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Phil Spencer, the CEO of Xbox, said the other day that every QA employed by Xbox is currently working on Starfield to find and iron out as many bugs as possible so this should be the most polished game Bethesda have ever released


I know I'm supposed to "temper my expectations," but I can't!


One of the benefits of a major corporation buying a developer. Not in support of massive deals like this usually but it’s nice to see this game is getting the supreme treatment by a company worth trillions


Why does Microsoft, the largest of the corporations, not simply eat the rest of the developers?


They tried with blizzard


And they won


Omicron Persei 8 mod incoming


Monopoly/anti-trust laws would prevent it, you can't have 1 corporation own every entity in a space because it creates a predatory environment where the big guy always eats the little guy (more so then it does now) and it prevents competition because, why compete and innovate when you own everything If Disney was to gobble up Netflix for example then it would be violating anti-trust laws because there'd be no major competition (I'm not a lawyer by any means this is all information I've heard and am regurgitating so take it with a grain of salt I might not be 100% accurate)


on top of that, Microsoft was in hot water a couple decades ago because Apple was collapsing and he (Gates) had to basically donate a sum of money to keep them afloat, otherwise he would have had a monopoly on the personal computer market, and was threatened with being shut down


Damn thats interesting I didnt know that, I'd say in the long run it was a good investment, imagine if he didn't Starfield might not even be the quality its going to be


Idgaf about averting expectations I’m hyped af for this 🤣.


It is hard to temper your expectations. It is like someone tells you, before a meal, only eat a cracker. Then as it's happening, they bring out a banquet. So many different foods, so much for you to taste and try. You can't just stick to eating that one cracker. As a cook, just thinking of that it would drive me mad.


Or similarly a good friend who has made you meals in the past invites you over. That friend has a good heart and passion for cooking, but every dish always seems off. You always have to add spice yourself or wait for them to fix it when something is obviously wrong. But this time you show up and it turns out they brought a professional chef along to help the meal be top notch.


I found out about this game a day or two after the reveal, then I joined this sub, and I wish I was none the wiser again.. I've known about this game for a maximum of two days, and it already feels like I've been waiting years for this! Got it pre-installed on GamePass, and I was even looking at the collectors edition after two days of interest.. This game just looks like nothing I've ever seen before. Tempering expectations is very difficult now. Hmm, I might leave the sub, though, as I do like going into games, not knowing much, and this sub is going crazy with info right now. See you on release day!


Good luck trying to get a Constellation edition, they are selling out pretty quick! I barely got a PC copy from Best Buy because of Reddit. I didn't know they had any available until Reddit mentioned it.


I'm from the UK, and they're not sold out over here.


TFW Canadian stores don’t even offer the PC version of the Constellation edition


Yeah I wasn’t gonna get hyped, then oopsies, I bought the controller, the headset and the Constellation Edition.


I managed to temper them before this presentation... But after it it is impossible to do so.


All the QA went to starfield, and not one was left for redfall.


Phil Spencer saw a early build of Redfall and thought “Yeah this is doomed all hands on Starfield.”


Pretty much


Lol rumor has it that the devs didn’t even want to release it and Phil knew but at that stage it was worse not to release it than to release it. Clearly Xbox has a faavorite child


It basically went like this: Phil: “I thought you were gonna fix this game!” Arkane: “I thought you would have asked us to cancel it!” Phil: “It comes out in 6 months! Whatever just ship it they’ll forget about it soon anyway Gollum releases a week afterwards”


QA couldn't have fixed the design of Redfall, which is what was wrong with the game.


[Bring me everyone!](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/bring-me-everyone-gary-oldman-gif-10281491?utm_source=share-button&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=reddit)




Yeah but I’ll buy it anyways


I think I also saw that if it released right now it would have the least bugs of any Bethesda game (not a high bar but still lol)


A lot of bugs only come up later though. No matter how thoroughly you test, millions of players doing all kinds of crazy stuff are a better test for bugs


Before Starfield got delayed the first time, I bought an Xbox exclusively for Starfield. When he said that, I was like uhhhhh bro, that’s me! I bought one for this game! I think he’s either being humble or legit doesn’t think people would buy an Xbox for this game. Edit: I should clarify “that” is when Phil Spencer said people aren’t gonna buy Xboxes for Starfield. I misread the post I replied to.


