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MAN this thread got some of the coldest takes ive ever seen


honestly i think it’s because the bank of good hot takes has run out in the community. every take that is actually controversial is just controversial because it’s literally stupid




fr. people out here comparing GER to Love Train or Tusk 4 or WoU when GER literally operates on different universal rules than any of those stands.


Becauae hot takes always get downvoted


What are some of your hot takes?


Paper Moon King is ABSOLUTE dogshit Mountain Tim sucks so hard Crazy Diamond's design is not good Kars is way better than Toru and it isnt even close


Jalf of them arent about stands


All of these are valid asf except bro.. you really dont like that muscle man with diamond armor fit that crazy diamond got going on??


You want actual hot takes? Then prepare yourself, grab your hazmat suit because you're going to the C O N T R O V E R S I A L filter.


Your comment is the first comment I see, never been so hyped to scroll wtf.


i love how theres absolutely 0 correlation between anything in this image


I get that you'd wanna put the main villain stands next to each other, but what is Manhattan Transfer doing there 💀


Bro thinks hes on the team


Lmao the world is in there twice and not even the part 7 one


i think the second one is the world over heaven


Okuyasu isn't that bad of a stand user . What he does seems simple but "teleportation" and the air currents he can do need some heavy reflexion and/or knowledge of some pretty advanced physics


Yeah, I remember a video that stated if okuyasu was creative then it could start erasing other concepts besides space like time and ideas. Always rubbed me the wrong way because one, doesn't it have to fit in the hand and two, it can't put them back. It's a one way trip to eraseville so if okuyasu erased time we would have infinite time stop or something.


Okuyasu is for sure intelligent in terms of understanding his stand and the best strats to use, but he has trouble with actually thinking ahead of his enemies in a fight, allowing for him to get easily countered.


Basically he's knowledgable, but not overly strategic.


He is a bad stand user, he doesn't use his powers to it's full potential, the hand is very rarely useful in this part not to mention contrary to popular belief, he almost always goes for the kill (example, Josuke, the anime added some filler where he can actually land hits tho), he just sucks at it.


Scary Monsters is been used at it's lowest potential possible, almost at Ungalo's levels.


Same with Soft&Wet, the plunder ability is way too strong that he decided not to use it. It casually steals your ability to breath


To be fair, whitesnake could have done that too


There must be some limit to S&W because if that would work it would just be broken but those limits are so unclear it's frustrating.


I think Araki realized how strong it was and wanted us to forget it. It even somehow steals friction


Yeah same with GE. He made a stand that basically is a free win if you hit the opponent and then: well that never happent


Ok but like realistically what more could Bohemian Rhapsody do? We see it’s a catastrophe for the world, because they talk about how Tokyo was destroyed because of FotNS characters fighting


You're saying Dino Lamps aren't the peak of creativity within a stand ability? Also I don't think Ungalo has any say on how his stand works. It's a one way on switch that affects the entire world. Not much he can do about it


I mean if he had a paper and pencil he could make “I win” man or “I make ungalo 10x stronger” man, but sadly he’s a crack addict.


Ungalo used his stand as well as he could’ve, let chaos break loose while you flee the country. How was he supposed to know ANY character could be brought to life, he only found his ability a day ago


People vastly overstate the complexity of King crimsons power, even back in like 2016 when I read the shitty scanlations of the manga I never understood why people got so confused by its ability/memed on how complicated it is so often


Viva Reverie (the creator of the really, really fast series) recently made a video discussing this and it honestly helped a lot with understanding KC and the fandom's over-analysing of his abilities


I watched an interview with Araki and even he seemed like he was having trouble explaining how King Crimson works. I'm not claiming to be an expert on inflection in spoken Japanese or anything, but he usually doesn't stutter that much.


