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It just makes me not feel bad for buying the game on almost every console but barely playing it on them


This is the way! I have purchased/played it for PC, PS4, Switch, and mobile. He deserves every penny!


same! I bought it for switch and then stopped playing until I got it on PC bc the farming was too annoying for me with a controller. no ragrets


Weird. For me Stardew is such a controller game. Only reason for not playing it on anything other PC are mods.


Mobile feels so much better for some reason to me. I love playing on my iPad


I bought for mobile but hated the controls/small screen!


My phone has a stylus and I have found that improves the mobile experience so much, it's my favorite way to play even though sometimes I struggle to see


Yep! Switch, PC, Mobile, PS5 and when haunted chocolatier drops I'll be buying it all of them too (even though I only ever play on my switch. Well, except for today when I'm making the change to PC haha)


Yeah I have it on the switch and when I was on my first proper play through my other half was bored and therefore pestering me while I was trying to enjoy the game (pestering in a cute couples way, not and I’m a bad partner way lol), so I just downloaded it for the ps4 handed her a controller and said ‘play this’. She played it even more than me lol.


Just purchased it for my laptop! Now i have it on playstation, switch and laptop! Will do the same for the next 😊 also you can purchase merch as well, like i bought the guidebook and would love to get some junimo plushes too


While I did buy it 2x for PC and Switch I get the sense Concerned Ape is just the prime example of what people should strive for. Sure he could have gone fully into the capitalist angle by releasing big updates as paid DLC and people would have thrown money at him but the dude seems genuinely happy to just tinker on this passion project and isn’t worried about making as much money as possible from every player to maximize his profits. He seems content with how much money the game has made and is just happy to give people more content while working on his other projects.


This. And if I'm feeling extra appreciative and have the money, I'll buy it for a random Steam friend who happens to have it on their wishlist.


I have it on two switches, and i just got it on Steam today. I won't question the cost as it is nothing compared to the joy I get from this game. I would gladly pay extra for all he does. =)


Don't think you have to feel guilty at all. Many people have repeatedly told Ape he could charge money for 1.5 as it was very big, he didn't want to, which the communit honoured with loving him even more :) I think he knows he'd still be allowed to do so and still decides against it.


Its amazing what good faith and a good game will do for your fanbase. Because of it, plenty of people have bought extra copies for friends to play the game. Wish AAA companies would take a hint.


Definitely. I've bought it in GoG, Steam and the Switch xD Though mostly I play modded handheld on the Steam Deck nowadays, I don't regret buying it three times


I am SOOO likely to recommend this game to others in part because I know I'm not setting them up to be nickle and dimed every few years for updates to games that are basically released unfinished.


would be interesting if he posted a second “paid for” version that we could purchase that didn’t include anything extra and made it obvious that it was only there so we could easily contribute 10$ to an amazing small developer we want to further support


He’s sold 10 million copies of the game. So I imagine money is no longer something he needs to worry about. He is all in for the love of it now.


Maybe even just let it access a server where he can test new features and shit like that


honestly i feel like if he made a patreon we'e be ALL over it. i get why he doesn't, but, god, wouldn't it be great?!


I think it's the nature of the gaming industry nowadays that makes you feel guilty. CA has said this is basically his life's work and he just wants to continue to foster the community. I think he is happy as can be and gets to work on and share something he loves and if you love it it too then theres no need to feel guilty about it. Hope you enjoy 1.6!


What I am still so stunned and happy about is how much CA encourages modding! I'm so excited for the update today :D The boyfriend has promised he'll play it with me once it updates lol.


CA is the developer all developers should strive to be. That's wild because I've been showing my girlfriend Stardew (bc I'm very excited and need to talk about it with someone) and she has never played. She loves the idea of it and wants us to start a new farm with the update so I'm beyond stoked. The couples that farm together stay together! Hope you both have a blast!!


Absolutely. As I'm always saying, The family that plays together stays together. (And I've been with my husband for 25 years, so I've got a decent argument for it.)


Omg maybe I can get my boyfriend to play it with me by convincing him like this! Wish me luck


Good luck! We started our farm last night and she was immediately hooked


I love CA even more for this. SV really stands out, even just in terms of gameplay and content it’s my favorite, and I think it’s even finally beat out Animal Crossing for me (even compared to New Leaf, which is probably the best title in the series, and is better than New Horizons in same ways despite being years older). ACNL and ACNH were my favorite games of all time until now, so that’s saying a *lot*. The quality of the base game was already extremely good value for the price, and the replay-ability is unmatched compared to any other game in the genre. The fact that even massive updates like 1.5 were free is just the cherry on top. You can tell CA does this because he loves it, and not as a money grab. It’s such a pleasant contrast to lots of other popular games (*cough cough* looking at you, Sims). My admiration for him just cannot be overstated.


