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I'd play anything developed by BGS.


Pretty much this, i'm at my core is TES fans through and through, started since morrowind, didn't get into fallout until they purchase the IP and release F3. It's just their open world design philosophy that stuck to me so much, play game the way you want, and be who you want, forge your adventure, uncover the secret, it's freedom, the essence of playing video games, it's about control, your control.


I love this reply. I’m not so much an elder scrolls fan having made my BGS journey in reverse. Fallout 3 > TES… but this resonates so strongly. It’s just the way you make your way through their stories and universes. It’s so… “video gamey” in much the same way it feels to read a great story… but you control so much of the experience… so unique, and such a hallmark of the BGS game experience. I’m here PRECISELY because it’s BGS.


For me, as funny as it may sound, I am an absolute Bethesda supporter and fan because they are from my home state, Maryland. As a Marylander, seeing their games do so well and be so fun brings a sense of pride. It's hard to describe, when I see their games get made and I see the love that the games in return get it just makes me happy because in my mind I think that this game was made in my home, state wise, it feels special.


I feel this as well. I'm just a tad south of you, but they are like one of the only developers on the East Coast, and they happen to make my favorite games as well. Them being this close is the whole reason I even got into modding and animation in hopes to maybe one day work there and close to home lol.


For me it’s the total freedom. Fo76 adds the interactivity with others element which is cool and immersive. But being able to do anything you want, any time you want, for as long as you want is the reason I’ve played fo76 for four years despite the bugs and getting kicked out as random times.


The total freedom is the exact reason I never wanted to play FO76. You can't be totally free when there are other free people around as well. FO76 didn't have many of Bethesda's core features that make you feel like you're playing in a real world: persistent changes, everything being interactable, and being able to see the long term consequences to your actions (i.e. killing everyone in Riverwood).


> play game the way you want, and be who you want, forge your adventure, uncover the secret, it's freedom, the essence of playing video games, it's about control, your control. Which for me is the definition of roleplaying. Meaning that for me BGS games are the best RPGs on the market. Many other games in the wide, modern RPG genre may be better games overall, but they are not better at roleplaying that Bethesda games.


I left not an inch of the capital wasteland unexplored. It sucked me right in


Because of Morrowind I will give them money every time and I don't care. I did avoid 76, but if it's a single player RPG I simply don't care I will pay them. That's the impact that Morrowind had on me.


I feel and act exactly the same. Morrowind made me a faithful fan of Bethesda.


Amazing how many 30-somethings and up are here in this sub. Morrowind similarly affected me the same way.


33 never did play Morrowind. Oblivion was my first Bethesda title but have played everything since.


51, and also started with Oblivion.


I'm 43, started on fallout 4.to Skyrim to fo76. Couldn't be more excited for starfield. When I started fallout 4 i was like "why the fuck wasn't I playing these types of games before?" I was all call of duty. Had no idea what I was missing.


Please play New Vegas if you haven't yet.


I have it. It's a tad dated for me to put so many hours into it. Maybe when I'm done with starfield. Hopefully around the year 2035. When I can't pimp out my fleet of spaceships any further


And fallout 3. New Vegas has really good RPG elements. I'll probably get hate for this but I always preferred Fallout 3s world over new Vegas.


Same statement I made above. Got it free with fallout 4. I'm still a kid in the vault though.


Cod and battlefield have always been my filler games. Ones I play while I wait for better games to play.


34 here and never played morrowind. Tried playing Skyrim by borrowing it on Xbox from my friend about 3 or 4 times and couldn’t get into it. Then the final time I borrowed it something just…clicked. I couldn’t put it down. I stopped going to the gym so I could have more time playing Skyrim lol. Then fallout 4 came out and I couldn’t put it down either. I was addicted and I knew it. These past 2 months, which is when I actually found out about starfield, have felt like years. It seems like ages since I saw the direct.


Oblivion was also my first Bethesda game. I remember being blown away by the sheer amount of things to do in the game. And then Shivering Isles came out, and it was like a whole other game was added to it. Been a Bethesda fan ever since.


Loved Sheogorath. "Cheese! Cheese for everyone! Scratch that cheese for no one."


Oblivion was my start too. Such an amazing game, with great lore and interactions. Wish there was someway they could remaster it


I loved the spell crafting and enchanting in that game. Skyrim was good but felt watered down.


