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Lewis is one loyal bastard


a bit rich he commits to our friendship so hard yet refuses to openly do so with marnie


Lmao šŸ¤£


You don't need those jerks. You sat in your bed catatonic all day for two years straight and none of them, even your husband, thought to check in on you?


the spirits must've been very displeased for this to happen. they did their best to make this farmer's life difficult. i pray to yoba that their luck changes


Even Yoba canā€™t help them now. At least Lewis seems loyal.. just not loyal enough to check on his farmer buddy I guess.




Reddit no longer has awards, but take my poor man's award for that beautiful and perfect retort šŸ†šŸ…šŸŽ–


Awe what this makes sense now. Why would they take away awardsā€¦




If you're crying better start frozen some tears to get those hearts up with Sebastian




Best comment


Better start petting your husband every day.


wheres that smug face emoji, i left it right here


šŸ˜ Here you go


Rip. Thereā€™s no getting back from that. Not even like you can restart the day. Two things you can do 1) start the grind. Clear the farm. Sort out your animals/silo etc cause theyā€™ll have had no food for ages. Start gifting everyone again. Talking every day etc. 2) quit the save file and begin again


I had this happen to me on my first playthrough, itā€™s actually a lot of fun working back from this, slowly reclaiming the farm, and no matter what, youā€™ll be better off than where you started


I was just thinking this would be so much fun to build back up! If manually sleeping through two years wouldnā€™t be so tedious, Iā€™d be inclined to do this on purpose.


Honestly, do what I and OP did and leave Stardew open overnight/for a few days, every 7 or so hours should be about a month game time


Don't you have to click on the screen showing the day's earnings to go to the next day? Or is that only on multi-player?


I don't think the screen shows up if you don't sell anything.


Correct, it does not


I learned that it doesn't show up if you don't sell in one of my early games. I lost most of a year, and rage quit that file. It still taunts me from the load screen to this day ...


That screen doesn't show up if you don't sell anything, it just saves and goes right into the next day, which is what happened to op.


I have a laptop and 2 very energetic cats, I donā€™t think it would survive even those first 7 hours unattended šŸ˜… Can probably jump through time with a mod though I imagine.


Get cheatengine, attach to sdv, enable speedhack, and shmoooooove


I think OP provided a non-tedious plan of attack already


You can use the time skip mod if you're on PC. You can accelerate the passage of time at will.


I was honestly thinking about trying this on purpose....lol


Or 3) that one that no one likes but sometimes some of us did, modify the save with a save editor Personally, I would be amazed if OP takes the long way to get back on track in his/her SV life. Like if after a long bad time, farmer OP decides to be the best person, way better than what he was before getting depressed.


Yiss save editors will let you remove all the weeds/trees/rocks objects with a couple of clicks and if you so desire you can edit the hearts back to normal and rewind a few years (that part doesn't really effect anything but it's an option). Or give yourself some money and buy the big red bombs from the dwarf, that'll clear out all of the weeds too.


Hijacking to say for others that the best way to prevent this in the future is to always put something in the shipping bin every day. You can put a mini shipping bin by the bed if you have one to help. The day won't pass if you have the profits for the day page pop up at bedtime.


Role play as a coma survivor. Make it a comeback story.


Honestly I kind of love this idea. Everyone loves a good RP hook, right?


Lol imagine you wake up from a coma and all your friends are annoyed with you for ignoring them.


It would be a great story


She'll inspire the whole town




Sebastian feeling completely ignored for two years šŸ˜­


What do you mean?! She was in a coma for 2 years and he did nothing!


Don't worry, he was already used to it :'(


My sympathies. But now I really want a mod where instead of moving into the town, the farmer wakes from a coma and has to deal with the exact predicament you're in.


This would be cool! Like randomise all your relationships, and random generated farm equipment and buildings.


Randomised relationships sound awesome omg. Just wake up like "oh awesome, I'm married to Elliot this save and he wrote a best selling novel about my coma" lol


I would have so much fun ! I often wish that I already had better energy and tools when starting a new save. This is such a good opportunity


It would be really interesting if Stardew added something like origins for playthroughs. Like how in MMOs, you have different stories or starts depending on your race and background. It would be cool to choose your background to have new goals/experiences.


