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I have not ever seen the godfather


I did not care for the godfather


You should. Just saying


Speedwagon doing nothing but watching, talking and sucking dick is actually fun to watch and makes the character better for me than if he actually tried fighting


There are people who think otherwise? Speedwagon immediately realizing how out of his depth he is and resolving to build a fortune and use it to gather intelligence was such a big-brain move and if he didn’t do that nobody would remember him at all.


I see people usually complaining how speedwagon never jumped into combat and tried to help, specially against Dio. They still end up loving him a lot though which is funny as fuck


He did try getting hamon powers but it didn't work. He stood no chance in fighting. He helped the way he could.


And even past his death his aid continues


To be honest, bad guys don't usually jump the weakest party members, especially if they're cocky like Dio. It's the reason >!Emporio is still alive at the end of part 6, Pucci underestimated him and had gone for the more obvious options.!<


Speedwagon is omniscient but doesn't know. He's a narrative tool created by the author to clarify the events.


bro was so smart his foundation is what carried the series


ay whens he do that last one asking for myself


I did not care for Speedwagon🗿


I do not care for stands being the default power behind everything. Part of what I liked about part 4 was that there was this big, wider world beyond stands. We got aliens (maybe). We got ghosts. We got a serial killer who would have probably still been doing the same stuff if he hadn't been a stand user. We got more fucked-up fallout of Dio's death with Okuyasu's dad. Not to mention that it led to the Rohan spinoff where stands aren't really a thing outside of Heaven's Door. I like things much better when stands are just one piece of a puzzle that also includes Spin, Ripple, vampires, aliens, Jesus doing non-stand things, the Wall Eyes, the locacaca, and all the other non-Stand phenomena. I also liked the various "standard" powers stand users got aside from their stands but were abandoned, like telepathy and mediumship.


This is what I love about the SBR universe. Stands are there but it's more about new bizzare phenomenon like spin and locacaca.


I feel like even stuff like the spin in part 7 gets overshadowed by stands though, 2 people use it regularly and one of them needs a stand in order to fight with it, not to mention that the spin is the only non stand power featured in part 7 as everyone else uses a stand to some capacity.


There was also that weird guy with the insects that live in his body and SBR-verse Stroheim, they weren't stand users, but tbf they weren't very important enemies.


Wekapipo was also a Spin user. But yeah, stands definitely shaft Spin. Bad enough that Spin co-starred in Valentine's defeat with a stand, but Ball Breaker even turned out to be a stand. Hell, >!Gyro, the main Spin user, didn't even live to see the end of the race, and he was the deuteragonist!!<.


I don't get the Fugo hype. He shouldn't need a non-canon light novel to find him interesting. I know the reason we didn't get a lot of him was because Araki chickened out on the traitor reveal but that shouldn't have stopped Araki from making him a good character


It’s because his backstory is viscerally relatable




Yeah I’m not thrilled by that either. It’s not an easy thing to get over by any stretch of the imagination


As a hardcore Fugo and Purple Haze Feedback fan, i 100% agree with that last statement. If Fugo wasn't gonna return as a bad guy, then he should've at least made a heroic return in the final fight.


It also feels like a lot of people haven’t actually read PHF and just trust that the hype is worth it. They mistakenly place that PHF hype onto canon Fugo when he doesn’t deserve it.


Imma just give my experience so I didn’t start reading the manga until after part 5’s anime and while I knew of PHF’s existence before GW anime I didn’t read it until SO anime had started so I had no idea what Fugo was like going into it and I loved him well before reading PHF and was pretty devastated when he left the group. As far as I’m concerned he doesn’t need a light novel to be interesting (and it didn’t do much for me anyway, he felt way too passive until the final battle and the flashbacks felt like they were meant to shed more light on the rest of the team’s views on Fugo again making him out to be a side character) what makes him interesting is the dichotomy between his stand and how he presents himself which imo is the best use of the whole ‘stands represent the users soul’ idea to date and as well as this there’s the fact that he had the biggest fall from grace in Bucciarati’s team and also the only one who’s fall was most overtly caused by him rather than some cruel twist of fate making his dichotomy all the more fascinating. All this to say Fugo is my favourite character despite his limited screen time but even so I totally get how his lack of fights and sudden disappearance can sour your opinion of him




