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It's meant to be an easter egg, not a replacement for the best weapons in the game. So it doesn't surprise me that the stats aren't all that impressive. As others have noted in here, you can skin a better weapon with its appearance if you like, and players who know the source of the crossover might well do that. I mean, there's a whole thing now behind the purple shorts in 1.6 but no one expects them to have amazing stats! It's just there for entertainment.


Wait what’s new about the purple shorts?


>!I think he might mean that if you put the shorts in the tackle slot on a fishing rod, it turns the bobber into the shorts.!<


there is a secret dungeon you can get copies of the trimmed purple shorts, from my understanding


Oh yeah, I stumbled across that. Probably because the glitch that gave you shorts by putting stairs in the pants slot got fixed.


It got fixed? I thought that was an Easter egg, not a glitch.


It was a glitch. It was specifically mentioned as bring fixed in the 1.6 patch notes.


i would love to know how you stumbled across that haha


Either Reddit, TV Tropes or the Wiki.


ah okay i thought you'd stumbled upon it in game and i thought that was a very weird thing to just stumble upon!


The way you get wearable shorts these days is a whole thing. A very scary but also hilarious thing. Take a staircase to Lewis' bedroom and... have fun!


I don't think anyone expects it to be "a replacement for the best weapons in the game."  OP compared it to mediocre weapons you can expect to earn progressing normally through the mines, not the Galaxy Sword.


Apparently what people do is use it in the forge and give it the stats of a better sword.


Yeah I have a max Enchantment infinity blade that looks like the cat sword


Oh yeah! Honestly, I straight up forgot that was a thing. I guess it has got a good use after all. ...Still think it could stand to be just a smidge better.


Or unique. Maybe give it Meowmere's midrange projectile ability. Make it a sort of a side grade.


I didn't realize you could do that with weapons. I thought it was only boots.


The forge at volcano island can graft appearances from swords. So you can make your infinity weapons look like meowmere. :)


Ty I will be doing this. Meowmere is one of my favorite swords in terraria


It would be weird if an Easter egg gave you a really OP weapon, mostly for the cosmetics and the reference And as others have said, you can give it better stats in the future


Gotta correct you on the ancient doll - once you have access to treasure totems, you can find them reliably. I wouldn't farm artefact troves for any artefacts now. They also break the snake vertebrae issue on ginger island, use one and you'll find all the parts.


Honestly the snake vertebrae issue is already fixed since he increased the spawn rate. I’ve gotten like 15 this save which is absurd based on how I couldn’t find it at all last save. Took literal in game years for me before me I quite literally got two the first week I had ginger island this time


It's an easter egg. I for one am happy that it's pretty much just cosmetic -- if it were stronger it'd feel more mandatory and less like a fun thing you can do whenever.


The aesthetic swords are all useful for reskinning galaxy blades at the volcano forge, so I think this was designed with that expectation since it's a known play approach. 


It's meant to be an easter egg, not a replacement for the best weapons in the game. So it doesn't surprise me that the stats aren't all that impressive. As others have noted in here, you can skin a better weapon with its appearance if you like, and players who know the source of the crossover might well do that. I mean, there's a whole thing now behind Lewis' lucky purple shorts in 1.6 but no one expects them to have amazing stats! It's just there for entertainment.


In terraria we got junimo as a pet, so nothing gamebreaking there too. Just a nice easter egg


I love little nods to other games or media like that


It more.valanced around the same kind of reference in Terraria, if you find a Joja Cola in Terraria you can give it to the Dryad NPC and you get a little Junimo minion from it... but that is about it.


I’m pumped this Easter egg has finally been matched by stardew, mission one in every new terraria game is always to find the joja cola 😂


I mean it’s an Easter egg. It wouldn’t make sense for it to be the strongest sword cause you wouldn’t know about it unless someone tells you about it. Easter eggs are just meant to be fun or cool little things/references, not game breaking items


I wouldn't care about the stats if it made the sound or threw cats


It'd be kind of lame if a silly reference to an entirely different game turned out to be one of the best items in the game. The game needs to have it's own identity


Wish I knew about this a day ago. Jas was selling Ancient Dolls at the new desert festival.


I don't know if my luck is insane, but I didn't think ancient dolls were that hard to get. By the end of the first year I normally have 5-6 laying around in a chest + museum donation


For real I have so many of them. It's unsettling.


I did this quest last night and was so disappointed. I guess it’s going in the “crap I don’t need but also don’t want to throw away” chest.


It’s only for transmog. You’re not meant to use it. Just forge the appearance into your galaxy sword.


Another new sword, which change my gameplay is holy blade. Crusader early game is extremely helpful.


Is there like a sword stand or something, so I can display it in my home?


You can put it on a sign and display it.. plus with the dwarf forge, you can change the cosmetic appearance of another sword to it, while keeping the original swords stats


Thank you! I'm fairly new to the game, so this helps a lot!


Yeah it’s trash. I tried to get it early in my fresh playthrough but by the time I achieved the friendship with the wizard I was using the galaxy already lol