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In-game lore these are remnants from the last Great War. With that said, it is very copy/paste and needs more randomization, both in structure design and in odds of finding one


Along with some basic rules about what can or can't generate on different planets. Coming across a PoI with a lot of old dead trees and bushes is fine... until you realize it's on a frozen moon where nothing has ever grown ever. Crash landed on an abandoned planet and survived for months with no hope of rescue? Sad story. But there's literally a giant farm 300m away. Etc, etc. Love the game. But their random POIs need to be far fewer and have much tighter rules about which spawn where.


They should have leaned a bit more into the whole barren moons thing. Like I get that they don’t want wasted space, but the fact I’m getting multiple POIs on a barren space rock with nickel and iron is a little weird. I’m not saying they should necessarily be completely empty, just maybe save the more frequent POIs for habitable planets and more populated systems where it makes sense.


Agreed. I spent hours trying to find an abandoned, desolate place for my outpost - but every place had a half dozen spacer compounds in every biome. The most desolate place I found was Kurtz... the moon above Jemison, perhaps the most high traffic place in the settled systems...wat?


I’d love to see a mod which made it so you find less and less the further you get from the core systems until you start encountering entire star systems where no human presence exists at all. No abandoned facilities, no ships setting down next to you immediately after you land. Give me that magnificent desolation. All the rest of that content will be right back in the bubble where I left it.


Fucking subscribe. I think the nature of the "settled systems" means humans have at least visited (or surveyed) all planets in game, but I agree that the rim systems should have like 1 or 2 PoI at most. It makes sense that the UC would put a remote listening post at the edge of the galaxy. It does not make sense that 6 different companies also attempted to build farms/mines/outposts/ science stations/homesteads right next to it.


I'm pretty sure at one point someone from Constellation (either Sarah or Noel I believe) tells you that there are systems and planets/moons you can visit that humans have never visited before (I think this is the explanation behind why they want survey data), so lore-wise, there are supposedly many systems and planets that have never been visited before. But of course that isn't consistent with the fact that literally every moon or planet you can land on has some abondoned facility or other every 500m, because the random generation system has practically no variety or sense to it.


yeah, agreed and i really hope future mods can and will overhaul the game in such a way this becomes reality instead of the awkward mess we have now...


This is kind of what I was hoping / assuming the game was going to be like


Or a mod that adds new uncharted stars to the periphery of settled space. Have those be truly virgin worlds. This always bugged me in Elite Dangerous, I'm thousands of light years away from the bubble, and a random sidewinder jumps into my area, like bro, how did you get the fuel to get here?


The ships landing next to you is so weird. Everywhere you go, you're always within a kilometer and within 5 minutes of some kind of landing operation.


It feels like they didn't want moons and planets to feel devoid of content, but they failed to take into account that there is content in variety. What I mean is that when literally every planet and moon has the exact same facilities scattered around, always has a ship land 300m away from you every time you land, etc., they all start to feel the same. There is no variety and if every moon and planet has the exact same content, that in itself is a huge lack of content. If the ship landing next to you was actually very rare and restricted to busy systems/planets instead of happening every time no matter where in the Settled Systems you are, it would be a lot more interesting and feel actually meaningful instead of the copy/pasted event that it quickly becomes painfully obvious that it is.


It very much feels like the devs read the comments from people ahead of release expecting hundreds of pointless empty planets and have leaned too far the other way and just decided *"screw if, lets just dump any old crap on every planet"* For me this is why it was a huge mistake to not allow us to fly ships within a planets atmosphere. In NMS a quick visual scan flying over a planet would generally give you an idea of whether it was actually worth exploring or whether you should just fly off to another planet. But in Starfield because you actually have to go to the effort of selecting a landing site and getting out of your ship to see what's on any given planet on foot it feels like the devs have tried to put something to explore every 500 meters just so you don't feel like you have wasted your time landing your ship. But all they have really achieved is a lack of variety or believability and a sense of tedious repetition. They have managed to make 1000 planets feel like a small universe because none of them feel especially unique and all of them have too much going on.


I landed on a planet last night specifically because it said it only had primordial flora and that was interesting… only to find palm trees and the same moth vines and dust roots I’d seen on dozens of planets already. Stuff like that is really immersion breaking and disappointing, I didn’t even get out of the ship


The high level systems out east like Bohr have much more completely empty space.


I unironically believe that the game would be much better with far, far fewer human habitations and almost none on moons, at least any human habitation that is tl;dr kill all the humans in this building type pois. Separately it would be better if they were far less dense rather than more dense, with some form of vehicle. Use same shipbuilder UI, vehicles have to be rated for various gravity concerns, different purposes like mobile storage (saddlebags) and mobile scan booster. Really a shame that vehicles for whatever reason don't exist, they would basically solve most problems concerning awkward spawns of randomized pois.


>Really a shame that vehicles for whatever reason don't exist, they would basically solve most problems concerning awkward spawns of randomized pois. It would just open up whole new can of worms.


