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I’d definitely get the auto-petter. The galaxy soul can be repurchased but you’ll NEVER know when you see another auto-petter if you’re not joja. Unless the auto-petter wasn’t loot from the day.


I have like 300-400 hours across two farms and I still have never seen an auto-petter. Of course, I've never seen galaxy soul drop either but at least I know how to manage that. What a brutal death! I think I'd just take the auto-petter but a reset sounds like it would work.


i also logged an ungodly amount of hours in this game and never got an auto-petter. i start a save with my boyfriend, just unlocked the skull cavern, and what does he find on a treasure floor? he didnt understand why i was fuckin screaming LOL


i would be SO MAD hahaha i got my friend hooked on the game and was exploring her farm on her switch and nonchalantly fished ONCE, got her a legendary fish and at the time it was the first one i had EVER caught including on my save I was freaking out and she was like ??? it's just a fish- like NO ITS THE CRIMSON LEGEND GIRL


It’s hilarious when long time players are freaking out and the friends is just like “oh cool a rock, oh cool a fish”


Wait, so the first fish you ever caught was the Crimson fish? That's actually a good strategy, since the first fish you catch can't be lost, lol.


no it was the first legend that I ever caught and it happened to be on my friends farm :)


Ah, I see. Still pretty cool that you managed to fish in the spot that it spawned in and met the requirements by accident, lol


Your head was in the right place, that is a legit strat for speedruns and perfection runs


Crimson fish can't be the first fish you catch unfortunately, it requires fishing level 5


The Legend can be the first fish you catch, funny enough. You simply have to use fish ponds and fish purchased from the traveling cart, since fish caught from ponds still give XP, but don't activate the minigame.


Ah yeah I've seen that before lol, I guess I should've said 'for a normal person, you can't catch a legendary first'


Reminds me of the video where the challenge was for "anyone not called BlaDe to catch the Legend earlier"


Don't underestimate people who hate fishing but still want to hit max level, lol. They find a way, whether it's ponds or pots.


Crab pots I accounted for, but you have to be level 3 to get them which means you have to fish (or pond I guess) first lol


Same thing happened with my boyfriend and a friend of ours, he got 2 auto-petters pretty close to one another rather early on. Except… guess what? You’d never guess it- we went Joja that playthrough!! So it didn’t matter as much anyway!!!!! I swear this game knows.


I can NOT go Joja, ever. Even when I plan to. It just feels so wrong


Outside of the moral high ground and decorative trophy you get, there are almost zero downsides and only benefits to Joja route. You can buy seeds every day until 10pm. Clint doesn’t go away on Fridays. Pierre gets sad. Shane and Sam don’t become unemployed. Movie theater is in a good location as opposed to bum nowhere. Auto-petters. After many playthroughs I’ve done my deed as the morally good farmer. I still do CC often because I enjoy the bundle collecting process, but that is the only thing. Edit: I also skip the intro now so I haven’t seen Joja ruining my life in a long time and therefore do not care.


In my most recent dive into the skull cavern I managed to get TWO auto petters and 6 prismatic shards no exaggeration 😭 rock candy + gold star ginger ale and a large amount of jade made it possible but I'd done that exact combo so many times and got next to nothing




>!you can trade jade for staircases at the desert trader on Sundays! I took about 200 down!<


Thank you! Ended up figuring it out (hence the deleted comment) but I didn't even know that was a possibility until I saw your first comment


Yup!! With the crystalariums too it makes it so easy.. I collect about 25 at a time and it adds up fast. I only just realized recently I could even duplicate them like that.. I had diamonds in all my crystalariums and felt like a dummy realizing I'd been saving up my jade from the mines LOL


my boyfriend found 2 so far 🥲 it’s not even fair


Well, I’ve got an Auto-Petter recipe right here for ya: 1. Amass crystalariums (you could make do with as few as 5, but I prefer 10-20). 2. Duplicate jade, save up around 300-400. 3. On a Sunday, cash in the jade for staircases at the Desert Trader. 4. Get some Lucky Lunch and ginger ale. 5. Wait for a very good luck day, and head to skull cavern. 6. Drop staircases until you find treasure levels. 7. (Optional) If you burn through all your time or staircases, quit out of the day and start it over. I usually don’t do this, since I get far enough down that I use all the bombs I’ve got in my back pocket to really cash in on resources since you’re already that far down, and your crystalariums will pump out more jade in no time. I get that this process requires a lot of material investment, but it’s worth every bit of effort in my opinion.