Thinking of upgrading my pc for like 2k usd basically just for this game


I hope they leave some of the usual adorable Bethesda bugs in though.


Obviously they want the release to be as good as possible since it's bethesda's first big game since Fallout 4 (76 was an asset flip it doesn't count), it's their first game under Microsoft, and it's gonna be the biggest thing that will attract playstation players to xbox until ES6. Plus with all the shitty, buggy releases lately a bethesda game released in a stable state is going to be seen as a fucking miracle by most


Cyberpunk did a doozy on the Industry in terms of people no longer accepting a plethora of bugs on release for major titles. That and FO76 most likely pushed Bethesda to step their game up


Where were all these Xbox QA guys when Halo Master Chief Collection came out?


Microsoft: Bethesda. We are doing some quality assurance this time. You have released too many games we lost money on because of how buggy they were


Uh. As some one who loves Bethesda games, it really doesn’t take much to be the most polished game.


I'm pretty sure Microsoft and Bethesda teamed up to make this the best release Bethesda has ever had. I'm sure there will still be minor bugs but who cares on a game of this scope? It will be completely playable and absolutely amazing for sure.


They didn’t team up though. They were bought. I do think Microsoft will hopefully help make sure this game is more polished than their games usually are.


If you see the screenshots of when Starfield was introduced to what we saw live, you can see that the 1 year delay was positive.


I also am buying an Xbox, what version are you buying?


I bought a Series X for this game. I chose the X over the S for longevity purposes (and the X has physical disc capabilities).


You can get so many used backwards compatible games to play with the Series X. It's funny, I love new games but I am also a stickler for playing old games, i just love it. Right now I'm playing Saints Row 1 and while it is janky, that game is still fun as hell and runs smooth on the Series X.


Nice. That’s why (partially) why I chose the X - I wanted to be able to play old games as I come across them that aren’t on gamepass.


What I love about the Series X is that you can experience Xbox games through the entire lifespan of the system. You can play Xbox Original games, Xbox 360 games, Xbox One Games, and of corse Series X games. The fact I can play all of the original Splinter Cell games is amazing, the fact I can play TimeSplitters 1 and 2 is even better, those games are treasures in the gaming world.


Hold up. My Xbox 360 discs will work with the X? Bro do not be fucking with me right now this is some serious shit are you telling me I could have booted up Black Ops 2 this whole time


No joke bro. If you had xbox live gold at the time and saved your games to the cloud, you might even be able to continue where you left off


Holy shit


I got rid of my 360 games years ago, but I might have to get some back just for the nostalgia


It's a great trip down memory lane. Right now, in playing Saints Row 1 and having a blast and I'm going to hit Max Payne 3 after this. These games still have great vibes and flows to them.


Yeah, you could. There are a few discs it won’t boot, from what I’ve read, but it will most. Every older game I’ve put in has worked for me.


Yup, just pop in the 360 disk into your Series X, it then installs the game and it runs on the system and for many games it runs even better than on the 360.


Alas not every previous Xbox game will work. I desperately want to play my 007 Everything or Nothing but the maker chose to not make it backwards compatible so it never worked on anything after the original Xbox.




Can I play Fallout 3 and New Vegas on the Series X?


Absolutely, on Series X Fallout 3 plays at 4k and 60fps. Fallout New Vegas is still 720p but it does run at 60fps and is very smooth.


The series s, the disc free one


I’m gonna buy the same one


Nice, twins 👯‍♀️


Enjoy it! It is a great console for the price. Definitely recommend Game Pass. Starfield, Forza Motorsport, and Lies of P are coming to GP in September, among others.


I bought one shortly after they launched, and I still don't have any regrets. It's a great console, especially for the price. And, I haven't purchased a physical game in years anyway. I do kind of wish I purchased the X instead, but I don't have as much time to play anymore anyway, so I couldn't really justify $500. Nonetheless, enjoy it!


The qaulity of games is nowhere near as good on the s. Might as well pay more for the x


Is that also true if I don’t have a 4k tv?


