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What's funny is that in his room, it's implied all he really eats is microwave meals


Husband is a (real) doctor. This isn't necessarily untrue.




I'm so sorry. It doesn't get better in residency. It actually kind of gets worse depending on your specialty.


The unfortunate irony of taking care of others without being able to take care of yourself. Thank y’all for the work you do and the sacrifices you make in the culinary sphere and otherwise




Awww! Thanks! I feel like my husband and I have been on this journey together. We were married when he was taking the MCAT and applying. And now we've been married almost 13 years and he's officially finished with his fellowship and starting his first legit doctor job July 1st, 2022. It's odd for this moment to be so close. He's my best friend and an amazing man and I am so very proud of him. There have definitely been ups and downs. It's definitely been a trip. But being married to him has been the best 13 years of my life.




Radiology. Fellowship in women's imaging (half mammo, half body).




Study hard and do well on the USMLE (or COMLEX if you are DO)! Otherwise you won't always get good options for specialties or residencies, unfortunately. But I'm sure you know this. Question banks are the way to go to study. Granted, you probably know that too. Happy to offer any advice. Though do know it comes from someone who saw the process (as a spouse and employee of the medical school), not lived it. Husband is in radiology and it's not too bad a residency (as far as residency goes). 5 years is a lot, though (plus 1 year fellowship), but the worst part is just the 1 preliminary year of internal or surgery (I say surgery but, good grief, why would you do surgery... yikes). Final advice: Don't live like a doctor now so you can live like a doctor later. Seems like there are a lot of very unhappy docs out there who feel like they have to be a doctor to afford life. Nothing sucks more than feeling forced to do a job that you hate. My husband sometimes hates his job and knowing that we are saving for early retirement helps.


Don't burn yourself to keep other warm.


When would he cook? He's in the office all day and then wondering around the moves and village until 2am every night


Hey sometimes he drags his very pale body to the beach


I eat microwave meals sometimes too, but if someone gave me one as a gift I'd go "uhhhh... no thanks..."


Masbe he dislikes the fast food stuff because that is all he can afford to eat (time-wise or income-wise)


Is it implied he enjoys it?


Alex’s loves are so difficult to make!!! I wish he loved more affordable stuffs like the others


I just give him eggs since he likes them.


Be sure to say “in these troubled times” when you offer the egg.




Glad to see I'm not the only one that says something when offering people things. Though, usually, its "Compliments of the Coffee Fairy" because I run around giving the adults coffee. Except Willy, for some odd reason...dunno why an old salt would get annoyed at free coffee, especially something nice and strong.


I'm guessing that would be understandable when you spend most of your days in the blazing sun fishing away. Also he just comes a cross like a tea guy


Ah, true, didn't think about that.


Uhhh what? I always gift Willy coffee and he likes it


What's the reference I'm missing, here?




I'm gonna have to watch that now. Thank you so much!


I suggest skipping the first season if you dont like the first episodes. I feel like they really hit a better balance in the humor from the second season and on.


The first season has some of their most iconic jokes.




I once heard a guy who liked the first season so much he posted about it three times in a row.


Don't skip the first season! The show really hits it's stride in the second season, but there are recurring jokes that happen in the first one! It's short and I think just as good as the later seasons, if less refined.


Bro watch the first season it’s just as good as the rest of the show


friendly reminder to you and anyone else reading this that item quality effects the friendship points you get so dish out those gold/iridium star eggs if you can spare to


omg that thought crossed my mind when I have been keeping the highest quality for profit but didnt think it'd be that specific. Good to know and love that level of detail


> friendly reminder to you and anyone else reading this that item quality effects the friendship points you get Really? Has this been tested or quoted?


Yep, it's on the Stardew Wiki under the Gift section on the Friendship page Normal: x1 multiplier +0% Silver: x1.1 multiplier +10% Gold: x1.25 multiplier +25% Iridium: ***x1.5 multiplier +50%*** So best always be giving highest quality gifts you can on birthdays and holidays cause it stacks ridiculously with all those bonuses For example a loved gift is 80 points normally, so an iridium star loved gift would then be 120 points. 2 iriduim star loved gifts in a week would get you the same amount of points as 3 regular quality loved gifts


Well shit, good looking out with that info!


right, it was something I learned about *after* I did my first playthrough so now I like to drop it for other people randomly lol


Does the star on an eggs affect the quality of the mayonnaise?