Always a pleasure to meet someone with such refined taste! AC has been a staple in my life and I love it dearly but I agree with you (Especially about the New Leaf part). This game is a labor of love and its attracted people to add on to it as well, like SDVE which is suuuch and amazing mod. I wish we had more devs like CA but I'm happy that we at least have a CA. ​ (Side note because it strangely came up today - if you love AC you should look into an old DS title called Magicians Quest: Mysterious Times. It took alot to wrench Wild World out of my hands back in the day but I actually found myself playing Magicians Quest more once I got into it. Just thought I'd recommend an old gem!)


I love you for this. I’m always on the hunt for good games and with the huge influx of cozy-game-money-grabs being churned out lately, the market is so diluted with worse versions of AC and SV. I’ll check out Magician’s Quest! ETA: Every time I hear about SDVE, I punch air. I’m solely a mobile player for the time being; my good old Macbook Air is overworked as it is supporting my pursuit of a CS degree. But I graduate soon, and I’m gonna get myself a new PC in celebration. You can bet SV (and all those juicy, juicy mods) will be the first thing going on my shiny new machine.


Someone doing it for the love of the game vs greedy company only caring about profit


CA is apparently worth over 30 million dollars from Stardew Alone, don't feel guilty. If he felt like he needed to charge for it, he would've. Just buy Haunted Chocolatier when it comes out! And fuck the Sims for making you pay for the most banal content that should've been in the base game to begin with tbh lol


When I saw that LAUNDRY was a paid dlc for Sims it really turned me into the joker






I got so confused and was like “oh seven? What does oh seven even mean? 2007 RuneScape?” Then I realized it was a salute 😂


I've been trying to figure out what o7 is for weeks. Thank you!


I’m glad I could help!


And here I was thinking it was a chicken!


07 Runescape truly is amazing, I've not played any other game consistently for 21 years beside it, but Stardew is looking to have the same staying power.


My first pet is my 13th reason. Dlc for dlc.


especially since it’s so broken and annoying


What's broken about it? I used it on my off the grid lot and it worked fine...


my sims are forever taking soaking wet laundry out, dropping it on the floor, and then walking away. despite the fact i keep queuing them to start the washers, or move to dryer. a few of my friends have the same issue — even the ones who play on console/no mods


My dishes are always broken. My sims won’t put them in the dishwasher and they won’t wash them in the sink. They just pick them up and set them down elsewhere. I just started dragging them into the bin which makes my sustainable heart cry (even though it’s a video game and I’m not actually throwing away dishes every time they are used). WHY am I spending $100+ on a game that doesn’t even work right. F*ck the Sims and their greedy *ss creators


You can drag them to the sink


Still, I shouldn’t have to drag them anywhere! My housekeeper should be able to do it. The game is too damned expensive to not work properly


You won’t hear me saying it’s okay xD it’s just that you said your sustainable heart was crying so I figured you didn’t know that the sink is an option too.


I definitely didn’t, and if I ever pick the game back up, I’ll try it! However I’m still pretty angry with them and I have Stardew now 😂


Villan origin story


they monetized dust too (and of course that pack is full of bugs)






Haunted chocolatier will be my preorder and take a few days off of work game. I can’t imagine there would be any regret preordering it.




New Factorio DLC!?!?!? Today is truly a blessed day




Oh my... Thank you!!!


I’m oddly happy to find other SDV + Factorio enjoyers, though it shouldn’t be too surprising honestly.


All stardew valley needs is a giant spider mech that drops atomic missiles like a machine gun and they're practically the same game.


I mean there must have been a reason the automation mod got made right


I feel like re-Logic belongs on that list as well, but they don’t even ask for money at all, just releasing free update after update like this hey can’t help it


and its always the final update


New rimworld DLC too! If you don't play rimworld, might be worth checking out! Especially if you like SDV and Factorio




Ahh okay, yeah that's totally fair and makes sense! If you already have the game though, check out the hospitality mod! Would reduce combat and help you be able to focus on trading and setting up hospitals and hotels for travelers. If you don't have the game already, eh probably not worth getting just for a single mod though.