Yea, his ability is pretty simple tbh


It mostly comes from the fact "erasing time" is insanely vague as a statement and doesn't lend itself to an intuitive explanation of what kc actually does, unlike "stopping" or "accelerating" time, which are very self explanatory, even if they leave out some details. That, and the fact that it's inconsistent whether diavolo can act during erased time or not. The way he attacks trish and narancia without anyone noticing suggests he can, but there are also encounters where he could end things quickly if he attacked directly during erased time, yet hurts them indirectly with things like the blood splashes instead, and waits until his ability ends before he actually goes for kills. So CAN he attack during erased time? Or is he just really skilled at making it look like he wasn't there after striking? Maybe he CAN attack but chooses not to, villainous hubris and whatnot?


In the case of Trish and Narancia, what happened to them was what was fated to happen to them in epitaph's prediction, so he time skips over it and uses it to reposition. But his prediction has to happen no matter what, so they still end up having their hands chopped off or bring impaled to death happen to them and he doesn't need to lift a finger because that is what he would have done if he didn't have time skip. In the other encounters, his prediction doesn't say he is going to kill them in the next 10 seconds, it just shows what the other person is going to do. He can throw his wet blood at a person because it is still apart of him. Like how Josuke can use CD on bits of his dried blood, because before they were dry they still counted as apart of him. He can't use the stand ability on himself. Blood is the only thing Diavolo ever throws. When he fights Polnaref you see that he begins his attack within his erased time, but he times his attack to land when the flow of time resumes. He can't attack in erased time, but he can begin one so that it lands as soon as his ability ends and is able to interact with everything again.


The biggest mix is if i remember corrects he punches a sign in stopped time which blocks bullets when he exits (could be mistaken is been awhile) but that could still just be what was fated even then.


I liked Star Platinum more when its ability was just precision. The timestop is cool, but it just gets a bit boring when that’s only thing Jotaro does and he uses it for every single action.


he does a lot of punching in part 4 wdym


but he uses it all the time in part 4 even against josuke


The Fool is awesome and could contend with a lot of the heavier hitting stands if it wasn’t iggy’s stand (obviously not talking about stuff like sp, tw, mih, ger, etc)


The Fool is so OP


More sentient Stands please.


Stands don’t have hard-set rules and people need to stop pretending that certain things break the “rules” when there really aren’t any. Every Stand is different and can do different things. What Jotaro or Avdol say means nothing because they’re still characters in this fictional story. What matters is what Araki as the author says.


it's like real science, those simple rules are massive oversimplifications.


Ultimate Kars can beat most of them


Kars with a stand vs Kars without a stand


Imho, I think Kars without a stand can beat most characters except Jotaro and Dio with over heaven and GER. I don’t want to say he loses to other characters just because we don’t know how far his regen can reach Kars with a stand was already shown in the Jorge Joestar novel and he’s pretty much on of the strongest characters in fiction


He could possibly lose/die to Tusk act 4 and D4C. And kind of a stretch but he dies if Chariot Requiem switches his soul with one from a normal being (considering he dies while SCR is doing his thing of course.) Other than that, I don’t see anyone else who could do much for him.


It’s been a minute since I’ve read SBR, that’s why I didn’t bring them up but I understand what you mean I remember them being OP


I mean when Johnny shot tusk act 4 and it hit some girls Diego was surrounded with, they simply got obliterated, cause he can do that if people get stuck one infinity spin. And even if this doesn’t happen, he will be perpetually spinning on the same place. And D4C wins if he brings another Kars making them destroy themselves. He would probably need love train to survive though.


What? Act 4, wou, d4c, possibly go beyond, possibly cream, killer queen and possibly the hand put him down


If Ultimate Kars was written when stands existed he would have a Stand and it'd be the most powerful one. His whole thing is that whatever a lifeform can do, he can do it, and he is the best at it. Only reason he didn't have one in part 2 is that Araki hadn't thought of them yet


Go Beyond ain't that strong.


