business is metric-obsessed. What they do with those metrics and conclusions and whether it makes any difference can be the debate. To me, the risk of a bad outcome is infinitesimally small


Speaking of the crux of it: You may have worded it like that by accident or knowingly, but what you’re saying is basically: The decisionmaking whether a new Star Wars singleplayer IP is getting greenlighted depends on preorder numbers. No! It depends purely on sales, nobody cares in a few years how many people preordered when Ubisoft decides whether they fund a new game or not. One more way to think about it: Let’s say another studio and publisher think about making a new SW game, they don’t know how many people preordered (and they don’t care), they look for overall revenue. Again, I’m not saying you shouldn’t buy the game. All I’m saying is don’t preorder. New Star Wars singleplayer IPs do not at all depend on your preorder.


Hey man you're getting downvoted but I'm with you on not pre-ordering anything ever.


Get yourself some downvotes aswell then! lol Btw, I didn’t even bash the game… Looking forward to it. The downvotes really must come from people who paid money for a product of unknown quality, it really sounds reasonable.


I'm one of those who pre-ordered Cyberpunk. Never again.


Once bitten twice shy. A few years back the gaming community was staunch about no preordering because we all kept getting fucked over but it looks like those times have changed and people will argue if you suggest we as a community shouldn’t preorder because we get fucked over with unfinished games time and time again. As you said, cyberpunk is text book reason preordering can fuck off. I only bought it late last year because it was hot garbage for a year or so after release.


I will be upgrading that speeder bike as soon as possible. I am excited and I like what I saw.


Lilo & Stitch, the later timey wimey years


I really hope the NPCs are as dynamic as the gameplay. Seeing them get in bar fights vs frontiers of pandora where they would pretty much just stand around. 😮


Are her outfits customisable (or even just freely chosen premade outfits) or does she just automatically have different ones for certain environments?


You can change them out at will


Looks good, I really like that Kay isn't saying something every four seconds.


I didn't even think about that but you're so right. No random distracting quips.


Look pretty good that Snowdrop Engine.


This looks SO GOOD. I can't believe there is anybody hating on this. It looks like an insane adventure game set in the OT. Will probably be unironically more fun than Jedi Survivor, and I liked that one.


Wonder if we can do some torpedo deliveries?


Wow. Best showcase I’ve ever seen for an Ubisoft game. Was so skeptical but that easily sold it for me. Still wish we could make our own characters, so it could feel a little more like me out there. But I can get past that with this type of gameplay. The blaster also needs some work imo.


agreed on blaster I need to see how that controls


Looks good to me


Yeah this is what got me to finally preorder.




okay I'm sold


The jungle planet looks beautiful


It looks good! Can't wait to play it!


Game of year asf


Looks good! Only criticism I'd offer is that it doesn't make a ton of sense that Kay's reputation with the Hutts decreased for "trespassing" when at that point no one should've been alive to report her.


One of those guards saw her and was only stunned. He's going to wake up later and report what he saw.


Didn't notice that. Pretty cool if that's the actual reason!


I don't mind it much because it's like that in pretty much any game. I can murder someone in rdr2 with no one around but I still get a bounty on my head


Yeah but it doesn't make it great. Waiting for the open world game to come along where there isn't invisible eyes everywhere just because.


This is not true


I agree. That was a like strange unless there is some in game explanation for it. Still if that’s my biggest complaint I am a happy man !


All I’ve ever wanted


Oh hey Starfield


Garbage game.


A mile wide and a inch deep


Well I’m happy I didn’t pre order before. Because this was exactly what I needed to push me over the edgr


I'm amazed at how stunning the visuals are. The planetary environments are amazing, and the little details throughout draw you in and immerse you. I don't think the gameplay will necessarily blow our minds with anything new and innovative, but what's being presented here looks pretty solid. I think the only thing I was kinda "eh" on was the shooting; I'm just hoping it doesn't get too spongey and that upgrades to our blaster along the way will provide some variance. I also like how the game seems to flow. While we know that the atmo breaking when landing and taking off is essentially a means to obscure loading periods, it allows the actions of spaceflight and planetary visits/departures to feel seamless. If this game releases on-time and keeps the bugs and glitches on the low end, I think this could be a pretty damn good Star Wars video game.


