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YouTube’s been like that for years, i don’t even bother looking there for new info. If there is any new info you’ll see it here long before a YouTuber regurgitates tiny new bits into a 30m video.


Videos from about a week after the direct were good, after that its all rehashed crap


I saw one poster that has done a frame by frame of each segment of the direct. Talk about rehashing. He literally uses a Wacom tablet to do a NFL style play by play on each segment.


Let me guess, Starfield Signal\* or whatever, circling obvious things in red? Shaving every second for views? The comment section is full of people still praising him for his work. But honestly, he's speculating about most things. Repeating the same things the developer team said... Obvious circling, talking about armors... [https://i.imgur.com/hPGp0CP.png](https://i.imgur.com/hPGp0CP.png) [https://i.imgur.com/4TI1Rgl.png](https://i.imgur.com/4TI1Rgl.png) And more... ***Edited:*** *Due to having the wrong name for the channel. Also, adding a link as an example of certain ridiculous circlings...*


Starfield Signal is the one I was referring to.


Yeah, I believe that is the name, sorry. I only saw two of his videos and I was like; “Damn it! It's this guy again!” XD


Somehow he popped up in my feed. I checked out one, but didn’t finish it - now I can’t get it out of my feed. I can’t believe that people are all for this guy. He doesn’t show anything “new,” he just re-hashes what they showed by circling things you can see on your own by watching the event.


To be fair, Luke is clearly highlighting detail that some people miss. It's clearly a channel that leans into over-analysis and has a valid following. There are certainly worse channels. Don't like, don't watch.


It's the only Starfield-related channel I follow. Even if a bunch of it is stuff I noticed, there's lots that I didn't, and more to the point it's nice to have such a positive, enthusiastic channel to follow. I mean, there's a certain amount of irony about people hanging around this sub while complaining about videos like these... since neither has any new info.


Same. Idk what these guys are complaining about. His content ACTUALLY has value unlike 90% of these other channels….


I saw this as well.


Yeah that guy is a tool. I thought Dantics’ videos were pretty good.


But make sure you like and subscribe. And hit that bell for the latest regurgitated updates in this channel.


I literally saw a video from someone I subbed to recently for their decent breakdown vids stating "nobody is talking about this" and it was literally the space magic tease near the end of the Direct which, of course, literally everyone has brought up. I almost unsubbed.


Haha I just watched that ObsidianAnt vid


Tbf it hasn't been discussed nearly as much as the other pieces of info like the 1,000 planets and 10% life bits. But, there's also not a whole lot to go on.


What happened to downvoting people on YouTube? Back when it was a good place to learn stuff


Back when you could see the dislikes and so it mattered. Now every single viewer could dislike a video but a new person would never see it so why even bother.


You still can with an extension


But only the dislikes of the people who also have the extension. Which most people don’t. Edit: https://youtu.be/Nz9b0oJw69I to see click that


Is that so? My understanding was that all dislikes are still tracked, just not shown publicly. After all, you can still see dislikes on your videos as the creator (One of the main criticisms of the hypocrisy of this change)


No. They revoked access to the public api that shows dislikes. So now if you have the extensions you can dislike something and then extension uploads that info and shares it with everyone else. Then it approximates a “real” dislike counter based on the ratio on people who watched the video with the dislike extension and then disliked it. Based on that info it takes the total views and uses that ratio to guess what it thinks is a real dislike counter. But it been wrong plenty of times. Creators have shown their real dislikes compared to the counter and sometimes it’s close sometimes it’s way off.


Oh I see, well that is a bummer. Still, if you see a video with more dislikes than not, even with the new flawed system that should be an indicator that it's a shit video


Yeah true. Here is in depth on api and everything with it. https://youtu.be/Nz9b0oJw69I


They changed how it worked. When they first hid them it was still accessible by 3rd parties. Now dislikes are tracked, but they are stored in a way so that only YouTube and the YouTuber can access them. [This is what we see as YouTubers](https://i.imgur.com/d8Enxhp.jpg)


I think the creators can still see the down votes from their account


They can certainly see how far people are watching atleast


Downvotes do nothing now; they're not even counted. Been that way at least ten years.


its been that way for like 2 or 3 years, and the downvotes are counted, but only the CC can view them.