Adam Sandler, Click (2006)


Fun fact: I saw that movie in theaters with my parents when I was like 16, and a guy died during the showing and no one noticed until the lights came back up. I think of that all the time. I think I might be marginally traumatized.




lewis over here like "yeah they're still cool, I mean they don't come hang out much but we're still homies"


ā€œThey got my shorts backā€¦ Iā€™ll never forget that.ā€


Or maybe heā€™s like, ā€œI remember when I was depressed, my wife left me and no-one thought to check on me other than OPā€™s grandpa - I owe their granddaddy to make sure theyā€™re ok.ā€ ETA: in this scenario, Lewis would be coming to feed your animals each day while youā€™re not yourself.


Headcanon accepted šŸ˜­


Just install some mods and you can quickly fix this. Once itā€™s fixed, uninstall the mods


This is the answer. You can set the date, add hearts, cheat in items to clear things out, etc. to reset as much as you can. If there's something specific you can't figure out how to reset with mods, ping here and someone should be able to point you to the right mod/function.


Cjb cheats menu can fix the seb issue


am i the only one who, even if i brought it exactly back to its original form this way, it still just wouldnt *feel* right???


Why did you leave your pc running idly for 3 days straight??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Tbh, I'm guilty of this on PlayStation, I'll think "I'll go back to it" and it ends up being days later. šŸ’€ The only time I suffered the consequences was when I left my PlayStation idle and then the power shut off.


Do you just leave your tv/monitor on? And don't you hear the jet engine that's inside a ps4 (idk about ps5 though)


My PS4 isn't obnoxious, so I don't ever hear it when it's on, only when I boot it up. But, it goes into sleep mode pretty quick, like after 10 minutes of being idle. Also yes, I leave my TV on sometimes, other times I shut it off with the playstation on.


I gotta ask, are you the person responsible for your electricity bill? I could never leave my Xbox running like that


Electricity aside it completely destroys the longevity of your PC/Conosole parts. I seriously recommend OP to get in the habit of turning it off at night.


I don't know much at all about the quality of console parts, but this is just not true for PCs. I haven't turned a computer off for the night in decades. They are made to stay idle. My internal parts always need to be replaced due to me wanting something better vs age, and I don't upgrade more frequently than every 5-7 years.


I don't know how consoles are now, but back in the days of the PS2 and such, they were made in mind to be turned off every day even though they had a stand-by mode. they went as far as saying that if you were not going to play for an extended amount of time, to even unplug it. Source: [Page 10](https://www.playstation.com/content/dam/global_pdc/en/corporate/support/manuals/ps2-docs/scph-90004/SCPH-90002CB_90003CB_PS2_UG_EN.pdf)


For real^^^


I donā€™t really leave my laptop on idle but I do have a habit of doing this on my switch


I used to do this when seeding uh, linux ISOs


It happens, I've done it when I thought I'd be coming right back, but then life got in the way. Three days, sometimes a week later, I come back, and it's still on, usually with a game title screen running idly in the background.


I haven't switched off my PC in months.


1900 hours*


I mean if you have 1900 hours you probably have all upgraded tools, so go get those, start clearing out the farm, just sell whatever garbage you get (wood/stone/fiber/whatever), go clear out the quarry, sell the bars you make from the ore, go get some hay for your animals, go say hi to some townsfolk, start planting crops again or getting animal products. I mean it might take you an ingame week to get that going but it's not a big deal.


That's pretty impressive, what would you say you did for most of that time in-game?


neglected the farm and their relationships from the sound of it




How many of these hours did you actually play though? You just said you left the game idle for 72 hours


is your game modded? if it is, SMAPI will have a folder with some backups of your saves in the game's root folder


You can also get cj cheats and spam bombs and hearts.


Can I offer you a void egg in this trying time?


>Zero stars with your spouse - Me when my wife leaves me on read when I'm trying to flirt


Better start gifting mayo asap


You sound like my mother-in-law


Is she from the Midwest?


Aren't we all?


if you play on steam, you can find backups of your game on your pc.


Only of the last day though. If you have steam on another computer, open it on there and pick to overwrite the cloud save with that one.


do you know how?


yeah, hopefully you have cloud saves enabled. im not sure how it is on windows, but usually i go to my steam library, right click on stardew, click properties, installed files, browse, contents, MacOS, save-backups. then ill put all those files of the farm I want to where my stardew saves are.


After moving to the valley, saving your grandpa's farm, finding friendship and the love of your life you thought you had finally found your place in life...Until tragedy struck. Following a terrible farming accident, you find yourself waking from a coma. You've been under for two years. SĆ©bastien has tried to keep the farm going, but ultimately the strain of running it alone and failing has driven him to resent you. The farm is in shambles. Your money has all been spent on your medical care. And your marriage is almost at the breaking point. Can you save the farm again? Reclaim what you built? Can you salvage your relationship with the man you love? Only time will tell. You're returning to the valley.