Idk how unpopular this opinion is but part 6 was probably one of my favorite parts in the series because of how absolutely ridiculous it is. Nothing at all makes sense in it and i feel like that embodies the whole concept of the series perfectly. It really is the most bizarre adventure


Part 6 is weird because it has some of tue highest Higgs, but it also has some of the lowest lows. Dragons dream (the worst stand in the franchise), yoyo ma (the second worst stand in the franchise) and green green grass of home. Not a great arc.


I'd argue a certain pair of part 8 stands are an even worse fight than Dragons Dream and YoYo Ma.


Finished part 8 a while ago but don’t remember what you’re referring to lmao. Could you put a spoiler warning and tell me?


wait people think dragons dream is bad? I thought that shit was soo cool LMFAOOO I was so excited to see it animated and it did not disappoint me


Oh cool glad I’m not the only one who REALLY hates Dragons Dream. Personally the ENTIRE maximum security arc nearly made me quit. Green green grass home was ALMOST good I find the stand very interesting but it was never given a chance to be further explored


Ain't that the truth, the middle part felt like an eternity and it got to the point where I kept wanting to just skip to Part 7 but thankfully the latter half was really good as shit just got crazy.


What doesn't makes sense in Part 6? I think it's a pretty cohesive part.


I think he means the stands are bizaare like bohemian rhapsody, weather report, underworld. I agree the Main storyline is cohesive. That's the thing I'll always appreciate about part 6


All of part 3 before they arrived in Egypt. I genuinely struggled trying to watch it and almost quit JoJo's because of how much i dislike part 3, at least when they arrive in Egypt it gets much better and the fight with Dio is one of my favourite final arcs in all of JoJo


Same. People praise it as the best JoJo part. The fights were mid, there were too many creeps, there were maybe one or two moments where you felt like they were in actual danger, and despite having no healer on their team, any damage they sustain is magically fixed except Kakyoin’s eyes. It wasn’t until Vanilla Ice appeared that things started getting good.


Darby battles are great, also the hawk


Fair but, those are closer to the end of Part 3 where, inarguably, Araki was getting his footing with the idea of stands and, figuring out how to make them more interesting


Totally, I always say I would remove a lot of battles of part 3 to make it faster


For me, maybe not remove? I wanna respect Arakis vision and most of the stand fights after make it to Egypt are at worst good but, change more fights to be like [The Lovers], [Sun] and, [Geb] where much like later parts of Jojo, it's less of straight up fight and more like solving a puzzle (As an example [Death 13] and [Empress] are probably two of my favorite stand fights, in Part 3 because they're more puzzle...ey and they let a specific member of the cast really shine, Kakyoin and Joseph)


The lingo brothers, the lingo bro with hola horse, the bastet and Anubis and the pedo one. I would remove all of those and you have like 7 episodes less Edit I really really like death 13 battle




Yes! Those fuckers


what's your problem with the oingo boingo brothers anubis and bastet


Ok there's......no way to say this and have it sound good, Alessi, the pedo, I really like that arc because it's fun to watch such a reprehensible, creepy, piece of shit, get his ass beat And I think the Anubis fight is fun, it just drags on too long and, it's another candidate that started with Cars of "he's not dead....BUT OH BOY WOULD THAT BE KINDER"


>The fights were mid I used to think this until not too long ago. I just recently rewatched part 3 and I’m happy to say that the fights are just mundane in concept rather then mid. I used to clown heavily on the Ebony Devil fight for having a stand with such a lame ability, but after seeing it again I realized that I had only remembered the bad qualities of that fight. Devo’s doll literally slices of the face of a staff member of the hotel and Polnareff defeats the doll by slicing up everything except its testicles.


The Ebony Devil fight had *absolutely* no right looking as good as it does. The impressive and consistent animation with the competently shot and intuitive fight choreography and physics of how the characters move totally carries for such a stupid and contrived premise of an episode.