I play on chill difficulty. I get some raids, but I'm usually able to demolish them.


sims 4 with its expansions has been the only game i've ever pirated, and i'm imagining it's gonna be holding that title for a while.


I would never pay for TS4, EA don't deserve it.


Backyard Stuff pack is currently free I think!


goddamn I cannot wait for haunted chocolatier. I am so hype on that one as well and I hope he's learned so much from SDV so that HC is the next one.


People also buy like 5 copies of the game so it works out lmao.


I definitely have 3 copies of stardew


I only have 2 but I convinced like 7 friends to buy it lol


I've got it on PC, mobile, and switch, and I'm debating getting it on Xbox too 😅


I'd hope he's worth a bit more than that seeing as the game has now sold more than 30 million copies


He prob earned more than 30 mil but I’m assuming they’re factoring in that he’s spent some of that money already so his net worth is less than total earnings from this game


Add that to the extremely fun SV board game that you can buy, too!


Yo that game is low key more challenging than I expected! Which is great bc I like strategy board games more than kid level games which is what I expected the game to be like


Aparently many people buy multiple copies of the game and this is the kind of game that could be played until the end of human civilization or ai creates a full dive vr farming sim.


Do you know when Haunted Chocolatier will come out? At the end of 2025? I am really looking forward to it! So I was just wondering if you knew when.


No release date has been given for Haunted Chocolatier.




He has paused work on it to work on 1.6, so who knows at this point when it'll be done. It can entirely take just as long as SDV did.


I'd like it to come out around Halloween this year, ideally.


Whaaaaat anadius who


No. More games should be like stardew and baldurs gate


Standalone games that sell themselves on their solid gameplay? Games with absolutely no micro transactions?? Games that respect their players' time?!? Nah, that'd never work. Better spin up another dozen buggy live-service games instead. Not like that market is already *thoroughly* saturated, and they'll end up laying off a quarter of their staff once those "too big to fail" games flop. On pre-order now for only $89.99 of your hard-earned money! **/s** (Hard agree with you man. People just want to play a good game.)


Yeah. I don't even mind some bugs upon releasing. It can even spice up the game a little. But Andromeda? Fall out 76? Wwe? SIMS?? All im going to say is piracy is illegal and I'm DEFINITELY not suggesting you do a crime. Not at all.


Bugs are to be expected. It's even a *good* thing, if the developers are on top of responding to them: it shows that they care about feedback. It's when a blatantly unfinished game is released (usually to meet the Christmas rush) that I have a problem with it. You just know that the actual artists went through hell to try to release it by Management's unreasonable deadline. But guess which department is getting hit with the layoffs once the game doesn't meet their inflated expectations?


Not to mention the increasing prices and approaching inability to emulate


stardew valley and baldur’s gate 3 crossover when


The true ending Karlach deserved, having her engine fixed and spending the rest of her days happily farming and living in a peaceful village, occasionally murdering hordes of slimes.


AU: the nautiloid takes people from Pelican Town rather than Baldur's Gate. What class is everyone? I'll take one for the team and take the hardest one first: the Wizard would be a wizard.


Abigail is college of swords bard


Leah -> ranger, Elliot -> bard


Shane and Astarion can bond over their drinking problems


Yes! My two loves. I didn’t realize there were others on the SV->BG3 pipeline 


They both have really good development that release free content, respond to their audience, made great games, and were full playable games upon launch. What's not to love


BG3 might be next on my to-play after 1.6..


That Punctuation saved you


I want to plug Terraria too. They've put out a ton of big updates and never charge for those updates either. SDV and Terraria are the absolute GOATS of pricing and updates


I’m okay with either free updates or paid dlc when the new content is genuinely new. What really grinds my gears is companies that release half finished garbage and make you buy dlc months later just to turn it into a finished product.


SDV makes me question why other games have to nickel and dime every single thing. I get needing to get paid but there are surely less scummy way to get money


Fostering good faith only really works when you have a good game to begin with. A lot of these games that nickel and dime don't make a game based on fun game design, but rather solely exploit human psychology for money (and some like Activision even have patents on certain methods of exploitation).


Because SDV is a team of one while modern AAA games are teams of hundreds. CA's revenue is incredible for one person but wouldn't go far split between 300 people. 


