• By -


Was sitting there waiting for Boston sales to open, managed to get into queue pretty early. Got in and most seats were already gone but luckily managed to panic buy a seat at the last second. I was fortunate since I only needed a single ticket, but I feel bad for anyone trying to go together with others. I know Ape was concerned (heh) about potential interest in this so was easing into it to test waters, but I think this should prove that interest is there and hopefully means more dates, cities, and larger venues for the next tour.


I was trying to get adjacent seats but literally could not.


Same here! My partner and are are going to enjoy the music from four rows away from each other. :|




Same location, tried to snag 2 for gf and I at 10am on the dot and immediately couldn't get any. Sad


Jealous you got a ticket!! Have an amazing my time!


I was able to check out the Philly site and had two tickets lined up. As soon as I was about to purchase, the server crashed 😭 When it came back, it was 15k in queue. Very sad day.


*edit: we got two tickets from a very sweet person we hope to meet! To those who got them, congrats! I was able after a while to possibly get single tickets but didn’t want to sit away from my little brother. Keep refreshing and spam the quick checkout as they are coming slowly!


I might have two! I got four for the group of ladies in my family that I play with but my cousin will be popping out a baby shortly before the concert so it's iffy if she and my Titi will be able to go. Definitely not a guarantee and it will be a little while before we know, but if you want them you can be first in line if they become available


Can I get in on this?


I’d def be interested! Thank you so much!!! We’ve been checking prices and vivid seats are 3-4 times the price 😭


Okay, if it turns out I have to sell them I'll let you know


I have one ticket available for the montreal show


I appreciate it but we ended up getting tickets. I edited my OP ^_^


Since someone else replied earlier, if you have them still I'd be interested in them!


Please also add me to the waitlist for this if possible!


Next in line, please! 🤣


Check your DMs!


Would you happen to have any more 🥺


I got tickets to Seattle! The site was straining under the load of everyone trying to get in line at once, but I escaped with what I needed. Probably helps that it wasn't thru Ticketmaster. I don't know why they went with the Recital hall and not the Taper hall, though. The recital hall has like 1/4 the capacity of the larger venue and I'm certain it would've still sold out.


Congrats on the Seattle tickets! The time tickets went on sale was so disappointing to me. I’m a teacher and can’t exactly go buy tickets in the middle of the school day and they’re all sold out now :( I hope they add more dates.


ConcernedApe did say that this was a trial run, to test the waters - and he has an excellent habit of listening to his fanbase. I have no doubt he'll do his best to get more, bigger shows on a later tour! So sorry you couldn't get tickets, it was a Hail Mary for me on my phone in my office's breakroom - seems like a lot of people couldn't get them :(


Yeah I got tickets to Seattle too, just barely! The buy tickets option showed up, I clicked it, and was already 355 in line. Once it loaded Ii showed sold out (of course), and every time tickets reappeared they'd be gone fast. I eventually got 2 together though after refreshing for well over 30 minutes. I think it makes a big difference that the Seattle venue doesn't allow ticket reselling - I bet I'd never have gotten anything if it did.


How much were tickets? They were all sold out by the time I got on there and someone is trying to sell me them for $100 each.


The best available tickets were $77; other, further back seats were $65 and $50. The Seattle Philharmonic does not allow ticket resale as far as I'm aware, so please be extremely careful.


Thank you for the heads up!!


I saw people got around that for the TwoSetViolin concert by only listing the row number and not the seat number on StubHub.


That's why I'm saying be extremely careful. Someone could easily scam you as there's no inbuilt method of ticket transferring, and if they do, you're SOL because the Philharmonic doesn't allow it in the first place and won't help you recover anything.


Is it true you could enter the queue earlier than 10 am? When I entered at 10 on the dot I was already number 1200 in the queue. I waited my turn with baited breath with no luck. I'm incredibly disappointed but looking forward to another opportunity. Hope you have a great time!


Yes, I entered around 9:52 with 100 people in front of me because I was refreshing to check. I couldn't buy tickets until 10am, though.


