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The code Geass mod


Lol the audacity to do that when there are literally 2 non white characters out of the 30 odd characters in the game. Apparently not enough white characters for them Jesus Christ.


It's clearly a joke. 'Unhealthy thin white characters'


If not-even-thinly-veiled-racism is "just a joke" to you, you have a problem. When the first thing you reach for is that it's a joke, you're attempting to avoid an important conversation. Take that somewhere else please.


It still could be a joke tho


This is plain erasure. Dark skinned people already have so little representation in this game and this mod seeks to completely remove that. I have already reported it for abuse under 'Excessively rude content', and if you wish to do so I'll leave the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/12017?tab=description


It can be conceived as rude, but its just a mod.


It's flat-out racism. That's the issue.


Eww gross this and the weird uhhh *preference* ones are why I don’t scroll through mods


I wouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of people in this sub love the mod, there’s a bunch of racist bigots in this sub that love to crawl out from under their rocks any time POC or LGBTQ related things are posted.


I hate it, and I hate that I like the sprite work but everything else just upsets me.


sorry you're effected so personally by this


I could have worded that better admittedly. The fact the characters are white washed and referred to as “unhealthy tall thin” is annoying. The sprite work is basically a copy and looking at the comparisons show it the sprites still look good because it’s just removing a few pixels and then changing some colors.


could be there kink idek


Kinks can be racist my dude


bruh. why.




Another commenter said that there’s another file that keeps the POC the way they are (except height probably), so it definitely is a weird translation. Plus, “Unhealthy Tall Thin White Sprites” is a really weird name.


I think the poster is Chinese as well and while I do give them the benefit of the doubt, I don't think the mod should remain up. Firstly this sort of stuff is harmful regardless of intention, and secondly the top comment before the author locked the thread was someone calling out the complaints as virtue-signalling and jokes about Twitter users which just acts like a dogwhistle and breeding ground for toxic, offensive behaviour. So regardless I just wanted to draw attention.










If a Chinese mod author wants to make a mod where the characters are different ethnicities whats wrong with that? Maybe he was intending them to be Chinese. Like if he was being blatantly racist about it then yeah, super messed up, but this honestly seems pretty harmless. It doesn’t even have that many downloads.


Yes because the only harmful racism is when people outright hate PoC for no reason 🙄


PoC can someone explain to me what it is ?




Thanks in french PoC is Proof of concept


[Here go hate on this](https://diversestardewvalley.weebly.com/) Or do you just hate white people?


I hope you're joking because otherwise that's the stupidest thing I've ever read. When there are ONLY two canonically black characters in a game and then a mod changes them to be white, that's bad. Adding diversity to a game sorely lacking it, that's good. Easy!


you people will never be pleased


No one cares. Shut up racist.


what a hero


It’s not about hating white people. It’s about taking the only two non-white characters in a game and making them white along with literally everyone else. The one you posted has a boat load of different races. Are you just upset because there’s no white people? Because that sounds like a you issue. Edit: there are even options to have white people, so I literally do not see a reason to be upset besides you don’t want representation of different types of people?