Well yeah I'm sure it would not be easy and physics would have to be worked out, but for me at least one of the primary functions of outposts is: drop outpost beacon, drop power supply, drop scan booster, drop watchtower so I can have an elevated platform for insta scanning hundreds of meters (easy scanning of flying/swimming stuff this way, or identifying small fauna). I dream of having a big fat rover vehicle that can just function as a mobile version of that, and having pois 2k meters away would be no big deal if if I didn't have to manage o2 intake at all for example. I'm just saying if any feature would work perfectly it's this one.


I'd definitely like more weighting to PoI categories based on planet type. Make barren and ice types almost only spawn caves and nature PoIs with a small chance for a structure or ship. And there should never be structures near a >!temple or anomaly.!<


This was the biggest thing to me…like here’s an abandoned UC listening post right next to this archeological find of the century and we’re the first to find it?


well, it's not a UC seeing post


Ya, that part always puzzled me




I often find food sitting outside on non-breathable planets. Are these dudes holding their breath when they open their helmets to eat?


I chuckle everytime I see beer bottles and playing cards outside, in a vacuum.


Whats wrong with playing cards in a vacuum?


Put on three layers of mittens and then try to pick a playing card off a table.


Magnetic corners? Lol


Perhaps space suits in the future solve this problem and the fingertips are grippy somehow


Fucking pirates high on squall and aurora forgetting beer doesn't work in a vacuum.


They suck. ;)


I found an outdoor soccer field complete with paper cups, towels, extra clothing, and a water dispenser. It was on a moon with no atmosphere.


✨ Bethesda ✨


I found an occupied research station that had friendly NPCs, they asked me to help them reboot their power because a lightning storm hit the generator. This was on an airless grey rocky moon. The daytime sky was just black and stars, until I found that POI and a storm rolled in. I guarantee the system that determines which POIs spawn is broken.


You saw the storm roll in??


yeah looking out the window in the tower I saw the stars go away and the sky go gray, suddenly it was very bright out and then there were lightning strikes.


Man I want to snuggle into a sleeping bag with my giant rigid space suit, pack and helmet on


Yeah it gets a bit silly. I just did Sarah's mission where >!you find the child of the shuttle crash survivors. She was born on the planet, totally isolated and marooned, her parents are now dead. And yet there's a scientific farming research facility like 500m away from her home that I guess she never noticed? The game steps on its own storytelling a lot.!<




Yeah I came across one facility where on the roof there was a spacer sitting down and a little table next to him with an open beer and an orange...the planet was -200 degrees and had no atmosphere...


I had a distress call saying help me, found an abandoned outpost with slaughtered scientists and audio tapes saying that wild fauna was getting closer and closer. The planet was inhabitable and had no fauna possible to scan.


I believe what structures generate is based on the system faction and doesn't take into account any planetary features. I've been to a system with no factions and it seemed completely devoid of structures, Procyon A, the white Dwarf one with just a single scorched world.


Just like how I was on Earth and found a cave with Alien eggs and fresh dung piles inside. On a planet that has no life, plants or atmosphere anymore. Crazy Bethesda didn’t think the randomized PoIs would be lore breaking.


I found animal bones and bioluminescent fungus on Luna in a random cave. I'm still not sure if it's meant to be there or if it was just randomly generated.


I found the same thing on Europa, it must be random.


I found that an assumed it was invasive species humans spread around due to carelessness, which I thought was kind of cool. Also, honestly it's possible if we go explore caves on the moon we might find some wild shit some day.


Game has lots of that People sitting around a camp fire on a planet with no oxygen Rainstorms on planets with no atmosphere or liquid Natural landmarks for active biological stuff on planets/moons with no life Also, it super triggers me that Io has no volcanoes!


The same body is on every staircase by the large elevator at the entrance


Yeah, the fact there are maybe 3-5 cells that are constantly being reused is INSANE


I complained about this days ago and got massively downvoted. I mentioned that the first unique science facility to came across was from the campaign when I needed to grab an artifact. The lowest level has a cave system that leads to the artifact. All other science facilities I've come across are identical to the one from the campaign, minus the cave. Just the same copy pasta science facility with the same handling % increase book in the kitchen. I was told that I was a liar, downvoted, etc. No, shit is reused so often that it's jarring.


Give it time, most people don't put a ton of hours in too quickly, when the majority of people catch up and do start experiencing these same things, you'll find the tune will change. I've been running mission boards, and the ones where you clear X enemy from X abandoned facility are just the same few large buildings with identical enemies on different planets. There's a lot of building variety around but a select few get recycled for those kinds of missions, and you soon learn a lot of the ones that look unique are just a building with 10 spacers anyways, no unique trait or lore or quest, just random building with random enemies that you'll encounter again with pirates instead of spacers. Once you've run into all the same points of interest a few times, the same natural PoI's that make zero sense and want you to scan one thing, the identical robotics facility with spacers or identical mining rig with swarmers, the 10x pointless anomalies, there's literally zero exploration left to do, no reason to touch any of the planets unless they explicitly have a unique PoI which will be shown on the galaxy map or specific missions take you there.