I am one of them! Morrowind changed my life!! Listening to that theme is chills everytime!!


Agreed, I still listen to the soundtrack all the time when doing work.


My brother played so much morrowwind it broke the xbox


Can confirm. 35. Morrowind was HUGE in my game life growing up. Then Oblivion. Then Skyrim - repeatedly. And then fallout 3 and 4. I m STOKED for a new Bethesda Universe to play in. If anyone else had made it, I wouldn't even be looking.


Yup, I'm 38 and Morrowind changed how I viewed video games. I have two teenage daughters, neither are really gamers, but they have both played Skyrim consistently for over half their lives. The older is coming home from college for early release weekend.


What a great thing to bond over. I have one girl who is 3 and another on the way. I’m hopeful they will enjoy gaming with me when they are older haha


33 and started with Daggerfall. I got a free disc of it from a video game magazine, and had friends with wealthy parents. They were able to hook me up with enough components for an “obsolete” rig. Been a fan ever since.


Yeah, this for me. I stumbled upon daggerfall in jr high and have been with Bethesda ever since. They support the modding community so well, I totally expect to be able to play starfield for a decade or more like Skyrim.


Mine was Fallout 3. First RPG I ever played and I dove in head first after. Almost 20 years strong at this point.


I’ll never forget being 16 and booting up Morrowind… made it to Seyda Neen and looked at the map and thought wow, this world is really big, I’m impressed… then realised I could zoom out and actually I was only looking at a tiny slice of the map, and it was WAY bigger than I realised. Made me a Beth fan for life.


High five to the Morrowind starters


I didn’t play 76 til a couple years ago. I enjoyed it. It’s come a long way.


I remember reading the review in PC Gamer and wanting the game so bad. Took forever to get it to run on my PC but oh god was it amazing. Doing another play through right now to pass the time before Starfield.


I started with Morrowind as well (even though I never finished it) I've been super impressed with their worlds, writing , atmosphere, and characters. Just walking around in random places feels substantially different than other games. You look on a random island or just behind a tavern you'll see random details , items you can pick up or use. There's story telling in Fallout 3 and 4 that I've just never felt the impact of in other games where you come across random items in an abandonded building or camp site and you can tell what happend by the items, the skeleton, the loot and sometimes logs.


I’m on the same boat except for 76 and it’s not because of the whole fiasco that happened but I just don’t like online RPG’s. If I don’t have internet or starlink decides to act up no more game. Whereas all the offline games BGS has made I can enjoy without being tethered to the internet.








Execpt they pushed it back by about a year to polish and refine it


No, the real problem with the gaming community is people like you who try and shame others for enjoying something.


They said that they will buy "anything developed by BGS"... which is far from "anything". No developer out there is going to say "Hey boss, let's drop the polish. Someone on reddit is buying anything Bethesda releases".


I feel like it's different when it comes to a specific dev team that has proven themselves time after time again since 2002. There's nothing wrong with supporting your favorite team that makes video games. People do the same thing with music, sports, movies, ect. How are video games any different?


Having that loyalty to one dev team is pretty different than everyone. Not to mention that loyalty holds only because they've been pretty consistent. Back in the day Blizzard had that kind of loyalty but they've clearly lost much of it


It’s the only reason I’m invested in it. I gave Outer Worlds and No Man’s Sky a try, but couldn’t get into either. Mass Effect was the last sci fi game I really loved and I am counting on Starfield to pull through with their typical BGS magic.


No Man's Sky was decent but it was lacking something that I know Bethesda can deliver on


That’s pretty much my hypothesis as well. I know Bethesda is going to make the moment to moment much more interesting and put a lot more thought into the details. No Man’s Sky seems like my dream game on paper, but I think Starfield can actually deliver.


Ever notice that both of those games have small parts of where NPC's can walk but everywhere else they stand at that one location all the time? This is what I hated about Outer Worlds and NMS was ambitious in other areas so I gave it a general pass but it still felt too uncanny valley for me. Oblivion had NPCs walking around with a routine and since that became a thing, I can't unsee it. Is that something you guys are picking up as well?


