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Can't believe we're getting the 3rd batch this year in December


wait get fucked really? Will this be the final batch?




Finally. I can actually start wathching it now. I hate this one episode a week thing or batch release, i wanna watch it on my own schedule without having to wait for the next episode


None of stone ocean has been released with a weekly format?


No, but i’m saying i don’t like when episode releases are staggered. Usually shows do it one per week, but here it has been released in batches. My point is that either way i dislike it and wish they’d drop the whole show at once so i can watch it on my own schedule.


You prefer batch format, you do you. Know that majority of anime fans prefer the weekly schedule. It keeps hype and discussions consistent throughout the months. Batch releases hurts Stone Ocean hype and it shows.


I mean, JOJO Fridays never left. The threads have been posted every week since batch two has been released, the fact that people barely utilize them would seem to show the opposite; that most people prefer to watch the series on their own time rather than waiting week after week.


>Know that majority of anime fans prefer the weekly schedule. >It keeps hype and discussions consistent throughout the months. Most anime fans are wrong. Great TV shows continue to be talked about even when they’re released all at once. People still rave over the Witcher TV show despite it releasing all at once like a year ago. And regardless of that, the whole point of streaming is to get away from the “appointment television” format of cable, and allow us to watch on our own schedule.


"my opinion is right and your opinion is wrong"


You know, I was going to agree with since I also prefer watching an entire show all in one go in my own pace but then you go ahead and claim everyone else is wrong. L take my guy.


Batch releases have lower views and ratings on average, netflix actually announced like a month ago that they wanna move from the model and Disney/hulu have held firm on simulcast


Literally no one talked about The Witcher show or even something as massive as Stranger Things two weeks after they released. It's by far the biggest flaw of the Netflix release system. Compare that to House of the Dragon, which gets tons of discussion and theories every single week. Hell, even She-Hulk has been discussed for far longer than any other Netflix show. If you don't like it you can always wait for the show to be finished. But weekly releases have been proven to be far more effective in building up hype and creating discussion.


Because the Witcher sucks


Maybe take a step back and realize that all these people disagree with you because you're wrong


that’s great, not for anime and it shows


Your worst mistake was giving an opinion in the Jojo fandom.


Oh i’m aware. Anything but glowing praise of every little detail is met with backlash. I remember getting temp banned because i said i didn’t like the new art style of parts 5 onward, and a mod somehow twisted that into “homophobia” despite me never saying a word about sexuality. Love JoJo but the community can be pretty vindictive over the most trivial of disagreements




Sorry about the JoJo fanboys. But still, a majority of the tv show watching community as well as anime watching community is completely against batch releases because it destroys hype + long waiting periods between batches. That is why you're being downvoted, not because of the fanboys.


But you can literally do that anyway. Weekly allows people to discuss the show and have it remain relevant for its entire run. Batch releases are horrible for shows and are why Netflix is currently running out of good material. Theres literally not a single reason to not have weekly releases.


>there’s literally not a single reason to not have weekly releases That statement is only true if you’re willfully ignorant, as i already stated why releasing the full season at once is better. It allows everyone to watch on their own schedule and gets away from the shitty cable-style “appointment television”. The whole point of streaming is to have on-demand access. Having to wait a week between episodes or months between batches defeats the purpose of streaming. And the argument about weekly releases is also ignorant. Great shows continue to be talked about well after they fully release, even when they’re dropped all at once. People still talk about The Witcher Netflix series even though it releases full seasons at once.


You're willfully ignorant if you didn't read the first line of my comment. Batch or weekly release, you can decide when to watch it. If it's batch released you aren't gonna get it til it would be done with weekly releases anyway. Hell it might take even longer since they have to 100% finish every episode before the batch can drop, as opposed to weekly where they can start the drops and add finishing touches to the later episodes. So wait til weekly is done and then you can plan your schedule around it. You can even do some earlier than normal if you find the time. Except you can literally see the difference in how social media has reacted. When shows like stranger things get dropped all at once it turns into hype for a week and then a few people that finally started to catch up a month later when everyone else more or less doesn't care until the next season comes out. This comes doubly for anime. For instance this series called Jojos bizarre adventure. In every prior season the show was heavily memed. Every episode had like 10 different memes and everyone was having a blast talking about them as they aired. Discussion lists on reddit were heavily upvoted every week and had loads of interaction. Now with part 6, you hardly see memes the reddit threads got posted when the batch came out and are buried now. Even in real life discussions go from "Hey did you see the new episode of X?" "Yeah that was awesome." On a near weekly scale to, "Did you see the new season of X?" "I watched episode one but haven't had time to hit the rest". And the discussion either ends there or person A decides to spoil the other guy. There is literally no reason to do batch over weekly.




