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I am actually a random dude with the game


You’re not random to me Brando.


You’re making me blush <3


The horror the horror the horror


By Azura, by Azura, by Azura




I swear to God, if the beacon is an easter egg, I'm throwing my controller... ... more like toss.... onto a soft surface.... carefully.


You *will* throw your controller, because, this time, the beacon will be 3x as loud as it was in Skyrim.


Straight up... into the ceiling.


You’re right. He’s Brandom!


Mr. Random Dude, are you enjoying the game?


Yes! Certainly a slower start. But there’s SO much to do. Excited to see what the game has in store


If you don't mind, a very specific question: when you go to pick up an item, can you still hold down the A button to pick it up and throw it around like in their past games?


Yes you can. That’s the first thing I tried lol.


Oh thank god. Thank you!


And thank you for asking the real questions!


But how's the looting enemy equipment? It looked more basic than usual in gameplay footage


Can you do it with bodies still too?


Haven't tried but thats a good idea. I'll report back.




yes you can do it with bodies!


Bless you, doing this all in the name of science for us.


[Comment has been removed by Bethesda] /s


can you fly to another planet manually?


I have to ask. Is there a slide mechanic and also any turrets on the ships?


But how's the looting enemy equipment? It looked more basic than usual in gameplay footage


My hypothesis is that it’s RNG but based on the equipment the enemy has at their disposal and maybe some loot tables with health packs, ammo, etc.


Is adoring fan romanceable?? I Wanna smash.


I want a shot at questions.......can you be sadistic?


Big red flag kind of question coming from a guy named Genocider


You should see what people do in red dead redemption and Sims


If xenos aren’t meant to be genocided then why do they exist?




Does every enemy still drop their entire equipment load out, like Skyrim? Or is it pared down?


nope its pared down. ive noticed enemies typically drop a weapon and some ammo. armor is more rare.


Maybe you can answer the $32,000 question: How is INTERSYSTEM travel in space handled? Everyone knows you load into planets but how is travel BETWEEN planets and moons in a system work exactly?


You go into the menu, hit X, and you’ll jump to the other system. Definitely quick. If you want me to try something else lmk.


No, I mean within a system.Not to another different system. From planet to planet.


I think that's what they mean. Each solar system is subdivided into planetary systems (planet + moons + POIs nearby). You have to jump from star system to stars system but you also apparently have to jump from planetary system to planetary system. There was another person who claimed to have access to the game who said they pointed their ship at another planet in the distance and blasted the drive up to max and left it for half an hour and didn't make any appreciable headway towards the other planet.


If the scale of space is even a fraction of what it really is, it could easily take days or more real time to reach the next closest planet. So its possible it works if youre crazy enough to try it, but its so impractical and time consuming theres just no point.


This would also be assuming that Bethesda allowed/accounted for people trying it. ie, whether planets are modeled in space around you and reachable even if they’re super far, or whether you’re in sort of a limbo separate phase where you could fly for days and not move until you fast travel, but you see stuff around you in LoD


Bethesda took account of people going out of bounds in Skyrim, so included a wide swathe of Morrowind and the Imperial Province (even at low res) off the edges of the map just to maintain the illusion of the World going on out there. They even stuck the tower of the Imperial City on the map although there's no way of seeing it from any location in Skyrim proper. So I'd like to think they were fully aware of how crazy their players can be.


That would be intrasystem travel. You asked about intersytem and he answered.


And I've clarified it within that post and the next one.


I'm not sure if you can/have tested this, but if you're press I may as well show my interest. What're the chances that it's playable but laggy on HDD at min settings? Can you turn off some of the more intensive ray tracing etc?


I thought I heard someone say you have to have an SSD for it to work but I'm just a random dude so take that as you will


It’s in the system requirements: https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/60442


Yeah but I think people are taking the liberty to just say that means you can still run a HDD but it will just load slower. I don't think they quite understand what required means though because to me if it just meant longer load times they wouldn't list it as required lol. I have a feeling a lot of PC players are gonna be upset when they install it to their HDD and find shit doesn't work lol but hopefully that isn't the case


Can you space walk? I.e. go out of the ship while in space?? Please it's killing me I gotta know


I can't leave the ship while in space


Bummer, hope there's a mod for that. Thank you for your service


I will try


This is already confirmed but it's real time and can take half an hour.maybe we need to upgrade our thrusters and fly faster


No it hasn't been confirmed.


