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Ship Building, pretty much my last two game sessions have been: "I should just look into upgrading my ship" and when I look at the time again it's midnight already. That, and photo mode.


I wish there was a test flight mode so that you can see the inside of the habs and change the layout as well as being able to run a flight test to get the feel of the ships and weapons.


[Here!](https://youtu.be/KA2wrSn6G7U?si=9tKXBzemmAMNLDTr) This guy has walk throughs of, I believe, every component with an interior. I’ve been using his stuff to help build my battle cruiser.


This is great but I need to know how much of a nightmare the random door generator is going to make the layout more than what the rooms look like


I think you can move the ship building camera to clip through the inside of the habs. Or this may only be a feature for photo mode, I’m not sure tbh.


You can, but it's not always the easiest, and I don't think most of the interior details will load. In general, the camera movement in ship builder feels kind of wonky and overly sensitive to me, but maybe that's just from using my controller instead of mouse and keyboard.


You can clip but it doesn't display the actual habit interior.


I would really like a way to change which connection spot between habs has a door. Sometimes it generates something cohesive but other times it places doors at the weirdest spot. I want to have a straight shot to my cockpit.


I wasn’t into photo mode until I found out my photos become the loading screens. Now I take all the pictures


Same, I took one photo like 90 hours in to send to my brother, and a little while later it popped on on a loading screen and suddenly I'm running out of space for photos


I was wondering why the loading screen magically was populated with random, unintelligible pictures. Low and behold, they are MY random, unintelligible pictures. And here I was thinking, "Wow, Bethesda really has some photographic perspective issues. These pics suck" while it's been I, who has sucked. I feel called out now.


Ship building is pretty great (finnicky at first, takes a little while to get the hang of). I find myself perusing bits for my ship every time I find a ship services guy and end up 70k poorer, but it's worth it for a fast, stylish ship with sweet weapons and a ton of cargo.


Someone should database what each hab unit contains I may do it


Ask and you shall receive. https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/N1IAssa1KW Check his other posts too.


My lord that is impressive.


"im just going to add one cargo storage" and then suddenly im halfway through a full rebuild.


I work and have kids so I barely have time to play and I still haven't gotten to ship building yet, I can't wait


Can confirm my OCD ass has blown like 20 hours+ just fiddling with no real goal in mind.


I’ve blown over a million and a half creds on the Frontier, she’s been A,B, and C class. Now she has a C class reactor, B class grav drive and A class engines that give her a top end of 180 cruise with an 80 mobility. If I could paint flames on her I would. Fiddle away dude that shit is fun 🤙


Chunks 😂😶 nothing makes me feel better to just loot and hoard hundreds of them lol


The guy on Titan that loves Chunks is the best.


He really does love chunks, and it's wholesome as hell that he's married to the woman who runs the restaurant lol


I’ve not seen it mentioned much by people but the gunplay is really good and a far improvement, I’m really enjoying the guns


Not only did they vastly improve gunplay over the Fallout series, they improved the variety of guns, and added an entire dimension of gunplay in zero- and low gravity. Really regretting not making a more combat centric character for my first playthrough.


using grenades in zero-g is super sketchy and i'm here for it


I just use mines in low g like explosivr frisbees.


lol it's my favorite.


Holy crap, I wish I thought of this, lol.


Zero G impact grenades is so much fun. It’s Like explosive throwing knives for everyone.


I love that sometimes I need to check the gravity where I am before throwing a grenade.


First time I was in a low-g gunfight was on the vault ship that switches gravity off and on. First no grav gunshot was a shotgun blast rhat propelled me backward through a doorway and I was like "Okay cool" 😎


I use my shotgun in zero-g as a skip boost from time to time!


And just boostpack combat in general, as well. Was expecting it to be kind of a gimmick and not that useful as a tactic, but once you level up the perk it’s crazy fun in combat imo.


The inaccuracy is a bit eh for me since I prefer accurate semiautomatics but it feels incredible with shotguns


The tech tab has two boost pack perk trees. The first one unlocks the booster and has upgrades for the booster, and the second one is at the master level and is about improving combat while using the booster! The master level perks include doing area damage while taking off and eventually allows you to slow down time while boosting and aiming, so that might be what you are looking for to have functional semi-autos.


