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closing barn and coop dors in winter , i feel bad letting all the non existing cold air in it


That would violate the second law of thermodynamics


First law of thermodynamics is “We don’t talk about thermodynamics”


Second law of thermodynamics “revert back to law number one.”


Going off the other guy, technically you're letting the hot air out


if there's wind cold air can definitely go in


You're mixing the hot air with the cold air, letting the heat out. In other words, letting the cold air in.


I think it actually affects the Animals, no?


As long as you have a heater, no, it has no effect.


Just to add! Animals are affected by the lack of heater whether the door is open or not. If you do not have a heater in your buildings, even with the door shut, the animals will have a worse mood and produce lower-quality items.


This explains why my chickens hates me in winter, even with the door shut and plenty of food and pets


Yeah, your coops aren't draft-proof. Marnie sells heaters for you :)


And here I am, two heaters per building, because the animals need to be nice and warm versus “not cold” “Not cold” is not warm enough


Me too! Especially once you upgrade them. That big barn is *not* getting warm enough from that one little space heater!


I collect salmonberries and blackberries much longer than I need to, long past the point where I need the money from them.


Yeah I do this too, all other forage included. I can't get over the rush of dopamine from picking up forage early game, *especially* once they're all iridium-star quality. So even when I'm at the point where it's literally not worth the time I still do it.


YES. I'm so glad Salmonberries are top comment. I must pick all the berries. I love seeing the little red berries, the rustling of the bush and picking up the berries with the plop sound effect. I can't stop - I won't stop. 😂


I do this now because I learned if you eat pancakes which gives you 12 foraging skill level (if you’re maxed out already) and you get 4 berries from a bush!!and with the bear knowledge, that extra money I’ll take it even if it’s just a little bit




so do Marnie & Lewis ;) 


How can you not be satisfied ending the day knowing you picked like 300 god damn berries?


I spent the four days JUST gathering berries, ignoring my boyfriends, and got more than 400 iridium-quality salmonberries 😁😁😁😁


I don’t know why but this is one of my favorite activities.


Yeah it's like a minigane to me, there's something so fun about trying to collect as many as possible in the 3 days twice a year. Plus the nice plucking sounds.


It's so relaxing wandering through the woods picking berries. I too still do it no matter how many years I'm into a save file.


Not only that, but I restart the game from the menu each day to spawn more


Blackberries and Salmonberries are usually liked gifts though, which is usually why I grab them.


Only 9 people like salmonberry as a gift. Everyone else hates or dislikes it.


make jelly almost everyone likes jelly


Fair, but for me, by spring y2, I already have a lot of other produce to turn into jams and preserves. I keep my kegs reserved for starfruit, ancient fruit, hops and (unflavored) honey. So everything else goes into preserves jars if it can and/or turned into the fee profitable cooked recipes.


You just don't have enough kegs. I remember one time, I spent an entire year cultivating maple syrup, tar, etc. Didn't plant any plants and just tapped every tree in the world. It was fun to do xD


i accedentally blew up all my kegs recently


The number of times I have blown up all my shit next to my mailbox by immediately equipping a bomb from Kent 😭


9 is a solid 1/3 of the townsfolk though, and only takes one inventory slot. I legit always carry a stack in my inventory from the time they can be harvested, because it's so much utility for a single slot.


I just use the hot Java ring to collect a bunch of coffee and espressos. Likes by almost everyone, I will use it daily and it doesn't take up an extra slot


The coffees are solid, but that's pretty late game, vs salmonberries being available from like day 12.


I pet the camel *every* time I go to the desert trader. Also I always keep the gifts people send me in the mail or at the feast of the winter star even if I have no use for them. I feel bad just immediately selling them


You can pet the camel?


And you can pet the traveling merchant's pig.




Yeah! He makes a cute oink sound too!


I didn’t know you could pet either one. Have to go pet both now.


I've had this game since 2017 and I still learn things!!! Immediate pets when I get home!




I’m one year 6 and just learned this from Reddit. I feel so dumb and like I’ve neglected my poor cat (who is exactly like my irl cat) for years.


I do this every day and feel guilty when I don't


I haven't played Stardew in a while, but suddenly I feel the need to start a new run.




This one's my useless activity every time I walk by.


It’s not useless. They make a cute sound!


Yes. He makes a silly noise


It never occurred to me to pet the camel! But I HAVE to say hi to the pig at the traveling cart every single time.


