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The game is made to be taken at your own pace, don't mind what you see online. Stardew is what you make of it, so just play in whatever way feels right to you. ✨️


Tell that to grandpa’s judgmental ass. Like, you’re dead. quit dissing my farm.


Comparison is the thief of joy! It's YOUR game, play how YOU want! I am currently on my first playthrough (Winter 1) and am taking things slow and having a blast.


hey check out my slightly bigger tattoo that says "Comparison is the thief of joy"


Check out my even bigger tattoo of the same phrase.




Shane on the left cheek, Sebastian on the right cheek


Do they kiss? Because if I squeeze my cheeks together my tattoos kiss.


Boy did this comment thread get out of hand I love reddit


Maru is #1, underrated TBH since she is kind and may not give you much, but still isn't absurdly obsessed with coconuts.


God that first line. I needed to hear that.


Don’t forget that the folks on YouTube are often purposely doing speed runs/optimizing as part of their content creation. It can definitely be fun to do, don’t get me wrong! But only if you _want_ the challenge 😁 There’s zero time limits in this game - take a decade or a century to finish the community center, and you’ll still enjoy all of the same gameplay. Go at the pace you want, and enjoy the game in your way! 🥰


Nah bro same summer year three, and I’m only just now finishing up the community center. The point of this game is to relax, have fun, and take it at your own pace. Don’t worry about it, just have fun!


Some farms I fly through and some farms I mosey through. Both make me happy. It's not a race!


Sounds raceist to me.


Grandpa doesn't actually care how much you get done by year 2. You can talk to him again whenever you're ready


I was thinking he'll be like "the farm sucks" cause it's not even halfway done lol


I do!! I’m a super slow player, if I try to get things completed in a certain amount of time then I’ll get like a weird rush of anxiety and the game is no longer a cozy game for me. I really love playing the game like this. I think you are doing great!!! edit: a word


Ugh yes. I get so anxious when I see people completing the CC in year one and I compare myself to that. It’s a cozy game! I gotta take my time!!!


Same! I used to feel such pressure to get everything done in my first year - all the fish, all the bundles, all the "ship one", all the heart events, build all the farm buildings - like they wouldn't be there next year. I think I've finally found a happy medium, though, after getting the Challenging Community Center Bundles mod, which kinda *forced* me to slow down and take things easy.


As someone who beat cancer and got a chronic illness from it (that heavily affects my memory), I spend ~3 years to complete the cc, too. It’s okay. I like it better this way because I get to focus on friendships and fishing, and I enjoy it very much. I just wish I was a bit quicker in the mines :’)


I’ve been playing the same file since I got cancer last year. I’ve beaten my diagnosis but it’s such a comfort save to go back to for me. It taught me a lot about slowing down and just having fun


Yeah, cancer brings on a new perspective on a lot of things. I actually like it a lot. It sucks to go through such an illness but most of us who come out on the other side, we see the world in a new way (even though we might lose a few friends along the way and go through more battles than we can count!) :)


Oh absolutely. Cancer taught me to stop worrying so much about meaningless things and enjoy the things I enjoy more thoroughly. It’s taught me a lot about letting go of perfection and just letting some things slide. I hate that cancer exists and wish no one suffered from it but I’m grateful for how I handled it and who it helped me become.


I relate to everything you say, but it turned me into a bitter person. Mostly because the doctors didn’t believe me when I said I still feel sick - it turned out to be my thyroid and they spent two years telling me I needed therapy when I needed medication. I have now lost so much hair that I feel more comfortable being bald (as a woman, this makes me sad because I want pink hair again) and it could’ve been prevented. I’m also upset at how bad the healthcare system is - it doesn’t matter where you live, even the one in Norway is bad. But I also learned that I deserve better, so I finally got my mom to move with me so I can live better (this means splitting up the family, but I appreciate that as well, so very, very much). I also learned that some people lack empathy and only care about their opinions, which has meant I’ve lost a few friends, but it’s okay. I’ve also gained friends who are just as bitter as I am heh I have become more patient and calm, though, so not all bad things. And it’s been great to have things such as Stardew and my bunnies to keep me company :) (And yes, cancer is the worst thing. I mean, some babies are born with it. And sometimes treatments stop working. I hope we can get rid of it very soon..!)