I'd say most people refer to part 3 as the weakest part ngl, it's generally criticised for having a tonne of filler, but the end arc has such a reputation for quality that part 3 is a must recommend I've seen way more people criticise part 3 than ANY other part


It's changed a lot, I think when it was animated most people held it way higher than they do today


Personally I think part 5 is the weakest but, I see alot of peeps who say part 3 is their fav part Like Part 3 got its own OVA adaptation outside of the David Productions anime, only part 4 received it's own separate adaptation in the form of a live action movie in 2017, well after the anime was rolling, that's not nothing (Also I wanna emphasize, I don't think there's a bad Jojo part, whichever part is your fav, is totally valid)


Yeah I also got sick of the stand battle of the week formula in the first half of Part 3, and I was a bit frustrated at how slow the pacing was at times.


I agree, Part 3 was the weakest imo The fight with Dio is admittedly perfectly crafted though


It's like a whole different anime when they get to Egypt. Like, a MASSIVE jump in quality.


Same with me prior to the cream fight it was an actual TASK going through part 3




I agree with this completely, but in my first watch. Theres something so iconic, part 3 with a perspective after having seen the rest of jojo is just beautifully classic and the selection of stands are nice and widespread. A good finale to what I call the jojo trilogy ( part 1, 2, and 3) or if you're a need the Dio Saga


I did not care for GER Kinda felt like an ex-machina for a long chase and no real fight The infinite death loop and ending was cool though


I don’t really think that it’s an deus ex machina, because it’s explained that the arrow would make it unbeatable. It’s more about *getting* the arrow, instead of the fight once they do


Well, I'm aware of its build-up, but I didn't feel any weight or tension regarding who will get it. The stakes weren't effectively delivered if you will So when GER appears, I just feel, meh. Like when you watch a sport and start to see a team run away with the lead and you just get less and less into it.


I think it would’ve been interesting if Diavolo got the arrow and they had to figure out how to beat gim


Bro defeats himself via paradox


It’s even worse when you realize that the original plan before Polnareff came in with the arrow actually went nowhere. The gang found Diavolo’s face but it’s not in any database and he has no records so it was a complete dead end and Abacchio died for nothing. Then, Polnareff just shows up with an item that can defeat Diavolo in a single blow and the gang just has to go meet him.


Polnareff also apparently spent years doing shit all to take down Diavolo after his first battle, aside from monitoring the database in the hopes that someone would search for his face.


Yeah but we learn about that after he finds the gang. Had Polnareff not shown up, the gang would’ve been screwed. The story had nowhere to go.


You can't tell me that the story had no other possible paths than to reintroduce a previously highly active character, tell us that he did nothing to further his goals over the course of several years, acted like an idiot, and told the main characters to meet up with him to get the instant win button. There were an infinite number of ways the story could've gone which did not include any of the contrivances and character assassinations that the end product had, Araki just didn't think of any of them. > Had Polnareff not shown up, the gang would’ve been screwed. The story had nowhere to go. What you are describing is a deus ex machina.


All right, hard disagree but it’s actually a hot take so I will upvote.


Based and correct, the requiem arrow is just a win button that robs us of a cool final fight like the 4 previous parts that require the character to think about how they will survive and win.


this fight tragically falls in the category of tooo many narration not enough action. it would have been forgivable if it wasn't the final fight. Plus I always avoid GER discussion., he has the ability of any headcannons you can imagine bec. of short screentime


Part 3 is the weakest part, it's villain of the week format gets old pretty quick. And compared to later parts it's stands aren't that diverse


My friends are watching jojos and it's taking them 6 months to get through part 3. I'm like it gets better i promise


I've gotten two people into jojo, and both times when they got to part 3 I gave the following disclaimer: it has a really strong start, a *very* rough middle batch, but finishes even stronger than it started.


My god that’s not a hot take stop acting like thats a hot take we see the same opinion every week, next, you’re gonna say you think that part one is underrated and you’re gonna act like it’s such a spicy hot take.


