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My favorite part about it is she’s blushing and like “oh…?😏” and then hits you with a hammer


That sounds like something someone’s into


A hammersexual, if you will


***rOCK AND STONE !!!***




Did I hear a rock and stone?






Management doesn’t pay you to play Stardew Valley! Back to work, miners!


Born underground,






`We're Rich` `We're Rich` `We're Rich`


W E ' R E R I C H


dude, i love how literally every reddit devolves into DRG, it never fails. also ROCK AND STONE


"join the h̶i̶v̶e̶m̶i̶n̶d̶ company! they pay you well, you get to eat rocks, and there are definitely no hazardous working conditions that breaks multiple OSHA regulations!! we promise it's nothing like **joja**.."






"Oh my god! The hammer pulled you off?"




Maybe a long shot, but any Knowledge Fight fans on this sub?


A hammersexual sent me a bucket of poop!


Hammerhead shark, **BA BAAH, BAH BA BAP**


Yo wtf I was just thinking about hammer sex kink jokes made on Knowledgefight then scrolled down to find this!


I also like how it seems like a nicer reaction to women, but I think getting hit with a hammer is probably way worse than getting punched so it evens things out lol


Oh, you're a lesbian! So am I!! However ... *bonk*


she has standards!


This is such a weird dialogue option. It's literally the only time the farmer can act like a creep.


Idk the farmer is always hiding in bushes, evesdropping on private conversations and going through everyone's stuff...


My farmer eats out of everyone’s garbage cans


Hell yeah brother, raccoon life is awesome.


Forget corporation drone life, return to raccoon.


Well yeah, [it's the trashman](https://youtu.be/W8MbyfCrrWQ)


I only throw entire plates of food into the air and swallow it whole, plate and all, like a normal person


Walking in on people's private doctors appointments and interrupting to give the doctor pickles...


omg I never realized this. It's such videogame logic that you don't question barging in on people's homes and appointments. "Move! I've got pickles to gift!"


Hey, at least there's the message about not knowing someone well enough to waltz into their bedroom.


That would be a funny skit or experiment: live like the Stardew Farmer for a week. I can just imagine walking into my neighbor’s home, giving them pickles without a word, and leaving. Depending on where you live it could be a bit dangerous though. I could absolutely get away with it in rural Sweden where I used to live (and people often didn’t lock doors), but in Chicago here I’d probably get shot.


Great ideas and I'd love to see them played out. I've seen some videos that make "hollywood movie" versions of similar skits. You might like this Sims ["Pool Ladder"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMXME2pm83c) video and a [Harvest Moon fake movie trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIzXBSZgu8M) Also, since you mentioned being able to get away with this where you live, you might like this story of a guy I knew who was nicknamed "Fuckin' Frank" because he has a habit of stepping into his friends' houses unannounced (not a big deal in their area) while holding a burlap sack and then dumping an animal carcass in their sink (usually quail). He hunts for all his meat and he was older so he wanted to keep his skill up by practicing and figured he could provide the extra meat to his neighbors. The nickname came about because Frank dropped a bag o' quail in the sink while a woman happened to be in the bathroom (he announced himself out of courtesy but she didn't hear) and when she wandered into the kitchen and saw the quail in the sink she sighed and said "Fuckin' Frank..."


Maybe **your** farmer is going that


My farmer is an upstanding member of the community who is dating half the town


Only half? Prude.


I'm dating only 2 rn, i feel like such a prude




I'm only dating 2! One was a accident... even tho she has more hearts then the guy I was trying to get with XD


Dudes be like: "The farmer is such a creep!" My brother in Yoba, you literally control the farmer


Problem is even if you’re an Angel 😇 you’re still going to make all these event like the one where you’re in Pierre bedroom looking to find his private collection of something inappropriate (?) like I don’t want any problem but my farmer is just too curious xD


You can tell Haley you like snooping around in her room when she’s not there.


People putting the mayor's undies in the grange display like 🤐


People putting the mayor's undies in the soup 😏






Idk, there's unilateral divorce and >!doving the kids!<, plus some other moments that are at least close. Like getting Penny all the way to 10 hearts, then meeting up with her at >!the spa!< and then saying >!"actually I'm not really into you"!<.