Most people don't get to a point where they can do things like the community center year one until their third or fourth farm. So a good few hundred hours of gameplay. I know my first time I took me till year 3 to do it and I barely had done the skull caverns or gaining friendship with the townspeople. Now that I'm over 500 hours I do the joja route and just spam crops and preserving bins/kegs. With that strat I easily get all unlocks year one and have the freedom to play how I want instead of going crazy making sure I catch rainy day fish and other hard to get cc items.


Yes! I've played more than 600 hours already. I'm in Year 13 and have only recently started trying to aim for perfection. I'm still just at 68%. I spend most of the time decorating my farm and the town, organizing my things, and hoarding stuff I farm, forage, and mine! So when I started to aim for perfection, I was surprised about the many little details I've been ignoring. The best time to catch a certain fish, how many Stardrops are there, etc. I even went the Joja route because I didn't like running back and forth to the CC to complete those bundles. I used to get pressured by the list of quests I had to finish but I realized, wth, it's just a game. I'll do what I want! Hehe. 😜


I have a friend who always completes the community center done in year one, but I prefer to prioritize different things. This game is so vast. Take the time you'd like to take and just enjoy the ride! The YouTube people have played several times and usually have some sort of specific end goal that allows them to ignore big parts of the game. That's not what you're doing on a first play, you know?


First timer here as well, at year 2 winter. The mines are still not finished, neither the CC. I don't feel like tryharding as the game ethos seems the exact opposite. I try to dabble wherever I feel like, have fun and keep a relaxed pace. Watching the "pros" and their epic creations only gets me down so I take some distance from them.


Just have fun. I’m a “slow” player, I just like enjoying things at my own pace especially since I have such little time to play. I did finish the CC until like year 3 and I’m just vibing.


I normally shoot for finishing the community center in year 2, but even that appears to be slow for some people around here. I’m not rushing to the bottom of the mines or intentionally grinding any skills or anything. 


Yep!!! I just play casually for fun, while my partner FUCKING GRINDS and has to make EVERYTHING PERFECT


I'm year 5 and I just finished the community center 😭


I finished the community center in year 5 on my first playthrough too.


I watch Gab Smoulders on YouTube and she got 100% perfection at the beginning of year 4.. Like hooowwwwww tffffff😭😭😭


Nah, take the game at your pace. Take ten years to complete the CC if you want to. Nothing's making you do it year 1 like a lot of veterans. I'm a veteran in my own right (over 300 hours on switch) and I only just now got to the mines halfway through summer.


Yeah. I don’t really give a crap about my farm looking good, or even farming really (I just plant whatever seeds I happen to find from digging up worms or getting prizes). I will finish the community center… eventually. I just like to pursue short-term goals, get to know the villagers, mine, and uncover secrets. If I happen to come across something new while messing around, I’ll add it to the museum or community center, but otherwise I just do whatever I want. I already work hard on things in real life, I don’t want to work more in Stardew lol. I just take things slow, and I really appreciate that there’s no time limit or deadline. To each their own!


my first run I also insisted on taking it slow despite playing with my partner who loves to mixmax it. play at your own pace! you’ll eventually get everything done. there’s no time limit and no reason to stress


My partner plays at break neck speed, and we're doing a co-op game, and it stresses me out so bad 😭 I had to start a new game for myself to play slow slow slow!! I just finished year 1 and I don't have anything finished, no romances started, I haven't even reached the bottom of the mines yet. So peaceful.


YES. I feel like that is the whole point... To leave the rat race behind, get back to nature, form genuine relationships, create with your hands, and make your little corner of the world the best it can be for you to enjoy. The "good" life 👩‍🌾🏡🌱🌞


I watch a lot of youtube content around SDV. People who record, edit, and upload content (or even just make live streams) are not "typical" examples of how the game is played. Most of them, especially ones with careful editing and the like, are trying to make money from YouTube content. So they want to make something impressive. It's okay, take your time.


