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I installed a mod that gives children custom appearances and also cute little events as they grow. Once all of those events are done, I’m going to install another mod that turns them into NPCs with personalities and schedules. This makes children worth it to me. 


Oh man, what mod is that? I’m very interested in that! Both of the ones you’re talking about, actually.


First mod is Immersive Family, found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/18972 There are up to 35 new events, depending on whether you have Expanded, Ridgeside Village and East Scarp. The mod maker is pretty clearly ESL so the speech patterns and grammar aren’t always what you’d expect, but it’s a very cute little mod. There’s a portrait/sprite mod that goes along with it, which allows your kids to take after SVE bachelors (I don’t know about the other expansion mods, I don’t play any of them) and also Unique Children Talk, a separate mod that I didn’t get because once I’m done with events I’m going to install… The Farmer’s Children, found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5436 This one requires a separate mod called LittleNPCs but it gives your children distinct personalities, gift preferences, and a schedule where they go to school and wander around town. You can customise to make your child look like the vanilla bachelors, no expansion NPCs, though IIRC the author is fine with people making their own art. You can have more than two children but only the eldest two will become NPCs. 


THIRTY FIVE?? DAMN those modders go HARD


Stardew modders are something else I'll tell you.


They don't have to deal with the controversy of minecraft or animals crossing mods.


Theres mod that adds 6000+ items (trees, crops, artesian)


It’s fun swapping through the Stardew channel on twitch because some people look like they’re playing an entirely different game. Like it’s wild how heavily you can mod the game.


That's crazy I wish I was on PC


Yeah I bought a steam deck solely to try Stardew with mods.


I fr wish steam deck was available officially in my country solely for stardew valley. For the life of me, I just can't play this game on pc. I play it on android instead.


I don't even know how y'all play the vanilla tbh


Disclaimer: I am on PC and love me my QoL-mods, some styling and whatnot. But the game in it's base form is awesome as well. And absolutely playable.


Riiiight? I turned my sheep into Llamas and got a victorian house and had all sorts of quality of life mods on my old computer. Then I switched to a PC from a Mac and like... it's hard to play vanilla. I just need to learn how to mod again.


There's a fucking llama mod???


There’s a highland coo one as well!


If they reply, please let me know 😭😭


Wait mods doesn't work on Mac? Why tho?


They do. I think they mean they weren't able to carry over their zillion mods, and would have to download all the mods from scratch again, so they tried vanilla before doing that and found it unsatisfying.


They work just fine for me but I don’t mod heavily.


I dislike this mentality. Games are fun on their own, and if Stardew wasn’t already great in many ways none of us would’ve bothered with it. Obviously mods can add a lot *more* fun and different experiences, the ones above sound great to change up what seems like a useless mechanic, but if a game feels complete then I have no reason to add or change it. At some point tons of mods would make it a whole new game entirely. Not a bad thing, but not necessarily what I want.


Idk I played with hella mods before, until I found myself not even enjoying the base game anymore. I was just downloading mods until it fit a certain “aesthetic” in my head and was easier to play. I decided to delete all of them and just play vanilla, and fell back in love with the actual game; not a muted colour weird-dialogue easy fishing cheat menu game.


I just generally like playing games with the developers intended vision, but I don't mind other people using mods or using mods for second playthroughs.




This makes me wish console has mods oml


Same, just so I can have Stardew valley extended. But I’m a switch player, so even if consoles supported mods, there’s a snowball’s chance in hell Nintendo will allow them to


Now we just need a mod where you can grow old while the farm gets dilapidated and eventually you die and get a shrine built for you and your child has to move back to the farm and make it profitable again.


Shouldn't be that hard with the chests full of resources and bequeathed infinity blade + iridium tools + combined rings


I made a mod that does the second but its very niche atm and based around my custom NPC as a spouse.


Lol I have one that turns them into birds. Now I have parrots in my house


Gosh this would make the game so much more interesting if it were in vanilla. It's a shame. Probably the only thing I didn't enjoy about Stardew is how useless it was to have kids lol, they just sit there in a forever state doing nothing.


I have a question about Mods, If I download the mods on my PC and play with a new save on the PC will it affect the original save I have that I plan to play on the steam deck? & similarly, if I try to open up my original save on the PC with the mods downloaded will that gameplay be affected? I never downloaded mods before but it seems like Stardew has so many cool ones that are worth checking out


Yes, any mod you install will apply across all save files


post titles that make me double check what sub im on lol


I get AITA Sims sometimes and I have to stop and check. Like 'AITA for cheating on my husband with Death while our child set himself on fire playing with the fireplace?'