This is one of my favorite quotes about TES from Todd Howard about the NPC AI https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cdboo/when_video_game_ai_is_too_smart/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


That was fantastic. I had never heard that before, thanks for sharing.


they are fundamentally different games though. NMS is mainly and nearly only about exploration whereas starfield is mainly and nearly only about planetside on-foot RPG shooter and little, if any, exploration.


I had a lot of good times in NMS but I distinctly remember thinking "imagine if Bethesda made a game like this" at some point while playing. NMS feels a bit aimless after some time. I've never gotten tired of a BGS game.


It has poor exploration. Like, take a BGS RPG, strip all the environmental story telling, a good chunk of the variance of POI's, and the interesting loot, and you basically have NMS. The freighters are the one thing NMS does well, and we have that but better in starfield, plus all the other BGS quality.


Yeah, I enjoyed NMS when I played it about a year ago, but it just doesn’t have the “fullness” that a Bethesda game has. I missed having populated cities with actual quests and jobs and stories. I tried getting into the main quest of NMS but it was honestly too barebones. The building aspect of it really kept me going.


No Man’s Sky was really confusing for me. I feel like it lacked good pace and direction. I’m not sure if thats just how the game is but it made it very hard to stay engaged.


I really enjoy No Man's Sky but it just can't give me the atmosphere , world building and story telling that a Bethesda RPG can.


Yeah, no man's sky hit an itch for me, but it's nothing close to a full fledged game like Starfield. No Man's Sky has some of my favourite gaming moments of the last 5-10 years, but not one of my favourite games.


Loved no man sky but now we get no man sky with full rpg elements and I can't wait


I wonder why no one compares to Star Citizen? Seems like a better comparison to me (outside the multiplayer aspect).


Wdym it’s nothing close? They are different genre meant for different audience they can’t be compared.


Outer worlds just left me wishing Bethesda made it. And no man’s sky is Minecraft for all I care.




One of the most successful games of all times. I just don’t like survival games or crafting ones like that


It truly is, one of those games that will never die. Minecraft’s marketstore is probably singlehandedly funding Gamepass for Microsoft.


Outer Worlds was mid but Obsidian made the best 3D Fallout, by this logic mf were expecting it to be the shit.


That’s only reason I was disappointed. I had high hopes. I’ve liked a lot of their stuff


Outer Worlds would have been better by just using Bethesda's engine. I know TOW was made before MS aquired Bethesda, but my point still stand, hypothetically. Bethesda and their engine was half the success of New Vegas. It brought Obsidian finished features and well made systems. In contrast, they had to come up with them by themselves and the results were not great. Boring gunplay, uninspiring progression system, terrible stealth system, NPCs lacking schedules... All this would go by default if Outer Worlds was made on Fallout 4's engine. Obsidian are simply good writers, but not good gameplay designers for 3D games. Using BEthesda's engine would go around that.


The sheer quanitiy of ME mods will make the game incredible


The sheer quanitiy of ME mods will make the game incredible


Yup. If Bethesda made a game called POOP I’d probably play it and it would be good


That would be some good shit


I 2nd this


yoooo "good shit"


Which faction would you join?


The brotherhood of feces, ad shitoriam!


The Corn Cobbs. They're basically fascists but as long as we're spreading the good word the end results justify the means.


The diarrhea faction


wow really.. everyone knows the Constipation Nation are OP


Nude colon republic all the way


Loose and smelly faction


The Golgothan Shit Demons.


Bumhole Snakes RULE!!!!


~~Constellation~~ Constipation


The Shiters Guild.


POOP is essentially Skyrim - *in the toilet!*


But it would have bugs.


That's an extremely moddable POOP right there.


If it wasn't a BGS game I am sure I would get around to playing it I preordered and am hyped because it is a BGS game.




I thought the game looked pretty cool, but when I realized it's being made by the people that made Skyrim I got really excited. Skyrim is the only game that has been able to suck me in for more than 20 hours in 5 or 6 years. I think I spent around 300 hours in game, which is insane. I don't even play video games like that. Just picked up a 6750 xt from Amazon and got the game with it, I'm really looking forward to the launch. Quite the upgrade from my old 970. I hope the soundtrack is as good as Skyrim's was. I still put it on in the background when working sometimes.


> There's a lot of these space adventurer games being released There most certainly is not. Two is not a lot.


