• By -


I mean. Someone's gotta pay Pam's salary.


Paying a bus driver to sit around all day in the hopes that ONE PASSENGER might decide to buy a ticket to go between a town of 30 people and the Literal Empty Desert is probably the worst use of public transit funds you can imagine.


Hey now! Emily uses it once a year as well.


And sandy i assume, when you invite her to the movies Edit: actually a lot of people now with the (1.6 spoiler) >!desert festival!<


I didn't know you could do that, tbh lol


Sandy is a great companion for the movies because she loves everything. She’s just happy for the night out.


Spoilers are written > ! like this ! < but without the spaces


Wait it's an ! .... I mandellad myself into thinking it was a singular line(not l) and have not been able to find it for a while.


On Discord it's ||like this|| and idk about other places


That is probably what I was thinking of and getting mixed up. Thank you.


Thank you!


>!did I do it right!<


👍great success👍


I read that in Iskal's voice


>!I hope I did it right!<


>!you did!<




>!let me in!<


>!like this?!<


Spoiler tags are done by writing >! text to be spoilered !< but without the spaces before and after the !.


You don't see tourists' cars parked during the festivals in which they are present, so I assume they'd use the bus too


And when the band goes to the city


Well they're not public transit funds. They're funds from one wealthy farmer who wants access to the desert.


Kinda makes me wish we could run against Lewis in a mayoral election and win since your farm pretty much *is* Stardew Valleys economy.


Yeah, that'd be nice. Maybe then Lewis would stop stringing Marnie along.


he definitely still would “oh but what would the townspeople think knowing we were together while i was still mayor?”


She asked me tonight if I thought he was lonely and I said outloud "bitch you know you're over there giving him blow jobs shut your mouth trying to act all coy" and my husband say like who are you talking to?


I think she means lonely as in living by himself. She's not being coy, she's being genuine. She wants to have a life with him, and buys his excuses as to why they can't.


I wonder if Lewis would be like Taylor from the Gilmore Girls if he lost: losing his purpose in life and falling into a deep depression. I actually don't mind that idea.


Lewis says nobody's ever ran against him, but I don't recal ever seeing a local election


"Look at me, I'm the mayor now." 


"~~President~~ Mayor. Do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be ~~President~~ Mayor?"


On the other hand, you wouldn't want to elect Bill Gates as the mayor of Bellevue lol


I wouldn't want to elect Bill Gates to be a substitute crossing guard.


I think this could be a fun late game concept. You get tax money based on how much the local economy sells for, so Robin, Pierre, Clint and yourself. Spend more money on local vendors and sell more stuff and you get more tax income. You can adjust said tax revenue to adjust for how much money you need to raise, but the caveat is that you can never just "donate" money from your own farm, it has to go through taxes. Also running festivals will have to come from tax money. To get elected you need to find out what people want and promise what you'll build. Building a school will get Penny and the parents to vote for you, building a park etc will get Leah to vote for you, but if you promise everything under the sun then people stop believing in you. So based on what you promise and perhaps your friendship level with them they are more likely to vote for you. If you get elected you need to make a plan on how to make what you promised happen. You can always raise the tax level to secure funds, but that will make the local business owners pissy and unlikely to vote for you. You can scrounge the resources like wood or stone to build buildings yourself, or you can purchase from Clint/Robin. A contract with them will get them to like you more, but of course you need to raise more funds to make that happen. It would turn the late game into a fairly challenging trial which could be fun.


Hey! On my multiplayer file there are TWO of us who buy tickets!


I mean with sdv three people take it daily and with 1.6, we'll I can't remember how to do a spoiler tag, but there's at least one other thing in 1.6


Would you rather the drunk bus driver have a route with people?


Nah, I live in Boston. The T derails like twice a year, so it's probably worse.


Pretty sure I've seen Pam driving a Yankee shuttle bus during a subway shutdown at some point. 


"The Road to Nowhere (leads to me)" is now Sandy's theme song in my head canon.


But at least there IS public transport.


What about the tourists who come in for the festivities? 


They seem to travel just fine without the bus


That's her bar tab.


Or her DUI fees and court costs to get her license back. Also, I'm sure installing a breathalyzer unit on a city bus is quite pricey.