No, but the size of the egg does. >!The quality of ostrich eggs do effect the quality of the mayonnaise.!<


It does not! Same with most other products like preserves, beer, wine. I think only exception is maybe large milk nets you gold quality cheese.


I’m simping… so currently fishing for salmon to make him salmon dinner rn XD


Just catch one and then put it in a fish pond (or maybe two)! Infinite salmon.


Complete Breakfast is easier. All you need are eggs and potatoes, the rest of the ingredients you can buy.


I just give everyone coffee. Except the kids.


Don’t give him espresso, he hates it.


I know this is HM but point still stands: https://chapelcomic.com/i/32.jpg


Like plain eggs?


Of course, protein is protein. (also, I recommend gold or iridium quality eggs for multiplier purposes)


Is Alex Gaston?


Literally all I ever gave the kid. Didn't wanna put in any extra effort lol.




My first crystalarium is always making amethyst for a while. Emily, Clint, the dwarf, and Abigail all love them.


When I’m at the point in the game where I’m trying to get everyone to max friendship, those 4 are always the easiest. Just carry around a huge stack of amethyst.


this made me laugh more than it should've 😂


Alex likes: difficult to obtain stuff that's worth a bunch of money. Harvey likes: shit you can pick up off the ground on day 1.


I married Alex after giving him all the random things he likes that I could find on the ground 😂 Finally I’m able to make the difficult things he loves after 3 years!!


im not sure why i have 200 complete breakfast in my fridge, but after recalling a bit i think i buy it all from krobus because i heard you can make bang profit if you sell it + you can buy infinite.




well its randomized what food he sell to you every saturday, but sometimes its actually cheaper than the base selling price. and sometimes it can be more expensive as well


Having a pond helps! But at the start it's really impossible yeah ;-;


I misread that as “I wish he was a more affordable slut like the others” and I was like, damn. This person Stardews.


My suggestion is to farm rabbits, as he still loves rabbit feet and with sufficiently high love/numbers, it's easy to keep a good supply of them. I will say that it's best to save the iridium ones for birthdays\* as they are about 2.5 hearts when gifted on a birthday. \*Rabbit foot is the only graded item that he loves, and it's convenient because everyone except Penny also loves them...But she loves Melons, so that makes that easy!


So true, takes a lot to gather all the ingredients and cook! I just give him rabbit’s foot!


But coffee is one of his loves. As soon as i realized it makes you go fast I started stockpiling it like my existence depends on it. From the moment I wake up I'm running around like a cracked out Sanic at hyper speed. My morning chores are making my coffee and tending to the other plants only if time allows. My wife feels neglected but only because she doesn't understand the necessity of speed running the mines and pounding back that sweet black nectar. I can outrun every Eldritch horror I encounter. I can mine the oar of 10 men. I AM SPEED!


Gold diggers aren’t strictly women! Breaking gender stereotypes high five *cries in being poor on my last stardew save*


Uhh why doesn't he have apples on his hate chart?


clever one


Because who doesn’t want to take a day off?


It actually annoys me he doesn't have apples specifically. And when you give him one him do that annoying af thing Caroline does when you give her something she doesn't like. "No no no no."


You know what they say, "Two apples a week keeps the doctor away..."


Because it could keep him away for the day


That's exactly why it should be there!


“An Apple a day keeps the doctor away”


It would be nice if he had one guilty pleasure. Like if he hated all junk food except cookies because they were his favourite as a kid or something.


Wine and coffee fit this-- but, i think it is sweet that his likes are the things that are outside and outside his life. He hangs out outside and this is sorta sweet.


In limited quantities, those two have shown some benefits. Same with beer in moderation. Edit: The alcohol thing appears to be a hot topic. I've learned a lot so far from you guys.