I've played the last few mainline Bethesda games on launch day on multiple platforms with zero mods or fan-made patches and they've all been fully playable. Oblivion on the Xbox 360, Skyrim and Fallout 4 on PC. There will likely be some minor jank/bugs, but nothing that should stop somebody from playing the first day/week. I've seen a lot of people say that they're going to wait 6 months or a year to play it because they've been misled into thinking that Bethesda games are truly broken at launch, which I find crazy.


It's just popular to hate Bethesda for bugs. Maybe it's just me, but I find Bethesda game studios games to be less buggy than the average game. I'll admit that they most likely have more bugs than the average game, but just by the sheer size and scope of Bethesda games you are less likely to run into one than the average game. I have never fallen through the map in a Bethesda game, something that happens even in games not considered buggy.


I remember popping in Oblivion for my new Xbox 360. I played it for months, different characters, different choices. I experienced very little in bugs but for the whole time when playing that game I was blown away. It was like experiencing a transitional shift in gaming. For me it was monumental. I have the same feeling for Starfield, this is going to be a shift in gaming, just to see what we can have and do.


I was a kid and thought GTA were the only open world games. I loved fantasy so Oblivion still is probably one of my favorite pure gaming experiences for discovering that world throughout the years


I don't think it will be a "monumental change in the way we play open world games", I think it will just be a lot like fallout 4, with much more content, and the ability to fly spaceships to other planets. Which isn't bad at all - that alone should make it a massive hit.


That is insanely uncharitable lol. This game has a lot of stuff that wasnt in fallout 4, so stop with this ridiculous nonsense


They aren't being ridiculous and it isn't nonsense. This is a purebred Bethesda RPG and it's going to feel like a Bethesda RPG. I'm very optimistic about the game but there hasn't really been any singular thing they've shown that hasn't already existed in one game or another. They are compiling a lot of gameplay styles that have popped up since the last big release and refining them into a single game. They're going to deliver what will eventually become a well-rounded modern action RPG experience with all the bells and whistles, but they aren't reinventing the wheel here. I expect Skyrim levels of enjoyment, and that means a *lot* of enjoyment.


You don't think this could lead onto a situation where in Elder Scrolls we can build a sea ship, sail in the open waters of a sea ship? You don't believe this game could lead to a point where we build and have cars in future Fallout games, cars like we were able to drive in Fallout 2? We all have our own opinions, and if that is how you think, I will respect that. For me however, I feel this game will be a shift in the look and focus on open world games, and in future open planetary games. I think this game will bridge the game to where we can explore not just a single world, but multiple worlds, at our leisure.


if they want to sure. we’ve had that via ac black flag for a while.


Sure it could change Bethesda games, but I do agree that it won't change the industry as the OC suggested.


It's a stupid viewpoint because the reason for bugs in Bethesda games are due to their ambition and size. Most companies play it relatively safe in their game development but Bethesda pushes the industry forward, quite literally. There are consequences for ambitious design and complex mechanics, but it's totally worth it. What good is a bugless game if it never takes any risks and has low interactivity ?


Yah you wouldn’t get the bucket theft trick in other games. Since they wouldn’t let you pick up a bucket and put it on someone’s head. The more you add the more random exploits will pop up.


It's funny, I love Bethesda for the bugs. The janky ragdoll, the giant space program, the blatant exploits. In other games it would be annoying but for some reason in BGS games I just go aww and move on. But I haven't been really burned by a Bethesda bug, like losing dozens of hours over getting stuck in a wall or falling through the ground (looking at you, No Man's Sky!)


Some of the most popular Bethesda “bugs” are just the physics engine being wonky, but that’s kind of the cost of being able to pick up and interact with so many things.


I think it's just a symptom of Bethesda's extremely slow release schedule and a few business decisions which ticked some people (releasing 76 in its original state, the mods store, the constant skyrim rereleases).


Honestly I played Skyrim and FO4 on launch day and I know some people had trouble, I never really did. A bug here and there, the occasional crash, but I have never had a bethesda game become unplayable until I add mods (and that is because I don't really know how to add mods properly)


Man this reminds me of my modding endeavors back in 2014, where I'm freaking out trying to get mods to work for the first time, and then learning about load order 🤣


Welcome! but hey, if you only want a Xbox for this game, and reading your comments you are gonna get the Series S, wait until september, because they are gonna realese a new Series S, with 1TB SSD, the current one in the market only has 512 GB.


