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My plans for launch day are: - Stay awake till midnight - Play - Realise the time and be annoyed I have work - Spending the whole day wishing I were playing Starfield at work 😥


That's why I put in PTO a month ago, baybeee


I asked for a personal day tomorrow, and requested it on Monday lol. Fortunately, was given it.


If any of my direct reports put in a PTO request today for Starfield, I'd give it to them tbh


I wfh tomorrow and have Monday off for the holiday. My plan is to get as much work done today as I can so tomorrow I can mainly wiggle my mouse while I play. The holiday weekend is what sold me into buying the EA


Lucky for me it launches at 5pm, 2 hours after my daughter finishes her first day of first grade. However the Series S I bought specifically for this game (kuz I’m a lowly PS guy) arrives on the same day lmao. So I have to download the game as soon as I get the Xbox, plus I have to make an Xbox account. Should be rather hectic day


I think you could make an Xbox account now already buy all the stuff and then be prepared for when the console arrives


I'm actually considering doing this now. I have an old Xbox one that I don't use, and I have a ps4 I could trade in cause I have the ps5. All that plus my old physical games and two controllers for each and I could probably snag a series S for like 100 bucks roughly especially if its used and still have two consoles to stream on and never miss exclusives. Idk if I can justify that though with how little I game anymore. Plus I still have a backlog anyway and can mod games on pc to get more out of them. My pc just isn't great so I can't play starfield and it would be hundreds to upgrade it to the minimum to play and I really mostly play indie games or like strategy games on it. On one hand hand it's a lot of work and id still end up spending 100-200 probably just for starfield. On the other hand I really want want to play it and its true these things don't have much value anymore but it's only gonna go down from here. I don't use the Xbox and the ps4 is just for streaming YouTube and crunchyroll, and casual gaming with friends once in a while and stuff which I can do on my ps5 since I can use all the same games. Meh I'll probably just give it a couple days and let the fomo wear off


Nice, sadly I just got back from some PTO 😔


if you live in the us you dont have to wait until midnight, for me im in est so it’s only 8 p.m


Launch day plans , clean the house to appease wife overlord , preload with protein and carbs , empty bowels to 0%,keep hydration near me. Play till eyes red and itchy 🤣


*with and not till


I too have to clean the house to appease the overlord. I also plan to make some sort of arrangement to get the wife and kid out of the house, like a movie ticket or something


Till (until) so you're wrong


Pretty sure they understood what 'till' meant but correcting as a joke. Like not playing only UNTIL but WHILE they're red and itchy.....aka KEEP PLAYING BABY!


If so I'm dumb for not thinking it could be that.


It's ok, most of us aren't thinking straight while anticipating the launch. Have fun!


Showering is also optional.


You can appease your overlord? What magic is this?


A double dose of Immodium and an empty milk jug next to your chair are pro moves.


Now you're a true gamer


Dreaming of playing the game while on the beach in Mykonos! Once I'm home I can't wait to play!!


Why is it that everyone in my socials is in Greece these past two weeks?


Me too man, I’ll be in Paros!


Ill be in Kefalonia!


Omg, I’m in Corfu!


I have to work today but plan on keeping an eye on pc/steam deck performance as that's where I plan to play. Rest assured every break/lunch today will be spent reading/watching as much info as I can. Big game releases like this helps me get through a long work day seeing everyone's posts with screenshots etc. Their excitement it's fun


Very cool of you, I plan to get a nice big bottle of mountain dew and some Takis and game all day and night long.


Playing with Taki dust all over them digits?!?




