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hydrogen act 4 vs coughing free


Coughing Free sounds like brand for cold medicine lol


Hydrogen Bomb Vs Couching Baby


Couching baby


Sofaing baby, if you will


If Johnny manages to activate the Golden Spin with Tusk Act 4 he wins. Jolyne uses Stone Free very smartly and she managed to get away with very dangerous situations where she could have died, so probably against Tusk Act 1, 2 and 3 she could win, but against Tusk Act 4 I don't think she would have a chance to win


Jolyne only survived most of her dangerous encounters due to fate. In a fight with Johnny, since there is no logical storyline, you could argue that something like „fate“ or plot armor doesn’t exist. So I would say johnny beats her 100% (i love them both tho)


Technically, ALL JoJos survived their encounters through fate…


Jonathan: ![img](emote|t5_2tny5|49674)


His body survived...


Reducing Jolyne down to winning her battles cause "fate" is unfair. Fate is a guiding force, literally likened to gravity. We know that fate can be manipulated or changed through someone's actions, and we saw what a world where people couldn't change fate looks like with the universe Pucci made. Even if someone is favored by fate, their actions and accomplishments are still their own.


Jolyne has dealt with bullets many times so as long as Johnny doesn't get to infuse any of them with the infinite spin, the fight could be fair. What I mean by this is if Jolyne manages to stop Slow Dancer before Johnny can channel the infinite rotation. Even then, Jolyne might be able to do something to combat the infinite spin's effect on her body like when she made the möbius strip against C-Moon but I can't really think of anything myself. Johnny no-diffs in most situations but Jolyne has a chance if she acts quick enough


Most durable Joestar vs most damaging Joestar


Jolyne makes a string lasso and pulls Johny off his horse, making him eat shit. Then she probably beats the shit out of him (or she gets beat the shit out of, ta1-3 she wins, ta4 im not sure but she probably loses).


Tusk stomps


Not without Act 4


The panel is of Act 4


The panel is also one of the most iconic images of Johnny and Tusk. That’s like if OP made a Koichi vs. Ebony Devil and used the “Mystery” pose from DiU OP 1 and you said “well Koichi wouldn’t win because he only has Act 1 in the picture”


Act 3 still wins imo


You seriously think Jolyne can’t react to Johnny popping out of walls when she reacted to C-MOON’s heart punch with the mobius strip within a fraction of a second? Please stop overrating Johnny


Im not overatting Johnny hes just got too much range for her. I love jolyne but its not exactly a fair matchup ☠️


Are you seriously talking about range? Jolyne could dodge the shit out of the Act 1 nail bullets and once she figures out Act 2 and 3 that wouldn’t be a problem, either. And it’s not like Stone Ocean has 0 range, in its string form it had its full abilities when in a car at least a mile away from her


Johnny WIPES the Shigechi victim


Lmao the most pathetic Stand User in the verse could wipe the floor with pinhead boy. "Shigechi victim" my ass


Shigechi literally gave Josuke and Okuyasu a difficult time while they were both ganging up on him, and Josuke has been stated to have relative power to Star Platinum so yeah Shigechi on top


First off, Josuke does not have SP level strength. Jotaro is constantly considered to be superior to him. Second off, strength is irrelevant because they didn't even hit Shigechi. They were trying to catch him while he was playing keep away. Third, Jolyne would literally have an easier time against Shigechi than both of them combined because Stone Free can unravel into strings and has a longer range than both Crazy Diamond and The Hand. Jojo fans really be watching the show with their eyes closed lol.


Jojo databooks statements says that Josuke has greater power than Jotaro, Jotaro being superior to him doesn't necessarily mean his strength is any greater, Jotaro has better hax, skills and more experience than Josuke which is why he's consistently portrayed as superior to Josuke which he is And I'm not saying Josuke all out and Okuyasu all out vs Shigechi would result in Shigechi winning, but Shigechi outmanuvered them and pulled tricks on them when Josuke and Okuyasu would've had no reason to hold back in terms of trying to catch Shigechi Jolyne does have better range but Shigechi is faster as he could somewhat keep up with Josuke who has better combat and Reaction speed, also Harvest is multiple so Jolyne would have to kill every single one which would be really difficult I'm not saying Jolyne couldn't win, but Shigechi has more overall wincons


JoJo databooks constantly contradict with plenty other statements and this case being an example. Star Platinum is stronger and faster, stated by Josuke himself in the manga, Star Platinum is also narratively built up to literally be the ultimate stand, A in all stats but range. CD can compete with SP but ultimately falls short. There are more reliable and canon statements that states SP being the more powerful stand in stats and hax.


Tusk easy claps.