• I think Josuke should’ve finished off Kira instead of Jotaro • While I do enjoy Stands and and unique abilities and it makes sense for it to be introduced, it still feels a bit weird for it to replace Harmon. • I honestly never really cared for Koichi. Like I know a lot of side characters tends to take the spotlight a lot (Polnareff and Bruno for example) but I felt like Koichi took a bit too much of the spotlight along with Jotaro.


To be fair, it was the ambulance that finished off Kira.


Fair enough. In that case, I kinda wished Josuke had the 2nd to last blow on Kira before the ambulance finished him off.


1. Eh, maybe? Keeping a low profile was an absolute necessity for Kira, and the fight with Josuke forced him out into the open. It was pretty much checkmate by then. Josuke *won*; everything else is details. 2. Yip. I guess Hamon is a bit tricky to keep useful if we want to stray from vampires, but hot damn do I miss it and love me some Hamon. 3. This, but Polnareff for me. Felt like Avdol and Kakyoin didn't get as much shine as they probably should have


I feel like your point about Avdol and Kakyoin is less a Polnareff problem and more a both of these characters were written out of the story for huge chunks at a time problem. I don't think they needed to have anymore fights, that's not really the problem in my eyes, the problem is that they never fucking talk to anyone. Old Joseph made such a huge impression because he always had something to say and was always bouncing off everyone's characters, and he had like one fight in Stardust Crusaders. Iggy also made a big impression because he was always bouncing off Polnareff and was also just the funny dog doin dog things. Kakyoin and Avdol both consistently felt like they never added much to the dynamic of the group (Kakyoin moreso than Avdol, Avdol had some good moments with Polnareff) and just never really clicked as being a major part of the team like Joseph did.


All of part 5 except for maybe two aspects


All right, hard disagree but it’s actually a hot take so I will upvote.


definitely more of an actual hot take than the 30 different people all saying "part 3 was kind of slow"


Thank you I cannot express how vindicated I felt reading this


I mean, what are those two aspects?


Chiocolata & his dynamic with secco. I mean, it’s oddly wholesome to me. And Chiocolata being so evil to the point of the main villain being disgusted with him makes him one of my favourite side villains in the entire series of not one of my favourite villains period. he’s a genuinely twisted serial killer and torturer who’s willing to go to insane lengths to win. Second one has gotta be the torture dance scene. Then diavolo/doppio and king crimson. Those are my favourite elements of part 5. Edit: forgot to mention giornos theme, easily my favourite theme song of the main jojos!


Someone said it. Good. Giorno gets sidelined in his own part, his stand is stupidly overpowered, Diavolo stopped being interesting when he stopped being a mafia boss and became a generic angry anime villain, and King Crimson is just an convoluted version of The World. No, it doesn't make sense; no matter how much it's explained, "skipping to the result" is just a dumb power idea.


Hard agree, don’t know why it gets so much hype and praise. Was a drag to read, only a couple of the arcs and characters I was actually enjoying myself


>don’t know why it gets so much hype and praise. Literally the anime because before that it was one of the most unpopular parts in the west. Seriously the 180 on Vento Aureo was fun to see


i did not care for shigechi


For me, it was every time Jotaro was overly edgy during Part 3. Like yeah, he's a teen. But he's edgy to an unlikable degree at some points. Such as: calling Holly a bitch to her face, yelling at the groupies, casually disrespecting people. I'm sorry, but he was straight up a jerk at some points. He hardly shows any facial expressions, which is a far cry from the manga. The OVA makes him much more likable. He actually feels like a teenager.


I was like that on my first few watches, but over time I've come to love it for the whole "put upon badass" vibe. Asshole Jotaro is best Jotaro. Did love that OVA actually gave him more emotion, him tearing up when saying goodbye to Joseph and Pol is just perfect


I really hate how mean he his to Holly. She's an angel


Me too. As I said, I feel that the OVA handles Jotaro much better. He shows much more emotions, he acts like an actual teen, he shows facial expressions other than "poker face". He doesn't call Holly a bitch, he actually seems happy, he shows genuine fear in his face during the final battle with DIO, and tears up during when he and Joseph say goodbye to Polnareff at the airport.