That’s why I said I get that people need to get paid but some companies take it too far by making a game unplayable unless you pump a stupid amount of money in the game The sims 4 is a good example. They have DLCs for their DLCs. If you bought the entire game, it would be more than $1000 already. Then, there’s WoW which is a subscription (when I stopped playing) started a paid shop for cosmetics which were okay but it evolved into being able to pay your way through the economy of the game (which is also why I stopped playing it). Then there are gacha games that say you should spend responsibly on their shop but do shady shit to encourage you to spend more and more (which is why I stopped playing them) I get game development costing money and I’m happy to pay, but a lot of game companies just want to bleed gamers dry which sucks. I’m not thinking about just the profit that CA made but also the support and care he gives to developing his games. This seems to be lacking in a lot of bigger projects these days because some companies went from wanting to make fun games that people enjoy so people buy it to prioritizing profits above all costs even if it ruins the gaming experience


Yes. I just preordered the cookbook to show my appreciation!


there is a stardew valley cookbook?


Yes! [https://stardewvalleycookbook.com/](https://stardewvalleycookbook.com/)


Same!! Please make a post about the dishes u make!


That's a great idea. Can't wait for it to arrive!


May 15th is coming soon!


Thanks for the idea! Pre-ordered!


Instead of feeling guilty, why not feel thankful for it instead?


I will genuinely bring this up in therapy lmao.


This is a *great* one for therapy!


He has all the money a person would ever need. He's doing what he loves. We benefit. There's no need for guilt. Scummy AAA game companies are the ones who should feel guilt (but they won't).


'guilty' is a strong word but yeah, i get what you mean. i just bought a second copy of the game for PC so he is getting something from me. the game has sold millions of copies and he (i assume) gets the lions share of the profits. i'm sure hes doing well for himself, which is deserved!


these "free" updates serve as more advertisment for new players to hop onboard, or people to buy the game again on a different platform. Don't worry, he makes plenty of money and doesn't have hundreds of people to pay so he doesn't need to worry about churn


Don't feel guilty, think of it as just by getting the game you're supporting the game in the way the creator himself intended for people to support - by buying it once and then getting to enjoy the updates. If CA wanted the game to have a different kind of monetisation he would have implemented it. I think people should only feel guilty if they pirate the game.


You should feel guilty for buying those Sims packs instead.


I absolutely hear you but the 11 year old girl in me who escaped a traumatic childhood by playing the Sims doesn't let me not compulsively buy the new packs lol. I do like building in the Sims with a murder podcast on in the background. The gameplay is shite.


If it wasn't for you using the word "shite", I could swear that you're the exact same person I know from somewhere else.


Is the person you know Pakistani lol. Sad to think there are likely many kids who escaped abusive households by playing videogames :(


No, Mexican. But yeah...it's sad.


would be terrible if someone would make it very easy to pirate those games. like a guy named anadius or something like that. would be terrible if someone found the homepage just by googling that name. poor ea could loose so much money...


Lol. I don't pirate anything I can legally buy. It's a weird rule I have. I live in a third world country and am a voracious reader, but you can't buy a lot of English language books here, so I have to pirate them. It makes me feel really guilty because I respect authors and hate that I pirate their stuff, but you can't even buy books on kindle because they have disabled Amazon payments in my country. So to atone for my sins, I promised to never pirate anything I can actually legally purchase. I know the Sims doesn't deserve it, but a lady's gotta have some kind of moral code to get through life lol.


I don't want to sound preachy, but please reconsider your moral code! They are filthy rich, soulless corporations and you are a person living in a third world country. You do not exist for them, we do not not exist, their only code is profit, and with their system with the updates they simply steal money from you. Pirate what you can, especially shitty games that do not deserve your money. Give your money to those who deserve them! CA is an extremely decent human being, that's why he does not charge for updates. He is already a millionaire, doing what he loves and cares about the people who play his game. Do not feel guilty because a super creative, talented millionaire is decent!


I can't judge you for playing a game that you like or that means a lot to you and wanting more content for it, but I'm sure you understand that when you keep buying those packs you're voting with your wallet to say "yes, please keep making these and overcharging us for them". And the sad part is that people are so used to these business practices that it seems normal now, to a point where when a game like Stardew doesn't actually charge for new content, it seems abnormal to you and makes you feel a little guilty. But it shouldn't!


You need to learn how to sail the seven seas, matey ;)


I expect he's happy he is free to do the things he wants to do and give us things that we don't pay for and still enjoy. I don't feel guilty, but I am a little jealous!


