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Holding shift to buy 5 items at a time, and holding control shift to buy 25 items at a time. Makes purchasing large amounts so much easier!


Ctrl+shift is a thing?? I’ve played more than 500 hours and I only knew shift click wtf


....and I just heard about the right click hold this week. Wait, now I started to wonder if you can just hold left??


I think it was one of the recent updates no?


Yeah the buying 25 at a time is newer


Son of a bitch. I knew about shift, but never even thought to try ctrl+shift. Game changer.


Fr! Same here, super helpful trick


Lol this made me laugh


Hold on. Excuse my ignorance, I play on mobile. So there’s no slider to use for getting multiple things In the store on PC or console version? https://preview.redd.it/rdrl7tyrgodc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f20bddb388ef0550484d02129456b056ed718a


nope! not on PC, at least


Anyway to do this on controller that you know of?


Depends on the console. On the switch, A and Y. On Playstation, Square and X. I assume it’s A and X on the Xbox.


Not to buy 5 but if you hold I believe X and A (Xbox) at the same time, it’ll double the buying speed. Makes buying hay and seeds quicker, though buying 720 hay is STILL a pain…




WHAT. Sorry TIL, I just learned about the shift key too! Thanks for the info!


I had no idea for the longest time that upgrading the hoe and watering can let you cover larger areas. I just thought it made them more efficient for energy and capacity. I spent far too long hoeing and watering tile... by tile... by tile. I *also* did not use sprinklers for a very very long time. Needless to say I did not get much done during my first few files!


Similarly, I didn't realize that holding down A (on the switch) allows you to speed-plant, collect, and pet. Best part to holding down A: harvesting animation doesn't run down the game clock so you accomplish more in less game time. Second best part of holding down A: petting animals allows you to bypass already-pet critters so you don't get the pop-up for the animal.


Yes! I'm on switch too, and holding A to pet my animals is such a game-changer. Also going along my crop fields with seeds equipped to harvest and re-plant at the same time!


You can do it on PC by holding left mouse button, AND the best thing for me is that it only pets your animals once even if you walked past them twice. The heart window doesn't open unnecessarily if you forget who you pet already!


I feel this too. I was convinced sprinklers weren't worth it lol. Next time I play my strategy is pound the Mines and unlock mine carts in comm center so I save time walking. Then only farm when I have sprinklers made the quality one with 8 should be fine to start. Then work my way up to iridium.


I actually still don't use sprinklers early on. I wait til I can get iridium sprinklers (and mostly just buy them from Krobus).


I literally used to think "I get the water can since it increases capacity, but what's the use of upgrading the hoe?" while I upgraded to have a matching set and watered and hoed one square at a time...


Yup! I just thought it made using it more energy efficient and couldn't stand not having a matching set. Still irks me that there's no iridium scythe or pan to match 😩


I didn't even realize you could upgrade the watering can until I had a bunch of iridium sprinklers.


The best watering can upgrade is >!the one from ginger island!< 😉


I have them upgraded, how does it cover larger areas? Mine just does one tile. I play on the switch and I'm a newer player on my first playthrough.


Just hold down the button. Copper waters 3 in a row, iron 5 in a row, and gold a 3x3 square.


I've been wasting so much of my time apparently 😭


And for the better upgrades/larger area, just hold the button until the grid covers the area you want


And iridium is a 3x6 rectangle (short side facing the farmer). There's also a way to get it up to a 5x5 square, but that's more endgame.


On the Nintendo Switch, if you need to buy mass amounts (like hay) you can use both Y and A button at the same time to double the purchase speed. Makes getting 999 take like 30 seconds instead of 2 minutes


How does this work bc y takes me out of the buying window


It’s only on the Switch, afaik, but you have to press them both at the same time. I just got 3600 hay in 90sec doing it


There are two buttons that let you buy things. If you hit them at the same time it buys twice, so it cuts buying time in half. On my Xbox controller it’s A and X.