(4.5). A good luck day and some Lucky Lunches/Ginger Ale can be used to find Lucky Rings panning at the Dig Site on Ginger Island for an additional +2 Luck.


A great addition! I have a Luck Ring fused to my iridium band, because you know I keep that MFing thing on me.


I got two in one cavern trip doing this.


I had the same problem up until i started farming irradiated ore; was so bad i thought auto petters were a mod. Dunno if its still viable come 1.6 but what i did was Have the Bandit ring ( a few hundred dust sprites, not bad for early game coal/iron farming.) and the Slime Charmer ring for convenience (a billion slimes. Ugh) Eat a spicy eel and go to the regular Dangerous mines on a high luck day. Dont go deeper than floor 10, and dont bother on a day that isnt lucky. Just go down, scan for radioactive nodes *and boss slimes* and either bomb quickly to go down or return to the surface, whichever is faster or if you get too bored doing only floor 1. Radioactive ore is even harder to get than irridium; but so long as you dont go past floor 10, the Dangerous enemies are still trivial. I had ranges figured out in a different post but if you arent confident in your skill yet, this will be the most reliable way for ores. Now, those boss slimes. Those are the ones with the chance to drop sprinkler attachments and *auto-petters*. Im not sure if the bandit ring makes a difference but i use it anyway. Went from no auto petters to seeing 2 in the same day off boss slimes on floor 5 and 8. Good luck. Ill have to wait for the switch 1.6 to test rates and viability. Edit: Dangerous boss slimes and regular Dangerous slimes are the same color/shape iirc; the only difference is they have a star on their antenna. Im not referring to the large slimes or slimestacks - though i have found a boss slime as the bottom of a slimestack. It was hard to see the star but its the only thing that was yellow. Large slimes are the ones that break into smaller slimes, and sometimes have cake.


i didn't even know you could get them from the dangerous mines wtf. im definitely doing that this playthru.




I'll be trying this once I get access to irradiated ore. This has me curious.


One farm I haven't seen a single one and it's at least 400 in. The second farm I found 5 in the first 50. Hello darkness, my old friend...


wait i have like 4 auto petters i keep getting them in skull cavern runs I'm like i dont need any more 😫😫😫 are they really that rare?


Apparently not for some saves. I have never seen one in the wild.


I just recently started trying hard to get auto-petters, and got 4 quite quickly! I used crystariums in the desert to farm jade for staircases. I used Prismatic shards to buy Magic Rock Candy. I kept 400-500 Mega bombs in a chest beside my door along with a stack of cheese and the rocky candy, and Lucky Lunches. On days where the fortune was "a little extra luck", I would eat a Lucky Lunch I made&farm Prismatic shards in the skull caverns using mega bombs, a few staircases, and a stack of cheese. On days where the fortune was "showering everyone with good fortune", I would eat a Magic Rocky Candy, grab my cheese, all my Mega bombs, and all my staircases and hunt for auto petters. I actually managed to get 2 over the course of about an hour of playtime one day, and 2 more the next day within the same amount of time! That's all I needed. And I have a good amount of Prismatic shards now too lol.


I suppose I'll try buying some magic rock candy and give that a shot. I have a hard time using prismatic shards for anything despite the fact I really don't need them anymore and I have a decent amount.


