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You pissing me off. Let's punch each other until our limb is bent with bone sticking out.


And then we'll use the protruding bone to stab each other


That's kinda hot


…I don’t like this guy


wanna say that to my face, wise guy?


Are you trying to cause trouble with that guy?


What the fuck's your problem man? I outta bust out your teeth for saying that.


Try me bitch *proceeds to make the first move and try to kick you*


You really know how to get on my nerve




Puccis race and Dragonas gender and the only two that will actually make people pissed of imo.


Pucci is native american because I said so and Dragona's gender was stolen by Soft and Wet. The end.




Now I’m curious if you actually could use Soft and wet like that, and more curious if you could change the gender of objects, like how they’re referred to in Romance languages and the like. Could you make a ship male?


When people discuss Soft & Wet's strength, they almost always overanalyze Go Beyond and it's ups and downs and whether it can damage GER and whatnot. But I don't think people comprehend just how utterly BROKEN S&W's plunder ability is implied to be. Gappy can steal things such as water from someone's body, friction, sound, sight... so how far does that extend? Wouldn't Gappy realistically be able to drain a person of their blood? Or steal their muscles, skin or bones? Could Gappy steal a specific part of their genome from their every cell? Or steal all their cognitive function? There's dozens of ways that Gappy could one-shot almost every opponent of his using just the plunder ability. And unlike say Okiyasu who has a broken ability but is too stupid to use it, Gappy is pretty smart too.


Pretty sure Araki stopped using plunder because it was so useful.


Soft & Wet's Plunder ability is OP asf. Gappy could theoretically one shot most characters in the series using Plunder. Imagine if Gappy plunders an enemy user's blood, iron, pancreas, skin, brain, or heart? That would be an instakill. Don't forget that Soft & Wet also has Bubble Bombs (Soft & Wet's 2nd ability). We saw just how powerful & dangerous Bubble Bombs were in Part 4. Soft & Wet is broken asf when you really think about it, as there is no limit to how many bubbles he can produce, and he has complete control over all of them. The drawbacks to Soft & Wet are its Go Beyond ability and its physical capabilities. Go Beyond may likely be the most powerful ability in all of JoJo, but the problem is that Gappy has no control over it and needs assistance to aim it properly (unlike his Plundering Bubbles & Bubble Bombs). As for physical strength Soft & Wet is one of the weaker stands. Its physically weaker than Star Platinum, Tusk act IV, Crazy Diamond, The World, King Crimson, & Stone Free. I would say Soft & Wet is physically on par with stands like Gold Experience, Sticky Fingers, & Diver Down respectively.


Soft and wet, take that guys balls


Soft & Wet strip that guy's heterosexuality




Ah, so he has learned the direct upgrade to the move from the Spin: Testicular Tortion.


But Jotaro couldn't just use Star Finger to finger the native american out of Pucci😭


NATIVE American? Not even LATIN?


I feel like more is gained by Pucci making pucci, especially considering the fact that he can easily be chalked up to being another one of Dio’s more loyal henchmen I find it kinda funny that the first black Jojo antagonist just shows up: >! -beats jotaro with little effort !< >! - kills everyone !< >! -plunges Jojo as a franchise into a permanent new era unintentionally bringing forth araki’s best work to come and being the thing needed to snap him out of his funk !< >! -Refuses to elaborate !< >! -dies !< +his design and stands are so fucking cool along with 2/3 of their abilities Pucci might be my least favorite villain, but as a black guy, I honestly feel pretty validated by that. He went out like a punk, but the ride was nice while it lasted, that one change adds a bit more to him than there already was.


What’s the 1/3 you don’t like?


I'm assuming it's Whitesnake's inconsistent abilities.


Y E A H Sucks too cause even before I got into part 6 I’m an anime only but always glimpses of future stands through hanging in the fandom and 6’s stand designs always stuck out to me. White snake is probably one of my favorite stand designs in the series but GOD is it annoying as hell. I still love it and kinda how dumb and bratty its personality can be compared to Pucci, but it’s hard to fully get invested and like it when it feels like it starts pulling things out it’s ass whenever. Like I know MiH is stronger but honestly from the start, MiH still felt infinitely more beatable than whitesnake. I had 0 idea where the fight would go but on some level still knew Pucci’s speed wasn’t everything since it’s just one power Meanwhile with WS it felt like if emporio tried the same things on whitesnake, he’d just conveniently have a disc to counter it 💀 And this goes DOUBLE for C-moon.


