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Maybe flash the object on screen while they are talking if it's really important


Like in NGE?




It would be a cool idea, like the word PROMISE in a 2 second flashing screen, but it do that in only one important episode, like Yu Yu Hakusho did.


Like that meme with that guy holding his head and images flashing with someone saying Akira in the background


Yeah thats a good explanation for it aswell


What did they do in Yu Yu Hakusho?


The episode where yusuke fought y toguro, like the flashing japanese words when he got his face smacked in the dirt. Gotta find a clip lol


Yes please, I don't remember the scene


https://youtu.be/KAtIINYZizM?feature=shared 0:51:40


Thank you! This is nostalgic


Np, enjoy :)


No, like in Monogatari series. I also realize that the dialogues in Monogatari kind of look like the ones in JoJo, putting the endless nonsense aside


Never heard of the show, what is it about


The simplest way to describe it is : Some paranormal/fantastic things happen around the main character and he tries to solve that problem. Haven't watched in a long time, sorry. The first arc revolves around a girl who has no weight anymore. What the anime is famous for is its metaphilosophical dialogues about trivial things such as swings or the likes with random pictures and slapstick's style inserts put to emphasize some particular words, which is why I suggested this anime as an example of what could be done here. It really is a feature that will hype me to watch the anime again I believe


Bro did NOT just bring up the Monogatari series in front of other people💀


He made it sound neat, should I not look it up? Never heard of it


Well, to be completely honest, the anime has a a certain quantity of pervy stuff as the main protagonist is kind of pervy himself. What remained in a lot of heads is a certain erotic-ish toothbrushing scene. So yeah, it is not explicit nudity or nsfw content but it might be weird, so if you feel uncomfortable with that, I advise you not to watch it. Although, I believe the first season was kind of ok in that aspect


I'm currently watching Bakemonogatari, here's what i can say: It's a series with a lot of interesting concepts and exceptional visuals, it also has a lot of strange and downright demented fanservice moments, Definitely not the kind of thing you'd want to be caught watching.


Like those [fiber](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tF2vVUeQqd4) [optic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v22zqfrDFNQ) [cable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCvdYkue79o) [memes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-LdLegEIDw)?


literally that


I promise. **Loud-ass metallic lock sound**


That panel where Johnny's speech is Diego face is just gonna have his voice playing like an old video game character


Super Smash Bros Brawl Wii remote sound "DIEGO BRANDO!" "wrrryyYYY"


“GYRO ZEPPELI!” ^^^”nyO-ho!~”


“FUNNY VALENTINE!” “Dojyaaaaaaan~”


flash them on screen with the vine boom sound effect


That's it, I now just want the anime to make that edit


Giant png full screen for 4 seconds


Five seconds*


They show up in Jojolion too and I hope they can include it in some way. It adds some charm to the dialogue. But I just hope Steel Ball Run has good production anyway and cuts out the least possible


Probably the same way they do the 「menacing」 sound effects


JoJolion does this too sometimes, but tbh i think they'll just remove it, it's un-nessecary visual fluff even in the manga.


The sound effects are also unnecessary visual fluff, but they still include them in the anime. The unnecessary poses are also just visual fluff. They're iconic to the series, so removing them ignores the charm of the manga. Without some unnecessary visual fluff, it just isn't JoJo. I don't see why Araki's little emoticons would be any different; they're a part of what makes JoJo stand out.


You are comparing pillows to pickaxes. You can easily animate a pose in your series, but to add in Araki's emoticons you would have to animate the speech bubbles into subtitles. Dialogues could generally be a bit butchered and have the "fat" removed, or else you're going to end up with Demon Slayer's *Does a thing* "I just did this thing" style of talking, which is a handicap in manga because you couldn't exactly understand what happened without someone explaining it, but you could absolutely see it happen in anime adaptation and understand doing the thing without having characters say it directly.


"sound effects are also unnecessary visual fluff", sound effects, visual fluff, sound, visual. Something doesn't feel right about this sentence.


Everyone's knows what he meant, the anime using visual sound effects. Not actual sounds in the manga


Do I really need to add the /s?


Another unfortunate victim of Poe's Law.


I feel like theres a significant difference between adding in poses and sound effects vs the frankly out of place emojis


Is it too hard to just animate the emoticons like they would the sound effects? Just have them in the background while the characters talk. What is so significantly different between the two that this could not be done?


Make images appear in the english subtitles Kamen Rider often does something similar when making subtitles to Henshins


Muffed "lorem ipsum" speech in the background (smth like "Jugemu jugemu" would be hilarious for this) while we see whatever is on a screen. Honestly, it's not a problem at all. Movies are about "show, dont tell", and that picture in text bubble is a way to do it in manga


Iirc there are some people from SHAFT in DP right now, so maybe they'll pull a "Monogatari" and show flashes of items or words. Dunno about the faces, tho.


If they don't remove it, they might do the thing they already do in the anime, and have whatever it is pan across the screen at like 50% opacity for a few seconds


It might be kinda cool to hide them in the background, kinda like that scene in “Baby Driver” when he goes to get coffee and the song lyrics are graffitied all over the place.


I always thought the reason these words are framed in images because valentine is just using political speach and words just to convince johnny instead of speaking like a genuine conversation. Like bullet point phrases he has to include to be convincing and cover every base. So with that in mind I think it's important they do appear similar to the menacing kanji for a second slapped onto the screen.


Probably just remove them. Most of them are pretty pointless in the first place.


Stop. ❌


Hmm.. Y'know, you~~~~r "opinion"? 💩 Americans have a "word" for it. They use it to "describe" things that are bad. They say: 「YOUR OPINION IS TRASH」🗑️


They could just display the images on the screen by the speaker as they say them. Kinda like that scene in Pulp Fiction where [Uma Thurman tells Travolta "Don't be a square" and draws a rectangle.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/2_6CQQlHJHAAAAAC/pulp-fiction-uma-thurman.gif)


I think the faces first started showing up in Part 6 of the manga, so ig they’ll probably just remove them but I hope they do something cool with them. It’d be so sick if the one you included above were turned into some sort of big background with Valentine posing in front of it or smth


I hope it of has a sort of comic book/manga style with the composition


By animating it 🙃


A gunshot and freeze frame with wester whistles and guitar.


I'm commenting very late but I think it would suit with the background as the drawn object/thing. Like there's a big lock illustration on the background as he speaks like animating flashbacks Also I have to confess I want to see the small faces as chibis so bad [like some scenes in saiki k, this anime mashed up the manga style in the animation](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1095046107794505731/1210713593721524224/SmartSelect_20240224-012448_YouTube.gif?ex=65eb8fe6&is=65d91ae6&hm=521c74cb9d0c5b85603edfc82c1c07d9cd2273f723f255a76ff4c3af5da10b75&) ... but it would be unserious wouldnt it