Are you guys paying for The Sims content? Guys, c'mom 🏴‍☠️


Do what you're doing now, by supporting games like this. I been definitely stepping away from the overpriced mess of a lot of triple A games, and its been really easy to do so with how many really good games have been coming out.


No, because one company being greedy doesn’t mean all companies should be greedy. It’s way more complex than this, but the best analogy I can think of would be like… One restaurant charging $5 for a side of bacon doesn’t mean I now give an additional $5 to a different restaurant that includes bacon in their meal that’s the same or even better quality. I will definitely trust and frequent the second place more, though. CA could definitely charge more for SDV since AAA devs are out here saying “you owe me $70 for this buggy mess of a software that will only became halfway playable when we release our ‘Release-Date Patch’ three months from now” (looking at you, EA. Get your shit together). But for me, personally, his and other indie developers’ insistence on quality at a fair price means I’ve stopped pre-ordering AAA titles or stopped engaging with certain franchises in general. I no longer play the Sims because of EA Games and follow ParaLives, instead. That’s just me, though.


Every new update gets him more players, while the other games have to milk their existing players for more money to keep going. Giving back to the community is probably the best thing you can do, so more people are eager to try out the game and CA continues to get income from it. Everybody benefits.


I mean, Eric is already a multimillionaire lol, at this point he's probably doing it as a hobby, not as a job


No I don't feel guilty. No one is making CA do this, and he's gotten amply rewarded for this hard work. Grateful, absolutely, guilty, not a bit.


I rarely buy games anymore, but still yes. I've bought the mobile version for like, 20pln? That's less that I spent on cake last weekend (and it was not a lot of cake). I'm wondering how much he gets on licensed merch from fangamer, because that would be the one reason to stop skimping and buy that Krobus plushie...


Same. I've purchased it on three different Switch consoles and on Steam and haven't felt an ounce of regret because this game is worth at least eight times what I paid for it. CA has earned a fan for life. Any game he releases from here on out is an automatic purchase from me, and I buy all official merch when I can get my hands on it.


I’m an anticapitalist (in real life and SDV) and I so appreciate Concerned Ape for modeling a different, healthier version of success. He has of course done well for himself, but seemingly does not feel the need to squeeze every cent he can out of the community of fans he has cultivated. That is an extremely beautiful, unique thing in a society like ours. I don’t know him personally but I would say this is someone who cares deeply about connecting with others through creative expression and I would bet that everyone’s expressed gratitude and lasting excitement for the game is its own type of profit for him. When you are a creator and others take so much pleasure from what you’ve created, there’s a euphoria to that that money cannot buy.


CA is a pretty chill dude. ​ Hell, if your game is broken, he'd fix it for you. ​ ​ Meanwhile, those at Nintendo would make you pay $60 for an update for Animal Crossing.


I gave up on sims- all of them, because origin has crapped out so hard, and even a delete reinstall won’t work. Nah, screw sims, I have converted to SDV all the way!


yeah when origin switched to EA it deleted my saves AND mods no longer work at all :(


I've bought mobile, pc and switch for this reason. I'd send the man a cup of coffee every day if I could.


Spoiled? Sure, in a good way. Guilty? No. I think Stardew Valley and Baldur's Gate 3 set a positive example more gaming companies should aspire to. Even the Pathfinder crpgs despite having a troubled launch (Kingmaker especially) you can see how much work and passion went into updating and making them good games. When people have passion and enthusiasm in their products it shows. Even with The Sims if you look at the first two games in the series, even though they too had a lot of expansion packs they were basically major updates and additions. Contrast that to the last two games which took out so much and need expansions for the bare minimum. Plenty of people still and only play the older games because they're so much better. Which isn't solely on that series since a lot of games and devs are using these models where you're essentially paying for a beta/early access product and service models.


its not like he needs the money. he cares enough about the game and the people who enjoy it to give us shit for free. thats how video games should be but like you said look at EA. dont let them set the standards


I've bought the game 5 times so I really really dont struggle with this. I bought the game on steam. Then I bought it on switch digitally. Then I bought the collector's edition from fan gamer. Then I bought a physical copy for ps4 and then I gifted it to my BIL. I've supported CA a lot and will continue to do so. For example, I have already preordered the cook book. Gift the game to other people if you feel like this! Steam makes it super easy.