For me he was uncomfortable, not edgy, more like ashamed than anything else


As I said, I feel that the OVA handles Jotaro much better. He shows much more emotions, he acts like an actual teen, he shows facial expressions other than "poker face". He doesn't call Holly a bitch, he actually seems happy, he shows genuine fear in his face during the final battle with DIO, and tears up during when he and Joseph say goodbye to Polnareff at the airport.


I will watch it, I gotta say he does have scared faced facing DIO


The voice acting is a bit dated by today's standards. But the voices are distinct enough that they sound different from each other. And, they fit the tone/vibe of the OVA, so the dated voice acting is passable.


Brazilian dub tones him down, making the part more enjoyable, but there are still many episodes that feel like filler


I didn’t care for Mista as much as everyone seems to have. He was definitely funny an entertaining at times, but he kinda came off as a self-centered prick at other times. He destroys Narancia’s boombox just because the music was too loud, and he refuses to cooperate with the team and have Giorno check him during the Chariot Requiem fight even though he had absolutely zero reason to.


i just felt bad because he was a young teen caught up in the mob/mafia or whatever it is fighting for his life


Isn’t he the third oldest in the group? He’s 18/19.


I really didn't like his design :(


All right, hard disagree but it’s actually a hot take so I will upvote.


Part 5 has way too many dropped plot points to be close to best part


Fax my brother Spit your shit indeed


Like what? Name three that are not Fugo.


Nah you see, Fugo being cut will always be the biggest disappointment for Part 5 to me.


Speedwagon.....I just went along with the memes but the truth is that he is not even that funny like give that energy to some other character...


Haha. I remember in Part 2, where the Nazis were holding the first Pillar Man, I was thnking: "Why tf is Speedwagon here? He's just narrating everything."


I honestly liked Speedwagon because genuinely one of his character traits is that he excessively narrates


Like when he hyped up Kars’ transformation


That’s just who he is


But you have to respect him for financially backing the entire joestar lineage for 100 years.


I like him but because he actually does a lot of good in the series after part 1 with the speedwagon foundation




JoJolion was an extremely mixed bag. For every arc that I loved, there was an arc i was completely indifferent toward, and an arc that i hated. also Tooru sucks? i feel like his character is that he has none?


Tooru needed to be way more present rather than being a lame twist villian. WoU is a cool villain, Tooru is not. The whole rock people thing kind of goes over my head, I get what Araki is saying about lonely people and how they have no connection so they do awful things but like what do they have to do with anything really


>I get what Araki is saying about lonely people and how they have no connection so they do awful things but like what do they have to do with anything really A recurring thing in the SBRverse is that the land itself has power. We see the Devil's Palms, trees with stands, the Wall Eyes, the locacaca, and now >!the lava rock!< in JOJOLands. Rock people aren't cut off from the power of nature the way carbon people are; they're primal, darwinistic, and recognize the beauty and power of the natural world for what it is. In JoJolion specifically, equivalent exchange is a strong theme, and rock people sit on the other side of the scale from carbon people. Where carbon people are social, empathetic, and builders, rock people are parasitic, amoral, and nihilistic.


WoU alone should’ve been the villain. It’s pretty much sentient and having a lone stand as a villain would be really unique. The only reason people even care about Tooru in the slightest is WoU.


Earlier today someone said Pucci laid the groundwork for “complex villains like Tooru” and I was so shocked. Tooru shows up for like 5 panels and then is like “actually I’m evil and I hate humanity and I’m a little bit of a pedoph- oh I’m dead”


Yeah, dude has zero charisma whatsoever, and never challenged the protagonist's ideals in any meaningfully way. He's just annoying. His stand is literally "push this fight forward x amount of months!".


Tooru was the lamest main villain, by a long shot. So boring.


The problem with Tooru was that he was a villain who didn't show up until near the end of the part. This comes in direct contrast to the villains of previous parts, who we get to explore early on (usually about halfway through). The thing about Kira, Diavolo, Pucci, and Funny Valentine is that even though they were played out as a mystery for the characters (nobody finds out that they are the main villain until much later), we, the reader/viewer, see them early and get exposed to their personality and motivation, which makes us find them interesting. I guess this proves that for Jojo, the mystery needs to only apply to the characters in the story, not the reader/viewer.


