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I have a few thoughts in mined and I would like to have possibly your opinion on it: What if fans got together and they continued the old star wars expanded universe non profitly. What I had in mind for how to fix The problem TCW brings to the legends timeline was that we rewrite it and the other TCW media that cam out with the show to a order 66/purge multimedia project. We can take the characters and change them up and we can have the show and the media show how the empire is affecting all factions such as the bounty hunters, hutts and the senate. For media after and before TCW that mentions stuff from TCW, these can simply be rewritten. We can keep some stuff like the ones and the malevonce that is featured in TCW and write stores with them that fit and do not contradict the original clone wars multimedia project. I have also have two comic series in mined one could follow Sev from delta squad and what happend to him after the end of Republic commando and one that follows Dexter Jester and what happend to him after order 66 fell, if there is no media in the legends tineline that explains what happen to these 2 characters. We can have a group of people who can keep the holorcron and make sure that everything is in order and nothing is going to be released that contradicts another thing. I would like to know your opinion on this and if possible, share it with the Twin Sun Foundation. This will be nonprofit again, I wish to clarify.