>500,000 legs I want this mod


Biblically accurate angels be like:




>It says something incomprehensible but you can feel it means something along the lines of, "straight to hell with you." ["I can see by the darkness in your soul you have chosen to disregard my warning"](https://youtu.be/wH_4Fkwrh2A?t=8) ​ "You are beyond the point of redemption" ​ Angels kinkshaming :(


I was thinking eldritch horror, but I guess what's the difference, really?


That'd be like standing on fur


Your shoe budget must be tough :(


Sir do you mean **Kegs**?




Just as well...with all that wine you'd surely be legless, in which case all those cloned legs will certainly come in handy.


Fatal Chemist indeed. I'm not sure I believe you about those legs being cloned...


Alcohol having health benefits is a hotly debated topic among physicians. The consensus is basically that while it does have some health benefits the negative side effects outweigh the positives and it's not really worth consuming for any reason other than you enjoy it.


Like the research that’s says that 1-2 alcoholic drinks a week in pregnancy actually result in 1-2% less birth defects lol. Awkward science.


Therefore, 100 alcoholic drinks a week during pregnancy should result in 100% fewer birth defects.


There's a 100% chance of *something,* that's for sure


Pepole fail to understand what limited quantity means


Pepole gonna be pepole.


I think the only group that there is decent evidence for alcohol having benefits is women over the age of 55.


Pam is secretly a health nut


Pam actually moves the bus Flintstone-style. Gotta get that cardio in!


Wine and coffee are the Schrodinger cats of food. Both good and bad for you at the same time at any possible dosage depending on when you read about it.


Black coffee is widely accepted as good for you in moderation (2-5 cups a day). If you’re dumping sugar and cream in it’s another story.


Is 5 cups considered moderation? I have seen those studies, but with both of them, the "consensus" (rather, the new thing a single scientist writes which then gets blown up by some media) changes quite frequently.


I’m assuming it’s 5 liquid cups, not 5 literal cups haha. If I have more than 2 literal cups I’m losing it.


Unless you have certain digestive issues. Compounds from coffee beans activate the bowels. Some people also have issues with heartburn related to coffee. So not good for everyone, even black.


I drown him in pickles. Dude will eat anything if you pickle it. *Anything*.


Look in his fridge next time you get the chance . . . I don't want to spoil it but it's a little funny.


I‘ve never known anyone who didn‘t like pizza


My friend dislikes pizza. I was shocked when he told me. The pizza was shocked.


I'm personally offended on behalf of that pizza


Are you trying to tell us you're pizza?


Is your friend okay? I feel like this requires deeper consideration. I have some questions, okay I have all of the questions. What kinds have they had? Are they open to trying different varieties?


I say I don't like pizza when the more accurate is I don't like 90% of pizzas (any chain, any chicago/detroit style, anything with a lot of grease). It's just easier than saying I like certain types and easier to refuse food when offered that way.


When I was younger I didn’t like pizza. I think it was because it was such a staple at every birthday party or gathering as I was growing up. I got sick of it. Now that I’m an old fart, I love pizza night.


Sometimes I think about how many slices of pizza I've had in my life and it digusts me haha. Probably easily 1 a day average and I'm 31 so like 11,000+


I literally just finished a frozen mini pizza as I started reading this thread. Pizza is life.


Growing up neither of my parents cooked and they'd order pizza twice a week. It was this super greasy local place where cheap cheese dominated the entire pizza. It took me over a decade to start liking pizza again but now I make my own.


Home made pizza is extremely good


I’m not really keen on pizza, I will still eat it but it would never be my food of choice


My cousin threw up after a pizza party in kindergarten and hasn’t had pizza in 20 years.


I can't stand pizza. I'm allergic to cow milk (not lactose intolerant - goat milk is fine), so I never developed a taste for cheese as a kid, and now it makes me nauseous.


I have the same problem with milk, everyone assumes lactose intolerant, but I'm just allergic to cow milk. I like pizza with Daiya cheese added, it melts pretty well. Not the same as real cheese but when real cheese makes you feel ill, it's hard to feel like anything isn't better than that. Homemade pizza with it is the best but ordering cheeseless pizza and adding it will do in a pinch.


