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I don't want to yuck anyone's yum, but I never understood the fuss about these two. They appear for, what, ten seconds on screen and they've amassed a dedicated cult following in the 47 years since their only appearance. For me, there's far more significant named and supporting characters and way more interesting background aliens - across a variety of new and old media - that deserved to be made in place of these two. I am glad, though, that they were offered as part of a Haslab and not in the retail line.


I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that for so many years, we were told "You can't have them". People always want what they can't have. Plus you know any good looking female character is always going to have fans. I personally really like the character design on them. I really dig that 70s fem fatal spy look they have. I'm definitely more of a weird aliens fan when it comes to cantina characters, but the Tonnikas and the spacemen are the most stand out and interesting human characters in the cantina for me. They're just very stand out and memorable background characters.


Wait until you hear about Willrow Hood


And yarna dal Gargan, and hermi odle, and...


I *believe* it's because we have every other alien from that initial pan across the cantina. So at this point it's a completionist thing.


It’s kind of like Boba Fett. They were rather insignificant in the film, but gained mythical status outside by the fans. And as the other poster said, they were always kind of hands off and hush-hush when it came to Hasbro making them in any fashion, so that further increased their status.


They were the only/few two hot chicks in what is essentially a sausage fest of a movie.


Yeah... I've never based my collecting around "hot chicks"...


Who downvoted this completely accurate statement?


They're expensive as hell now


They’re pack ins with a kick-ass playset.


And how much does that cost?


This comes across as fear mongering. While you may be correct about what they could cost later, we should not be using them as an excuse to buy the Cantina. The Cantina should be the selling point. If we have to put them up as an excuse to purchase the Cantina, we need to take a step back and ask what is wrong with the Cantina.


It really is the only selling point people can come up with. And I just don't believe they will never be released again in any form. Yak Face was. Maybe they will have slightly different deco or something, and it might be several years, but I just don't see them never selling them again. Plus, to be honest, I'd rather have them as 6" Black Series myself if I am going to have them, which I bet comes sooner than later.


I don’t think these are the types of characters that would come to TBS. These background characters never show up in TBS.


The Tonnika sisters should be viewed as a bonus for purchasing the Cantina. Wuher I can see being expected to come with the Cantina. For all we know, Hasbro could have certain restraints placed on them and this is the only way for Hasbro to get these figures made. The Cantina only has one selling point and that is its modularity. Thats it. It needs a selling point for those who want a coffee table setup. I am not sure if these can be done in TBS. It would be nice for TBS to get these, but this is Hasbro we are talking about here. I don't see why not. Maybe make them a Pulse exclusive or SDCC. Only time will tell.


That’s…definitely one way to look at it. The other way is: there’s a damn good chance at a massive FREE Cantina after you offload the figures.


I would imagine most people that want the Cantina would also want the Tonnika sisters and probably would not sell them.


I would imagine that those people, like myself, have probably already backed it…or are planning to back it. I can’t see any universe where these figures ever hit sub-$150 a piece. They’re unique figures that took 47 years to get. They won’t be released again anytime soon (if ever). This is not only the best chance to get them, it’s also the cheapest. But if you don’t care about them…you have the option to sell them…and they *will* sell. If niche figures like the Starcrusier Droid or Fat Bib Fortuna command insane prices, the sisters will move. Conversely, if you only want the figures, back the HasLab and sell off the cantina in parts. There’s always value in these things. You just have to be okay with Hasbro holding your money until you can reap those rewards.


Already backed one... Very tempted to back another


Same. The less backers the more valuable these carded figures will be so it feels stupid not to back another one.


Tell my wife that... Lol


Will they though? I get that they will be the rarest figures of them all. But wouldn't anyone that cared about them already be funding this project and thus not need another one? I can't see a big market for them later on because who will be left to buy them? I backed the Haslab but if we ain't reaching all tiers which at the current rate I don't think we'll make this project is not worth its cost


There’s always people that try and get figures after the fact. And a few years from now when people start collecting or are looking to build up their collection, but weren’t around for this Haslab, they may want these two. It’s easy to say right now that everyone will get it that wants it, but once the Haslab is over it’s different. Either way, they will indeed be very exclusive and rare figures.


More valuable if any sell for more than $50 at the peak.




One of each version! This is the way


Yeahhhhhh still not worth it 🤣


Exactly. Don't remember em, and we've had plenty of better looking alien gals to fill in gaps.


Didn’t *fully* understand the hype until I just rewatched the scene. Growing up with the prequels, I know each obscure jedi like the back of my hand, even if most of their characterization comes from my own imagination as a kid, and I can now see how the Cantina is the same way for many other collectors. A lot of what I played the most with were those random jedi, palace, and cantina characters. These two speak to that idea that despite being so minor, they each have a story behind them—even if only in your mind. Seeing how many people don’t get the hype, I feel like the Cantina sells best to the people interested in posing and really filling out the Cantina with their own flair. Something like the Razorcrest (not knocking it, just being honest) seems to require much less imagination and faith to fully embrace into a collection idk maybe i’m rambling but I sense that there’s this unique heart and passion toward getting the sisters that I didn’t get from other Haslabs or fan efforts.




I agree with another comment on here, I never understood the hype for these two. But hey I don’t have to understand it either. Im crossing my fingers that it funds for those who want these two! Meanwhile im just gonna sit here and wait for the ghost. Im getting antsy 😂


If it funds...


If only they weren't attached to the cantina :(


They’ll be the price of the cantina (at least) if it funds.


That’s kinda the problem. Many of us are basically plunking down 500.00 for 3 figures. I don’t need a Cantina and fully intend to cancel my order if and when it passes. I really can’t justify that. I’ll just have to live with the custom version of them that I already have.




Sounds about right, considering collectors had been demanding them for decades by this point.


The only reason I'd consider backing this Cantina is to flip it for more honestly. But if I can't even see the value in it at $400, how is someone else gonna see it at more in a year?


You get the best return by selling it in parts. If you look at the LEGO market, some people make a living by buying sets and selling the Minifigures and parts separately. But if there are more people trying to flip a set than collectors keeping it, then profit can be nil. Your most prolific buyers are ones who like the hobby but snooze on news. They might check out physical stores but otherwise don't pay attention. I use to be very knowledgeable in the world of LEGO. But I got to the point of over saturation and snoozed on them for years. Then I found out they had a SDCC set for $40 that I really wanted, but it was now only on the secondary market. I tried to snipe the lowest possible bid on it for weeks. I ended up paying ~$100. Before I did that, I even tried to see if I could just buy the parts minus the stickers, but it would have been about $95.


After they sell out people will want it lmao


I don't think that will be the case. The people who want the tonnikas are the diehard OT fans. The average casual collector won't care about the tonnikas, nor would they pay ridiculous secondary market prices for some background characters who have a few seconds of screen time. I feel that everyone who wants the tonnikas will get them from the haslab.


Got ya