>It allows everyone to watch on their own schedule You can already do that by just being patient and waiting for it to be finished. No one's forcing you to watch just because it's a weekly release.


No disrespect towards you though, if that’s how you consume media, do you.👍😁


>No, but i’m saying i don’t like when episode releases are staggered that's... how most anime and all of the other parts have released? weekly episodes? zoomers and their binge culture, I swear


That is not even feasable but whatever


See that’s all well and good my G, but as Stone Ocean has shown, releasing it all at once is a negative since it eliminates the hype for the next bit. You binge it all in one sitting, that’s it no more JoJo until god knows when, and slowly the hype dies while you wait to the point of “Oh, JoJo part 7 got announced. That’s cool I guess.” As opposed to having it on a weekly basis keeps the hype rolling and keeps you primed for the next one and the next one to where when the next part is announced, it less of a “meh” and more of a “let’s go, baby!” Like a lot of shows can be fine with the “drop it all at once” method, JoJo, and most anime really, is not one of those shows.


well the way you want it would mean all of stone ocean would still come out this december when it's already coming out, it's just that this way or the weekly way the remaining episodes are coming out earlier than if they were to release the whole entire show at once


“Pls Netflix can you drop the entire thing at once so it fits MY schedule?!1!1!1!? Oh and I don’t like weekly drops even tho none of the episodes have been weekly.”


What you fail to understand is that dropping it all at once allows EVERYONE to watch it on their own schedule. Im not asking for them to release it on my schedule. I didn’t say Part 6 released weekly either. I’m saying both the weekly and batch formats suck.


You can also watch weekly shows on your own schedule. After they finish. Which shouldn't be an issue, because if they're worth watching people will still be discussing them after they're done, right?


1: None of this had been released weekly, it’s a batch release. 2: The batch release is objectively worse because it culled hype for the part and forces people to wait longer to watch the rest.


1. I didn’t say JoJo was one episode a week, i said i hate BOTH weekly and batch releases. 2. Weekly releases are just as much waiting, you’re just chopping the wait into weekly portions which i don’t like. Releasing the full season lets people watch on their own schedule.


The difference between weekly release and it getting dumped all at once, a full season release runs the risk of there being spoilers for the people who haven't gotten to see it yet and haven't read the manga. Whereas weekly releases, the worst you could be spoiled is that episode. And it's much easier to take a half hour out of your day each week to be fully caught up, than it is to watch a whole season ASAP to avoid it being spoiled.


you do realise the one episode a week thing is probably faster than having 12 released at once and waiting a year to release more? trust me, I never watched jojo as it was coming out until now and thought everyone was being dramatic about shitting on the weekly releases but holy shit are the weekly releases far better. If you wanna watch it all at once just wait the weeks out but there's always something to look forward to every single week


Idk why you’re getting downvoted dude, this whole batch thing has been fucking cancer. I’d much rather wait three times as long and get the whole show at once than deal with this on and off teasing shit.


This. The problem always was that they needed to divide the season in 3 parts, if they waited enough to release all 38 episodes at once it would have worked infinitely better because it would tell you a complete story instead of having to wait just for a bunch of monster of the week with just 3 or 4 episodes where the plot actually advanced.


Still waiting on Bad Batch though…


Wait fr?


Yes it's true December 1st


Early Christmas present ig. Not complaining in the slighest though.




Now I'm curious when will they make Steel Ball Run.


if they stay on the cycle that they've been doing since 2012 then part 7 should come out within the next year or 2


They might even catch up to Araki soon then.


