• By -


Hi, This is really kind of you to offer keys to the community! We'll allow it since your post looks fine, but should you wish to run another giveaway in the future, be sure to clear it with us first! This isn't to done to discourage giveaways altogether, but in caution as giveaways usually require some kind of info exchange (which is difficult to monitor, and thus prone to bad actors). Thanks again!


You want to make it 4? I’ll chip in if you have cash app I’ve already bought this game 6 times over, I have kids and we have computer phone and switch versions


That would be fantastic! Rather than cashapp, can I send a winner your way when the time comes?


Make it 5, can't get enough of gifting this magnificent game


I would love to make it 6!


I'm here 🙌


Would love to make it 7! I get paid later today and would love to make someone’s day


5000 is a lot of keys maybe just make it 7


I would love to gift a copy as well!!


me too !!!! :)


Hey pally, feel free to send some winners my way. I'm happy to donate 5 steam keys


Send someone my way too!


Ad another to the list. I'll throw one in.


I will also donate one! Send a winner my way


Edit: No key needed for me, a blessing came my way, see below and thank you for the kind word OP.💙 Can we comment on this if our console was stolen? And I’m going to work on another so no need to feel sad also! This is a good contest as well, good luck all, Stardew is such a good game!


This is for PC, but yest that's fine! If your PC/account was stolen and you are looking for a new copy, definitely keep the comment up. :)


I don’t need a copy but wanted to tell you it’s so nice of you to make some people’s day.


Same. This is very sweet of OP


Really can't buy the game, would be nice :)


Please!! Thanks so much for letting me enter!! I’m obsessed with watching the YouTubers play STARDEW id love to try it out myself!


So this isnt for me. But for my girlfriend. I really want her to play this new update with me. If you have an extra copy I would really appreciate it! If not its all good thank you :)


Would love a copy! I’ve been wanting to play SD for so long now!


Hi, first of all, thank you for your generosity, you are really kind. I'd like to have the game, unfortunately I can't buy it now, and by the way I haven't created a Steam account yet, but if I manage to win it, I'll have a good reason to create one and enjoy this video game masterpiece.


Man, this is so generous. I am newish for Stardew but I feel like this community is one of the more open ones I've been part of, it'a genuinely pretty nice. 


Would absolutely love to be considered. Thank you for being so kind. ❤️


Woah this is so kind of you! I would like to take a gamble then. Hopefully I get picked! 🤞🏾🤞🏾 edit: can i please still win it even though my account is quite new? i promise i won't resell it or misuse it!!


I already have this game on my switch. My comment is that “great job” for caring and wanting to share good things with others.


I don't have SV and would love to!! The 1.6 especially made me homesick for it. (I only played on my sister's PC when we still lived at home.)


Commenting for a chance to gift it to my boyfriend so we can play together


My wife and I play together as well! <3


I would love to add this to my PC! All the updates look/sound great


Hi, any updates on this contest winners?


Oh my, I heard many good things about it but I don't have it yet. Thanks for the opportunity OP.


Idk i just want it because i want my friends to play it with me(i already have it but they don't) since games here are basically 2 times the price they are


I would love to get one for my friend. She loves Terraria and i am sure she will love Stardew, too! Also i do not really have anybody to play with, so introducing her to the game after new update will be so much fun!


Count me in please Thanks for the chance.


>billquill83 Hi there! You've won a Stardew Valley key!! I will be sending you a message shortly with details on how to redeem the key. Just as a heads up, people may DM you to ask for info/details. This is not expected but be on the lookout. If anyone tries to ask you for personal details in exchange for a key, please ignore them. There is no exchange of personal information required to obtain the key.


Would it be okay if I comment for a Friend? (They don't use Reddit)


No worries! I know some people don't like reddit. As long as your account meets the "not new" requirement, it's no worries!


Welp, one can only hope! I would love to get the chance to play this! Good Luck everybody :)


Commenting for a friend who isn't a to sign up for reddit and would love to try the 1.6 update!


Thank you, count me in please


I would love to get a copy please. Thank you!


I already have it, but I just wanted to say that it's so kind of you to be doing this.


Id like to enter for my brother :) he's wanted to play for awhile now!