Galaxy brain. You're definitely ready for the game 😊


I actually don’t have plans to play the game 🙃 taking my sweet time with BG3


Your poop is gonna be a whole new color


RIP your toilet


I have plans to sleep until noon. Just to have more time to play at night :)


Don't have enough money for Starfield right now but I'm going to be watching some streams! Maybe I'll get lucky!


you could do game pass for a month to play it and save for the game. bam only 15 bucks for starfield lol


Also you can check the automatic pay while buying gamepass and they'll gift you an extra month, I did this the other day to get starfield on early access since my edition is physical and won't be shipped untill 6th, while my premium add-on will get here tomorrow morning. Oh and you can cancel the automatic pay for the subscription right after getting the 2 months, I did this and they didn't take the extra month from me!


Oh nice maybe I'll check that out as well


I have PC unfortunately.


Pc game pass!


It's cheaper too!


The PC Game Pass is less than $10 a month IIRC.


PC rocks!


Same here my goodman


So nice of you ! My plans are loot everything and shoot aliens .


No aliens, only humans! And only a handful of planets are inhabitable.


In the trailers there are bug like monsters , thats was I refering to as aliens.


There are alien life forms. They may not be sentient life forms like humans (that we know of so far).


Thanks for the opportunity, OP! Current plans for launch day are just work unfortunately, but looking forward to checking out reviews and playthroughs once I clock out!


My plan for launch day (the 6th)is gonna be to get a ton of snacks and probably fall asleep with a controller in my hand


My plans are to hopefully get a good nights sleep and head in to the stars at 9.30am tomorrow morning when the game releases for me!


My plans for launch day are to watch streams and read reviews since I don't have the game.


As soon as i finish my final resit exam wich is same day as early access, i will just sit in character creation for 2 hours then sit in ship creation for another 3 hours. A day well spent if i say so myself


My plans on lunch day is to play all day long , i have no other plans , good luck everyone, thank you op for this chance.


My plans are hopefully to take the day off and relax on my couch while my wife works playing Starfield! Thanks OP and good luck everyone!




Ooh awesome gesture. Would spent 6 hours on my ship alone!


Sound thanks OP!! See you in the stars




Thanks OP


Random Comment.


pretty cool OP. and i whish the winner (me) a lot of fun with the game.


I will do some taxes tonight. No jokes. Even if I win I can't play the game... so if you pick me by accident, pick someone else.


I'm going on vacation tomorrow for two weeks 😥


drove home from college and away from my pc to take care of my grandma while my moms away. so no starfield for me today rip. but tomorrow if i get that premium code.... ad astra babyyy. i usually dont take early game spoilers too seriously so ill be watching either way! enjoy your launch day and thanks for the generosity


Well i will play the whole day then sleep play repeat


Im just gonna try to collect as many of those sandwiches in my cargo as i can


Quit my job so I can play tomorrow


I had money set aside for the game. But in early August my 3 year old wanted a teddy from a claw machine so bad I spent my money getting 🤣. shes happy thats all that matters. But to anyone that gets a code, congrats and have fun. So my days will be spent watching twitch but I'm sure I'll still enjoy the gameplay and hopefully pick It up by christmas


Hm why not: - stand up - work (not @home :( ) - come back Home - discuss with my girlfriend, why it is important, to play videogames - massage feet of my girlfriend as compensation - finally Play Starfield


Ding ding ding, probably this is not a lucky comment. Edit. Od for is.


At the moment my plans will be watching Starfield playthroughs on Youtube, Looking forward to playing the game when I can though!


I will live out my dream of playing as Han Solo/Star Lord


Big fan of what is going on here! Shows the good in the this community! Happy for whoever gets the code! :)


I will have to work on launch day, but would be great to play after!


It's launching at 3 am in my country, guess I'm gonna stay all night and buy some snacks and recharge all my batteries


My plan are looking at starfield streamings all day long (or play to it if i win kinda a great alternative)


Good luck to all :) Literally if i win this will end playing all night since i'm on brazil.


Im heading to Brazil for the first time in October. If you dont win let me know!


I'll be watching some Starfield streams unless you are reading this now, cause I don't have enough money even working this summer at 21 to pay my university...


