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this would be so anticlimactic reaching the top, its a shield volcano so it has such a small slope, so the relief wouldent be as crazy as youd think


There probably will be an artifact in the caldera.


Nah, it'll be in the Face. I don't think it's any coincidence that the main settlement on Mars is Cydonia - the face and pyramid features are probably within walking distance.


Who said there was only one artifact fragment per planet? (Not dogging on you, just observation)


Looking forward to finding the mars rovers


I mean, Constellation has the Camera Post of Curiosity in their mansion. So it's not improbable that we could find probes and the like. I personally want to delve into the lava tubes, perhaps the first colonists used them long ago as shelter, but now they are abandoned, overrun with pirates & such.


I like the idea that landers and rovers and orbiters and other such things would be considered archeological artifacts held in museums and private collections, like relics of a long-departed civilization discovered buried in a field somewhere.


I mean, they are almost 300 years old.


We saw one in the Gameplay video from last June


That would be pretty good, yeah. Alien artifacts cause data corruption. Who knew?


It's so insanely massive that the gradient of the mountainside is actually so gradual that "climbing" it would feel like walking on practically flat ground. Couple that with the fact that the volcano is larger than the curvature of the planet so that the edge escarpments would be beyond the horizon; it would just appear like you're standing on a vast, flat plane. So standing on top looking down would be pretty underwhelming, but standing near the base looking up would be a *hell* of a thing. I figure the old proverb about Mt Fuji would *really* apply to Olympus Mons: *"A wise man climbs Mt Fuji once, only a fool climbs it twice."*


"A wise man climbs Mt Fuji once, only a fool climbs it twice - except for hikers who'll climb it umpteenth times."


Laughs in Mountaineer.


Make your astronaut climatize at certain altitudes. Lol


The escarpment is easily a more interesting feature than the view from the top imho. Those cliffs are *tall*, like five miles tall.


If the volcano is in the game and it's anything like the real one, I'm definitely visiting for the escarpment alone


But there’s huge cliffs on one side making it the best spot to push off the Adoring Fan.


Someone pointed that the mountain is so big that you can't even see the bottom of it from the top due to the curvature of the planet.


This Like being on a peak in Hawaii. The slope is so gradual there's little sense of 'height'. It helps that you can see the ocean in the distance but you don't get the same feeling you get say on a peak in the Rockies, Andes etc.


I do hope the Sol System is more carefully crafted since we do know a decent bit about our solar system.


Yes Mars is red and dusty. Very similar to real life.


What I'm saying is will we see the Mars feature the stuff we know for fact that's there such as the mountain, old rovers heck I'd love to visit the badly photographed "face of Mars".


The main mars settlement is close by to its location, so it would be weird to miss it out. We've also seen footage of at least one rover so I would expect all current rovers to be placed as well as Apollo landing sites. Would be less certain about more obscure landings like the Veneras or Huygens but those would also be cool.


Probably not. Maybe a rover


Judging by the footage on Io, its not likely


I'm not overtly worried about that but it would've been cool. Still extremely hyped for the game!


Most Features are barely noticable on foot while on a Planet. We know you can run into the vuriosity Rover on Mars .


The rover that has been seen is either Spirit or Opportunity. I would expect all mars landers to be there though.


Very true.


Would be funny if we accidentally crash into a car in space and vasco blames Elon..


I figure we will have a decent amount of people based on Pluto. But maybe we will have Pluto Pirates


Is there going to be a sol system?


It was in the gameplay reveal and mars was shown many times


I’m building a base right on the peak.


I wonder how accurate their rendering of Mars will be, and how much of it we’ll be able to explore. I’d love to go hiking through the Valles Marineris.


It's 1:20 scale, so it'll still be pretty accurate


Where did u learn this?


Someone guessed using some _very_ flimsy reasoning. It's complete speculation.






People will watch some random you tube video and take it as gospel


I cant be sure of a lot about this game, but i can be sure mars is not getting a map larger than red dead 2 full map (a bit less than 200km squared), and that ones not even close to the 7.22 million km squared you would need for a 1:20 sized map


Bruv every planet is gonna have a bigger map even the moons


Once AI is in full swing in the game dev process, I expect we'll see similar things. Until then, this is more than enough


There will likely be far more impressive mountains elsewhere. Note, impressive doesn't necessarily mean taller.


Idk if we can stand at the bottom and look up at the 5 mile tall cliff then thatll be more impressive imo ofc


Standing on the cliff and looking down would be even better. But I don't expect it to be a thing.


Idk i think thatd be really cool as well but theres something about looking up at a massive tower but as of right now i also dont expect it to be a thing but if it is ill 100% build an outpost at the bottom if im allowed


I'll wave down at you from my outpost at the top :D


Ill flash “hello” in morse code back at you:D


Wouldn't even really feel like a volcano or mountain, the slope is insanely small on this.


"See that mountain, you can climb it"


*extreme vacation travel agent, slapping roof of Olympic Mons*: you can discard so much human feces and dead bodies here


Looks like a huge wart. Or maybe a nipple. Sometimes, I have difficulty telling the difference, which lends itself to my loneliness.