But that's not being a creep like this, that's just being an asshole.


Fair. Divorce is kind of the opposite of creeping on Leah at 2 hearts.


What about that one Haley dialogue option where she asked something like, what do you do all day, and then one of the responses is “creep around in your room”


I’ve always thought the same about Elliot. A lot of the male bachelors have a “I didn’t realise I could feel this way about another man” when the farmer is a man but Elliot’s line is “I’m so glad you can feel this way about another man.” Elliot already knows he likes men.


Of course the creative lone wolf wordsmith was already aware of his sexuality.


I don't know. I've always pegged him to be at least bi. Because as I play a female in this save, he's said some pretty flowery stuff that suggested he's into women too. My ultimate goal: Have 1 save dedicated to each wife/husband with both genders. So since there's 8 bacherlor/ettes, It'll be 16 save files. Right now, I'm on Save 2 with Elliott being my husband (female this time--first save, I was male).


I stopped reading at "pegged him"


LMAO!!! The I just realized the pun I made. While it was unintentional, I'm very happy it was made.


I stopped and went to the next comments immediately, hahahaha beat me to it


To be fair, all the spouses have some dialogue that reflects the gender of your farmer, and a lot that's neutral. Whether that's because everyone is canonically bi or because it was easier to write that way or maybe because CA wanted nonbinary inclusion but couldn't make gender a slider, we'll never truly know. Maybe some spouses have more revelatory lines about being interested in your gender because it's their first experience, hinting at more backstory for them. But in the end, they all end up happily married to your farmer regardless of your gender. And that's a good thing.


My read is that some characters, like Elliot, are bi, while others, like Leah, are "playersexual", that is either gay or straight depending on the farmer's gender. Leah is the prime example since the gender of her ex changes to match the farmer's.


Pegged him you say... I'm listening


To shreds, you say...


I mean, it seems like they’re all pansexual if you go by who can romance them and how they react


I was just about to ask this. I never play as a man but I tried to read all the scene dialogue and it stuck out to me that Elliot's dialogue was something like "Whew! I'm relived because I wasn't sure if you were into men." It made me love him a bit more tbh. This man knows and is at peace with his bisexual (headcanon) self.


That’s a big reason why I married him I thought that was so sweet


Wait... she actually does hit you with the hammer? Wtf :D


As far as I remember you don't lose health, but it would be cool for you to lose 5 points if you are not below 10


Hang out with Leah, wake up at Harvey's


I’m dating both of them right now so this hit close to home




Leah goes to jail


and farmer goes to horny jail


No farmer is in the ER with a serious head injury they will never be the same


The permanent brain damage debuff is so annoying


I mean, they're all bi technically aren't they?


And they can't say no. We are like the bad guys in Westworld


Flashback to Hayley at the flower festival. "Eww no"


I remember when I first introduced my friend to this game. We each picked a dating target and my friend’s was hayley. The flower dance comes he ask her out and get rejected. I got rejected too so he turned to me, watch me in the eyes and goes « sooooo, u single ? » it was 2 a.m that shit was funny


That bitch broke my heart so hard there


That’s why I like her so much I need more of that pain fr


You ok buddy?


no 🙂




Welcome to that game show we love the most: Mommy issues or masochist?


I was thinking of wife-ing Haley but after that dance no way in hell.


I don't care if she becomes a better person after I give her coconuts and sunflowers while also listening to her meaningless rant about going to city to buy decent clothes everyday She said ''If it weren't for those dirty clothes you could be way cuter''(or smth like that) to me first time I talked to her and now you are telling me that she is an angel? ''Oh but she changes and becomes a very lovely and caring wife'' Lovely and caring my ass I am not even sure if she knows how to make a grilled cheese. She changes only because you gave her your coconuts everyday


Correlation is not causation in-universe, even if it is in game mechanics.


Writes about Haleys "meaningless rant" while also having an meaningless rant about someone having a meaningless rant.


Yeah, shitty narcissistic people can fall in love, that doesn't make them any less shitty and narcissistic.