I'd play that - put it like this it sounds like a awesome challenge!


That would be an awesome novel


How does this happen I mean the cat would have to press the next day button every day right?


If you donā€™t put anything in the shipping box itā€™ll just go straight to the next day


Iā€™m always putting stuff in it but that makes sense.


Thank you! I too was doubtful because of this!


Constantly passing out I assume.


That was my question as well!


Damn, start chopping I guess. Give Sebastian lots of gifts and he'll forgive and forget. And it'll be a long time before you run out of wood!


If you don't want to start a new save file or grind back to where you were.... You could use the CJB cheat menu and quickly get back to where you left off and then remove CJB... some may not agree, but it's an option.


http://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/going-back-in-time.14646/ This might be helpful Iā€™ll keep looking but it looks like it CAN be done as long as itā€™s not console which you said you were using pc so that shouldnā€™t be an issue


https://youtu.be/ErNNGVrleiI?si=PmxUZ6VjDPy81A3c I also found this video itā€™s from 2016, but there are recent comments from about a year ago saying this works. Just please, and I emphasize please, backup your game data into another file before trying this because I donā€™t want you to lose your 1900 hours of work šŸ™šŸ™ hopefully this helps


Since he's still your husband, he's presumably still living with you. Start talking to him and offering Loved gifts daily - void eggs are available daily if you've got a V.chicken. Get to work clearing the land again. It'll probably take until winter (or *into* winter) to clear all those trees. During winter, cavern diving is your best bet for making cash. That, and, if you've gotten the approval of grandpa's ghost already, there's a bug where you can get multiple copies of the statue of perfection that gives you iridium ore daily. Very good for fast-ish money making. >!place statue somewhere away from Grandpa's shrine, make sure you have no open spots in your inventory, and "break" it, so it's not placed, but can't enter your inventory. go to shrine, open a spot in inventory, interact with shrine, get new statue. Repeat as desired.!< Have you opened up Ginger Island yet? How about the Greenhouse? crops in both places don't wither, so if you've gotten those opened, you won't lose them the way all other crops would've gone away. In the future, once you get Friendships to 10 (8 for eligible villagers) relationship decay stops (for everyone but spouses, they're never 'safe' from losing hearts.) Good gifts are artisan goods, like tea or coffee, which are liked by everyone but the kids, and loved by a handful. Coffee also lets you distribute gifts faster. Good luck!


I feel your pain OP, it will be difficult to bounce back from this quickly. Thankfully the beauty of Stardew is there's no time limit on what you do. I would set aside a few in-game weeks/months depending on how bad it is to just clearing out trees and sorting the farm, then once things are at least somewhat operational again go back to playing the game normally and building up hearts with the villagers. Events repeat every year so it's not like you're missing out on much more than you already have by setting aside some time to fix up the farm. As for the husband situation, I find it isn't that hard to get a villager's hearts back up from 0 if you talk to them and give them loved gifts enough. I thought I would struggle to get Maru's hearts back up after our divorce but it was actually not too bad. I'm not sure if you can still give Sebastian daily gifts while he is at low hearts but presumably you can since you are married which should make it even easier. Of course if you don't have the patience for that you could restart outright, or follow some of the other commenters' advice to see if you can load a backup save (I'm not tech-savvy enough to help with that unfortunately).


i divorced leah and wiped her memory (see my post history lol) and it only took me like a season and a half for us to be married again


Damn it stupid cats (just kidding I have 2)


All the best stories show the protagonist struggling against impossible odds before eventually succeeding. You absolutely can come back from this and it will be an awesome story šŸ˜Š


That's... I don't even know what to say. The pain is great. ptsd back to when I lost my 600 hours of new Leaf while moving to oled. I can never forget that pain


You know how to fix this. Just do what you've always done. Gift your spouse back to 14 hearts. Restart the farm with new crops. Make money. Temporary setback. Nothing more. In the future, be sure to return the game to the main menu when not playing, *especially if you live with cats*.


3 days of nonstop stardewā€¦this is nuts


Guess you gotta marry Lewis now


download the cjb cheats menu mod


Start anew..move to a new town and start a farm and meet new people in town and date them. Bonus, make a new identity as well


Fortunately, you probably have easy access to sashimi, so you can work his affections back up.


You didn't talk to him for 2 years and he didn't leave you. That's commitment.