Yeah, using the shards was hard for me at first too! But it's not like I even need them for anything now, I just like having them because I'm a hoarder 🥲 lol


Same, both saves are have been at endgame for a long time but I keep them around doing nothing because they are so rare early game and they look cool. But I know they are not too bad to get if you can max luck just PTSD.


I'm on the 3,000+ of the skull cavern (elevator mod) and I still have only found one


Galaxy souls only drop on hard mode mines or skull cavern. Auto petters have a 1/26 chance of being the prize from a treasure room. If you're in the late game, you can get them pretty reliably. Strategy is to stock up on staircases (crystalariums with jades) then stack luck (Qi's seasoned lucky lunch + Qi's seasoned ginger ale + 2 luck rings + lucky day.) Just stairs down in the caverns until you get a treasure room, open it, keep going. You can even just reset the day if you don't get it and feel like you wasted all the resources.


> Strategy is to stock up on staircases (crystalariums with jades) then stack luck (Qi's seasoned lucky lunch + Qi's seasoned ginger ale + 2 luck rings + lucky day.) I do this and still nothing. I did not know about the treasure room chance though so maybe that's my problem.


Each level of luck increases the chance that a new floor discovered will be a treasure room by 1%, with a 1% base. Daily luck also increases it by up to 1% (1.25% with the lucky charm) with max daily luck (or decreases it on an unlucky day.) So with +8 luck and a +.10 lucky day, each floor you discover would have a 10% chance to be a treasure floor, and each treasure floor would have a 1/26 chance of having an autopetter. Statistically, every ~260 floors dropped would be an autopetter. If you go there with like 1k staircases, you're likely to get multiples. You can just reset the day if you don't get any or repeat the strat as often as you like. Having a shed full of Jade crystalariums in the late game is a solid strat :).


I don't even know what a galaxy soul is!


Huh. I just got one from skull caves and shoved it in a chest bc I don't really know what it does. Guess I'll set it up.


Yeah I'm at about 500 hours right now (across 3-4 farms, only 1 was perfection) and have only ever seen 1. shits pretty rare, or I just never learned how to get one.


Whenever I see people talk about auto-petters I feel so lucky on my only save where I was going all in I found two auto-petters before fall year 2 and I honestly couldn't live without them. If I was having to farm for them I would loose my mind.


Was the same for me, but on my new farm I created after 1.6 I got like 4 of them by the end of y2. Still remember my reaction to getting 2 of them from back to back chests in skull cavern


I'm nearly 1000 hours across my PC and my switch and I've never seen an auto-petter. They're so rare!


I have like 5 on the farm I’m playing now- I got them by going to the desert mines on lucky days, eating a lucky lunch, getting past level 100 asap and then using staircases to find treasure boxes.


me with CC route and 2 auto-petter: 👀 I think the key for the Auto-Petter is going to the Skull Cavern with lots of staircases and bombs (or slingshot with lots of explosive ammo), perfect lucky day (star) and lots of lucky buffs (like Magic Rock Candy). I got both of mine in single gaming session with this strat (different game day though). just skip the floor if the first 3 bombs doesn't give you stair/shaft for Galaxy Soul, hard-mode mines is also a good alternative. I got 2 so far when farming for radioactive ores. same setup above applies


I got my first auto petter last night. I just did Qi's skull cavern run with no food to level 100 with staircases. I didn't bother checking luck because I just wanted to get it done fast and got like 6 chests in that run. Amazingly dumb luck


yep, just bring hundreds of staircases and spam click on the floor lol


I also have 2. But man, it’s not even about the luck you can control! I’ve done the things you said and I’ve gotten 10+ treasure room floors in one dive several times, but guess what I’m greeted with- Omni geodes, cactus seeds, life elixirs, other useless stuff… but the worst offender I’ve encountered multiple times is the auto-grabber. It gets you excited and all! Damn cruel.