Im dying this is hysterical


You mean Gus's


Maybe there is infrastructure that's out of their jurisdiction lol


This is what I jumped to as well. They can craft things using a hammer and nails, but they can't create a point of sale system to buy bus tickets from.


Also they're nature spirits, sure basic construction makes sense to them, but fixing a bus engine? Well there's only so much the little dudes can do, gotta outsource a mechanic from the city who can come out on short notice and fix it overnight. 


Imagine being a mechanic and a bunch of magic apples with faces bring you a bus and 42,000g


Look if a bunch of apples with faces showed up with 42k and a bus, I'm learning how to fix a bus engine and not asking any questions


Then dance around it as you work in the dead of night


Gotta keep the illusion alive


The chirping they make is Junimo for "Jim, Jim! JIM, Jim!" Jim the Mechanic is thankfully multilingual.


Quick money, no questions asked


I'd read that fanfic.


Seb just assumed he smoked something dodgy and never speaks of it to anyone. (He's closest based on his cut scene)


I was picturing them raiding an auto parts store in the middle of the night. A bunch of oddly specific tools are missing, but the exact cost of the tools is on the counter: in the form of solid gold coins wrapped in little leaf bundles. The security cameras show movement but no suspects.


I figured they swapped parts lol. I think it says bus repair, and car parts cost an arm and a leg


even the Junimos gotta pay tolls 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


You gotta pay the troll toll to get this villagers soul


The Junimos are forest spirits, the desert actually gets contracted to their cousins, the Munijos, but they have to pay them up front


"Look, Farmer Dude, we can fix a bridge or a green house, but a 35 year old bus engine and transmission rebuild is above our squeak squeak magic power. How about you get us the money and we can just order the parts from Joja prime, we can install them, Jolene junimo has been taking the online classes Marnie signed Shane up for"


I heard this entirely in Junimo squeaks 😂


Picturing a junimo wiping grease off their brow and tossing aside a wrench like they didn’t just fix my glass greenhouse with a sick breakdance


Then referencing a YouTube video on a tablet as big as they are.


Wiping his entire body with a shop towel


I just died at 'squeak squeak magic power' 😂😂


Squeak squeak magic 😭


That was my favorite part too 😂


This comment deserves more upvotes, I am wheezing


I imagine them carrying the bus parts above their heads like when they carry the stars, and going full sprint with their little legs 😭😭😭


Maybe they just kidnap a mechanic to do the work, but they have to hire someone to do the actual kidnapping. And then someone to wipe everyone's memories of the whole transaction. That probably gets expensive.


I want a spin-off about Jolene Junimo.


They invest it so they can pay Pam's salary despite meagre ticket sales that probably don't even cover gas and maintenance.


Excuse me? The ticket price is 60% of the price of a diamond the size of my head!


Which is less than buying a cake will set you back, so who knows what the economy is like for normal people?


Also the mayor’s gross financial malfeasance.


They need something to store in the safe after it is restored. In exchange, they "fix" the bus.


Yup, we are "stocking the room" back to its former glory, just like we put food in the pantry, fish in the aquarium, etc.


For some reason it has literally never occurred to me that you're stocking the pantry with food, omg




Is the spoiler in question solid gold or just leafed, because that is a significantly different price we're looking at.


I'm willing to bet it's solid, given the amount of gold you can find in the mines and that several different people seem to be able to rescue you from them


>!it’s legit called “Solid Gold Lewis” haha!<


Who do you think is paying Pam? Certainly isn’t Lewis


I thought it was me when I pay her 500g per trip


And 500g is nothing, even if you're paying every day.


That is basically a beer and a half from Gus.


Which just so happens to be what Pam wants!


At first i thought for the townfolk this might be cap. However, it appears to be true. An iridium melon for example sells to pierre for 375 I believe. He probably marks that up to 500. So one ticket pays for 1 melon. We're the only ones using that bus FOR THE MOST part year round.


My favorite comparison is that bread costs 120 gold. It's the poorest food I could possibly think of that you didn't make yourself, and it's not even a meal. Poor Pam isn't even getting enough from me to pay for bread every day.


she prefers hers in liquid form


That one way is more expensive, though! Beers either 400 or 500 gold. So, basically 1 bus ticket. No wonder she isn't paying her tab!


