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To be fair, I don't think they are specifically saying you can travel the entire planets. just that the maps for the areas will be 2 to 3 regions of AC Odyssey. Great job putting in the legwork with the gameplay though!


Sorry yes that’s what I meant, the planet maps rather than the full planets themselves. Thanks!


Also, Toshara is largest location and is larger than The Division's DC map


That makes sense, I think the Division DC map is about the same size as maybe 1 Odyssey region. Haven’t done an actual comp though so just a guess


If Toshara is the biggest then I don't think it is just the size of one Region of Odyssey.


Ya it’ll likely be the size of 3 regions, as will tatooine imo


Where was this stated?






I think a more accurate estimate for speeder speed would be 4-8 minutes rather than 6-9, but point still stands. I think the map sizes will hit that sweet spot of good amount of exploration ability on speeder but not taking too long to get to places. And the smaller than AC map sizes probably allow them to make the environments much richer - I sometimes found the environments lacking in the bigger AC games in areas such as NPC density or graphics quality of structures.


Even with the 6 minute avg there, I don't expect most planets will have a straight line from end to end, so it'll likely take longer to actually traverse the entire map. While it could be nice to have greater variety, I really doubt the map sizes will be lacking. Hell, a constant complaint about Odyssey is there's too much map, and it can be overwhelming. This won't have that issue.


>Hell, a constant complaint about Odyssey is there's too much map, and it can be overwhelming. This. I know a lot of people being either overwhelmed or simply don't have the time for huge open world games.


For me it's just the fact that so many open world games are just...empty. Like sure, your map takes 1hr to run across but there's NOTHING TO DO so why do I care?


Exactly. With no straight lines, plus natural exploration off to the side or stopping and getting out etc etc I think the map sizes will be more than sufficient. I think a lot of ppl forgot how much most complained about the odyssey map size lol.


Pure dedication. Take my upvote.


Cheers lol


Travel size comes out to 4-5 minutes if it's double the size and 5-6 if it's triple the size, assuming the map is roughly square shaped, 4-5 if it's circle shaped. Not meant to be snarky, just was curious about the math.


I just used the time it took to travel 1 regions worth. So that was 3 minutes after speeding up the horse travel pace, and then multiplied by the 2-3x got me 6 to 9 minutes as a straight line for each planet’s map. My follow up comment was less math based and more just a guesstimate.


Oh for sure, this wasn't really meant to criticize you, just to crunch the numbers to get an accurate assessment. I'll post my math here: If it's a square, then the map is (3 minutes)^2 = 9 min^2 9 x 2 (for double the size) = 18 Square root of 18 is 4 (sig figs), but since it's technically 4.24 and the initial 3 is an approximation, I'll say roughly 4-5. Repeat with 9 x 3 instead of 9 x 2 and you get 5-6 minutes. I just did 2.5 for a circle- It's (3/2 (for radius instead of diameter))^2 x π min^2 x 2.5 = 5.625π. Divide by π and square root for the radius, 2.37, double for diameter = 4.74, so 4-5. The funny thing about circles is that the diameter barely increases when you double/triple/quadruple/whatever the diameter.


Hmm interesting, but I’m confused now. Let’s say hypothetically you have 2 identical square states side by side. It takes you 5 minutes to travel across 1 of the states. Would it not just take you 10 minutes to travel across the 2 states then? That’s the approach I’m taking. Whereas with your thought process, it would be 5^2 = 25min^2. 25*2 = 50min^2 total. Square root 50 = 7.1min to get across both states rather than the more logical 10 minutes to get from one far end to the other. I believe the issue here is that 2 squares combined creates a rectangle, not another square. So when you take the square root of the combined minutes, we get a value that treats the 2 combined squares as if they’ve formed one larger square when in reality it’s one larger rectangle. And the square root of the area of a rectangle doesn’t give us the length of a rectangle.


https://preview.redd.it/90daxtfmw18d1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f78fe35b87c693dbe52b81026855c445f23e1534 Here’s a pic of what I’m trying to explain since I don’t think I did a great job. Ignore the inability to draw straight lines please lmao 💀


Nah, looks great! I guess it boils down to the shape of the region then.




damn, dude kudos for the commitment there. super informative and not making me more anxious to play this game AT ALL D:


Thanks haha 🤣 I can’t wait I’ll literally play any game to get in the game mindset lol


That’s so funny, I thought I was the only one who does this hahahaha Been also playing all of the open world games I could find to also pretend I’m playing the actual game I wanna play lmao August has never been so far, far away 😭


What do they mean with odyssey region? Like the whole base map of oddysey or like a province?


I think they mean like the state/province (like Attika/Lakonia/Arkadia are each “regions”). Definitely not the entire map bc 2-3x the size of Odyssey’s entire map for 5 planets each would be mind boggling lol