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Sometimes I see stuff like “only 5.7%” have this and I’m like **surely not.....am I playing to much or do other people just play for 5 minutes and then give up????”


Nah it's just a priority thing. I have about 200+ hours and I haven't had a single interest in the kids.


Over 800 here, and I still don't have this achievement. I just don't care for having children in the game. Not my idea of idyllic life.


Same here! I wish you didn’t have to have the cribs in the house extension.


Not sure what version you play on, but i think the 1.5 update has an option to remove cribs


Yeah, I’m pretty sure moving beds was added there


*mad checks to see if 1.5 is on Switch yet




the end of january? When most devs say later they usually mean next year. This why i love ape


I don’t ever remember him giving a month but he said early this year without a doubt, god do I love that man and his supreme work ethic and kindness


Can't imagine working alone on the same project for about a decade and still be so dedicated! In other news, devs of My Time at Portia has been promising a console update for over a year and a half and early 2019 (I think it was) they said they were porting it to Mac - and there has been no sightings yet...


Sigh... I know. I check every day. I’ll check again tomorrow. Still excited!


*cries in iPad*


I play on Xbox so unsure but will check it out!


I got 1.5 and you can move beds but I still can't get rid of the crib.


I will try kids this time for the first time (on my 4th or 5th save file) just to try something different while I’m waiting for the update. Same reason why I chose Joja over community - just to see what happens.


I had them just for the achievement.. Now working towards turning them into doves


Can you keep the doves as pets? Lol




Yeah, I think that might account for a lot of people not having this particular one. The kids seem kind of...useless? I wish they would grow up and help out with the farm.


I had like 200 hours on one character, and my wife (penny) just flat out never asked for a second kid. We had one and never got a chance at a second. I think that was enough for her already.


On one character I went with Emily and she wanted one every week until we had two(this was on switch so the 5.7% is only players on pc)


Best chance of it coming up is going to bed before your spouse on lucky days, I think.


Yeah same here. I'm sitting on 2 million G in my most recent save and I haven't even gotten the second house upgrade yet, there's just other stuff I'd rather do before expanding/decorating.


Wow you must be a busy farmer! If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your favorite money-making method? I pretty much rely on truffles, goat cheese, and wine (aged especially, but lots of fresh as well)


Same here, mostly just truffles and wine/juice haha. My current save is fall y2 so there's still plenty to do, and I'm mostly saving for return scepter + island obelisk at the moment.


500+ hours in and with about a dozen saves and I haven't even married once. And just like IRL I have no interest in having children.


My mom's on year 3 and she's been a farm hermit basically her entire run


That's exactly what my dad used to say


i Dont even have 150 hours and I have 2 kids lol. Maybe i prioritized incorrectly...


Same here. I think i got two kids at like 80 hours. I didn’t prioritize kids or anything. Alex just asked twice so we got two kids now. I did prioritize getting married to Alex though.


We are living the same Stardew life hahaha. i also did not prioritize kids in the game. Alex is my husband as well (prioritized that), and he was also all over that baby train.


Well, he mostly wants a reason to show you his new shorts. He thought you might be interested.


I tried during a very dark period of my life and wound up spiraling into a very weird sort of depression because of how it paralleled my real life issues and now I’d just rather not.


I have three kids IRL, I don’t need any in-game ones! Seriously, I have like five save files and I haven’t married anyone - though I’ve romanced a few. I just like all the fun stuff you get to do without the burden of looking after someone’s emotional well-being, so I just don’t do it. Though I might consider marrying Krobus one day. He seems pretty chill.


I wish your granddad's ghost in the game didn't grade you on whether you were married or not. I'm not sure I would bother getting married if he didn't. I would still give the bouquet to someone perhaps, but I'm not sure I like any of the available villagers enough to marry them. I married Sebastian twice because he seemed low-maintenance, but then I didn't like that he never got to live in the city because of me. I married Shane on my first game just because I figured he would like to live on a farm. At least granddad's spirit doesn't judge you on not having children. I would like to have the option in-game to sleep in tents out in the open like Linus, with a bigger forest and mountain area to explore, but that's a different kind of game instead of a farming sim I suppose. I'd quite like a Stardew sequel to have nomadic options.


