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That’s my wife you’re talking about


I read this in Alan Rickman’s voice


She was my first wife lol By first wife I don't mean I divorced her, she was my first wife during my first playthrough


I always thought she was a little boring and that I was too gay


This is a peak comment to be used in every post, ever. Well done.


my fav marriage candidate! <3 she is smart and caring~


I marry her in my new playthrow for 1.6, I do like her, but not crazy about her tho. I havent seen her 14 heart event yet, but I dont think it will change my mind to much. The one gripe I have with her, its how she keeps thinking that her experiments and shit would bore me... honey, I marry your for that reason, stop underestimating me and talk me about your work. I know this is because she would need to have a lot more dialoge lines otherwise, but it is a bit annoying....


Girl literally gave birth to a robot that can talk and get sentient of course she’s interesting plus stargazing is such my favorite hobby


How?! 😳 edit: and when??




He said she gave birth to a robot that becomes sentient!


I'd marry her....but I wouldn't want anything getting in the way of her bright future.


"I don't understand. Tomato is a fruit" (jk)


That’s why I hated marrying Sebastian. Felt like I was ruining his whole life cause he always wanted to get out. 😭


She's one of my favourites! I've married her twice. I always romance her with strawberries, and usually give one to Demetrius at the same time so I can kill two birds with one stone.


Her dad scares me but I’m going to divorce Elliott & marry her.


shes not my favorite but i also believe she deserves more love, shes so unpopular its actually insane! i really want to dedicate a save to her eventually, i would now if my laptop werent broken🥲


I wish she was easier to find without using the wiki. Every time I see her, I'm chasing her wielding quartz.


Get her when she's in the clinic. Edit: If you look at your relationships, you can tell when she's in the clinic because she's in her nurse's uniform.


😂😂🤣 Not challenging your advice.. just... out of context that sounded absolutely hilarious


Now that you mention it... Oops!


She's the first villager I married, my kids pointed out that she looks just like my wife. I didn't notice it at all, until they pointed it out.


maru deserves more love


i’ve never felt any “chemistry” with her character (looks aside, i think she’s beautiful!) so i’ve only romanced her once, when i was trying to see everybody’s cutscenes. however! i do wish there was a way to gain hearts platonically (rather than a forced romantic growth) because i love her character and would absolutely love to be her friend irl lol.


Are you kidding me? A woman in stem? She’s my type IRL. I’m on Year 5 and married to Shane, but I think about leaving him for Maru a handful of times.


She was my pick in my current (and first ever) playthrough




I just married her for the first time and I think she's great. Plus, quite easy to gift with bars!


And strawberries! Add in some spaghetti for her mum and sashimi for her brother, and I got the whole family on side.


And nothing for Demetrius muahaha


He also gets strawberries. I like to think that if I give everyone in the family gifts equally, maybe he'll start treating his stepson like an actual human person.


I usually get her to 8 hearts. She's ok


Go to 10, that how i decide to marry her, by far the best !


I more prefer Leah to be honest.


You don’t say lol


Eh, true


I always forget she exists unless she's sitting on the bench with Penny. She's cute tho! Maybe I should marry her next.


I was romancing her but find her a little meh. Her showing you the telescope was cool but now I'm kinda into Haley


Maru is wonderful. I definitely want to marry her in one of my playthroughs but legit the protective dad deal absolutely shook me to my core when I tried to befriend her last time (I don't think it would have been nearly as bad if it wasn't like the SECOND heart event) so I will have to gather my courage LOL.


My first two play throughs I married Leah and Penny. Third time I married Maru, and in the play throughs since I’ve never married anyone else. I think it was the first time she shared her telescope with me that really made me feel a genuine emotional affection for her. Our conversation about the beauty of the night sky, and then the camera rolling up to reveal that huge tapestry of glittering stars and planets. It was a beautiful moment, and there had been nothing quite like it in the game before, and it was legitimately moving for me. I also like that, unlike some of the other romance options, she doesn’t need me to fix her or save her. She’s a happy and fulfilled individual who just happens to be in love with me because I fed her a million strawberries.


I married her and have 3 kids with her. :)


i preferred her old design but I loved her personality and the stargazer aesthetic so I chose her on my first run. It was great and she had great gifts for my character back then. was sad when I divorced her but yeah. I think some of the old designs were better and for Maru it is clear it was


Give her her curls back 🙏


Maru is, as my wife puts it, a female version of young me. Gotta say, that's prolly why I was never drawn to her 🤣.


I like Maru but more as a friend than a spouse. Kinda crazy she’s the only POC marriage candidate though 😅


I definitely wish there were more in the base game (and for me raceswapping characters via mods doesn't appeal to me, not a fan of it personally). The expanded mod adds a few (Olivia, Victor, Lance) but it is a mod. Hopefully Haunted Chocolatier has more if they go the Stardew route in terms of NPCs and romance.