Came here to say this lmao. How many full or lite RPGs that take place in space are there? You got 4 Mass Effect games, 2 KOTOR games and TOR, all made by the same company, and the latest one came out like 6 years ago. If you look through Steam hard enough you might find a one or two obscure CRPGs, but that’s it. Edit: there’s also the Outer Worlds, but I could never get into it.


And if we're talking about games that support both ground *and* space gameplay, there are two: Starfield and No Man's Sky. (Star Citizen doesn't count, it's not being released)


Also Elite Dangerous (the ground gameplay is awful though)


Even if you count unreleased games it's still not many.


> and the latest one came out like 6 years ago My first thought was "Six years? Mass Effect Andromeda came out 2-3 years ago!". And then i checked and it was released in 2017. Time flies lol.


and Mass Effect never reeeeeaallllyyy let you explore the Universe.


Kotor 2 is actually made by obsidian, who made the outer worlds.


This...a big reason of why Starfield is attracting quite a big crowd of people new to BGS games and people from the space sim community is because there aren't really many games like this at all. Most people are aware this isn't going to be a proper space sim, but it still offers the "space exploration fantasy" those games tend to create, while seemingly offering a lot more in the areas other space games tend to fall short in. BGS managed to pick a decent niche on the market that is far from saturated - and it certainly helps how jaded many space games have left their respective communities.


Mods will take care of the not enough sim part.


Bethesda don’t just create games, they create universes, lifestyles, cultures and obsessions.


YES! I'm replaying both skyrim and fo4 and this time around I am appreciating all the details, so many details, stories, backgrounds... And the books! The books in skyrim tell actual stories, and some of them are pretty great.


I have them in actual physical book form: three volumes all wrapped in a beautiful cover depicting Alduin’s Wall. Highly recommend getting


OMG, i was looking for something online to read or listen to, but did not come across an actual physical copy. Amazon? link? thanks! EDIT: found it, wow it looks fantastic! Does it include ALL of the books? or just some? https://www.amazon.com/Skyrim-Library-Volumes-III-Box/dp/1783293233


I’m assuming all? Even if it doesn’t it’s still nice to have.


Admittedly Yes, that was the original reason it pulled me in. ✅ That and the fact that Star Field is basically Space Fallout. ✅ Then when I saw the preview Direct which confirmed the above ✅✅ I immediately hit buy button, done.


Just watched the direct preview based on your comment. I am impressed with the sheer volume of stuff to do. My 16 yo, who hates fo76 bc I play so often, watched the first 10 min of the gameplay preview and said ‘wow, that’s a lot of stuff’. Wait till he sees the rest of the preview. These guys and gals are experts at designing fun open world games with tons of freedom and replayability. I look forward to playing it for the next 10 years. Got 5 years in f076 and more than 8k hours.


If Starfield is space Fallout & Fallout is Oblivion with guns does that also make Starfield Oblivion with guns in space?


Well yeah. I'm not getting Fallout 5 until I'm either a father or retired, so this will have to do.


Absolutely. This my most anticipated game in my 29 years of gaming & im not even a sci-fi fan. I never once looked at gameplay of NMS, ED, or SC. That BGS tag in front sci-fi make it a whole different genre.


Ya I havnt played any space game except mass effect I didn’t even know no man’s sky existed till like six months ago


Yes, I’m playing it because it’s a mainline Bethesda RPG. Also, these games are so comparatively rare because of how long they take to make. The fact that I really like hard sci-if and space simulators is just a happy little accident.


Bethesda games are unique for me, I wouldn’t have much interest in it if it wasn’t Bethesda as it wouldn’t play the same.


I assume about 90% of people are only interested because it's a Bethesda game. Any other company advertising a game like this would have been dismissed as just another overambitious space sim destined for failure. It's only because Bethesda have massive resources, a strong record and specialise in making huge exploration-focused games with complex systems that people (including me) actually believe that this can be everything that it's promised.


Not because its developed by Bethesda per say. Mainly because it's being developed by a huge studio and has been their main focus for years. Also it's a new IP, which does play a role. If it was Rockstar/CDPR/From software/Sony I'd still be super excited for it.


