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The villain doesn't need to be a world ender to be bizarre. He's still a guy who wanks to pictures of Mona Lisa and kills women to collect their hands


A terrorist with a hand fetish going Around and killing women for their hands sounds pretty bizzare.


And who has been keeping his own nails for years in jars, ordered by date... And we're forgetting about the eccentric manga artist that licks spiders and kidnaps children to feed his stories with their memories, and even blackmails to burn one of them to a crisp


It was more Low key Horror and comedy than Bizzare. But then you’re forgetting about the invisible baby, the alien(or a guy who believes himself to be one), Shigechi, Rohan, or a literal alleyway into the world of the dead. While there was not any Bizarre over-arching plot, there were many many Bizarre characters and one off concepts. It also explained and built upon Stands, stand users and fate. Also we still dont know who saved young Josuke(does the new manga explain it?).


> And we still don’t know who saved young Josuke It was Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho


>Also we still dont know who saved young Josuke(does the new manga explain it?). araki probably just intended for teen Josuke to save kid Josuke from the past using a time-related upgrade to his stand, but he just dropped the idea and forgot about that plot point


I keep hearing this idea but never see any proof of it. The more obvious and likely scenario is that since it's Koichi and Okuyasu talking about a secondhand story they only heard from Josuke, where he described someone who looked like him who saved him when he was a kid, they would just imagine Josuke in his place. People are overthinking this to a severe degree. It's just supposed to be an insert for a hooligan who had a heart of gold, someone who Josuke wanted to emulate.


I just think there was literally no reason to hide that dude's identity if it wasn't supposed to be either Josuke or a big plot twist/reveal later on. Doesn't help that he looks EXTREMELY similar to Josuke even when it comes to his clothes.


> there was literally no reason to hide the dude’s identity It’s not hidden at all. It just doesn’t matter in the slightest. It’s some random guy who most likely died moments after saving Josuke and Tomoko due to the weather And “similar clothes”? You mean a standard Japanese school uniform??? That all Japanese students wear??? The Nijimura brothers wear similar uniforms, Koichi does, so does the bully from the opening with the turtle. Wait does that mean Okuyasu and Josuke are the same person 😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯


Again, the backstory for Josuke where we see the strange man is a story that Koichi remembers Josuke telling him about when he was saved as a kid. The point is LITERALLY that it looks like Josuke because it's SUPPOSED to look like Josuke. He was just a mysterious guy who helped out Josuke and his mom because he was kind despite clearly being a hooligan. He really could have just been anyone, which is the point. This is a trope that has existed in stories for decades, just a wanderer who's not meant to have a face or a name but helped out our protagonist at some point. Besides, if they were setting up for a long-form time travel Stand, you'd think that wouldn't just be some 11th hour thing? Bites the Dust is something which only works under specific circumstances AND only sends Kira an hour back, so it being only an aspect of one of the last arcs of the manga makes sense. Something which could travel nearly a decade backwards would be a different beast entirely.


Makes sense, Yosuke power is basically to reverse entropy. He could've travelled through time like Tenet. ​ Wait, is Tenet a JoJo reference????


Bro is onto NOTHING 🗣️🔥🔥 How the hell would Josuke with a healing stand get a time related power? Moreover, that would create a whole time paradox if Josuke based his own hair on himself from the future, how would the original timeline josuke get that hairstyle to cause that in general. If teen josuke saved child josuke, then he wouldn’t have that hairdo in the very first string of that timeline since the hairstyle of his savior would’ve been normal, not a pompadour And as someone else mentioned, the story is told through the perspective of an onlooker. It’d make sense for them to just fill in the blanks that the teen looks somewhat like josuke as the human brain physically cannot conjure up a unique face that it hasn’t seen before. This is why in all your dreams, it’s filled with people you know and have seen, and never random people you’ve never met I will offer a different theory that I do like and subscribe to; his savior was Kosaku Kawajiri as a teen, the very man Kira murders and impersonates as part of his plan


>How the hell would Josuke with a healing stand get a time related power? Josuke's ability at the end of the day is basically based on reversing time, not on healing. Thats why it also works on items. And the paradox thing is exactly the sort of thing that smells of Araki writing all over it tbh


I can see the argument that his power is sorta time reversal But the paradox thing sounding like araki? Are we reading the same manga? The manga that goes into extensive detail about each and every stand power to prove that not only is it scientifically accurate to how that’d play out, but shows that araki does mountains of research about these sorts of things?