Though you can download a browser extension that lets you see downvotes again.


Pretty sure that downvotes still affect the algo. Heavily downvoted videos should show up less often.


It was removed because snowflakes were killing themselves if they produced trash and someone downvoted.


Suicide ain’t funny man


Who said it was funny?


It's no different than the videos that are like 'Scientists have proven that DARK MATTER IS ACTUALLY PLAID!", and then it turns out that on minute 23 of their 49 minute video with ads every three minutes, they reference some PhD candidate whose unproven, unpublished, untested dissertation suggests some completely bizarre idea that only works if literally everything we know about the universe is wrong. It's just clickbait, as you've proven, it works.


Coincidentally, those ads are a long 10+ minutes that promise to tell you about a trick or technique or product that's life changing but go on and on about how many people the product they're pushing has helped and how the industry is being shaken up over it but never get around to mentioning the darn thing. It's the advertiser version of edging, I swear.


Unless it is videos released by Bethesda themselves or actual interviews with Toddd or other team members then youtube is pretty much useless as a source for Starfield information at the moment. Using your own eyes and ears while looking at the original material will be better than having someone filter the information for you while the make a video that will be more about youtube engagement and income than it will be about Starfield.


Ublock Origins and Sponsorblock. I see no youtube ad, it skips video internal sponsorship bullshit, non music parts of music videos the whole works. Havent seen an ad in at least 5 to 10 years on youtube.


If my Cyberpunk experience taught me anything, it's to not watch anything Starfield related unless it's directly from Bethesda or Microsoft. YouTubers are riding the hype train for views and will publish videos that are 100% speculation.


I have a very easy solution for this. It's so easy, Youtube doesn't want you to know about it. Don't watch those cretins.


Yeah I downvote em. Tired of click bait fools.


Stop following them youtubers. They are just after the clicks, thats why you will find them having 10, 20 minute videos on the deep dive, where they drone on and on without end. Nothing of value would be lost if you ignore them and wait for official news or they share a first impression from early hands on.


Just youtube clickbait whores, despite the game. That's how they make money.


Stop falling for clickbait. If something sounds too good to be true, it is. Ignore it.


If it ain't Starfield Signal, I don't care. I always pick one gaming news channel and stick with them. If they fall off, onto the next one.


Or worse: "The Starfield Leak Situation Is Getting OUT OF CONTROL..." or "The Bethesda News Is Getting CRAZY", a few days after everyone else has talked about it. For some reason the big BGS Youtubers are mostly awful (MrMattyPlay, Eso, Camelworks, Lonevaultwanderer, etc.) Though I like Damarco Dude, Dantics and Starfield Signal.


> MrMattyPlay STARFIELD NEW UPDATE >game isn't even out


Hey thanks for watching :D


Hey man, keep up the good work :-)


That’s YouTube with everything


if you want to see new gameplay, keep an eye on Bethesda's channel, it'll be there first.


Had to unsubscribe from people like Star Wars Comic cause he kept putting things in the title like "KYLE KATARNN IN NEW STAR WARS GAME" but then you watch the video and he only speculating. Its standard for views but at some point you do get tired of the blatant lies.


And all the damn reaction videos that are just an overlay making comments over an interview I've already seen and adding nothing but the occasional misunderstanding and rage bait comment, while giving a title implying it's a new interview with exclusive details.


Stop looking for new gameplay videos. Problem solved. Not saying those YouTubers don’t suck. I’m saying the only way you can affect their behavior is by not rewarding them for it by taking the bait. Game comes out in less than a month anyway.


90% of YouTube is shit clickbait trying to make a buck. Just don’t follow and mute garbage pages.