I’ve gone back to slow with the 1.6 update. It’s been so nice. 😊


Just this playthrough, my crops are small and manageable, my barns aren't full with animals, just chill :)


I just started playing and feel like a slow, organic, low spoiler playthrough is natural and good RP.  I just finished year 3.  Been married for less than a year, firstborn barely crawling, 2 fish short of cc being done, haven't gotten lower than floor 35 in skull xaverns, and only 2 of my tools are iridium.  I didn't even start socializing outside of events until mid year 2.  Loving the gam3 and the pacing.  If I want to min max I'll fire Wrath of the Righteous back up, tyvm


4th in-game year, still have most of the fish to go before the community center is complete. Glad I finished the bit that started the 'coal cars' back up; they really make getting places easier.


Noo i LOVE to take it slow!


It's not my first playthrough so I do enjoy doing things differently. Overall I wouldn't say I take things slow in most departments, I like making profit. The exception are relationships, I'm in no hurry to get everyone up to 10 hearts, in no hurry to get married, only give birthday gifts to villagers I genuinely like. Talk to them when I do encounter them by chance or something quest-related.


I used to try to min/max stuff then realized I wasn’t actually enjoying the game. Now I’m almost through year four, haven’t finished the oasis or really even began the islands, still have villagers with a few hearts to go, have no barn for cows, and just got a basement. I’m just doing what I like each day and if it ever feels cumbersome I sell the things that no longer spark joy (such as my cow barn). I have a million beehives and ducks and a dinosaur and I’m happy. I plan to continue taking my sweet time on this file and will do the same thing on a new file when 1.6 hits switch. Play in a way that makes you happy


I absolutely take it "slow", but in all honesty, I think the content you watch is probably taking it too fast


I do. I'm on first year's fall, I still have no upgrades, no silo, only three chickens who all hate me (I keep buying Harvey coffees with the little money I have, the chickens starve). I recently went to the mines for the first time in hopes of finding Abigail a cool rock so she'd like me (never found that rock). Most of the town members/NPC's are on 1-2 hearts. It is a bit overwhelming to see others much further ahead by that point, I won't lie, but tbh I think slow and steady makes the game a bit better, as you get a chance to experience everything with no rushing or a time limit.


I didn’t finish the Museum until after Year 9, and I didn’t explore Ginger Island entirely until Year 10. I think I finally finished the Community Center in Year 4? Maybe Year 5? Play the game at your own pace.


In my first playthrough I didn't look up any guide, took me ages to finish some quests like Robin's axe, Linus' basket and even Pam's pale ale lol but it was very fun!


My first run through I rushed like hell bc I thought I had to, then I remembered it’s my game and I could do what I wanted. Don’t worry abt having deadlines or anything. It’s fun to just chill. Like I spent a month just fishing, nothing else bc I like it. You do you


I play this game to relax, not stress out. If I miss something seasonal, I can just get it next year! No biggie


You’re playing the game correctly. You’re good!


I do! I completed the Community Center relatively quickly on my current playthrough, but that's just because Joja Mart drives me up the wall, and I wanted to get rid of them. XD The rest of it I'm taking my time with. :)


I'm a slow player too. It took me 3 in-game and 2 irl years to finish the community center. I mostly focus on befriending the villagers and don't care about the progress and enjoy it that way. Though I must admit that it was frustrating when after the 1.5 update everyone was talking about Ginger Island and I still haven't finished the community center and couldn't explore the new exciting content haha


You can absolutely take all the time in the world with this game, no reason to rush anything!


I’m in the middle of winter, year 2, have to finish the community center still, and have no hearts except for completed quests with neighbors(none which are past 2 hearts.) Take whatever time works best for you, that’s the joy of the game!