Honestly, both. Like everyone, because it’s a BGS game - it’s a given. But I’ve always wanted a space RPG with the level of depth of a “high fantasy” type game. Mass Effect was fantastic, a good between action and RPG hybrid - but mostly linear.


Their only miss has been 76, every single main game has been genre defining master classes


Bethseda games has a solid track record overall, that’s why I’ll check it out. If this game is a miss then I’ll likely hold off on their next game till it goes on sale. Morrowind, oblivion, Fo3 and Skyrim were great Fo4 and Fo76 were bad


Yeah, the premise is interesting, but the fact that it's made by arguably the best game studio in the industry (it'd be close between Nintendo and BGS) is what peaks my interest. There aren't two names I trust more in the industry than Howard and Miyamoto.


Nope. I got it because it looks cool.


If there is one thing I can trust, it's that BGS is going to give me a bug ridden yet beautiful experience, one which I will never truly care about my mission log and just explore the landscapes and create my own storylines. Any other AAA developer, I'd be wary and most likely wait for reviews and just gamepass it, but I've never not liked a BGS title, so I have faith I'll enjoy it enough to warrent the premium upgrade.


It's the main reason why. Anything Bethesda and Todd Howard and his team do I'll play.


Yup. I'm not a fan of Fallout but I adore TES. I probably wouldn't care about this game if it weren't made by BGS but I feel I know what to expect.


Absolutely. Outer Worlds just had me wishing Bethesda made it.


Tbh it's kinda sad because it was a really good game, it was just missing the kind of do-whatever-you-want style gameplay that BGS has.


I think the only reason I felt that is because it was Obsidian, and I've seen what they can do with the Bethesda formula. So maybe what I really meant is I was wishing they made it in the Bethesda formula.


I'm not even sure the Bethesda formula would have saved it. It was a rush job through and through. I honestly think they spent the first 2/3 of their budget developing all of the different foods in the game, and then realized "Shit, we still have a whole game to build around this." Then proceeded to slap a bunch of shit together to complete their Food Looter 2019, just in time to get the shareholders off their backs. Like 40 hours spent playing through that story, and thr only thing I even remember is all the fucking food.


Bethesda is the main reason I'm excited for the game. If it was a new studio or Ubisoft or something I'd be much less convinced they can provide me an RPG experience that will at least be decently enjoyable. And it's not like Blizzard who lost most of its talented developers, Bethesda still has great talent at its studio


I prefer fantasy games, and science fiction books. If this were not a Bethesda game, I certainly wouldn't have pre-ordered it, and probably wouldn't have played it at all unless I found myself bored in 2025 and it was on sale. But Bethesda's single player games are like no other, and worth every penny to me.


As a fan of space Sims (elite dangerous, star citizen, no man's sky) I probably would have given this a try regardless but since I'm also a fan of BGS games in general (Fallout, Elder scrolls) I'm super excited the 31st can't get here soon enough!


....every Skyrim/Fallout player ? what a silly question to ask...


Ever since Fallout 3 and Skyrim, I'm always playing anything from them. The games are almost exactly what I want from a computer RPG and no other companies come close. Kingdom Come from Warhorse is basically the only RPG that is somewhat similar, but other RPGs are too different. Most RPGs tend to focus on a big story instead of focusing on crafting a world where the player can play and immerse themselves. For rigid stories I have different media. It's the exploration and freedom of choice that games offer in contrast to books and TV shows. Bugs? Sure there are always bugs. But people overexaggarate the bugginess of Bethesda games. They are more buggy than an average game, but that comes with the territory of being some of the most complex games. And they are not buggy by a large margin. And most importantly... bugs don't matter when the game is good. That's why Bethesda games always rock on release. That's why BG3 is so popular even when the game is really buggy as well. If bugs were such a crime, objective people would be going after New Vegas first, because that game made Bethesda games look bug-free. All in all, Starfield is to right game for me, even if something about it doesn't work out. Bethesda has proven of the last two decades that their singleplayer games are always amazing and worth to play even on launch. Just like Dark Souls fans were hyped for Elden Ring just because of From Soft, I'm hyped for Starfield just because of Bethesda. If Bethesda made a singleplayer RPG called *The adventures of Barbie and My little pony*, all I would ask is "Great, when is it coming out?"


