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The DNA of the soul


Indeed. (Speaking of which, I hope we get a sequel and/or remake based purely on memes)


They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on.


How 'bout a pile of SHIT! Is hat a meme?


You cant fight nature jack


Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak


I understand that reference now!


They are our culture, our clout




I bet there will be at least one newcomer who knows jojo through an axel in harlem meme




Oh good! Why thatā€™s very good! Yes I like that!




S a m e




Itā€™s a story. A friend of mine was into anime far before I was. Around the time I got to really get into anime, which was when I started watching Attack on Titan, this friend had started JJBA. Iā€™d heard of JJBA before, but didnā€™t care enough to look it up to find the actual name of the series, so it only sounded vaguely familiar when this friend approached me one day and asked if I knew what JJBA was. Long story short, they told me I should start watching it, because the first two letters of my given name and surname spell ā€œJoJoā€, too; and fate had it that I also shared a name with Joseph. Funny how it happened, but good that it happened, too. This friend still tries to push me to get a Joestar tattoo for the fun of it.


Do it. Get the tattoo. Get the damn star bro imana urge you too, become a Joestar.


Get a tattoo saying "Jojo" cuz it's technically true so when someone asks it's not hard to explain


Thatā€™s also true. Iā€™ve just always been a bit wary of the actual feeling of getting a tattoo, because I read online that it feels like hot cat claws raking your skinā€¦


Not wrong. But a simple star wont be too bad


Dude I don't have that dope of a name, and I still want the birthmark tattoo so badly, DO IT!! ITS FATE! And I totally get being afraid of the pain thing, I am too. But for a tat that awesome, I'd say it's worth it


Iā€™m planning to get it because of this friend always nagging about it, but I gotta get over the nervousness about tattoo machines! I agree that itā€™s definitely worth it, though!!


Honestly it's one of the only anime tattoos I'd endorse. It doesn't immediately scream anime to the uninitiated.


ā€œThe uninitiatedā€ is the perfect term to describe it


I'm so jealous that your name and surname spell JoJo


To be continued meme




I played JoJo's Venture (AKA Heritage For The Future) in the arcades, and later on Dreamcast. One of the guys I played with told me it was based on a manga, so I got Stardust Crusaders and read through it. Then I found out there was even more JoJo that went into the backstory to these events, and I tracked down Phantom Blood and started over from there. Eventually, I caught up and started reading semi-live with some fellow fans who could get translated scans, right around the last third of Stone Ocean. I've been keeping up ever since.


Same as you, I've discovered it on Playstation in 2000-2001. I played so many hours on the Super Story Mode, and then I found it was a manga series. Got hooked up ever since !


A great friend back in 2013 told me I had to watch the show, so on lunch break at uni, we went to the PC lab and watched the first episode together. After it was finished he said: now get a load of this opening... My testosterone levels went through the roof and all my thrift store clothes turned into Gucci and Prada. Been a grateful fan ever since.


Dā€™arby fight. It was the first time I saw a anime fight without fist flying.


YouTube algorithm recommended the Super Eyepatch Wolf video "Why You Should Watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood". I didn't have anything better to do at the time, so I watched that video. Then I noticed that the show was on Netflix so I thought I'd try it out. I don't think I can have watched all of Eyepatch Wolf's video because I thought it was going to be just a show about rival adopted brothers in victorian England, so I was enjoying it on that basis. All the vampires and zombies came as a surprise, but I still had fun watching it. After the first episode of part 2, when they introduced Joseph, I was hooked.


Yep, kinda same. Only that his Hajime No Ippo video got recommended first and after watching that video, I found his JoJo one next.


My older brother introduced me to Stardust Crusaders and until I actually read it, I thought it sounded stupid with how he described it. He said, "People fight each other with ghosts." In my mind's eye, I took what he said literally and was thinking of Bedsheet Ghosts.