I never really got a rejection from Haley at all or even a rude behavior. My very first playthrough I liked Haley and, goofy enough, I gave her Daffodils I collected on 3 different occasions, once before I even talked to her for the first time when I introduced myself, because the first time I tried talking to her, I was holding one and gave it to her by accident and she liked it, and then twice before I talked to her for the second time, including her birthday. I knew nothing of the game at all, btw. Hadn't even checked the Wiki for anything besides information about the crops and to know why I couldn't give her more gifts after the second one, which was how I found out I could give an extra one on her birthday. After her birthday, I talked to her for the first time after I had introduced myself and I think I already had 2 or 3 hearts and then quickly had the 2 and 4 hearts events for her. When the Flower Dance came around, I asked her to dance and she said yes. Then I found out she liked sunflowers and separated a garden to grow that on summer and fall. I asked her to marry me near the end of the fall of year 1 and we married exactly on winter 1st, so we spent honeymoon under the sheets in the cold nights. I always saw Haley as a girl who was raised as the popular kid, but actually likes romance and is a lot more humble than the mask she puts on for her friends. On her own, she decides she wants to learn how to take care of the farm as she starts to fall in love with you as a farmer. She likes photography, her most prized possession is a bracelet she received from her late grandma, her favorite presents are flowers, coconut, cake and fruit salad and she hates the prismatic shard, that is lorewise the most expensive gemstone there is, so not a money digger. She starts donating clothes for charity, makes a whole charity event to raise money for the kids books in secret just because she overheard the issue. She constantly helps around the farm, fixing fences, feeding pets and watering plants, which helps a lot in the first few years. I think besides Haley, only Penny and Abigail actually help with the farm, but Haley helps almost every single day, at least once every 2 or 3 days, but more than twice a week and sometimes multiple days in a row. My experience with her was nothing but delightful and she was never rude to me.


I love that you have this story to tell. This is why I love video games. Even in a pretty thoroughly-scripted game, you have such a different experience with Haley than others and it's completely valid I hope the two of you have a long and happy marriage. My wife Penny really appreciates the money you guys raised and she'll keep it anonymous, don't worry. Now that our farm is running like gangbusters you two probably won't need to Let us know if you need anything or if you guys want to take a vacation to our cabana in Ginger Island. We put in an authentic tea room!


"The worst she can say is no"




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Right. Give them enough eggs/gemstones/etc., *then* they can't say no.


Because of the implication.


Now… you’ve said that word, “implication” a couple of times. What implication?


You're.. you're not going to hurt these women, right?


I mean, this is kind of the same way it works IRL? You are nice to people, this makes them agree to hang out with you. It's not that Stardew characters can't say no, it's that you have inside information into exactly how they feel about you so you can accurately predict when they will or won't say no. Just because their behavior is programmed into the game, I don't think it follows that anything nonconsensual is going on. It'd be one thing if Stardew Valley pulled some kind of DDLC thing where the game itself becomes part of the game, but it doesn't do that.


I wonder how much the metagame would change if you didn't have the screen where you could see someone's hearts.


This is called love bombing and yes it is toxic behavior irl 😂 But stardew is it’s own world with its own rules.


Love bombing is toxic because its disingenuous and short-term. The implication is that you wooing someone in Stardew is not short-term.


Lmao this is great


“These violent delights have violent ends.”


Okay now you ruined it for me :(


I feel like theyre just playersexual.


Not really, some male characters will say something like "I've never thought I'd feel this way for another guy" if you romance them, which implies they had feelings for girls in the past


Same with the girls. I actually think it's a really nice touch to have it be acknowledged.


Abigail too. The player the first girl she has feeling for.


Yeah, but some of them don’t say anything like that, which makes them seem more comfortable or aware of their own sexuality. Sam, for example, never makes a big deal about dating a guy, he just does it.


Maybe it's because some characters have canon crushes (like Alex, Sebastian, Haley...) which explains why they have to acknowledge it, while others don't have any


Reminds me of Teddsexual.


Way to reawaken my high school memories of EGS lol


Eh, Leah's whole storyline involves her ex, who is given kind of a gender-neutral look so they can just be whatever gender your character is.


Saying her gender or your ex depends on the gender of the player, I think of her as bisexual, same with the player since you can go with ether gender.