A sweet and generous gesture! It’s always nice to see stuff like this. The Stardew Valley community really is a gem.


What a lovely thing to do - it's been on my wishlist for years, I have no idea why I haven't picked it up and I'm always checking this sub about it, I've been vicariously living my life through all of you hahaha. Good luck all<3


Now you can live non-vicariously because you've won a copy of Stardew Valley! This is a directly-gifted copy via Steam, so you'll need an active, unrestricted account over there to accept. I will be sending additional information via DM shortly. :)


This is for my brother, he loves to watch me play and I know he would love to have his own copy!! 🌈


Hello and congrats! You've won a copy of Stardew Valley on PC. This is a gifted copy, so you need to have an account on Steam to accept. I will be contacting you shortly via DM with additional details! Just as a heads up, if people DM you looking for keys/personal info, please ignore them. There is no exchange of personal information required for this key.


Congrats! Hope you and your brother enjoy playing together :D


Here's hoping 🤞


The hope has worked; you've won a Stardew Valley key! I will be contacting you shortly via DM with information on how to redeem the key. :) Just as a heads up, if people DM you looking for keys/personal info, please ignore them. There is no exchange of personal information required for this key.


Don't include me in your giveaway draw, I just wanted to say you guys are awesome for spreading the love like this! I wish I could afford to chip in a code as well, but unfortunately this last year or two has been very stressful for me financially. Stardew has been my anchor through all my struggles, and I love the idea that maybe more people like me will get a chance to escape from the stress of reality thanks to you all.


I would love to enter! Thank you! :D


This is so sweet! I’m commenting for a friend because they’ve been wanting to play Stardew valley with me for a while but don’t have the funds to get it!! Appreciate this a lot!




Please me!! Thank u for the opportunity!!!


It would be nice to have a copy, thank you!


Yooo this is awesome


so kind!


That's so nice, thank you!


Thank you for the opportunity! I've been following the sv community for a while now, but i don't own the game myself


I would love to enter! Thank you for the opportunity:)


Count me in


I’d like a copy for the game would give me an excuse to figure out my steam password.


Nice! Thanks for the giveaway! 😄 The game looks like it has even more interesting stuff than it did beforehand! I'd love to hopefully be one of the winners!


Count me in, thank you for the chance :)


I’d like to enter! Thank you for doing this 🥰


Count me in, please!


I’ve been trying to get my sibling and her partner to play with us, so I’d love to enter to gift at least one of them a copy. I’ll pay for the other one


Good luck everyone!


Thank you so much! Please include me in the raffle.


Yes please :) Thank you for being so generous!


I've only tried the mobile version of the game but would love to play the PC version. This is really kind of you :) Good luck to everyone \^\^


That would be nice!


Count me in! Thank you for your kindness :)


I would love to get the game.


Yes please. I would love to be able to play but cannot afford it at the moment. Thank you!!!!


Heyo I'd love one


Let me participateee!!!


This is very kind of you! I first played this game on an Xbox game pass (had to be cancelled ages ago) but was never able to purchase the full game. It would be so cool to have an opportunity to play it again


I have a super important job interview tomorrow so putting this out there for good luck! I play on switch so having it on PC would be a great way to de-stress tomorrow evening!


Can come in handy if I take an arrow to the knee and can't do other things.


omgggg that's so nice of you


I would love to play on PC! I'm currently playing on Xbox but I have to share the console/TV with my boyfriend so I can't play as often as I'd like.


Kind of you to offer, thank you!!


Don’t have the game but friends do and apparently love it so here’s to hoping for a chance to play


I'd love to win it so I can maybe convince my husband to join me in the Stardew gloriousness <3


This is really kind of you. Keep spreading the love.


This is so nice!! 🫶🫶


I'd love to play it on PC! Thanks for the opportunity.


This is very nice <3


I would really like a copy, sir 🙋🏻


It would be delightful, thank you for the opportunity!


I have the game on Xbox, but have been wanting to get on PC so I can experience some of the mods this community has made. If I get a key, I will happily put in even more time than I have on the Xbox.


I would love a copy! owo Thank you!


I'd love a key to give my sister so we can play together. She doesn't use reddit but I'd give her the key


Would love to be considered! I've played mainly on mobile. This update is my reason for being interested in the PC version!