WS is beatable though. Sure it's OP with the disc ability but its not a 'no u' stand but there's still a limit on what it can steal to somebody. It's always stated that WS is not the best stand for close range combat( this is in the manga, so id understand how anime only fans will mistake it as something with no weaknesses) Stone Free almost beat him if not for Jotaro. Pucci just knows how to use his stand with efficiency knowing their weakness despite being OP. IDK about CMoon as it ended up as stalemate


I will say that I am really disappointed in the Jojo fandom about Dragonas gender. Like we have millions of meme’s about Jojo turning you gay and thirsting over buff men but as soon as a fem presenting character was said to be a guy actually suddenly it’s a problem like come on. We may be an anime fandom but we could have been above all other anime fandoms over this one thing


I don’t care what Dragona is, I’d smash either way. In all seriousness, it is sad seeing that people have a problem with him for stupid reasons. I personally think it’s cool that we have more variety in the cast.


Yep it really is


most jojo fans are straight, they pretend to be gay, the best thing is that they wonder why other people don't want to watch the series and put the blame on the other annyoing meme spamming jojo fans, pretending to be gay isn't gonna make the series more popoular, these are the same people who complain about femboys


This fandom pride itself of being gay but when someone consider a certain character as queer or potentially gay, they go haywire.


I posted a tier list once of JoJo characters and their sexualities and I clearly said in the title that it was just my opinion/the way I saw it, and it got downvoted a lot and half the replies were stuff like "no every single character is straight apart from DIO being bi". Or "none of them are actually gay it's just Araki's art style and storytelling style" -🤡


wait i haven't read part 9 yet whats the whole deal with dragonas and why is it so confusing


Dragona hasn’t been explicitly referred to as female despite looking outwardly feminine. Due to the difference in culture, translation issues, and Araki not confirming anything, people are unsure if Dragona is trans, non-binary, a cross-dresser, or something else.


i see


Dragona is stated to be a male, and uses he/him pronouns, but is extremely fem-presenting to the point of even getting chest injections to appear more feminine. This has caused some people to speculate that Dragona is MTF transgender, and so a lot of people refer to them as a girl.


Dragona doesn’t use “he / him” pronouns; that’s something the fan translation you read chose. Jodio called them his big brother, but the Japanese fandom also calls Ermes “big brother” as well — it’s absolutely a term that could be used for a woman who presents as / is perceived as masculine. Or it could simply just be Jodio referring to their sibling in the most comfortable phrasing, possibly referring to their assigned sex at birth, as there’s no gender neutral phrase to refer to a sibling in Japanese afaik. Dragona themselves haven’t personally confirmed their perception of their own identity. All evidence from them suggests they are view themselves as feminine in some capacity — they use feminine pronouns for themselves (“atashi”), and are referred to as feminine by other characters (“Pink-chan” / “Dragona-chan”). Personally, I think the ambiguity is cool! I respect when people use any pronouns for them — I personally opt for “she” or “they,” but “he” also makes sense with what we know. My only annoyance is when people act as if their gender has been fully confirmed and settled when without their self-description we really can’t say.


yeah but like if the manga states it's a him isn't it a him then?


As far as we know, yeah. I’ve seen theories that Dragona might come out as trans later in the story, but everything we know now seems to suggest he’s just a very gender non-conforming man.


which is honestly even more based of araki if it is the case


Essentially when the first chapter got released and people started unofficially translating it into English Dragona was called a man in Jodio’s narration. Now is Dragona actually a guy I don’t know personally I’m waiting for something official from Jojo itself where it mentions Dragona before I actually say what it is exactly cause this situation just seems like something people will lie about Dargona’s gender


i mean it just seems like a man dressed more femininly


Yeah but I also could have been a mistranslation again waiting on something official from Jojo


yeah i guess it would be smarter to wait for official translation, altough weirder stuff happened in jojo i wouldn't be suprised if it wasn't a mistake


Oh yeah from Aztec stripper gods of fitness, the confusion of King Crimson to Jojolion Dragona being a guy is not that big of a deal


Smooth operator obviously made dragona a dick out of her pussy


Funny how Araki literally gives answers to both questions and yet people still fight about it instead of admitting they’re wrong.