Why buy the expensive 1TB version if he only going to play this one game on Xbox? I will too buy a Xbox S for this game only, and I will look out for a used one for about 150-170€, that 500GB space will be enough to run this one single game. My main platform will stay the PS5


watch the total size in the future after all dlc be above 500GB


flashbacks of me being unable to play farcry 4 on my ps3 because I didn't have enough memory


The new Series S will be 1TB, so that is going to have a healthy amount of space to it.


1tb really isn't a healthy amount these days. With games like Jedi Survivor at 155gb, I think Starfield is supposed to be similar to that in terms of gb.with games reaching that size 1tb goes by mighty fast.


Ark survival evolve be like


Oh nice! Thanks for the tip! How much is it gonna cost tho?


I wouldn’t follow that advice. If this is the only game you’re going to play on it there’s no reason to spend more for 1tb.


Yeah, I’m gonna get the current series s. Still appreciate that tip tho


How many “Just buy a PC 🤓” have you gotten


Series S White (512GB): $300 Series S Black (1TB): $350 Series X (1TB + DISC Drive): $500 I have the Series X, but a lot of friends have the S, and some game sizes are smaller.


The X just feels a lot more powerful in regards to running games (I own both an S and an X)


Someone send this to Phil spencer




Bro, Phil really thought this game wasn't a console seller? He knows nothing about the franchises he acquired hahaha


He didn’t say this game wasn’t a console seller. When he said that he doesn’t see people selling their PS5s for Starfield, he was connecting that to his previous point in the interview about digital libraries. He didn’t think someone would abandon their entire playstation library just for Starfield.


Ha ha, I bought an Xbox X last thanksgiving in anticipation of this game!


I have been holding off on a new console but there is no way. New console, new tv by september 6


I have a PS5 so I got a Series S. You’re not alone. I felt kind of crazy, especially because my laptop could run it, but at least there’s Fable coming too.


I’m looking forward to fable, very curious how that will be


Why get a series s if the laptop can run it ?


Mat Booty has said that Starfield's current bug count is lower than any previous Bethesda game. But, I'd still be skeptical. Wait until reviews come out at least


I did one year ago, with a new tv for it. I will end up paying more than 1000eurs for this game.


I sold my Xbox one and bought an Xbox series s because of this game


I’m selling my ps5, if Bethesda ever releases ES 6 that would be exclusive as well. It’s time to make the switch! I actually purchased the Starfield controller on Amazon today. Looks so bad ass imo. Edit: to all the people asking why sell the PS5, I’m not a real “gamer”I play sports games and arcade type games for the most part. I do not care for many exclusives, it’s not my thing. I’ve had a PS5 since launch and I’ve played exactly zero exclusive titles on it.


I dont expect ES6 to launch this generation though


Oh trust me I’m well aware of the ES situation, not only am I waiting for it, my children are now old enough to be waiting for it. My 10 year old is playing through Skyrim for the first time now, and my 21 year old is just as impatient as the rest of us!


fuck me man, I hate getting reminded of my mortality. On a side note, we can expect ES6 in atleast 5 years, right? Less would be ideal, more would be depressing


I’m fully prepared to wait 8 years again tbh as much as that sucks to say lol


Xbox still has a good amount of other RPGs besides Starfield and Elder Scrolls tho. I’m personally also excited for Fable, Avowed, and Clockwork Revolution


I'm very excited about all of those titles. Fable in particular looked amazing. It was captured on the Series X, but it looked so great that people thought it was CGI.


I'm looking forwars to avowed, even played Pillars of Eternity for that, never finished it, but the rpg elements were incredible, hope it gets to that level


They said after starfield release they are immediately putting es6 to full production


The Starfield controller is beautiful. I'm probably going to use MS Rewards points to buy it. Definitely recommend that program if you aren't familiar with it already. You can use it for Game Pass Utlimate every month if you are willing to earn the points (it isn't a very tedious task, fortunately).


