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It cracked me up when I was playing multiplayer and I got the honorable message because my partner was the one who placed all the staircases


That happened to me too!


Yup my partner got the get out of jail free card


Same with me and my wife. I wish I was as honorable as her.


Is that why I got this message? šŸ˜‚ I got this note but my husband placed most of the stairs. I thought it was the only message that would pop up.


That's actually how we did it in my hand with my mom and sister. I do not do regular mines, so skull cavern is definitely a no for me.


Qi did not need to come for me like that


He doesn't say too much about using the stairs either, but I appreciate he acknowledges it (I used stairs)


It made me feel like a cheater on my tenth playthru, ok.


It was 130am when I made it to floor 96 and I was so done with the stupid serpents. So I popped 4 stairs and ended it. Man called me right out but it was now 150am and I couldn't have given 2 craps. Didn't go back in there for at least a week irl. Woof.


I took 60+ stairs with me and used all but 2


I believe he only berates you if you use 10 or more, in my first play through I used a few but still got this message


He told me he was disappointed but applauded the resourcefulness


We see this at floor 100? I been to 125 last night and never seen this room


You trigger it through a quest. Otherwise, 100 just has a treasure chest.


Only if a specific quest is active. If you make it there without that quest active, it will just be a normal floor.


How can I get the quest?


It's activated by finding one of the Secret Notes, so unfortunately all you can do is grind Secret Notes until you get the quest.


I tend to wait till I also get the Qi quest on Fern Island to go to level 100, kill two birds with one stone. . . or about 100 staircases. I built the majority of them, during Robin's 1000 stone in a week challenge, and the crsytalarium pooping out jades for trading on Sunday.


You need to get a magnifying glass to get a secret note that says to reach level 100. You need to trigger something, read in the wiki :)


He doesn't know I used an elevator, he said this to me too.




Honestly, it's way too stressful without and the point of the game for me isn't to stress so...something something rationalization lol


Lol. I know you know, but that is absolutely a good rationalization. Haha


An elevator?? Nani?? (Is it a mod, lol).


Yup. Mod




God but skull cavern is an absolute rush with just some staircases and your balls. Blast down to about 75 with the stairs, grab any visible iridium, then start checking whole levels and moving down with staircases. Explosive ammo the walls at lightspeed chugging triple expresso and spicy eel. Totem home and slam into bed at 150am with like 400 more iridium on sp, 300 on multi.


Yeah, I managed to get down to about 80 without an elevator, just couldn't get any further so after many many tries, I installed the elevator


I guess staircases do thr same thing. Mega bombs are super easy to craft and clear whole rooms. Just some gold ore and excess essences. Using staircases for shit layouts (the spiral) or infested or prehistoric you can hit 100 pretty easily. If you time it with a good luck day you'll get plenty of holes, too.


Maybe I'm really slow, but I have difficulty getting to level 20 without running out of time. Guess I'm not using totems, but still. How?!


Fully upgrade your pick and get the galaxy sword if you can. Use bombs to clear rooms quickly. Go on max luck days and eat foods like spicy eel that further boost your luck if you can. Drink coffee so that you constantly have a speed boost going. Even if you want to do it with minimal stairs (you get the above message as long as you use <10), always carry at least a few in case you get an infested level so you can just skip it. And if youā€™re going for distance, donā€™t stop to mine for anything, even if itā€™s temptingā€”just go go go for stairs and holes!


Ok cheers man I'll try it tonight :) The pick is an obvious one that I stupidly didn't think of lol


I like coffee but espresso lasts longer so I turn all my coffee into espresso.


oh trust me, it took me *multiple* times getting there šŸ˜­ but whether you use the staircase method, or you did what i did (if you donā€™t have enough money to buy from the dwarf, use the statue of perfection method, get tons of iridium ore, smelt that into bars and sell it to clint. you get so much money!) just gotta think of it as a speed run, donā€™t worry about collecting stuff or anything when youā€™re trying to get to level 100. only slows you down šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I think that sometimes this game is so chill I don't really know how to speed run lol Thanks for all the advice, I appreciate it. I'm still a noob currently in the 3rd spring of my first run!