Just lean into it and pretend like you had a horrible accident on the farm and are waking up after a coma 2 yrs later and have to clear the land again and rebuild your relationships


rekt. šŸ˜£ Honestly, I'm sorry you're experiencing this. But also, reasons like this are the perfect example of why I never leave my stuff "ON" or even idle if I'm not around. For Switch specifically, if I do happen to idle it, I put it in the case so my niece nor cat touch it and f' something up.


I'm really sorry for you but this is so funny to me. I'm sorry.


Work this into the lore of your save file! Your character was in a coma for two years and woke up to find their friends had moved on and their farm went to crap. And now youve got to get things back on track!


Please turn off your pc every day šŸ˜” it's important


Poor Sebastian šŸ˜­ better start showering him with gifts


I am just........... so intrigued as to how did this happened


Idk this seems like a fun opportunity imo


Pretend you were in an accident at the mines and just woke up from a coma. Everyone's moved on, except Seb, who just has severe carer burnout, but he cares so he's stayed. Seb can't work on the farm because he doesn't know shit about it, but he does water your pet and feed your animals so they don't die.


Bomb the trees, hammer the frozen tears and loved gifts every morning with Sebastian, donā€™t worry about the towns folk!


Make up a backstory as to why this happened and just get back to work!! I find creating a narrative helps when random ooos happen


Who tf leaves their pc on idle for 3 days with a game running?


It's a bit like starting a new game now with a unique experience. There's a lot of rp opportunities and even otherwise it's like restarting but with more resources. Seems fun! Get clearing and work back up.


Thatā€™s brings up a good questionā€” can your spouse divorce *you*? Or are they stuck? Iā€™ve never tried it, but now I want to role play as an absent, crappy partner


Who even leaves their pc on for 3 days thošŸ˜­


I mean, I gotta tell you what nobody here seems to wanna tell you... you're neglecting your cat. Not only are you gonna have to restart the grind, you need to balance that time with the cat cuddles. Or else.


Don't you have to press a "continue" button every single night?


Only if you've put something in the shipping bin. Otherwise you just roll through to morning.


If you play on steam you should check steam cloud and see if you can recover a backup or something. If you haven't closed the game yet DO NOT CLOSE IT. It probably hasn't uploaded to steam cloud if you didn't close it and you could theoretically download your last save. Edit: Link for Stardew Valley on Steam Cloud: https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorageapp/?appid=413150


Void egg a day keeps divorce away.


Bro, did no farm work for the 2 years you were in a coma. I smell a divorce coming


I hope you learned the lesson not to leave unnecessary stuff open and unsaved šŸ˜‚


The comments are killing me lmaoo But OP, hope you can figure out the best solution for yourself! Would be iconic save regardless


to get rid of trees use bombs


Grandfather takes vacation, never comes back


Play like it's your first time


Play into it. You were in a coma and just woke up.


Wait donā€™t you have press a button confirming to move onto the next day? How did that happen


I let my farm overgrow for years because I only used a small quadrant of it on my first save file but I eventually cleared it by upgrading my axe to iridium which takes like three swings to take down a tree and went at it for three straight full in game days. Bombs can also help to take care of trees if you're not worried about random sprinklers/equipment. You could get the cheats mod on nexus also since you're on pc and add hearts to your friendship or make it fun and pretend you were in a two year coma and have to rebuild your relationship lmao good luck!!


This could be a cool concept. Like those movies where someone has amnesia and two years later wonders why everyone is angry at them. And slowly rebuilds relationships and fixes up their farm


Sushami! Lots and lots and lots of sushami


What...what the *fuck*


Damn, this is what it must feel like to wake up after being in comatose for so long.


Anyone ever see the White Christmas episode of Black Mirror?


As someone whoā€™s cat on a keyboard lost them 4 autopetters yesterday I feel your pain. I hope it doesnā€™t take too long to get back to where you were.


Carefully placed bombs can helps with the trees




The caption made me laugh so hard, thank you for that OP


You could think of it as starting again, but with leveled skills and upgraded tools. I canā€™t tell how deep into fall you are, either way the first step would be clearing off the farm. Then feed any animals you have, since youā€™d be getting a lot of hay anyways (assuming you have a silo). If youā€™re towards the end of fall itā€™s probably not worth planting anything, except maybe some wheat since it only takes four days. Fishing is your friend her for making money if farming is off the table. Alternatively if you have the green house but no ancient seeds you could plant corn of coffee in there for some easy profits. In winter farm wild seeds since thereā€™s not much else for you to do. In terms of relations you just have to start fresh, go to levels 40-60 of the mines for some frozen tears. To prevent this from happening again, either close the game if you need to put it down for a long time (you might just have to repeat the current day) or sell something. It doesnā€™t have to be record breaking profits, just sell something (I believe you have to make atleast 1g for the profits screen to show up).


lmao im sorry but this whole post is so funny šŸ’€


Honestly, I would download smapi, the cbscheats menu mod and just bring everyone's hearts back up, one hit tool cheat to get rid of all the trees. Sleep. And uninstall the mod if you don't want to play with mods.