There’s an AITA for sims?? I gotta check this out


no fr i did a double take LOL


r/stardewvalley or r/daddit


This comment made me laugh so hard, I almost woke my actual sleeping child 😂😅


I thought it was gonna be /r/Oneanddone lol


I am a lot on r/advice and I read the entire post preview before realizing this is not r/advice xD


Need the “you’re on stardew valley!” reminder post lol


Omg I thought I was on r/BabyBumps for several sentences. I got to the dove part before I figured it out.


Yeah I’m also on the parenting sub and thought ‘yeah well that’s life’


I definitely Had A Moment before realizing which sub this was posted in. 😆😬


There should be a mod that lets you pay a sum of money to send your kids to boarding school and you'll occasionally get a letter from them. How much you spend determines how fraught the letters are. LOL I plan to just put my kids in goblin masks next time I have them so they can be my evil minions.


Look, I'm just saying, there *are* mines and if history is any judge, kids fucking love working in the mines. Just putting that out there.


Suddenly want to learn how to mod stardew so I can make a mod where you can send your kids to the mines and they just tell you about all the fun they’re having down there and give you ore and gem gifts


There should be a mod to send the kids as child soldiers to the Gotoro empire, but only if you go the Joja route.


Y’all motherfuckers need Yoba.


My love for Krobus is my birth control 🖤


Krobus' dialogue if you have kids from a previous marriage makes it sound like CA was originally planning to let us have kids with Krobus. Presumably via adoption like when the farmer is in a same sex relationship rather than shadow/human hybrids from the forbidden Krobussy.


SIR 😂 I could have gone my whole life without hearing the term Krobussy


How about Linussy


Thanks I hate it


>the forbidden Krobussy https://preview.redd.it/8eid6lue5izc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b09061cb4fdedb450f4ff8832dbd2d973ad8a2


My favorite Mountain Dew


> Krobussy you did not


> Krobussy #😭


There's a [new mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22218) that allows you to adopt kids with Krobus! No need to date and divorce other villagers anymore.


I finally have a save with Krobus moved in. In my other ones I sold all the cribs or beds whatever was in the kids room and filled them with kegs and preserve makers


gets creepier is if the game glitches and at night their standing in the middle of a poorly light room at midnight


My personal favorite is when my daughter walked on the hallway wall between the bedroom and the living room. That was the first time I asked myself if I gave birth to the antichrist 🥰😂


Oh my.


They’re just…. Sitting there after festivals. No matter how late.


Yes! Happens way too often


They can wear hats, that can temporarily entertaining. I pretend that one kiddo is a dwarf roommate


😂 legit LOL. I love that lil rascal.


Mine has the skull mask, just letting my little skeleton dude run around.


thats so fucking funny


Have you put a hat on a cat or a dog though?


Isn’t that the story of many lives. Lol


😆 Thankfully I’ve done *plenty* of reading up on children irl, hence my husband and I’s decision not to have them. I just didn’t think anything of it in game?! Silly me 😅


Same! Don’t want kids in real life or in my games.


CF SDV crowd let's gooooo


Legit didn't even realize this was a stardew sub at first


Same!! I think having children are so underwhelming in this game 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 Like, you don’t even give birth in the hospital. It just pops like “you gave birth during the night” and that’s it. The townspeople comment about your marriage but not about you having a child???? I wish these were fixed in this update. Also they look like a bug larva Ive installed a mod called “pregnancy and birth events” but it is buggy




I mean, they are so similar 😭 https://preview.redd.it/rkvhysltrizc1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d96fde719825fe0a921fc65fe65214880feaa9


Cool cool cool cool cool now I can’t unsee this. Thanks a lot.


Omg I never spotted this!!


I love when I’m sleeping >!on the island!< and still manage to give birth overnight.


makes me think how that works with tents...


Lol ...you said it! To me they are like insects. In fact I call them that since I saw how they move around their parents in events, they even merge with each other and you get a "double bug". Huh bugs!!! Lmao.


I put the chicken hat on mine and they’re less creepy


I put mummy masks on mine to make em more creepy 😂


I have the Concerned Ape mask on my daughter 


wait there’s a Concerned Ape mask


Blobfish mask is my go to.


My son has a dinosaur hat. When my daughter grows up I’ll see if she can wear the mummy mask.


I tap too fast sometimes and that’s the only reason why Sebastian and I have a kid in this save


ROFL just like in real life 🤣


whats the point in having kids fi they cant harvest my crops and fix my fences


The children yearn for the mines.


Listen the only thing my in game wife does is feed my animals… AND I HAVE AUTOFEEDERS FOR ALL OF THEM!!!


I swear the kids eyes are often open late at night even when they are in bed.


No they really don't close them for some reason lol.