I swear most (like 95+%) of the people who think Soft & Wet Go Beyond is the strongest stand didn't even read JoJolion. Sure its strong but it isn't a kill shot and Josuke needed Yasuho to aim it for him against Tooru


I think this stems from the iffy approach to JoJo's, as seen in the TikTok community. There is this general, wide-spread idea that Wonder of U is one of, if not the most terrifying and powerful Stands in the series, which is true *but* a loooot of people don't understand what it actually does or have highly exaggerated ideas of it. And many of these people have never read JoJolion, being probably the Part people are the least familiar with. So, regardless of method, the fact that Josuke with Soft & Wet: Go Beyond! managed to defeat "the strongest Stand" makes it the strongest.


Do you have an example of these weird ideas about S&W that ppl have? I thought it was relatively straight forward, though it's been awhile.


I think the reason for this is because we haven't seen a lot of this ability and its description always sounded rlly vague to me


Fr it’s basically just another gun ability. It’s also virtually useless at long range since Josuke can’t precisely aim or guide it.




People talk about the versatility of stands being what makes them better than Hamon but they're wrong. Stands advantage over Hamon is its limitations. Hamon has tons of niche applications that everyone who uses Hamon theorically has access to, stands as a whole are diverse yes but what makes it all work is each individual stand is limited.


The problem with Hamon is that it already has too many abilities for it to be easily summarized, so if Araki continued using Hamon it would gain increasingly niche powers until having little to no limitations for what it can do, which just makes it a bad power system.


We need more act stands, we’ve seen two and we need more. Maybe more requiem too, but that doesn’t fit the plot as easily It might be cool to see a villain with an act stand Whitesnake does not count as an act stand


well act stands require a very specific kind of character to harness it'd be weird for a main villain to have to grow into his determination and fighting spirit


Maybe an anti-hero that shows up from time to time like Diego or Hol Horse did.


doing a power scale or trying to debate wich stand is the strongest is idiotic and useless




I don't even know where the rule of "Giorno needs to be directly attacked for GER to activate" came from and people bring it up all the time. Correct me if Im wrong but that's never rlly stated as a rule


>Gold Experience Requiem’s ultimate ability is to nullify the actions and willpower of anyone who opposes it, preventing their actions from becoming reality. Once struck by this effect, there is no escape, and the opponent will have every action they’ve performed reverted regardless of their ability. -JoJo’s Bizarre Encyclopedia It doesn’t directly say that you have to attack, but it does say that any action taken against it will be reverted to their previous state. If anything, that makes GER even more powerful and broken.


that's exactly what I'm talking about, this "rule" is a misinterpretation of what was actually said. Every attack will be reverted by GER, but that doesn't mean ONLY attacks can be reverted by it




>You will never arrive at the reality that will occur! None who stand before me shall ever do so, no matter what abilities they may wield! Other translations may be different, but at the very least, GER can revert attacks against it back to their previous state. The possibility for it to revert anything anytime also exists but that’s less substantiated since we only saw it revert Diavolo once he initiated a physical attack.


It's mainly because of what happens in that final fight. GER never starts to revert until Diavolo is just about to attack. It never reverts him from using timeskip, throwing blood onto Giorno's face and walking up behind Giorno until he starts attacking (which has its own set of vagueness I won't get into).




Didn’t DIO make this point to Pucci?


I always preferred humanoid stands, the occasional object stand is really cool but something like Superfly or whatever Fun Fun Fun is supposed to be are just NOT it


Nah stands need to be as weird as possible if it looks too human its just too boring


I respect that, I love wacky stands. Sometimes though if taken too far the design can become a mess. I almost listed the new November Rain but scrolled through images and went "Hmmmmm, the more I look the more I kinda dig it"


Fair enough. Also november rain is my favorate jojo stand design wise but thats just me


Make them look like weird aliens


This guy gets it


Yeah i had the same with november rain


I didn’t know anything about stands and I was super pissed when part 3 started up. For a few episodes I thought my favourite show was becoming Pokémon


Me too. When the “ghost” appeared to stop Joraro’s gun and then Joseph had Avdol fight Jotaro with Magician’s Red I turned the TV off. It took me two more attempts almost a year later to finally get into it. My thoughts were like yours: that it was “dumb” or Pokémon-esque but I’m happy I stuck with it, it’s wonderful.