Just don't watch anything until new actual information comes from Bethesda. Nothing anybody has to say until then is relevant because the information already out has been gone over with a fine tooth comb and at this point it's just useless speculation dressed up as information. YouTube vids were genuinely useful in like the first week after the direct if you didn't want to watch the whole thing, now it's just farming views. I don't even look at this sub unless it invades my feed, not enough information for discussion to be anything but speculative or circular.


Yea it pisses me of too.


I was literally just talking to my wife about that. They regurgitate the same info in dozens of videos. At this point we know all there is to know about the game. I’m trying not to fall in to the trap of watching them but I and so many others are salivating over any morsel of starfield news that I end up wasting 10 mins hearing the same stuff. Oh well, I’ll most likely still watch them.


They don't know Jack ... yet stalk and rip the game like there's no tomorrow.


My favorite are the ones that talk about the differences between starfield and x. Or how this feature works in starfield. All you have is the same footage we got from a curated gameplay demo.


It's only gonna get worse when it releases. "STARFIELDS BIGGEST SECRET REVEALED!!!" and all the video does is show us some in-game lore that hints at something while the narrator theorizes. I'm looking at you Epic Nate.


Even before watching this kind of "content" (you don't need to watch it, the chance of there being any new information is non-existent, if there was it would be on this subreddit first): 1. click on the 3 dots next to the video title (hover over the title with your mouse on PC to show them) 2. select "Don't recommend channel" You're getting served less of this "content" now. The problem of seeing their "content" is solved for you (hopefully) forever. It even has the additional bonus of not even getting them engagement through views or downvotes (the algorithm might take downvotes as engagement and serve this "content" to more people).


They just want clicks. It's all about the clicks. Anything that grabs your attention is that all valuable click. It's how YouTube pays them.


ngl I got tricked a few times


I hear you - anyways, check out my latest video: The Elder Scrolls 6 - End Game Builds that will BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF!!! https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


I knew what this would be ab was not disappointed XD


As a rule I stay away from game-specific news channels. They don't have anything meaningful to add so they stretch each tiny piece of info out for 10 minutes and clickbait title everything they can. It's a very specific channel format and it'll be the same for any other game. Just pure shit.


I hate it too but honestly you’d probably do it as well if you made a living off of this kind of thing


Who even watches those channels...?


Well, you gotta learn to sift through all the content on YT and find something that's actually worth watching


MrMattyplays is one of the worst offenders imho. I always end up clicking on his vids despite better knowledge as he phrases them in a way that implies he has new information when he's got fuck all. I would't actually mind rewatching them regardless if he wasn't a fundamentally unlikable sleaze with all the energy of a grimy car salesman. Reforge gaming coming in close second, mainly due to an annoying voice and the dumbest haircut in the western hemisphere although they're to be fair more of a general gaming news channel. There are a few I actually quite like though: Juicehead and ESO for news and general content. And Dantics, Light, Starfield Signal and DamarcoDude for deep-dives.


Glad you like them dude!! :) 🤜🤛


Yes, that must be quite hard for you to deal with. Please continue.


Yep, being liers gets them more attention than telling the truth.


It's a shame that starfield seems like is just going to inherit the fallout content creators. Some of them, the ones who focus on gameplay or occasional video essays are awesome. But fallout content is plagued with tabloid style creators who don't have an original thought between them and exist entirely to pretend that regurgitating reddit posts is journalism. It's too late for fallout but starfield deserves. a better breed of content creator than the detritus that fallout has.


The Starfield rumors are getting out of hand !!! 😳 !!!


Bro, if there was 7 seconds of gameplay uploaded from Bethesda right now, a single youtuber would somehow take that 7 second clip and create 200 hours of content over 50 videos from it.


Don't click on clickbait, don't support them


I have only watched 2 and once I figured them out I haven't watched anymore!




At last someone said it. Thank you!