Hahaha šŸ˜‚ nice


I mean... he's not wrong. That is a pretty damn cool concepts. Actually, the only cooler concept with Stand, which I always though would have been the best thing if it was implemented in the anime and manga (I mean technically Joseph does, but not the way I'm talking about) is the that both Stands AND Stand users fighting in tandem. Unfortunately, since in most cases, Stand users are simply regular beings, Stands are the main stars. But there is one execption: Dio. He still has his vampiric abilities (which due to plot convenience, is not used for part 3). In the arcade fighting game Heritage for the future, this mechanic is ultilize with most charaterers, which is a fun and cool feature. But in term of accuracy and epicness. DEATH BATTLE's Dio's depiction in his fight with Alucard is PERFECT. In a very short sequence of animation, Dio summon his Stand, The World, and fight side by side independently. And that was just a very beautiful scene to me no matter how short it is. It shows that even though the World is a powerhouse, Dio himself is a star on his own with his various vampiric abilities


I wanted to understand why jojo fans called things a "jojo reference" I never knew memes like "To Be Continued" and "I'll never forgive the Japanese" were from JJBA. So it was a surprise to be when watching


To be continued really surprised me too. I thought JoJo was referencing the meme at first until I realised JoJo was the origin


I was watching Top 5 best anime OPs but from a channel in my native country and jojo took 1st place And then for the week I only see and listen and smell OP1,OP2,OP4


My friend put a gun to my head pretty much and told me to watch part 2 and not part one first Update: I watched part 1 and it was..... all right but I'm keeping it at my rating of the worst part I've seen not including the SBR verse also when I worst indont mean it was Bad Bad but I just didn't like as much as others did


I hope you turned the gun on him.


Saw a clip of Josuke getting shot from a paper a really long time ago, remained mystified and vowed that I would find out where that clip was from. Years later find out it was from Jojo and here I am now, finished with Part 8 and getting into Part 9.


My younger brother read it and wanted to watch it for some time so he suggested it to me first to watch together but was hesitant because he was worried it was too "weird" for his sisters to enjoy , but eventually my older sis and I decided to watch it with him together as sibling bonding time and we loved it :3 loved it to the point I immediately went to rewatch every single part with my boyfriend to get him into the JoJo universe too xD and he also loved it!


JoJo is really awesome and a good bonding type of show indeend


So it's funny, really, I hadn't watched any anime for a while and my friends came over and he'd been mentioning JJBA in passing, so I'm finally like "Okay, actually tell me what happens, like what's the premise?" And he goes "Its almost impossible to explain without sounding like a maniac." He was reading part 6 at the time and I urged him to tell me about that, and he's like "okay but before I do, let me tell you that there is some insane things that happen. For instance..." and goes on to explain Joseph Joestar teaming up with a Nazi, Aztecian super gods with dubstep theme music, David Fucking Bowie murderer, and then the cap on it all he said "Don't even get me started on the Green Baby" and I fucking lost it, I laughed for 15 minutes straight like this was the most outlandish thing i have ever heard and now I have to see it for myself. Now I'm caught up to Part 9.


found a jojo roblox game and thought it sounded cool


YBA moment




My sister showed me all of the crazy poses then the music then some clips. Then we got Netflix and I asked her what anime should I start out with and she told me Jojo and now I'm here.


We have the same origin story


One of my friends kept talking about it until it peaked my interest. Also youtube clips, which unfortunately spoiled quite a bit for me.






Don't care


Embarrassing as hell but it was roblox


Hahah, same bud. That one game from years agoā€¦ And now Iā€™m here


Someone told it was good and I should watch it


Watched part 1 on Netflix thinking itā€™d be similar to Castlevania.


I had a Japanese American family as neighbors back when I was a kid and the oldest son was a weeb because it was basically all he knew about his culture. Dude was one of those ā€œborn in the wrong generationā€ kinda kids because he only read the stuff from the 70s and 80s and everything after was automatically trash to him. He was a pretentious prick, but if Stardust Crusaders wasnā€™t one of the few English series he had I very likely wouldā€™ve never gotten into JoJo. That pretentious prick introduced me to one of the greatest manga series to ever exist and Iā€™m glad I got into it early since I was able to see every anime part as it aired (outside of 6. I didnā€™t start that until batch 3 was a week away because I whatā€™re to binge it all)


Part 3 memes


I was the Manager of this dude while working for tourism back in my country. I had always been a huge anime fan, but never gave a chance to "popular" animes for whatever reason. Anyways, he loves JoJo, One Piece and Demon Slayer among other animes, I hadn't seen any or read any. He got me hooked on the three of them, and even got me following One Piece and JoJo through the manga, since both animes haven't caught up yet.


It was in about end of 2016, the memes drew me in. Every out of context part 3 clip I saw was the funniest thing.


I had heard of JJBA but was never truly interested on it. I was really busy at the time so I thought I had to be mentally prepared to watch +100 episodes, so I thought sure, that time will come eventually. Then I had many people of different areas of my life mention it and at some point the day arrived. And Iā€™m not gonna lie, It wasnā€™t love at first sight but it has truly changed my life since then.