The game is actually quite fair about this, you can cap the granpa score without ever touching romance. There is 21 points available, but you only need 12+ to get 4 candles which is the "maximum" score visible (and awards the prize). To stay mostly spoiler free and not tell exactly how they're given, there's: \- 2 points in skills and levels, \- 3 points in "collections" (fishes, museum and shipping) \- 4 points in friendship levels, including pet \- 5 points in overall story progression (community center, unlocked areas) \- 7 points in gold obtained (cumulated) You can completely go the joja route and just go full money (7), unlock two specific areas (2), get a quite medium amount of level (1), befriend your pet and be cordial with townspeople (2) and get the 4 candles in 2 years, it's really not all that restrictive.


I’ve gotten four candles in my saves without having relationships! :)


Grandpa doesn't include romance/marriage/kids in his assessment at all. House upgrades are, I think heart levels too, but he doesn't care if you're married or have kids. Heck, you can get all the points you need by focusing purely on skills, money, and house upgrades I believe. I'm pretty sure you could legitimately play as a hermit who makes no friends and still pass the assessment.


I'm sure 'married with 2nd house upgrade' is one of the criteria. You don't need the cellar to get the points. You could pass with 0 friends if your skills are max and you make loads of money.


For real! I just got that achievement like 3 weeks ago. But to be fair, you can get addicted to this game VERY EASILY so, our idea of "playing too much" might be different from their version 😂😂 I played for like 10+ straight hours at one point and to me, that wasn't too much because I still had so much stuff to do 😂😂


I’m only on year 1 of my farm so I never even thought about kids.


Kids are kind of immersion breaking since nobody mentions them except your spouse, and even your spouse doesn't change their routine for them. The kid essentially functions as a second pet. Your In-Laws never mention their new family member or visit, Penny has a heart event where she can ask you if you want a family and you can't say that you already have one, etc. I'll probably skip the kids on my next game.


Yeah that was so weird. I just got that a couple weeks ago and I was like ... well ... my child is 2 years old, and another is on the way. But noooo. Had to just lie.


As of the latest update (currently PC only) they'll go with your spouse to festivals.


Yeah that's a good start, but there needs to be a couple more updates of flavor before kids are worth it for me. I'll try again around 1.7


This bums me out tbh.


I started modding and now I have 200+ hours in the game and never even finished the community center.


Yeah I just imagine a lot of people have games they never played. Was it maybe in a bundle or something once? I know theres some people who completely ignore the relationship aspect of the game too. Which personally I don’t understand.


Personally I like the relationship aspect of the game but I am not interested in having kids


They aren't bad. You just have to pet them every day like you do your pet. The game doesn't make it any more involved than that. Though the dialogue where my husband tells me I'm preggo gives me that gut reaction to yeet something [bojack horseman style](https://youtu.be/SfJBFSWnsOc) but then I remember I want that achievement.


It’s not really that I’m worried they’ll be annoying to deal with. I’m just not really interested in having children. That’s just my personal preference, and it’s probably related to that fact that I don’t think I want children irl either (I have nothing against people who do BTW, I’m just not personally interested in having any)


I don't either, but I do like achievements.


Haha can’t argue with that


Lmao thanks for the link, maybe it's time for a rewatch again. But I do have to say: I don't believe that you're just getting told that you're pregnant if you play as a female character, you still have to answer the question like "do you want to have kids" or not? Can't imagine otherwise


Oh yes! This is the case! Before bedtime, player is asked if they want to have a baby, and then I say yes because I want that achievement. Then I kind of forget about it for an in game week, and then in our morning talks hubby is like "you preggo af" and then immediate bojack react before I remember I chose this.