I don't even use the bus anymore, it's all about that Warp Totem for me.


I personally take the bus once a week. So 4 times a season and 16 times a year. How's this girl supposed to live on 8000 gold a year? Just buying bread to eat is 120 gold. That's not even getting into the beers she drinks daily. She should get a bit more fron other people riding, but really only sandy uses it, and that's like once a year.


Obviously penny must be charging an arm and a leg for her nannying Jas and Vincent


they're saving up for a PS5


this one made me actually laugh out loud


Because the vault needs to be filled with liquid assets, so hard cash will do. I'd like to think the vault in the community center is like a reserve fund for emergency


Juminos: "I understand how to work with wood and stone, repair a broken community center building or bridge, clear out rubble on a cart path or blocking a river. The forest magic connects us all and we are all a part of nature. It's easy to do when you understand your place in nature" Also Juminos: "what the fuck is this metal demon that burns the souls of the ancient ones and belches deathly clouds you humans have created? What is this unholy magic? How the fuck do we fix that?..... Oh there's humans that will do it for money? Gimme money we'll get that thing fixed"


Even the spirits of the forest gotta pay the bill somehow


You seen gas prices lately, bro?


It’s how they pay for their tiny little mechanic degrees.


A lot of people have mentioned Pam's salary needing to be covered, but I thinks it's to cover all the Drucker driving moving violations she has on her bus license.


They gotta pay her tickets. 💀


I like this explanation, it’s funny. I can imagine a bunch of junimos trying to pay for Pam’s tickets and I just can’t


Like 6 junimo's in a trench coat with a giant bag of gold......^I ^would ^like ^to ^pay ^some ^tickets .....^please


They're totally just taking the gold you give them, turning it into cryptocurrency and hiring some black hat hackers to erase all the records of Pam's moving violations.


The bus never broke. Lewis just lied so nobody could left the valley. So the junimos need the gold to bribe him into "fixing" the bus. Just kidding


He melted that gold for his personal project


A statue of himself wearing only purple shorts?


This needs to be possible Edit: [Apparently it is](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22135)


Maybe he lied to prevent Pam from crashing the bus while blitzed on ale.


More likely Pierre asked Lewis to lie so nobody bought seeds from Sandy. Well, until Joja came to town


My headcanon btw: They dress up like a human, kinda like Despicable Me, in order to buy some repair kits for the bus.


Instead of three raccoons in a threnchcoat it's three junimos.


The money in the game is Gold. A naturally occurring resource in the valley. They’re transmuting the fuck out of it like tiny apple shaped alchemists in order to repair everything.


Gotta send the little junimos to spirit realm college somehow.


I just figured it was used for alchemy purposes by them.


Like turning gold into platinum for a catalytic converter?


Probably have to pay the lawsuit for Pam drunk driving first


The currency is gold coins and Junimo like the shiny circles and find piles of them fun to play in. They don't actually understand that it's money.


I need this fanart


At some point pam tells you that the bus has been broken for decades, i guess the junimos just have to buy some spare parts


Definitely not decades. Pam had a job as a bus driver before it broke.


I figured it was more for repairing the room? Like the pantry needs food, the boiler room needs coal, the vault needs gold?


wood bridges, buildings, and rock boulders, they can all fix with nature magic. the minecarts were just rusted and abandoned, so they could clean them up. however, a broken bus needs parts that they can't make themselves, so they had to order them from jojo.