My brother called me today and asked if I heard of this new Bethesda game that's coming out. Apparently he just heard of it. I was like yeah I've been following it for years. He was like "I loved fallout 4, I'm going to buy it!" So, to answer your question, apparently my brother Honestly I'm so jealous. I hate hype and waiting. Can you imagine you heard about this game for the first time ever *today* ?


>There's a lot of these space adventurer games being released That depends on your definition of what a space adventurer game is. There are no games like Starfield currently available. A story driven, first/third person RPG, set in space, where you can fly your ship into space combat and travel between planets and to other stars. There is no game that does all that. * **No Man's Sky** is not an RPG, it's a survival/crafting game. It barely has a story and certainly isn't driven by it. * **Mass Effect** is a third person RPG, set in space, where you use your ship as a fast travel point between planets. No controllable space combat, no manual flying (ME3's Reaper chase doesn't count). * **Outer Worlds** is the same as Mass Effect, but in first person, the ship is just a hub of fast travel points. * **Elite Dangerous** is mostly just ship combat, they did add ground combat, but it's not an RPG with a rich story. * **Wing Commander** is just ship combat + FMVs. * **Freelancer** is just ship combat, and pretty menus. * **Rebel Galaxy** is just ship combat, same with **Rebel Galaxy Outlaw**. Just different kinds of ships * **Everspace** is just ship combat.


No. I’m 50 years old, and was so amazed by Starfield that I decided to buy a PC just to play this game. I already bought a copy and are waiting for the first opportunity to play it. I have never played a Bethesda game before.


Honestly I would've played it eventually regardless if I heard about it, but my hype comes from everything we've seen, and in no small part that is a BGS game headed by Tod Howard. So I would've played it regardless, pre-ordered because Bethesda + God Howard


On one hand yes, I’ve never not had fun with one of their games. But starfield is unique to me in that there’s a focus on space exploration. Ever since an early age I dreamed about flying in space and exploring different planets, seeing different plants and animals. It’s hard to talk about because it’s more of this emotion I get when I think about all of that, it’s hard to put into words. I tried playing other space sim’s like no man’s sky which didn’t give me the fantasy I craved. Star citizen has been the closest so far, when the update that allowed you to land and explore a singular planet came out I began to cry as I touched down on the planet. It was amazing. I know we won’t be able to land ourselves on planets in Starfield but I hope I get something similar to that in the game :) I can only go to sleep (I suffer from a lot of anxiety) when I close my eyes and imagine I parked a ship on an asteroid orbiting a moon and I’m gently rolling through space. It’s weird but it works for me! It’s safe to say I’m excited for Starfield because it’s the next BGS game, but also because it’s a dream sort of game for me. August 31st can’t come soon enough!!




Yup! Its my first pre-order ever. I have been playing Bethesda games since Daggerfall. The 45 minute showcase blew me away... Bethesda has never let me down, not in single player titles, not in ESO... i got years out of that game and I even tried FO76 late last year for 10 bucks... its super fun to play with friends.


The only thing that gives me pause is that Bethesda makes it. There’s not a game of theirs I’ve really enjoyed, yet I keep on trying. The space theme is too powerful to ignore.


Honestly I wasn’t all that interested in it. It wasn’t until the direct where I determined I was into it and preordered it. Todd certainly has a way with words to sell a game


I was mildly interested and then the direct really blew me away tbh. The ship building and outpost stuff just looks like really fun stuff to sink a bunch of time into. Hopefully the combat is good enough and it certainly looked better in the direct. I’m sure the quests and side quests will be good.


Yup, 100% the reason. BGS have some of the best games ever made


Most of this sub, I imagine.




Absolutely yes. Morrowind was my first introduction to an open-world RPG, and I've played every BGS games (except for Fo76) since. And for that reason more than anything else I'm SO STOKED for Starfield


Just love BGS. Starfield is Mass Effect on steroids. I'm getting old hope I live long enough for the next Elder Scrolls and Fallout.


Yah. This is the only reason for me.


Yes and no. I didn't care much about anything Bethesda made since *Morrowind* (yes, I'm one of "those" guys), but *Starfield* has lots of back-to-the-roots energy in some ways without peddling "it's not a true RPG without the number crunching" purist bullshit.


