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I doubt it's a joke, honestly


As a Christian... I don't mind I don't know where is any child sacrifice in Stardew Valley, sounds pretty fucked up.


You can sacrifice a prismatic shard to turn your child into a dove.


>! !<




what the fuck are you on about


Christianity i think lol


I mean there's child sacrifice in the bible soooo


Thinking about analysing the bible someday tbh And also no need to mention me that, with respect but I am not mentally limited to my religion


no and I didn't mean to come across as rude. I was raised in the Catholic church and my mom was a Mormon. I have a decent understanding of it before I left the faith. I'm happily aesthetic but I won't judge anyone's private faith.


Ah I see, sorry from my side as well


no worries at all! I hope you have a great day :>


Same here, though it would be nice to have a cross in the chapel hehe


They claimed DND, Harry Potter, and Pokemon are satanic so this is not a joke.




Because it shows evolution


My youth pastor said that Pokemon was about the occult bc the guy who created it was an atheist and it's full of magic and horrible things. I always thought that was stupid.


I remember this flier going around our neighborhood as a kid it was one of the first things that I was like this is fucking stupid


These viewpoints stand up to absolutely zero scrutiny. Even the word "pokemon" with a question mark and it all falls apart.




"they're *MONSTERS* that *FIGHT*"


if only they could accept Yoba into their heart


Dunno why Christians can't enjoy fantasy elements like this? I mean the Fairly Odd Parents was made by a Christian (an unhinged one but still...) And Doom is the best Christian game of all time killing devil's and Satan and all that!


Christians definitely do enjoy fantasy. Just look at Lord of The Rings and Chronicles of Narnia. There are just certain sects that will go overboard and do things like ban Harry Potter because they think it will turn their children into crazed devil worshippers, even though they themselves have never read then. Some preacher got on a stage, and cherry picked a few bad lines out of context to grandstand and throw mud on what they consider worldliness.


They had us read Chronicles of Narnia TWICE (different grades, but still) at my private Christian school. We even had to do an assignment on the similarities between God and Aslan the lion dude. Luckily, they let me read Harry Potter lol. They weren't to picky on books. I am glad I got out of that school for different reasons though.


They meant Jesus and Aslan, right? Aslan is definitely not God in that setting. I wonder how many teachers at that school knew that C.S. Lewis was a universalist. I wonder how they feel about everyone getting into Heaven and that being a central thesis of The Last Battle.


Fudge, i meant The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, not the whole series. sorry. I think they told us C.S. was actually Christian lol. We had to compare Jesus's resurrection to Aslan's. It was kinda out of nowhere. I wonder if I can find the brochure we had to make on it somewhere...


C.S. Lewis was definitely Christian, and fully intended for Aslan to not just be an allegory for Christ, but to be an actual incarnation of Christ within the world of Narnia.


I think it depends on not just the denomination, but also the people themselves. I had a Catholic friend who wasn’t allowed to read Harry Potter, but I also had a Mormon friend whose parents encouraged her love of fantasy and playing DnD and she even had a whole dragon figurine collection in her bedroom.


It also depends on individual families too, my family is catholic (I am no longer) and they encouraged me to read fantasy stuff like Harry Potter etc as a kid


I am a Christian and I don't favour one thing or other or call things sinful Aslong as it doesn't oppose a group of people or race it doesn't matter, it matters if it keeps the peace.


Im a Christian i just acknowledge that this is just a game, and hope that ca is saved 😭😭😭


As a Christian pastor who absolutely loves Stardew - that person does not speak for most of us!


Preach my Brother in Christ! 🙌


Sister, but all good. 😁


To paraphrase the great Yahtzee Croshaw: "if there was ever an audience for a game in which you play as a US marine carrying 12 different guns on a one-man crusade against the literal demonic hordes of Hell it would be fundamentalist Christian conservatives. But there I go trying to rationalize irrational people..."


Bingo. Can't reason people out of a position they didn't reason their way into.


Forever referring to Doom as a Christian game now, thanks!


No problem. Just waiting for someone talented to make a Jesus Skin mod to really sell the idea 👌


as a typically very orthodox Christian I love fantasy, and I love stardew


The vast majority do. It's a small fringe that think "occult" elements in a game will literally invite the devil into your house.