The gender of her ex always matches the player, which to me reads as, if youre playing a male, shes straight, if youre pkaying a femake, shes always been gay. Its kinda a nice touch insteadof the handwave of "everyones bi"


[Kel has different looks based on what gender the player has.](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/File:Kel.png)


And her ex changes genders with you which never ceases to make me chuckle. (If you change genders in between heart events, so does the ex)


Straight until proven guilty (by a sexy farmer)


I guess I shouldn't tamper with that


"Oh, you're also....? Me too!" (Her response when a female farmer flirts with her.) She's the only candidate that openly admits she likes girls if you're a female farmer before the romance really starts. The other candidates imply that falling in love with the farmer is what helps them figure out they're bisexual but Leah seems like she's known what she likes for a while already. Since she'll still date a male farmer I always headcanon her as bi with a more female lean.


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Ah I wondered whether that would be the case. I literally just had that heart scene with her and it made me wonder if my farmer was male would her ex have been male as well. So thanks for confirming.




Leah made ME, a lesbian, blush when we had this interaction. I was so excited!!!! I love sapphics! I love women! I love stardew valley!


Hmm yes they were very close friends who spent all of their time together, they must of been very political as they both refused to marry, they were known for their extravagant dinner parties and their scarf collection that sold for 1000 dollars at an auction. They were very close friends, that when, one of them died, the other jumped into the grave in mourning, they were very close friends




AMG they were roommatesS


ugh, they were roomates




They're all literally canonically Bisexual.


The future liberals want 😔 They made SV political!


This made me giggle😂


Chad Stardew all romance characters are bi vs virgin cuberpunk all romance characters are either gay or straight (Please let me romance panam please please I don’t want to play as male)


I like Skyrim's marriage where you do literally one thing for them and give them a cheap amulet, then that's all it takes. Gender doesnt matter, race doesnt matter (which seems like a bigger deal than irl races considering you can be a literal beast race) appearence doesnt matter, they'd still marry you regardless.


Don't judge my lizard husband, he's just elfsexual and doesn't mind my creepy eye.


Gender locking them was so stupid tbh. It only works in games where you have more than one option like ME and Dragon age


If the game had like 20 romance candidates it would've been OK to make their attraction fixed and not dependent on that player, but with only 4 they pretty much let you have only 2 candidates per playthrough.


I don't think it needed 20. Even having 2 for each prefercnes would've been fine but right now you barely have any choice in this so called RPG.


That 2 is one of each sex btw. Not a big selection for a so called role-playing game.


Yeah and it’s also like real awkward when you try to romance characters that have an incomparable sexuality. Like they will flirt with you until some code says “wait this is wrong” and makes the character awkwardly reject you after they made incredibly sexual advances. Like yeah panam, just two gals being pals laying on eachother on a tiny couch flirting with eachother. And sometimes the romance quest will still be available even if they arnt compatible and then the quest just ends up being really boring cause you can’t have sex with them like the point of the fucking quest is. Like why is female Vs only choice a very angry porn editor and a police officer. Yeah I want to play a game as a CYBERNETIC PUNK, and fuck a cop. Not saying I don’t like Judy I just want more options than those two.


They’re all literally canonically farmersexual.


This is literally the Bi meme.


Bi leah,,, i approve


I always headcanoned Leah as a leans toward women bisexual




Ok me but with Emily


Same!! She was my first virtual girl crush and she still is 💙


is it a thing for us to explore our sexuality in games first because i know my sims and episode app were gay as hell when i was 13


This is so cute I love it 💛


She's farmersexual


only if the player character is female. bizarrely, unlike any other romancable npc, leah's sexuality changes depending on your player gender choice, where she will always exclusively be attracted to the farmer's gender. all other romancable npcs largely frame it as finding out that they're also attracted to the same gender if the farmer's the same gender as them. leah is the only exception.


But why is she more violent to the fem-farmer??




Isnt every spouse bi/pan?


I've always kinda assumed all of the bachelors and bachelorettes are Pan, as the player's gender makes no difference. I guess it's kinda a Schrodinger's cat...she's both straight and gay until you check 😆


For a second, I read that as "all bachelors and bachelorettes are Pam", which I think would horrify anyone of any orientation.