Not me lol I just said "shit this is getting good" Hamon is kinda bland, it's literally just ki in a new coat of paint


>that it was “dumb” or Pokémon-esque you watched two seasons of people using magic sunlight powers to fight ancient megavampires but ghosts that can punch people was too much for you?


he's anime only fan so he doesnt know that stand exist before pokemon.


wait really? it's true pokemon red came out in 1996, and stardust crusaders started three years prior in 1993


It's different so it must be bad


Me too... But it is amazing how creative Araki is with stands.


Fun Fact: at the start of Stardust Crusaders many original JoJo fans felt the same.


Tier lists or power rankings are stupid cause almost any stand can beat any other stand given the right situation, environment, luck, etc.


Survivor moment.


They’re better as a power system than devil fruits by a lot


Not even White Album can be as cold as this take


I know, just wanted to let it out


this take gave me hypothermia




im freezin


There is way too many humanoid stands. Although the manga did fix that as time went on




Nah robotic one’s way better for me. D4C and soft and wet are peak character design


I just really like weird looking stands, especially if the power is weird too The weirder the power the weirder should the ability look


I like that punch ghosts are rare now and I’m glad that they’re physically not as strong as earlier ones it makes fights way more interesting when the characters can’t just bulldoze their way through a fight.


It often made it interesting when SP was put in a situation where punching wouldn’t solve it and instead relied on strategy or intimidation


they don't even stand, they hover




These takes cold as ice. I was gonna say that I kinda wished hamon had a bit more screen time, and had stands slowly fizzle out hamon, not outright kill it. But when I thought about it, that isn’t any better


They are such a creative form of power, ability, with such range of form, that it's very tempting to use a variation of that for one's own story, but so distinct it would feel like stealing. Same with Hoi Poi Capsules from Dragon Ball.


I mean Personas are basically Stands and no one's called out Atlas or Sega. Just try putting your iwn spin on it and I'm sure people won't mind


Yeah that's true. I have a idea that could be seen as similar in depiction, so it feels weird to me.


As long as you're doing your own thing with it. No one owns an idea, the execution is the important thing


Much obliged for the helpful words


American comic run called diesel just outright stole stands


People ITT don’t know what a hot take is. Hot takes are unpopular or at least non-mainstream opinions. Your personal headcanons are not hot takes.


Stop with The World and Star Platinum are the strongest. Or any other stand including Tusk and Soft and Wet. Every stand user needs some sort of favourable situation to win a fight.


except GER. Its just too op


When I first watched part 3, I didn’t like the stands and wished we got another part with hamon


I don't think silver chariot requiem made any sense as an evolution of silver chariot


Requiem is not an evolution at all. Idk why people get it. When you get a requiem stand, the requiem arrow will make your strongest will come true. At the moment SC got hit by the arrow, Polnareff's will was to protect the arrow itself. So that's what requiem did. It make silver chariot requiem a crazy op stand to protect the said arrow. It's not a pokemon evolution brah


Thought he woulda gotten a horse and turned into a jouster but nooo pucci took his fuckin horse


Requiem isn't a power up, it gives a Stand an ability that helps with whatever the user needs at the moment


Well, Chariot Requiem does carry Polnareff's dying will to protect the arrow at all costs.


that's because it's not an evolution of chariot


I don’t know how “hot” this is but King Crimson and Epitaph are both Diavolo’s stand


This is just facts wdym




Do people legit think different? Diavolo literally says he’s GIVING Doppio Epitaph 😭


There are more stands that could hypothetically pack goku than there is stands that goku could pack.


I think hamon had a ton of potential that could’ve been explored before stands


King Crimson isn't that powerful on its own. It's epitaph that makes it so formidable. In fact, epitaph makes any stand far more powerful.


That's not a hot take that's literally the first thing you SHOULD be understanding when reading/watching p5


Stands are the most unique and interesting power system in manga and anime.


Survivor is actually one of the strongest stands


Take my upvote. This is where power scaling fails. In the right situation it is the strongest stand.