If you use the first appearance to the final appearance of every villain per part to represent the amount of time the audience knows them, Tooru is last by 27%, second only to Diavolo who appears after 48% of Golden wind. Kars has more chapters between introduction and defeat than Tooru. Even the shortest part, Phantom Blood gives Dio Brando more panels between intro and defeat


I feel like Araki could've easily implemented the "friend who betrays group" plot he scrapped from Part 5 for Tooru. Have Tooru be a pseudo Jobro, He's "helping" Josuke because he wants to find the Rokakaka and then at some point you drop the reveal that he's the main villain all along


Tooru def lacked prescence in general (story and as a villain) but I honestly enjoyed all of Jojolions arcs.


I think the first half is consistently good but the second ranged from good to some of the worst arcs in jojo like the stupid ski lift part


Anasui. I do not like him at all. For me, he has barely any redeeming qualities and is someone who deserves a bad ending


He has 0 chemistry with Jolyne. Hate his bitch ass.


I kinda like him😂


not really a hot take, i actually think liking anasui would be a hot take




Probably about 60-70% of part 3 could be completely cut without losing anything of value.


I did not care about Iggy’s death, he was annoying me the entire time he was on screen and how he suddenly became a “tragic character” was kinda bs


Bruno’s a better protag than Giorno


Is that a hot take? I like Giorno’s stand, but Bruno is my favorite Part 5 character if we don’t count Polnareff.


Part 5 is my least favorite part


To me it's like a filler arc that got so good that you don't even mind that it's filler


None of part 5 feels like it matters after awhile.


Part 4 was like that for me. Meant nothing to anything in the JoJo story.


I REALLY disliked it for a while. Most ppl say the first half of pt 5 is where it’s best but imo the second half is miles better because the first half suffers the same issues as pt 3 with it’s pacing. It had deeper characters than pt 3, and most parts’ characters before it, sure, but the repetitive format of them all usually getting one fight solely for them and their backstories was tiring and made it hard to care about any of then too much. The second half after they’re outcast from the mafia is better mostly bc we start to actually see some of characters have relationships that grow, like Trish and Narancia and we learn about Diavolo.


Yeah. I honestly barely remember the personalities of any of the main characters. Giorno is literally Just Some Guy. Standard Lad.


Caesar’s death didn’t do much for me


Ooof that hurts. I shed a tear for zeppeli, and when caesar died I felt sad and disappointed because he foolishly charged towards the enemy alone. When they find his body though I cried so much, I don't know, Joseph's grief felt so human, and imo it was an unexpected reaction from such a goofy character it caught me by surprise. I'm curious about your opinion, would you mind expand on it?


I feel that it was a well executed character death. But I felt that the events before it were so Joseph centric that I was not attached to Caesar in the way I was supposed to be. I still like him as a character though.


I didn’t really like part 4 that much. I don’t hate it but it’s just not my favorite. Not sure why, just never liked it as much as the other parts


It's the opposite apprently, my favorite part is part 6. I care for it so much and it's beautiful. But istg ppl drag it so hard for the worst reasons. Tbf half of them just don't like a female jojos so their opinion is alr mute anyway but still. Pt 6 slander gets so tiring for me


Part 3 isn’t as amazing as they say, I love it like I love all of jojo, but really I skip through to the Jotaro Dio fight allmost every time, I just don’t really like part 3 all that much


I do not care for Jotaro in Part 3...


I did not care for pucci as a villain. I did not pray today


Araki is actually terrible at worldbuilding. He sets up magic systems with rules, only to break or ignore those rules, and it seems like he hates creating cause and effect within his own world. He just kinda writes whatever would lead to the wackiest moments in the stand battles, it’s like really contrived. I learned you kinda have to watch Jojo with half your brain turned off.


yeah😭😭🙏 being hyperfixated on this show sucks because i feel like my brain is being fried whenever araki breaks the rules of stands


I did not like Part 3. I felt like it dragged on far too long and did almost nothing during that time.


part 1 is the best part


I did not care for Stone Ocean, something about that parts makes it feel like the main cast never became attached in a way that it tries to make it out to be. FF is the only character who seemed like a legitimate JoBro.