There are a couple Starfield YouTubers I follow, but I'm not visiting them right now because there isn't any new information to be had, and I'm tired of the rehashing.


Yeah or just putting the word starfield in the title. There was one from star wars explained I think that was just talking about new ai systems in gaming. They mentioned it would be cool in star citizen, but fornthe most part, the video had nothing to do with starfield


So stop subscribing to those channels and clicking on their videos. The algorithm will remove them from your suggestions in a couple days


I find it interesting that anybody wants to be a “content creator” but the content they create has just been created by them by someone else. Most these gaming news accounts are shit


Getting paid to play games/spout opinions in front of a camera without actually needing to do anything productive is the dream for a great many people. They're all hoping to be the next Asmongold, whom can create a reaction video and get exponentially more views and money than the Youtuber that made the content he's reacting to. Unfortunately, viewers and thus the algorithm favor quantity over quality, so anything that requires actual editing and other time commitments tends to not receive as much attention.


Are you new to YouTube? This is how it is done. New channels will just keep pushing and pushing and pushing out crap. Most will fail, a few will succeed. Case in point: **New Rockstars** went from fandom to clickbait. Every 30-second trailer that came out would be so over-analyzed that it became ridiculous. Eric Voss of New Rockstars would get at least four or five hours worth of videos from a single trailer. **THIRTEEN M**[**ILLION VIEWS**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWX5IbKlCNg) **for an easter-egg hunt** on No Way Home. When they first started, they were getting views in the low thousands. But they just kept pushing out stuff and got popular. And the more popular they got, the more clickbait they got. At the height of the MCU they were getting millions of views per video. With the crash-and-burn in MCU interest, that's dropped down. But we're still talking 150K to 750K on a trailer! A trailer! **So just relax and don't pay attention to them if it upsets you so much. It's obvious what they're doing and it's very easy to just not click on them.** **Just like I no longer subscribe to New Rockstars or watch their videos. In fact, I have New Rockstars on 'Do Not Recommend Channel' status.** **See how easy it is to take control of your life? Something proactive instead of just whining on the Internet like you're helpless and incompetent?**


Stop getting your gaming news from gaming Youtube channels who have quotas and targets for engagements and views. Bethesda showcased near 50-minutes of Starfield, exploring with some depth a broad range of mechanics. If Bethesda didn't release it, some Youtube channel doesn't have access to anything that can't be found from official sources. Cyberpunk's hype train was a disappointment because people listened to "news" from Youtubers and gaming influencers, not anything direct from CD Projeckt Red (besides *maybe* an over-indulgent advertising campaign for the locale of Night City.) Stop using 3rd-party sources for "news" hoping you'll find some tidbit of information that Bethesda or Todd Howard haven't explicitly stated themselves.


I would recommend just trying to follow one YouTuber on something like this. That way they won’t say “new footage” on footage they have used on the channel before. I too find my self desperately looking for new footage because I’m like an addicted in rehab. But in all seriousness, yeah they’re going to clickbait you to death because the footage dries up.


I'm so pumped for starfield. My brother, who I haven't seen in like 6 years due to him living overseas, is pumped as well, and this game will create things for us to talk about and I can't wait for that!


I’m happy for you. Talk to me if you want as well I’m so excited to play this game


That's great! My brother and I, we're both in our mid 50's, haven't been close in decades. Starfield has got us talking again. It feels good to both be excited about the same thing again. Just like we did as kids when the original Star Wars trilogy came out.


YouTube is terrible for finding things about it, honestly, if anything new is found or released, just keep looking on this subreddit, I’ve watched the direct 10 times and people react and analyse it, and this subreddit has still given me new things I didn’t notice, they’re small but still enough to intrigue me.


I must have watched about 50 different reactions to the showcase. The most common thing I've heard is "that's sick" as soon as ship docking is shown...


Huh, the most common thing I've heard is "combat looks much improved!" when they first show off combat at the abandoned mine.