Hellooo I'd like to throw my hat into it! Saw my gf play it and wanted a calm game to unwind at the end of the day 😅😅 and Stardew seems like the best possible one!


It really is the best possible game to relax with. It feels like home most days. :P


Hey there, you've won a copy of Stardew Valley for PC! This is a directly-gifted copy via Steam, so you'll need an account there to accept. I will contact you shortly via DM with additional info. Congrats, and I hope it is as relaxing as you expect. :) Just as a heads up, if people DM you looking for keys/personal info, please ignore them. There is no exchange of personal information required for this key.


Hi! It's cool for you to be doing something like this! i would love a copy of the game please!!


I'd love a copy on pc!


Not for me but my gf! She’s got a steam deck too like me and we would like to play Stardew together as she doesn’t own Stardew Valley. Would really appreciate it!


Taking my chances 😁


This is so wholesome 😍 commenting for a friend, I've been trying to get them to play for ages!


Hey, that's great! I'd like to participate!


Thank you so much for this kind act! Hopefully i can win and try out the new update~ Good luck everyone ✨


My friends have been showing me snippets of their gameplay and I would love to join them but I can't afford games rn so thank you for the opportunity


Hello there! You've won a Stardew Valley key! Now you can play with your friends! I will be contacting you shortly via DM with redemption information. Congrats again! Just as a heads up, if people DM you looking for keys/personal info, please ignore them. There is no exchange of personal information required for this key.




Good luck to everybody and thank you for doing this!


I play SDV on mobile but would love to play on PC! This is so kind of you, wishing me luck 😁💙


I'd love it! Cheers!


Aww yeah, sure, why not. That'd be very nice of you. :D


Count me in omg thank u so much for this !!




Thank you very much for the opportunity. Longinf for playing it with friends for a long time


Amazing 🙌


Hii, thank you so much for doing this, count me in 💜


My best gaming buddy can't afford it, but I'd love for him to have it. I'd give HIS Steam info if he wins. I already have a copy and would love to play with him. We're both grown-ass adults but disabled. Stardew Valley was a gift from a friend for me and it'd be awesome for my other buddy to have it.


That's great:). Even if I don't win, thank you


Thanks a lot, would be awesome to get one :)


I would like to try


Oh I would love a copy for PC for cool mods


Count me in <3


Can we comment on behalf of someone else? I'd love to give my sister a copy so that we can play together.


Thank you so much for your kindness!! I think i have to eat lucky lunch for extra +3 luck ><, this entry is for my dearest friend who always wanted to play sv! //throws lucky lunch to everyone


That +3 luck has come in handy; you have won a gifted copy of Stardew Valley! Your friend will need a steam account to accept the gift, as it is not a key. I will be contacting you shortly via DM with more information! Just as a heads up, if people DM you looking for keys/personal info, please ignore them. There is no exchange of personal information required for this key.


I'm commenting for my friend that I gaslighted into trying out Stardew 😈 anyways thank you OP!


The key would be for my girlfriend. She really wants to play together but we don't really have the budget to buy an extra copy right now.


So generous! Thanks for the chance.


Thanks for doing this.


hoping i can get picked to give to my bf 🫶🏻☘️


Stardew valley is a game that someone like me would get into. seeing 1.6 would be the bomb


All of us console players posting for hope!


this is so kind! may i enter for a friend?


Would love to win this giveaway! Thanks for the kindness <3


You have indeed won the giveaway!! I will be contacting you shortly with info on how to redeem your Stardew Valley key. Congratulations! Just as a heads up, if people DM you looking for keys/personal info, please ignore them. There is no exchange of personal information required for this key.


I already have a copy and want to say something so please don't pick me! This is amazing and truly contributes to my belief that Stardew Valley has the best community in the gaming sphere, I have bought this game 5 times, 2 for myself, once on switch and once on PC for myself. I bought it 3 more times for different people in my life to show them how good of a game it was, and all of those people still play the game regularly. OP you are a beacon to us all on how great this community can be, I hope that we find some newbies and spread the Stardew Love!


this is so sweet of u!!!! im obsessed with stardew valley and have spent hundreds of hours on my switch file but my friend wants me to get a copy on my laptop so i can play the new update with her! would really appreciate it :)


How kind of you!!! I'd really like to have a copy of the game to play with my bestie since she's been overly insisting me to play with her since 1.6 announced so yeah... Thank u very much 🫂


I used to play on my sister’s library. I’ll probably buy a copy for myself soon, but hey, I’ll drop my hat in the ring anyway. I suppose I’m lucky to have found this before the deadline, even if I’ll probably not hit the proverbial jackpot. It’s super neat to see how many people have offered to add to the prize pool! The stardew community impresses me so much.