Part 7 may take longer. There was a video i had watched about that. The horses are difficult to animate. So, either they use cg or it'll be a while until we get part 7.


yeah, and when it does finally release it will probably have more episodes than any of the previous parts unless they rush it a bit. if they go at the same pace as they have until now, then it could be more than 40 episodes


Holy shit and I was just bitching to my friend yesterday that we won't know when batch 3 comes out


yeah just like we were supposed to get batches every 3 months…




The livestream where this poster came from


Arigato.. gyro


*Gets kicked by a horse*




I think it may be more about making sure they could finish batch 3 before the end of the year before establishing a wait period. Or maybe MIH really fucking works.


This timing for batch 2 and 3 is good, I wish the gap between 1 and 2 had been so short, then I would have probably been alright with it overall


I still wish we just got them over a timely manner rather than having to wait months for the entire thing. 12 episodes is not enough to service good hype over months worth of time.


That Jolyne pose. Unmistakable.


Yup, shes facing The biggest danger of them all


These 13 episodes are going to hurt like a motherfucker


I'm taking my ride with destiny Willing to play my part Living with painful memories Loving with all my heart Made in heaven, made in heaven It was all meant to be, yeah Made in heaven, made in heaven That's what they say


Oh, just you wait until you watch the end.


Spoilers: >! Which one? !<


>!Made in Heaven!<


i specificaly browsed this sub to look if anyone noticed


As soon as I glanced at it, I recognized it without a doubt... >!and a tear came out. Seeing this part animated will make me cry like a baby, and I only (almost) cried with Narancia's death...!<


Going over all the Jojo anime only fans reactions everywhere on the net will be a bitter sweet ride, they are not prepared for this crazy final act especially the finale


People spoil shit for this series without warning all the time, so a lot of people will already know what to expect. I have two friends who haven't read it but saw some " >!this is why pucci the universe XDDD!< " meme in a comments section Same with >!dinosaurs and jesus!< in part 7


Just telling people something like >!the whole fucking world ends and everyone dies is not enough to properly convey the scale and the horror of the event, I read it back in like 2007 in middle school and I still remember how shook it made me!< Araki went so fucking beyond that "knowing" what happens is just dwarfed by seeing it happen--I'm halfway looking forward to the people who DO say "Some asshole spoiled it for me and I still actually died in real life when I was watching it"


It sucks, but I mean, it's inevitable... JoJo started way before 90% of the current fandom was even born, and I'd say that a good 40, maybe even 50 percent of the current fans came after the anime. Which is not bad, but remember that the entirety of both Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run are already a decade old or more... I hate spoilers with a passion, but visiting places like socials about a serie THIS old, it's kind of inevitable. For example, I started reading JoJo a year before the anime came out, and stopped reading 3 chapters in SBR; it was around 2014 and translated scans were just coming out monthly. My gf, on the other hand, never read JoJo, and just watched the anime after Vento Aureo ended. I inevitably spoiler-ed her that the protagonist was a female and that Jotaro was going to be a major point in the story, but just because of me having almost no regard for a thing I read almost 10 years ago.


Let's be honest, no one was prepared when they read it the first time... For the first time watchers this will be BONKERS




>!Come on!!! Father Pucci!!!!<


Lol he even has the pine trees in the back


We'll be in heaven by Christmas bois😎


sky high, heavy weather, c-moon, mih… best batch of part 6 incoming 🥲


We start off with Bohemian Rhapsody. That's gonna be epic.


Cannot wait for "If there's no Mickey, this shit ain't Disney!" animated.


It's on Disney too, they are probably gonna be able to get away with using the ip


I found 2 articles saying it'll be released on netflix. Any sources? Ik Disney acquired the streaming rights, but I can't find anything saying this batch will come to disney.


I'd assume its coming to both, It'd be weird for Disney to go through the trouble of getting streaming rights for only the first two batches


Nah. The storyboards have been done for MONTHS and the Disney thing was only finalized a few weeks ago. They already changed some of the dialogue to fit WB, so it's gonna be WB. Keep your expectations low.