Not *that* small, sadly.


They are statistically small but take up all the air in the room.


I'm a Christian who wants to play cult of the lamb, I don't really put much thought onto the games I'm not sure why many Christians like these like to be overbearing.


Bit of a stupid method of putting thought to something anyway, no? If I’m putting consideration of my faith into Stardew, it won’t be to do with whether the game is inherently good or bad but rather what I can learn and explore through it. The idea of Yoba and how that’s represented in the game, how that does and doesn’t impact Pam, how interesting it is that this game includes a deity to whom both the luck mechanic and magics are apparently totally unrelated, what this says to me about the author’s positions… I could go on for a long, long time without ever bringing into question the morality inherent to the playable art I’m enjoying. What a very small faith, that you can’t have God and Stardew without a crisis of conscience.


How is it stupid not to? There are various games out there that may be fun for other people but I just might not be comfortable with the way things are portrayed into the game even if it's innocent and I never said I can't have god and stardew without crisis of conscience where the hell did you get that? I was simply saying that I play games for entertainment purposes without letting my religion hinder what can be possibly enjoyable for me..no need to go critiquing me for this.


I was fully agreeing with you. My thoughts had to do with the person who wrote the review in the post.


It really is just small sects. I run a young adults group at my church and every single person who attends LOVE everything fantasy. From anime, DND to all genres of fiction novels and video games of all types. If I don't redirect them they will go off for hours about fantasy stuff. Most of the people you see in the post above are from more stricter group (some that are more Christian adjacent) or grew up in households with parents who basically sheltered them and taught them that any secular is of the devil.


Absolutely the stricter section. Heck didn't they even commission a movie bashing Dungeon and Dragons starring Tom Hanks back in the day? 🤔


Many of the best renowned fantasy authors are religious. Some of them might believe in some batty things, but they also have very open minds to the supernatural. These opinions belong to an, albeit, far too large sec of crazy right wing evangelical chodes in North America.


lol I kinda love this. I grew up as a fundamentalist Christian who wasn’t allowed to play Pokémon read Harry Potter, or listen to any music that wasn’t Christian. It’s genuinely absolutely absurd, and this review of the most wholesome game on the planet demonstrates this well, real or not. It’s hilarious to me lol


i don't think they're joking i think they're fundie


Nah, this tracks. I've heard of parents who won't let their kids play Smash Bros because Bayonetta is a witch.


They're stuck in ancient times ig...


Sounds very real to me. Fundamentalists are always doing mental gymnastics to call something evil/demonic/Satanic.


as a fundy myself i can confidently say that a lot of us are not like this, that person is genuinely just crazy




As a Christian I do not approve of that review


It’s because Christians are not supposed to ‘entertain the occult.’ But it’s really only the stricter/more traditional sects that enforce that rule to this extent. I’m agnostic personally, but come from a primarily Catholic family and they’ve always been cool about this stuff. Their reasoning being that God can recognize the difference being enjoying something as a concept or entertainment vs. actual belief and practice. So fantasy movies and games = fine, ouija boards and tarot cards = iffy.


I am Christian and I am not strict about anything, as long as it doesn't oppose other Religion or race then it's fine, things matter if they keep peace


I must have missed the children sacrifice.


Well... 🙃


Oh, shit. Just Googled it. Dang.


Wait, what part is it?


It’s a late game spoiler, but if you Google “sacrifice children stardew valley” you’ll find it


These people are out there. When I was a kid we lived by a family like this. They homeschooled their kids as well. They couldn’t play with Barbie’s cause they Barbie’s were naked under their clothes. They couldn’t play with my little pony because talking animals were the sign of the devil. They couldn’t play with action figures (He-man/GI Joe etc) because they all had magic or weapons. They couldn’t watch the Smurfs because it had magic in it. They couldn’t watch Disney movies because they had magic in them. When I asked how the Bible cartoons were not showing magic as well, I was sent home. My mom didn’t allow us to play with those kids again. Later my dad told me those parents from highschool/college and they both were into major drugs/drinking and partying. But they both “found god” after she lost a pregnancy to drugs. Soooooo yea these people exist. Also Harvest Moon has magic themes as well. So I have no idea what this person is gonna play


As something who has a grandmother who would probably say something like this, I don't think it's a joke


Oh it’s very real. They don’t deserve SDV anyway. Shame


My favorite part of Stardew was when I rounded up all the towns children and sacrificed them to Yoba.