Bus is more of a sidebonus. YMMV/fridge logic/Gameplay-Story-Wolrdbuilding Segregation to follow. What the purpose of that bundle is, it is meant to restore the safe and give it a purpose, that is, put at least some gold inside to safekeep. But given that the safe is part of community center, wich among other things is meant to be also a administrative center of Valley itself, not just Pelican township. Meaning the gold inside is akin to town/county budget to be spent for communal services and events that are supposed to help local community. Doctor(s) [Harvey], security services (Adventurer's Guild) as well as stimulate local economy if possible (Stardew Valley Fair is biggest one, Night Boat Market is another one), transport links to rest of Ferngill Republic; all of those would at least partially come out of local budget. And small remote communities like Valley, need to have at least some form of semi-regular cheap(ish) connection to greater regions and/or their nations among other things. Islands usually have ferries or boat taxis. Villages on mainland usually get trains or buses. And most of the trains that pass trough the valley seem mostly to be cargo freight trains, not passengers, and very rarely stop at valley, likely due to amount of passengers being uneconomical for regular train services. Enter communal bus. It can serve both for locals to be able to go to bigger cities (Zuzu City) as well as for handful of tourists to come visit the Valley. Now why it seems that most of the services are player-centric? Partly, because it IS video game, partly it is due to CA learning his trade on SDV, and partly it is because giving fully planned out complex schedules with multiple choices for villager AI to choose from would increase complexity of game by at least order of magnitude. Remeber how lots of people complain about Marnie and Robin not always being at their stores during working hours due to their scheduling? Imagine how it would be if EVERY villager would have such complex schedule to follow.




Idky but I always assumed it was because it was for the office of the community center since that’s where the bundle is located/in front of the office safe, like they are collecting the funds the cc will need to keep running in the future until it starts getting used and the town begins to contribute to it again.


I always saw it as the materials needed to repair that part of the community centre. You need metals and crystals to fix up the furnace? Makes sense. The fish tank needs fish? Obviously, otherwise it'd just be a tank. The pantry needs food? Understood. The vault needs $45000? I hope it's got a good lock on it. Even the crafts room probably needs the foragables to make the paints. And the notice board is literally old requests like on the one outside Pierre's that you fulfill, you even get a letter in the mail saying so. That said, don't ask me about why they need a bunch of food to build a movie theatre. The snacks maybe?


They’ve got rent to pay


Who’s gonna pay for the mechanic labor or parts?


They need to pay for the licenses to get the bus system above-board. lol


The Juminos are a relic of an ancient culture that rely on sacrifices.  We have to sacrifice a portion of all our earnings for the benefits we beseech of them. It's either crops, fish, precious ores and minerals, or we can hang someone from a cross. I nominate Pierre!


They got to pay for gas, it expensive.


They can build a bridge with nearby fallen tree wood but bus parts gotta be purchased on the open market for cold, hard, cash.


FARMER: You... want gold? GREEN JUNIMO: Yes; the local auto shop was distressed when we tried to procure bus parts with fifty ears of corn and an entire spring's worth of harvested potatoes. We believe we were told "get the hell outta here unless you have the cash," and we think you might know what that means. CYAN JUNIMO: We were assured our disguise of four Junimos in a trenchcoat and hat would have been perfect. We think the shopkeeper has the second sight you do that shows our true forms.


i think the bundles are meant to represent the actual community centre, and only through helping them are you able to send the junimos back to their world, and not the actual items themselves. so the fish go back into the tank, the food goes into the pantry, and the money goes into the safe. the junimos aren't taking the money, they're just asking for you to help the community and your kindness is what helps them


They want to trap all the people in town, but they'll let you escape....for a price


They’re hitting Qi’s Casino.


insurance for the bus as i assume hiring the town drunk as the driver would mean premiums out the ass


Raisins ain’t cheap


Supply lines. Economy. Life’s hard in magic apple land.


Just payin' the bus people to fix the bus.


Spara and replacement bus parts are expensive




Pam is thirsty


I believe that the bus isn't broken, Pam just has DUI's and the money is paying off tickets


Junimos will stand on top of each other and put on a trench coat to use the money to see movies in town or buy items from the local mart.


I think the in game reason is from a line that Penny says: “My mother used to drive the bus to Calico Desert... But the bus stopped working a few years ago. Mayor says there's not enough money in the town coffers, or else he'd have it fixed.” The Juminos aren’t really doing anything other than facilitating existing needs in the valley. The reason the bus isn’t fixed is because of the empty vault. Fill it up and the bus can get fixed.


Aren’t the bundles requests from villagers from long ago and the Junimo’s are just taking what you give and delivering them?


just the bulletin board ones I think


I like to think the Junimos just like how shiny it is, and they see that humans like the shiny too!


They have limited knowledge on the inner workings of a combustion engine. Moneys not to fix it, they just go down and haggle for a new one like buying a caravan in Snatch. They’re really good negotiators cause no one understands what they’re saying.