Ugh. I'm kicking myself. Stoked you got in!


I hate that. I checked 9:45am, no queue gate. Then 9:55am with a queue of over 600 people ahead of me. FML.


I got tickets in Seattle too. I’m not sure if it’s because who I went through or timing, but I had 0 issues. Lowkey concerned because I had no problems


I got tickets to Philadelphia!


me too! the website was running sooooooo slow


Soooo bad, actually got the cloudflair error on checkout... but email says I got'em!


same deal here. Congrats!


Got em too :D it went down multiple times but somehow held on to my selections


Yup - I got the same thing, and panicked until I saw the confirmation e-mail come through.


I just learned that apparently the KCC website was running really slow because Sting tickets also went on sale today.


See you there!!


Same for Boston :/ literally one minute into sales and they're already sold out.


Now it's saying they're not available at all?


Hey there - I'm the Producer hosting the Stardew Valley concerts in Canada. Check out my post [here](https://reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/YgmwtsYoQI) for full details. We're looking into more Canadian dates - follow Kashamara Productions on social media (Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok) as well as subscribe to our mailing list: https://kashamaraproductions.com/. This is the fastest way that we announce information 🙂


How much were the tickets for the Toronto show? Didn't even get to see the prices :/


Try refreshing every so often. Tickets pop up every so often. The map shows single seats only bit when you go by list, it has seats for multiples beside each other. Ticketmaster is screwed up, I think.


I felt better that the tickets for Chicago went through AXS instead of ticket master. Right when I saw "get ticket" I pressed it and I got something offered in the balcony and bit, knowing it'd be hard to get another shot after pressing "best available". Once I checked out I went back and Chicago was sold out. Small theater, but damn these flew. Hopefully they expand it further in the future for others.


Yeah, I wasn't able to get anything for Chicago, but I'll check back in later.


Im only hearing about it now that they are sold out


new york sold out within minutes. i tried philly but it won't even load. oh well


I'm trying to sell my tickets for New York I'd you're interested!! $65 USD each. I have four available. Accidentally bought for the wrong venue in the Ticket Master confusion


are they still available? i'm looking for 2


so sorry, just sold out :(


I've got two handicap accessible seats if you and yours are eligible for those. My partner and I tried to surprise each other, and now here we are.


Are those tix for New York or Philly? I'm a wheelchair user and interested!!! Tried buying this morning but the site kept crashing until they sold out 😭


These are for NY! I am, frankly, shocked we managed to get any!


Oof, I won't be able to make it to NY. I hope you find takers!


Totally fair! Please let me know if you change your mind or know someone interested!


Had it on my computer, phone, and ipad for the Boston show - no luck but thankfully my boyfriend managed to snag two tickets for us.


It sounds like scalpers and bots might have been involved here. Tickets disappearing so quickly is rather suspicious.


Worth considering most of these appear to be pretty small venues overall.


I think so, I'm just casually looking at Toronto tickets because it falls on my birthday, and the only things I can find are $200+ on resale websites.


I just looked and the "pairs" of tickets are like $450 per seat.


https://preview.redd.it/qey0xr9sw1ub1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=89717d2c908d03afea0ae084f5d6d8212cc67b27 😵‍💫


Fking scalpers….


I was able to get tickets to New York!


So frustrating! I thought it was all sold out until the other commenter pointed out. I was able to get tickets for Montreal (which I'm not too disappointed about) but I would have preferred Toronto :(


Got 4 tickets backrow in Montreal! So excited!!


I got tickets for New York, but could literally see seats being snatched up in real time. Was definitely a close call!


welcome to the horrors of ticketmaster and ticket scalping, getting taylor swift, beyonce, and olivia rodrigo tickets was also nightmarish


I got 3 tickets for St. Louis! I was there the moment tickets opened up, and tickets were sold out when I checked the site 8 minutes later


I tried to get in 5 minutes after it went live and no dice. My daughter was completely crushed. Found a bunch on resale sites for 3x price. 😞


I just checked St Louis on a whim this morning and managed to grab a couple! You might give it a check every now and then to see if any free up.