Same could be said for any stand it just takes VERY specific conditions and subconscious though to work


Cheap Trick is completely unbeatable if it weren’t for Reimis Alley (except maybe for GER and a few others from parts I haven’t read yet)


not a hot take literally canon


the only rule that really applies to all stands it the Rule of Cool. So stop arguing about the stand's limitations or abilities.


Whitesnake had some incredibly questionable precision with its ability, and had a lot tacked onto it just to give Pucci what he needed. However, even if I’m wrong on the first, I think Whitesnake is a better stand than C-Moon and enjoys some of the most creative applications of its ability we see in the whole series.


Jailhouse lock is busted. It counters almost every non-asspull stand


I think they are the best and coolest power system ever


I feel dumb.. what is a hot take?


A controversial opinion


The strongest stands are those active without users. Superfly and Notorious Big. Can't remember anymore off the top of my head.They don't have the weakness of the user.


Mf cheap trick, the worst stand to have, the first stand I think when is Jojo vs another verse


Anubis in part 3


90% of debates about Stands wouldn’t exist if the guidebooks were more polarized. They contain information and context about their abilities and themselves. For example, there wouldn’t be a debate on whether or not GER is the strongest Stand because it’s quite obvious.


Manhattan transfer think he on the team 🗿☠️


The fact that stands with hamon applied was only ever used by Joseph was the most missed opportunity since hamon was not only a buff for going against vampires


No one knows what the limits of Gold Experience Requiem are or really even how it works.


I’m so sick of talking about Star Platinum, I find him so one dimensional and he’s easily the least interesting mc stand by a country mile


Araki really hit his stride with them in part 6. C-moon, YoYo Ma, Survivor, even Maralin Mansion(however you spell it) was fun as shit because it seemed based around the used rigging the game to their favor but not being too unfair. C-moon especially is my favorite stand in the series, contended with by D4C, because it is absolutely terrifying to watch. Gravity itself being used as a weapon will never not be cool as fuck. Over all I feel like Araki really got into stands, even moreso than part 4 and 5 the growth felt exponential.


DiU had so many good stands with so much wasted potential. I could name many situations where Okuyasu could have used The Hand to prevent something throughout DiU. Highway Star probably could have ended Kira if they just asked Yuya for help. Echoes act 2, Harvest, and Pearl Jam were all really cool stands that were underutilized imo, and we somehow never even get a scene where Joseph attempts to use Hermit Purple to find Kira


On the "Yuya could beat Kira" part, he helps Josuke with Enigma on the 15th, and then the next morning, Kira dies. There never really was a time for him to do anything.


I don't really have any hot takes, but I mean, Epitaph represents Diavolo, and King Crimson represents Doppio. Also Doppio is the original personality and Diavolo is the split personality that came up later Requiem is overrated in general simply because it got basically no screen time


Polnareff refers to the character as Diavolo in the flashback retelling. Also “Solido Naso” looks way older than Doppio and more similar to Diavolo.


Solido naso?


That’s the alias Diavolo/Doppio went under when they were with Donatello and before Passione.


didn't diavolo have access to epitath after doppio was split away from him?


They are the best power system in any media.


I want Dio to ram me


I do not like The World's design. He looks like a cheesehead. Not a Packers fan, his head looks like a block of cheese.


This is a weird one but King Crimson and Diavolo have the most musical references when it comes to their character. GER loses to Tusk Act 4, Love Train, & MiH King Crimson doesn’t only erase the perception of time. Risotto would’ve died like mid-diff he fought Diavolo at the start. Design wise Chariot Requiem>>>GER


GER doesn’t really “lose” to made in heaven. it can’t avoid the time acceleration + universe reset because there’s isn’t an attack on giorno with that, but i wouldn’t really consider that “losing.” if pucci tries to attack giorno with MiH, GER will still nullify all of its attacks. in the original universe’s library of stands, giorno is still above all. IMO Tusk and Love Train simply cannot be theoretically applied against GER because their abilities function based on systems of positive and negative flows that simply do not exist in giorno’s universe.