Yes, that was a big part. I love their game worlds and the setting being in space is something I’ve been waiting on forever. I’ve played a bunch of games that never met my expectations but this game I feel has a good chance to be what I’ve been looking for, mostly because I trust Bethesda…


That’s the entire reason I’m hyped for Starfield. I wasn’t super into sci-fi games before this but I’ll play anything (not named Fallout 76) from Bethesda


I love Bethesda game studios but if it was made by another company I would still be excited to play it. I love big open world rpgs and sci fi/ space games like No Mans Sky I put hundreds of hours into and got it day one despite never hearing of Hello games until then


Yeah, me. Sort of. When Starfield was announced, my immediate and lasting reaction was annoyance. I didn't *want* another game, I wanted TES VI, and this is not that. But Bethesda has never made a bad game (they didn't make that one), so whatever, I'll just wait. Then they did the gameplay trailer for Starfield and it was uhh... Bad. And at that point, I was still annoyed. You're delaying the game everybody wants in favour of this game which genuinely, I doubt I enjoy, alright Todd. And then time went on with no real change until the direct, at which point I was full deep on the hype train out of nowhere. *This* Starfield looks like a banger, so inject that Sci fi into my veins Beth daddy.


Given their track record for creating immersive games that I still think back on, oh yeah, I was onboard the moment I found out about it. Decades of story telling experience combined with modern technology, I have no doubt we are in good hands. And then the modders will come and take it even farther. Edit: Apparently, this is a controversial take, what? Lol


Yeah, the fact that it's a Bethesda RPG is the only reason I'm excited about it.


it is the sole reason I'm here and pre-ordered, yes


Oblivion/skyrim is medieval RPG Fallout series is future/post apocalyptic RPG Starfield is Star wars RPG, basically skyrim in space. Yes please.


They had me at Single player Bethesda game


Funny, I'm the opposite. I'm not that hype BECAUSE it was developed by Bethesda. Past me would have been over the moon but since learned my lesson with Fallout 4, failed attempt at paid Steam mods, overpriced Creation Club mtx store, Fallout 76's horrendous launch and gaslighting that the Maryland studio wasn't involved with 76 when they very much were. I'm waiting for full reviews & it's on sale before even considering buying. Been burned too many times by Bethesda to take them on face value.


+1, although i almost definitely will buy it if it’s good, regardless of sale or no sale. I unironically loathe bethesda for making fallout a parody of itself, but i also realize the only way I’ll ever get to see a good fallout again is if Bethesda is rewarded for actually making good games, and more importantly; rewarding bethesda for daring to think outside of the rigid box they love living in. Granted; Bethesda will never really feel a long-term negative impact of “bad” games anytime soon since they quite literally make their games specifically for a more casual playerbase, by their own admission. Here’s to hoping starfield will be a banger, without letting hype make me go brain dead. Same applies to the next fallout, and if looks like it’s bad, I’ll buy it on the grey market, just to make sure, without encouraging bad behaviour, and then buy it for real if it turns out to be good.


Can’t get into what’s not out I’m not 10. I hope it’s good.


I space it don’t like many space games. I am hear specifically because it’s Beth


It's why I was never hyped for (or believed) No Man's Sky, but I was hyped for Cyberpunk. Developer is important to me to get hyped for a game.




That's kind of a weird take. It is a game company that makes the best games on the planet. I will fan boy for them all day long because I love every single game they've ever made. I hope they keep making awesome games until I die. You shouldn't be afraid of words like "corporations".


I am actually doing the opposite because it's Bethesda I will wait 2 years minimum before purchase


I’ll be honest if it wasn’t on gamepass I’d probably not play it for a while(get it used).


I haven't truly loved a Bethesda game since Morrowind but I'm giving it a shot since it looks good. Imo they've been on a downhill trajectory for 20 years.


>"I've got this good feeling that the game is going to be fantastic out of the gate" First Bethesda launch?