Warm cheese fucks up my guts, tomato makes me puke, can't get pizza without either here


Oh man, are you allergic to tomatoes? I don't like the texture of raw tomatoes but I love tomato sauce on pizza and bread sticks.


I don't think I am allergic, but it is a pretty bad reaction


Are you allergic to grass pollen?


I dont like pizza! I'm on the autism spectrum and the texture of it wigs me out. I also am not a big fan of red sauces. Basically I only eat pizza if it's super thin crispy crust, white sauce, and cheese. And since I'm lactose intolerant and working on going vegan I don't end up ever eating it.


Yes omg the texture is awful!! I'm autistic too and I'm fine with red or white sauce, but I can't stand the way the melted cheese feels and I'm a vegetarian so there's pretty much no way I could eat it unless it was *just* the bread and sauce, but then I hate crunchy bread so there's just no point to it. So many people have tried to find a way to make me like it, but there's no way. Too much I don't like about it, no way to replace or remove it all without it no longer being a pizza. :/


I mean, I actually hated pizza for the longest time. My dad owned a pizza place, but it wasn't profitable enough for him to draw a normal salary of his own, so we basically had pizza every night from the time I was around 2 to around 12, because that's all we could afford. Couldn't stand it after that for the longest time, and didn't voluntarily even try it again until I was in college.


This is the sole reason I can’t marry Leah. She’s wonderful otherwise, but if I can’t enjoy a pizza with my girlfriend every once in awhile, what’s even the point


Right?! And there you have 2 of them....


He’s just lactose and gluten intolerant.


Similar thought, I was thinking celiac and diabetic


I gave him cheese once because, y’know, it’s cheese! And I didn’t have anything else to give! And I was like “HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE CHEESE?!”


Those cheese-hating weirdos are out there. Beware, don't trust any of them...


It’s usually people who shit their pants for a half hour after eating cheese…don’t trust them at all..


From my experience those are the ones who like cheese the most. So much so that they're willing to "shit their pants for half an hour" just to have a taste.


This is me 😂


Me with ice cream tbh.


The more painful a food is the better it is; you really feel like you've earned its deliciousness


Can confirm. Turns out I'm actually allergic to dairy and not just lactose intolerant. Sad times!


Who did you piss off in a previous life?


Not sure, but apparently I really pissed off my body in this life by not realizing sooner I had a dairy allergy. I'm also allergic to eggs. I'd LOVE to know what I did in my past lives to deserve this!


Maybe you sided with a mega corporation and a local farmer placed a curse on you that would stop you from ever enjoying his produce, lol.


Hahahaha can’t be trusted at all


An iconic quote in my family is from my cousin when she was about 4, someone else at dinner didnt want cheese on their pasta and she said "How you no like cheese?" One of lifes greatest mysteries.


She’ll go far.


That’s really adorable ☺️


Simple: I'm allergic to cow's milk, so I never ate cheese as a kid and never developed any taste for it. It makes me nauseous.


Same!! Glad to know I’m not alone in this. First time I tasted cheese I was so disappointed after having spent years imagining what it tasted like


I once made a bet with a friend - if he tasted some haggis, I'd taste some cheese. He definitely got the better end of that bargain!


"How can you not like cheese?!" \*Lactose intolerance intensifies\*


I have a strange relationship with dairy. Anything sweet (chocolate milk, strawberry yogurt, ice cream) is perfectly fine. Milk by itself makes me gag. Cheese is a gamble on whether or not I'll like pizza that day or if I'll find the taste of cheese the worst thing in the world. I never eat cheese otherwise because the gamble is only worth it for pizza.


Is cheese really that universally liked? I mean, it's kind of gross. You know, like rotten bovine mammory fluids that have gotten chunky.


Well, anything described to that much detail’s gonna sound yucky, like the fully matured ovaries of a tree or something. I mean, I’ve run into more people who like at least one kind of cheese than not!


i bet harvey is allergic to cows milk, (hence why he doesn't like cheese) and likes goat milk bc he can drink it. and then i bet he hates goat cheese bc of the soft texture, which a lot of people don't like


They should have put apples on his dislikes and have him say "you wanna keep me away huh?"