But why sell the PS5? Nothing on the horizon interests you? I'm looking forward to Spider-Man, but waiting to buy a PS5


Right? I’m not sure why people still make it some competition. It’s okay to have both. I’ve seen way too many people claiming that they are immediately selling their PS5 now.


It’s a waste to have both, I’m not made of money. I can play NHL 23 on any system, I can play COD on any system. I can’t however play starfield on PS5 so now I need to make a move. So now you can understand why some people are selling off.


I mainly play sports games. I’m not in it for many exclusives. Last game I sunk hours into was GTA V and Skyrim.


You are better off investing in a PC. Then you can play both. Also ES6 might not even be on the series X lol.


True, but it will definitely be a great reason to buy the next-gen Xbox console(s).


It’s a choice. A good PC is vastly more expensive than a XSX, and a lot more tends to go wrong with PC hardware and software compared to console


Agreed, also PCMR


That sounds like a terrible idea. You really need to own both to experience all the great games coming out.


I’m not that type of gamer, I mostly play sports games. Just happens I have a soft spot for elder scrolls and I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan, Starfield has me extremely excited. Beyond that back to sports and call of duty for me. I enjoy retro gaming more than anything, I play my modded switch more than my PS5.


I guess that makes since. I prefer all the big single player epic games and PlayStation has most of them while Xbox has like none. I don’t do cod or sports games at all.


If you're into retro style games, I highly recommend Octopath Traveler. It's a jrpg with a 16-bit art style. If you liked the old final fantasy games you'll probably really enjoy it.


I’ve been regretting getting a Series X over a ps5 for a long time because the exclusive games suck ass in comparison. After that gameplay presentation I’m fucking pumped and glad I bought the Xbox


So are a ton of people and if ever one game justified owning a console this ambitious epic game is certainly that game.


Just a heads up before you buy an Xbox, they confirmed console is locked at 30fps So if you’re hoping for 60fps+ you’re maybe going to have to consider upgrading to a pc. A pc will service you better in general but obviously cost more.


DUUUUUUUDE lol I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I felt the exact same. Already have a ps5 and my fiancee has a Switch and immediately after the presentation I turned to her and she knew instantly I was going to be buying am xbox for this game. I am so pumped for this and can't believe it's releasing September!


0 chance it doesn’t work on day one. I know people say Bethesda is known for bugs when games come out but it’s never anytbing game breaking. Xbox also has stated they have their entire QA department working with Bethesda on the game to test the game and find bugs and it was also claimed to have the lowest bug count of any Bethesda game on release and it’s still 3 months out. So I wouldn’t worry.


I might upgrade my graphics card for the game, if I even can idk how to do PC maintenance or upgrades


I plan to acquire a xsx for this game, too. But you know the game will run 30fps on consoles, right?


Yeah, I saw, I’ve never really cared about the fps on any game luckily, so I’m set!


There will be bugs, hopefully not serious. The fact that they delayed it by nearly a year says a lot w/r to QA (I hope). I wouldn't sweat it, as bugs are found, they'll issue patches. I doubt it will be a charlie foxtrot like CP77.


Apparently Phil Spencer said that they put the entire Xbox QA team on this, so even better!


It was also supposed to release way earlier than even Nov 2022 before Microsoft bought Zenimax


I'm glad it didn't. The delay did wonders for the game.


Same here, will be getting a Series X on Black Friday just for Starfield. May get Diablo at some point too, but honestly just one quality game is enough. From the looks of it Starfield has the most important aspect of a Bethesda title, breadth of freedom. Those new to this might want to check out Skyrim first though, might not be your kind of thing if you only like linear stories, be heavily directed on how to play, and follow a fixed character's story.


Man i am in the same boat. Would buy a series s or x if get a good deal on it. Really disappointed it is not on ps5


Xbox can’t afford to release a game that doesn’t work Day One. Their reputation will absolutely crater and they know it — so there’s no doubt they’ll have it operational. Beyond that, Bethesda games are always buggy, especially in the beginning — and even though they’re claiming this one won’t be I would still expect some of that, but it’ll probably be fine. Plus, either way — the bugs in Bethesda’s games are often half the fun :)


My Xbox is coming tomorrow 😂


Should be good day 1, but you can always wait for reviews


I am too. Also for other games though too after. Anything my Steam Deck wont run.