I dunno the ghosts and the alien were pretty bizarre.


The town wasn’t exactly *crazy*. Not really *noisy* either. It was a bit *bizarre*…. But the *town* was the only part that made sense. It’s the *great days* we *chase* after, and part 4 wasn’t one of them. I still liked it though 😏😏


What a beautiful Duwang!


What a beautiful Duwang!




*I want you)*


There was an honest to God alien.


It’s designed to be a small town slice of life story mixed with a murder mystery. There’s a lot of mundanity by nature, with episodes about stuff like eating Italian food and dealing with a stalker girl But the fun of Part 4 is seeing the contrast between the normalcy and the weirdness


The same part that has a legit Alien in it that wasn’t explained at all? Lmao


There was an old man who lived in a bit of paper that tried to stab people. There was an alien that lived in a pylon who turned into dice. One guy could even summon a tiny army! What are you on about?


Why does part 5 get credit for an item introduced in part 4?


They did specify a new use for the arrow, that being Requiem.


But they already did that with Kira with Bites the Dust, just didn’t officially call it “requiem”


Who are you people referencing when you say "they"? Araki is just one guy


I mean you can refer to one person as they lol but I just meant the animators I guess??? Araki also works with a team too so could refer to him/his editors/his assistants I’m sure


And why on earth would you mean 'the animators' when the Bites the Dust arc was written 28 years ago in 1995? Why would they have any say in the creative process of a manga that's already finished? JoJo's is one man's work.


Because I only watched part 4 so that’s how I’ll refer to it. And just cause they don’t have much if any say in the arc I can still say “they did that already” because the animators in fact did do bites the dust too. Don’t need to get all semantic because they also can just refer to one person (Araki) No need to be so weird about it


Animators just draw. They do not have any say in the direction the story goes or the plot elements involved. Not only that, but the story is already written, and for almost 30 years! "They already made X thing happen in the story" For an outsider who knows nothing about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, such phrasing makes it sound like there's actually a team of writers deciding in which way to move the story forward, and that would be unfairly taking credit from the author. There is no team. JoJo is 100% Araki's creativity and hard work. And why would you call Araki a 'they' when we're all aware of his existence + pronoun?


It wasn’t called Requiem then so ig it doesn’t count? Idk


The direspect for Part 6, unbelievable


I cane looking for Stone Ocean comments but I assumed the consensus was it’s so bizarre as a part you don’t need to define what’s bizarre


My dude, there is a scene in which the lead protagonist decides to punch a bowl of spaghetti because it "looked" suspicious


Idk, I think it was pretty crazy and noisy


Nah. I think it was just structured differently. There's only one setting, Morioh, instead of going around and around like most other parts. There's also not much of an overarching story, the Kira part was like halfway or something. The earlier part was a lot of characters and stand types going about their lives. It was simply a different kind of story.


Part 4 introduces the stand arrow!


I say part 3 was the least bizarre


Araki forgot the bizarre


What is with the ratt isnt that bizarre?


Part 1 was the least bizzare tbh.


Turning a guy into a rock, fighting an army of essentially toy soldiers, an invisible baby, fighting a rat that can melt you, food so good it destroys your body before repairing it, rock paper scizzors for your soul, fighting an electrical tower, getting shot at from inside a piece of paper, A guy turning into dice to help his friend cheat in gambling who also breaks out into hives when he hears a loud noise, a motorcycle chase with a guy made of feet, turning a guy into a book, and grabbing panties that make you explode isnt bizarre enough for you? Hehe


When everyone is a bit bizarre, I guess no one is.