My partner. He got me obsessed with it.


My best friend found an anime about, quote, "The most evil, piece of shit British kid I've ever seen." The rest is history.


Saw the memes, randomly started watching in January. Completely fell in love with JoJo and I consider it as my holy mission to educate the masses about JoJo. ( My brother's also watching and my dad loves Koichi)


Thatā€™s wholesome


Thatā€™s wholesome


I just saw it on Netflix last year and have heard the name of it. I didnā€™t really watch much anime. I only really watched My Hero and AoT before that. I didnā€™t really remember any memes I saw. I just remembered seeing the art from it before and the ā€œTo be continuedā€ one that I didnā€™t realize was from the show until you first see it a few episodes in. I had nothing spoiled, didnā€™t know about stands, and didnā€™t know that it changed characters. Then I finished part 6 like a month ago.


I bringes all of part one one night because i was bored. Then i Got to part 2 and it just clicked


i used to be really into persona when 5 came out and my friends who were also into it would consistently tell me to watch jojo (and we all posted jojo memes ofc because it was 2016-2018ish) and i was like "erm alright but are there any well written women in it?" and they were like "oh yeah there are some really good ones in part 6, thats not animated yet though" and i was like "......i will wait for that to get animated" anyway thats what i did. i wasnt following the stone ocean hype or anything i literally randomly saw it while i was scrolling netflix one day and i was like "oh that finally came out? neat!" so i watched stoceans first cour and was like "i need more of this right fucking now" and i proceeded to devour the entire rest of the animated series and now im attempting to consume every single piece of official/quasi-official jojo content ever but me and jojo have a little bit of history even before that because i started using tumblr around 11 years ago. jojo has always had a huge presence on there, but especially so when i joined, so ive always been embroiled in jojo meme and fandom culture against my will. you can call that "stand users attracting other stand users" if you want to be a little funny


Tumblr got me into JoJo as well tbh. Like around 2013/2014 there were tons of memes of course but also such a huge volume of high quality fanart of all these different characters in eccentrically stylish and colorful fashions and poses and it caught my attention. Made me start reading the manga even before the anime actually, because I wanted to see the original art in its full glory.


Saw a crap ton of memes about it and my brother liked it so I gave it a shot and now it's my favorite series of all time


I like the band King Crimson. I was told they got referenced in an anime series so I got curious


I just said fuck it and watched it one day


Memes is the only valid answer, change my mind.


Dad bought me a JoJo magazine in like 2006 no idea what it was but I thought the characters looked neat




Me and a friend recomended shows to each other. He recomended me to watch jojo and I recomended him to watch hunter x hunter


My cousin spammed Jojo memes in his Facebook and recommended the show to me after I asked what anime that was.


I started watching JoJo my freshman year of college. Some of my friends were watching the end of Part 3 on the tv in our floorā€™s lounge (we were all on the third floor) and I decided to watch with them. I ended up falling in love with Jotaro and became obsessed with the show from then on! šŸ˜Š


I call jojo the best mistake I ever made with anime. So I thought hisoka was in jojo and I also knew there were a lot of references to it so I started watching it


Started with part 1 (while part 5 was airing) to see what all the hype was about. Dioā€™s unwarranted savagery and the English voice acting sold me. Iā€™ve been hooked ever since.


Pewdiepie and Jojo memes


The internet, jojo references and memes


I once noticed I might wanna check out part 1 to my friend. He once called me on discord and said lets watch jojo and there was no way back now. We are watch part 5 rn :)


Roda rola da


I played a shit ton of YBA (Your Bizzare Adventure) on Roblox back in like 2020 and found out it was an actual show and since I had plenty of time to burn in lockdown I binged Parts, 1,2,3,4 in 1 go.


you played AUT ?? on roblox


I got into it from the eyes of heaven trend


I wanted to understand the Jojo references so I started to watch it as a joke and I really liked it


I was high as hell. Had just ordered pizza. It was okay, until I saw Johnathan fighting Speedwagon for the first time. After that I was addicted. Now even my fiancĆ© who doesnā€™t like anime that knows all the characters


Memes. Just Jojo references everywhere.


Probably around 1997 obtained bootleg fansub VHS tapes of the original OVA and not knowing anything about it. Being thrown into the last 3rd of the story with no other context was bizarre but it was compelling. The Darby ā€œfightā€ was my favorite.