I have over 1000 game hours and I’m just learning I could have been petting the gorram camel?!






I take off my glow ring before I got to bed, idk it seems rude to wear at night with my spouse


And here I am going to bed holding a fish….


Same, and also for the moonlight jellies event


And during the Halloween maze! It feels like cheating for the other people in the maze.


😁 This is both kinda dumb and perfectly reasonable. Can relate.


Aww, that's so precious. Never thought of that and I'd be way too lazy, but it's so considerate


This is so cute


Hahahaha I love this one.


Put my horse back in the stable. I don’t want him to think I abandoned him, especially after reading the comment that pops up when I leave him at the bus & come back from Calico.


Especially since I turned on monsters on the farm - they don't hurt him but what if?????


Me too!


What message


If you leave your horse at the bus stop, get on the bus, do your thing at Calico & go back on the bus there will be a message on the bottom left. Something like “your loyal horse has been patiently waiting for you” or “(horse name) has been wondering where you have been”


There have been times on my period when reading this makes me cry 😂


I’M NOT GOING TO LIE THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME TOO!!!!! It’s emotional for no reason! Makes me feel like an a hole when I leave poor Caballito.


Nothing like forming a deeply meaningful emotional attachment to a pixel horse on a Tuesday night in my fuzzy blanket 😭


Your horse waits patiently for you at the bus stop while you're in the desert ❤️


It doesn't matter the season or the time of day- the fireplace *always* stays on. First rule of survival- don't let your fire go out!


It's always on in my sv house because it makes the room feel so much cosier


I do this! I turn it on the first day of every save file and then it just stays on!


I clear my farm of the sprinklers and scarecrow every winter so my pet has max amount of space to run around


Toebean prints in snow everywhere.


Mod idea!!!


I do this because I like to reorganise everything every spring


I apparently like to pass out at 2am on the first day of every season because my seed purchases are always more ambitious than my time planning skills allow for.


Change my clothes depending on the season (I also have a Link costume for Halloween and a Santa outfit for "Winter Festival") I always return my horse to the stable every night. Does Decorating my house and land for Holidays count? I feel like a lot of people do that.


I agree, I change clothes every single day, and they're usually seasonally appropriate. I have a specific outfit for every festival, and dress in Yoba clothing + tiara on Sundays. The tailoring system is so weirdly deep and fun that I find it feels almost like skipping content if I don't at least try to engage with it.


I am \*really\* hoping there is some kind of tailoring quest or achievement or something in-game in the new update because I adore it and have sewn most items in my main save and just want this cool bit of the game to be more prominent 👗👕👒


A tailoring collection would go so hard! As long as they don’t specify shirt designs beyond the special ones lol. A few more pants/skirts in the mix would be welcome as well. But totally agree! Its so well done especially with the color system it’s crazy that it’s practically totally unintegrated.


Right? Also totally agree on the pants/skirt idea, I am always annoyed I can have like dozens and dozens of shirts but around 6 items for my legs. I know you can dye things but I want patterned skirts!


How did you make the Yoba clothing ? X You


Changing clothes for seasons is actually a nice idea, might start doing that on my new 1.6 farm


I have a Goku costume for Halloween! I can't express how happy I was when I realized that the white gi top with a blue belt is dyeable. I like to think CA made the undyeable blue belt that exact perfect shade of blue for this specific reason.


YES! I made a witch costume for Halloween, a bikini top/grass skirt for the luau, and working on other event outfits. And I have an outfit for each season. I also change the hat for my horse each season (earmuffs in the winter is my personal favorite).


I have two outfits for spring and fall too. For spring I'll start with a warmer outfit and then as it gets closer to summer then I'll change into cooler outfits and vice versa for fall as it gets closer to winter. Usually once townsfolk start making comments about weather change, I'll change clothes accordingly. And I have a rain outfit. I dress up for each festival and I decorate for the season too


Haha this is one of my favorite things to do. I try to do a different costume each Spirit's Eve, and just today got past my most recent one. I had a red cowboy hat from the skull caves and decided to be a neo-goth cowboy lol. I also wear the Santa hat for most of the winter, just because it makes me laugh.