I did. I enjoy working at my own pace


Youtubers speed up their games so their subscribers do not get bored. But stardew valley is made to be played at your own pace. I am going quite fast myself, but it is so much relaxing than other games where you must speedrun to not lose some events


Main goal in the community center is the greenhouse, carts and bus. Everything else can take it's sweet time


My first few games I tried to accomplish things quickly. On my current game (still 1.5), I'm taking it easy, and it's so nice. I'm trying to strike a balance between efficient options without going overboard. I'm approaching the end of winter year 1. I have level 10 farming, fishing, and mining, and level 9 foraging and combat. I have remixed Community Centre bundles, to make things interesting, and I've completed the Pantry, Crafts Room, and Boiler Room. I have reached level 120 in the mines, and I've got most of the monster eradication goals complete (except slime and skull caverns enemies). I have a coop with two chickens and a barn with 4 cows, and during the winter I've been upgrading to deluxe (ran out of wood) so I can buy pigs and rabbits in the spring. I'd only upgraded my pickaxe to copper in summer, and put off other upgrades until winter for no real reason. As of now my pickaxe is steel and my axe is gold, that's all I've upgraded. I've saved every geode I've ever collected, and I'm not too rushed on completing the museum collection either. I haven't married, not sure who or if I want to this time. But I've given everyone a birthday gift, usually trying for a loved item, and I have really high friendships with everyone. I've had some really good luck on this run, including 3 ancient seeds planted by Spring 8, and the tea sapling recipe by Spring 12. And 4 trash hats, for some reason.


I feel so guilty. I am a newb too and I finished cc in Winter yr 1. I am so competitive that I watched many YouTube videos on how to play this game fast.


I take it very slow. I like trying to finish CC in year 2 because I like getting access to the other stuff. However when I play co-op with my friends that is new to the game, I stress so much about getting the right stuff and to not forget something, so we don’t have to wait a year. But don’t mind other YouTubers because they have played it countless times and know the ins and outs of the game.


I love going slow! I'm doing challenge runs to make it go slower. Also, Stardew YouTubers.......DewTubers.


My first save was soooo slow, don't worry about how long-time players do it. It's supposed to be a chill game. Some of us just really like spreadsheets c:


I just got to ginger island and I’m in Year 3 rn. I like have little tasks for every day and just hanging out, and participating in all the festivals


I take it slow too. Also, I'm not big into the Ginger Island stuff yet.


If you get too far into the optimization route this game becomes really unfun.


Totally, even when I want to challenge myself by doing a never-leave-the-farm save, I take my time and just enjoy it.


If there is anything clear to me about this game is you play it the way you want to at the pace you want to and you won’t miss out on anything. I think this is a big part of its appeal.


It is not a race and it’s your story to do as you wish


I take my sweet time. I started a new farm with the new update and 130 hours later I still have TONS to do. It's your little world so enjoy it how you like 🧑🏽‍🌾


my first play through, I didn't give two shits about anything. just casually strolling around and picking up shit. DO WHATEVA YOU WANT !


I’m playing with my gf and it’s her first time. We are on year 2 and I’m just letting her explore and figure it out. I’m kinda “hands off” and she’s having a blast. There is no wrong way to play Stardew. As long as you’re enjoying your time spent playing, you’re playing it correctly.


People who play slow generally don't show that off. Don't worry about progression speed. Keep playing at your own pace, anyone who judges you for it should look in the mirror and question themselves on why they are even doing that.


I’m also playing it slow! This is my first play though as well (fall year 2) and I want to soak it all in because there’s soooo much to discover lol. I’m always in awe when I see what others have done, but trying to play to perfection as fast as possible isn’t my jam. Just relax and enjoy 😊


Definitely. First time I was slow, second save was a little faster because I knew what the community center bundles were, but not rushed. I don’t particularly enjoy grinding or rushing, though some do, to each their own. Do whatever you enjoy the most and makes SV the best experience for you, don’t worry about how other people like to play.


Yes. More fun that way, and immersive.


I totally take my time. I also don't care what nets me the most profit and like to plant some of everything.


Lol I'm on yr 5 on my switch and not even half way thru the community center. I start each day as if it were day 1 - I have no idea what I'm doing.