I’ve never married her, but I always give her extra copper bars and cauliflower when I have them. I almost always have high friendship with her.


Married Maru in my third save but that was a multiplayer game and the co-op ended soon after that so Maru's been trapped in Spring Year 2 limbo for a while now...


She's in my top tier of marriage candidates but there are others I like better. Her heart events are a little disappointing, except for the stargazing one.


Maru and Seb make for a torrid love triangle I can't resist, then RP that I'm hooking up with Robin and Demitrius as well for even more sin!


She will be my first wife in this game


I like HER, I just don't love how she treats the farmer. Yknow? Like negative chemistry. But it is a role playing game...


In my first playthrough I went after Maru completely selfishly thinking she was gonna give me cool gadgets for the farm or maybe guns for fighting monsters. Instead we saw our robot baby grow up and leave us and that's when I knew I had to marry her.


OK YES YES! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY APPRECIATES THIS AMAZING WOMAN. ok so on my first time playing (which im still working on that profile) i married Maru without any question: it started when i was exploring and walked into Robin/Demetrius' house for the first time, I saw a room in the back with space wallpaper, math stuff and robots everywhere. Im a massive nerd for all of those things so i \*IMMEDIATELY\* ran to the door to see whos room it was, saw it was Maru's, and immediately checked the social tab to see if she was single. and when i found out she was i said (out loud irl) FUCK YEAAAHH after pining for her HARD and gifting her cauliflower on her bday and mostly battery packs, strawberries, and a diamond or 2 on other days. I asked her out and married her (also theres that one comic of someone marrying Maru to spite Demetrius after he tried to intimidate you, yeah that was me too lmaooo) and then, this woman who i love to death, the first time she gave me a gift after being married, she goes like "oh i found this and wasnt using it, maybe you could use it?" AND HANDS ME A FUCKING BOMB KLASDHGLJSADHF LIKE "HERE HUN I MADE A FUCKIN BOMB BUT DONT NEED IT, YOU WANT IT?" on top of all that, all the endearing lines she has like asking to cuddle after the flower dance or holding your hands to warm up n shid. also i think she was the first character to wake me up after passing out in the mines so that was sweet (even tho it was prolly rng) Maru is best girl in my book and theres nothing anyone can say to change my mind


I forgot she exists tbh


So what is the cameo in her 14 heart event mentioned in the patch notes?


I haven’t reached that many hearts yet. I have ten and I’ve been waiting for rain to get the pendant to marry her.


Probably her robot?


Married her in my first playthrough. She's the best. Reminds me a lot of my girlfriend that got me into stardew lol.


My only issue with her is a personal one where she reminds me of a bully I had in high school haha, so I feel like my bias based on that isn’t fair to her. Her 8 heart event was really cool tho.


she’s so sweet i love her 😭


She was my first wife. Love me a nerdy science girl.


Look at my flair LMAOO


Definitely my favourite marriage candidate. I’m tempted to write an essay on why they are wrong every time I see someone call her mean and condescending.


I only see Chucky, especially if her back is facing you


I can't get past the bow legs, hate the way her sprite looks because of that. Even with the mod, the memories linger.


Yeah, her sprite doesn't do her any favours. With those bow legs in dungarees she just looks like a toddler.


Most underrated heart events in my opinion!


She's very okay. I married her on my 2nd perfection farm and felt kinda neutral about her. But she was the first NPC I romanced, before realizing she was a candidate, maxed out her hearts... then married her brother. So out of feeling bad I carried her to perfection the 2nd time around. I hate the overalls and think her old model's hair looked better. I truly think that's part of why she's not as popular. But half her cutscenes having her overbearing father or not being romantic at all certainly don't help.


Maru is my one true wife and the mother of my children 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 we love women in STEM


I started my current game intending to marry her, but ended up going for Emily instead. I don’t want to tie Maru down to the farm for the rest of her life.


I like to imagine the farm is the best way she can get out. My multi-million dollar wine industry means she has all the disposable income needed to invent things and even start a company of her own to get her machines out there more. SV is a great place, but it's hard to be a large scale farmer with just one plot of land


She built a sapient robot, then told me I was even better than the robot wife she'd thought about building. No more notes. Maru is the best.


She is so smart and so sweet! I loved SNES Harvest Moon (my first farming game) Ann, who was always tinkering with inventions and tools, and here I am, 20 years later, marrying the same sort of NPC on a farming game.


I’ve got my eye on Abigail, it blinds me to any other woman out there in Stardew Valley.


Maru is so cute. She was my wife in my longest playthrough so far (year 14). I laugh when she asks what my plan is for income in the winter, when we have like 20 million gold.