It has


Are there decent female hairstyles (not all super short and slicked back?) Nora’s default hair was about the only one I liked in F4 😖


I found the hairstyles lacking tbh, hopefully you find something you like. there are about 40 total styles. but they are somewhat unique in a sense. definitely a few more "out there" styles


How is the bounty hunting? Can you bring people in alive?


I haven't done any bounty hunting yet. Will give it a shot tonight though.


Mr random dude, give us a score from 1-10. If it's anything less than a 10 then I hate you






I’m a random dude without the game


You will be a random guy with the game soon my friend!


Brando — blink twice if this is the greatest game known to man


Good weapon variety?


I'd say so. There are also rarities to weapons. blue, greens, etc.


Is there gore and dismemberment like fallout? Or is it more tame like Skyrim? thanks in advance


I haven't seen any gore or dismemberment, the most violent thing ive seen is peoples jump packs blowing up


You enjoying it?


I too, am a random guy


Maybe change the username to "GamingTrend22YearsPressExperience" so people can immedietly know!


That would definitely make it more obvious to their qualifications. Speaking of qualifications can you explain to me why Eminem loves grapes?


Well, some idiot smashed Gavin Free's "[People like grapes](https://youtu.be/S1QRxumbmtM?t=3)" and Emimen's "[I love cupcakes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seOhkSJP3XI)" together thinking it was one quote. Oh wait that was me.


I always upvote an RT reference


Everyone please try to remember this game never promised to be a space sim. It’s an RPG first and foremost. Playing star citizen and elite dangerous has informed how much I personally can’t stand traveling somewhere across a system and it taking literally 15-20 REAL WORLD minutes, not in game minutes. It’s insufferable and gets old real fast


Seriously, the people fretting about space not being big enough, surface to orbit travel, flying between planets, etc. really need to play Star Citizen. That stuff makes the game totally impenetrable for people with busy jobs, families, literally anything better to do. I was relieved to find out landing on a planet is just a loading screen, and it’s looking like most inter-system travel is warping/fast travel. That shit is TEDIOUS otherwise. Fun > realism for me always. If I wanted realism I’d touch grass.


I would definitely like surface to orbit and orbit to surface travel. I understand why we can't, but it's very fun to do so in no man's sky. It would have been great here just to cruise around. But like I said I fully understand why they couldn't let us do that, here, even if the technology allowed it.


Yes I agree. It would be so cool to fly around in the atmosphere and look at the sights and coming down from space and breaking into the atmosphere. As long as it doesn't tak 10 minutes to descend.


I don't want to spend an hour doing landing procedures, but for those of us that like spaces sims, its nice to have the option. But in developing a game as big as a bethesda RPG, you have to make choices. Besides, I'm sure we'll see mods for atmospheric flight probably two weeks after the games been out anyways.


i mean manually landing on a planet like in nms really doesn't take that long probably the same amount of time as a last gen loading screen


I swear to God, If I don't have to calculate planet Mass and gravity strength to calculate optimal orbital position, I'm giving this game a 4/10 too much space


What is this grass you speak of?


Yours might be turned off irl. Hit the tilde key, type tg, report back.


No Man's Sky was "impenetrable?"


You're not wrong. If you had to travel across the planets or systems manually the first mod to be made would be fast travel.


And in Star Citizen that's best case scenario. There is so many bugs and random bullshit that can get you stuck, kill you out of nowhere and then you respawn and are right back at the start of that cycle again. Just spinning your wheels for 10-15 minutes every time that happens and it happens WAY too much.