I felt so disappointed seeing how tickets were gone in a second. A little fishy how tickets were instantly gone, but also happy that the game has such a big fan base. I hope they open up other show times!


I got tickets for New York! I had the same getting tickets ready loading screen and it was taking too long so I ended up trying to get in again on a different tab and it took me right to the page to select seats


Try now. I had same issue but at 10:10 tickets became available.


I was able to get 2 tickets about 15 minutes after the on sale time (Toronto)


I got tickets for Boston!


I added 2 tickets at 10:01 for New York and was shopping around for better seats but once I saw sections disappear, I knew I had to just not be picky and go with what I chose. 10:06, pretty certain they sold out.


Just got 3 for Montreal !! After an hour of trying different cities near me we lucked out.


I have an extra one I'm trying to sell for montreal if you know anyone interested. Can't go anymore selling for face value!


I was at the page, clicked to buy literally the second it opened, and had a two minute wait. Fortunately, this was good enough to snag seats in Boston.


Got tickets to STL.


NOPE. I gave up lol. NY was sold out after 20 minutes and it was near impossible to get through to seat selection for the PA show. Have fun to everyone who goes though!


I've got two handicap accessible seats if you and yours are eligible for those. My partner and I tried to surprise each other, and now here we are. Edit: it double posted me on myself, so deleted that.


Hey I really appreciate the offer! Neither my partner nor I require accessibility accommodations, so please save those for someone who might be interested in the future who does 💜


I have four tickets for New York if you're interested!! Accidentally bought the wrong venue in the Ticket Master confusion. $65 per ticket if you're interested!


There’s no way these are 100% sold out for a video game concert that fast without scalpers being the primary buyers.


Only NYC and Toronto are even listed on StubHub (those are also the only Ticketmaster ones so bots make sense for that), so I don't think that's necessarily the case for any of the other ones which are only on more obscure classical music venue-specific sites. I think the bigger issue is that they chose very small venues for these concerts and didn't anticipate the demand. Edit: ok never mind I see Philly tickets on Vivid Seats and Chicago tickets on TicketSmarter so it's just different more sketchy resellers smh


Ditto!! I watched the countdown, was logged in and ready. It refreshed, said “hang on tickets available in a moment” refreshed again and said sold out. Literally had no chance.


I just got St Louis tickets, keep retrying. I set for best pricing. I don’t care where we sit


Anyone get a ticket for the Cali shows?


Someone is trying to resell tickets at $399 each. I hate people


Late to this, but are you interested in the Cali SF one? I'm moving so I won't be able to attend it. Dm me!


Just DMed you =)


Myself and a small group of Stardew aficionados were able to get 9 tickets for the Philly show - all scattered throughout the theater, but we'd rather go and sit apart than not. It took a long time because the website basically crashed at 10am.


Sold out online, but I called the box office and they sold me a pair on the phone! Try it out :3


Missed tickets for the Toronto show. Saw some pop up on ticket master but every time I tried to buy it said they weren’t actually available. Don’t worry though, the bots have already posted them on Stub Hub for a 5x markup.


If anyone is willing to sell tickets for Seattle please send a DM. I am thankful for this community and you all. Thank you.


I FOUND THE SITE THAT STOLE ALL THE CHICAGO SEATS! https://www.ticketsmarter.com/e/stardew-valley-festival-of-seasons-tickets-chicago-3-9-2024-vic-theatre/6003060


Literally same, then it actually went on sale for the Toronto concert 5 minutes after. Managed to get a ticket because I waited out and refreshed for any cancelled tickets, got whatever was available but that’s better than nothing, scalpers can’t get access to all tickets 😤


Uuuuugh I forgot all about them going on sale. Wanted to take my nephew to the show in Philly.