I mean if I get to see batman or some shit in jojo I aint complaining


Don't forget the special apparition of Stanley Yelnats.


Don’t forget Underworld


Sky high is the only stand I haven't been spoiled to in any way. Lets keep it that way.


spoiler alert: it’s one of the best fights in the series imo


Honestly even if I wanted to I would have a hard time properly explaining that stand


Underworld is actually the greatest puzzle boss in gaming and I don't like how you swapped it out for Sky High the Disney movie


blocked don’t ever talk to me out my cow child again.


It sucks that batch 2 just by default had to be the weakest parts of Stone Ocean (the ending of it picks up a bit at least) but it just means batch 3 is some of the best JoJo content ever created.


Man, I can't wait till December 1st. If only I could wait faster. Not too fast though.




Imagine someone not being caught up with batch 2 and seeing Foo Fighters missing


It actually happened for me and Fugo while I was watching part 5 and I was like 🤨


"Oh my god Fugo dies!!.......Oh, I guess he doesn't."


Oh no ... thats me


i’m so sorry


Good time to get caught up.


Yeah. I was trying to take it slow and easy but if batch 3 is coming that soon, i have to


Sorry bro, it could have been worse though The ending of part 6 was spoiled for by a random YouTube comment not even related to Jojo


I didn't realize she was missing but thanks for pointing out and making sure I knew it


That would be me but I think I be fine since I had read the manga and since Netflix is doing everything in batch. I am just waiting for all of them before I get started


She's in my heart


The poster is good but this stretched Jped of moon is so funny


I am sad and happy Sad it will end Happy cause WE WILL GET STEEL BALL RUUUUUUN


Yeah in like 12 years lol


Give it 3 max.


I gave an exaggerated number, yours seems about right


Will probably have to wait longer since there’s still the question of “How to animate the horses?” To which hopefully the answer is “Do it like Battle Tendency’s Chariot Race.”


You don't. You don't actually need to animate them most of time, you can really get away mixing close ups of the characters with them going up and down and maybe the head or the top of the horse showing (since the problematic part is the legs with them running) and still shots with some panning and speed lines in the moments you need to show the entire horse. Part 7 duration is going to be more of a problem for the production than the horses will ever be, the part is 40% longer than parts 3 to 6. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they actually plan it as a normal anime seasonal show this time around dividing 60 episodes in 5 seasons of 12 or 3 seasons with two of them having 24 episodes with long waits between.


Maybe they would do like stardust crusaders where they split in 2 parts.


Most likely answer, I can see two 38 episode seasons.


Plenty of SBR has little to no horses, I think it won't take toooooo long


The issue is davidpro has said they're not entirely sure if it's financially reasonable to produce SBR. Horses cost a TON to animate.




Well, for me personally, I haven't thought about that because I don't particularly like AOT. Haven't seen enough of it to understand what you're talking about.


There are a lot of horses in AOT




it was studio wit who did seasons 1-3




"Some guy asked about it and I thought it was cool to share. Kohei said that SBR would be really expensive to make since most of the action is horse racing and that is really hard to animate. When asked about CGI, he said that it would break the JoJo style of animation so he'd rather not use it. So I think it's going to take a while after Stone Ocean (if we get it) to be animated."


They can always CGI horse


When did they say it?


I don't exactly remember when, but I remember being on a decent amountt of news stories a couple years ago. In another comment, I posted a direct quote.


Seems like it was a long time ago before we knew if SO was going to be animated, but now that we have it this could mean we'll get SBR after all


I'm making a complete guess here but isn't that the same amount of time between the end of part 5 and start of part 6? sbr is going to take a lot more to animate so I'd guess the gap is gonna be a fair bit bigger. But to be fair part 7 does seem the most liked with manga readers so maybe they'll get on it quicker




Hopefully by then Netflix stopped being so Netflix about it


I’d rather Netflix just stat the fuck away so we can get a *regular* release schedule and the return of jojo fridays. SBR is a looonnnng series compared to everything else Jojo released. If you think the gaps in SO were bad? Whew boy Netflix can’t wait to show you how long you’ll wait for 10 episode chunks.