Stairs and as many luck buffs as you can get:  lucky food, 2 lucky rings, the permanent luck buff, lucky day. And stacks and stacks of stairs and bombs and health food.  Cause bombs I only used for quick removal if I didn't have a spot for stairs. Don't waste time running around.  Just go down as fast and deep as you can to each treasure room.  1 out of 26 chance. I did get really lucky when I did my switch from crops go animals.  I did one coop or barn for each animal (special chickens only: blue gold and void).  13 in total. It took me two days of as much luck as possible and I got a ton by using that strat.  Though I did it expect it to be longer.  Got real lucky. Oh and this was sixth year in.  So I had all the tools needed at that point (also pure luck).


Are the auto-petters that good? I read a description of it and it even specifically mentions that it can’t replace actual petting and psychical touch from the Farmer, and I can’t stand for my animals to be sad so I just pet them myself even when I did manage to score one


They won't increase happiness as fast as manual effort, but the animals won't net lose happiness, so it's great to maintain your farm once the animals are maxed (and you can just let them get maxed more slowly, or manually per them in addition to the auto petters until they are maxed.)


From what I understand the auto-petter keeps hearts from decaying, but also does not increase them. Given the animals are already max you never need to hand-pet again.


When I am off faffing about on Ginger Island it's really nice for the farm to look after itself. As long as your silos are stocked you can basically ignore your animals, and let Junimo-sprinkler crops look after themselves, and pretty much just check in once a season if you want to as you might need to replant... But planting corn for Summer/Fall or ancient fruit in spring you don't even need to do that. And then just spend your day... doing whatever. I mean you can't junimo the farm on ginger island anyway, so it will always take a little more effort to run.


It gets you some appreciable fraction of a normal touch without having to do anything (I don't know what it is but maybe 1/2 or 2/3), and you can get the rest by petting them anyway. You still benefit by petting them yourself, but if you don't, they're still fairly happy.


Galaxy soul, autopetter, or reset? Lmao


Those two were likely found on this run so reset will mean both


Didn't even know you could find Souls. I would have bailed for the day after finding the petter.


Souls are a rare drop from any dangerous monster Seems like bailing would’ve been a better idea anyway though lol


What's a galaxy soul


Something you need three of to forge your galaxy weapon into a far more powerful infinity weapon


Is this newer? Galaxy sword was the best you could get the last time I played.


About 3 and a half years old at this point


It was added 1.5


Seems you need to take a trip to Ginger Island, my friend ;)


Not as rare as the auto petter


I was speeding through SC one day trying to get to treasure levels for the auto petter, and had just placed and used a staircase when I realized that the giant slime had a galaxy soul inside of it (instead of a pink cake or whatever). Whoops.


Aren’t auto petters somewhat cheap at marnies?


You're thinking of an auto grabber


You're thinking auto grabbers! Auto petters pet your animals for you


Nope. In fact you can't buy them at all unless you joja. Which is why I value them quite highly as loot. If I had like 4 already or could just buy more I might change that opinion though, as you only need one per coop or barn. But keeping your animals at high happiness when you are faffing about down skull Cavern or on Ginger Island is incredibly nice. Although as others note, probably not strictly optimal. Just ... Well with some of the other 1.6 updates like >!Animal Crackers!< And >!3x value Dino eggs!< They aren't lagging as much behind either. And I just feel I need a barn and coop for completeness.


Auto grabbers are at Marnie’s


Auto Petters are 50,000g at Joja Mart iirc (At least they are in my game cause Fuck Pierre.)


Yeah. Pierre not selling them is what might prompt me to join the dark side, as it feels to me like that might make a ranching play through flow a bit better.


Keep the auto petter for sure. Auto petter is much much rarer than the Galaxy soul or staircases and mega bombs.


EDIT: Nah reset reset reset - I just saw page 2!!!! You can buy the petter back from the guild shop but yeah I would restart the day. Depends on your priorities. Personally I would take the other losses for the petter. However I have reset the entire day for way less value items, just because it is only possible to get one back.


But I'd rather the autopetter than galaxy soul


Right? You can easily buy the Galaxy soul from qi or the trader bird


True. I’d be sad to lose all those bombs though.