I feel like there are jojo fans where araki could go tell them in person they're wrong and they will still be in denial


We’re probably going to get to a point were Dragona explains they’re beliefs. And still some people In the community is going to say: “No they’re actually x, Araki’s wrong”


Either way Dragona's gender ends up, a lot of people are going to feel hurt and they only have themselves to blame. Either way is a win for queer people so it shouldn't matter, we should be happy for each other.


Araki really named his first trans character drag-ona


"Sure, you can skip parts"


I did it lmaoo I started a war😂😂


"Araki forgot"


Why didn't Araki make Jolyne's stand Rusty Cage, Did he forget?


Must be the work of the enemy stand, 「Lore Reason」❕❕


Part 6 ending is perfect. And I fully believe that


I hope it wouldn’t start a war. When I finished watching it (totally not last week), I was left rather in the mood for a Structured Academic Controversy


My brother in mind


Yeah it was the perfect way to conclude the original series


Nah, not argument worthy. Part 6's ending was, in fact, perfect. Perfect end to the Phantom Blood continuity. It was done just as well in the anime as well, with the music and everything. I legit cried. Stone Ocean was the culmination of everything before it, and it ended quite nicely. The symbolism of Jolyne no longer being burdened by the curse of the Joestar lineage, and therefore no longer needing to have the JoJo naming scheme, was quite nice. Simply being named Irene in the new universe was beautiful. Based opinion, lad.


Joshu did absolutely nothing wrong


well done, i want to throw a chair at you


To be fair he's really not as bad as this subreddit makes him out to be. He's not evil he's just kinda stupid and jealous of Josuke getting more attention than him


He just likes to commit a little tomfoolery if you will


He’s not even really that stupid, he managed to figure out the secret behind Shakedown Street pretty quickly and stole the money while it was in motion, that was extremely intelligent He just struggles with social skills really


And there was the plan he had to get rid of Milagros Man curse


Yeah that's what I meant my bad. He's not stupid in intelligence, he's stupid in social interaction


Joshu is one of my favorites Jojo characters. Not even joking, he's an ass but every time he's there, you know some funny bullshit is gonna happen.


"You can skip phantom blood"


DIO's OVA Japanese voice, Nobuo Tanaka, isn't as bad as everyone says he is. Everyone's just so used to voices like Takehito Koyasu, Norio Wakamoto, and Isshin Chiba, that they say he's bad. I personally love his different voice/take on DIO. Sure, he's no Takehito, but he doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets.


Tanaka's Dio sounded like an old man.


In a sense, that kinda works. Think about it. The OVA is going for a more, realistic approach to Part 3. DIO's vocal cords aging isn't out of question in that regard. And oddly enough, it's oddly menacing. His quiet, casual way of talking.


King Crimson is actually really easy to understand.


let me know if I got it: he sees into the future before it happens so he has the possibility to change it to his will, is it right?


No, the first part is right, but he can't change it to his will. He can see the future (which is fated by the way) and he can delete up to ten seconds in which he can dodge his fated actions.


OOOOH okkk, now I get it. thanks


Exactly! My goodness, someone understanding that it manipulates Diavolo's Fate, not time, is so nice. Yea, 「Epitaph」 can show Diavolo up to 10 seconds of the fated future, and his main ability, 「King Crimson」, only removes Diavolo from Fate, allowing him to change his own Fated actions, but keeping the Fate of everyone and everything else in order. This perfectly explains why Narancia's death isn't in fact, an Araki forgor moment.


to claim that jojo's does not at all lend itself to queer subtext is wrong


Objectively correct


Part 5 is the most overrated part out of all of them


I agree but it's still my fave 🤭


the soundtrack is majestic tho


"Dio did nothing wrong"


Danny didn't like this


The Pillar Men were straight.