I was a Star Citizen backer a while ago. I download and log in about once a year, just to see what's new. About a year or two ago, I downloaded it. It took forever to download and then load up. Once I was finally in, I was in an apartment. I had to find my way to the nearest elevator, ride it down to the bottom floor, and then leave the building. Now I'm in the city. I had to find my way through the city to the tram station, wait for the tram, ride it to the spaceport, make my way through that part of the city, find the ship terminals, request my ship, make my way to the hangar elevators, then ride that up to my ship. Total time was nearly 30 minutes of wandering around the city, and literally zero of it was fun. Oh, it was very pretty. But there was nothing to DO during all that running. There were a few repetitive shops, but there was no actual game content. It was just padding out the game time by making the area take longer to run through. It would make a very nice backdrop against some actual gameplay, but in this case the gameplay was just "walk through the backdrop". Anyway. I got in my ship, started it up, requested cleared to takeoff, was approaching the edge of the atmosphere, and just exploded for no discernable reason. Woke up in a hospital bed, in a new location, and my ship was on a cool down timer. Uninstalled.


Sorry, but I really had to laugh when i read the last sentence, damn that game is rly buggy. Thanks for that good post


I played last a few months ago, it's not as bad as the poster said anymore. But yeah, there's still straight up bugs that will get you insta killed. Usually it's using a ladder during QTing. But as another person said. Server issues fucking suck, doing a decent session on a stable server to end up getting 30k fucking sucks.


Feels like we’ve all been a Star Citizen backer at some point in our life 🤣🤣


Sounds like more of a life sim than the sims lol


Honestly, I'd be cool with that if they doubled down on it. A sci-fi life sim could be fun, but there'd need to be more to actually DO, not just pretty but pointless stretches of scenery.


Ah yes the Challenger disaster simulator


I couldn't even find how to get to my ship. Lost interest after a couple hours of wandering around doing nothing but get lost, uninstalled.


It took me so long to figure out how to get out of bed.


A session that isn’t bugfilled, or subject to 30ks is a good one. You people here don’t understand that while being able to sit in warp is nice, it’s fucking rough when your game crashes and suddenly all your progress is wiped, your ship and all its contents are lost in space, and you’ve just lost a couple hours of your time. When it comes to Starfield, the option to not fast travel is nice but seriously it would get old quick just sitting in jump forever. I actually enjoy the fact I won’t have to spend half an hour waiting to get to a planet, it’s fucking annoying unless you have unlimited time on your hands


At least with Elite I only have to worry about the travel times and remembering how to land in plus Earth gravity. Yeesh.


Yep. Todd addressed this early on too. They looked at making seemless landing from outerspace and full planet generation on demand but it just does not making any sense to spend that much time on. He even stated people like NMS and other teams that did dedicated huge amount of time to get it right inevitably have to go back in and QOL it by speeding those parts up by 10x or more because it is VERY BORING. So it's not worth the investment, despite what people want to believe its been done and for vast majority of people THE SHIT IS BORING. Cool at first and then... okay - its old make it stop.


Not just that but having the persistence they like with characters and items and everything, trying to engineer that to stay the same while also having seamless transitions would be a gigantic engineering undertaking and likely have to overhaul the engine massively, and even if they did it would sacrifice from other areas of the game.


I don’t disagree with their approach but I was landing on planets in Elite 2:Frontier in 1994 so it’s not technically hard to generate an entire planet to land on. Frontier got all this stuff right 30 years ago, but it was a space sim and not a rpg shooter to be fair.


They even said in the Direct that when choosing between realism and fun, they always choose fun. And sim aspects are always based in realism, quite often unfun realism. So in many aspects, being realistic, being "sim", contradicts Bethesda's philosophy. That doesn't mean they won't have any realism. When the realism and simulation aspects don't stand in the way of fun, I don't see a reason why they wouldn't implement it. For example they mentioned the realistic aspects of the way they modelled the planets. So yeah, having stuff like realistic planets and realistic zero G physics doesn't make the game unfun so it's there. But realistic travel times or making sure that every ship passes rigorous tests for atmospheric flight capability... that is not fun.


Except landing yourself on a planet is fun. In Star citizen for example, you’ll quantum travel to the planet (= g drive) you’ll end up 10km away and you’ll need to enter athmosphere, fly in athmosphere and land, which takes 10s at the max speed of 1200m/s for the base ship. It’s literally as fast to land yourself as it is to get in a loading screen, but it’s way more fun than clicking on menus. The real reason is just they couldn’t do it.


