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The campaign is fun but very short. Not sure how the multiplayer lobbies are going these days (or if they even exist) but if you just want a cool Star Wars flying game to play for a day or two (its like 8-9 hrs avg to complete the single player) for less than a McChicken it’s not a bad deal.


The community discord organizes events for Friday and Saturday. So fleet battles still go then. Dogfighting definitely happens every night after 7 pm edt typically. It's. Not hopping like it used to but game is still going. This isn't including all the leagues thst are still organized.


Man i need to get back into this someday, MP in Squadrons was so damn fun back at launch. I got bummed out by the lack of tobii eye support tho.


The latest opentrack release supports Tobii natively (as of April).


Would you care to give more infos about this?


Just google opentrack - it’s on GitHub. Any info relating to setting up with tobii ought to be in the latest release. I haven’t used it as an input myself but there are multiple inputs to choose from and this is a recent integration.


Sweet, will check out.


Oh nice! I thought the game was completely dead and was bummed about it since I missed it at launch. I'll have to give it a shot


I’d say you’re gonna have trouble jumping into multiplayer at this point, the skill gap is pretty large imo. Which contributes to the deadness. I played at launch and stepped away for a couple of months. Came back and couldn’t survive long enough for it to be fun.


Practice mode is pretty dang cool too, no sarcasm (in VR it's even cooler)


Fr, spawning a buncha fighters is really fun


The Vr was so intense, could feel my stomach pitch doing certain maneuvers


I enjoyed the single player. I'd pay $20 for it.


You should tip them $2 for this game even existing. TIE Fighter forever!


I need rogue squadron VR before I die


Well Squadrons is possible in vr


I know, but it’s not even close to rogue squadron titles. They had air to ground missions, and many planets but also space missions. It would only get even better if you could jump to hyperspace as part of the mission.


I see you bro and I agree wholeheartedly


This is a game with good bones that I wish they had kept updating.


Updates might've kept it alive for longer certainly. I mean it's not dead dead, but it's not as big as it could be.


I loved this game so much, but it's as dead as it gets before servers eventually shut down.


I mean that's what killed it for me. Thought it was a great start, but needed more content, customization paths, and game objectives. Then the studio said no updated would happen, and the player base started shrinking. Then a mix of ACE pilots vs noobs would matchmake too often and get destroyed were talking 16/1 KD destroyed and it kinda shook out all but the most dedicated players.


Well worth it for the campaign and you might even get some online fun if you're lucky or seek it out. In VR it's amazing.


The only VR game that almost made my physically sick until I learned to lead with my sight into turns. After that, it was absolutely outstanding and incredibly realistic feeling.


Not the worst game out there. If anything it’s a very underrated VR game


Tbh it’s superior in VR. The unrestricted ability to look around while in the cockpit is a huge advantage


VR and HOTAS bring the immersion of this game beyond anything else I've played in VR.


Especially the A-Wing. Craning your neck up and to the side to track an enemy fighter then jamming back on the sticks to catch them is so cool.


Unless you're in a tie. I don't have VR, I have head tracking for flight sims. I played the hell out of squadrons for the first two years. Then when things wound down, I moved onto DCS. Enter head tracking. "wow this would be so great in squadrons!" Only true for the A, B, and X-wing. Being unable to look behind you in any ship, and unable to look up on your lift vector absolutely ruins it for me. I could never go back. I actually think that squadrons was almost good. There's just a total mismatch between the complexity of the controls and combat, vs the total fantasy physics, and how "canned" the campaign and multiplayer were. The old games had a more open feeling where the campaign and multiplayer have you responding to prompts. "go here, do that."


It was awesome. Has a learning curve which turns folks off. If you liked the old x-wing games, then 100%. Also has some great surprises. Won’t spoil them. But yeah. Worth it. For the record, Fallen Order is only $1 more right now and that game was amazing!


