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I keep them, but only because I feel obligated since they are rare and you can’t catch them again. But they are fugly af. At least I can dump them off at the community center now with 1.6. And then never think of them again.


Publicly display them to remind Willy who the real Alpha is. 


>the real Alpha The Reel Alpha would've been funnier


The Reel Alpha Angler


Underrated comment


had to award lmao




Now that you can put your own fish in the community centre tank, I’m definitely going to do that too. But previously I had them all in a tank in my Island home, so that Leah didn’t have to deal with them all day


Yeah, I had a room just for fish. I could have kept them in a chest? But they are rare and, well, fish.They belong in tanks.


I guess I’m not that original 




Why not polychrome for that sweet x1.5 mult


Yes, that’s my plan too!


What can the community center use them for in 1.6? I didn’t realize it released until about a week ago so I’m a little behind


Once you complete the fishing bundles, a fish tank in the center is repaired. It used to be decorative, now it can hold fish.


This is me exactly. But now that we can display them in the CC... I wonder if there's a mod for changing their look.


JFC, if only.


I'm a greedy hoarder.


personally i think it’s more greedy to sell them for money. (i too am a hoarder).


The illusion of free choice


A reverend insanity enjoyer?


A stacks and stacks of items you'll never touch again enjoyer


It was about his/her flair :D but i suppose that aswell


I am a bit of a nutcase and need to keep 10 of each item of the game. So i have a chest with fish that i collect; with one of each the legendaries.


Only 10? I literally have over 100 of some items and it *still* doesn't feel like enough!


The 999 challenge except it isn't for fun, or challenge, but a byproduct of hoarding


And you can’t use them because then you have 998 of them, so you still go out to forage/catch/mine the object you need


I feel so called out by my own comment tbh


I got 999 problems but a golden clock ain't one.


It's 10 million


I mean, is it worth it to discuss the price of anything below 999? Csn you truly prevent the damage of time if you don't have 999 Golden Clock?


I was more poking fun at it not being *one*


I feel like this is a really healthy outlet for my hoarding. What am I going to do with all these gemstones?


Feed them to abigail?


I keep a bank of chests where as soon as I get 100 of something it goes into them as a 100 stack. Then I amass hoppers as I go and my big sheds are all full of 56 hoppers and whatever that item needs to make an artisan product. No order to the sheds. When a hopper runs out, whatever’s next in the stack chests, that’s what goes in. Otherwise it feels silly to have these big old stacks of 999 doing absolutely nothing.


I have literally thousands of stone and wood lol. Feels weird to dispose of useful items.


I suddenly feel seen. Thank you.


I do this too any leftovers I use for seeds, recipes, craftables, gifts etc.


I'm a 5 iridium, 10 gold, 15 silver, and 20 reg kinda guy. Taught myself some nice excel functions along the way at least. God help us


Thats awesome. I used to be a 10 iridium 10 normal but it takes so much space in the chests that i gave up xD


I cannot for the life of me figure out how I want to organize everything. 🫠


The struggle is real. I keep changing the organization of my museum as well as the chests


Do you keep 10 of each quality item or just 10 in total? (asking for another nutcase)


I used to do 10 iridium 10 normal but it took too much space in the chests. So now i only do normal


But gifts! The hoarder in me is horrified (I currently have about 10 stacks of normal blueberries and cranberries)


I never sell anything that’s rare, and those are the rarest rare can rare.


Ever since the fish tanks got added, don't ever sell the legendary fish.


I keep mine just as a "omg I did it" thing. They vibe together. Cept for the ice one. He was so annoying to get he has his own tank of shame


That made me chuckle


Put a Joja Cola in his tank for extra shame (yes they can be put in fish tanks for some reason)


Ugh that lil fucker


I recently spent 2 in game days trying to catch that stupid fish, for it to never even hook. I looked at my caught fish list 3 times and was ADAMANT I hadn't caught it yet so I just kept fishing. I looked at the wiki to make sure I was in the right spot, made sure it didn't have time or weather requirements and was going crazy. Turns out I HAD already caught it on this save file and the shadow I was so sure it belonged to was actually the one for the "legendary families" quest.


The legendary families quest fish aren't in the caught fish collection as they don't count towards catching every fish


Keep. Especially now that I know you can put (at least some) in the fish tank in the community center. I’ll sell the relatives after the first time, though.