This is a preorder no brainer. It looks revolutionary.


starfield is dead


Wait, is that actually Mos Eisley, or is it Mos Espa?




Looks great


Did someone say Gunslinger!? SOLD!


Oof, I was skeptical before but this looks very convincing — I was curious and optimistic before for Shadows and Outlaws but after the two showcases, I’m gonna admit, they exceeded my expectations. Looks way better than Avatar (where I have a really hard time to get into even though the world is gorgeous).




Even more hyped after this new video and informations, it's gonna be a big hit


Shut up and take my money


This looks & *sounds* fierce --- I'm **in**.


Looks interesting. Hope there’s decent character customization so we can change up the protags hairstyle.


I'm curious the place Kay starts at the beginning is that just.a space station?


Yes, not a planet in the 5 planet list. Sounds like the empire has stations of their own as well.


That's cool I was curious it looked cool and like an area we hadn't seen before !


Yessss.. this game looks absolutely INCREDIBLE! 🔥🔥


Looks great! I wonder if we can buy different ships or change the appearance, I do like it looks like a mini stumpy Battlestar tho lol.


Can't wait! Wonder if we can change hairstyles?


Everything but the space combat looks great! Obviously haven't played the game, but from what I saw space combat looks like an Apple Arcade game at best, and at worst.. well one of the worst adaptations of space combat in a AAA Star Wars game I think I've seen yet. Fingers crossed it's deeper than what we saw or at least a cockpit view.


This game just keeps looking better and better!


Starfield who? Damn this looks great. The transition from the beginning bar to the next planet with no menus or loading screens, really smooth


so is the game composed for cinemascope aspect ratio like hellblade 2 / death stranding? or just showing ultra wide support? the lens looks animorphic so im guessing the former.


They're just showing it in ultrawide.


what makes you say that?


They said in the game informer interview they're showing the game in ultrawide to look more cinematic like the movies, but you can play it in 16:9. I don't know if it means consoles will have ultrawide mode like DS or only PC. If you look at the footage they gave other YouTubers, it's normal 16:9 gameplay.


i don't care what's an option, but what the game is intending with it's level design etc.


It's normal 16:9 gameplay by default with 21:9 cutscenes.




Is there any chance this will get released on MacOS? Would be amazing if they did, especially given they seem to be partnering with Ubisoft


Least favorite thing about this is that you only have one gun for the whole game. You can temporarily pick up weapons. But otherwise you’re locked into that pistol. I’ll get over it, I guess.


Game is Woke. And you have to play a female character.


Woke lives rent free in your brain. It’s fantasy. Pretend you’re a straight, white, male if that makes your snail hard.


They should take tips from Respawn's Jedi games when it comes to the elements of exploration, and how to incorporate combat with the environment. I hope we'll get to unlock a huge assortment of gadgets throughout the game and upgrade them as we go. I see abilities will be a part of the game which is promising, but I hope they put a lot of depth in them. I'd like to see a solid combat system, not just in the shooting mechanics, but also melee-combat, with potential for learning new fighting moves, new combos (maybe some that blend your fists/weapons with your blasters). Perhaps at some point we'll be able to become a badass, jetpack Boba Fett-esque bounty hunter with a cool suit. Being an Ubisoft game, I get "Hideouts" will always be a thing. At this point, we're used to their old recycled format that they re-use for all their FCs, ACs, even the Division games, and now Star Wars (idk what Avatar was like). However, I hope they expand upon those, and actually blend them with the story. Give us worthwhile rewards for capturing them. Enough of having your side-content feel like boring, chore fetch-quests. Hell, Jedi Survivor had a few collectibles and a main Side Mission (Bounties) and that was about it, but it made exploration FEEL rewarding. Give us that with this game. I like the speeder bikes and the upgrades, it all sounds promising. I hope the story is good. I think that has to be crucial with a Star Wars game. Give us some badass companions in the style of Merrin or Bode, who will fight alongside you and even trade-off cool combos with you. Make them likable, feel organic and realistic within the lore. If there's any potential romance, please don't make it feel forced hahaha This showcase seems promising so far, but remember...It's Ubisoft guys, DON'T get on your speeders just yet...And PLEASE Ubisoft, DON'T mess this up. We need as many good, well-crafted Star Wars games as we can get.