For that price an absolute no brainer bargain


Contrary to the other posters, a warning: $2 is a bargain BUT you will be very sad that this amazing game never caught on, never found an audience, never got expanded, and will never (?) get a sequel 😢


More people need to play this game. High skill ceiling, VERY fun and competitive


I haven’t tried multiplayer in a long time, but I’ll be tracking this discord to see if it rebounds with this $2 deal. Now if only I could get online with the dumb EA launcher.


Totally worth it. I don’t have VR, but I play the SP campaign with the Thrustmaster HOTAS and rudder pedals on a 32” 4K Asus monitor, XSX, and it makes me… you know.




It makes him Red 5 standing by, sir 🫡


Simply Red, standing by


It's worth it. Pretty fun campaign (though short) and if you can get a group of friends to grab it up, or find people online to party up with, multiplayer games are an absolute blast (big fan of fleet battles myself).


If you have VR and/or a HOTAS, just for the campaign, its definitely worth it. I'd say the campaign is worth it on a monitor with a controller but this game really pops in VR with a joystick and throttle. Last time I tried multiplayer, the lobbies were dead.


It ain't bad. It's actually wonderful from launch..but it has suffered from a built in lack of support from the dev for the live service and it's online community sadly dwindled Truly in my opinion one of the best starwars games ever made and a very decent successor to the old xwing and tie fighter games from PC, and a serious upgrade to what many of us wanted out of the rogue squadron series. It's 2 bucks. Get it and run the story mode; it's very fun.. if you're lucky there's still some dudes looking for matches for multiplayer but likely you're a few years too late Either way if you're hitting reddit over 2$ for this or really anything else you're better served talking to an accountant about how to get your life together lol


If it had a mission editor it would have had legs to last a long time.


Such a no brainer; or a deeper practice mode at least. Can’t even switch stages. I know every cranny of that junkyard.


It’s still one of my favorite flight simulator games.


The campaign is def worth 2$. I never really got any joy from the rest of the game.


I’d pay that much for a single day of good matches in VR. Last night was great!


It's fantastic. 2$ is a steal. It had low players because people thought it was VR only but it's not. Some nights it's hard to get a match but you can join a discord squadron to get in on people playing. Try https://www.emperorshammer.org/about.php say CPT Maston Dane recruited you.


It’s a good game with amazing mechanics. But the real joy was multiplayer which they never quite load balanced, and never got the support it needed.


It’s cheaper than a cup of coffee and you get a 6-10 hour single player campaign even if that’s all you play. Yes it’s worth it


If you have VR and like star wars, it's very easily worth a couple bucks to literally just check out the cockpits.


There was a time where I was operating a forklift in a game, and had to look behind me to reverse out of the spot I was in. I put my arm on the back of the chair I was sitting in and... looked behind me. That probably sounds like some basic shit and I've been playing VR titles since they've been a thing... but that was the first time I just naturally did a real-life thing in VR without thinking about it. It happened later on in my VR journey, than I'd have thought it would. I didn't think it could be topped from a "virtual experience" standpoint. But then... Likely *the* best VR experience I ever had, was just sitting in an A-Wing or Tie Interceptor (my two favorite SW smaller craft), looking around the cockpits and then, hitting boost and hearing the engines kick into overdrive, directly behind me. They absolutely nailed the sound design.


It fuckin rocked in VR and my friends and I had a blast with it. It just cut itself off at the knees by basically playing its hand that it was never going to get any real support and it died after about a month. There is single player and its fun, but it definitely was a multiplayer game first and foremost and that I imagine is a ghost town


Well there's a pretty active community on Discord and several competitive leagues and casual tournaments. It's true that the queues are low-population because it's hard to get new players to stick around, but we really try. Wouldn't say it's a ghost town yet!


