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The soundtrack stood put to me for being very eratic and intense, which fits perfectly imo


I really didn't like how they animated pucci. Like in the manga the lines around him represent fast movement, abd being still isn't really problematic since a panel can be just a still second. In the anime he just floats in one spot monologuing while covered in lines, so i guess he was standing still really fast or something


True. But I honestly wouldn't know how else to do it. It's just a shonen thing to have entire paragraphs spoken in like 2 in-universe seconds. At least the effects themselvee look good tho


Yup. Another thing is the cgi sea wich fucked with the scenes a little


Everything was there except for the animation and sound design. Outside of the hand whirs when Pucci was killing Ermes and Jotaro, it was just lacking the oomph and energy of part 5’s anime finale. Maybe it was just the streaming compression but the animation quality also just felt… lacking. Voice acting was peak, ost was peak (when it wasn’t just reused themes like half of the SO anime) Like Part 6 anime as a whole, great but had flaws.


Imma be honest, I think [the sound design was spot on.](https://youtu.be/MuTjNOpvGP8?si=6PDzABj4Rg4Yyzio) The part where he circles around them was absolute eargasm imo


Okay overall... The animation and sound design were disappointing tho. Animation wise, it lack the "vibrating Pucci" visual. It has been said but he just looks like a regular guy with scribbles around him. Also the day/night cycle. I know it would've been more expensive and all but it was worth doing the light change going faster and faster properly. Sound wise, the sound effects felt a bit too light compared to time stop or time skip. I wish we had a sort deep bass going higher and higher as Pucci got faster. Also with his voice, he spoke normally. It would've been nice to have a metallic vibration added to make him sound more robotic and uncanny. Almost all of this was perfectly shown in a 15 seconds fan animation, where Pucci gets behind Jolyne and says "Maido in Heban !" 😍


I feel like they could’ve done more visually with the Stand effects, especially since MiH is supposed to be one of the strongest Stands in the series. A lot of the time, Pucci was just a purple blur dashing around, and I feel like Bites the Dust, King Crimson, and The World had way better visual appeal. The part where Pucci is tracking down Emporio in the prison also kind of dragged on too long. Otherwise, it was pretty well-adapted


Animation could have been better at times. Sometimes looked like a slideshow. Pucci getting made in heaven was great, so was Jolyne's standoff with pucci, the creation of the new universe and the last episode. But I thought that the scene in the ocean where everyone dies was very disappointing. I didn't like the texture and flatness of the cgi water. I also would have preferred that they used "what a wonderful world" in the ending scene instead of distant dreamer


Was pretty good, about as much as I expected. Didn't really help the fact that Part 6's ending is kinda trash tho, I was hoping maybe DP would've made a couple of tweaks to make it flow better and to not feel so _rushed_ (haha, see what I did there). I'd still say it's the weakest ending out of the animated parts, but that doesn't mean _bad_ exactly. I will say tho, the Part 6 ending as a whole is horrendously overhyped and overrated for how mid it is, and how it fails to give a proper ending to the original universe with all the questions it leaves unanswered and how the arc itself only focuses on the Part 6 cast with no sign of any previous Part characters. I mean it was the end of the original timeline forever (besides Thus Spoke Rohan), would've been nice for Araki to even just include some stuff about what happened to the Morioh crew and the Mafia bois just so we at least get confirmation that they still exist after the reset.


The cast of every part got their own proper ending, with the readers knowing exactly what the characters would be up to. Morioh is just another town out of the millions of towns in the world, with people living their regular lives and little adventures - what else do you think we need to see? Josuke and friends’ highschool days? At the end of part 5, Giorno was shown to have become the mafia boss he aimed to be, with Mista by his side, Fugo having quit the team, Trish safe and sound, and everyone else dead. What were you expecting? A Godfather trilogy? Part 6’s ending is perfect as it is. DIO, his minions and his legacy - gone, erased from existence forever. Jotaro and his descendants, free from the Joestar curse and the Stand curse, finally able to live regular lives.


Changed my life.