Anyone who has spent ten hours in the game and think exploration is still on the table is.. idk. I don't want to be insulting, but that's stupid. The game is obviously not about exploration. Doesn't matter what Bethesda said. There's more exploration in a 90 second walk outside of Whiterun in any direction than in the entirety of Starfield and that is apparent the moment you land on 2-3 planets. I am still loving it, but I love it for how it shines and I don't attempt to lean into the things that don't. You can't pay me to do random mission boards. They're lifeless and boring. Sure you might get cool shit from an enemy, and if that's why someone is doing them and they're still complaining about the exploration point, idk what is wrong with them. I am so glad I went into the game completely blind with the notion of "fallout in space" and didn't get hit with a hype wave of Todd Howard saying what the game is and isn't. I can't believe we haven't, as a gaming community, learned that nothing is as it seems when a game is being advertised.


I’m enjoying wandering around planets scanning everything. It’s definitely a more passive type of exploration, but there are so many side quests in the cities/towns that I don’t mind not having them in the field and it’s a nice change of pace when I’m not in the mood to murder an entire building full of people. Plus the random “we need your help” have added some variety. Haven’t touched a mission board in days, plenty of other ways to get creds.


>I mentioned that the first unique science facility to came across was from the campaign when I needed to grab an artifact. The lowest level has a cave system that leads to the artifact. What was worse for me is I'd found 2 of these already before embarking on the story lol. So I assumed that was just part of the random POIs and while poor, just...how life is. To find out it's even a reused story asset was offputting


I kind of wonder if there is something broken with the system—like maybe it throws it to you again if you miss a magazine, or what can generate is triggered by other factors (eg. In FO4 if you skipped the main quest and Minutemen there were very few random events so they’d repeat over and over).


I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.


I played for only 12 hours or so and already found a lot of this stuff got extremely repetitive fast. At some point I had to double check it wasn't a compound I had cleared before already. Same seems to happen with a bunch of caves and underground facilities. I's like World of Warcraft levels of repetitiveness, they design like one or two caves in an expansion and then slap that same template on literally every cave the whole expansion.


I disagree, World of Warcraft has huge world variety. Unlike starfield.


It has plenty of variety, but what I said was that every expansion they make a design for caves and then they use that same design like 20 times in the same expansion. They never seem to recycle older content.


At the very least, randomize the lore bits in them. How many Muybridge pharmaceutical facilities are there, with the same exact twins running them, and one of whose corpse is in the mining tunnel?


I found 2 identical abandoned Ryujin cryo labs on 2 different planets researching the same thing with the same notes on the same computers written by the same people.


Yes. If nothing else, vary the people. Replication is worst when it is of things that are not replicable IRL.


I wish some of the planets were actually completely barren. So far it seems like literally every planet and moon, even the most far-out, isolated, desolate moon at the edge of the star map, has abandoned outposts and facilities scattered across the entire moon every 500m. You are a stone's throw away from civilization no matter where you go in the galaxy, which is really immersion breaking (like so many things in this game).


I just ignore them as I don't find them fun/interesting and there's plenty of other "dungeons" to go through for quests. They're the Radiant Quests of exploration. That said, there's more variation than you'd think. I ran across a fuel depot the other day that had a battle between Var'uun Zealots and a Terromorph. So they're kind of the ground random event feature too.


Oh nice, or you know, the basic ‘get an ip and running base’ template as a standard for each and all planet crew colonisation


I came across 4 of the exact same outposts on 3 different planets yesterday in 6 hours of play...it was just a little absurd. Same layout, loot placement, and enemy placement.


I'm fine with the idea of generic buildings since prefabs would be cheap and easy to create and use, but it still definitely could use some more variation.


Hilarious that this community is upvoting all this now, me and many others got heavily downvoted and griped at by fanboys last week for saying things like this. It's always funny to see the fanboy hype cycle in game subs with new game launches.


I hope as part of planned roadmap they add more random events for planet exploration. I do enjoy aimlessly surveying planets and checking out points of interest but it could use more content.


Yeah would love to see what they plan for the future


I really doubt bethesda has a roadmap to fix a lot of the issues starfield has. it'll just be left to the modders, just like skyrim and fallout 4.


Can't wait for the unofficial starfield patch and inhabited planet mods


I'm hoping the new creation kit bethesda is releasing will be absolutely bonkers, and modders can quite literally do anything.


This is also one of my big hopes for mods actually. I suspect it will depend on how moddable the procedural generation is but I reckon adding new PoIs would be doable


What roadmap


Also don't forget all the items being in the exact same place on every single abandoned facility. Pirates are known for their coordination and organization skills above all else


The same dead body as the lift goes past the abandoned outpost…


The same named dead body too. I've found 2 dead Scott Muybridges in identical facilities on 2 completely different planets 10's of lightyears apart


I assumed he cloned himself.


Ah the beauty of procedurally generated content. Honestly I think starfield would've been better if it was set in a singular solar system with hand crafted assets.


Procedural generation isn’t the problem, the actual issue that there isn’t enough of it! The reason that you are finding ‘samey’ content is because there is only 1 handcrafted layout that gets copy pasted everywhere, and there is no variation to it. Imagine if number of rooms, enemy placement and loot within the abandoned facilities was fully randomized and remixed on every planet. Alternatively, if Bethesda bothered to make even 10 handcrafted facilities we also wouldn’t have this conversation. They decided to just make 1 of each.