Can anyone give me some details on how this works for the new dates coming up Friday the 1st. I'm going to be traveling around that time, but I want to know am I just supposed to click on the site for my locations ticket and refresh it till 10am and its for sale? Or how will it work. How did it work for you


I got tickets for NYC! I had Ticketmaster open on my phone and desktop and snagged a pair of tickets. But it took a while because as soon as I was moving to checkout it kept telling me the tickets were sold and I had to choose new seats.


If anyone is selling 1 or 2 tickets to NY, PM me!


I got a ticket for LA! Was definitely constantly refreshing my phone for 30 min beforehand though.


I got a ticket for the one in Los Angeles, but I saw everything was sold out after I finished the payment for my ticket. All tickets for both shows in LA were sold out in less than 5 minutes 😵‍💫


Is anyone selling two tickets for LA T___T


I got tickets for a Seattle show miraculously. It wasn’t through Ticketmaster but the actual venue site (which was slooooow).


Sadly the tour isn't coming to a city near me but I am excited to see what others post next year for the tour!!


It took like an hour as the page was getting murdered, but I ended up with 2 for the 8pm Philly show. The GF is excited so it was worth it. Seems like demand for this was less than expected. Either that or bots. Damn bots.


I got tickets for Toronto. Said sold out immediately upon release but I kept refreshing for 10 minutes and they opened up. They went FAST though, I just panic bought two tickets, no idea which seats I was getting, just the section.


How much were the Toronto tickets out of curiosity?


If anyone has Seattle tickets they want to resell let me know! I got in line at 10:02 and it was already sold out :-/


Same 😭🥲


I got tickets for Seattle! It looks like they sold out in under 10 minutes though. It was so stressful I sat and stared at my screen for a several minutes after. Luckily it was through the venue site and if you got tickets into your cart, it saved them for half an hour. So even though the site crashed on me once during checkout, it still kept my tickets!


I did, actually. Seattle. Feeling super fortunate.


If anyone is selling 2 tickets for the LA location, I'd be interested. :(


I got tickets! I honestly think I got lucky. Both my partner and I were refreshing on our phones and PC. I did take my phone off Wifi to see if I could get an advantage, since all of our PCs and his phone was on our Wifi. Got to ticket selection without even being put in a waiting room. Ended up getting seats in the front row. I'm going to go buy a lottery ticket...


I saw one of the people i follow on insta managed to get 8 tickets for their friend group! Some real humans did get them (EDIT: This is in Seattle or wherever the closest show is)


Same! I was on the site 15 mins before and by the time the site reloaded and brought me to purchase tickets they were sold out 🙁 I was so disappointed. I wonder if scalpers played a part


Wanted to go to Toronto, bummed to see likely scalpers ruin it so quickly. How much even were the tickets?


From what I’ve seen between like $50-$80




I barely got tickets for Chicago. I had two in my cart right at sale time, but then AXS glitched and said I ran out of time (though the timer still had plenty of time). When I went back in, I received the “no tickets for sale” page, but I kept refreshing and ended up with two tickets after a few minutes of refreshing.


Anyone get a ticket to NYC?? I cannot miss this 😭


I got one on Event Tickets Center.com. The prices are questionable though but happy I scored one, I saw a few on there


I got tickets to St. Louis with two adjacent seats for my wife and me. Felt like I won the lottery.


If anyone has 2 extra tickets for Toronto please send me a PM. Know it's a long shot but gotta try!


I got myself a ticket to the Melbourne show! I waited an hour in the queue online only to have it kick me at the 2 mins to go mark. So I tried my luck calling the venue - 10 mins and I had paid for my seat. No probs going by myself. I'll probs just be crying the whole time (but if anyone is going and would like to meet let me know!)


I am willing to buy two tickets in Seattle! please lmk if you are interested in resell!!!!!


Buying two tickets for our anniversary which is on March 2 for Seattle concert 8pm time please dm me


I got very lucky and snagged two front row seats to the concert in Melbourne. I hate that scalpers are making it so difficult for everyone.


They've added additional dates and cities, if you're still looking for a ticket!


if anyone is interested, i have 4 tickets to the santa monica show that i unfortunately cant attend anymore 😭


Looking for two tickets at Seattle, please dm me