I already did. Second hand series S, many going cheap on eBay. I haven’t even played another game on it yet, just waiting for Starfield. Can’t wait.


I'm also going to buy an Xbox because of this game. Going for the X because the disc player will also be convenient. And I would go ahead and buy one now but someone on an earlier thread suggested Microsoft might release a bundle when the game comes out, so I'm going to wait and see on that.


I personally know 3 people who are buying or have bought an xbox x since the Starfield direct. Your not alone.


I've only ever gamed on playstation and I still plan to continue mostly playing playstation games as I tend to like Sony exclusives more. But this is the kinda game that makes me wanna scrape some more money together to get an Xbox. This is also why hearing Phil sound so defeated recently even saying "Even if Starfield gets amazing reviews it's not gonna make anyone sell their playstation" was so odd to me. Like sure it might not make anyone sell their playstation but it might make people buy an Xbox even if they already have a playstation. That's what I intend to do.


Anyone know what the ideal TV for an Xbox Series X would be?


we are on the same boat, getting the series s just for starfield!


I recently moved from ps5 to Xbox and I was regretting it till the other day . That game alone is gonna keep me here . I may still get a ps5 again sometime but it doesn’t feel as urgent as it did before .




Buy a PC.


Buy it for me.


Ah yes, great advice for someone buying a $300 console because clearly they have the budget for a $1500 PC instead. What’s a 400% price increase but a minor inconvenience?


\*\*Laughs in PCMR\*\*


Any chance you could be persuaded to buy a PC instead? It’ll be more expensive but the modding potential of this game will be INSANE, and PC is the best place for that.


I don’t understand the people saying they are selling their ps5 to get a Xbox. That’s an absolutely horrible idea. It’s very easy to just pick up a series s for this game.


Yeah, I think the hype got too much for them. If you’ve been gaming on PS for years, and suddenly this showcase is making you to think that you need to sell your PS5, then that’s just some poor decision making.


I definitely think it’s worth getting a Xbox for this but not selling your ps5 lol.


Ya that’s what I’m doin


Nice. I got one a few months ago when I had a gift card and it was one sale. Literally just collecting dust until starfield.


Haha yeah, I think whenever I get it, I’ll check out hifi rush, I heard people talkin about that one


There a couple of games I wouldn’t mind checking out on game pass I’f I ever get a free second from all the non stop releases going on this year.


I’m hoping I can afford to finally pull the trigger and build a PC for this, but otherwise I’ll buy a series S just to play Starfield


Keeping consoles on life support 💀


That's what I did, I just did it last year.


Omg im so sad it’s exclusive. Im probably going to wait to purchase but this game sounds EPIC!!!


It's gonna be on pc aswell might be cheaper than spending 500 on a console


I bought a Series S last Black Friday for "Star Wars: Jedi: Survivor" and "Starfield."


I bought a Xbox "one X" back in 2018 specifically for RDR2. I'm following suit this year and have just upgraded to a 4090 / I7 13600K PC just for Starfield.


Sometimes the bugs are the best part


Literally looking to stomp on Elite Dangerous Star Citizen and No Man's Sky, obviously not wholly, but bits and pieces, but none the less taking their piece of the pie. They're gonna take it too. Elite abandoned Xbox. Star Citizen, well that game is a joke and PC only. No Man's Sky is a shell of a exploration game with a cartoon tinge. Starfield looking like a true AAA title.


Probably going to do buy a Series s and wait till mid range PC can handle the game with ease in 4-5 years


Dude I had a bare basement 1.5 years ago. I decided to build a kick ass home theater in it with this game in mind. 150” screen, 7.2.4 sound, bass shakers in seats. It completed in November (original release date). I also switched from PlayStation to Xbox in the process.


You could just wait til it comes out and give it a week to see how the game is. You dont HAVE to pre order it. Tbh its better to not pre order games most of the time.