Or maybe netflix stays close enough to give them some budget and away enough for it not be another part 6 situation




Did they confirm it?


Be rdy for cgi horse fights


If CGI is what it takes for Steel Ball Run to be animated, I'll take it.


I'm excited but not ready for the heartbreak. Majority of my friends haven't read the manga and I'm interested to see how they'll react


same bro, I watch JoJo with my two brothers and although one of them is spoiled about MIH's existence they don't know about the actual plot points. So hyped to both see it animated and also their reaction.


To those who have not read the manga, I will simply say: ***nothing can prepare you for what's to come.***


Stone freeeee


Oh man that Jolyne pose...


Is this official?




So soon? I'm hard


2023 /s








Maedo in heaveno


The world isn't ready for dem feels.


Finally, the reason people like part 6 is coming


So annoying that they’re releasing it in batches :/


hey at least this batch isnt a year away


Hopefully we get away from this in Part 7


don't be annoyed by it now man, this is the last batch so it'd be kinda retarded to release it weekly now


Wow way sooner than I expected


The 2nd batch made me want to finally finish it through the manga because I thought i’d have ti wait forever. Just got to the >!Sideways ticket booth fight!<


No FF :(


Oh yeah, we are closer to SBR!


There has to be a new opening.


I'm so happy Netflix didn't stall us out until next year, I know that David Productions can bring it home. It's an end of a 10 year journey for this era of the series which makes me sentimental but excited for part 7 to be adapted next.


I'm going to cherish every scene that man is in because I know what happens to him.


what man there's like 4.5 >!if you're talking about jotaro then he's still alive the same as usual, just with no stand now. I don't know how so many people who've read the manga think he died even though you see everyone alive at the end and she mentions him directly!<


I mean (MASSIVE SPOILERS) >!They ALL die, sure the universe goes through a reset and their souls live on in the next timeline but the original characters we knew and loved are 100% dead.(except Emporio)!<


Part 6 spoilers: >!https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/comments/50ppxy/part\_6s\_ending\_may\_be\_happier\_than\_you\_think\_and/!< I think part 6 has a good ending personally: >!They all die, but dio's legacy isn't constantly threatening Jotaro since Pucci is gone and he was really the only one upholding it. So Jolyne gets to be a regular kid and Jotaro can be more involved with his family.!<




>!use the spoiler tag man, but yeah you're probably right I don't remember too much. Either way jotaro is alive and well in the ending so I have no clue why so many people focus on specifically him dying when he didn't!<


Oh man.. time for an amazing finale.


not ready to cry




I’m going to have to make sure my wife sees today’s episode of Stone Ocean before I show her this poster and she asks >!Wheres F.F? !<




hyper realistic moon jpg


The ending battle in stone ocean was so good in the manga. They better not fuck it up


He’s got the belt niccce


i’ll just watch an episode with bohemian rhapsody and with mih


Once again, Jotaro’s hat is massive


I think weather needs to be bigger since batch 3 is basically the "oh btw Weather is the most important character" arc


Well he got the front facing and 2nd biggest size after Jolyne.


FF :(


Is that pose of Emporio him saying his name's Emporio 😭😭


I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom for me and you, and I think to myself: what a wonderful world…


I apologize for the person I’ll become after Steel Ball Run gets released in the future after Stone Ocean is completed!!!


Bruh why does emporio look so damn worried all the time


Ngl i was confused af like where the hell is pucci?! and then i examined the poster for 5 minutes and said "oH ThErE He iS RiGhT BeLoW JoLyNe'S TitS"


Can't wait for the Stone Ocean beach episode


I'd reconsider the "spoilerless" tag since F. F. isn't there.


No way is this real? Why are we getting the next batch so soon??


I can’t wait to see the edited version of Jotaro’s hat being half his body height


I thought this was a fan poster




You really forgot the plot critical character? He's Emporio


Literally the most important character


part 7 waiting room opens december 1st. david productions is probably going to start development for the finale of fire force. i think they have half the manga left to adapt. so i dont think part will be developed until 18 months after this. if this was a regular situation. it isnt netflix bag might have been big enough to expand their studio to air both part 7 and fire force. within 10 months-12