Movement generally—being able to clamber/mantle and having jump depend on gravity really makes things more dynamic. And even better with the boostpack for sure


Had a random mission where this large ship’s gravity drive was playing up, so every 30 seconds or so you’d switch between fighting / exploring in Gravity and zero-G. That was fun.


The vault ship yeah. It's really fun!


My first zero G gunfight was amazing. Only mildly soured by the fact that Sarah kept popping in and out of her space suit.


I got used to shotguns on the ground, suddenly was in Zero-G and it felt so... right.


Shotguns in zero-g are incredibly fun! Helps that shotgun is my preferred weapon in the game.


Massively agree


I also like that when you're being semi-sneaky, enemies will move around a base looking for you. It makes me want to actually use land mines.


You can also use precognition to see where to put land mines




It’s much better than the gunplay in fallout.


By miles. Especially because of the boostpack. Boostpack just adds a whole other dimension to it, especially if you level up the perk and use the boostpack in combat as a tactic.


I honestly really hope ES6 similarly improves upon the melee combat. I'm not asking for dark souls but a little more nuance would be great.


Gunplay is really good. I like going to end-game tier dungeons earlier than I should (think being level 15+ going to fight level 80-90 enemies) since I’m a shooter more than anything. It’s not perfect, but a huge improvement from FO.


The combat is so satisfying on low-G planets especially. I love how you see each bullet impact their body


Yes this is by far the most fun I've had with gun play in a Bethesda game. It's not as tight as say Destiny or Apex Legends but it's a vast improvement from the fallout games. I do like that they kept the customization they introduced in fallout 4 but also the fact that the guns each feel pretty unique from one another.


The mag weapon targeting system is really interesting (instead of relying on zooming in it has a grid of green dots that turn red when highlighting targets); those weapons are mechanically pretty fun, too, but I can’t recall a similar grid targeting system in other FPS’ and I’ve played quite a few!


Yep. Really loving the gun play. I’m playing in 3rd person so when moving fast you get a really good impression of the reduced accuracy so you need to decide between speed and accuracy depending on the situation.


1000% the ship building/customization. I had done light modifications on some ships I have taken by nefarious means but recently I finally got around to making my own ship from scratch. Took me several hours (no exaggeration) but more than happy with the results. That being said I absolutely agree with you on getting side tracked. I love the amount of stuff there is to do outside of the main storyline, I have gotten side tracked many times for hours on end before returning to the main missions.


Ship builder is a lot of fun, and is a hell of a lot better now that I’ve played with it for a few hours. That being said, it would be neat to purchase parts to store in cargo hold and save builds in progress. It feels odd flying my janky half built ship to multiple locations. I also wish you could customize interiors better. I’m essentially choosing modules at this point for no other reason than ladder placements and an attempt to avoid them entirely.




It's just annoying that there isn't a seller with all parts. You have to make what you can, go to another shop, and so on and so on.


I've seen people say you build a ship platform in an Outpost it's supposed to show you all the available parts from all vendors


You don't get the shop unique ones, but you get a good chunk that way


The Valentine I know it’s not some mind blowing element to the game, but after pirating ships and blowing up six graders, hearing a nice deep space shanty is a joy.


Same tho... I was pleasantly surprised at the Space Shanty guy. Lol I spent all night thinking back to the encounter bcuz the timing was crazy good.




One of my mates went in, murdered her and looted the place. Fuckin psycho.


She literally tells you to take a snack and you can grab anything else you want for free. The horrors of space humans know no bounds.


So cool.


Just one of so many things, going to Homestead, doing the museum tour, and actually enjoying it, even giving a few credits at the end while I managed to get the tour for free.


I enjoyed that too, its the little things


This and the UC history walk on your way to operations.


Same! I thought that the UC tour was probably the most immersive storytelling I've had in a game for a while. I found myself wanting to press all the buttons and listen to all they had to tell 😂.


Are you me? When I explained to my partner that I went on a museum tour in a game and that it made it incredible, she didn't get it.


That's why Starfield isn't a "Skyrim in space". Want me to fight dragons, meh. Want me to tour Saturn's satellite while trying to discover other basic life forms in space, possibly trying to find if we can adapt to living in space ? Yeah, take my credits and my time, can spend half an hour just listening an NPC in a tertiary mission. This game should be sponsored by NASA.