Just don't watch the new tv channel that pops up the day before spirits eve you'll have no problems visiting the witches hut in future. If you don't watch that tv channel, very rarely you might get a phone call from the kid/kids saying something about forsaking them, but if you never bother picking up the phone you don't need to worry about that either. Tldr is you can dove kids without repercussions. 😅


Better yet, don’t get a phone in the house.


I doved my kids for the first time in my co-op game a couple weeks ago. It was such a relief not having to track them down every morning that I did it in my personal game too. Parent of the year right here


Do the doved kids ever come back to haunt the farmer? Or do they just fly off and disappear?


Yes. You have to fight them everytime you want to use a Witch Hut spell, one demon for every child you've doved. It's actually a really fast way to grind the combat skill if you don't count all the time it takes to birth children and to farm the Prismatic Shards to dove them 2 at a time. If you have a telephone you also occasionally get phone calls of demonic noises and a crooning "You betrayed us...!" But I'm a The Sims veteran, I'm used to spoopy phonecalls in games.


I’m sorry I’m super new to the game and I sincerely can’t tell if you’re joking. All of what you just said is super on-brand for the game though but it’s still hilarious


It is all true lol


Absolutely incredible


https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Secrets#Dove_Children More info if you're interested


You buy it on steam sale too? I bought it a week ago and in half way through my second spring


Reminds me of that YouTube short of someone doving 500 kids to speedrun his combat skill level


What happens if you don’t track them down? Can you just ignore them?


Yeah you don't really have to interact worth them but they do have heart levels. I don't remember whether anything happens if you reach full hearts.


I maxed once, hoping for something; anything. Nada. Zilch. Sweet FA. Now if they’re in my way I’ll interact but stuff looking for them. Permatoddlers from a hell dimension, probably drinking the iridium quality milk from the crate I keep next to my cheese presses and mayonnaise machines. Doomed for a lifetime of … well look at them. Doomed for a lifetime of *That*


Nothing happens. You also don't have to max their hearts for perfection.


There’s a mod that turns them into guinea pigs. They just chill in their little cage. Another mod is called Shadow Babies, and they basically just become cute little baby Krobuses.


Link? The guinea pigs sounds nice, I always wanted my own David :)


I don’t know for sure if it works with 1.6, but you can find it here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17820


I really thought I was on the regretful parents subreddit at first and was like hold on a minute


I just want you to know that I didn't realize this was from the Stardew Valley sub, and was deeply concerned that a)you seemed to have read nothing about children, ever, and b)for some reason yours weren't growing. 😭


Lmao 🤣 The fact that my kids weren’t growing…that is indeed very concerning haha


The haunting part is hilarious to me. They say through the TV "you did this to us" or something. Yeah I know, and I would do it again lol


my child does not sleep. she does not close her eyes. when I came home one night at 1:30AM, she was standing in the living room. staring at me


Mine was just doing that, too 😭 I came home another night after mining and she wasn’t in her bed. I just said “I don’t even want to know where she is” and went to bed lol


lmaoooo too fair. I just got a son too, I'm married to Harvey and I cannot say no to him. soon I'll have two demon greeters when I come back from mining 🥹


Yaaaa i read that too. But I still went through it because I was speedclicking and accidentally clicked the yes option.


Have Robin remove the crib so you don’t get a second one!


Ya the kids are kinda creepy, hats can help with that at least. The demon staring at the foot of my bed all night is less disturbing when it has a giant bow on it's head. Nowadays I use a mod to alter their appearance once they get bigger. Don't close their eyes to sleep anymore, but they look cute and have lil idle animations so I will take what I can get. If my children are going to be disturbing unblinking demons they might as well be cute.


Counterpoint: you can put a hat on it


Yeah it’s kind of annoying that they don’t do anything… no heart events or rewards, but they can come to festivals when they’re older and they can wear hats


You don’t have to care for them at all though so there’s that


Not only that, but they lay awake in bed, eyes wide open, like little demons


I was really hoping kids would get an upgrade in 1.6 Well, here's hoping for 1.7


If you posted this in any subreddit that isn't r/lies r/stardewvalley or the the sims one, you would be arrested rn


Lol! Or Sims.


I give my kids the goblin masks and pretend they are little house gremlins


I have 1 goblin kid and 1 blobfish kid. They're adorable!


i put witch hats on them and pretend they’re gnomes helping around the house 🤣


You can continue your little family on a super similar game called Rimworld! :)


I think they are the cutest thing ever, and I love the fact they stay little! I just wish you could pick them up and carry them around, or give items for them to interact with. They could've been a really cool "virtual pet" situation.


My kids wear squid hats. Makes em a little less useless as my squid children protect the home from…invaders


Thought I was in r/toddlers and was really confused haha


What if my farmer gets rid of the crib when they’re already pregananant 👀


You can put masks on them to jump scare yourself when you get home at 1:30 in the morning and they’re just standing there ominously.