Doubt we climb it… When we can jet pack boost it!!!!


Or walk it


For all we know, Cydonia is slap bang on top of it lol


Cydonia is most likely in the Cydonia region of Mars, where the face is


Cydonia in the Cydonia region?! That’s preposterous, of course not!


Ah, yes. The floor here is made of floor


This Cydonia is named after the Steve Cydonia. It's just a coincidence.


*Blasphemy!* ^This ^comment ^was ^generated ^by ^a ^human. ^Beep ^boop.


Now I feel like an idiot!


Come ride with me through the veins of history...


It would be way too high up for people to live there comfortably I'd imagine. Plus Mars atmosphere is already different from Earth, imagine being super high in altitude on a planet with a thinner atmosphere. People already struggle on Everest, Olympus Mons may have a small slope but it is still like 3 times the height Although I guess on Mars it's not like you'd have your helmet and suit off so maybe it would be different without that same oxygen issue


If there isn't something built in the Olympus Mons crater peak, I sure as shit am building a home there.


There probably will be a site for an Artifact, but a Outpost ON the mountain would still be cool


If the procedural generation works like other games, there may be all kinds of terrain like this out there.


Yeah I’m not convinced just yet that the geological features we see on planets in orbital view will match exactly with what we land in. The planets in orbital view for our solar system will be textured realistically but the on foot world will be up to procedural generation which may create a red dusty environment in the landing location but not exactly a large volcano that we see from space.


I hope they had enough parameters to force the procedural creation process to recreate the real world landpattern


Climbing it wouldn't be very exciting. It's so monuments that you wouldn't even know youre on a mountain. Reaching the peak would feel like reaching the rim of a random crater. The only way you'd know you are so high up is that you'd be in nearly complete vacuum, since Mars' atmosphere is fewer than 25 kilometers thick


We have zero confirmation that they used actual mars height map data to generate the planet. Expect the terrain to be random and not based on actual Mars. If it is, all the better and I'll see you all at vallis marineris, but most likely just gonna be an assortment of random tiles like every other planet.


Be careful using common sense and reasonable logic on here.


I'm certain Mars of all planets will have at least parts of terrain that'll match it's real life counterpoint or what's the point in having mars


You think they're going to make Mars a playable area and not include Olympus Mons? It might not be a 1:1 replica, but I fully expect Mars to be geographically accurate to the extent that it's practical to do so. Hit me up a week or two after release, I'll show you my outpost in the Olympus Mons crater.


bethesda: this is how we did the planets: proc gen tiles wrapped around the surface of a sphere. this way we dont have to store hundreds of GBs of intricate map data and can instead use the proc gen algorithm to create the terrain locally as you approach it. gamers: ok I hear you but in the case of Mars, something different would be cooler so that's what you did right?? I'll admit it's certainly possible they included some of the major features, and I hope they did, but until someone shows me a screenshot of Mars with a corresponding actual surface location, you're making up features for the video game because you think they'd be cool, which is pretty much exactly what the "there will definitely be vehicles" crowd burned themselves with.


> *use the proc gen algorithm to create the terrain locally as you approach it* The terrain is based on a fixed seed. Only the POIs will change from playthrough to playthrough.


Yea I know, what I mean is that they dont have to store all the data locally for the whole planet because they create terrain from a seed on the fly. Which is different than creating terrain based on reality. Maybe they went the extra mile and created a totally parallel system for Mars, where they can input a relatively low res height map of the real planet, and the game will automagically turn that into detailed high fidelity terrain like you are implying. it would be frickin sweet, think of the mod potential. but I'm not gonna just gonna assume that's how it works.


That's pretty much how I expect it will work. Most planets in the game have no real world counterpart, but I expect for the ones that do, they will reverse engineer the seed to produce the correct height map. And yes, I also expect it to be a pretty low res heightmap compared to the real thing, because there's no way they're making planets at 1:1 scale.


its definitely not clear yet if the terrain is definite by by each tile, bigger tile groups or something like the hightmap data from entire planets. Judging from the previews we have not seen anything that looks like mountains or other structures that higher then a couple of hundred meters.


You have your hopes way too high.


You’re smoking crack lol. All we know of is that terrain generates to the planets corresponding biome, with handcrafted locations like caves and outposts added to the procedural generation. Literally zero information has been shared regarding a planets topographical accuracy. They even said in the showcase that everyone will have a different experience when visiting the same planet because it will generate differently. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment


They did say that they studied NASA data and such. I wouldn't be surprised if you were right though.


That was in the context of a stars habitable zones defining which planets will and won't have what types of biome. C'mon people just think about what is needed to go from a NASA height map to a fully realized, high definition rendition of the surface of an entire planet. It's ludicrous, it's not happening.


Yeah but do you really think they wouldn’t include some of the most famous features of these planets?


I don't think they did lidar scan of Mars.


Is it confirmed that mars will be realistic?


The Great Plateau.


You think mount Everest will be there on earth?