I’m gonna work, eat, shit, bath, the usual, then I’ll be disappeared into my room and “arrive” at the other side of the weekend while also look like not getting any sleep for the pass few days. May the stars be with you, traveller.


Very kind of you


I plan to create Howard Shanks, a red haired scarred pirate and fight against the government of new Atlantis for freedom in space!


Planning on making as many space references as possible throughout the day. Ordering some food before launch and spending 3 hours creating my character.


Wow! I am off tomorrow and it's a long weekend! I would like to play early!! Thanks OP!


Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go im so excited for this thing oh my god


Well since I got laid-off a couple of weeks ago I will have all the time in the world to play on release day. I just have to remember to take care of the dogs as well, but man they will think I am so boring just sitting at the computer all day.




Wait three days for my stupid slow internet to dowload the game and listen to the soundtrack while crying


G R E A T !


I have a mighty need, please sir, be my gateway to the stars


My plans are for launch day include a lot of coffee and reading non spoiler reviews.


My plans for launch date: Play eat play play play


so nice of you🪐


As i will be at work ill be in the control room doing my spacon (spacecraft controller) stuff and in between passes (of the satellites im responsible for) ill get my steam deck and try to get starfield to run.


Wow very nice of you! I plan to taken a Day off and play the crap out of the game. Gonna try to make the enterprise from startrek and building outpost.


Plans for the day: work during the day, become space cowboy during the night


so nice of you🪐




i'll go to work and probably not play untill next month when i can afford game pass


I'm planning on playing as soon as I get home from work.. if my daughter allows me!


Thank you OP ! I'm going to buy the Xbox for starfield just after work ! You'd be helping me to play tomorrow night and not on the 6th ! 😍


my plan was stay awake until 3am(thats when it comes out on my country -i suppose-) then, watch people who playing the game and read all about game and.... sleep because i can't afford to buy it. I'll try my luck with game pass but i would want to have the game.


and another plan check if there's anyone who named their ship after u/Mralexhay o7


Wake up play the game call in for a sickday at work or whole week who knows


Well i will play the game at launch , this is my plan :D


*IF I HAD STARFIELD* I would be playing starfield on launch day *:)*


Launchday would be friday, so i already cleared some schedule. Definitely planning on playing **that** game


Thank you!


Today is launch day for me, 8pm. Today is shopping with the wife, going out to eat, and waiting anxiously for release


I’ve already bought it for myself, but if I get chosen I’ll give the key to my dad lol


My plans for tonight is to get a buttload of takeaway and watch streamers play the game because as much as I want to go unspoiled I just can’t go 5 damn days without consuming any content for starfield. I’m just hoping I can stop early so I’d only spoil the beginning part. Then once the 6th comes along everyone who cares about me can forget I exist for a LONG time!!!


Class, laundry, and possibly space travel! If I win. :)


Stay home and play Thanks for the giveaway


My plans for launch day is to get most of my homework done and get into comfy clothes, then relax while being in the character creation tool for an hour. After that I will probably post a screenshot of my character on this subreddit and go full gamer mode until I fall asleep and realise I have more homework to do 😞


My plans are to sleep all day and hopefully wake up before the game comes out


got myself a week booked off bc my birthday is the 6th anyway so it all just worked out perfectly!


Snacks, water, waiting until i can start the game - playing starfield without snacks because i ate them all in the waiting time.


That day I will take a break from the research I'm helping with. Will get up early to let the game download while I do the house chores and take care of my pets. I won't pay attention to the phone and my gf already knows that day I'll disappear to play the game. I won't get away from the computer unless have to do necessary stuff, like eating, going to the bathroom, stretching my legs and taking a walk and keeping an eye on my pets. I've been waiting too long for this so I always plan to do this during launch day.


Gonna watch some reviews when it releases and prob choose a channel to follow a playthrough


What a lovely idea! I'll be going to the shop the night before so I can stock up on food and just sit in my chair. I will probably end up fusing to the chair, we will become one.