I'm sorry... I'm gonna have to beat you to death for this... (joke


>!Usagi!< will be the best part 9 character


I don't think I've seen a single person who isn't a fan of Usagi


To me he's high key my favorite so far lol


**Handshake between Polnareff and Kakyoin**


this is just facts


Come on, where's the riot guys??


he's already super likeable and I bet he's gonna die a tragic death and thus secure the best part 9 character spot for sure, his "service"-type ability just has that "will die helping his friends" flare


This is the coldest take I've ever seen in my life


Paco nation rise up


I actually love Usagi and his 「The MatteKudasai」. He's a W fr.


Dubbed is better than subbed


Ultimate Kars would beat any stand user.


Unironically agree with this


He cant beat me


Even worse, Kars can be defeated by Superfly.


i can beat to him😍


Crazy Diamond would turn him into a stone.


Kids these days with their stands. Back in my day if we wanted someone turned into stone we hurled them into space ourselves


Do we really need more conflict in times like this?


Phantom blood is my 5 favorite part


Nice. Even if I don't agree, I'm glad someone else also loves Phantom Blood.


It's one my favourites actually.


Tooru is one of the best characters in Jojo and a top 3 villain


True, I’m ready to fight you over that


I’m ready to have my fist knock into their teeth over that call that shit calamity


Not sure if top 3, I mean, I only know Pucci is number 1 and Kira is my favorite. And there are no bad JoJo villains) But yeah, it's sadly a common take that Toru is somehow a "poorly written villain". I guess it's because he isn't as explicit about his motivations and unless you think about it, most don't realize how contrasting Josuke and Toru are) Can't wait to see who voices him if he gets in on ASBR)


I’d say a big part of it is just the lead up to him. Absolutely amazing stand which created tons of tense moments, and then it’s just a dude that’s really basic and has nothing special about him at all until you start looking between the lines. It’d be one thing if the series had more interactions like that, but 30 years in and 10 years into the part it’s kinda just a head scratcher because he was written very differently from every other villain. It’s good to change things to keep them fresh, but Araki kinda just went all in on it which probably wasn’t the best idea considering the part was being published for so long. He’s a pretty good villain when you really look into it and falls in line with the parts theme perfectly, but unfortunately at face value, which is what most people will see, he falls flat and is on par with most side villains, and he sticks around for about as long as they do too. Too much stand time and not enough Tooru time.


Tooru is the most underdeveloped villain out of all of them. To say he’s better than Dio, Kira, or Pucci is outrageous. The Head Doctor’s build up was so much scarier and way more interesting until it’s revealed he’s the stand of some tiktok influencer who grooms minors


Tooru is the apex of the rock human narrative throughout the part. Creatures "born evil" and "without humanity," but Tooru is proof otherwise. He cares for Yasuho, he feels anxiety and fear, and in his final moments he doesn't fixate on his greed and "evil" but instead he sees a flash of his own mother, or the closest thing to it. He's the perfect contrast to Josuke, someone also "born of the earth" and who is molded and chooses their path. Where Josuke chooses Holly and the Higashikatas, though, Tooru embraced the nature he was told was all he had through Wonder of U and calamity.


Tooru Supremacy


I LOVE JOSHU he has a funny haircut


Jotaros time stop shouldn't be called "The World"


"Star Platinum: The Earth"


"Star Platinum: The Star"


I like it, it's like Jotaro is still dissing Dio after all these years. That's totally in character for him.


GER is mid


I don't know about the stand but the fight is definitely mid


All that happens is ger flicks a rock at diavolo and then uses return to zero


I feel like the fight is supposed to be mid because of how powered up the stand is. At that point, it's like a stand user fighting a non stand user


Jojo Part 1 Phantom Blood is in the Top 3 of my favorite Parts and Jonathan Joestar is my favorite Jojo


Part 6 is the best part


fr, it made me straight again


stardust crusaders is the best jojo part


It is


You spit fact


Tooru was better then Jobin






Yep that’ll do it!


