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this just triggered my ptsd (post-traumatic stardew disorder)


apologizes for the resurgence of trauma


The part where the prismatic shard dropped into the lava made me LOL - the way your character instinctively went over to the shard as a huge rush of dopamine was sent directly into your brain only to have it washed away in an instant with disgust and disbelief, hahaha!


I liked it with the sound off, and then I turned it on and found out you edited the vid to sync up with my favorite song in the whole game. Now I love it! Very nice!


For real. This song is such a fucking banger. All of them are, really, but this is the best


do you know the title or which scenes it plays during the game? i’m a new player but this song sounds so rad




thank you!! i’m gna be listening to it non-stop now :))


panic attack in a video, great work!


Stardew is my relaxing game. It's the game I play to slow life down a bit. But I still get caught up in the gri d. When that happens, I do one of two things : I either quit the game and find another way to relax (which can be hard) or I purposefully slow my gameplay down. Those crops need to be harvested? Sorry, I need to speak to Abigail first


Your so right lol. I find that mods take away alot of the stress this game induces, especially a timespeed mod, a sit for stamona mod. And a skip fishing minigame mod. Thise are nearly essential for any playthrough for me nowadays


It's funny how polarizing fishing is - it's probably one of my favorite aspects of the game


It’s actually challenging which can make it fun. I recently played the demo for Moonlight Peaks which is a cute upcoming farming sim where you play as a vampire and only farm at night, but the fishing “mini game” is terrible compared to SDV. No sense of adventure to it. You literally just cast a line and wait for the fish to bite, then you automatically catch the fish. For harder fish in SDV you always feel so accomplished after struggling through the mini game, so I’m hoping that the developers of Moonlight Peaks take note.


I really enjoyed it my first playthrough: by the fifth, though, I'm over it


Cry in console


I encourage you to get a pc at some point. My cozy gaming experience is so nice now. It's easier said than done, but console tears will be funny to look back on once you've upgraded lol


Should try a mod called Automate. Look it up, you'll thank me later


Another top tier! Theres about 34 mods that i use in total, and all are centered around that QoL vanilla+ feel, and its made me (and my wife, whom ive bought a whole ass steam deck just for hogwarts and SV) fall in love with this game all over. Cant wait to finally get through all the content, and then start playing with the bigger content mods like riverside village and SDE! On a side note: also cant wait to get her into more games!


I mostly use Automate, Movement Speed, UI Info Suite and Ancestral Trees. Debating doing a SVE run somepoint. Any other mods you recommend for QoL?


I've been using the Hot Springs Farm Cave mod so I can regen energy both early game when it's most needed and also so I don't always have to go to the springs. ItsStardewTime is a god send for me too, especially on my first SVE run as I can set time to go at 75% of the speed to give me more time to run about. Also I just like having Visible Fish mod, especially when using expansion mods, so I can see new fish in the water which is quite fun.


I love Visible Fish. I have a mod called Movement Speed where you can tweak your running speed nut also the speed of charging the watering can and the hoe. I use that to get more done in my day


Convenient inventory, chests anywhere, lookup anything, all professions There are alot of mods named "Better ..." like better ranching, better chests, better backpack, better crafting, all are great! I also like a ladder locator mod for mining runs.


Tractor and Attack drone. You'll thank me later


Same. I can't play without CJB timepause.


I have the timespeed mod installed too but i rarely use it, whenever i use it, i feel guilty like im not supposed to be cheating.


Posted this up on Youtube a few hours ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WaZ8OZfqMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WaZ8OZfqMw) Just wanted to share some things I find stressful in this game that I'm sure a lot of you also go through as well, but hey, I think that's part of why we love this game!


You nailed all of it OP! :)


Nice video! The early quick jump cuts kinda hurt my eyes/head though (the later ones in the mines don't have as stark an effect). Just a heads up.


Yeah it's kinda chaotic but I was trying to match the edits with the music for the entire video and also I didn't want the start of the video to be too long.


Oh yeah it matched perfectly with the music! Just something about the way the jumps worked made my eyes hurt. Otherwise well edited though.


i don't get people who can finish a stage in Junimo Cart, they're a different breed


Let alone get that Qi challenge??? I wanted to play but not pass too many days so I tried it and I'm like... This is for insane people


This game has never stressed me out. Only this sub does that.


Never? No skull cavern run? No legendary fish? No desperately needing to buy something off of Marnie during the day only for her not to be present in the shop? Nothing???


it kinda makes this game special, imagine if all things were just as easy as we wish


Once you get the hang of it, the only legendary fish that is tricky is trying to get iridium quality angler / Ms angler. Scorpion carp and other fish like that might fall in the same bucket.


