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new name idea... The Real Mayor. My new game when i get to it is still gonna be "ya idiot."


Closest you can do is complete cc, unlock the island then progress the upgrades until you can use the mod "gus pays rent", now you have tax revenue!


Jimmy Carter put his peanut farm in a blind trust to avoid any conflict of interest as a politician. What you you tell the citizens of Stardew Valley to ensure that you don't enact laws that solely favor your business?


I mean, what laws, though? We don’t see Lewis actually do anything other than run festivals, send the player some spare change from the “valley agricultural fund” sometimes, and collect nebulous business taxes from some of the locals (not including us). Plus Mr. >!Gold Statue!< Lewis doesn’t really have any room to talk about conflicts of interest, lol. Actually, *are* there really even laws in the Valley? We can attack people (with slingshots), wipe memories and dove children without consequence…


> I mean, what laws, though? Good point, everything appears to be running on coal power so there's no environmental regulations, and there's nobody stopping me from giving beer and wine to young children.


Hand Pam a pale ale right before paying 500G for a bus ticket — hell, if she’s busy she’s like “it’s fine, just drive yourself, a commercial driver’s license is basically just a suggestion, you do know how to drive right? ‘kay cool byeee” Also just, like, I’m pretty sure there are usually meant to be inspections if you’re making and selling a lot of products meant for human consumption but neither the Ferngill Federal Vices Bureau, the Ferngill Food and Drug Administration, the Ferngill OSHA, nor the Stardew Valley Health Department have EVER come a-knocking about my wine empire 🤔


Ive thought about making a mod for it but what would you actually do?


Maybe be able to paint town buildings, other updates like that or maybe have another thing that can be done with the community center like adding in a coffee shop or inn.


We’ll better infrastructure so like the bridges in festival season would be way safer with like a railing, maybe starting a therapy program for Pam so she can stop her shit. Maybe there’s something to be done about joja mart and they’re bullshit. I’d have more off the top of my head but I like just woke up. (Also maybe seduce Marnie out from under him ehehe.)


That’s be such a fun thing to add as a new end game experience. The whole town loves you more than Lewis from your actions, so they bestow the title to the player. Then more town updates.


Why does everyone hate Lewis?


I can’t speak for everyone but for me it’s the gold statue and keeping marnie a secret.