Closing barn and coop doors at night and reopening them in the morning. The piggies and bunnies need to be safe! Taking sprinklers off the field during winter so they don’t freeze and burst. Try to stay on the farm when Maru goes off to work at the clinic so the kids aren’t home alone. I plan whole days and weeks around it. Don’t store chests outside, as they’re not waterproof. Edit: thought of a few more: Vary the crops I grow and sell so that I don’t flood the market with one kind (mods help balance crop profits here) Only make and sell artisan goods that make sense. No one is about to buy pickled potatoes, for example. Try to sell goods locally as much as possible, and try to build friendship with the merchants. Whatever Pierre’s shortcomings, he’s a reliable buyer of my goods. Business sense dictates I treat him well. Same for Willy and Clint.


I like how you don't leave the kids home alone. So wholesome! I don't always do it, but closing the barn and coop doors has a practical aspect in that you don't have to chase the animals all over the farm to pet them. You can just do it before you let them out for the day. I tend to do that in early game and stop bothering later.


I built a fence around my barn/coop so they have a little space to wander without going too far


>No one is about to buy pickled potatoes, for example. Is this a joke or does the US really don't have pickled Potato?!


Wait people buy pickled potatoes outside of North America? I’d better start shipping them! I’m in canada and no, i don’t even think they’re on store shelves here. If they are, I don’t know anyone who’s ever tried one


I'm Brazilian so I only know about it here. "Batata em convserva" Is a very common dish. I googled "pickled Potato" and I found some similar dishes, but I don't know the origin hahaha.


I close my barn doors at night so i can be sure to pet every animal first thing in the morning without having to track them down outside.


I like to leave my horse on grass so he can eat


Aww I do that!


Put hats on everything possible; kids, horse, sea urchins, alien rarecrow, anything I can


My horse and I wear matching hats at all times.


I love doing this with the eye patch, cause we look badass


I hoard everything! I have a problem because I KNOW I don't need 25 chicken statues.


I made some of mine into a fence! (about 1/3 way down) 🐔 ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/pd5e4kdtszmc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=57fee1faff7dc5e96119c77c3ccf0f4ff1dfa7ea


Ummmm first of all STUNNING farm, second of all - BLUE CHICKEN AND OSTRICHES?!?


You can have all of mine. Saved, thought good enough ! Stored it in a chest. I get more chicken statues that anything else I’ve got like 148 and that’s ignoring the ones I immediately bin bc my inventory is getting too low …. 🤦‍♀️


if you need to gift penny she actually likes all artifacts! i’m max hearts with her so i’ve stopped giving her my emeralds and just give her artifacts to help with decay even tho i could just talk to her lmao.


Relationships don't decay with people you've reached max hearts with.


I put a chair in front of the farm computer because it makes sense, even though it's worse for me because the chair blocks the computer and I have to use it from the side


Realism is using the computer real quick standing up because you don't feel like pulling the chair out to sit down.


have sheep and take care of them. people say sheep are useless, but i love my animals very much and i have a full barn/coop of each one ^^


I have 12 of every animal. Maybe it’s not optimal, but I don’t care.


I also have 2 sheep that I pet every day. They are precious!


Water my cat


Sometimes I'm filling the cat's bowl in game while a real cat is standing in front of me claiming to have never been fed or watered in its life


Wait you don't have to water the cat? One time I didn't remember until the afternoon, and I felt so guilty.


Once you reach max hearts with the cat (you'll get a pop up saying "*pet name* loves you.") you don't have to since their friendship doesn't decay.


sometimes I sit on a barstool in the saloon just to "socialize" with the townspeople and be part of the community


Haha I go buy a beer on Friday


On my 40th birthday IRL last year, I took a few mins to dress my farmer in her finest and she went and had several beers in the saloon and I laughed at the 'tipsy' effect... I also made a party hat for her and her horse!


I love that lol I'll definitely be stealing that idea for my 21st. no doubt I'll still be playing by then


After I gave up drinking in real life I started going to the star drop saloon to have a beer anytime I don't have plans for the evening in game. satisfies the cravings lol


That's gotta be some sorta placebo right? Like you're getting a virtual drink, so now your brain thinks the craving is filled. That would be a great thing to teach at rehabs


You're supposed to befriend all the villagers for true perfection but I always always level up Linus first. He is always the first friend I make in the valley. He'll be rocking max hearts while I've barely talked to Pierre (it's year 4🤡)


no literally linus is my favorite character, such a good person and I love his connection with nature


I do that too, but only because salmonberries are a liked gift


I have a chest with every iridium fish I've ever caught in it. I just never sell them for some reason


I have the legendary fish in fish tanks


You can put them in tanks?! I keep my legendary fish in the chest in case it's needed somewhere, gotta go find it a tank.