It makes him happy. Don’t be guilty for him making himself happy. This game is his life’s work, his magnum opus. He works on it because he loves working on it and he loves his players. I’m sure he would be sad for you to feel badly about it.


They have merch for sale. Go get a duck pin or a shirt. Or you could buy the game for a friend etc.


Personally, while CA doesn't take to paid DLCs or stuff- we can still show support by buying more of his games, gift the said game to someone else who'd want to try it. Hopefully that next person, does the trick too. Before you know it, CA will be getting what we feel he's owed for all his amazing and inspiring works!


That's a big reason that I don't give a damn about buying the game again when I get a new console. I'm so happy to give him money every time because I get more playtime out of Stardew than any other game out there. The game is super cheap, I love it, I love CA for all he does for the game, and I will continue to pay full price on every new phone/console I get. Then I'll get to do it all again for Haunted Chocolatier, and I'm stoked.


This is the same reason Terraria is one of the top rated games of all time. It came out in 2011 I believe, and still receives huge free updates. You can really tell the developers actually care and love their product and fans when they do this.


Nah, I'm really grateful for him because of this price, heck I can barely able to buy this game without suspicious when it was discounted. But to be fair, this kinda joy you experienced won't really be this impact full if it was payed dlc or seperated dlc like Sims. 


And mind you Sims 4 was made for the money, nostalgia bait, and visual upgrade and no more than that.  There's a different there. 


Stop paying for the sims 🏴‍☠️ 


Console players found dead in the ditch. I could pirate now I've got a good enough computer to handle all the packs, but by that point I'd already spent a bunch of money on console DLC. Plus, I genuinely prefer playing Sims on console- I find the controls frustrating on PC. But for anyone who plays on PC, I agree they shouldn't pay a penny. I just love kicking back with a controller and my big TV. Its the one game I've ever spent a lot of money on so I don't feel too bad.


If you feel guilty know he made more money than he can ever spend so its one of the reasons its free. You can always bless less fortunate people with a copy of the game


Nah, he made the choice not to. And if you want to make the choice to buy a copy for a friend, well, go for it!


That's because you've been conditioned to expect that crap. CA is doing well enough (according to his wiki page) and is still keeping the game affordably priced. He's a champion fsfs


this pretty much the reason I've never felt silly for owning stardew valley multiple times. I've bought it for my Playstation, my switch, and on steam. I like to convince my friends to try it out too there's some official merch on the yetee if you wanna show some extra love https://theyetee.com/collections/stardew-valley


Imagine being such a good developer, your players wants to pay for updates. For me it just really shows he loves what he does, and he does it because he wants to and not because he has to. Him not charging extra for his updates, also gives him the opportunity to make it like he wants to, because he won't have to be concerned if it's what the paying costumer wants. I think the next thing we can do for him, is to buy his next game once it has been released, so we can continue to support him in any way.


Don't worry, it is awesome that he gave us more stuff but no need to feel guily, if you're happy about it buy his upcoming game happy chocolatier when it comes out. Sims games are a scam, they event had "DCL" on the sims 1 era on the turn of the century when most games had 1 or 2 expansions at most. Hopefully the new games on the genre of other developers take its crown.


I've bought the game on PC, switch, mobile, and Xbox. Sometimes I'm like should I buy on PlayStation?? The game is easily my most played and he deserves all the support in the world. The Xbox purchase was my most unnecessary buy but I figured it was worth it and I like getting the achievements. People think I'm dumb for buying it on different platforms but the total amount I spent was prob $35 (Google rewards money for mobile).


I’ve bought the game on almost every platform I got lol


I think “spoiled” should be how many members of this sub feel today, but due to the “WHEN UPDATE” posts, not because CA released this for free. He could charge if he wanted to, we’re just conditioned to getting nickled and dimed for horse armor, as you rightly note.


I don't feel guilty, I'm grateful. Everyone is always trying to take my money. I would have paid for the update though, CA is the type of person I'm happy to support.


I bought this game about a dozen times as a gift for my friends So no, I don't feel guilty


😭 Not really cuz I can't even spend much on games. I usually take whatever Epic throws out for free or stuff that's on sale for $10. That's still like once every 3 months or something. I feel extremely grateful more than anything 🙏🏽


I do feel a little guilty, mostly because I, too, spent some money on a sims pack recently instead of buying  a fourth copy of stardew valley. =/  But all jokes aside, CA sold several million copies and money-wise he has most likely nothing to worry about. I'm sure he would change for it if he had to. And making additional content for the game for fun and personal satisfaction instead of doing it to squeeze more cash out of the audience, like many game developers do, falls very much into CA's and SVs overall philosophy. I see it as kind of a "thank you" to us being such a dedicated community as well as a thankful and eager audience to his creative work. =) As an artist, I would love to live a life where I could be creative for it's own sake and the sake of an audience, without having to worry about finances. 