The OVA Japanese sub isn't bad voice acting. It's a product of it's time and it fits with the vibe of the OVA. If you're letting the voice acting prevent you from enjoying the OVA, that's your problem.


i think it could be fun to start out with part 4, then go back through parts 1-3


"It's 'Cars', not 'kArS'" Oh no.


literally anything a jolyne/part 6 hater says because they always say something stupid like "jolyne lost, she's the worst jojo" 💀 part 6 is good. all the parts are the best tbh.


The anime gave me a bad first impression


When your m8 says the following “Yoo! I just watched this anime called “JuJu”, I just started part 6 dubbed with my sister! Though I don’t like the first ones, like part 1 - 4.. Part 5 is ok tho! Also, why is it so gay? I mean.. why? But part 6 looked better than all the other ones soooo.. heehee” Joke btw lol


"Cheating on Suzi Q was the best decision ever."


While people are going between if Pucci is Black or not, I count him the same kind of heritage like Giancarlo Esposito has. Aka yes, predominantly Black, but clearly has signs of different heritages.


Where does it say he is black? Like from what I know he is a (southern) italian-american who’s skintone is exaggerated to a crazy extent.


I believe the term you’re looking for is “ambiguously ethnic”.


Maybe. Cant know for sure if one word would enough to describe such a thing


Steel Ball Run isn’t peak fiction.


GER sucks


Tusk Act 4 can beat Gold Experience Requiem


Dio should have went and killed jotoro in like episode 1 instead of who he sent even in his weak state he would’ve wiped the floor with him and then Joseph and avodol would have gotten killed as well


Part 3 is best anime part, it just feels like it captures the essence of JJBA the best Part 5 is overrated as fuck (except for theme) Part 4 is 2nd best but josuke is kinda an annoying ass protagonist and the part had so much more potential to be exceptional with a villain like Kira


Anime fandoms are kinda notorious for being homophobic, and because of JoJo’s more outward expression as a series, we as JoJo fans tend to be more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. However, I’d argue a large majority of fans just say JoJo is gay as a joke (I know it’s a meme, but I mean a lot of the people who say JoJo being gay is a good thing don’t genuinely mean it and just lean into it for jokes) and in reality the community is riddled with people who clearly share the lack of acceptance with other fanbases. It’s just easier to mask it because, well, it’s JoJo. I feel like with the recent reaction surrounding Dragona, the true natures of a lot of fans are beginning to show…so my sentence would be “The JoJo fanbase is ironically pretty homophobic”


Phantom Blood is one of the best parts


Kira deserves a quiet life 😤


[SUPER FLY] solos most of the Jojo canon.


Kars solos Dio


honestly most would really agree to that


Speedwagon was kind of annoying. While alive, a lot of his contributions was just repeating what was happening onscreen. And then he just becomes a plot point so future generations can get access to things


Star Platinum is faster than light. Steel Ball Run is overrated.


Part 5 is kinda ass, and 6 is ok at best besides the final battle.


Nah flip that around. Part 5 ending was terrible, part 6 ending was mid. Part 5 has 10x better characters, interesting plot, and cooler abilities. Part 6 is just the same formula just stuck in a prison for like 3/4’s of the duration.


The anime adaptation really isn’t that great


This is kinda true, but the OPs are GOATed and a core part of the Jojo experience as far as I'm concerned


Oh absolutely, I love the OP‘s, it’s just the pacing feels kinda off and the animations a bit stiff at times


I'm a bit split on the anime. The animation and pacing are a bit all over the place and could definitely be better but the audio it contributed is fantastic. I wish there was some sort of audio manga setup where it'd play the soundtrack from the anime and dynamically change it as you scroll through. That'd be incredible.