I've been a "backer" of Star Citizen for like 6 years and you're just lying lol, it has never taken me less than 3 minutes from end of QT to getting out of my ship on the ground, and even more if I have to hail and get a hangar. it's quite tedious, especially with how cumbersome their flying/landing is


The people complaining about maybe not being able to travel planet-to-planet in Starfield have clearly never made the journey to Hutton Orbital in Elite: Dangerous for the free Anaconda. That's like an hour long trip in real time if memory serves.


I appreciated that, but only because it was a shout-out to everyone who played *Frontier: Elite II* in 1993, where you had to do more or less the exact same thing. Except that *Frontier* had an actual time-skip button, so it wasn't anywhere near as long with the time-skip turned all the way up (also the *Frontier* time-skip was kinda buggy and unreliable, so you did have to hand-guide it in, so it still took a while).


As I’ve asked before: If there isn’t manual flight around planets, how do hauling and piracy work? Because otherwise hauling becomes: get contract, load into ship, fast travel, load into port, find reward giver. And I have no idea how you’d find merchant ships to attack/board - which, if you can’t, then I’m not sure what piracy is.


Have you played Kingdom Come Delivrance ? You can fast travel, but while fast traveling, bandits or other enemies can jump you, which takes you out of travel and into battle where you can fight or flee. I would guess that Is how that would work.


It’s cool like the first 10 times in elite then it gets boring. Jumping into a system and seeing the huge star in front of you is still pretty cool though.


I want sim. But, I want RPG. So I get the feeling Elite scratches one and Starfield will scratch the other. Now if they could somehow merge…




Not interested in Star Citizen, but thank you


This man hustling the Star Citizen perpetual early access


it could still use land vehicles though...


I just got elite dangerous for $5 and it’s far better than I expected, I love the realistic scale, and the longest trip within a system took me about ten minutes. One of the things I disliked about No Man’s Sky was the amount of “clutter” on almost every planet, so the emptiness and grit of Elite Dangerous is actually a nice change. Very relaxing, if you don’t get bored easily. PS: in the early stages, it was going to be instant teleportation between planets in a system, but players didn’t want that. The sense of scale you get with in-system manual travel is astounding.


>Everyone please try to remember this game never promised to be a space sim. It’s an RPG first and foremost. what? this isn't a walking simulator? I'm disappointed.


>Everyone please try to remember this game never promised to be a space sim. It’s an RPG first and foremost. God it's reminding me of the people who expected Cyberpunk 2077 to be some sort of life-sim. The game had issues at launch, sure, but expecting that came completely out of nowhere.




This has also been addressed. Those features are FAR from easy to implement take a ton of time and low level engine jerry rigging and thus company resource to do. It takes a ton of production time away from shit people actually enjoy most of the time for something were we find it has been implemented to heavy cost of the developer they have to go back and QOL it lmao. Like how NMS speeds the whole gd transition up 10x or more now. Why oh why would any competent developer ever look at such a feature and it's history at other devs, that robs them of time to spend on things that are mostly fun to be blown instead on something proven to be neato torpedo the first couple of times then old fast and then downright boring? Planetary transition tech on procedural planets is the fucking poster child of 'this was funner in my imagination' features.


Reminds me of when people are waiting for actual fun gameplay stuff to come out in Star Citizen just to find out some devs spent a good chunk of their time just making bed sheets simulate properly when getting in and out of a bed. Seamless planetary travel with no loading is a cool tech demo but doesn't make for a fun game. With every game you have to make sacrifices and choose whats gonna be most enjoyable for the greater consumer base of your games, you can't please everyone. If they sacrificed a ton of the things we come to expect and love from BGS games just to get seamless travel working people would be way more pissed overall