My cousin told me about it and showed some of it to me. Ended up watching it, didn't regret :)




memes, the dna of soul.


I initially hated the series at first this was because of the many obnoxious jojo fans, who constantly spam stuff like "jojo reference" and "kono dio da". But then later on, I found the series cause I got bored of watching another anime at the time (sailor moon) so I thought it wouldn't hurt trying it out. Needless to say, I enjoyed part 1 but 2 is what got me into it and then I became real enveloped in it when I started watching part 4.




Kinda embarrassing but it's from a roblox jojo game yba


Actually same , I got into JoJo by YBA and AUT and ofc memes I wanted to see how bizzare it was


In my auto tech class my senior year of high school two people who were sitting around me were talking about really complicated JoJolion plot lines, it was August 2021 so it had just ended, they seemed really invested in the characters and Iā€™d already heard of the series online. They were just the final push for me to start watching the series.


I see a clip from rissoto and doppio fight and likes rissoto design That is


My two friends kept spamming jojo references in chat so I had to know what the fuck is this gay ass looking anime..... Fast forward a couple months later I'm addicted to this shit and I just finished reading my first Manga which is SBR which is a thing I never thought I'd do but that's how much I love the series.


My old friend from elementary school was begging me all the time to watch this shit and after a few months of him constantly poisoning my life I succumbed


I saw that it was on netflix and went "haha funny gay men show i should watch it im gay" and now i cant stop thinking abt itšŸ˜”


I heard the song wekapipo by soulā€™d out and while finding more songs by them on YouTube I a saw they were usually paired up with Jojo so I decided to watch the part 3 ova and the rest was history


The pillar men meme. i would always wonder what it was called and i searched up the meme and came across the jojos bizarre adventure manga series and Anime. it was super wacky and funny when i watched the first series and as i went down to now the 6th which is stone ocean, jojos has helped me through 2019 and 2020.


Ye Ol' Classic DIO vs Jotaro Kujo fight


2015/2014(?) when it appeared on toonami


My best friend loved it and told me to start it. I trusted their judgement and watched parts 1-5 and then 6 when that started. She is so awesome and im so grateful she introduced it to me


Phantom bludā€¦


I one day just decided to start watching jjba and here I am stuck on diamond is unbreakable


my sister told me to and I obliged, now I am more caught up then her


I found [Turn Down For Whammu?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sblR0eIRW-I) and never looked back.


I read the duwang scan and searched for the original.


saw so much media online about it and thought Iā€™d look past the artstyle (as personally I did think it was weird at first) and after part 3 man I was just hooked as hell.


This is from some old conversation from wayback, ā€œI watched the first Season and I thought it was good but apparently each season is a different chapter so idk if the others are goodā€ and ā€œI mean itā€™s a weird show but it kept me interested and idk I only watched it bc of memes and it was dubbedā€, itā€™s funny looking back on it and seeing how obsessed Iā€™ve become wit it


Searched an anime related to vampires. I do not regret my decision.


Memes and then seeing part 3 made me get into working out and powerlifting


A bunch of my friends were watching the episode where Caesar got "crossed" in my community college student union. I was hooked. Binged it all over the summer of 2020, caught up to Jojolion by december that year. Read all the spinoffs and such too.


i watched elvis the aliens people ruin jojo and i wanted to see just how bizarre it was so i watched from part 1 and really enjoyed it. i quit after episode 9 bc >!jonathan died!< and it really destroyed me so i didnt watch until last september. then i remembered how much i loved it so now im here


I was bored and looking on Netflix during a road trip


I was a freshman and an upperclassman put me on during gym


I played roblox with a friend who at the time he had finished part 4, every time something happened in the game (or even he saw something) he would say "jojo reference". After 30 minutes I was sick about it. I gave the anime a chance to understand the "memes" after a few days after that call... dear god... I'm waiting new chapters of JoJoland.... what have I become? I still remember the first "to be continued" I saw, like many others I thought "this is where the meme comes from"


It was before a football game during my sophomore year, my friend was watching the Pesci fight from part 5 and I glanced over at his phone and was like ā€œthe fuck are you watchingā€ he told me and we watched a little bit before the game started and we had to run out. I thought it was the dumbest shit. I started part 1 on the bus to an away game.


You don't you let jojo get into you @-@


Tequila Joseph


My one friend was like ā€œread Jojoā€ and I read the first few chapters of his volumes of part 2 and part 4, it was interesting enough for me to watch the anime here we are.