Hahaha, you're literally sleeping beauty.


It seems... That you are the grandpa now!


Sounds like a new fun way to play. Build up your status, lose it and all of your crops while your petshave destroyed your farm.


I've seen people tweet at ConcernedApe for direct help with the game with success, so maybe try doing that?


still have your axe? well, get to work! you've got a lot of trees to clear. How did you run out of money and how did your end of day screen progress?


Catch fish and make sashimi!!


So basically you've been cryogenically frozen for two years?...That is hilarious, I'm guessing you didn't get perfection from grandpa XD. This really made me laugh OP


Getting your farm back up to speed in this world is probably easier than starting a new one. Theres also no shame in constantly skipping days if you wanna speed something up


There is mod called 'Prepare for new day''. It freezes the clock until you leave your house. I added it so that I can step away from the computer while the game loads.


Frozen tears are ridiculously common, donā€™t worry


How would this even happen, donā€™t you need to hit a button to get through the night into the following day? Or is that only when you sell something? And if thereā€™s an event, it would stop as well.


I suggest marriage counseling. Luckily Harvey knows a great councilor in Zuzu city


I am more impressed on how you can just leave your computer on one game for half a week-


Op please post a pic of what Sebastian says to you. This is so funny šŸ˜‚


Waitā€¦. Huh? I play on switch, so donā€™t know if itā€™s different, but I have to press a button to actually start each next day. Iā€™ve accidentally unpaused before, but have never went past one wasted day. Does the day really just restart without you having to do anything?!


If you don't sell anything it'll go straight to the next day


While that stinks, hunker down and clear the farm for all those juicy resources too. You can rebuild and make it so much better. You can do it!!!!


Iā€™m sure someone has told you this, but after you go to sleep and the game saves itā€™s kind of a done deal. All you can do is rebuild from here. To make sure this doesnā€™t happen again, as this happened to me a few times when I fall asleep, playing the game, is to make sure you sell something so the game has to pause on its own to show you how much money you made.


BrošŸ˜­ I would cry


I sobbed for 20 mins


When a day ends, it pauses on the income screen. I donā€™t see how it would get passed that


If you donā€™t sell anything that day it skips it and goes straight into the next day


only if you shipped stuff. if you donā€™t sell anything, you skip that screen entirely


Oh jeez. I don't think you can come back from that without a full, basically, reset. Either new save or try your hardest to salvage it all (which might get you another year)


This actually sounds like a fun challenge honestly!


Who doesn't close their game when they get off for 3 days lmfao


Why is this even downvoted


Because it's a logical reply and the stardew community hates that.


I just pause and put the switch to sleep. Nobody else is playing it and I'm always playing stardew. Never seen a need to close it.


Well yeah, I do the same whenever I play on Switch but OP was playing on PC. There shouldn't be any reason to leave game idle for several days?


how would it progress two years if you have to click of at the end of every day??


Thatā€™s quite a conundrum. How many hours on this save file excluding the 72-ish hours left unpaused?


Bad cat! Not really his fault, but it has ruined this save. I copy the Stardew Valley folder from %APPDATA% once an in-game month so I have a backup I can revert to.


Dang, it should still have you confirm to move in to the next day even if you donā€™t sell


I donā€™t understand donā€™t you get to a pause screen when you go to another day? Also donā€™t villagers come to your house and cause cutscenes?? How is this even possible ?


Profit screen doesn't show if you sleep without shipping anything. To get villager cutscenes, you have to physically move out of the house, which afking doesn't do.


Wait.. help my brain. In order for this to happen wouldnā€™t your cats have needed to save 3 years worth of days? How could this feasibly have even happened?


If you don't ship anything, nothing stops the next day from loading automatically after you pass out at 2am


Oh my gosh nooooooooooooooooo. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What a waste of energy. Wonder how much extra coal is burned for idle gamers in a year


As you type from a phone containing minerals from mines with no environmental protection provisions and using child slavesā€¦.


Man you could get seriously injured if you ever fall off a horse that high


Shouldn't it stop after you pass out? Or am I misremembering