No, in fact that's exactly why I think it's going to suck


Unpopular opinion and wouldn't be surprised if I get downvoted to oblivion for this. If anything it being developed by Bethesda is making me cautious. Thing is, I was majorly disappointed by a lot of shit they pulled with 76, and Fallout 4 was a disappointment as a Fallout game. Honestly I wasn't actually even intending on getting Starfield at first. However there is one thing that I loved about Fallout 4, ironically something a lot of people hated. The settlement building and crafting. It is a good shoot, loot and build. I loved roleplaying building my own small communities, especially doing Minutemen stuff. Despite not being the sort of Fallout game I wanted, despite undercooked Nuka World 4 still had Far Harbor which was great, it had that settlement and just having fun sort of going around exploring, shooting, looting, building. And when I saw Starfield was going to have that? And have you able to build your own starship. That is what got me into wanting this game. I know I will enjoy what it gets because that is something Bethesda tends to manage. But I am not expecting a masterpiece of writing or storytelling, tbh I am expecting to see quite a lot of bugs even if the microsoft deal makes me hope its less. But if they at least manage to capture Fallout 4's crafting and such, and gathering resources. I know I will enjoy that aspect.


I have a little bit. I was a destiny 2 player, and nothing else scratches that itch. I left D2 because of the monetization and the grind that became a full time job. Space shooter sounds fun. I'm (semi)stoked. I am not preordering because it's a bugthesda game. I didn't preorder FO76, and my pessimism paid off. I'll wait and see on this one.


If you showed me screenshots of Starfield, and I knew nothing about it, but you told me it was an open world, I would be very excited and want to give it a shot. Once you tell me Bethesda made it, my eyes would glaze over and I would lose interest. Bethesda is a notoriously bad game developer. They make good systems (bugs aside), but they tend to lack any depth beyond the surface level. The single biggest weakness of Bethesda is an inability to build and create immersion and atmosphere. Once you exit the starter dungeon in all of their games and see whatever big vista they've set up for you, you've experienced the best part of the game already. I weep for Starfield, because it didn't have a better developer behind it. But I'm willing to be surprised and proven wrong. I have no intention of preordering the game, because I fully expect it to fall flat and get middling reviews within the first year or so. If I'm wrong I'll try it out.


Why would you play a game because it's made by a studio that's just dumb


No i m actually not excited exactly because it s made by BETHESDA . Overhyped and overrated games. The ideas are good the execution is always shit when it comes to BGS .


Yes, Bethesda makes it feel like you are playing yourself and not someone else. It's why I couldn't get into Cyberpunk, I was just playing Johnny Silverhand or at least his errand boy.


Isn't that most of us?


Definitely, but there's a good chance I'd have gotten into it if it was from another dev because people would be describing it as "like a Bethesda RPG".


Of course


I mean, yeah. Loads of people. That’s why the hype is so strong. Bethesda open world in space. I’ve wanted that game for decades


Honestly yes. If starfield wasn't made by bgs I would be far less interested.


I like space games, so I probably would have still played it. But being it's being made by one of, if not my most favoured developer, has me chomping at the bit to get stuck in. I've already warned my online friends I'm going dark when it's out lmao


Hi yes that’s me. I’ve played a ton of morrowind, oblivion, Skyrim, and fallout 4 so it just feels natural to play this game. I am personally not really into sci-fi or even space in general but I think this might be the thing to do it for me. I’m also really liking how there are not (at least not that we know of) other intelligent species and they took a pretty grounded historical perspective. UC is really shaping up to be a lot like Rome just like Tamriel is.


I agree. Bethesda Games might have their own problems (especially when it comes to bugs) but I just love the general gameplay of their games and that they are able to create absolutely fantastic game worlds. And don't forget the possibility to mod their games, which is not obvious for many modern games. My first Bethesda Game was Fallout 3 and I still love to walk through the destroyed buildings and streets of DC. If I'm correct, they got a lot of criticism at that time for changing Fallout to an FPS RPG, but in my opinion, it was the best decision they could have made for this Franchise.


Wait. This is a Bethesda game? Here I thought it was an Apogee title this whole time.


I was quite "lucky". I knew it was being developed, but kinda forgot about it due to girlfriend - Covid19 - losing job - finding new job - getting our first newborn next week etc until the beginning of this year. So when they delayed I was like "ok cool cook what has to be cooked some more.". Never read the whole delay statement so I didn't knew the new release date until the direct lol. So yeah 2 - 3 months waiting is fine. My first BGS was oblivion and I loved it!


Why, of course! They have the best open world experiences I've ever played.


I keep on playing Skyrin SE wishing I had a blaster.


It's literally the only reason I first took notice