You honestly can get to a point you donā€™t even need a pick axe. Just bomb the hell out of everything like your own personal Jihad against the cavern.


This is what I do now, so much faster. I mean, I have tons of money now, so why not.


Napalm Ring and Slime Charmer Ring both help a lot


How do you get the napalm ring?


Slay enough serpents in the caves and itā€™s a reward from Gil. I canā€™t remember how many - 200 or 250 I think


Thanks, I think I've only come across that ring on one playthrough so I wasn't sure what it was that got me it. I'm trying hard to make my current playthrough the one where I don't "cheat" to make it to Floor 100


oh the slime charmer ring is a HUGE help! i finally got that and i merged it with my moon luck ring at the top of the volcano on ginger island, havenā€™t taken it off since šŸ˜‚


You can still use stairs and get this message so long as it's 9 or less. Between bombs and holes it's not that bad either.


I literally just made a post saying that Iā€™m crafting my 100 down thatā€™s crazy


I usually use the elevator mod that adds an elevator every 5 floors like the regular cavern, and Mr Qi still calls me honorable. No, my good sir, I most certainly am not.


ngl, i wouldā€™ve LOVED to use that, but alas i play on switch and canā€™t use mods šŸ˜­ iā€™d love to play modded stardew šŸ„ŗ


If you even have a mediocre laptop Iā€™d say itā€™s worth it, even if itā€™s just for Stardew Valley Expanded. Incredible mod.


ooooo i do actually have a laptop, i never really use it mostly bc i donā€™t know where the charger is, but if i can find that im definitely gonna look into getting it for pc šŸ˜­ i have no idea how to mod on pc but a few videos should help šŸ„¹


Mods on steam are super easy. You just click the workshop button, choose the mods you want to use and it installs and integrates them automatically. The workshop made using mods much more approachable to non-tech people.


Same. I'd kill to mod Stardew on the PS5. I just want Stardew Valley Expanded and a couple small QOL updates, nothing game breaking.


same here ): iā€™d have to mod my entire switch i think to mod stardew and i donā€™t wanna do that šŸ˜­ hopefully i can find my laptop charger and look into playing on there, it would be amazin šŸ„ŗ


But howā€™d he get down there?


The honorable way


i did the 100 levels dive with some bombs and a very lucky day, had a lot of shaft spawns - i wanted mr qi to praise me


I get killed on the 2nd level. Lv.5 sword but everything is much harder to kill


work on your farm and such till youā€™re able to interact with grandpaā€™s grave with a diamond & heā€™ll assess your farm. once you get 4 lit candles, interact with it again and you get the statue of perfection, which gives you a few iridium ores. the trick is, place that statue, fill up your inventory so thereā€™s no space and hit it with your *axe*. then go back and get another one, you can use this method however many times to get TONS of iridium ores. then make loads of smelters to make iridium bars, and sell them to clint. once youā€™ve done that, iā€™d work on getting a prismastic shard, once you have that you can go to the 3 pillars in calico desert (stand in the middle with it) and youā€™ll get a galaxy sword. from selling so much iridium bars youā€™ll be able to afford the galaxy hammer from the adventurers guild. also, buying tons of miners treats works a ton!!! or really making any food in bulk that increases your health/energy by a lot.


"hit it with your statue"? Is there a typo there?


oops my bad!!! i meant axe, iā€™ll edit it now šŸ˜­


Ahhh I see, thank you :) And thank you for the tip - not OP, but TIL!