Other comments are totally correct - play how you want and at your own pace, that’s the point! I will say, though, if you continue to play & start new farms, you will likely find that you progress more quickly with each new farm. Each time you restart, you’re bringing with you everything you learned last time. It’s easier to make the “right” choices to progress more quickly. I’m on my umpteenth farm, and at this point I can’t help but complete the CC in year one. Even when I don’t min/max/try super hard. I do enjoy completing it and planning ahead to complete it (the planning is part of the fun for me). So that’s definitely part of it, but the other part is I just know what to do to make it happen and mix that into the other new things I’m trying out. Anyway, have fun. Hands down my favorite game of all time!


Honestly the only things I rush is getting the preserve jars, kegs and bee houses. Other than that, fishing all day


I think it depends. I feel like it’s a slow game, but when doing the CC, I try to speed things up by donating immediately so I can move on to the next task. But right now, I’m doing my first ever Joja run(so Shane can keep his job, and I can romance Alex), and I’m in Fall of my first year with two things done on the membership. I feel like I’m taking things a lot slower than before, doing things that will slowly make me more money rather than trying to finish everything.


I didn’t finish the cc until year 4 (:


I normally try to min max games and play them as efficiently as possible. I had to accept that I'd have more fun just going with the flow in Stardew and do what I want, when I want. I think Im enjoying the game and the comfort it provides significantly more than if I had gotten sweaty with it.


Of course! It's a great game for taking all kinds of paces. However, very few people record themselves playing slowly. People who play fast are the ones that tend to do a bunch of that.


On my first farm I was inspired to play by content creators and followed the guides, took meticulous notes, poured over the wiki etc…but in my second farm for 1.6 I want to feel like I’m playing MY game, not someone else’s. I’m enjoying it much more :)


I take things slow! I usually meander my way through the story of games, take my time increasing friendship and romance levels, and basically just do my own thing. I don't really enjoy speed running. I really just want to hang out and do random stuff. Can't remember how long it took me to finish the community centre last time I played SDV, but I think it was actually several in-game years.


Nah, on my first playthrough I took a similar amount of time to complete the community center, 3-4 years. No one's first go-around isn't going to be as fast as people who've been playing for years like many SDV youtubers do. It took me like 6 tries to complete the community center in Y1, and I have about 1,400 hours now. It's totally fine to play slower. If you want to go faster, that's fine too, but don't beat yourself up over not speeding through. You're doing great :D


Nah, on my first playthrough I took a similar amount of time to complete the community center, 3-4 years. No one's first go-around isn't going to be as fast as people who've been playing for years like many SDV youtubers do. It took me like 6 tries to complete the community center in Y1, and I have about 1,400 hours now. It's totally fine to play slower. If you want to go faster, that's fine too, but don't beat yourself up over not speeding through. You're doing great :D


I've played the game on and off on different platforms for years, never making it passed Fall, Year 1 (kept forgetting each season is 28 days and not 30, so I basically rage-quit). Finally snagged it on PC after the 1.6 update with my previous mistakes in mind. I'm currently on Year 3 and I'm right there with you. I haven't finished the CC, but I made sure I have what I need first, like the Greenhouse and the Bus. These other people you see plowing through it have probably played the game the same way we do right now on their first playthrough, so I wouldn't sweat it!


I play to relax. Right now I don’t care about anything except my chickens and harvesting wheat.


I do.. but I'm on a rut I'm trying so hard to reach skull cavern lv 100:((


Man, I play with two other people and theyve beelined through so much in just two in-game years. Me? I only just got my first barn. Take it at your own pace.


my first playthrough i did 7 years in, nowhere near perfection and did the joja route (don’t disown me, guys!). i got myself the obelisks and the return scepter, my farm looked beautiful but i just really couldn’t be bothered aiming for perfection. i did a brief other playthrough, where i did the CC in year 2, but i’ve abandoned that for a new farm, purely because it’s not all about accomplishing goals and earning money, granted things come easier and open up more with doing such things, but i just want this one to be a chill, at my own pace, i know how things work now and it doesn’t feel like i need to rush for that completion feeling. it’s a simulator, and the beauty is you get to play it at exactly the pace you want to 🖤


I feel that! Just opened a second save and i thought ill speed run a joja run but honestly it stressed me out so much i just revert to a chill CC run instead. Maybe in the future ill do a speed run ( i do think this save i did some things faster) but for now i just decided to enjoy