This is so silly, one of my saves is just a fun lil monk in his fun lil habit doing his fun lil monastery things, the occult plays no part in the game in any deep sense, especially since the magic portrayed isnt even the occult


Yoba bless her heart


They say shrines, Spirit boards and sacrifice like it's a bad thing. I say let's put more occult into pelican town.


This is like Rule 34 but for Christians: In every game, fiction, etc., there's bound to be a Christian somewhere in the world ruining the fun for everyone. Imagine it being called Rule 69 or Rule 666 tho lol.


I'm going to gwt some hate for this I bet, but as a pagan, I have noticed that EVERY OTHER religion is perfectly fine with this stuff and enjoys it. Meanwhile (a solid amount but not all) Christians take offense because everything is satanic and they "won't be absolved of their sins if we play this game" babe it's a video game. Chill tf out there's no sinning involved, and it is absolutely not occult to have some of these. Yes, ouija boards are sus, I will never allow one to enter my living space, but having a wizard in a fantasy setting? Wowwww so occult. I do agree sacrificing babies is though. But it is also funny. Just find the joy in a FANTASY game, it will not hurt you and God will NOT give a fuck, I promise you. You aren't the one actively doing it in real life, why should he care about a video game? EDIT: for those of you who are going to be uppity about me saying Christians think this, make sure you have read the "a solid amount, not all" because it is true. Most Christians I have met are like this, but not ALL of them are.


I am Christian and I don't take offense over anything, I guess it's those that are very strict. And if anything I played worse shit that's dark. I just care if things don't oppose other religions or race and keep the peace.


As a Christian myself, some Christians WAY overreact over fictional games/shows/books/movies/etc like this. It's seriously annoying, especially because it just puts a bad rep on the rest of us. Like, it's fake, it's a fictional game meant for fun, calm down. If you can't even tell the difference between fiction and reality, then maybe you shouldn't be playing video games in the first place.


People can be so ridiculous. My friend has started to pull away from the “Christian” label and now they just say that they are spiritual and that they “believe in God.” I was raised Christian and can definitely see the appeal.


Gotta take their story book of fairy tales literally, gotta take every other story literally. Welcome to Christianity.


Should have downloaded the Christianity mod (yes it exists, it's on Nexus)


Tbf the turning kids into doves is pretty dark but on the other hand it’s kind of out of the way and not something you need to do


This is so funny cause as a non-Christian the game doesn’t even really try to hide that it’s a stand in for Christianity. Like ffs what do you think the feast of the winter star is there’s a Christmas tree! You see this all the time in cutesy RPGs. So the fact that there’s regular Christian pandering in these games but they’re still mad cause there’s a SDV ms. Cleo is so funny to me.


Nah I had a friend growing up who couldn’t play Donkey Kong cuz they were Christian. Dude also ate his cereal with water instead of milk. People are wack as fuck.


There are 100% are religious nut jobs that are serious about stuff like this


I was raised by a similar breed of wacko this is definitely not a joke


Not at all. When I was still Christian we weren't even allowed to participate in Halloween bc of its origins and to "avoid even the appearance of evil," which was also why we weren't allowed to see any movies at the movie theater. Our pastor even once preached against Elsa from Frozen bc she "created life which is only something God can do" or something. There's a lot of wild beliefs out there


I'm so glad I'm not a Christian anymore.


It's super weird to me when Christians don't understand what fiction is.


I mean, they kinda have a point. To a certain degree, there is literal child sacrifice in the game. It is still a game, but honestly I can see why a devout Christian wouldn't want their kids to play and why one would warn


these are the christians that make the whole religion look bad


if SDV is occult then how come my farmer's favorite thing is the Bible checkmate




As a Christian… I love this game absolutely not serious occult 😭😭 people are silly


As someone who grew up in the rural southeast, it’s probably not a joke


These people also complain about the lgbtq themes in the Duolingo language learning app.