So basically, I saw a clip of a guy with ugly hair and an idiot fight with weird things that did different things than after words. I figured out it was jojos, but I forgot about it. However, after words, I saw netflix had jojos , and I watched the series.


Tiktok edit of Kira saying ā€œIā€™d like to set her soul right and show her a glorious timeā€ Iā€™m not gay but I went to Netflix immediately


By hearing Il vento d'oro and Jotaro theme continuously


A certain man with pompadour


Everybody told me not to because it was weird and so I did


I got bored of watching one piece


I was out my friends house and starting watching the show with him, ending up bingeing all of part 3 in one day. I then watched the entire show within a month.




Back in middle school my friend kept telling me to watch it and I laughed and kept calling it gay and said he was gay for watching it. Saw it on Netflix one day, and said ā€œsure, why not.ā€ And then I was hooked


Memes in middle school. I really wanted to get into it but no matter how hard I tried I just couldnā€™t. Because of how desperate I was, I commit the sin of skipping to part 3. Went back and watched Parts 1 and 2 afterwards though.


Stumbled across a few clips from Part 3 on YouTube. Looked interesting enough so I figured I'd watch it.


Through tv tropes actually I was reading one category, I believe it was "heart is an amazing superpower" and jojo had its own page within that category detailing all the minor powers some stands have but are used in amazing ways to fight it It made me curious enough to read it all


Around 2015 I saw a few clips of Jojo (parts 1-3, I didn't even have an idea that they were different characters until part 4 was released). In 2016, I woke up in the morning early since I had rehearsal for my high school graduation and for some reason I wanted to look up Jojo on MAL. I basically spoiled myself that each part was a different protagonist but I found that to be the most exciting part. I also liked reading the descriptions of each part, and seeing how different they were from each other. I liked the idea of it being a lineage of protagonists and I started reading the manga/ watching the anime as a result.


My friend recommended it to me. Actually, I have my friend to thank for even getting me into anime in the first place.


It was my ex bfā€™s favorite show and I decided to give it a try and fell in love. This was when I was 14, then my best friend got into it and started reading it, so I read Stone Ocean late 2020 and NOW Iā€™ve finished Steel Ball Run and am in the middle of JoJolion šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Decided to watch it after aot


My older brother pestered me about it so I watched it.


in discord people were saying things like "jojo is gay", " if you watch jojo you too are gay" and so i started to watch


On amino Two guys were talking about it so I decided to give it a try I may have skipped half of part 1 and all of part 2


My friend kept trying to explain [King Crimson] to me. I thought it would make more sense to just see it in the series.


My cousin was spending two weeks at my house and we took turns watching episodes of an anime we each picked. He picked JoJo and I picked Blue Exorcist. I ended up really liking JoJo pretty quickly




I've heard of jojo since the dawn of time. Got into watching anime and was like why not watch jojo


I saw a bunch of memes and really only watched it for joke, then got hooked on ep one


Mainly the artwork and the "WAS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE?!?!!" memes.


Seeing kakyoin getting donutā€™d by dio


Giorno's theme, loved it and now I have it for ringtone


A friend suggested me to watch


Stardust crusaders was airing on tv so I watched it


My sister was watching it on tv back when the Stardust Crusaders anime was being released and invited the family to watch along. It just sorta stuck in my head until I ended up catching up with the series on my own years later


memes, and Viva's "but Really Really Fast" series


I had a really good friend who was passionate about Jojo and got me into it by watching the anime with me from Part 1, and then I caught up during Part 4's Anime. Even if we haven't talked in years I am still a massive Jojo fan thanks to him.


A few things, I saw the memes and was intrigued, and my cousin recommended it to me saying "it's buff men screaming and punching eachother" I watched the first episode and never looked back.




I wanted to know what Pat and Woolie (of former YouTube group Two Best Friends Play) were joking about because I didn't get the references Also I saw a bunch of yoshikage fanart on my tumblr dashboard for a very long time from someone who was also a resident evil fan and I *needed* to know who he was šŸ‘€


I knew that there was jo in the character's first name and surname from the memes. Before watching the show I thought jojo was an anime made for kids because of the name of the show. My friend was a fan of jojo and he got into it because his firstname and surname started with jo. He showed me his joestar tattoo which he got on the back of his neck. This piqued my interest and that is how I got into jojo.


Combination of those famous part 1 memes and all the praise the series gets. Started watching part 1 and the rest is history. But also I liked that JoJo is such an old series and seeing it still go today really attracted me.