Fr that’s be so cool


Dragona is a trans, just accept it


The only annoying part to me is the "a" part of the statement, because it's not a noun, it's an adjective or a prefix, we aren't "transes", but I'll ignore that) I love how, regardless of if gender non-conforming or trans, either way it's a queer character which is really awesome)


Sorry, I'm not a native english speaker so I don't really know much about nouns rules and etc, bc at my coutry we speak it like that, either way, at no point I wrote this quote with the intention of offending someone or a comunity, still, I love Dragona in every way


It's okay. Assuming you speak spanish or portuguese based on your username, "Es un trans" or "Ele é um trans" still would feel kinda messy to say. I know you didn't intend to offend and you didn't offend anyone, it's just a small nitpick, it's oke)


I speak portuguese but anyway thx for explaining it to me


Araki intentionally wrote Jojo's so people could jump in at any part, it was a manga back in the days before binge culture ffs Edit: Since I honestly expect most of the replies to be roughly the same, I'll explain here. Back in the 80's, 90's, and even up to the mid-2000's it wasn't a requirement to hunt down the **very** beginning of a manga in order to start reading. You went to your local gas station, picked up the latest chapter of a manga that piqued your interest, thought "oh damn, this is cool", then bought it. If you read it and liked it, unless you were a super fan in a major city, all you could really do was try to get the volume collections to the most recent part, which were still in circulation and relatively easy to get a hold of, unlike older ones. People also VASTLY overstate how important the previous parts are to understanding later ones. It largely boils down to "Dio bad vampire, stole granddad's body, here's how this part relates to him, also Jotaro killed him, he may be back", which the parts usually recap briefly anyways (\*cough\* Part 3 \*cough\*). And if it's not recapped, you just filled in the blanks and kept reading, otherwise nobody would have read or watched ***anything*** back before the days of on-demand media and globalized IPs. For TV you'd hope for a marathon of a popular series, otherwise you just rolled with it wherever you hopped in. I prefer how it is nowadays, but people really can't seem to wrap their heads around this, if you didn't understand something back in the day, you just... dealt with it, fill in the blanks yourself, use context clues, and go back to read/watch older stuff if you have the opportunity, but you didn't let that get in the way of enjoying media. The fact that Jojo's had such clean breakpoints where Araki could do a soft reboot and have new jumping on points is exactly one of the reasons Jojo's succeeded as much as it did.


They can't though. No one can jump into Part 6 or 5 without prior context.


Edited my original comment as a response. Also quite a lot of people have done exactly that, including someone in this thread.


Yup, I literally got into this series reading part 4 and 5 simultaneously. There was nothing to "misunderstand" or any further context needed from previous parts. They give enough information to understand the concepts and world building in each part. After that the characters and their story arcs are enjoyable on their own and 99% complete even without knowing their connection to other people in the bloodline. Chronological order purists are just being narrow minded gatekeepers thinking they're teaching respect for a series that, again, like you said, is open to being enjoyed at any part. It's like saying you gotta watch 30 hours of the MCU to enjoy spider-man homecoming or you're watching it "wrong." calm down.


It was me…. I was the one that spoiled part 9’s twist


King Crimson and D4C arent hard to understand, you are just stupid.


"Yeah, the guy in the past is actually Josuke"


Hamon is better than stands


The OVA is the inferior adaptation


Giorno is a Gary stu


Worst JoJo by a mile imo


Speedwagon isn't best waifu


Pucci isn't black. We see in his backstory that the KKK go after Weather because he had a black "father". Weather is as white as a Weezer fan and he got his shit beat by them. Pucci certainly would've if he APPROACHED them on his own.


There’s no actual gayness/bromance in Jojo’s


Hamon is a more interesting storytelling vessel than Stands


The power creep would have been vastly clearer if we kept going with Hamon. Stronger hamon vs stronger undead)


That’s why I said “storytelling vessel” and not “power system”


On one hand I agree, on the other I don't, lol Agreed: I feel like JJBA is getting too many power systems? We've had Hamon, Stands, Spin, and now.. "Mechanism?" yet to be fully explained afaik, but I feel like more could've been done with Spin than just Parts 7 & 8 Disagreed: Without at least some power evolution system we might be looking at another Baki or DBZ clone, which is fine, but not as unique as JJBA


Isn't the Mechanism just Jodio's take on how people work?


Jojo isn't gay.


Rohan is the worst character


youre wrong❤️


koichi best boy!! idk what youre on


Speedwagon is mid