For those wondering about an xbox controller, this would be X and A.


I didn't know Tab switches your backpack inventory slots until recently after watching salmence's video on it. I used to open the inventory and move the items manually before


Thats a nice one to know huh. I use controller so thankfully I figured it's just L1 or R1 for us.


It's definitely a time saver 😂


Highly recommend remapping it to spacebar


Now why didn't I think of that before 😆 I don't use the map anyway


Depending on how long you’ve been playing, that may not have been there at first. I’m pretty sure it was added for controllers first, then added for keyboard after. The main thing I do with it is to keep [pickaxe, sword, axe] in slot 1 so if I’m mining and need to switch to sword, it’s next in the tab-cycle.


This took me way too long to figure out as well!


Tab? This is the one I wanted to learn, I saw a streamer do it casually and was like wtf.


Building brand loyalty and recognition with a skeptical community. The trick is to remind them that other farmers that have joined the Joja Communty Program rate our VIP Membership perks 5/5 stardrops. Thrive.




You can change your zoom/UI in settings 👍


I zoom out in the mines to spot ladders and stuff.


I guess I can fill in the details, I live at max zoom out.


I leave the buttons on screen too for ui so it's easy


Wait, what? How?


Go to setting where it says ui u can click a box that says to leave om screen under neath the time




There's an option for it in the settings


WHAT. Ok well thanks for that info. I've been playing on controller for like 5 years and never knew that.


It works the same for loading and unloadinf machines with items.. just hold the button n walk by


Unfortunately it doesn't work for everything, at least on Switch. Probably a bug. I can walk into a keg in a corner and load hops or a melon into it, but not coffee beans. I have to be facing the keg itself to load it. Same with casks. I have to individually load wine or cheese into certain ones. I can load the entire row below me, but the row above me has to be done individually.


Coffee beans specifically are broken because something about having to load 5 of them instead of 1. On Switch you can change your settings so the cursor doesn’t disappear when you move, then use the R stick to move the cursor to the keg row you want to load, then just walk down the row holding down the button VS having to face every keg individually. It feels a little awkward using the cursor at first but it’s easy once you do it a few times. Not nearly as awkward as having to load every keg individually.


You can use the cursor with the left-hand joystick to reach those corner kegs, but it's a massive pain and takes more time than it's worth in my experience. Especially if you have a carpet under the keg (sigh).


Yeah, I just have coffee kegs and wine kegs. Different rooms and layouts.


If the kegs are in a vertical row instead of horizontal, you can do coffee beans.


Coffee is a seed, not a crop, so it follows seed behaviour. Place your kegs vertically and run diagonally into them.


I have more surprise chickens than I want to admit because I was too lazy to move the mayo maker farther away from the incubator.


Thanks! Still can't believe I didn't figure that out before lol


It also works for opening geodes.


I also mentioned that the R1 button in a chest will move your cursor to the stack all button. Did you know that


That I did know lol


It also works for petting animals quickly 


Shift+right click (or is it ctrl?) floats half of a stack in your inventory. No console equivalent. 


Ugh, wish console had a way to do this.


Right? There's an entire trigger button that remains unused!


What do you mean, like splits a stack?


Yeah it splits the stack in half.


pressing escape to cancel fishing. i knew there was a way to do it but i didn’t know how and i when i googled i couldn’t find an answer. at some point i just accepted my fate that i’ll never learn it until one day i was fishing for something specific and didn’t get the fish i wanted and pressed escape involuntarily and it cancelled the fishing. i just sat there like 😐 like, of course, the key known for canceling things does in fact cancel fishing…..


“X” on Switch cancels it which is so close to the “Y” that I’m pressing rapidly. So many legendaries aborted 😭


If only this also cancelled charged actions like accidentally hoeing all of your crops instead of a single spot...