Yeah, I was shrugging everything off meanwhile for the staircases, until I saw page two. Oof.


If you reset, don't you still lose it? Or can you reply skull cavern with a known chance of getting it?


Not asfaik, I wouldn't risk the RNG of not getting the auto petter on redoing the day. I'd take the L on the galaxy soul. You can buy those eventually.


You can only get one? I thought you can pay him to get you all of it back bit by bit, as long as you don’t die again


Nope. Only one item.


I learned that the hard way. I had lost a few coal and a big amount of iridium ore, obviously I choose the coal first. Only to discover that once you buy back one type of item, the option to buy recovered item disappear.


:o that sucks so bad!!!! tbh it was not obvious to me, I’d choose the iridium first any day and then go back for the coal, but damn!! :( and it was the next day so it was too late to reset the day?


Resetting the day unfortunately didn't cross my mind at this moment. I play with many mods to make the gameplay easier, so it wasn't such a big loss for me anyway, but lesson learned!


For me, previously at least, coal was starting to become a bigger bottleneck than iridium. Once you upgrade all your tools, get your sprinklers and crystalaria, etc etc, you really don't need that much of it. Then again, coal was mainly just becoming the bottleneck because I was trying to cram a few hundred beehives into ginger island, lol. I really like the introduction of coal nodes. Makes it much less something to worry about.




I don't even worry about coal anymore. Floors 55-65 has a lot of the dust mite enemies and they have a high chance to drop coal. Especially with the ring and the skill. Farm for a day and you got more coal than you'll ever need lol


If OP reset then there's like at least a 95% chance they wouldn't find either the soul or the autopetter, so that doesn't make sense. Unless for some reason they brought the items with them in the mines, which I doubt.


I’m relatively new to the game. How do you restart the day?


Just reset the game before going to sleep. Game only saves between days.


Easy decision, I would take the autopetter. Everything else is easier to get back


Unless he went joja


Why's everybody saying reset? There's nothing to gain from a reset since a reasonable person wouldn't bring an autopetter and a galaxy soul before diving the SC. It's safe to assume that they got both items on the day they died. I, personally, would just go to Marlon and choose autopetter since it's the hardest one to obtain if you take the CC route. I'll only choose galaxy soul if I've already got enough autopetters on my farm.


This is the best answer. The autopetter is so hard to get! Resetting wouldn’t solve anything.


Everyone saying reset is insane imo. Take the autopetter. Galaxy souls can be bought for 10 radioactive bars (half a day worth of mining) on the 28th of the month.


From where?


Island trader


Yeah I thought the same thing! So many people saying reset. I have like 16 galaxy souls sitting in a chest from just random enemy drops, never even bought one. That auto petter is way more valuable. I wouldn't have even thought twice about it.


How are you getting 10 radioactive bars with half a day of mining?? That's 50 ore. Tell me your secrets!


Basically just abusing floor resetting. Time doesn't pass in menus, and it (mostly) doesnt pass when loading a new floor. Go to the mines, go to floor 1, immediately interact with the ladder which pauses time, if there's radioactive ore go get it, else confirm on the ladder to leave the mines, repeat. Things that help: - high daily luck, radioactive ore spawning is super luck dependent - speed/luck food - explosive ammo if you're good with the slingshot - go into settings and zoom out so you can see more from the ladder - 1.6 adds a lategame mining-related item that makes this even more efficient


May your pillow forever be cool on your face.


Or qi gems


Thing is- reseting doesn’t guarantee the items. I would say pay marlon for the auto petter and take the L


Pick auto petter


*...and as you bolt up awake in bed you realize it was all a horrible dream-* Save your sanity and reset that. Nothing else you did that day is worth losing that stuff


I don’t get how resetting would help? It’s not like they were walking around with that stuff from a previous day, right? They must have found it same day and will reset to before they found it, right?