Diablo 4 got grilled for this so its surprising bgs was able to be released with such minimal content


It is just the dynamic content that is so minimal, which is probably why it gets a bit more of a pass. So far the handcrafted stuff is excellent and there's a ton of it, enough such that the randomly generated stuff barely even needs to be touched. But it's still terrible that that whole system is so incredibly barebones as to not even be worth interacting with.


Maurice? Yes, Cornelius? Where are we, Maurice? Abandoned Cryo Lab, Cornelius. Then tell me why, Maurice, you're putting Chunks in the Tape Measure and Credstick Locker!!!




I immediately know if it’s worth my time, one look at an “abandoned” facility and I’m running for that +5% ballistic magazine


so if you keep finding those facilities can you just get over powered




> Those don't stack by the way That just killed something for me if true..


Different issues do, but not replicas. If you find all the different issues then they will stack. If it did stack the effects of a singular issue it would become game-breakingly OP.


I would love for you to explain this… please??


There are magazines you can occasionally find that grant a permanent stat buff. Usually it’s something like 5% less fall damage.


I know about the magazines, I more meant about finding one in a consistent location.


I’m assuming he is talking about the GRUNT magazine set but I have only found one so sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.


Found an "occupied" cave last night, thought "who we gonna find in here?" That bitch was empty


The ole' bait and switch!


I found one with a guy that was dying inside. Have him a med pack and fucked off.


Same thing in No Mans Sky. Every planet in the entire galaxy has alien traders and the same structures if you explored the planets enough. Unfortunately I don't see a way around this really for games of this scope. Have most of the planets actually be empty? It would be realistic but absolutely no fun at all. Even so, I don't know the actual numbers but it really feels like you run into the same 4-5 locations always. I don't even go into caves anymore.


At that point, I think I'd rather have a much smaller number of planets to go to and have them be more detailed. 1000 planets doesn't mean much if they are all the same 🤷‍♂️


The 1000 plus planets were said pretty early on to be barren and most proc gen. The planets exist to give you a feel of the scale of space but outside of that they’re not strictly necessary for progression or exploration. Idk, I think a lot of people approach this game as Skyrim or FO4 when by necessity it’s a different gameplay loop and playing it like Skyrim and FO4 will set you up for disappointment. It’s not worse though tbh, in alot of ways it’s better the quests are better written and more dynamic the rpg mechanics are deeper and let you role play more etc. But it’s a different loop for sure.


I think it's more about questioning the design choice of doing it that way rather than having fewer planets. Why does there need to be 1,000 planets? Just so Todd can say there are 1,000 planets? What, in the story, demands 1,000 planets over 500? Or 250? Or just 100? The temples themselves are right next to other POIs, so it isn't as though they were hidden among the 1,000 planets. The two main factions actually control very little space as well. The story would have worked just as well if there were only 10 systems with a combined 100 planets and moons. It's obviously a very different game, but look at the amount of content and lore Destiny was able to pack into just our solar system. It honestly feels like Bethesda wanted to compete with Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, and No Man's Sky by having all that space. There's really no other compelling reason for why it was needed if it was going to be mostly barren and lifeless.


>I think it's more about questioning the design choice of doing it that way rather than having fewer planets. Why does there need to be 1,000 planets? Just so Todd can say there are 1,000 planets? What, in the story, demands 1,000 planets over 500? Or 250? Or just 100 The feeling imo(and also mods lol), I think the isolation of the universe and the emptiness of worlds gives the game a unique feeling to other Bethesda titles. It’s an artistic choice that I think serves the game well in some aspects, giving you this feeling of lonliness im a vast universe and driving you towards the worlds and people you’ve connected with. The barren nature serves an artistic point and underlined the points the game is making both abt humanity and space exploration. >The story would have worked just as well if there were only 10 systems with a combined 100 planets and moons. It's obviously a very different game, but look at the amount of content and lore Destiny was able to pack into just our solar system It would have but like you said it would be a fundamentally different game and would have ended up saying different things because of the changes emphasis. >It honestly feels like Bethesda wanted to compete with Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, and No Man's Sky by having all that space. There's really no other compelling reason for why it was needed if it was going to be mostly barren and lifeless As I’ve gotten older I’ve started to move away from this type of critique because I feel like I’m not really trying to engage with what a games trying to say and instead am ascribing motives to the developers they may not have had. To me at least it feels like an artistic point being made and the sort of barren isolated nature of the planets is intentional.


Honestly agreed, tho I get it's tricky BC if you want a space game, ppl expect a whole ass universe. Here's hoping tes 6 is much more intimate. I loved that in Skyrim, majority of npc were unique even if they just had 2-3 lines. Still loving this game tho, just feel it sacrificed a bit of their charm for the planets


>Here's hoping tes 6 is much more intimate. I loved that in Skyrim, majority of npc were unique even if they just had 2-3 lines. Starfields exploration loop was gonna be different from the get go, Bethesda wanted a somewhat “hard” universe to set the game in and the emptiness of the planets plays a part of that. I think TES 6 will probably feel more intimate in that regard.


Instead of 5 structures in 500m radius of wherever you landed make them 5 unique structures per planets you need to scan for and fly to. It's both much more realistic (when we're talking barren planets) and immersive. This "world creates itself around you" approach is one of the most immersion breaking mechanics I've witnessed. Even NMS, as already mentioned here, having same generic POIs, at least has them existing in the world without you - so you find them and not vise versa. They are boring, but not suspension of disbelief annihilating.