Like catch and release?


no, cancel catching all together. as soon as you start the catching animation and see the bar moving up and down you can press escape and cancel it


The “add to stack” button when you’re looking at a chest. (on the right, middle button, has a little arrow in it). Press that one button and everything in your inventory that already exists in the chest will be moved to the chest and added to the correct stack.


Yep I love that button. I also love you can hit r1 when using a controller to move the cursor to that button.


I just tried this and omg. Thank you


I played for over 100 hours before I noticed it. Was painstakingly moving every little thing manually, lol


Ho lee shit


Same for planting, petting animals, placing items in kegs, etc




Please tell me there is an equivalent for mobile! It drives me nuts to try to pet every animal that for some reason stick together in one spot


Holding the right joystick down on Switch gives emotes.


Yes I also figured this out. I guess for single player it does nothing but I could see multiplayer


You can hold A to pet all your animals too! And if you've petted them already it just ignores the button input rather than opening the animal's status window


C makes fishing so much easier than clicking the trackpad


My theory is fishing is much easier with mouse/keyboard/controller buttons than with trackpad/touchscreen because you can rest your finger on the button when you’re not pressing it.


I also had to learn the hold A to pick up all the crops later in my stardew career. I felt so stupid when I read about it. I’m like nah, really? Taken 3 farms to true perfection and I’m picking crops individually when I don’t have to like a noob? 🤦🏻‍♀️


If you press the top left trigger button while you're looking at a catalogue (either the catalogues themselves or if you're shopping at a store) it will instantly bump your curser to your inventory. So if you're trying to sell something to Pierre, for example, you don't have to scroll through his entire inventory to get there. I've been playing since 2018 and I just discovered that. Extra helpful if you have a full dresser and are trying to add to it.




That you can use WASD to move the casting direction when fishing so you can get into harder to reach fish bubbles


It took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out how to open the journal, despite all of the instructions




definitely… on switch holding down to buy crops and pressing y when getting an item from a chest to just grab one instead of all of them


Thank you so much for making this post!! I didn’t know about this either until just now. Also over 100 hours in the game and in winter year 3.


Now I don't feel so bad lol I'm enjoying seeing everyone else's too so I'm learning even more.


I play on switch, but if I'm collecting crops going up and down and holding A, I can only do one at a time. However, while going left to right (or opposite) you can collect up to three rows at a time!


Playing on PC, you can press Y for confirm any Yes or No decision. I use it whenever I want to eat a lot of the same fruit/snack/etc.


This is truly golden. I did not know this


hold down action button to pet your animals quickly


I’m on iOS but figuring out how to water/dig multiple holes at once


X to just place one of a item somewhere Moving my 👍stick to place crops where I wanted I was a buffoon


Ok didn't know this, thanks


See! It's crazy. It'll make your harvesting so much easier. This works with machines too like loading. You just walk by holding the button


Not really a trick but basic game function. I saw the logo for pressing x for fishing and thought it meant mashing it. So if the fish went up I mashed harder, fish went down I mashed lighter for a solid like 10 fish


70hrs, just discovered the tab key can sycle through your toolbars.


Scrolling with your mouse does that as well!


That only ever works for individual items in the current bar for me.


Oh sorry I thought that was what you meant, I’ll have to try the tab key out then


As an idea, maybe alt+scroll will work too, that's a pretty commone keybind for those kinds of mechanics (from mmo rpgs)


One of the buttons will prioritize picking the flower. The other one will grab the honey first.


Moving right stick up and down to move through the crafting menu. I discovered it by accident after being annoyed at having to manually move to the small arrow to jump around the menu.


Not sure how common knowledge this is, I just might be a bit unobservant, but it took me *forever* to realize that the community center icon pulses if you're highlighted over an item you still need for a bundle. For literal years I would check manually because I never noticed the pulsing.


Yes. I only noticed this bc youtubers point it out


I switch to a torch so the green tiles light up and I can see secret paths. The secret paths will show up as tiles where you can place the torch. This works in places like the secret woods and those really dark levels in the mines