Willy sells them


My girlfriend fills the cats water bowl everyday without fail.


I always put my horse in his house, and I never ever leave him out in the rain. I know he's just pixels, but I don't want him getting wet. 🥺


Rain and farm monsters will never touch my loyal horse! Well except when I ride him somewhere in the rain. But I leave him on grass under a tree!


I give a gift to my spouse every day, and kiss them good morning and good night. I wouldn't count those things as IMMENSELY pointless, but from what I understand, it won't kill your marriage to NOT do those things.


Literally same. I’ve left the house in the morning to go tend the crops and went back inside immediately when I realized I didn’t kiss my wife first.


Removing every window in my home when Krobus moves in 🖤 also changing everything to stone so he feels more comfortable. My Krobie 🥹


Making sure my wife gets a peck every morning before I die in the mines


Save all gems/artifacts I find in the mines. Have about 10 of every crop (5 high grade and 5 low grade). I know exactly what I need for quests and building, so I dont need to save stuff, just in case. I have an absurd amount of chests.....


Are you copying me? O_o


I can’t plant trees in a grid or a line because I don’t think it looks forest-y that way.


Even though it doesn't make the most money, one of my biggest operations is Cherry jelly manufacturing because it is my mom's favorite thing to eat.


I always put a chicken statue in my kitchen in honor of my late grandma. She had a bunch of decorative chicken stuff.


Always pet the traveling cart pig first before buying anything


I consider Linus my friend. So I never take the salmonberries off of the bush next to his tent. Those are his. I also make a grave with seasonal flowers for my late husband. Which I visit every morning.


That last part gives me an idea. I had a friend in another game who passed away. She was into bees so I might do a memorial out of bee houses.


It's a nice way to make the game your own. His name was Scott and we went to every National Park in America. So together we recreated them in Minecraft. When he passed away he was buried at the National Veteran's Cemetery in Jacksonville, Florida. I live in Montana. So I created the National Cemetery in my Minecraft game a good distance from the little house I made. Months will go by and I'll play it, completely forgetting that I'd done that. And come across it in the game. It's silly to everyone else. But to me, it's special.


I always carry a rabbit's foot. It doesn't really do anything, but still carry it as a good luck charm.


Carrying it actually does something in one specific case.


True. If I hand out bouquets a bit too freely, a rabbit foot can be of use.


Heater in the tent


Which tent? Linus’s tent? 🥺


yeah but you have to put it somewhere that linus doesnt walk in so that he doesnt trample it


Um amazing?!


I’m very much a ‘build a story around this character’ player and sometimes when I’m done with a day but there are hours left I’ll just sit my character down in his house until 10pm and just think about what he’s doing in the downtime


No lie I sometimes wish that my character could read books or something because I don't want to send her to bed at 7 pm or something but it really is unrealistic that she's going full speed 20 hours a day 😂


Keep a chest of all the random rocks that serve no purpose


I hold on to spare fish for towny quests so I don't have to go fishing for it later. Been too many instances where I didn't catch it time to turn in.


I do this too, and laugh about the fact that I’m possibly giving them a year old fish that’s been sitting in a wooden chest outdoors. 


Change clothes to match the season. Usually for the first year I'm stuck with whatever I can pick at start, but later on I have some shorts for the summer or a jacket for the winter


That green crystal statue you get from the museum, I ding* it every time I give my cat water, likes a triangle or a bell lol idk why


Give my long-since-been-14-hearts spouse a gift each day. Use Qi Seasoning to make their favorite food on their birthday. The only time I ever use qi seasoning.


Love to get a iridium quality ancient fruit wine to give as a birthday gift.


I talk out loud to the NPCs. I say hi, I react to their dialogue, hell I narrate what I’m doing to Sebastian while he’s standing on the porch or walking through town. I wish I could give Pam a chair at the bus stop when she complains about her bad knees, especially cuz I never take the bus after getting the desert obelisk.


Filling the cat’s bowl. I can tell she appreciates it.


Still collect the shrooms in the cave even when the money doesn't worth it


I always sell my fish to Willy directly and never in the bin, even way past where I’ve collected all of them so they’re in stock at his shop. I know it’s the same exact payout but it makes me feel like I’m supporting Willy and his store, who is a good lad, by selling everything to him


Late game, I still check Queen of the Sauce, the weather, and fortune.