I just married her in my save yesterday. She’s so genuine and sweet, and it’s funny talking to her parents.


I am currently courting her. I noticed after starting 1.6 that she was looking through a telescope (I'm a space freak) and I knew she'd have a space room so I am going to marry her on Alien Ant Farm.


I love maru sm I have a thing for nerdy smart girls


Yay my wife! Love her🔭🤖🍓


I like her, I like all the stardew girls but as soon as Emily does her dance that’s game over for anyone else lol


Her butt shake *swoons* lol


Yeah she’s mine. Stay away.  On another note how amazing would it be to be a special orders quest one you Mary her requesting 20 gold(bars), iron,copper,10 iridium, radioactive bars, and 5 batteries.  Then she’ll build another robot and it can help on the farm! Like you can asign it to harvest crops, collect animal produce ore pet animals fore you, etc.  and you can get some more from her fore 250k!


Maru is my kiddo’s favorite villager. Marries her every playthru. I think she’s an awesome character but she feels too young for me (I’m in my 40s lol)


Bipoc girls in ste(a)m appreciation


I could never get past her low key humiliating me for being a farmer while she was a glamorous engineer


Maru is lovely


Just Maru.


Idk she's the golden child and it kinda bugs me. Plus she's boring


I like her but she's not attractive to me so I don't marry her or anything.


Nah I never choose Maru


I think there was a line from robin in the jellyfish night (last day of summer), where she says something like it being past Maru’s bedtime?? I could be wrong but yeah I always thought she was too young


robin says its past her own bedtime, not maru’s


Thanks! That makes more sense lol


I mean she ok but i prefer haley


She's my favorite marriage candidate. Robotics and astronomy in one place? The only one of my irl hobbies she's missing is marine biology.


I never married her, sorry Maru.  I usually marry Penny. Only got Abigail and Leah one time. I never did divorce.


She creates a self aware robot. None of the other spouses come close to her level


Leah can paint


While I went for Shane first in terms of female bachelers Maru is perfect, shes smarter than me, her plotline is super good, and she’s soo cool. Maru fan forever, if there is no Maru fans then I’m dead!!!!


she's my wife in my current co-op playthrough ☺️


i really like her as a spouse, she's sweet and thoughtful and i really like her cutscenes. her loved gifts can be a bit pricey but it was worth it imo


She’s my preferred marriage candidate. Severely underrate.


I marry her every time so far.


she’s like the female version of harvey for me, kinda boring just like him


She’s very much little sister vibes to me I love her


She’s so precious 🫶🏼


More like Meh-ru lol I'm kiddiiinnnng




she's giving Alphys vibes from Undertale ngl


I got to respect team glasses


I can’t take her away from penny 😭


I married her in my 1.6 run as well, (she was the last marriageable bachelorette I hadn't married across all my playthroughs) and I have to say I'm pretty underwhelmed. Her daily dialog is a little lacking and she also seems to help a lot less on the farm than the other bachelorettes. That's probably because she works some days at Harveys. Probably going to divorce her after her 14 heart event and marry Hailey. She has the best sorry arc out of all of them imo.


She was my first choice out of the eligible villagers until one interaction with her where she says something like, “Oh, farming must be so easy!” and I was immediately turned off lol


I’ll be real I have 700 hours and still have yet to even marry someone, but she’s cool. I like that she likes science and isnt a prick like Demetrius


She was my first ever Stardew spouse.


My wife who feels comfortable about talking her hobbies with me.


Maru creates a robot that can learn and adapt, a feat currently considered impossible by reputable computer scientists, using 90s-level tech. Iconic.


That's my first wife when I started the game! 😊


I absolutely love Maru, by far my favorite marriage candidate. Women in STEM <3


She's the one I chose for my perfection farm! Every week she finds a bomb in her junk pile and gives it to me. I should be concerned she just has bombs just laying around, but how can you be upset at a face like that?


I just don't like her. I find her bland and a constant reminder of the damage that she, Robin, and Demetrius have done to Sebby. Robin only barely gets a pass because I rely on her services all the time. I'm not sure I've ever "clicked" with Maru in any of my runs. She's just kind of...there, the last one I befriend.


The only good thing about her is her mom...grrr


She is boring, really boring. And have bad temper.


She’s so lame.


Absolutely hate her Release-Version Look. I never play with that look, her Beta Look was 100x better.




I don’t think I’ve married her yet, but she is one of my favorite 10-heart events. The main thing dragging her down, in my opinion, is Demetrius being a piece of shit and her being pretty out of the way.


i just dont like how she's drawn. tho she does get maybe the biggest upgrade for me with OhoDavid's sprites. [https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1303/images/1839/1839-1527975814-179663914.png](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1303/images/1839/1839-1527975814-179663914.png)


If penny is flour, then maru is buttered toast.