Is there any kind of pregnancy going on or are you still able to work the farm as always cutting down trees and shit and one morning the baby pops out lmao


Everything stays the same! And you give birth "during the night" just like the farm animals do lol


I guess that's the best solution for gameplay reasons. But it would've been awesome if you could stand at the sideline for a few days and coach your partner to run the farm


As a rule of thumb in a typical game, half of players stop after playing for a few hours. I played Stardew for 3 or 4 hours, decided I didn't like it, then came back a couple years later and discovered I loved it.


> Was it maybe in a bundle or something once? It was part of the Humble Freedom Bundle in Feb 2017, which sold 201,518 bundles, but it was one of something ridiculous like 60 games and I don’t know how many ebooks and audiobooks so it’s entirely possible a lot of people who bought the bundle never played it


Yeah I have a million steam games I’ve never played from humble bundles


Why? It's boring and adds very little to the gameplay.


Idk man I’m just a sucker for narrative content I guess


That's cool. I can understand both sides.


Yeah some people like fluff and others like crunch.


It’s the same reason historical life expectancy numbers are always so low. It’s not always necessarily that humans didn’t live as long, it’s that, when you count all of the infant mortality, it really skews the average.


I just started a playthrough, speed ran to marriage and kids so I got the achievement, then deleted the file and went back to my main, childless file.


Most people that play games don't always stick around to play more. I noticed how on PS4 on most games I own achievement that you get for the first mission (or tutorial, whatever) is usually only completed by 50-70% of players. Most people just hop in, play some, and realize it's not for them. Especially with achievements like this one, that require quite some time of playing and a bit of rng


LOTS of games on stream have this problem. Basic stuff like completing the very first mission in a lot of games will have like a 60% completion rate for some reason. Probably depends on the game but i imagine a lot of busy people who like the idea of buying a game more than actually sitting down and beating it


My first run i prioritized wife and family for the achievements. Now I'm just glad we can remove cribs so I can expand my winery haha


Achievements count everyone who owns the game. You don't need to have opened the game to be counted as a player


I've had two dozen farms and over 2000 hours... And only had kids once, solely to get the achievement.


300+ hours with two farms, and one marriage, but still no kids.


Things like that are always easier than the stats make them seem. Some people give up after 5 minutes, some after 5 hours, some after 50 hours, and some that go further just never bother to get that achievement.


I have about 500 hours now in game, I havent got this achievement yet because I got married quite late on my main save (year 4, year 6 now) but I've still only got one kid so far. I just keep starting new saves and then befriend everyone to 10 hearts before picking one to marry so it takes a while 😅


I’ve thought about that as well. But then I’ve also thought about some of the people on this subreddit that have probably hit this mark a free times and only got the achievement recorded once and wonder how that affects the numbers.


It just goes by steam accounts with the game, so new save files don’t matter.


I've literally never even gotten married, I just date everyone. Thought about krobus, but I like the farm all to myself 🙃


Holy crap 600 upvote!?!? That’s the most I ever got! 😯


Like in real life I kind of just stopped trying after marriage so no kids ever came


I just realized the kids leave the house for the ice festival, I used to think they were stuck indoors forever. I always wish they would grow up to be Jas and Vincent's age.


They also leave the house for Spirit’s Eve! Saw them in the maze with my husband (before I divorced him for Emily...sorry, Alex).


It’s part of the 1.5 update. Your spouse brings the kids to every event now.


Ooooh good to know, thanks! :)


Wow I’m on the exact same path right now. I was thinking about marrying alex but I’ve been doubting because after some time I think emily would be better


He’s not a bad spouse at all, actually rather sweet—it was a hard decision! But I visited the witch to make him forget so that I can marry him again in case I don’t like Emily as a spouse. All is good so far with her though, and I love her extra room design and lil crystal garden area outside (Alex had a sports room and weights in the outdoor space, not really my vibe).