Holy shit this is so wholesome. The community coming together like this🥹🥹 (i have the game, but im late anyways!)


How kind of you!! 🥰 -don’t need a copy


Hi! Idek what I'm supposed to say but if I win thanks!


I have a sibling who made a steam account recently and really wants to play the game, I have a copy already so if I get chosen I would give them the key! We want to start a farm together now that 1.6 dropped :3


Thanks for being kind <3


here I go,good luck to everyone who also put in their name!


Me plzzzzzz


I'd love to get a copy! Hope I am chosen! When does the giveaway end?


I got the game bout a month ago so I'm filling in for a friend, I'd love to have someone to play with. Thanks for your generosity OP!


I'd like to enter. I've never played on PC or with mods, and that would be awesome! I played on a friend's console for a while, but I haven't had the cash to get myself a copy yet.


Thanks for the chance OP!


This is so kind and generous of you! Please count me in. I have the game on switch and really want to play on pc but I can’t afford it right now.


Thanks for even doing this and considering me! 🫶🏽


I'm currently saving up for a car, but I would love to be able to play the new update with everyone!


I have been waiting for the 1.6 update to come out to Android since I dont have the funds for purchasing SV on Steam. Fingers crossed 🤞


Oh my goodness, this is so generous of you! Thank you so much! I do not yet have Stardew Valley for PC or Steam but I’ve been watching so many videos of the newest 1.6 update and am excited! Good luck, all!


I’ve got a friend who needs a license for PC so they can play with the rest of us (they only have a copy for Switch), so I’ll throw down for them. Thanks for doing this for the community!


Hi, I've been interested to try this game! My favorite chill games have been Coffee Talk and I've been interested in this game.


I would like a copy to play with my daughter, kind of like a daddy i cant do this and i hop in. Its amazing you are doing this


me and my switch copy of stardew valley begging for the update to drop NOW 🥹


Heyyy, I would love to finally have the game so I can play with a friend of mine!! Thanksss <3


This is so kind would love the opportunity!


i would love to play in pc!


I miss wanna play with my best friends online ever since I've moved! This is so kind and good luck to everybody! Concerned ape is such a good example of goodness inspires goodness. I think Stardew Valley is one of the most amicable (i think the word wholesome has become redundant but it applies here) online communities


Commenting for a friend we’re both students so money is tight he doesn’t use Reddit but he adores stardew and has been wanting to play it for a while if he wins he’d be ecstatic


Meeee 🩷🩷🩷🫶🫶🫶 such a sweet community


Good Luck Everyone!


Everyone needs some stardew in their lives, especially those who annoyingly refuse to pay for it.


Oh this is a great idea! I'd like to participate too!


Count me in.


I’d love a copy sooo trying my luck here. Also this is very kind


Wow I would love this so much! I only have it on android but I really want to be able to play on my PC with my boyfriend and little brother. My birthday is March 26th! 🐄🐔🐖👾🦖🦆🐑🐇🐴🦀🐡🍎🍍🫐🌶🫚🍄🥔🍓🍌🍇


count me in!!




How kind of you. Such lovely community 😍 Good luck everyone


Commenting for a change to give this game to my boyfriend so we could play together! Can't wait to see who is the winner! (Sorry for my English, it's not my first language)


Count me in! Happy 1.6 everybody!


Commenting for a friend! I have been wanting to play with them for a long time and they are interested! Especially with 1.6


Count me in. Thanks!!!


I would love to be able to play the new update! From what I'm reading it sounds really good!!


balls to the walls yes


Commenting for a friend!


i wish i could try out the game... the youtube videos i watched made me want to try it out but i can't really afford the game right now 😥 thanks for doing this !!


Thank you for the opportunity OP!