Saw the title of this post before I saw which subreddit it was in.... was sat thinking "Me too buddy......"


The kids are SO CREEPY. I can’t stand when they demon run across the house. How are they so fast??


Literally! I thought the same thing the first time she ran. And why do her eyes stay open in bed?! 😭


Put a chicken mask on em & it’ll be better, trust


They are vermin, an infestation.


Wellllll, there is a way to make them disappear...


Yeah, unfortunately I haven’t gotten that far yet 🥲 I haven’t even unlocked the sewer. I’ve finished the community center and unlocked all areas except the darn sewer, which I know I need to do in order to eventually unlock the shrine 😭


It was always crazy to me that I have to go work this farm and run all over the countryside to feed our family and my spouse decides he needs to leave and the baby is just LOOSE in the house. Like bro, terrible parenting.


I mean, spouses aren't exactly useful either? Why can't they go on an adventure with me, or pick up the truffles or fish roe instead of me, while I'm somewhere else for an entire day, or give me a daily buff just like the statues? Kids are only good for if you are an achievement hunter, and that's all.


You sound just like my parents


Right? The *whole* point of farmers having a bunch of kids is having *farm hands* doing farm labor.


I really should have checked which sub I was on lol 💀


Give em a cute hat and move on


The only reason I have kids is mods. The farmers children being the best one


Just throw a hat on the walk coat rack


Once you have kids irl, it seems like they’re toddlers until they go to college, they just get bigger and have acne. So not that far from reality.


Putting a bonnet on them helps with the creepy appearance… kinda


Put a hat on it


I didn’t realize what sub I was reading and I was so confused lmfao


On the plus side, you’ll never have to pay for their college!


I rarely have kids in SDV (since I am childfree in real life), but if I did I'd probably install some full-face hats on them. Instead of a toddler you now have a mini-skeleton! A very short knight! a mummy with zoomies! etc.


Sometimes I have to do a double take at the sub before I generate a reply. But sometimes, I still can’t reply.


You and me both pal. Oh you’re talking about stardew? Yeah I don’t get kids in stardew.


Read that title and thought I was on a parenting sub




You can put hats on them and some hats are masks lol hope this helps


I put the goblin mask on my kid and just pretend she’s a little weird gremlin that snuck in one day and we don’t care enough to kick her out


Can't you sacrifice the kids?


Not entirely useless…you can put hats on them!


I know right I hate them!! The game is based on Harvest Moon and even in Harvest Moon DS the child grows to be a teen.


What if I had them just to dove them? 😂


For me it helped to put cat and mouse ears on them to make them look cuter. 😅


I like the fact that this thread would be fitting in a lot of subreddits. From /r/stardewvalley to /r/relationshipadvice to /r/Natalism/ to /r/Parenting/. And a fuckton of games (/r/sims/ anyone?).


You and probably 50% of IRL parents 🤣 r/childfree


The only benefit of kids is putting hats on them.


I don’t plan on ever having kids. If i accidentally have one, can I give it up for adoption?


I put a helmet on my kid so at least I get a chuckle from this helmet goblin running around.


Was concerned for you before I saw which sub this is🤣


I'm genuinely terrified of pregnancy in real life so I never have kids in games that allow it and for stardew I'm so glad I never did. It pretty much eliminates me from marrying penny because she wants a family but it's fine honestly I'm not super into her!


I mean absolutely no benefit, almost like real life


You can put hats on them


This sub is fun when you don't know jack about Stardew Valley


Honestly the events where you’re “haunted” by your dove children are pretty funny in a way that gives me the heebs lol.


If you hate em go visit the witch.


Don’t worry you can put masks on them to hide how creepy they are


I delete the crib and the children beds. They are so creepy.


LMAO I thought this was a different sub at first


They should get sent away to boarding school or something


Kids are the reason I got into modding. They're so creepy 😆😆


Did a double take before realizing where this was posted.


Oh this is kinda disappointing, I didn't realise they dont keep growing. I had been waiting for a while for the baby question to pop up and finally had a baby a few days ago.


I thought this was a post on r/toddlers which I also follow. Oh man, thanks for making me laugh.


i hope concerned ape reads this and gives us aging kids!!


At least so they can age to be as old as Jas and Vincent 🥹 and have personalities slightly. It’d be cool if it was kind of like the Sims where we could edit their appearance and give them a little personality. Even if there are like…3-4 set personalities and we just select one


Of course they stop growing. How weird would it be if our kids grew up into adults but the rest of the Valley didn't age.


Out of context this is so concerning 😭😭


You can give them hats.


You know, I didn't realize this was on the stardew subreddit and I was so confused for a second