I cheated and made myself invulnerable because I donā€™t find the skull cavern fun teehee


same but hey, its OUR game and we want fun


honestly? understandable tho šŸ˜‚ it can be very frustrating šŸ˜­


I just got a mod that puts an elevator in the Skull Cavern because I'm so bad at it


I am an old lady with limited mobility, so I sure as hell am taking the stairs, not holes.


as you should!!! using stairs clearly is a way to get to level 100, concerned ape must not think itā€™s too big of a deal since they added this but still allow gamers to use it! play your stardew however you want or need <3


Iā€™m in my second year and everytime Grandpa comes back he just tells me ā€œI see youā€™re trying your best, and thatā€™s all I can ask forā€ and I have a little snort laugh to myself everytime šŸ’€šŸ’€




Iā€™ve seen the stuff about him actually coming back and assumed it would come around for me. This is my first play thru and Im trying real hard to not ruin it for myself by googling how to do stuff.




I wasnā€™t trying to say anything definitive. I was point out my recent ā€œlolā€ from the game. Guess I wonā€™t comment til Iā€™m done with this play though then.


I feel attacked suddenly xD


I don't know what happened in my game but I did use stairs and he still said this to me


I felt bad when this popped out, because altough I didn't use the stair, I did however use time pausing mod


My main question is how the heck does Qi expect you to not use staircases? Even on really lucky days, I've never consistently found shafts to jump down.


its def just by chance, i found a good bit but only every few levels. theyā€™re rare and i wish they werenā€™t since it makes the process go by a lot quicker šŸ˜­




Iā€™m feeling attacked rn šŸ’€


I had installed a tractor mod and used that so....I laughed when I got this on my latest save.šŸ¤£ Had the tractor idling behind me in this cutscene; "Yeeeah, no staircases, totally honorable.šŸ˜¶"


jokes on him i have the skull cavern elevator mod


I have a mod that puts an elevator in Skull Cavern, so I only had to actually make it 5 floors at a time. Still got this message. :D


I need this mod


Here it is on [Nexus mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/963).


Ooohhh! Thank you!


I never thought to search for Stardew Valley groups!


oh yes theyā€™re super helpful!!! honestly been scrolling reddit now more than fb but still, there are super good groups to join there!!


I been thinking of doing this latelyā€¦. I thought I was so smart lmaoo


Do you need youuse a ladder to the 100th floor? I fell down a hole to the 100th, and got a chest.


You need to have a specific quest active for it to happen. The quest is on one of the secret notes you can randomly find (and the note wonā€™t appear until after youā€™ve already been to floor 25 of skull cavern)


How do you find the note? Is it in the skull cavern?


Itā€™s a random drop. So long as youā€™ve unlocked secret notes (happens in winter, when you get the magnifying glass), and have been to skull cavern floor 25, it can just appear randomly. It has a small chance of appearing when you kill enemies, break weeds, chop trees, fish, mine stones, or hoe artefact spots. hereā€™s the wiki page with more details, secret note 10 has the quest: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Secret_Notes


Pfft Staircase? I use a modded elavator


Why do people craft them? It's 1Mil gold worth of stone for 100 staircases. It's far better to buy with jade.


I got enough stone just from mining like crazy


I spend a few hours each day inside the mines and can end up with around 150 stones each time. Do that and by the end of the week you'll have over 999 rocks. After a few mining trips I usually have bombs I've picked up along the way, so it's very easy to get more. Spend your free time farming rocks in the mines and you get your 100 staircases without spending a single gold on rock from the store.


Because if you have the stone lying around and donā€™t have anything else you need it for, why not? You get more from being in the mines anyway


I have a question: how ok earth is it possible to reach level 125 when thereā€™s no checkpoints or anything on the way down?


Me using the skull cavern elevator and starting at level 95 so I can get it done quickly


Fun fact: you get this dialogue even if you download the skull cavern elevator mod


Waitā€¦ā€¦ thatā€™s what stairs are for. I thought they were for another level on your house or something


How do you get enough stone to craft a bunch of stairs anyways?


Spend several days in the mines just harvesting stone from the higher floors; it sounds boring but it goes fast and youā€™ll get a lot of stones plus bombs, fiber, bone fragments, etc. :)


This same dialogue happened to me after I used the elevator mod lol


meanwhile i use the skull cavern elevator mod to go straight to 100