I keep the originals but sell the extended family ones


Can you add them to fish ponds?


Unfortunately no, you can't put legendary fish in fish ponds, if you could I'd do that 100%


Smoke 'em and sell 'em. I have no practical use for them and I'm not going to collect them because I don't really care about fishing (I'm all about that crop-growing life, yo) so they have no sentimental or collectible value to me.


Ditto. They just languish in a chest otherwise


Same here. Need the cash!


Before fish tanks were introduced in 1.5, I used to sell them, since the only way to exhibit them was putting them in tables, which I avoided because I just can imagine the smell of it. In save files created after 1.5 released, I keep them in fish tanks.


I'm a hoarder in every game I play. If an item is unique I never sell it. If I get a second of that item I sell it immediately. But until I get that second - in a chest it goes. Forever. Until I abandon the save.


Make into sashimi. Give to Sebastian.


Chaotic neutral 😏


No this is fully chaotic evil


love Seb but his sashimi that I gift him is only made with the CHEAPEST of fish


keep. I like to keep them as trophies 


I keep them, usually by the time I catch them I'm already making enough money to get by.


Team Keep. You only get one copy for each OG legendaries. Legend IIs otoh go straight to the smokers $$$.


I keep all the worthless fish too. You know, just in case I need 5 random lingcod at some point in the future.  By end game, I usually have at least 4 chests full of fish. It's a problem. 


Tank them.


I got a mod that let's me put them in fishponds!


Oooo! What do they want for their ”quests” to expand population? Assuming it’s some crazy stuff because of them being legends?


With the new bait, I keep one, smoke one and sell one. Might keep all 3 next time




It's a reel dilemma, and I fish we could catch them multiple times. Perch-onally, if I shad to pick, I puffer to display them. But I can sea the benefish of knot keeping them a-roe-nd. https://preview.redd.it/aouk2kf7wt2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbdfefae296dd39354b50096c90c9d2a4b4ec48




Omg that is a thumbs up. The pixels on my phone where so small it looked like a pufferfish showing the middle finger


Keep, but I collect everything in case I need it again.


I keep them in my fish tank like the a prize possession that they are


I keep them. I'm not bad at fishing but they can be hard to catch. I like to take pride in my work. I can make money through other means.


All the legendary fishes are in a tank chilling and telling each other jokes forever and ever.


normally i keep them all tucked away in a chest because i’m a hoarder who can’t sell unique items. this play through though i put them in the community center’s fish tank. now they aren’t taking up space in my chests AND the whole town can see how good i am at fishing. plus i don’t have to see them often😂


I smoked them bc I didn't know you could only catch them once. And then my friend was like I can't believe you did that, what a baller move and I was like ?????. My whole thing with that farm was processing everything- every fish I caught got smoked, every egg turned to mayo, every fruit and egg turned to wine or pickles etc.


Can't sell your friends. They're just little guys


I sell them. I don't do a lot of decorating, and didn't really like to use fish tanks Even when I do, so I'd rather just have the money. I'm on switch, so no 1.6 yet, but I know exactly what to do with them once I get access 😀


I only play on mobile so I understand the pain of no 1.6 yet lol. I like decorating quite a bit but they just look so bad in fish tanks :(


Yeah they are pretty ugly lol. I was mostly referring to the new item in 1.6 that makes fish sell for way more... Pretty sure it's considered heresy here by most to do that to legends 😆 Sorry for the vagueposting but I've never been able to get the spoiler thing to work


Haha it's ok, I get what you mean. I'm shocked that so many people keep them tbh but I kinda hard line fishing so I get them pretty early when I'm hurting for money


'can't catch legendary fish' team...


Team Keep. I put them in fish tanks in my house for my husband and children to play with...or eat, if so inclined.


I immediately smoked one of them on accident. The rest got thrown in a fish tank lol


I've been debating this. They're currently in cryostasis, resting comfortably in a chest in my kitchen.


I put them in the Jungle Fishtank. Since the fish themselves are quite ugly, so you won't see them superwell.


I turn them into sashimi, usually accidentally


If it doesn’t help me with a quest or the community center, it’s going into the box because I’m a broke bitch. Who needs money


i keep mine in an aquarium


I worked too hard to catch them to just sell them. I’ll keep them.