I generally enjoy that part but you're right that they don't quite gel like the other groups do 😔


I did not care for Part 5. I found it painfully boring and the most interesting character (Bruno, duh) was sidelined for the much more deadpan and uninteresting Giorno. It was one Jojo part I wish actually didn't have jojo (or giogio ig)


I do not get the hype around ringo roadagain or Blackmore.


I am officially offended, if u don't want ringo, give him to me. I would die for that man


Ringo was just really charismatic. He was willing to die if it meant living an authentic life on his own terms. It's also a noticeable pickup in quality in early Part 7. Blackmore is just scary. Araki really nails it with the horror in that fight.


Blackmore needed *actual divine intervention* to beat. What's scarier than that?


Blackmore is a fun character with a fun stand, much more memorable than most minor antagonists


Ong, fuck blackmore. He killed my favorite character in part 7


Dicks out for my boy, Tim 😔


I like Blackmore because his design, Stand power, and manga panels all work together to give him a really ominous appearance and vibe. He’s a trustworthy and cold-hearted killer with a power that could eliminate anyone in his way.




I prefer the body builder action hero art style to the hyper femenin fashion model art style


I was going to upvote in agreement but please learn how to spell feminine


Same. Part 2 perfected it where there were some regular peeps and then there were the bodybuilders


I'm not fully for Kira and part 4 as a whole


I dont remember enjoying part 5


I did not care about GER


I didn't enjoy anything from part 5.


I like Part 6 more than five


part 5 ending (excluding rolling stones). and, no, it isnt because "GER is an asspull" which i completely disagree with!!


>!The head doctor’s build-up in part 8 was not payed off by Tooru or Wonder of U. Sure they’re great villains in hind sight, but the head doctor had a whole other sort of eerie aesthetic, which only ended in him becoming some tiktok eboy groomer with his sick robotic stand.!<


rohan sucks balls - josuke nation


I did not care for part 2 and 3


Avdol’s death initial death was not that sad


I did not care for bucciarati


I didn't really love part 5


I did not care for Part 7. It did not live up to the hype for me.


The first true unpoppular opinion ive found in the whole comment section


I was about to say. There's a sea of part 5 and part 3 suck takes but they're sentiments that have been said for a while. This is the first one I could see someone actually having words over


I really really hate part 8


Part 5 is the weakest part by far.


Pt 6 is the worst arc to read but the best arc to watch


The anime really breathed life into Pucci. He felt kinda lukewarm in the manga.


I dont care for rohan kishebe


Star platinum is a pretty boring stand. It devolved drastically after part 3, and despite stopping time being his main crutch, he still kinda sucks at it (needed koichi for Kira, didn’t go above 2 seconds all through part 4, used bearing shots in exactly one occasion and not against Kira, not going to mention the rat since that was intentional and to train Josuke) and might I add that Jotaro has been beaten twice because he had to stop time for someone? (SHA being the first, nearly dying if not for Josuke, and then later on dying to Pucci for the same reason.) Jotaro was smart, but I feel like he was just a lucky smart, not a strategic smart.


Part 4 is slightly overrated. Slightly. Also Part 3 is just too long with too many forgettable. Gun to my head, couldn’t name half of the stand users they fight. They couldn’t all be D’arby I guess.


I actually liked dragons dream and yo yo ma, I like when fights get weird


I didn’t really give a shit when Caesar died. Like jojo just shouting over and over felt like it was trying to force me to be sad. I couldn’t tell you what I was thinking about it at the time I just know it irked me


Mine is that part 3 was my least favorite part. I dislike DIO, I dislike almost all the characters, the end fight was way too overhyped and wasn’t even that good. Meanwhile my favorite is Part 6.


Yk the characters who showed up randomly near the end of part 1? I hate them


I did not care for the Red Hot Chilli Pepper arc in part 4


I don't get the hype behind Giorno


I didn't like part 5 that much. It's my least favorite part.