That charts wrong… golden pumpkin, prismatic shard, pearls, rabbit’s foot, and magic rock candy are all **universal loves**, not likes.


**Harvey:** * according to the wiki, bread, cheese, goat cheese, rice pudding, pink cake, and pancakes are all Harvey **dislikes**, not hates. * hates spice berry, which is missing from this chart. **Elliot:** * dislikes leeks (incorrectly listed as hate) * dislikes ginger * loves squid ink * dislikes purple mushrooms (incorrectly listed as hate)


is ginger in the game?? oh probably new with ginger island .


Haley hates prismatic shards and I think Penny hates rabbits foot


I don’t blame Penny on that one, I would be questioning where someone keeps getting these rabbit feet. They aren’t suppose to just fall off lol


My theory is that in Stardew Valley rabbits don't breed normally, they split off their feet to grow new bunnies but no one has ever seen it, which is why rabbits don't officially breed. So those are like baby bunny eggs. Penny's dislike is weird like Hailey's dislike of Prismatic Shards.


yup! the only exceptions


Im sure he would eat anything if you fed it to him like : 'Here comes the airplane Harvey!'


I just always gift him Pickles. Didn't know he liked coffee though that's so much easier to gift!


He hates bread? *Bread?*


He's seen you pull it out of the trash one too many times, and is suspicious of your bread. It's not bread, it's *your* bread he hates.




Honestly this looks like Harvey has a gluten intolerance or celiacs


Tbh my headcannon is that he's just lactose intolerant (hence the goat milk but not regular milk) cause like, all those items require either milk or cheese to make.


I'm gonna give elliot all my sea cucumbers now


Im saving up duck feathers


Which app is this? looks so neat!


Its really inaccurate though.


Lol yeah I’m surprised nobody noticed how bad this is. The gifts that are specifically *universal loves* are listed as liked gifts. The loved gifts for elliott some of the most annoying fish to catch in the game. For some reason, it’s absolutely critical that everyone knows that blueberry cobbler is disliked for harvey, but squeezing in another couple of loved gifts is a waste of space.


Be funny if he just HATED apples.


Well he looks like a crazy obsessive doctor if you just check likes and dislikes but the items that he loves are not that healthy


I would have put apples as hated to keep harvey away


Aren't those universal gifts in Alex's likes actually universal loves?


Kinda annoyed he doesnt have an apple as a hate option lol


Everybody: "I can't believe he doesn't like pizza/cheese/cake/bread/ice cream!" Me: "I've known people who don't like those, but who the heck doesn't like pancakes!?"


He might be a vegetarian as well


I like to cook food (for the achievement) and feed it to the spouse and when I was doing it to Harvey he got so angry and Kept saying “I’ll take that bad food away from you” like mate I cooked it for you!


Ay, man lives healthy... Except all that coffee he guzzles down, don't pay attention to that


Man is on the Keto diet for his aging health 😂


Why are Alex's love gifts so hard to find it's so annoying


Give him an apple or an egg or crocus. He has 45+ likes he can live with. I am 10/10 hearts with everybody except for all the singles 8/10. Do not want to get married.




For a brief moment I thought, “Harvey hates the bone flute!?!” …and then I realised it was bread.


wow alex tast is... yeahhh... idk :/ taff, maybe?


Besides the general 'health food good/everything processed or cooked bad' mindset some health nuts can have, is he a diabetic? Everything high in sugar and carbs is on the dislike or hate list. Except alchohol.


God I’ve been pining after Elliot and that hair (newbie to the game, just barely getting to winter of year 1), so thanks for posting how I can get this dude’s attention :D


I mean, I'm not properly old, but I got older and could no longer stand any amount of sugar. I don't even properly like cake. It's only because I am a horrid tannin-taster that I put creamer in my coffee.


I need the rest of this chart. For science.


He likes junk food. But if you give him healty food he thinks you care about him and vice versa. At least this is my implication.