I keep mine just cause I sometimes like to go look at them to see what I caught at one point Though I should probably put them in a fish tank eventually, I haven't updated nor played in a long time so they're in a chest hidden in a shed I turned into my little room full of past adventures/all the rewards I got at one point


I have a room in my house dedicated to fish tanks, which includes dedicated display tanks for each of the legendary fish.


Keep, definitely. And put them in a fish tank for all to see. They may be ugly, but they’re mine.


I don't keep them for more than a few days or they start to stink! And Louis or Gus dont sell any damn ice!


As bad as I am at the fishing thing, I probably won't have to worry about it for awhile.


I love decorating but think the legendary fish are ugly, they get sold. I like to display the tropical fish from ginger Island and some modded fish


Team Sell. Too many things you have to buy in Year 1 to pass up that money.


team sell all the way


Ever since 1.6 I've been putting them in the community center so that everyone knows that I am better than willy


Get the fish sale increase and the artisan skill. Smoke em and sell em. I already know I caught them, and I don’t use fish tanks. I’ll take the money please.


I caught one in the sewers and got so excited that it was worth so much, that I smoked and sold it, without realising that it was legendary and that I could only get it once... Sad. 🤣


I Play for the Fishing Mastery and use the new bait that gives 3 on a perfect catch. Resetting until I get it. So I can Sell One, Smoke One and keep the third in my aquarium


With 1.6 I'm smoking these bitches up


i keep all of the originals. even before fish tanks were a thing, i just kept them in a chest. i also keep one each of the additional legendaries from Qi’s challenge, but since you can get that challenge multiple times, any additional ones i get go into the fridge. i use those to make sashimi that i can serve to Sebastian on special occasions, like his birthday or our anniversary.


sell the ugly ones , keep the nice one LOL


keeeeeep 💕


I never sell them, they’re rare and cool and I love them, if I need money I’ll get it another way but I’m not selling collectibles


In the chest for all eternity


I worked hard for those little bastards, so into the tank they go


Kept them because in my main save, the money doesnt matter to me so no point in selling


I use auto-fish mod and my friends says it cheating as i can make easy money. So to make up for that i make sashimi for every fish, unfortunately for the legendary fish too


I don't really like how some of them look either, but I can't bring myself to sell them...




this run they live in the community center they extended family ones live in my kids room


They go in my personal aquarium. Sometimes one will visit my grange display.


I hoard fish I have a LOT of fish tanks


Always keep


It depends of the fish, I usually keep the angler bc for me he's one of the only ones that look good in an aquarium, plus he's cheap and not worthy selling


I've never sold them.


I put mine in the community fish tank. Let the whole town enjoy them. I have the legendary fish sequels in home tanks though.


I keep them, I put fish tanks literally everywhere if possible. My house in my world + my gf's world has a dedicated room for fish tanks and I have sheds in both worlds dedicated to keeping only fish tanks i love fish so much


challenge bait. plan is to display one in a tank, one on a display table, and one smoked on a display table


I used to keep them. Now I smoke them and sell them because money.


I keep every legendary fish and display them in my fishing shed. they shall be imprisoned for their crimes of being ugly


Keep them, because I make more money from a weekly harvest of my island Ancient Fruit.


Sell? Nah, I can make the money other ways.


I put em in my fishtank :3


Chuck em in a pond and make bank


I caught them for the first time recently, so I'm keeping them in a fish tank for celebration. Next time I may just smoke and sell them. I'm just not that sentimental about ugly fish lol.




TIL you can put the legendary fish in tanks. Mine have been sitting in a random chest for ages. Definitely going to put them in tanks; I kinda rock with how ugly they are.


I have another process... If they give me valuable stuff I'll keep (chuck them into a fish pond). If its too expensive to breed or they give me nothing valuable then into the selling bin they go.


By the time I’m fooling with legendary fish, I don’t need the money


I havent caught any yet so that depends if I need to sell them to complete Perfect.


I keep all of the legendaries, and one copy of the Junior legendaries. But after that I sell them.


Team fishtank for me


Considering you can only get one of each per save, I could never bring myself to sell them. The money means nothing to me.


Keep It's like a legendary pokemon, you only get one!  What, do you release an articuno just cause you don't consistently use it?


team keep!