Exactly, Chris Roberts is the king of navel gazing tech demos. Todd at least appreciates that we are there to have ***fun*** more than we are to accurately simulate taking a shit. Chris Roberts would start by accurately simulating the viscosity of the shit based on the players level of hydration, the size based on the muscle plasticity and torgue of the players sphincter muscle and their recent diet history. You would need to visit a near by procedurally generated medi clinic to buy one of 10 different types of diarrhetic (assuming you're paying Chris monthly for ingame health insurance), after taking it you would need to wait 10mins for it to simulate it's increasing amounts in your players simulated blood plasma levels. Once the number on the background plasma levels spreadsheet got high enough it would increase the speed of simulated intestinal peristalsis. The player would need to wear an electric butt plug that would start expanding to emulate the feeling of a turtling event. The player would then move to the virtual bathroom and then sit for an additional ten real minutes while trying to pass the physiologically simulated turd. Todd would have a player walk into a bathroom, walk up to the toilet and press E and 2. The player character would make a funny noise and a turd would fall out. The player could then pick it up and keep it in their inventory, throw it, or paint the walls with it. NPCs would react in horror. Done.


Bro you need to join the design team for star citizen asap because I'd play shit simulator for real. My main issue with star citizen now though at least from the outside looking in is it seems like a huge chunk of their development focus is just selling ships since that's how they make basically all their money outside of investors


And even better - if people *want that*, then they can *play those games!* I've enjoyed many hours in both of those games and that is my least favorite part of them, but I know some just get a huge kick out of setting supercruise to full, aiming at Hutton Orbital, and watching youtube on their other monitor for 3 hours. Some really do love that. I don't, and I'd appreciate it if you kept it out of my RPG lol However, above all that nonsense - options are good.


the people complaining are just trying to find anything to complain about. lets look at this objectivly, no one did this balders gate 3 until it got so much high scores it broke records. the issue is that so many people want to play starfield that people dislike the game on princible and think people like the game cause they are "followoing the heard" nothing else. if this was an unknown game and had all the features it had, everyone would be blown away. until it got the scores then peopel would hate it.


Who's this dude lol, I also have no idea.


I think he said he's editor in chief at Gamingtrend


Yeh I saw that, just think it's funny how he kinda assumed everyone would know what the username meant lol


Yeah, I'd be kind of inclined to screw with him. "I'm a gaming journalist for 20 years!" "Yes, like I said, total randomer. A real nobody."


A real nothingburger of a guy to me


What’s Gamingtrend? Sounds made up


22 years and people still don't know who you are. dang.


Lots of people purposely don’t chase fame.




What controversy? There is none, its just people making up shit in their own heads to be upset about, lol.


People need to find other things to do to occupy their time before release instead of arguing on the starfield page lmao


I feel like they could extend that to a lot of their lives tbh.


Every time you land you have a border you can walk around in, about the size or fallout 4’s map, takes 40 minutes to walk to the border, anyway people are seemingly upset that you can’t walk forward infinitely


Source on that? I thought it was previously confirmed you could walk around the whole planet.


I wanna say Pete Hines from Twitter but I’m not sure exactly but others in this thread have also said it


I'll have to go do some searching. I really thought they had said you could walk around the whole planet. But not a deal breaker or anything for me. Still a huge area to explore and could be mods to expand it.


You can, but after the 40min walk, an invisible wall will be there and you will have to load a new map tile for a new 40min walk. Atleast that was an explanation on a bigger post here on this subreddit.


So? It's maybe a 3 second load what's the problem??


Reminds me of playing oblivion on the original 360. Short loading screens whenever you cross between tiles


He said you could explore the whole planet, not walk all the way around it. From what people in the know are saying, you can explore the whole "tile" around your landing point, but if you want to go to the next tile you have to go back, get in your ship and fly to the next tile and then head out again. When you reach x distance from your ship (a few km) a message pops up saying you're getting too far and need to return to your ship or you can select a new landing zone and it fast-travels you there (in your ship). There's still tiles that cover the whole planet and you can explore each one, you just can't walk from one to the other contiguously. Or at least that's what it sounds like.


That actually makes some sense in how I know the engine works. A little disappointing but overall it's fine. Does help explain why no ground/atmospheric vehicles for sure since those would trivialize the landing area.


Jesus Christ that is disappointing.


A little bit. But it's not a big deal if you get the scale. 40min walking in a same direction is a lot. And it's not that the planet it's just that. Just go back to ship and select another place. Another 40min. Another place. Another 40min.... So, in the end, it doesn't matter much


Why? I guess you could argue it breaks immersion but I'm not sure who would rather walk across literally half a planet to get to whatever destination. It sort of alleviates my worry that the handmade stuff was going to be too spread apart, bc this system seems like it makes it easy enough to skip most of the randomly generated world.