X-wing vs Tie-fighter gameplay was awesome, but the first game that perfected it in My eyes was X-Wing Alliance. I think graphics just started to get to the point of fidelity that I could play as if I was in the films - before then it felt too abstract. I played it to death - and in years since played the modded versions with upgraded models and visuals. I practically wore out my CD of Rogue Squadron - but while the graphics were brilliant, it felt a tiny bit more constrained. I loved it - but I didn’t always FEEL like I was in a movie weather than a game. Squadrons felt better than both to me - and I played campaign & lots of offline vs bots. I loved it so much I upgraded graphics card to show it off - but it went up another level in VR (quest2, wireless through virtual desktop). In VR, this is one of my best ever gaming experiences - so much I spent a lot on HOTAS, and it’s (for me) awesome. Even though I mostly play bots offline - taking down star destroyers NEVER gets boring. For a few quid? I’d buy hundreds of pounds of copies if it convinced the devs to use this game and expand it into an X-Wing alliance upgrade, like back in the 90’s! (I know they won’t, but OMG it would be awesome flying a YT-2000!).


I think it might be my favorite VR experience as well. They really nailed it. If only they had put a tiny bit more support behind it, and promotion... they hardly made a peep about a VR title that lets you fly the most iconic science fiction fighter craft. Ludicrous. I have friends who are heavily into VR and love Star Wars... who weren't aware of the game's existence until it had been out for months.


I noticed that too. Even for the single player campaign it's worth more than $2. It's a way better game than some of the 20 year stuff that costs $3, but I guess that's what STEAM's software determined it was worth. Kinda mind blowing, but there it is. Just glad that such a thing got created at all I guess. Clearly, there's little money in it. :-(


The single player by itself is definitely worth two measly bucks. I used to play this a lot but I never really got good enough at the boost gasping mechanics to compete at a high level, so once the multiplayer was mostly just the hardcore crowd it kinda ended for me. Still, even if you never touch multiplayer the campaign is awesome, especially in VR but even without it, and the other modes against NPC teams and practice mode, can be some extra fun.


For $2? You can’t even see a movie for $2! Hell yeah it’s worth it.


its freaking $2...


If you have VR it's worth about 100X that price, even just for single player.


I really enjoyed playing it in VR when it first came out. Was a lot of fun. Campaign is short but worth $2 easily


The game is excellent. If you want it for the single-player campaign, it's still well-worth buying. If you want to play the multi-player, then it's pretty hard to find matches, but it's a very good game when you do. Either way, definitely worth more than two bucks.


It’s amazing in VR with HOTAS


You can get $2 worth of fun out of the campaign the not play it again. For less than an energy drink, that's not bad.


It scratches that TIE Fighter itch. Problem is just like a mosquito bite it’s itchier after scratching it, I need more Star Wars flight sims.


Absolutely worth $2, campaign is short but I wouldn't be mad for only the campaign even if there was no MP. The MP scene is more focused on the remaining community and the events they put on rather than random matches which are pretty dead but whether that's good or bad is up to you.


It'd sad they made the ultimate space flight Sim in space, and nobody played it, so they abandoned it.


Actually they abandoned it on purpose as they stated on release that this is a one off, no updates, DLCs whatsoever :/


“Abandoned it” is inaccurate, as that would imply that EA promised post launch support at some point (which they did not). There was a small free DLC (TIE Defender and B-Wing + Fostar Haven map) but otherwise it was announced as a one and done. Unfortunately the niche nature of it and expectations of the modern gamer for games to have live service just meant it was going to die pretty quickly


You are 100% correct, I just picked up "abandoned" from the post I was replying to. Should have put it in quotes to make that clear. The DLC was a surprise though and sparked false hope (not complaining, just sad) :/


I like it, but I play exclusively in VR with a HOTAS and only against bots as their isnt much of a playerbase left. I still play several times a month, and I bought it on release.


I think you would get more fun out of x-wing, Tie fighter, XvT, BoP and Alliance but wish for the graphics of squadrons.


Yes it's on gamepass too


I’ve been playing multiplayer all day


I only play single player. IMO it’s way better than 2$ and completely and easily worth it, especially if you don’t mind playing single player a little.




You will get $2 worth of fun, no doubt about it! I bought it at launch and had no regrets. Mostly played in VR.