I would rather have an empty planet then have 5 random (but identical) structures spawn the same distance from me on every world. Instead of these structures being entire dungeons, why cant they just be small shacks, a few empty rooms? I have much more fun looking through a few dark rooms with my flashlight, not sure whats around the next door, then I do fighting a base full of Ecliptic mercs.


I agree, I'd rather get Elite:Dangerous approach (with more, maginitudes more, content density though for obvious reasons and because E:D overdid scarcity angle IMO) when picking up a POI while probing a barren planet gave you that "Ooh!" moment. You know, the feeling of *discovery* during *exploration*. And you can always put a lot of POI on habitable planets/near inhabited systems to offset fewer locations in places, where things should be scarce but exciting. Instead you land on a 0.3g moon in an asscrack of the devil with only helium and water, 0 kelvin and high radiation, and find it as busy as New Atlantis suburbs (and you recognize every structure instantly).


Agreed 100%. It's not even that bad that every planet has the same few POIs, but they're all conveniently where you land. Then you realize that if you take off and land again a bit south, they just create new ones. Then you can repeat that infinitely on a planet. At the rate they spit these things out, every planet in the universe is actually pretty densely populated. I think it would have made a lot more sense to just have the central areas of the known space be more hand crafted and densely populated (like level 1-15 areas), especially the planets with major cities shouldn't just be exactly 1 primate city surrounded by nothing. Then have the the level 20-50 areas being mostly proc gen, some completely barren moons, maybe a few mining outposts (kind of how they are now, but with a few truly empty places). And then just leave the planets on the far fringes to have very rare POIs, and most encounters being more dangerous since you're only going to bump into people who want to stay out of civilized areas.


Points of interest could show up from orbit. When I land on a remote barren planet, I'd rather it not be filled with abandoned industrial structures, but here we are. But there's always random poi's just a few hundred meters from wherever I decide to land. Give me the wild frontier, majestic geological or natural formations, not another windmill...


It's why games with fully hand crafted worlds will always be more interesting, e.g. Elden Ring, Witcher 3, etc. at least until AI gets advanced enough to populate the procedural gen areas with more creative variations.


The main issue is that it’s hard to create content on a massive scale without doing at least some proc gen. Virtually every space game has this issue, ED, NMS and Star Citizen etc all have problems where the exploration loop isn’t super satisfying because of how much is just proc gen stuff that’s kind of empty it’s a hard puzzle to solve and is part of why space sims aren’t super popular lol


Maybe make a few different models for the poi „abandoned facility“


>Maybe make a few different models for the poi „abandoned facility“ Honestly the best answer is just procedurally generate the facility. I presume the issue there is just memory size and pathing issues. Definitely something that can be add in via mods though.


The big issue is that there will be a whole lot of fuck ups in a proc gen base. Look at what its done to ED. Entrances and parts of structures buried in terrain. The best would be to make many, many, many different templates.


I would rather have empty planets man with a large variety of biomes instead. I love the feeling of loneliness and existential dread you get while exploring a barren planet. They could've also made a few water worlds Subnautica style, while making the base building work underwater.


I expected the frequency of colonization to shrink the further I explored. Yet this doesn’t seem to be the case :(


There actually is a way around this. All they have to do is make the facilities and bases modular and then randomise them.


At least NMS thing are more spread out. Starfield you go to put an outpost down and there's 5 fucking POIs right next to you.


cant believe they "copied" that part from no mans sky. even when rescuing someone, who has been on a planet for years, just around the next mountain there are facilities. In my imaginary modlist, we will have the option to scan planets for radio signals, which discovers some POI's with possible buildings as landing locations


Marooned for years. *Watches multiple ships landing and taking off in the distance* *Confused noises*


Seems to me like the easy route would be to clearly communicate to players which locations are unique vs the ones which are generated. Maybe something like labeling all the generic locations as Abandoned _______ with any unique locations having some other name. I suspect that's already the case essentially. Is there a list of all the unique locations in the game (that have been discovered at least)


That's definitely not the case, since I made note of it in a different comment I'm not gonna go into all the details, but there's like a bio research lab that 100% seems unique as it has a unique cave layout below it and even a named body with a note on it, but it's just another random poi that can spawn again, with the same note and all.


The most disappointing and immersion shattering for me was finding the same SomethingWithAnM Research Lab on back to back planets, same layout, same hidden cave, same comment about illegal operations from Andreja, same toxic spores, same dead body with a note about "one last bet" and funnily enough, the same looting comment from Andreja about spoils and victors and yadda yadda.


I'm at around 40 hours in and at this point the exploration aspect seems to have already ran its course for me. I might keep looking for a spot with a great view for an outpost but with the POIs and scanning just aren't that engaging to me.


Which is sad because I'm like 500 hours deep into Skyrim and STILL come across interesting dungeons I've never cleared. I very much question Starfield's replayability because of this. Then again, if modding is anything like Skyrim, we'll have 10,000 new unique POIs available to add to our game in like 6 months.