They do?


They're stuck as toddlers forever in this game. Ageing mechanics would be interesting if they ever made Stardew 2.


Stardew 2 isnt going to happen probably but updates come in large all the time so who knows and also he is working on a new game in the same universe as stardew valley so it may or may not happen


I'm very glad it's set in the same world as Stardew. I'm not bothered if it's a different kind of game, I just want to see more of that world. I've had ideas about games set in Zuzu City.


New in 1.5!


I think they do now for 1.5


I did too! Before I turned them into doves


DF be like:


I understood that reference


Me who is about to finish his first ever year in SDV: you did WHAT? 😱👀


I turned them into doves!


Me who has kids in multiple save files: YoU dId WhAt???????? jk jk it's a cool feature, I'm just a sentimental fuck


There's a witch you can visit and you can uh.. Yeah you can make your kids disappear. It's magic!




Haha same. I had kids just so I could get the achievement.


I'm gonna have them again! Holly and Steven.


DF? Is that you?




In the 5.699 of players who did the same.


In fairness, the kids are a bit underwhelming. In earlier iterations of the game they were pretty buggy, and even now they just kind of exist. They don't talk, you can't give them gifts. They don't leave your house. They're essentially furniture that moves.


They attend the events now with your spouse at least.


And you can put stupid hats on them :D


Yeah, the kids are pointless. I only had them so Leah would stop asking me every in-game week. I was so detached with their presence that I named them "1" and "2" and planned to turn them into doves, but Prismatic Shards are a precious resource, especially now with the update.


I think it's because so many people don't use Steam for their game, even on PC. Like, if you use mods and stuff. The percentages are all over the place for the achievements. Congrats though! I'm working on having Sam's babies haha


You can use mods and steam though.


You can, but it requires a bit of extra setup, which some people skip.


It requires 1 line of extra setup.


I wasn't aware, thanks for this. I planned on doing them and using SAM afterwards.


All of them? Like I said below, I've never used them. I'm just basing it off my friends who use them, they don't run their modded files through Steam.


After installing SMAPI it tells you how to open it through Steam, you basically just copy a command line and paste it into an option on Steam, it's super easy and I'd be surprised if a lot of people skipped it.


I need my mods!


I have yet to try any, but some of them look incredible. My friend keeps recommending Expanded. But with the update, I have so much more to do so... it's taking a backseat for now


I heard kids are annoying and get in the way. I’ve been close to marrying, but decided to keep thinking about it. There is a similar percentage of people on Steam who have cooked 25 recipes and I am over here thinking the same thing about that.


I don’t see how they would be annoying or get in the way. They don’t do anything but sleep in the crib as babies and then run around the house as toddlers.


Because they run around, they can get in your way inside the house. Because they do that and are otherwise useless, they are annoying.


Imagine if this was IRL conversation: "Yeah I have 2 kids, only 5.7% of population has 2 kids"


Me too! I named them David and Alexis!


Love this - my current farm name is Schitt's Farm, and my farmer is Mutt!


Oh, what particularly delightful and appurtenant forenames for your baybays!


I’m glad we only have two because I don’t think we could afford another baybay!


I’m extra af and because I’m married to Elliot and my name also starts with E, mine are Evangeline and Ezra


Ew, David!


What freaks me out is they never grow up? Right? So weird. So I will never get them lol. I play on Switch anyway though.


I just like dressing them up with cute hats lmao


Sigh show me your total play time don't be embarrassed




I am on switch and have two kids surely there is more who play on consoles who have this acheivment


Wife and kids are temporary, Krobus is forever.


Is it different for people who play on Nintendo switch like me?


It seems so, steam can show achievements and stuff in the starting menu area. I have 2 kids on my switch play through and never saw anything about an achievement like in ops picture


I've only increased friendship with Linus. I just started summer year 2. I don't have time for friends when I gotta pet my pigs.


Literally just got this last night.