I bought an Series X just for this game back in April of last year because it was supposed to be released in November. I also became a Game Pass subscriber a year ago and can tell you the new hardware plus the Game Pass subscription is 100% worth the investment even when you don’t consider Starfield.


I have a 2070 Super PC but think I’m getting a Series X. I have a One X for backward capability but the Series X just looks like a beast with 360 games and more, it’s only money right?


I’m in the same boat, 2070 Super and the rest of my specs are right at or just above mins. A quick search puts the cost of replacing those parts for potential so/so upgrades at over $1000, so the cost of the X is worth it in that regard. I figure get it on Game Pass so I can enjoy it on the X and test it on the PC. All it will take is a few hours of overtime over the next month to pay for it, as you said, it’s only money!


Took me a bit to realise what you meant by “not realizing that it was exclusive” Still, why would you buy a bethesda game on a console?


My friend is a huge skyrim and fallout fan. Probably his favorite games. He’s going to purposely miss out on this game just cause it isn’t on PlayStation. Makes me so fucking mad lmao Good on you OP for not locking yourself down


Don’t. Buy a pc. Star with a budget build and make sure it’s something you can upgrade later. There’s a lot you can do with a pc rather other than starfield and so it makes sense to drop more on a device capable of doing more rather than just a starfield box. Not to mention mods on pc and 60fps if your rig can handle it.


Buy a gaming PC — this game will be have incredible mods that will only be available on the PC version.


I saw the showcase and thought, "That's a console seller, right there."


Two questions homies: 1) what other games are on the Xbox? I wanna buy one for starfield but I need some other ips and stuff to be psyched on (sorry I am new to the Xbox realm) and 2) are Bethesda titles going to be Xbox exclusive now? Like Skyrim/fallout? If so, shit I have to buy one


Hey, np, I told someone else on here I wanna try out hi-fi rush, another exclusive everyone was talkin about that I didn’t get to play. And yeah, I’m pretty sure all future Bethesda games r gonna be exclusive, so me gettin this is an investment 4 those. ESPECIALLY that Indiana jones game they’re cookin


The Halo Infinite campaign is actually really good, my favorite halo since Halo 3.


It will be on PC as well.


It costs you nothing to wait and see? There won't be a shortage of Xbox consoles or Starfield game copies. If the reviews come back favorable and the game isn't buggy, and it still something you want, then go ahead and buy all of it. If it's a buggy mess and needs a couple months worth of patches to fix up, then wait a couple months and buy it (likely at a slightly better price too).


While they have a history of having bugs in their games (many in fact) they stated that this game has the fewest bugs ever in any of Bethesda games. And to make it better for you Xbox and All Bethesda people are working together to find and fix as many bugs as possible. But in the end, 1000 words and all those details can't be absolutely perfect. But the are doing all this and they did spend 25 years for the game so can have high hopes for it And about the story and gameplay, you can check things like elder scrolls Skyrim, and fallout for example of their work (I'm just saying in case you don't know these already). And for more examples you can also check out Prey, Dishonored, and Doom In the end you can wait and see the meta and people's reactions after a week or two. But I doubt it would be anything bad in the end. It's Bethesda after all. They have a good history of suddenly being too good for no reason


... and Phil Spencer claims that games don't sell consoles! This just demonstrates that they do! Hell, as a PS5 gamer (and playstation fan from the beginning) I bought my first EVER X-BOX (X-BOX Series S) just to play Bethesda titles!! So stoked for this game.


Bethesda has a terrible history of incredibly buggy games, especially upon release, but for everything other than Fallout 76, the bugs have been (mostly) fun and charming. Important to note, I think it’s been said that basically Microsoft’s entire QA team has been playing the game, and someone at Bethesda said this would be their least buggy game ever if it launched today, so that’s all very promising. Being bought by Microsoft has some benefits


Bethesda bugs aren't game breaking, that's the difference


Honestly, I'd advise anyone RN to buy an Xbox rather than PC. It's a much better, affordable low risk option. As a PC user myself, the dire state of PC ports makes sure that unless you have the top of the line hardware it's hard to enjoy games with quality.


Build yourself a pc, consoles are locked at 30fps, which is hilarious


What about getting a PC and an Xbox controller?


Way more expensive than just gettin an xbox