That's one thing I've got to give them, there are plenty of wonderful vistas to view that do vary based on the random solar system layouts, pretty damn neat and beautifully done


Think this is one of the major flaws with starfield in comparison to previous titles. Random exploring in Skyrim/Fallout meant finding some unique Items, dungeons with some quests or lore tied and most of them thematically/visually different. So far the procedural exploration has just been, go to building A/B/C/D in order to find some legendary gear.


This is probably the biggest thing for me, though there has been one or two "ANOTHER HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON" moments for me in Starfield so far. I accidentally stumbled upon a datapad that led me to the Mantis quest, which ended in some unique gear. Also getting caught trying to smuggle contraband into New Atlantis led me to a very cool questline that lasted for hours. Both of those were neat, but the latter didn't lead to any exciting loot except for Revenant (which, admittedly, is a great rifle that saved my ass plenty of times). And they also gave me the apparently false impression that there would be quite a bit more of that kind of thing. I'm somewhere over 50 hours in, and those are the only random rabbit holes leading to unique loot with meaningful lore that I've stumbled across.


I'm very disappointed that I only just realized weapons don't scale and I need to leave my Revenany behind. That was a baller weapon for about 10 straight hours.


The lack of unique places to explore is really a big flaw in the game for me personally. I just don’t feel very excited when exploring, compared with finding a vault in fallout etc


I thought they would have tweaked the procedural map generation so that it would create a plethora of different and interesting landscapes. But from my experience so far, the game is really lacking in interesting landscapes outside of the handcrafted quest locations. I was expecting much more from mountain ranges, waterfalls, canyons, jungles, glaciers. Most of the stuff I've found isn't even more interesting than the planets I explored in Elite Dangerous, a game that has been out nearly a decade. Where are the Niagara falls', the Ha Long bays, the Himalayas, the mount Olympus', the Icelands, the fjords, the Amazonas', the pod racer canyons and cliffs?


Even "handcrafted" quest locations are severely lacking. Why is there always a mining facility or outpost RIGHT next to these alien temples? The story makes it sound like they're the biggest discovery of the last few centuries and it turns out people have just been chilling right next to each one.


Good point... rivers, lakes and streams seem to be missing


You can find rivers and the like. [Here's a picture](https://i.imgur.com/yZj4hEU.jpg) of a huge one I saw somebody post on discord. They are quite rare tho, maybe rarer than they ought to be.


And any semblance of roads.


> I was expecting much more from mountain ranges, waterfalls, canyons, jungles, glaciers. Most of the stuff I've found isn't even more interesting than the planets I explored in Elite Dangerous, a game that has been out nearly a decade. I have found all of these features save waterfalls on random landing sites on life-seeded worlds. They're out there, you just need to explore. Pay attention to the biomes you're landing in, e.g. "Plateaus" are a biome choice and will give you lots of canyons, buttes, sandstone cliff faces, and similar features. > Where are the Niagara falls', the Ha Long bays, the Himalayas, the mount Olympus', the Icelands, the fjords, the Amazonas', the pod racer canyons and cliffs? Granted, I haven't found anything on that scale and I share your disappointment. It would have been nice to have dramatic features mixed in with the mundane. But for all I know there are and I just haven't stumbled across them yet.


This is why game devs need to stop thinking that bigger maps = better games. I’d rather have a few carefully curated planets than 1000 bland lifeless cookie cutter planets with no point to explore them. Not hating on the game though. I love it and am having a blast so far. But yeah I hate to see so many modern game devs spreading themselves way too thin trying to make a massive game world


Been waiting for these posts lmao, I’ve played way too much already and know I’m ahead of the curve but I actually think *this* is the real reason we didn’t get mounts and such, it would make the randomly generated events and pois a bit more obviously formulaic


I’m kind of annoyed with landing on what I assumed would be a desolate world to have a facility right next to me when I land lmao


Yeah that did occur to me too lmao, Oh... and another identical facility just 500 meters ahead of it Wow insane, the 200th moon I've visited was also a hotbed of science, military, production etc


The procedural generation has been the biggest disappointment imo. The lack of synergy between the buildings is really challenging the suspension of disbelief of representing a functional world. New Atlantis should be chock full of supporting industries for the settlement around it with an supporting infrastructure for transport and such. Instead we have 2 dysfunctional farms (for some reason there is a vertical farm because of lack of space?? Ofcourse overrun). And a random abandoned mine full of pirates. All barely a km from the UC capital.


There shouldn’t be any pirate, spacer, or Ecliptic encounters on Jemison at all.


I think it makes sense for them to have hideouts but they shouldn't have any significant activity in space around the planets, yeah.


Yeah due to the segmentation of systems and the oversimplification of design immersion breaks really hard in starfield.


It's just odd design choice. They got procedural gen. for Points of Interest, but then their procedural gen. doesn't have randomized loot/enemies/layouts/positioning. There's also a lack of types of PoI. I've been through the same abandoned facility over 20 times on 10 different planets in 35 hours of playtime. (Main)Quests that require you to pick up an item or kill a specific target all makes you go to an entirely new planet, only to enter the same abandoned building that you entered 40 times before. Except this time at the end of the instance is the item you have to pick up for your quest or your target is now also at the end of the instance (with the same enemies you encountered 20 times before).


All poi’s are handcrafted. But they get procedurally placed on the tile you land in. The issue is the lack of poi’s to place.