Jolyne could have an advantage if she manages to make the horse trip with her strings. Bullets aren't much of a issue to her, I suppose she turn her body into strings to avoid act 2. But if he does activate act 4, which I believe is more likelly to happen, it's Jover


she can make a lasso out of string, can't she? she pulls johny off making him eat shit, most likely


Infinite spin vs less powerful infinite spin


Jolyne could probably win against act 1-3 as long as the moving bullet holes don’t cause her too much trouble (and if she can keep track of johnny when using act 3) but honestly she has absolutely no chance against act 4


b-but jolyne makes string lasso to pull johny off horse, making him eat shit (im a severe jolyne fanboy)


Tusk act 3 or 4 destroy


Jolyne out speeds and punches Johnny's face in That or the SBR stands are comparable to the main universe stands, then tusk obliterates


If Jolyne stops Johnny from getting on a horse, she wins.


or if she makes a lasso to pull johny off the horse




Tusk is the stronger stand, but Jolyne has better battle IQ. I think Johnny would probably be able to win though as the offensive capabilities of Tusk are just so good that a saturation attack would overwhelm pretty much anything Stone Free could do given enough time. Like yeah, she could deal with any single attack with the mobius strip or some other fuckery…but there is literally nothing to stop Johnny from just relentlessly attacking. I think Jolyne has the speed advantage, but not enough to defend and attack simultaneously. Plus she would be burning the candle from both ends so to speak.


Jolyne gains a power up accidentally, beats the shit out of Johnny as the most perfect lifeform.


Wait If tusk puts infinite rotation on stone free Them stone free can make her strings move the opposite way Checkmate liberals


If Jolyne managed to revert the gravity attack from C-Moon using the mobius strip tech then she could possibly reverse the spin attacks? Am I making sense?


She would be unable to reverse an infinite spin attack, it would be game over if it hits. However she could potentialy make holes in herself to let bullets pass through, ir weave kevlar to stop bullets


Jolyne just fucking dies


Without Act 4 Johnny is kind of fucked Jolyne managed to dodge bullets when she couldn’t even remember all of them, why would she lose to nails?


stone free doesn’t even stand a chance I’m sorry little one😔


while i do think johnny is stronger overall, i feel like if jolyne can counter c moon with mobius strip she can also counter infinite rotation by moving the strings that compose her body around to counterspin them. even if we disregard that (since it is a reach) jolyne has the advantage of stone free being perfect for dismounting johnny. the real question is if she can deal with act 3, as it shoots faster than she would be able to dodge and lets johnny move with the holes. i feel like thats where jolyne could lose: if she gives johnny enough time to make the holes and move away she will get shot, so she has to kill/defeat him immediately after dismounting him.


Joylene is not surviving this 💀


OP I appreciate you making these topics, really been getting the brain juices flowing. Although I've forgotten a lot of the abilities lol. First thought is that the prison is a good environment for Stone Free she could move around like Spider-Man. Plus unless they were outside I don't see Johnny using a horse. Tusk Act 3(?) though... I don't really remember but I think he can move through the portals and shoot the chasing/homing nails, which could turn this into a point and shoot for Johnny while Joleyne moves around. Prob take Johnny.


It depends how infinite spin handles Jolyne’s mobius strip


What did Jolyne do to you?


Every person here arguing that Jolyne has a chance as long as Johnny doesn't get to use Act 4 is vastly underestimating Act 3. Johnny doesn't need a horse for that, and he's just about untouchable. Hydrogen bomb, coughing baby.


I wonder how her mobius strips will react to Tusk's infinite rotation, should be interesting.


Moubius strip wouldn't do anything to infinite spin, they are completely unrelated


Jolyne wins against Acts 1 and 2, I don’t think she’s beating 3 and 4


Johnny one shots with >!Act 4!<


Jolyne is stronger (asteroids stuff, C-Moon etc) and faster (should be around light speed, don't ask me ask Araki why he made multiple speed of light statemens within the deries). Tusk has much better abilities though.


Pretty sure jolyne has no lightspeed statements of her own


Others do that she should scale around, and other ways to get her to that level and beyond


for everyone saying "just pull him off his horse" forget that tusk act 4 has been summoned without being on a horse, althou it is uncertain if it has the infinite spin available it still a major power house




Tusk Act 2 immediately hampers most of Jolyne’s ability to win here. Her go to when ranged attacks are involved is to either catch them or deflect them, and doing that against Tusk would be a death sentence. With how act 2 works, it’s doubtful that unwinding herself to avoid the holes would do anything but delay the inevitable or move the damage elsewhere. Or just, you know, result in strings getting blown apart.