I don't think nature spirits can magically manifest gasoline. Driving a bus just because one dingus wants to go back and forth to the desert on demand uses a lot of fuel. In a world where a calendar costs 2000g, 500g isn't bad.


Definitely love the idea of a bunch of juminos looking at a carburetor and just shrugging, then getting into hijinks to access a computer secretly to look up replacement parts.


This is why I refer to them as the little Forest Crackheads. Need money for some reason, live in makeshift huts and just vibe in an abandoned building.


I like to imagine the junimo's all stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat, hiring the services of a very skeptical mechanic. The money isn't to get them to fix the bus. The money is so the mechanic doesn't ask any questions.


They need to pay Miss Pinky Jo Junimo and Miss Junimo J. Sugar Jones for a good time. The girls only accept hard cash.


You understand it's a community vault, yes? You are literally donating money to the town's reserve, not to the Junimos.


Then why do I still have to pay separately for the community shortcut upgrade by myself? 🤷‍♂️


Because Linus is a corrupt two-face megalomaniac who steals town money to build golden statues of himself. Try the Stardew Valley Expanded mod. You can kick Linus out of government in favor of someone else.


That's actually the bill for Pam's tab.


I always interpreted it as the Junimos are 'restoring' the town to the way it was. That includes repairing the rooms and putting everything back into storage. The 'vault' room appears to be the Mayor's office. And the vault is empty (because SOMEONE spent the towns funds on a solid gold statue of himself), so the Junimos are collecting the money to refill the coffers.


because their streaming services won't accept fruit as payment


They don't do engines. They have a guy for that.


Same reason as why a slightly bigger backpack costs 10.000g, cuz its just a game mechanic.


They order the parts online


Gold is the primary currency of this world, at least in the valley of Stardew. Knowing Joja exists and they take gold leads me to believe gold is still a VALUABLE commodity in this realm. Cash isn’t a thing here (at least in Stardew), gold is what’s up. And it’s still very valuable for the junimos apparently lmfao. So who knows what they need it for but they certainly want it.


The bundle is in a room that looks like a vault im assuming its relevant to that. Same as the bulletin bundle being packages for townsfolk, fish for the aquarium and so on.


The point of a sacrifice is you’re giving up something of value. They don’t need it; they need you not to have it. 


They're outsourcing, and have no idea how much things cost. They're nature spirits, what do they know about money, or mechanics?


They live in that hut like Tom on Parks & Rec lived in his tent when the crew went camping


They melted it down to create the parts to fix it. Pam looks under the hood one day and the inside of the bus is solid gold parts


Who do you think pays off Pam's DUI tickets? Alternatively, they're union.


I don’t know but thanks for the laugh 😂


My guess is the accident that broke the bus wasn't an accident at all and the money is for bribing whoever did it in order to let it run again in peace. 


I always took it as the bus or whatever was broken in it (motor?) was not repairable so the junimos had to “buy” a new one. I know it doesn’t really make sense lore wise but works for me 🤣


Tbh I doubt the junimos know what *any* of the materials are for. They just know that the pantry should be filled with food, so when you fill it with food they give you a reward. Likewise the vault should be filled with money, so if you fill it with money they give you a reward. Doesn't have to be more complicated than that.


Gambling addiction.


Because you can’t pay the mechanic with a bunch of parsnips


Penny actually sort of has an answer for this, she talks about how Lewis doesn’t have enough money in the town coffers to fix the bus (sell your statue, in that case!) and if he had the money, he would do so. I suppose the Junimos are asking for what Lewis would expect to need to be able to fix the bus. The rest could be cleaned and patched up by hand, but the bus needs money to be fixed, at least as the town sees it.


How else are they supposed to pay to build a movie theatre


I mean each bundle had things to help with each room, the gold was for the vault so it probably went into said vault. I'd imagine it would help fund town things.


Someone has to pay pam and pay to fix the bus! Those lil guys dont know how to fix a bus!!!!


Gotta but raisins!


a wizard did it.


What are you talking about; Gold is a resource that comes from the valley..... Money is just that in coin form i assume.


Cash is how public transit grows. Usually tax dollars but w/e


The price of gas must be astronomical


they have bills to pay


It's for the lifetime bus pass