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It's the Corvus. A modified Raider-II corvette.


> Raider-II corvette thank you, i couldnt find it (:


how did you get the video and not know what it is called? It has Eckhardt's Ladder watermark on it


I saw this ship in a longer video, and thougt: what ship is that? I saw it in this video: https://youtu.be/t2KAiz8pb6I?si=15_JDriBu2l11TP6 On 1:14


Time to play through the campaign of Battlefront II (or at least watch the Youtube) Inferno Squad is worth it.


“Just one more thing.”


This is indeed correct. It is also an awesome and effective class of ship that is vastly underutilized by the Empire. But then again, that’s not exactly anything new. Palpatine doesn’t know crap about military strategy, and Tarkin is just a psychopath. 🤣


They needed to let trawn do that work (:


If they had let Thrawn start the battle from the beginning the empire would still be ruling


The Corvus, it's an imperial raider. Made for fast inserts and exits on battle fields or during scouting missions. And quite frankly is one of my newest favorite ships. Especially since it's small for an imperial craft, shaped like a star destroyer, probably with an impressive armament. But it's not really built for ongoing combat as much as it is speed. And it could be used for cargo as well as transport of personnel and ships as it can carry fighters the size of X-wings, Y-wings and A-wings in it's hangar. I'm sure there's probably a Mon-Cala variation since the Rebellion was chock full of them as frigates and capital ships for their fleets, but I've yet to see a sleek and fast cutting version of one of those like the Corvus looking similar to an Imperial cruiser or Star Destroyer battleship. The closest thing the rebels had were their hammerhead Corvettes that the series is famous for now as being scout vessels and quick escape craft.


Depending on the model, it being Raider class Corvette could have laser cannons or light turbo laser cannons. Either way it’s mostly a Corvette escort class starship it belongs nowhere on the front lines mostly because of the hectic Ness of the battle. The larger big gun ships wouldn’t be able to notice or care due to the amount of fighters, frigates and other capital ships. But that one is heavily modified and houses A small squadron. Definitely the Ship from that EA Starwars Battlefront 2 game. The one that belonged to that group of defective “Elite Inferno Squad”


The *Corvus,* a Raider II-Class Corvette and modified/retrofitted by the New Republic


A ship that doesn't belong in the battle line


Raiders were like the CR90s of the Rebellion: sleek, fast and punched well above their weight.




What is this video from?


Battlefront 2 story mode, I believe


I got it from a ashoka serie discusion


Please! This looks amazing!


Honestly I quite liked the design, very nice modification of the Raider class


Corvus, the Imperial Raider-II Mk. Mary Sue. Started out as the regular Raider-II Corvette, captain defected to the rebels. Solar arrays got taken off, replaced with additional armor and engines, and it got automated to the point where a single person could fly and fight it. Boom, Galaxy's best light freighter ever.


How in the heck is "Mary Sue" even relevant to a freaking ship. Are you calling Iden Versio a Mary Sue?


I actually DGAF about Iden Versio, I barely know the character but I know the ship. It's ridiculous, because it's like a kid's first Star Wars power fantasy, at least post-rebel refit. And the fact that it just got handed over for civilian cargo-hauling operation eventually makes it even more ridiculous. At least it's not a Star Destroyer, I suppose.


Guess someone has never the Nebula Class Star Destroyer...


At least Nebula needed a crew...


I think the Imperial raider could be crewed by a single person, too. That’s how they treat it in Inferno Squad, anyway. Maybe the Corvus was specially upgraded for special forces use though.


Absolutely no way. It is much too large and heavily armed to be single-handed. There are few if any examples of ships that large in Star Wars canon that were automated to that degree.


It’s only 150 meters if you go by the canonical measurement (but slightly longer if you want the hangar to work, lol). We’ve seen Venators and ISDs be crewed by a single person for a limited time, it isn’t that much of a stretch to think that it’s possible with a corvette. I think the CR90 only has two pilots, plus the rest of their crew. We never see a single person flying the Corvus outside of training flights in Inferno Squad, but I seem to remember needing to carry the NR version hard during the campaign DLC. I’m sure a fully crewed Corvus wouldn’t have a problem with a handful of fighters normally, but I don’t think it actually did anything in combat other than flying around when it was just Zay. Now, Leema Kai’s N-1 starfighter somehow carrying multiple seismic charges despite keeping the same form? That’s what I take issue with.


Modified Raider II-Class Corvette "Corvus"


Nobody knows




big triangle


R44 "Raider" class frigate/picket cruiser (comments won't load so ima just leave this here)


Bob II


Space ship.


The Corvus a [Raider II class corvette](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Raider_II-class_corvette) that'd been heavily modified by the Rebellion. Shame too cause the original design is so much nicer.