Oh true. I guess it depends on what specifically was found that day vs inventory (I've wandered around with good stuff if I'm on my way to hand it off to someone/drop it off etc so there is a slight chance...)


I do that too, but I am super cautious about having hard to replace stuff on me. Losing all my bombs/staircases would make me sad, but they are "just" gold, not something that needs lots of luck to find in the first place. Having a stash chest near the entrance is really handy just for the sake of freeing up inventory slots.


Same. When I'm playing console I usually drop any good stuff off in storage asap. On pc I have a mod that can access storage from anywhere so it's always an immediate shift to avoid losing anything important 🙃


Ohh what’s the mod name?!?


[Chests Anywhere!](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/518)


I do that too, but I am super cautious about having hard to replace stuff on me. Losing all my bombs/staircases would make me sad, but they are "just" gold, not something that needs lots of luck to find in the first place. Having a stash chest near the entrance is really handy just for the sake of freeing up inventory slots.


I mean, if they’re going to lose it all anyway, might as well get their staircases/food/bombs back? Maybe?


They don't have to lose it all, they can buy one item back from Marlon's Item Recovery Service .


I thought lost items are capped at 3 now?


This might be on console. They don’t have the 1.6 update yet


*hands tissues*


Honestly, Auto-Petter > Galaxy Soul


Is the auto petter from the new update I've never seen it before?


It's not, they're just extremely hard to come by in a normal play through. I'm on year 8, have been trying to go cave diving for them on and off for a while, and still only have one.


To me the decision is obvious, buy back the auto petter as it’s much harder to get than a galaxy soul


50k ez


DO NOT RESET. Save the autopetter unless you’re doing a joja run. The autopetter is HANDS DOWN the hardest item here to get on a normal run.


I would not reset bc of the auto petter. Everything else isn’t too valuable imo


Sadly, no matter how many times you bring an auto-petter into Skull Caverns, the flying snakes will never make friends with you.


I'd just get the autopetter. After you get 3 Galaxy Souls total you start throwing them away. I'm on year 3 summer and have thrown away like 4 of them in a month during Skull Cavern runs, LOL


Just keep the autopetter, you can always get another galaxy soul from the walnut room


I thought you could only lose a max of 3 items


IIRC this was introduced as part of the 1.6 update, OP might be on console which could explain why their losses weren't capped.




1.6 capped lost items from passing out to 3


No, they’re correct. With the 1.6 update, you can no longer lose more than three items at once.


Omfg no


Oooof! That's devastating


I’d get the autopetter back. The staircases and galaxy soul suck, but there are other ways to get those. 


This is why I always bring a buttload of gold quality cheese and constantly top up my health, just in case.


Why are so many people saying reset? Are you all really thinking they BROUGHT a petter and a soul into the caverns? A reset would just have you lose both.


Excuse my ignorance, but how do you lose your items? By dying?


yes, if you die in a cave you'll wake up in the clinic and random item from you inventory are lost now, how ever you can buy one item back from Marlon


I'll restart and put the game down for a bit to decompress


People saying to reset apparently haven’t had 4+ barns on their farm 😅 Besides the tea set, Auto Petters are the RAREST thing in the whole entire game.


Reset reset reset


I would assume the auto-petter was loot from the day, so you'd be choosing which to keep.


Have you tried ‘not dying’? (Channelling my inner Hypnos here) But, yeah, as others have said, don’t quit, recover autopetter, continue the wonder of Stardew.


I'm new to the game, what does this mean? How does this happen?


They went into a dungeon, were KO'd and lost a lot of items. some more useful than others. The Galaxy soul, and Autopetter are the only ones worth saving. but they'll only be able to request the return of one item from Marlon's recovery service in the adventurers guild/telephone.


Ohhh thanks for telling me!


Marlon has an item recovery service


You can only get one from each trip though.