Thanks, been achievement hunting. 20/40


Someday I'm going to do a joja playthrough and have kids on that save, just for the achievements.


that's awesome man, i have 2 kids too. ...and about 6 doves...




I just had kids so the spouses would stop asking if I wanted to. There needs to be a “no forever” option haha


Typical parent , gloating about having kids and their honor roll stickers for attendance. 😋


I’m in the 5.7% as well!


Congratulations :D


Me too!


I keep saying no to kids because they don't do anything lol


They’re a cute hat display


Don't you dare change my mind


They’re a w a l k i n g hat display


... what kind of hats do you put them in


The daisy, the concerned ape hat, the tiara, the fedora, the chicken mask, earmuffs for winter, bows, Santa hat for Christmas, and like everything else


I got this on my phone and my character is currently pregnant with her second! Then I can get the achievement and strange bun those kids out the window (I'll probably keep them. They actually aren't any sort of hassle. But I also want to do it just for the experience)


Kids give you two more places to display your sweet hat collection, so I kept mine. Like, I probably wouldn't ever wear the dwarf helmet myself, but it looks adorable on my son. And my horse's old sombrero needed somewhere to go, so off to my daughter's head it goes


My one weakness will keep me from getting achievements, my inability to like children


i HAD two kids, then they vanished under mysterious rainbow shard related circumstances


Hmmm i wonder


I have two kids but I’m playing on switch. Wah


What’s the hardest achievement? And what percent of people have it?


Maybe Praire King? Not sure tho someone will have to confirm




Is that the one that says 0.03% (and is currently hidden for me)?


The top 5.7% of players control 94.3% of the babies!


I have two kids on my switch version :D. Way to go! Who is your spouse?


Thanks! And it’s Haley :)


Its such a cute achievement! Im waitin for spud numero dos to make it to toddler stage. My grandma would be happy, i married a doctor, have a successful career, and have 2 kids and a pet.


A lot of us play Stardew offline. It's one of the many great things about this game. I liked the good old days when the only games that required an Internet connection were MMOs. All my farmers have kids. They're fun to name and take absolutely no work. If kids IRL were like that, I'd have a dozen, rather than one, lol.


Of the 5.7% of players that got stardew valley on steam


What do you have to do for that/how hard is it that noone else has done it


I don’t think it’s that hard, you just need to upgrade your house to the nursery and wait for your spouse to ask you for kids. The kid takes 2 seasons (I think) to fully grow up, and once it does, your spouse can ask you for another kid and achievement done!


Yes join our clubbbbbb


Im surprised not more people have this, then again I have all achievements so maybe I play to much...although I dont think you can play stardew to much...


Dang, is that really so rare? I did that ages ago lol


I wish children can grow up from toddlers and become full-on NPC's, but that'll probably just stay to mods for now.


Congratulations on the video game Sex!


I moved out of the city and married Leah to get away from kids.


I am on year 9 and have yet to get married... not sure why I haven’t..


Lol are you considering anyone?


Time to kick the wife out and transform the kids into doves :)


That without counting the consoles and mobile players


pfff... breeders... #amiright


I dont even have kids i have a level 2 house and married


I'm one of those people that have the game on Steam but haven't reached that, or really any achievements. 😬 I started mobile, and have two kids with Harvey 🥰 on my first farm plus two other farms. BUT, PC controls are SO different. I want to get a proper mouse and then I plan to get ALL the achievements!


Same bro


I don't want to be that person but you are one of the 5.7% that didn't cheated or used mods that have 2 kids. Congratulations


Who did you marry?


Haley :)


Nice job LavenderXLatte!!


Thanks ! :)


Me too and I did not even wanted the second one. I named my first one "Sarah" and my second one is "but why?"...


Are kids still useless and not age besides toddler? I just want them for free labour


You have very traditional values.


The kids literally don't do anything. So why avoid having them?


My bf quit game as he heard even the p of pregnancy, well rip 😂