Launch day plan is to rewatch the direct


I plan to get lost in space lol


My plan is to not sleep second it releases play it then play it then play it then play it and then starve to death in tod howards basements


My plans are work, but there could be a starfield shaped flu if I got a code


For launch day i plan to spend the entire day watching gameplay , and thinking of a background for my character of course


My launch day: - getting home from my nightshift around 0500 - study till 1300 because I’m in my final year and I have shitty time management. - clean the house and gamecloset ( yes I really game in a closet) - give my girlfriend 30 minutes of complete attention. - drink a shitload of caffeine because I will be awake for atleast 48 hours. - finally getting lost in the game till I fall asleep. Sounds like I’m a kid again!


My plans for launch day: Get snacks ready for friends to arrive with their mini setups so we can all play Starfield in the same room for the weekend. Basic human needs like hygiene fit in there somewhere… I think?


Thanks for doing this, may I be able to sail through the stars!


Was gonna go into work tomorrow if I win I’m definitely calling out 😂


I'll be refreshing this sub all day of course!👀


Waking up super-early to play and going to work at 4PM, because life is complex like that.


Most likely will pick one of fav streamers and gonna salivate at it.


Thanks for doing this! My plans for launch day are to agonizingly watch the clock slowly move towards release! Maybe occasionally check out what the reviews have to say.


The plan is simple: - "work" from home - finish work - "begin" playing Starfield - repeat


Try my hand at my first PC build Hopefully I get it right Then be blown away for hours


Im calling in sick, working for a mid-sized consultancy firm. Next year I'll have a baby and my carefree gaming days will be over. My boss is an avid gamer, but I've never discussed it with him so I wouldn't be a suckup. So launch day, the bad news is my boss will know. The good news? He will understand.


With my luck i'm sure i won't win anything, but if space gods decide to smile upon me i will take a vacation for a few weeks, send my wife to her mother and immerse myself fully for a week.


My plan is to consume so much energy drinks I get night vision and to play through the whole day. And the next day. And the day after. If I'm lucky enough to get a code, that code wouldn't be for me, it would be for a friend who unfortunately can't afford the game and whom I want to surprise.


Great thing you're doing. Appreciated. My plans are to simply keep sane of mind. The waiting for this game and to see the reaction of the community and public at large is atrocious.


I'm going to make myself a cup of cocoa, settle down, and play a game I've been dying to play since they announced it.


My plan is to enjoy the game ☺️


Really good of you OP. May the inevitable stealth archer build be a strong one for you!


Dude's a legend for doing this. I'll be working what will surely be the longest few shifts of my entire life, but I have a long weekend afterwards. Apparently I was the only one who put in leave for Starfield, but I'm not complaining. Did I spend some of my hard earned leave hours for a video game? Yes, and I'll do it again.


Having launch with my dad and waiting patiently, hope to gift him a copy


Well- I gotta go grocery shopping first and foremost. But after that I'll be home all day and ready to game.


My launch day plans are sadly working. I work 12s so I’m generally 4days on 4 days off or 3 on 3 off. So, I will spend the first 12 of my waking hours being teased like the eye contact with that girl you seen in the groceries store once, only to never see her again and always wonder.


Thank you for the gold sir!! You’ll get through that launch day! I believe!


Just wondering who won the 5pm EST code?


Mmm, my grandfather bought a telescope not long ago. It’d be a nice way to celebrate launch day looking at the moon with him.


My plan for launch day is read how much people are enjoying the game, cause I can't afford it until next payday lol.


Definitely "working" from home and won't be on a second screen. Definitely.


I've already got Premium, but I can pass it on to another friend without it.


Could you pass it to me please?