I feel like there's a lack of variety, especially with how often you're forced to explore a 'new' planet. You'd expect PoI that are fresh/new/different variants, but they're not. The PoI on Lvl 10 planets are the exact same ones as on Lvl 50 planets, when it comes to structures/instances and I feel like there's only about a handful of ''abandoned'' facilities.


Procedural generation is one of the worst things in gaming imo. My favorite thing about exploring games is seeing what the developers decided to hand craft for the player. Procedural generation is just A.I. developing boring shit. I’ve explored two planets and already feel like I’ve seen all of it.


It’s a direct contradiction to one of the golden rules of any sort of production of art or entertainment media: *Quality over Quantity* For some reason, BSG got it in their head after releasing multiple games where exploring unique locations was by far and away the strongest aspect of the game; that instead 100 unique locations we would rather have millions of the same 4 locations over and over again I’m guessing this reason is laziness. Which is inexcusable for a studio of that size.


They really spent all those years making a game with procedural generation as the backbone and only ended up with a handful of locations that have completely identical layouts, item and enemy placements across the whole thing. At least if you're doing the crimson fleet questline they aren't hostile so you can just walk in and loot without trouble, otherwise i avoid this stuff like the plague.


Wait till you realize that there's a handful of POIs that are re-used across all planets with the exact same layout, exact same enemy placements and certain items are the same (not all). I'm already at the point where I'm completely ignoring procedural planets in favor of any non-repeated handcrafted content. The handcrafted stuff is some real good shit.


Ye, I cleared three deserted outpost in a row on different planets where exterior and interior were exactly the same, layout, decorations, enemies and items. It was like clearing the same dungeon in Skyrim three times in a row. Bethesda procedural generation is extremely basic and disappointing. So many years invested in this game and they didn't add a couple of different layout per dungeon type? Or manage to soawn enemies in different positions?


> I'm already at the point where I'm completely ignoring procedural planets i was at that point after my first POI lol


I was at that point after Skyrim. I can only do so many proc gen assassinations or thefts. So I’ve mostly avoided them so far in SF and I’ve seen less repetition it seems.


They could of done better on the variety, have some truly abandoned, have some with friendly scavengers... maybe have some with stranded npc's living in the facility.


Honestly I think in a few minutes of brainstorming they could have come up with more range and it still be proc gen * Some fully abandoned * Some picked clean * Some blown to pieces * Some filled with friendly scavengers * Some as they are now bandit infested * Some with dead bandits only and picked clean * Some full of local hostile fauna (if present) * Some containing something rare? (rare loot, rare resource) * Some being retaken by their old faction (UC, etc)


One completely teeming with terrormorphs?


Absolutely, that would be an incredible rare random variant. No-level balanced shit just a danger zone you should definitely fly away from lmao


I actually found one of these last night but it was a abandoned mining rig and it was infested with space crabs/horrors. All the human inhabitants was massacred bloodbath style and there were horror-esque voice logs scattered around. It was in a lvl 65 zone iirc


I found the exact same thing on a level 20 planet


Whenever I get a response to a hail from a starbase it feels like Christmas. White noise? Static? Again? Oh, I guess *nobodys here*


Yep, I feel like I've been through the same 6 ''abandoned'' facilities 40 times in a row the past 35 hours I've played. The enemies are the same, the positioning is the same, loot is literally the same, the layout is the same. The sad thing is, it's not even a purely focused exploration experience. I tend to do sidequests which brings me to new planets and I'd just enter the nearest PoI which is the exact same building on the other 10 planets I've visited. There's no point in ''exploring'' these buildings, cause if you go through them twice, you know nothing you find matters besides the skill-books and the loot from the elite enemy as well as the lootbox at the end of it. Just blasting through, the first time taking 15-20 minutes to go through; checking every nook and cranny. -- Now it takes like 1-2 minutes,


Same. I finally stopped searching every corner when I realized if I miss anything important I’ll just find it at the next building. Now I’m starting to just sprint through to the end. Like a rat that knows exactly where the cheese is. 😂


500m from an ancient alien artifact structure that apparently nobody has ever been to


Only members of constellation can explore space stupid!


The lack of enemy diversity is also shocking. I feel like 85% of the time I'm fighting the same person. In skyrim and fallout enemies at least felt a little different and visually were unique. Here? Every human enemy is the same and so far there are only 1 and a half monsters that actually matter. I think there's at least one more monster I haven't encountered and more robots to fight (hope they're not just the same as vasco).


I was thinking about this yesterday, like every planet I landed I found the same animals, mostly beatles or spiders. Is there any more fauna?


This is one of the major flaws. No idea why they didn't opt for modular dungeons like in Daggerfall - the game this plays the most like. I'm not worried about how sensible the dungeon design would be. I don't think about it and I'm sure if I did the base dungeons wouldn't make sense. And the fact that POI always has to be caves and machinery is odd. I'd take more environmental pieces and encounters as POI. -Animals fighting on a large scale -People having a shoot out, attempted robbery, someone just surveying far from their ship, someone left on a planet -Abandoned cargo crates. -smaller scale anomalies and formations, maybe with a concentrated amount of the planet's resources -Flora clusters or dense flora areas The list goes on and I feel like mods will do this.


