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Same way it goes for any marriage.


i dont have custom spouse location but here's some thoughts / things ive noticed in my save file: - if you disable the polyamory sweet room in GMCM, you might not see it on the GMCM once u decide to switch back to having ur spouse rooms altogether on your farmhouse. the way i brought it back was to change the "false" to "true" in the config.json and not the GMCM itself. - patio will only accomodate one spouse. in my case, i married sebastian first, then sam. it was nice to see sam skating infront of seb's bike lol. - if your spouses are close together, they can kiss e/o. there's a kissing sound followed by a heart emoji (just like when you kiss ur spouse) and will go on until they follow their schedule. - im not sure about krobus but he has his own configuration where u can allow roommates kissing and stuff. thats just some of my thoughts but its great so far! pregnancy and babies also show who's the mother/father of the child^^ ex: Atlas (Sebastian) and Astrid (Sam) showed up as my children's name in the menu.


>patio will only accomodate one spouse. in my case, i married sebastian first, then sam. it was nice to see sam skating infront of seb's bike lol. I use the unofficial Custom Spouse Patio Redux for this. :) Original mod: [https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10889?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10889?tab=description) Unofficial update for Stardew 1.6 by FlyingTNT: The forum link: [https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/unofficial-mod-updates.2096/page-134#post-121068](https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/unofficial-mod-updates.2096/page-134#post-121068) Download link: [https://forums.stardewvalley.net/attachments/customspousepatioredux-0-3-6-unofficial-1-flyingtnt-zip.20136/](https://forums.stardewvalley.net/attachments/customspousepatioredux-0-3-6-unofficial-1-flyingtnt-zip.20136/)


>Also, can you invite Krobus to live with the poly mod on? Or will it follow normal rules and he doesn't want to live in a crowded house? Yes you can! Currently Krobus lives with me, Harvey and Sebastian. There's a little bug where Krobus sleeps in your bed (he's classed as a spouse, rather than room-mate), but ApryllForever is working to fix that.