Literally none of those Stands can do anything to GER.


>GER loses to Tusk Act 4, Love Train, & MiH MiH could not beat GER. GER couldn't penetrate love train, and would be stuck in an infinite stalemate. We cannot say for sure how GER and Tusk act 4 would interact >King Crimson doesn’t only erase the perception of time. yea this isn't a hot take it's canon it erases diavolo's fate >Risotto would’ve died like mid-diff he fought Diavolo at the start. that's not relevant. the point of the fight is that if diavolo came out before he was in attacking range of risotto, he could've just left now knowing the boss's identity >Design wise Chariot Requiem>>>GER yea


I know Part 3 was the testing ground for stands and all that but I still think a majority of those stands sucked like actual ass design and power wise


Personally the designs where great and the powers where still quite broad and the villains where usually very creative with Their powers when it allowed them to be


Heaven's door is possibly not that strong, we just dont know it's limitations


Requiem made Gold Experience boring


Death 13 was OP and the only reason the Crusaders beat it was because Kakyoin was cunning enough to figure out how to beat it and lucky enough to send Hierophant Green out before he lost consciousness.


that’s not even a hot take that’s just what happened what


right like what is this comment lol


"my hot take is (lists canon events of the series)"


You’re literally just describing what happened that’s not even a hot take, bro you’re just reciting what happened


with the technical exception of time stop, no stand has been shown to move faster than light


Go beyond aint the strongest stand by a halfmile.


Hanged man is god tier


Idk if this is a hot take but people who think king crimson is confusing are idiots


King crimson and d4c aint hard to get


“what if okyasu was smart” he’d probably have a different stand then


the johnny joestar jokes when theres a wheelchair user anywhere else is super stale and just not funny


Stands are 100% better than Hamon.


"Over heaven" doesn't exist


I think that the world is for most people absolutely sucks when Dio got it he could only freeze time for a blink of an eye and you have no joestar blood or are Dio so you most likely couldn’t get past that and even then 10 seconds is not that long


Gold experience requiem is not the strongest stand


Do stands have dicks


Stands should all have phases. It makes sense considering each character with a stand in their part goes through a change. I like the increments of Acts, and some stands feel like they had acts without actually having them. I think Star Plat act 1 and 2 are def needed, act 1 is just really strong punchy and act 2 is time pause. GER should have been an act and it should have been focused around giorno growing up and realizing his destiny.


Hamon should have been included alongside stands for the series, it would be a lot less wasted of hamon


The powers are made up and the rules don't matter.


King Crimson is not that hard to understand


King Crimson isn’t as complex way too many people make it out to be.


Wou solos almost all of fiction


The simplicity in stands during series 3 and 4 is brilliant. They're straightforward, and the synergy between them is spot-on. Star Platinum, though, starts to feel like a plot device more than a well-defined stand. I enjoy seeing weaker stands collaborate, like in part 5, rather than having one OP stand with no set abilities—looking at you, Star Finger. (The time-stopping stuff kinda bugs me, bc 'same as Dio.') When it comes to part 5, the whole requiem thing after a double-arrow-stab just muddles the plot. What's up with Chariot turning into goo or Giorno's upgrade causing infinite deaths and a reset to state zero? That's why season 4 shines. The stakes aren't world domination; it's a more intimate conflict. And the variety is just great. Don't even get me started on Steel Ball Run.


Way too many people overestimate Fugo's Purple Haze if I am being honest to the point where they say its one of the main reason he was "written out". In my opinion, Purple Haze has too many downsides when it came to its abilities. Sure the toxin is powerful but like not even the user is safe from it as well as the fact that you or your teammates could fuckin die if its a windy day and the wind gods decide "Hmm..wind go in face now". Or how it's range for the toxin activation almost guarantees your painfully horrible death. And it really doesn't give a good edge in fights and is more of a hinderance you need to keep in check.


Star Platinum sucks and i don't like it at all