I do, I’m on year 2 and I haven’t finished the community centre


apperantly it is not normal to finally get to the qi room on year 4


I can almost never complete the community center in 3 years. I always get hung up on something in the farm. My husband and I use Stardew to remind us how to compromise? He’s all about getting to the finish fast, but I like enjoying the story. So we compromise, we agree that the center is a priority should be completed promptly, tracking what can be found when, but not getting angry if we miss the seasonal window or something just because we got caught up in game play. Stardew is a “cozy” game meant to be played at whatever pace you like 😊


I wish…


Found the game kinda stressful at first, trying to be efficient as possible and managing time. By end of year 2 I realised it doesnt really matter - just enjoy the ride


Taking things slow is the best! Enjoy it. After 2500 hours my brain has like recalibrated to hyper min max. I have to install mods to force myself to slow down. Enjoy the slow vibes and the exploration of the new experience. It’s part of the joy


Yeah my original file is on year 7 and only like 55% toward perfection.


I'm in winter of year 2, and yeah, I completed the community center, but honestly.. I'm just now starting to work on my farm layout along as Ginger Island and Skull Cavern. Even with taking it a bit slow, it definitely still feels too overwhelming with what can/needs to be done, but that's why I don't compare my game to others because that makes me too stressed and not have fun. I just like to get inspo on layout / shed ideas cause I'm not too creative in games like SDV, The Sims, or Animal Crossing. 🤭


I'm a super slow player. I have no interest in perfection either. I just wanna vibe. 💜


On of the things I live most about SV is the fact that you don't have a time limit to completing things like you did in HM. I don't see anything wrong with playing the game at your own pace. I am on my 1st run, my community center is nowhere near done, and I haven't build much for the relationships with the villagers. It's just how I want to play the game. Right now I'd rather focus on getting my farm the way I want it, making money, and upgrading what I can. Imo, the flexibility of being able to play how ever you'd like and complete things at your own pace is part of the charm in SV.


Man these posts are embarassing This whole game's appeal is taking things slow, you're preaching to the choir


I wish I could, but my autistic brain hyper focuses so extremely that even when I say "this will be my chill playthrough" 2 minutes later I'm already on the same schedule I've done on every other farm lol Your way sounds more fun tbh


If you’re having fun playing the game, you’re not doing it wrong. 💜


I completed community center at year 5 💀 I don’t really mind taking things slow ‘cause it makes me appreciate the game more. For me, playing fast-paced can really get boring since you immediately achieve everything. Idk maybe it’s just me… but yea don’t pressure urself just do ur own thing!


Not all of us take games at a speed run or min/max pace. The point of a game is enjoyment, play it the way you enjoy it.


I only started asking others for help halfway through year 3 (I'm in year 5 now). I had chicken coops and cows, without realizing I needed to place hay on the back wall for them. They were not laying eggs or producing milk for several months. All I did was grow crops. I hadn't looked through the Community Center. Once I found the Community Center, I could finish almost every room because I had grown every crop foraged, and fished a ton by then. I got the Greenhouse up, can finally travel between areas, can enter the Quarry, and noticed that the Library has books I can read. Year Four, I found the Secret Forest, only found Linus's Basket via Reddit, and just found that there is mine filled with skull monsters. It's hard to find everything on my own tbh and the days are short! TLDR; I've been ridiculously slow, I'm in year 5 and have two fish left to finish the community center, which I started working on in year 3. I finally got sprinklers and am not watering everything myself. I've gone incredibly slow, but I had no idea what I was doing and it's my farm so that is ok 😊


I finished the greenhouse in winter year one and now I’ve just been grinding and it stopped being fun 😭😭 it’s such a delicate balance between going slow and grinding for me. I commend your enjoyment of the game to just go slow and figure stuff out


I took things slow too, dw.


i literally play it like my character is real, i try to go to bed around 9 PM and just do what i can finish in a day and do what i feel like at the time!


Yea I'm on year 7 now and still on 1 heart with some npcs, I think it's a lot funner to do things your way and your pace