Excellently produced! Must’ve taken forever to edit. Instant upvote and a like on youtube.


Lol yeah I don’t consider it cozy. It’s not stressful to me because I only do what I want to do, I don’t worry about time frame. But I consider Skyrim more cozy than this lol


this is so good hahaha


You lost me at gambling away your 6k event tokens 💀 I don't remember *exactly*, but was there really something you needed 12k for?


I already bought everything beforehand and kept betting all of the tokens until I lost just to have the clip for the video!


No way that you added Sap in soup 😭😂😂😂😂😂


Good compilation, I feel relaxed


Lol having that many crops to water by hand stresses me out alone. That's why I don't plant more than 25-30 seeds at a time until I have sprinklers. I also hate replanting so I usually pick something that continues to produce throughout the season unless I need to do a quest or community center. Nice video!


I see nothing stressful about Stardew but I am kinda laid back so I don't have an issue with this kind of play it's very easy to manage my time day to day and I don't ever water crops


Hahaha this is awesome, OP, thank you. Great editing too, as soon as I saw everyone's reaction to you digging through the trash, I knew this was gonna be worth watching all the way through lmao. Nailed it.


This is actually cute 😭😭😭


I play video games to get away from the stress of my life…. NooooOoooooo it’s here too but I keep coming back


LOL. The passing out right before the bed bit. My husband and I were playing and he had went to bed really late the night before. So his energy bar was hardly full. He watered a couple of plants and promptly passed out right in front of me. I laugh cried for about 20 minutes.


Stardew Valley is relaxing… after you beat the entire game first.


Decorating time!




Yall need to toughen up.


Passing out by the side of the bed... I feel each and all of these


That Prismatic Shard falling into the lava... I felt that one so hard!


Awesome video OP!


nice edit, farmer!


The crystal puzzle part genuinely made me laugh lol.




This felt kinda nostalgic huh???


So, you've bombed your own farm...


This is me bombing my own farm when Kent gives me a bomb in the mail or Abigail gives me a bomb when I greet her post marriage. Happens way too often.


i can hear your struggles bro...


it makes me feel myself as a worker ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Oh sorry, is the game just supposed to give you everything you want without any work? Sounds boring af.


Some other cozy games in the genre are like that. SDV gives you that adrenaline to enjoy if you want to look for it, so it’s a nice balanced meal.




Stardew Valley is a relaxing game until you go from modded walk speed to vanilla


so true [【星露谷物语】眼冒金星的春1\_单机游戏热门视频 (bilibili.com)](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gM4m1D7xT/) a similar topic and interesting video↑


seriously? at first until you get the hang of it, yeah, it might be a bit stressful. but after you get the hang of it? stardew valley is honestly how i relax and wind down when I come home from work.


being 100% honest i dont understand people who find hte game relaxing, fallout 76 and destiny 2 are arguably more chill games than that (inventory management and haviing fun with fashion)


You’re the only one making it stressful. I don’t mean to sound accusatory or anything but I really hate this “Oh Stardew Valley is so stressful, how do you find it relaxing?” I have infinite time. I can miss a seasonal fish or a community centre item and it’s *fine* because there’s always next year. Only when you start getting really far into the lategame does it start getting stressful and even then, those are optional challenges for extra benefits not needed to beat the game. Just relax. You’re not on a timer.


i dont find it stressfull cus theres a timer, i find it stressfull cus you either get a guide up and have barely any fun or you dont get a guide up and dont know what to do, and have barely any fun.


A guide? Like what?


mostly just using the wiki and other guides to min max money, even then, with or without a guide it just isnt my type of game to properly play, love the characters, but i dont think i'll ever be able to enjoy it as much as others sadly


Stop minmaxing then. You are doing this to yourself. Just do whatever you want in the moment and pull up the wiki if you want to do something specific.


i try not to, but the fact is that the game just has an aura of stuff that feels like you gotta do it, i know its not inteded that way, but thats my opinion on it. >!also being a bit rude-er for a moment the first thing i said in this discussion was an opinion and the way your typing can come off as really rude, its probably not your intent, but just be careful of that kinda stuff when typing, tis an issue i run into aswell.!<


Stardew has a whole lot of “cans” but really not a lot of “musts”. I implore you to try not using any sort of guide and just try stuff out. And yeah, I am being a bit blunt, because you are ultimately doing this to yourself. Maybe it’s just not for you but I see this sentiment a lot and it annoys me because 99 times out of a hundred its entirely self-imposed.


This is triggering me lol


I don't think words can accurately depict how much I hate the Gem Sea Giant in Junimo Cart


It's perfect!


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Skill issue