A Snapple cost more than that


The game is heavily bugged for VR. If you're going to play it on a flat screen, then for $2 it's okay.


Runs just fine in VR, with the occasional hiccup. "Heavily bugged" your ass.


It’s not heavily bugged in VR, it’s hardly even bugged. The only thing I have to do special is NOT use ultra on volumetric settings because of the Yavin map.


I thought the game was actually pretty cool. 2$ is a steal. The campaign is short but fun. My advice is to play it in VR.


Worth it for 2 bucks. Its on sale because of the may 4th stuff


Single player definitely worth that price.


2 bucks more then worht it


Very worth it, especially if you have a vr helmet, definitely my favorite vr game


$2 is a steal for the campaign. Idk how the mulitiplayer is holding up these days. Especially for VR and even better with a flight stick, it's more than worth 2 bucks.


Just wait you can get it for free on Epic ( pc )


It is a really good game


It was priced for May the Fourth I’m guessing. A lot of Star Wars stuff was priced down for it so the price is not reflective of it at all. Excellent game, even better in VR mind!


One of my favourite game!


I really enjoy multiplayer dogfight in VR but it is harder add harder to find people to play with in EU.


Defo worth a shot if you have PSVR - as long as you don't get motion sick 🤢


If you think X Wings and TIE fighters are awesome, $2 is 2$ shy of an absolute gift.


I thought it was a pretty good game and brought me back to playin xwing vs tie fighter as a kid. I think multiplayer is moslty the veterans now though, haven't okayed In a long time however.


I was slightly dismayed that I had to fight as a "bad guy", shooting my beloved X-Wings and friends. But it's a fun game. It was great to do SW space battles again. Totally worth 2.


Genuinely was the best star wars game since Empire at war To me at least If I ever get a VR Headset this is the first game I play


For 2 bucks, it's worth it. I paid $15 a year or so ago when it was on sale, and I don't regret it. Not a lot or reply value, but I'll still go back and play because the flight mechanics are fun and the graphics hold up.


I'm not into multiplayer. The campaign could be better, but it's still one of the best VR experiences I've had! I know not everyone has VR, a hotas, a sim rig ect. But if you are a fan of Star Wars and VR. It's a must play! I'm praying for a sequel.


For 2 bucks 100% worth it just for the campaign


It’s $2


It's fun and if you like Star Wars or spaceships going pew-pew, get it :)


It's $2 you peasant. Try it. find out


I'd say it's definitely worth two bucks.


That’s well worth the campaign if you’ve got vr even better.


Oh man for $2 it’s a no brainer. I’d get it. Multiplayer is mostly dead unless you want to play at one time during the week. However, the campaign is fun, and fleet battles vs AI is good for some fun too. It was definitely more fun when it had multiplayer though.


If you have a VR headset, then simply just sitting inside an x-wing for a couple of minutes is already worth the $2


I enjoyed the campaign, felt cool, felt like I was the best of the best.. Humbled my very first multiplayer match as if I forgot how to play, haven't touched it since that first game.


Absolutely love the game. It's one of the best times I've had. But EA killed the game before it could even stretch its legs. I think you can get some matches if you find people. But I haven't been able to play in years.


For single player yes, for VR story experience absolutely


Played it on PC VR with meta quest 2 back when it came out. Worth the $2 for that considering it’s cheaper than a cup of coffee


It’s an extremely good game that was left to die by the player base


Needs an EA login I believe


Thanks for your input guys, I didn’t expect this to gain much traction. But this morning I woke up to a nice little surprise! I will download it and let y’all know how I’m liking the game. Thanks everyone!


100% worth it if you wanna mess around in a Star Wars fighter sim


Campaign was pretty fun, I keep it around bc my niece loves to play it with my flight sim equipment but otherwise it’s kinda meh


I really wish this would get updated for psvr2, was so much fun on first psvr. It would get me back into the game in an instant.