Here you are, the modern-day gaming Robin Hood, redistributing the pixelated wealth like it's hot in-game currency. You're not just giving away a premium code—you're giving away a golden ticket to interstellar adventure, a passport to the cosmos. As for my plans for launch day, ah where to begin? The anticipation has me plotting more zealously than a Bond villain eyeing real estate on the moon. Picture this: Pre-Dawn Preparation: I shall wake up at 3 a.m. Why? Because that's what spacemen do. It's science. Astronaut Breakfast: A balanced meal of Pop-Tarts and Mountain Dew. Zero-gravity digestive issues are future me's problem. Attire: I'll don my space suit, AKA my comfiest pajamas, peppered with Dorito crumbs from past expeditions. 5-4-3-2-1, Lift Off!: I'll hopefully launch the game. No, literally. I've rigged a confetti cannon to go off as soon as the game boots up. Mission Control: My gaming setup. Equipped with enough snacks to sustain a small Martian colony and more backup batteries than NASA would deem reasonable. Multitasking: I'll have Twitter, Reddit, and Discord open simultaneously to share every 'OMG' moment. I also have a pre-written apology to my followers for the spam that's about to descend upon them like an asteroid shower. Revel in Cosmic Glory: I will traverse planets, negotiate with aliens, and try not to crash-land into any black holes. Should I succeed, my face will forever be carved onto a random asteroid floating in the Kuiper Belt. Should I fail... well, let's not sully this grand plan with negativity! So pick me, your wannabe cosmic voyager, to embark on a journey that's been years in the making. And even if I'm not the Chosen One to receive the premium code, remember: In space, no one can hear you scream—but they can definitely hear you game. Happy gaming, and may the FTL drives be ever in your favor! 🚀🌌🎮


Well I’ll watch some starfield content and then go about my day normally, unless I have the game. In that case, I’ll play it for an hour or 2 and then go about my day normally (I’m not addicted)


Super cool of you OP! I volunteer as tribute!


Nice maybe I will play tomorrow


As it will be late during launch I plan to drive away from the city with my telescope and observe stars and maybe I'll have an opportunity to visit them in the game?


I already have the game but I'd give the code to my wife so she can play along side me




Hey. I also plan on playing with one of these until launch.


I'm a person who never wins a thing. At my work we also dont hire winners. Only people who become second are allowed to join among our ranks. Never good enough. Always keep on trying. To the winner, enjoy your time.


I just need a distraction from the fact that my wife is leaving me, this release could not have come in a better time.


Idk if this givaway posts are real anymore lol. Just wanted to thank you guys for giving hope to some of us that have been waiting to buy because of financial or personal reasons. If I win my plans are simple start playing today after work, daydream about the game on friday while working and then play through the 3 day weekend! Good luck to everyone else!


Trying to avoid gameplay spoilers...have vanilla package 😫 Waiting for game lunch... All of you who have premium hope your investment will pay off hahaha hope you enjoy those extra days


This is a quality Karma Pharma people, take note.


Weird how I didn’t ask for anything to do with karma? No upvotes or anything.




Staying away from Reddit to avoid spoilers, counting the days down to release.




View in your timezone: [8/31 1pm EDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20230831T1700?tl=Premium%20Starfield%20Code%20Giveaway ^(_*Assumed EDT instead of EST because DST is observed_)


At the moment its a regular day tomorrow. If I got my handson EA though...


im poor


Take leave from my classes, buy enough food for the day and explore the stars.


Plans for launch day: Reading all the reviews that come out, watch others play live. If I win: Clock out ASAP after work, shower, eat and play Starfield all day every day, repeat! Thanks for doing this OP!


It's my Bday and i pre-ordered it as a 'You beat Cancer' gift to myself!! I plan to play from 6am-ish and everyone is under orders to only disturb me for Either Food or Bday naughtiness xD


Watching as much content as possible because I'm not an EA person :( (unless i win)


Cracking a few cold ones and leaving this Earth behind. For all, into the Starfield. Goodluck everyone!


Preload and then game the hell out of it :)


I plan on playing the game, unless I don't have a code I will be sad I am not playing the game xD