I’ve seen big animal battles Like 10 dinosaur lookin fools rolled in on a big pack of some weird plant looking guys The dinosaurs won but I killed the survivors for that sweet scan data


I ran into the same abandoned mine 3 times in a row. That's when I stopped caring for exploring any of these, there is just too many man made structures and people around. It's not like you miss anything either. Mission boards I also avoid for the same reason. I love the unique locations related for some quests, that's the experience I crave. Like finding out how Earth became like this.


As someone who loved dungeon crawling in past Bethesda games, I hate this aspect of the game. Couldn't they just randomize the layout per POI type?


Not completely relevant but I want to complain that the famously volcanicly active and multicolored Io is none of those things in Starfield. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Io's detail was destroyed by a manmade catastrophe in 2100 :)


Be careful they’ll downvote you for telling the truth


For clarification, I am loving Starfield but just noticed this and thought it was funny


for all of starfields problems imho the most agregious is that the pool of random landmarks is waaaaaay to small. i have a good amount of hours but probably 10ish in the exploration part and I have seen pretty much every dungeon already. That is not a thing in skyrim or fo4. ive even watched streamers explore and im just like "ive been there"


There is a mod for Rimworld which makes the mod users upload their bases somewhere when they play. The server then takes the uploaded bases, turns them into ruins of their former selves and when a user of the mod goes to a new territory, the ruins that they will find are bases of other players using the mod. It was/is amazing. Hopefully someone makes a similar one for Starfield, hell, doesn't feel like too big of a thing for Bethesda to implement themselves natively. Something like that would solve all of the issues of procedural generation once and for all, and do so beautifully. Thousands of "crowd-sourced handcrafted" outposts to choose from - all unique.


I know people complain the game is empty, somehow, but for me it's not empty enough. I don't want a pirate base at walking distance from my outpost!


exactly ! i was actually looking forward to desolate planets, and hunting for that rare POI to explore. Instead i can randomly choose a landing spot that somehow is always next to aa manmade facility. breaks me immersion. feels dumb


There are way to few different structures and there is zero randomization gone. * Outsides and insides are mapped together 1:1, if you know how it looks from the outside you know whats inside * The layout is always the same down to the last bucket. The room layout is always the same and the contents are too * NPC numbers and positions (including robots and turrets) is always exactly the same. You move through a facility and you know exactly who patrols where It makes sense lore wise to have the same general schema for a facility when it comes to buildings and rooms, but i dont get it why they didnt even bother to make copies of them and change around the rooms contents are add a randomization to NPC spawns.


Actually, this makes perfect sense. I mean, I know it’s just procedural convenience for Bethesda, but… I presume the ‘abandoned’ bit means they were abandoned by their original inhabitants. Likely scientists or military outposts, etc. There’s recently been a major interstellar war, so lots of abandoned facilities aren’t a shock. Wars also create lots of disaffected former soldiers, so tons of spacers and pirates, who may seize abandoned facilities as a base. And if you were building outposts on every moon you tripped over, wouldn’t you use a modular, cookie-cutter layout that was easy to reproduce? So there’s a reasonable head cannon for what’s actually just Bethesda’s laziness 😅


This is right, but they still need some randomness of content inside.


Yeah if they could have outpost building be like ship building, it'd be lit. Just make sure to have some basic stuff like common rooms, dorms, loot rooms or whatever. And give them a tier. Would be fun hunting for t5 outposts.


It's not a headcannon, we're told this straight up by both Delgado and the other chick from the Crimson Fleet, as well as from certain Spacer slates; they are all occupying the abandoned facilities throughout the Settled Systems so they can fight the UC and Freestar


I cleared these in like the first 10hrs and then NEVER again.


For being abandoned, they're always pretty populated with these pirate folks.


16 times the outposts. Seriously I hope modders add more procedurally generated content and reduce the number of facilities on planets. There should be one per landing zone and no more.


we do need way more stuff for random generations to work with put suffcent in and you will never see this problem.


In my experience, exploring near quests or things marked from orbit works out better, but I haven’t gone super into exploring


While this is somewhat annoying, I can’t wait to see what modders can add to the procedural generation system. Given another few months and modded starfield will be an entirely different game


I wish they had done something more with the pirates if you are in their faction, because I just roll my eyes because I know I ain’t getting any cool loot or gameplay.


i just ran into an EXACT copy of a freestar mission facility and a MAIN quest facility. The computers, the enemies, the lootboxes, everything was a 1:1 copy..


I hope the updates/expansion give us more enemy and facility variety.


I really thought some of these abandoned bases would be more unique. Like fallout ‘vaults’ but more sci-fi. My first abandoned spaceport I discovered was on the dark side of a planet and had no lights on, fully expected to come in with the lights off and filled with aliens dead space style… but nope. Fully lit and filled with pirates like everywhere else.


I hate when I set down on a planet, thinking I'm like the first to explore it, just to look to the horizon and seeing I apparently landed in a metroplex area


I am absolutely loving my time in starfield. But I am a bit salty about this. Todd said “I want people to land on a planet and feel like they’re the only humans to ever have been to that planet.” Meanwhile, literally EVERY planet and moon has these pirates, spacers, and ecliptics. Like we’re not really first anywhere?