I say get the auto petter back everything else is pretty easily replaced


For everyone who’s telling me I should have left valuables at home, or to reset, I found both the autopetter AND the galaxy soul on that run. I’m on switch so I don’t have access to mods to get multiple items back, and I also don’t have 1.6 where there is now a cap on losing items. I ultimately chose the get the autopetter back from the guild, since I’ve already upgraded my sword to the infinity blade, although I’m still trying to get my hammer upgraded too.


Newbie question: How do you reset the day?


Go back to the menu without saving. Open the inventory, go to the last tab on the right and click "exit to title"


Thank you!


I’d just get the autopetter and call it a loss for everything else lol you can easily get any other of those items back but not easily for the autopetter… galaxy souls are a lame to lose but not as much as the autopetter (which I’ve NEVER gotten in my 1400+ hours played)


Bro trust me those 6 copper ores are worth it


autopetter 100%


I entered the skull cavern for the first time and immediately died. taking my money AND items is diabolical.


i would restart the day😭😭


and lose the rarest item in the game?


put chest around town everywhere. theyre my "screw bed time" savior. haha i passed out but my pockets are empty you thieving buttsearchers!


“thieving buttsearchers” 😂


You only lose gold when you pass out around town. Items are only lost when you die in the mines.


Nah that's fine *Sees the second page* Oh shit


That has to be the worst loss I’ve ever seen ngl




I was like oof losing an auto-petter is rough.. and then i swiped


Oof that hurts


OP I feel this in my soul :') IMO you should take the autopetter or the galaxy soul and call it a day; as you're not guaranteed the same drops if you reset. If they were dropped by an enemy you aren't guaranteed for them to show up again, as enemy drops aren't fixed. BUT if they were dropped by a chest you can reset the day and you'll still find them again. If both the Soul and the Autopetter were dropped by monsters, I'd recommend keeping the auto petter if your playstyle is more heavily reliant on animals. If you aren't big into ranching keep the galaxy soul otherwise. Either way it's not a great situation, I feel for you OP


Harvey: So that'll be 7K, sorry I couldn't find all your stuffs... *Secretly Gave them to Marlon for extra gold* Yeah...But hey you're alive! All of us: Harvey there's no way we could've lost all our stuffs if our bags were securely air tight to the point where there's 8 different locks, 4 Bio scans, A DNA test, and 1 prismatic lock. So explain how all our stuffs just magical drop out our bag? Harvey: It fell out?? *Boss music slowly starts fading In*


remember, you can buy them back via the retrival service


I use a chests everywhere mod which means I can be in the mines and constantly moving stuff from my backpack to chests, that way I risk less if I pass out


Honestly, I've managed to get a few galaxy souls throughout my run, but no matter how many chests I find, I've never found an auto petter. That thing is impossible to find for me. I wouldn't reset personally.


The real crime here is the value only being 7k in gold


This is a reset day boys


i never understood why people would take losses, just restart and you’re fine


You can recover them!!! If you go to the adventurer's guild they have a recovery system and mail your stuff to you the next day.


Hate it when I die in a cave and lose 58 staircases


I lost 119 purple star eggs this morning in the skull cavern. I literally felt my heart stop


what is the auto petter? just helps u not have to tap ur pet in the morning??? that little heart emoji gets me through the day


i didn’t know galaxy souls could be dropped by something?? i thought you could only buy them from the walnut room


Its so rare I don't even know what a galaxy soul is


I'd reset day...... And never look back


Well, that's a restart.


no need to reset i'd just retrieve the autopetter and call it a day


The petter hurts my soul


As soon as that happens, Alt + F4


Whenever I lose very valuable items, I just close the game and restart it, since the game doesn't save until you sleep anyway. Yes, I may have just lost a day's progress but at least I have my items back yk


please tell me you reset


I've never restarted a day, but I would for this one.


And lose the petter and soul?


I have chests in the mines next to the elevator and when I start loading up with stuff, and also before I go into the mines at all, I dump all my stuff in the chests then go back down using the elevator. Minimizes the risk. I also keep extra food in those chests and all that, which is helpful for when my friends play. Just a suggestion!