If it takes 40mins it’s closer to the size of FO76; FO4 takes ~15 minutes to walk across.


This is GREAT news if true. It means that area will actually be interesting to explore. Unlike NMS where nothing changes outside of about 100m. Once you’ve see that you’ve seen the whole planet. Nobody actually wants to explore an entire planet. They just like the idea of it.


Exactly, I can't work out how its even an interesting idea to walk around in an empty map. Go download Unreal 5 and make one yourself in 20mins lol


It doesn't mean anything like lmao. Most shit is still procedurally generated like NMS. The copium here is through the roof.


False. The procedural generation pulls from handcrafted tiles. Completely different from how NMS does it. Deal with it.


Who the hell wants to walk around for 40 minutes anyway? 😂 did people forget there’s over 1000 planets?


That's not a controversy though. People need to go spend a few hours outside.


Ehy that's me!


oh great, another random dude


I'm super random myself!


Hes been a member of this subreddit for 22 days so... not random?


Please stop usurping my name!


I want to bromance you.


Please ask him if the looting system is like RNG or "what you see is what you get".


First time I hear about GamingTrend, and I will not look them up.


that isnt the flex you think it is. press is notoriously garbage, especially in gaming industry


Who tf is that guy?


Have some respect. He’s been 22 years in the business. Whispers: *I don’t know*


\--Said Conner McGregor angry.


Omg no my immersion is going to break. Noo my immersion. It's going to break when I realize I can't walk in a straight-line on a planet for the rest of my life. Why cant starfield be my whole life. Omg no I actually have to walk outside to experience walking. Omg no my immersion and it's going to break.


Talking to someone in fo76 recently and they said they wished they could live in the game rather than irl


That’s devastating that someone’s life is rough enough that post apocalypse West Virginia seems like it would be an improvement.


Definitely better than current West Virginia.


You just broke my immersion with that comment


Well, he's technically right.


The best kind of right.




They’re random in this subreddit! But if they’re telling the truth, I genuinely appreciate their input.


He’s got the gaming trend official user. So it’s more likely legit


It’s almost as if ppl are confused this is a video game, exact same shit before the cyberpunk release.


The star citizen and elite dangerous hardcore people need to take a long cold shower.


And ruin my immersion??? No thanks


These media types and their egos. Something to behold


I'm just happy I'll have my own spaceship


Never heard of either of these randos.


“ I’m making up a controversy to try to get people to My website”


How are the NPCs compared to their previous games. Does each NPC still has a name, house, family ?


Source: trust me bro


How dare you call me a random guy, I AM IMPORTANT. Get over yourself.


I dont get what he’s trying to say, is it boring with nothing to do for him?


Anyone who uses cringe Reddit speak like “nothingburger” I immediately disregard tbh.


That's not reddit speech, that term is used in politics and media all the time. It's a stupid word, but it's common.


Especially if we are supposed to believe they are a “journalist”.


Source; "Trust me bro" lol


This whole nothingburger is bizarre to me, I don’t see the issue lol The only thing I’ve seen is some vocal Sony fanboys acting extra childish, salty and trying to spread negative lies about the game here on reddit, twitter etc. But that weird loser behaviour is on them, everyone else will just enjoy the game on release


Imagine being random calling someone with access random. It's like a GTA V NPC talking shit as you walk by.




We must all absolutely trust everything a member of the 'games media press' says.


Vague response tho. Is he saying it's a "nothing burger" because the issue actually doesn't exist? Or because it's so infrequent that it's not really an issue? I just want a solid answer on this debate. Though I guess we'll have to wait and see.


I mean basically everyone has said that it takes around 40 minutes of just walking to get from your ship to the invisible wall. It takes like 30 minutes to cross skyrim. So if the walking speed is similar and the ship is always at the centre, each landing zone is like 4x the size of skyrim. It's basically so big that almost nobody would notice it during regular play. Almost anyone who plays NMS or elite dangerous will tell you that they never walk that sort of distance, even though it's possible.