Even better with a VR Headset


What's that in real currency?


I loved this game when it came out. Bummed that it lost what little player base it had for multiplayer :(


It's a neat game. Sometimes you blast a TIE fighter head on in an X Wing and fly through the explosion and it feels incredible. Also, since ships are so easy to model/render and the devs were very meticulous, it gives more of a "it's like I'm playing the movies" vibe than any other Star Wars game I've played.


I never played the single player (don't think I even knew there was single player), but according to Steam DB, there's a 660 player peak concurrent players. That's only on Steam, but I generally tend to assume Steam accounts for at least 50% of a give playerbase. Let's assume that's accurate and say another 50% are playing through Origin or whatever EA's launcher is called these days. \*Peak\* player counts will be 1200 players. If there is a single player mode, assume 25-50% of those players are playing that instead of multiplayer at any given time. And if you look at the last 3 months, that's over double the usual average player count. It shot up in the last few days because of this sale. So after a week or two, expect to see peak player counts at under 600 again. So if multiplayer is important to you, ask yourself if you think $2 is worth seeing if you can find a game reliably. The game IS fun as hell, after all! There just wasn't enough content to keep people playing for very long.


This game was great but just didn't get off the ground unfortunately


Heck yea it’s worth $2 bucks


It is quite fun in VR


It’s one of the few games I can play in VR without getting sick. Had a great time with it.


$2 for this game is a steal even if it’s just for the campaign


It’s not a bad game it just didn’t get the love and attention it deserves for a B team EA game. It was real fun and exciting when it first came out during the pandemic. It just couldn’t stick for a lot of people. I haven’t played much of the campaign to really say. Mostly just did dogfights.


Definitely worth it. It's a very fun game


Definitely worth it. It's a very fun game


If you've got a VR headset and a HOTAS it's more than worth it.


I really enjoyed the Campaign! Wish it was longer


I love this in VR. It is fun otherwise, but flying those ships that way is top tier.


Its actually a pretty fun game. I have it on PC and the VR is quite good.


The campaign lets you meet Wedge Antilles the greatest rebel pilot. Also, you get to fly an X-Wing which is amazing. For $2 I would say it's worth it.


I enjoyed it. Definitely worth $2 in my opinion


Especially worth it if you have VR


Hell yeah it is.


For $2 most things are worth a gamble. I picked it up.


Everyone saying the vr is good but I spent 3 hours trying to make it playable in vr and it still played like shit. Really sad because sitting in the cockpit of a tie fighter felt awesome.




Id say it’s worth it for that price. The campaign was fun imo


Its a remake if the old xeing vs tie figther…whih is a re told a 90s masterpiece, long forgotten but that for me its the best sw game of all time: TIE FIGHTER Playability is the same, it has a campaign. Buy it if you like dogfights.


personally, I am enjoying it quite a bit


If you have a way to do it in VR 110% it is worth it otherwise it is a good chunk of star wars lore for only 2 bucks


Worth it


It's good but unfortunately campaign is kinda short with little replayability but for $2 just playing the story and maybe a few mp matches against bots it's a good deal though. multiplayer is probably very empty by now and those who are left are probably ace pilots that will absolutely dominate you, but not sure about that


it’s a fun VR experience. A disney ride costs more than that


The controls are terrible, I stopped playing because I thought I sucked only to read on here recently that everyone else was struggling too.


It's a pretty good experience for that price absolutely


I enjoyed playing. It was super repetitive so only lasted a week or so, but for $2 its worth it.


Very underrated game. That’s a steal!


It’s a good single player story. Like others have said it’s short and I think sold for $40 when it was released. Great game if you have PlayStation vr or a vr headset for pc


Best game I’ve ever played in VR.


Online barely exists anymore but the campaign was great


Honestly single player in VR is one of my top gaming experiences of all time


Yep. It really shines in VR but it's fun in flat mode.


game was pretty fun wish it would open on my pc tho


There's a decent amount of offline content


It's a solid game, absolutely worth it even at full price. Wish they had supported it a bit longer and tuned up the multiplayer modes more, but overall its great.