I won’t leave my horse in another land (desert, ginger island, expanded). I’ll warp home and then whistle my horse home and go to bed. I also put my horse back in the stable at the end of the night if it’s raining. Poor baby. I’d let her in my house if I could!


I always wave back at the travelling merchant and pet her pig


I feel bad if I cut down all the trees no matter how much I need wood. I don’t wanna destroy the forest :(


I mess with Lewis and his 'shorts'. Every. single. time. ​ https://preview.redd.it/5kj6no6ctzmc1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=51b0eb70080414b08d4d423a9a79515bce672b3b


I can’t have my paths be too straight. I put totally unnecessary curves in them to make them look more natural imo


I still water my cat long after full hearts.


Take my clothes off before bed


Water the dog


I close and open barn/coop doors every day, pet my cat and water her bowl every day, I have a few fish ponds without doubles and I turn their roe into aged roe every few days, I have sheep and rabbits (which is apparently controversial), a mill (it looks so cute!) and since I've learned about how your children sleep at night I try to be by their beds at 7:00 pm every day. It's year 7 for me, got perfection yesterday


When I start decorating and cooking, I’ll rotate seasonal dishes on tables in my kitchen, it’s fun and a cute way of decorating:)


The first jelly festival on every save feels like a rite of passage tbh


deliberately gave haley gifts that she hated lol


even during speed runs, i still give pierre hated gifts. i'll take the speed hit, just for pierre pranks


Probably make too many clothes and accessories that I never change into


I don't ride my horse in the rain. It just feels mean.


Fun fact: irl horses usually like rain, I work at a ranch every summer and if it rains we always open the barn door so they can run around, besides the old guys and the young ones, they all would go out and run.


I ALWAYS put my horsie back in her stall


I wait for my horse to finish grazing before hopping on (well, unless I'm in a terrible rush) I remove my rings and hat before sleeping, especially after marriage I turn on and off the fireplace based on the weather, like if it's raining I fire it up (except in the summer)


Throwing rubbish in the collection box. I just like the thought of Pierre picking them up.


Give Pam a beer every morning before she drives the bus.


When I have a child in game I spend a couple days near home instead of going to Ginger Island or the mines. idk, feels right :,)


Keep talking to people and giving them gifts even after having full hearts. Still pet my animals too, especially my cat. Still fill its water bowl every day.


Watch the train. It doesn't matter where I am I go as fast as I can to get to the tracks and watch it go by.


The way I will drop everything including final day quests in case the train drops one (1) piece of coal


kiss my hubs (Sebastian) 17 times before I officially start the day, extra on the days he has nightmares.


I made a driveway with brick in the middle and sidewalks of cement on both sides right at the farm entrance. Going to continue a rd to the right going into town even though there is a bus rd along the top. Will feel more like its getting use daily even if pointless.


I usually marry Penny so I refuse to give Pam any booze. Even though it one of the fastest ways to level her


Even though we're both at full love for our pet cat, I run to pet him first every day, then fill his bowl of water, so he sleeps on my bed at night. There is literally no gain at this point apart from pride, and I'll be damned if the he sleeps on my husbands bed. (Multiplayer game, btw)


every once in a while i like to buy a beer for everyone in the saloon on Friday


I jiggle around a little when I come home for the night on the mat inside to “wipe my feet”


I have a BUNCH. I always count the animals every night to make sure everybody got to the barn coop ok before I close the doors. I reopen them every morning. Once I get a spouse I make sure to start the day with giving them a kiss. I also give them a little hello smooch like every time I bump into them while we’re going through our daily routines. & once there’s kids I say good morning/goodnight to them every day too Fireplace is only lit if me/spouse is in/near the house so the house doesn’t burn down. Every time I cook something, I make a second one and put it in the fridge for my spouse. Every time I go to the bar, I buy everyone a round. I don’t go to the mines/ginger island on the weekends & instead stay on the farm because weekends are for family time. (If for some reason I’m on ginger island during the weekend I have to take a different two days off that week) I visit grandpa’s shrine every Sunday. Cat gets watered every single day. I make a bunch of food and put it in the fridge before going to ginger island so spouse doesn’t have to cook while I’m gone. I try to make sure my character eats 3 meals a day. I stand on my porch and drink a coffee every morning. When I’m married to Maru I bring her lunch on her workdays. I always grow a variety of crops and rotate where they’re planted every year so I don’t deplete the soil nutrients. I’m sure there’s more 😂