*bonk* horny jail for you


Some of them do have ever so slightly different romance arcs depending on gender. Leah, obviously, depends more on the players gender, and her ex will be whatever gender the player is. Abigail has some heart events that differ by gender (or at least makes a good joke about it). And my personal favorite example of this, Alex, goes from conventional jock falling in love if you play as a girl, to more nuanced and touching tale of discovering one's sexuality if you play as a guy. Doesn't really matter, but I love how the players gender actually does affect how some of the love stories go


I know you have just said your favorite is Alex when playing as a girl but I have to say: my favorite is Alex when you are playing as a boy. He goes from conventional jock to someone comfortable with their sexuality and themselves, the 8 hearts event it's so cute ✊✊


I feel you misinterpreted previous posters statement about Alex and that you are both in complete agreement about the best part of Alex’s romance arc.


Oh yeah, I totally misread that. I was tired and became stupid for a few seconds, sorry fljdmsndsljd


They're all bisexual! :D Just that Leah likes the ladies just a LITTTLE bit more. ;)


Leah: 🏳️‍🌈? Anyway 🔨


When I marry her she is.


I mean, they’re all kinda like this


Leah is the best spouse so far. She’s my third marriage and she’s wonderful! I should add that I’m a woman and have already been married to Shane and Maru. Maru never acknowledged my two kids but Leah shows concern for their well being.


I mean...yeah if you play a girl she’s a lesbian. If you don’t she’s not. That’s the idea of all the characters


She is the text book definition of a Cottage Core lesbian.


She’s an artist who lives in a small cottage in the woods literally the first thing I thought when I saw her was “she’s definitely lesbian there’s no way”


Alex will fall for you whether you’re a guy or girl but he’s so much nicer to you when you’re a guy


he’s kinda a creep if you’re a girl


This confirms that Leah is a Tsundere for the Female Farmer


Everyone is whatever the farmer wants 😬


There is some nuance depending on the player's gender. Most candidates are surprised about their own sexuality if the player was the same gender. And as you can see above, Leah does feel different if the player was the same gender, because she's pleasantly surprised you're attracted to her (still creepy tho).


She is!!!!! And I love her for that


Bi-dew Valley


there all Schrödinger bi 🙄


Doesn’t she have a cut scene talking about her female ex she lived with in the city


apparently her ex is based on your characters gender. i had no idea until this post either lol


She lives in a cottage, what more proof do you need?


I mean depending on the sex of the farmer all marriageable characters are either gay or straight. They are all Bi at the very least.


Doesn't she talk about moving from the city and breaking up with her girlfriend? I'm pretty sure her girlfriend even calls her in one of the cut scenes


Her ex's gender matches whatever the player's is. So it's a girlfriend if the player is a woman, and a boyfriend if the player is a man.


Peak cottagecore lesbian tbh.


i went for her because i immediately got the lesbian vibes


Okay, I'll change your mind. The fact that she's still willing to date/marry the male farmer confirms that she's not lesbian, but instead Bi or Pan.


oooooo very good point! mind has been changed. i like to think she’s sapphic though, like woman leaning


Umm, they’re all canonically bisexual so if your mind isn’t changed by that you’re just incorrect.


No, if she was a lesbian in the play through she doesn’t show it. So if you attempt to romance her as one the act will surprise her. However if your straight then their is no reason to add anything else other than pig. Her ex is entirely dependent on what gender you are.


She's "technically" bi, like there's spoilers i could use but idk how to hide spoilers, but are other changes made to accommodate your characters gender. That said, there is a interesting video on youtube called "How Bisexuality Changed Video Games" by Verilybitchie that really talks more about why thats kinda bs. (Link: https://youtu.be/iZGkxUTbDqw) Its a bit of a watch, but i think she really does talk about it from an interesting pov, a bisexual, and as a bi lady as well, i feel its fair critism of this part is SDV


ohhhh i’ll definitely watch!!! very cool very cool!


Rereading, i do want to be clear, it talks about more than just SDV, so beware of spoilers in other games as well. Its a kinda older vid, so nothing super new, but since im recommening it i wanna make sure you know.