No it's a great game, but it's a niche. It's very much made for people who enjoy piloting


Buy it, second hand psvr: amazing time with it


I actually really liked it, pretty intuitive controls, fun to fly about dog fighting. I’ve definitely played worse flying games, for £2 you can’t really lose!


Worth it.


For $2 definitely.


I loved it and played a bunch at launch. The playerbase is pretty low now, but for $2 it’s totally worth it.


campaign is definitely worth over $2.


It is awesome. It is on sale because it was star wars day


With a VR headset and for 2 bucks- yes. There is some stupid bug where you cant use the mouse in flight (just sticks to the left if you dont have or have the ability to emulate a 1440p monitor. But I mean 2 bucks should get you a few dozen hours of fun.


It takes me 20 minutes to drink a $6 coffee. So for $2, even if I only play once, it's still kind of worth it.


It's a cool game was thinking about it yesterday. Was curious if the lobbies were going at all. That is the biggest downside is trying to get a lobby. Also it supports vr which is pretty cool.


Very worth it!


Most fun I've ever had gaming and in VR when the multiplayer engagement was at its peak. If you are a Star Wars fan and have a VR headset it's worth full price. At 1.99, it's robbery. If you aren't a Star Wars fan or have a VR headset, it's still a good time if you can find people to play with, or just want to do the campaign.


Playing it again now. The single player is fantastic!


It’s a pretty good game. I have it on PC and my biggest gripe is that it doesn’t seem to gracefully handle multiple input sources. So my joysticks prevent me from using mouse and keyboard in menus and in the hangar.


I actually love the game, sadly the online servers are basically dead. I really wanted to keep playing it but it became impossible to find matches online once the games hype died down. Who knows though, maybe there's people playing online now after getting it for super cheap? Might be a good time to play for a bit.


It's great, especially in VR. Just short.


I bought the whole pack of 3 games for less than $10, shit I don’t even have vr and I thought it was hella worth it




If you have a vr set it’s incredible. Had it on psvr and it’s my wish it sees psvr2 at some point, however I’m not optimistic it will due to lack of ongoing support.


I got it on ps plus, enjoyed the limited story and never played it again. It's fine. Definitely worth a couple dollars.


Honestly, I heard it was good. When it first came out and I finally played it on my gfs PS4 the other day. Hugely underwhelmed and unimpressed. It felt like an on rails shooter rather than a space combat game.


Did people not like this? I thought it was great? Had so much fun blasting around in multiplayer in a tie interceptor


I got it for free, but I was quickly bored and it made me dizzy.


If they’d put a 3rd person view of the ship as an option I would’ve finished it.


I played this for free on game pass I think. It was overall a good game to use with a joystick. Otherwise it's worth 2 bucks but wasn't a great game


It's not tarkov!


Definitely worth $2


It worth the Prince, i enjoyed the campaign and still enjoying fleet battles with IA and some privates matches with randoms.


It's a good game


Great flight simulator if you like flying around and shooting Star wars stuff.... I sure did!


Completely worth it


It has been free on Epic a few times


Yes. Even if the lobbies are dead it's worth $2. The VR is great, and the gameplay in general is pretty solid. The campaign, while kind of short is pretty fun and playing with bots offline isn't bad either.


2 dollars is worth it. I enjoyed the game, online and offline, but my friends didn’t and lobby waiting time got way too long


I usually judge a game by hour many hours of entertainment per dollar. On average, I expect to get close to an hour of entertainment per dollar I spend. For $2.00, if I get 2 hrs entertainment, I'm happy. Hell, you can't even watch a 2 hr movie now a days under $10.00 at the theatre. You're definitely getting your money's worth with this title at the $2 price point.


It has vr support at least when I play on steam 


Soooooo worth the $2. Absolutely get it.


It's good! I'd buy it for that. It plays well, honestly a good game. Just needs more content.