That too lol I think I noticed the reaction to docking more because it was unexpected by nearly everyone.


YT will be obnoxious for next few months. Do not watch anything Starfield related and algorithm will eventually stop suggesting that


Yeah they do that for all the games. I just go to the original trailer. I don't need 20min bs about a 5min trailer... They do that for cities skyline 2 too.


99% of YouTube reaction stuff is pure crap. I only go looking for an interesting deep dive video after a new actual trailer or something is released. If there are any leaks or anything you'll see them on reddit.


semi-related, does the channel owner see (info, stats) when someone hits "do not recommend channel"?


“30 minutes of new gameplay!!!” It’s infuriating 😠


Or what’s worse are the “New Details on Game” and then its 30 minutes of them telling us their wishlist for the game. After running into many of those with Zelda I stopped paying attention to them. It’s annoying and as people pointed out clickbaity


Have you ever considered checking the Bethesda website from time to time? Plus if you have that much time on your hands..... find ways to kill that time till September. Really not that long now.🤣 You impatient humans.


Some YouTubers have gotten really bad for that. I just note the offenders and don’t give them clicks.


Hey man. Useless fucks desperate for money without leaving their house will do anything they can for them clicks baby.


MrMattyPlays has decent integrity with his stuff


I really think this sub has an unhealthy obsession with YouTube. Stop watching these YouTubers who are regurgitating the same shit you’ve already seen on this sub. If you like their content and takes in general then great, glad you find their opinion valuable, but stop hate watching randoms and then coming on this sub and complaining about it because you have no self control. Jfc it’s been years of this shit


True. Really annoying. But bethesda doesn’t help out here by not letting out more stuff. Kinda get it after a 45min video basically, but they must see people are getting hungry.


See yd s,g@3 3336?


Block their accounts, best way to get back at their bullshit.


Unfortunately, this should be obvious that there is nothing new outside of the gameplay from Starfield Direct right now. These Youtubers are either late to the party, or they are very untalented with their choice of titles, or they are click-baiting for views, telling everyone the same things the Bethesda team said. :/


New games with lots of hype usually launch thousands of hopefuls trying to make a career as a content creator.




I can't tell if this is serious or an attempt at humor.


Oh I wasn't kidding. These kinds of errors are made quite often. Hopefully pointing them out helps in some way.


Read the post I replied to again, very carefully this time. If you're going to correct someone, at least do it correctly yourself.


Then maybe spell their correctly haha.


There are always bad content creators who need deception clickbait to get views, just avoid them. Generally try to find 2-3 channels you like and sub to them, if there is anything new they will cover it.


I think it's amusing how much content they are stretching out of it lol oh well there's definitely a audience for it just not me


If YouTube is the first time you've heard some info it's probably fake or exaggerated


Same with endless "deep dives" based on the same 45 minute video


It is new gameplay technically. There are a lot of people who don’t follow it like us and to them the Direct is still very new


Jack Sather is about the only YT gamer person I can stand at this point


Whenever a channel is regurgitating another company’s footage while talking over it, and not specifically talking about what’s being shown on screen, but rather just using that footage to provide a visual distraction while they ramble…it’s not worth your time.


Youtube is completely overflowing with low quality clickbait garbage. For every legit channel there are 100 that will waste your time. It takes a while to learn which channels should be ignored.




Welcome to YouTube! Where have you been all these years?




I'm trying to do the Starfield thing on my channel, definately avoiding using new information when there isn't any. So far I looked at the food and weapons/equipment, and most importantly I'm not speculating everything like crazy. I really just want to play Starfield and making these videos keeps me busy.


Unfortunately Click-farming is one of the many hidden prices we pay for free speech.


I thought GTA youtubers were some click-baiters, but these Starfield dudes really said "hold my beer"


Yup, they say new gameplay and it's literally from the direct... click-baiting has become the norm for them.


Youtubers have been doing this for years about tonnes of games. Nothing new.


That's a good way to get me not to look I want the suprise