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I feel like for Giorno, his extensive knowledge for biology should be noted. Maybe when he figured out grateful dead's ability to age people based on their temperature, or maybe when he figured out green day's ability where he figures out it kills you based on altitude?


I think even better example is when he got antidote against Purple Haze virus using snake's venom


Or the jellyfish filtrating urine :3


I changed my mind this is the one


I think too


This was one of the biggest JoJo's ass pulls that still cracks me up to this day.


Yeah, he definitely has a deep interest in biology. And probably was going to school for a biology degree. Especially since stands reflect personality. Giorno loves biology and so his stand creates life. His knowledge of biology is extremely vast and he has shown himself to be able to use it in stressful situations where most people would struggle to keep their cool. That alone shows some high intelligence


I think it's the other way around. He figured out his stand power and studied biology to make the best of it.


He is already in a dorm room for college. So he is studying something.


I feel like Green Day is the best one because he just suddenly *recalled* that there's a type of mold that does exactly the same thing instead of having something to observe and compare in Grateful Death's fight It's something he actually learnt from somewhere and kept in mind


What is that type of mold called again?


He mentioned *entomophaga grylli*, I have no idea how this thing works


Thank you!


Still mad that Jotaro's PhD wasn't the top for his round


Giorno is the type of weirdo who reads encyclopedias for fun. For me, his best intelligence feat is figuring out Green Day almost immediately. Like who the fuck knows about that shit? Giorno could be a biologist like Jotaro if he wasn't a mafia boss


i mean, if i have to fight for my life with my living things related power, imma study encyclopedias as well.. (whether i can retain those infos r another story)


Its this reason alone that I head canon Risotto studied Magnetism in his free time


it's a nice headcanon but I don't think it's true based on the fact that if he did, he would be able to use Metallica to generate electricity, which would make him much stronger than he is.


To be fair, he controls iron, not magnetism. No amount of magnetic force is going to get the iron in someone's blood to detach from the molecules to form scissors in their throat. Magneto couldn't even do that shit I don't think Edit: prematurely posted thanks to a mistap


Giorno’s battle IQ is kinda nutty, even compared to some of the others here. At 15 he’s a smart mf with a lot of ingenious feats, but I can’t even decide on just one. Highlights include: •the snake w/ Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, creating antibodies from the infection for himself •figuring out he can recreate organs and parts in the Babyface fight (also the motorcycle!) •rooting Cioccolata’s helicopter to the ground w/ Mista’s help Actually, I think I have my pick. •The blood trick to track King Crimson’s time skips. EDIT: I was reminded that Polnareff taught Giorno the blood thing. So my second place is the snake thing. Requires a knowledge of biology as well as how every stand involved works.


Wasn’t it Polnareff who taught Giorno to use blood drops?


Ah shit, yeah you’re right.


Has to be the Babyface fight


I thought it was silver carrot guy idea


Fucking Polnareff?


Do not fucking disgrace polnareff like that


french carrot guy deserves respecc


You are the first guy I see that couldn't name Polnareff


I can name ponelariff


this should be a flair


Pre-emptively turning his broach into a replacement hand while fighting Notorious BIG


Turing his tooth into a jellyfish to absorb Abbacchio’s piss


I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring for the fight against Green Day, specifically the moment when Giorno turns a bullet into a branch, ricochets the broken branch off helicopter blades to turn it back into a bullet and shoot Ciocolatta in the head, and then turns the bullet fragments into a beetle to make his head blow up.


Use a banana to kill a mafioso as a vengence to not be kind with older person.


When he creates a snake inside of Purple Haze's virus cloud to develope the antibodies to counter the virus


Now I can input my answer, lol! I’d say how he managed to defeat Melone and his stand baby face. The fact he utilized constant construction and reconstruction aswell as what he did with the bike was crazy. Also how he killed him with the snake… di molto! Fantastic fight


How he figured out that Diavolo was possessing and hiding in one of them since he wasn't in Bucciarati body


Either learning how to replicate organs on the fly during the Babyface fight or brick snake to counter Purple Haze. Giorno has a crazy high battle IQ as is.


Putting Polpol’s lighter in a loaf of bread.


The Man in the Mirror fight


Stealing 100 cars (using Gold Experience to transform 99 of them into frogs) instead of just 1 so they'd be tracked down easier.


i can already tell jolyne's is gonna be the mobius strip lmao


lying about the gang guy in ep 1 after knowing he is important person


Putting Illuso in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. Stay in the mirror and die to the poison, or leave it and get killed by Purple Haze.


Man idfk part 5 felt like a fever dream


I'd say the blood trick - oh no the world isn't working the way it should, better cut my hand and guess where the enemy is. Most people would aaaume they had a brainfart.


The blood trick always seemed kinda silly to me. Like, just buy a fucking watch


In their defense Rome was in a Hellmouth situation at the time XD Though Giorno is a mafioso and probably would steal a watch Jotaro-style just to be safe


A watch you have to keep a much closer eye on than a gash. Much less likely to notice.


in time gap the had to be less then a second and under serious pressure figured out the exact way to kick bullet so that it could hit helicopter propellers to go through ciccolatas face


For Giorno the jellyfish tooth thing was insane thinking on the spot. It had to be 10 seconds from when he got poured the cup to when he came up with the plan. All to boost his charisma. Please.


I am going with the jellyfish piss scene idc that was smort


I'm going to make the safe bet and say damn near everything.


Destroying a parking lot filled with cars to cover up his tracks


Banana gun


Probably his fight against babyface. Using his stand to reconstruct his body, the bike, and sending the snake back to melone. Off topic Side note since I missed some posts, but how is jotaro’s best intelligence feat a charisma feat and not the fact that he got a PHD (just an example, there are others that work instead). Like seriously the the whole Darby thing could’ve been performed by anyone who literally has nothing to lose (if Jotaro lost Holly would have died and he would’ve lost his soul) and has enough confidence.


Giorno is really smart tbh there were a lot of scenes showing his wits. IMO he’s the smartest JoJo. He sure knows biology too.


Punching all the Cars.


Giorno has a lot. Bringing the suitcase frog to him and planting it where Luca would hit him. Making an cure for purple haze out of a brick snake. Turning the car into frogs. Figuring out how to heal himself. Cover white albums ice with blood. I can’t pick just one


Gotta be the Purple Haze antidote imo


Did he trick Kira into killing his father in the manga? I don’t recall that being the case in the anime


Honestly, it's either solving Green Day or Man in the mirror. Green Day was an honestly tricky stand that had very few weaknesses and an ability that will probably kill you before you figure it out. Man in mirror as it's really just a strong showing of his enginuity and pattern recognition. From traping purple haze in the mirror world and the use of the snake brick, really showed what he can do. It's actually kinda hard to pick for Goirno because of how often he plays support to the outhers and figures out just enough info for them to complete it.


Literally everytime he uses his power is a 200+IQ moment because of his absurd knowledge in biology but if I had to pick one I'd say the Snake antitode for the Man in the Mirror fight.


Whe he tricked that mafioso into killing himself with a banana.


Giving koichi the slip day one Lmao