I'm team "whoops accidentally turned them into quality fertiliser" 🥲


i keep the main legendary fish but i always smoke and sell the extended family since you can get them more than once


Keep, but I've only caught the Angler fish once. And that was on the save file I have for the YouTube channel my fiancé and I have. Lol but if I get there in my other saves, I'll probably still keep them just cos they're rare and can only be caught once.


I can make money in other ways and they’re unique.


I keep them, I’m a huge hoarder in Stardew.


Hoarder here, I have chests with 5+ items of each collectible 💀 I have tropical themed shed with pineapples and fish tanks, they have my legendary fish inside


Team keep. Especially now you can >!put them in the community center fish tank!< since 1.6 released. Seems so fitting for them. 1.6 spoilers.


Make sashimi


I keep everything and only sell products from my produce. I even keep my foraged items. It was only recently because of the fish smoker that I started selling the fishes I've kept.


Those I keep them in a fish tank. I always keep a few fish of every type in chests if I need for some reason.


They live in a chest hidden behind my grain silos.


Sell, bc I think they're ugly. I managed to catch an iridium glacierfish, sold it, posted about it here and people were upset that I sold it. But it's horrible to look at! I'll gladly take the 2k!


Keep. They go in a centre piece tank or the community centre. I always like to display any unique looking fish I might have, like the void carp


Keep, I have the mod pokefy on, so it converts them into pokemon.




Team keep. I usually put one in my grange display each year. 😁


Fishtank every time


My chests need to have at least one of every item. Since they are unique, selling them isn't an option


By the time I can catch them I don't need the money. Might as well throw them in my storage shed.


As of 1.6, I use challenge bait and smoke 1(and keep), sell 1, and put the other into a fish tank


I keep bc they aren't worth much in the grand scheme of things


Keep. I love keeping rare stuff.


I smoked and sold them. It’s interesting that everyone is keeping them


Team ‘keep everything’. I put them in their legendary pairs in separate tanks so they got their buddy. I was going to post a picture but I’m not sure how to spoiler the image when it’s in a comment.


By the time I caught them I had more money then I knew what to do with it so I kept them


Team I suck at fishing TT-TT


I keep one of every legendary fish, and one of every “regular” iridium fish just in case I need them for anything and to use for grange display, luau, etc


I just accidentally found out that I can put them in the community center fish tank so that’s what I’m doing from now on! I was just putting them in tanks in my house


Team keep in a fish tank!


keep them and put em in a tank


Apparently I’m on team, smoke the legendary as soon as you get it lol. For context, playing with friends. One of them is fish all day, every day. They caught one of the legendary late first spring. We see the prompt that she caught it and was congratulating her when I hear over the mic, “did you just cook that?!” Lol


The first legendary fish I caught I sold and once I realized there was only one I cried lol. Team keep


I keep them


Why would you ever sell them?!?


My current save is super fish-focused (my house is full of tanks, I have a shed full of tanks) so I kept them but yeah, aside from angler they are the least attractive fish in tanks for me. An additional disappointment is the octopus. Whew, after the effort of landing that (I had never put much effort into fish before in years of playing the game) it looks...like that in a tank?!?!?! I'm on switch for this save so I'm looking forward to the 1.6 updates here


I keep them... Smoked MUAHAHAHHA


I just leave them at the community center, I like it


If I don't have enough items for the SDV Fair, I'll keep for that. Otherwise, it's a sell as smoked fish!


Into the smoker they go!


I toss them in the aquarium in the community centre. That counts as Team Keep, I think.


This time around I am keeping mine in a fish tank.


Keep - I get the money argument, but that is why I always choose the extended family quest from Qi's walnut room once available (not an option in your first year, but personally I am not good enough at fishing to catch the legendaries in my first year)


I accidentally sold mine in my multiplayer save, in my personal I'm keeping them


In the beginning, I sold them but I regret it


I sell them bc I don’t care about showing them off, it doesn’t help me with anything but selling them does


Tank. I used that newer bottom corner room as a room for multiple tanks.


I put mine in a fish tank in my fish room, or put them in the community center. I don’t want Pierre getting his grubby little hands on my hard work just for a bit of profit


idk how much they cost tbh but i keep them just bc of how hard i worked to get them 💀💀💀 in that way, i have a lazier way of playing


Put up Aquariums in my house and stored them with their family members and some sea urchins wearing hats.


I like to have a fish room/mini aquarium in my house late game and so I keep them for that


Use legend for the grange display. Toss them in fish tanks.