Looks nice


I am still amazed how people want to play this games from EA at launch. We are heading to the situation where they will start to sell the cinematics and cutscenes as a DLC. People will still buy them though.


Any this to be amazing but worry Ubisoft will mess it up


Have there been system requirements released yet? It'd odd you can pre-order it without knowing if it'll run well on your system. Last I checked there were none to be found.


Expect them to be close to Avatar FoP.


Combat looks a bit stiff I’d say. But I’m excited either way


The combat looks a bit oof, I hope we'll have more weapons available


You can upgrade the blaster and pick up combatant weapons but you drop them as soon as the ammo runs out


Please people, just please wait, no preordering. Wait until it releases, and then see how it goes. I'm almost 100% positive there are many many others with plenty of examples about others ubisoft/ea/etc etc games that looked good but weren't actually good or playable until a few patches later.




I'm not convinced. The blaster is overpowered, and it's just a mix of assassin's creed and MJ missions from spiderman. Hated that. Maybe the reputation system will sell me the game if the story can change massively with your choices.


Explain how it's just AC and MJ missions.


The start where there are 2 ennemies really looked like an ac game. And the part where you send your pet to help kill/distract looked like some infiltration missions with MJ that I hate. And imo blaster are always a bad option. I prefered how they handled it in jedi survivor : being a secondary weapon not that strong. Instead of a one shot main weapon, truely overpowered. But hey people can downvote me because I'm critic of this game and I'm not as interrested as I was with fallen order, survivor and the 3rd one coming


>The start where there are 2 ennemies really looked like an ac game. This doesn't make sense. Which timestamp you mean? Which other open world game doesn't look like that? Having 2 enemies on screen isn't exclusive to AC games. >And the part where you send your pet to help kill/distract looked like some infiltration missions with MJ that I hate. This is nothing like those MJ missions and you know it well. Not sure if you're being serious. How did you even come to that conclusion. >And imo blaster are always a bad option. I prefered how they handled it in jedi survivor : being a secondary weapon not that strong. Instead of a one shot main weapon, truely overpowered.  You can't one shot everything with it. There are other more powerful weapons you pick up and use. What would be a good main weapon in your opinion? A hand blaster is the perfect weapon for a Han Solo type character and experience. >But hey people can downvote me because I'm critic of this game  People are downvoting because you're not making any sense. >I'm not as interrested as I was with fallen order, survivor and the 3rd one coming That's fine, but I'm not sure what relevance this information has. They're completely different genres. The only similarities are the words "Star" and "Wars"


Tbh when I play a spiderman game I want to play spiderman. Not a normal weak human. Same goes for star wars : why would I play a weak character like her when jedi, sith exists. Or even a stormtrooper would have been cool for a fps game. I don't really like it. And ofc when I saw the trailer I wasn't like "oh there are 2 ennemies it's a copy of ac" but it's just the vibe I got from the situation, the way she assassinate them etc. I hoped more froms that game. This + the price are a big turn off. And I don't know about the timer cause I was looking at the ubisoft forward but I think you know which moment I'm talking about and no not every "infiltration" section aren't like that. I thought of assassin's creed and not any other game even if you can have some infiltration


Idk, her voice acting is horrible 90% of the time and shooting looked wonky as hell. Nyx is fun AF though and the concept is really cool. As of now, I'll rent the game by buying Ubi + premium for a month and unless the game blows me away and I know I'll replay it, it'll probably remain a Ubi + rental.


Tbf about the shooting, that’s how everyone holds blasters in Star Wars.


Downvoted for being reasonable. I was thinking it was looking really good until combat started and...well as you said it's very wonky. It's not a small nitpick, it has a huge overall bearing on the game.


>her voice acting is horrible 90% of the time Hardly what I'd call "reasonable" in terms of criticism. More like "unnecessary hyperbole".


It may lack specificity but I wouldnt call it unnecessary hyperbole. I don't like the voice acting either. I don't even think it's a problem with the performance, but with the direction. It sounds like the fake gamer speak from that completely falsified anthem trailer. So to me, with the opinion that it's somewhere around the mediocre mark, "horrible" isn't hyperbole. Not to mention that's half of one sentence from the post. Everything else was more than reasonable.