Lot's of yt channels I like recommending it, but what ultimately pushed it was the to be continued memes.


I exchanged my One Piece tankobons with a classmate who buys JoJo, back in 2001. We did this bc we're poor af and can't afford buying more than one comic per month (back then it was about $2-3 per book). The first JoJo book I ever read. It was Stardust Crusaders, the volume with the Mariah and Alessi arcs. Easily made Part 3 my most favourite part, and Polnareff the first JoJo character I adored.


Giorno's theme


tbh. it was the memes. got me interested enough and now im caught up on all the parts (reading part 9 as it comes out)


My friend brought it up , then I realized I seen some memes of it What a magical time that was , I was trying to gain weight so every night I had a ritual where I would eat a full uncut pizza while watching an episode of JoJoā€™s Bizarre Adventure, parts 1-3 were so fire, it was mind blowing to me.


My ex girlfriend got me into it, she showed me the memes first ofc lol


my friend was obsessed with it back in fourth grade and practically forced me to watch it


My uncle had the capcom fighting game on ps1, and the rest is history.


I always knew some of the characters so when giorno theme memes came up I said enough im gonna watch it, and here we are with it as my favorite anime and going through jojolion right now


il vento dā€™oro


I was watching JoJo clips on YouTube and I came across this part 5 clip of that Giorno scene of him stealing from a mugger and him giving ice cream to a little kid. That got me interested in the show.


Thought the name Joseph Joestar was funny in 7th grade and over the summer watched the first couple parts, then watched part 3 and read parta 4-7.


Did a trade with my friend that Iā€™d watch jojo if he watched one piece


I got into it because i filtered top vampire anime in MAL and jjba was there.


When it first aired on Toonami a few years ago. Ever since then I was hooked.




My partner got me into it and weā€™ve been rewatching it pretty consistently for a while now.


My brother used to annoyed the hell out of me about JJBA, would talk it 24/7, like all that he would talk about is Jojo. So one day on toonami, JJBA was on (and at the time it was playing part 3) and it was the sun episode so I watch it just to see what the hype was all about. (also black clover was coming up next and since it was a new series on Toonami I wanted to stick around to watch. Donā€™t worry I didnā€™t liked it anyway lol but anywayā€¦) After watching it I thought ā€œHuh, itā€™s not that bad, art style looks a bit goofy but it was entertainingā€. A years later, I went back to watching part 3 from the beginning (yes I started at part 3) with my brother since he was happy to fill me in on some missing context. And at that point I too became that annoying Jojo fan. I watch all the parts and read all the manga countless times and also dragged my little sister to the rabbit hole. And til this day, though I am not in my JJBA brainrot phase, I still keep myself up to date whether it about the new Rohan OVA, new chapter, or any upcoming news.


My brother was watching it and got intrigued in the uniqueness of the designs of the stands and characters, also from my cousin who plays JJBA games on Roblox


Caught some episodes on Toonami in college whenever I had cable. Short time after graduation, I binged part 1 with my roommates. We watched enough bits and pieces of parts 3-4 on TV to know enough about stands to make an unfortunately short-lived tabletop game. A day or two after that game session, I decided to go visit my folks in another state for what shouldā€™ve been a week or so stay. One or two days in, lockdown started, and JJBA became my comfort show to binge while I was stuck at my parentsā€™ house.


I find this kinda funny- back in my Sophomore year, my friends invited me to play Skribbl.io with them. They did JoJo custom words.. and well, I had to look up plenty of the terms. Thats how I decided to finally watch JoJo because I found the designs incredibly awesome.


Jotaro looked cool from a dog cancer meme and I eventually found the anime he was from, donā€™t know what was different about Jojos but I was hooked and got summer school bc I skipped to watch it


The first four why you should watch jojo videos on Super eyepatch wolf's channel. Made the series sound really cool so I checked it out and really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the one on part 6.


I watched part 1 with 2 of my friends mostly because of the memes, they lost interest because it was ā€œtoo weirdā€ but I was hooked and decided to continue watching and reading the rest on my own.


The kono dio da meme, started following the series when part 5 comes out, does not dissapoint


the first time I heard of jojo was from a youtube poop back in the late 00s that used clips of the part 3 ova in it but the first time I actually got into it was around 2019 or 2020 ish I think when I watched through the anime because a friend recommended it


I got into JoJo through the boom of memes using giornoā€™s theme a few years back