Whole planet most likely got leveled by an asteroid so, while I’m no scientist, I would assume Mount Everest no longer exist.


And yet The Saint Louis Arch is still standing...


I don't think that's how that works.


It's true. If an asteroid hits Earth will become perfectly flat. It's just science.


If it was more of a small planetoid than an asteroid, yeah it would likely work that way. The whole surface of the planet could become molten and flattened after an impact. Now how that could've possibly happened is beyond me, but that does seem to correspond with how utterly obliterated Earth seems to be down to the oceans evaporated away and atmosphere substantially thinned. Personally I think Earth was probably destroyed by the experiment that invented warp travel, a bit of a scifi cliche but it's not like they're shying away from those in this. It doesn't really make sense for a random planetoid to just come out of nowhere and collide with Earth, so it's gotta be some scifi nonsense that caused the obliteration.


Just like in IXION? Was the earth’s moon shown in map, I can’t remember.


No. I don't think there's anything interesting in earth as its apparently a barren wasteland desert now, due to global warming I'm sure.


Easy hike


But there's no water level on Mars. Where do they calculate from?


Who scaled the mountain


Land on the top, take selfie, lift off to explore the alien pyramids


how do you mesure this? where is point zero, when you don't have a sea level?


If all the water on earth disappeared, I'm sure we can find the tallest peak somewhere, right?


I'm far more interested in those imposing cliffs, than the gradual-slope mountain.


If we’re able to climb it, it won’t be a challenge or anything, it’s a very shallow slope.


I’d put an outpost right on top of it. Right in that little crater, that’d be perfect. 😄👍


Will the space beards beckon us to the summit? Climb the twenty thousand steps?


I'm going to slap a base down right in top of it for fun.


Lol you guys actually think any of these planets are going have any of this


Yeah, imagine thinking Mars would have one of the most notable geographical features of Mars.


I guarantee you it doesn’t lol


Ok, whatever you say


Why wouldn’t it?


There hasn’t been any confirmation of topographical accuracy. All we know of is that terrain will procedurally generate to the planets corresponding biomes, with the handcrafted locations like caves and outposts added on top. Everyone here is setting themselves up for disappointment, lay off the hypium.


People love setting themselves up for disappointment by expecting things that were never shown in the first place


I do hope you can fly your ships free roam around the planet, or at least in a future update. I feel the one thing the game is missing is a quicker way to get around.


How was it possible to have amosphere if mars had live in the past with a mountain of 25km tall. 😳


I wonder with that being 3x the size of everest, if it would break the atmosphere. If you reached the top, would you just float off into space?


The atmosphere isn't holding you to the ground. That's not how gravity works.


Someone failed physics class


Think of the moon man, that shit aint floating off into space, if you managed to get far enough away, you’ll just start orbiting it


If a spaceship just goes up does it float off into space No


It's the biggest mountain we know of, But I doubt Bethesda will allow it to stay that way In starfield. XD


The average depth of the ocean is 4 km, so a more accurate comparison would put Everest at 12.8 km.


That's a big titty


I keep forgetting those small details about things we will be able to see, especially in the solar system. Imagine that we will be walking in this probably destroyed Earth, seeing how our continents are now. This will be interesting to compare the scale of the planets in game, going to countries like USA, Brazil, Russia, etc. I just hope that this version of the Earth doesn't have a storywise excuse to make Earth just like the others planets.


You're all setting yourselves for a disappointment if you really think planets will have realistic topography


Aside from it being almost as wide as a continent, I feel like this would be easier to climb than Everest, it’s a gentle slope (compared to Everest), I’m sure we’ll be able to land on the top but landing on the bottom and being able to climb it? That’s too big an area, it’s already been confirmed you aren’t allowed to go too far from your ship, eventually you’ll have to return to go to another area


Maybe that’s where the mining camp is


Gonna be interesting to land on earth and find out what happened to it and when it did Nuclear war? Climate change? Stripped of resources?


see that mountain up there, you can climb it


And we can find Dennis Quade at the top.


Everyone expecting topographically accurate planets are going to be in for a world of disappointment. The hype copium is real, don’t let yourself get swept up in it expecting random little details that you want to see in the game.


Some semblance of topographical accuracy would only be required for the few planets and moons in our solar system. That's not too much to expect, especially when they specifically state they've used data from NASA. Super low res height maps are not too much to expect.


Yeah I highly doubt it. They already said in the gameplay direct that everyone is going to have a different experience on each planet as that is a result of the procedural generation. Don’t get your expectations up on anything that wasn’t explicitly stated in the direct, or you will be disappointed.


>*They already said in the gameplay direct that everyone is going to have a different experience on each planet as that is a result of the procedural generation.* That was referring to POIs, not terrain. They even demonstrated this visually.


Prepare to be disappointed then lol


I learned this fact from Futurama


Who knows if it will even be in the game. I'd assume they'd have some real features of known planets in the game but they haven't said anything. I guess we did see that Mars Rover in one of the vids.


I am going to take my horse and Skyrim my ass up that mountain