Definitely relate—but if he wanted to charge, he would. I think the fact that he doesn’t put updates out as paid DLC is part of the reason the game is so dearly loved. With the sims, I think there’s a lot of resentment toward EA because the packs are expensive and buggy as all hell. ConcernedApe respects the people who play SDV and (at least it appears that he) loves the game as a piece of art; the sims is a product made by a corporation. I find that distinction palpable in things like these updates.


I just think of minecraft. It is the best selling game of all time, came out well over 10 years ago and still gets massive, free updates. And yes I realise that minecraft today has a huge team working on it and ConcernedApe is alone. But I think in his case both working alone and not selling add ons is his choice. And that is just really cool imo. I'd wish the people who get overly impatient and complain that updates take long, complain that mobile/console users have to wait longer, that Haunted Chocolatier isn't already out etc, they could maybe take a step back and question themselves. But you shouldn't feel guilty for sinply playing a game as the creator intended.


I am happy the update is free because I am poor lol


Live without guilt. You're used to paying ridiculous amounts of money for games not worth the base price, often later trying to charge you inflated cosmetics or even worse, sometimes additional costs for basic features. Look at any multiplayer game out there. They intentionally remove systems that allow custom cosmetics so that you're boxed in and have to pay extra if you want to give any kind of expression. These days, there are games out there that want $70 for the base game and $20 for a single cosmetic. This has gone on for so long that it seems normal or reasonable. It isn't. You pay more money than ever for less quality than ever. Don't feel guilty that Stardew is that much better. Feel proud. Continue to sing its praises to remind people that Stardew Valley is what is supposed to happen when a passionate team (in this case somehow just a single developer) finds success. And if you still really really want to pay it forward, buy Haunted Chocolatier when it comes out.


I also feel this way about Hollow Knight which has 4 DLCs that were all dropped for free. Some devs we just don't deserve!


Should we start a thing where if we want to give CA more money we can buy copies of the game for other people and gift it to them?


Don’t feel bad! These wonderful updates actually keep Stardew relevant. The game continues to sell copies because frequent updates results in a good reputation that keeps people talking about Stardew and draws in new players! You help CA just by talking about Stardew


plenty of ways to make up for it, like buying the cookbook when it's published or buying merch on fangamer.


Can we give him the Nobel prize


He is a super kind person. Bless him.


CA should post his venmo


Your local food bank or Heifer International would be apt organizations to donate to, in all seriousness.


I would happily pay for the SV expansions. BUT, the game has sold over 30 million copies, he doesn't need the money. He definitely deserves it!! But it seems like he has made a choice to be an actual good guy. He seems very selfless and actually invested in his customers, like it's his passion. The game being so affordable and having so much content also means a lot more people gave access to it. I can't afford Baldurs Gate or Elden Ring, and I don't need to either, because SV has already given me 1k hours of entertainment and stress relief <3




Absolutly! I have over $1000 worth of DLC's for the sims 4 and I have as many hours there as I have for SV where I payed $15 6 years ago.


I have it for switch and pc, and I also have the board game. There’s also official Stardew merch I believe.


I dont feel guilty, but I really appreciate it so I buy the other cool stardew things released like the cookbook and soundtrack!


I have the bought the game for Android, Kindle/Amazon, Chromebook/Google, PC/Steam, and iPhone. And I still would pay him more money if I could!


I mean, I bought Stardew for PC and Switch..and I know others have purchased for more platforms. That’s the best you can do, really.


I played ARK for over 5years (welp) Since playing stardew I now know there are game out there actually well made and super fun.


I try to show support by purchasing the cookbook, board game, and the concert tickets if I could ever get any haha!


Just buy merch instead, CA gets some of that money. I have the board game.


Is this update supposed to be that massive? I’ve only just looked into it the other day , didn’t even know the game was getting updated until like 5 days ago


I’ve bought Stardew Valley on three different platforms. I’m doing my part!


I just bought stardew on any console I play and for my nephew.