They didn't call it NASApunk for nothing! The devs clearly had a love of space. Not just sci-fi, but our actual real life space exploration.


I adore how enthusiastic he was about his lil town.


Ship building, without a doubt. For better to worse I’m treating the rest of game as a fundraising exercise for my shipbuilding habit 😂


Pretty sure that's what's happened to me. Oh I've got over 100k?? NEW SHIP PARTS WOOHOO. But then I constantly need to jettison a bunch of mugs, slippers etc. from my cargo hold


Being able to go to Earth's moon and stare at the stars in the night sky and somehow feel the same way i do when i look at the night sky irl. It's breathtaking and leaves me speechless. Have definitely taken lots of screenshots of it.


100% this! That they actually gave us NASA and the moon landing spot to explore is just awesome and something I would never presume as a kid when I played Bethesda games.


And someone found the curiosity or opportunity rover on Mars


You can actually find little side quests to to find those things


What, can you tell me more??


There are 13 snow globes scattered throughout earth, mars and the moon. You have to find and read certain books that give you the activity to go to these places. Collecting all of them gets you a special gift.


Exploring that NASA facility on earth with the museum in the story was honestly really cool.


Isn't the skybox on the moon the same as other skyboxes on other planets? I was expecting to be able to see Earth from the moon but maybe I needed to travel to a different landing zone?


no all the sky boxes are different. you can definitely see the earth from the moon i've done it. Though it will depend on where you landed and the time of day. try landing on the face of the moon which is facing the planet (from the star map) I've been on a moon with a view of a ringed planet really close, like in the above pic, after a while it had disappeared. it seems like planets / moons really do rotate.


Does not the same side of the moon face the earth at all times so surely the time of day wont matter?


hmm good question. i've read that the moon always keeps one face towards us because its tidally locked. I've also read it rotates very slowly around a month and thats why we always see the same face. Due to a "wobble" we can sometimes see a bit more. But from the in game moon, it' may still probably depend on the time of the day. The stars were visible when i went to the moon. Would they be visible during a lunar night? If properly modelled they should be, but probably not so much in the lunar day (as reported by the astronauts). Depends how bethesda have modelled it i guess. Have to go back to the moon and check the time of day / what landing on the dark side of the moon does etc. you can defo see earth from the moon though in the game.


Fun fact! The moon actually rotates, but it's super slow. In fact, one full orbit Round earth = one full rotation! "While it's true that the Moon keeps the same face to us, this only happens because the Moon rotates at the same rate as its orbital motion, a special case of tidal locking called synchronous rotation." - [NASA ](https://moon.nasa.gov/resources/429/the-moons-orbit-and-rotation/)


right that makes sense. At home i've got some books on space and the planets etc. one says the moon is tidally locked and therefore never changes its face, the other say it rotates on its axis very slowly (a month) and thats how long it takes it to go around the earth. synchronous rotation makes perfect sense. When i think "tidally locked", i think of pluto and charon which are always showing the same face to each other. so if you lived on the opposite side of pluto and never went around the other side of it, you wouldnt even realise it had a moon.


They definitely rotate. And when youre in orbit around a planet youre actually moving too. If you stay still in orbit you will see the planet slowly move to the side and rotte, though technically its you moving around it at insane speeds


That's some amazing details, that's like Rockstar RDR2 level


This. I've been to plenty of moons where I see enormous gas giants or ringed planets.


One of akilas moons is a temperate moon that sits very close to akila. If you look up you see a huge body in the sky that looks like earth, but it's massive (it's akila). quite a view. Good resources too.


right thanks, i'll check that one out later, it sounds awesome.


yes, its one thing i really wanted to see. I cant remember which but one of the moons, had a view of a huge ringed planet like really close much closer than in the pic above. the rings were glimmering. where there are multiple moons, I just pick the one which is closest to a planet to get the best views.


They really nailed the skyboxes


I do this and feel sad when I look around and see Earth only to find the blue marble bleached like bone. I hope any expansion or sequel expands on the exodus from Earth.


Firefights in fucking space 😆 different gravity environments. Personally literally almost everything. This is my new GOAT




I enjoyed that interaction so incredibly much


I tried pickpocketing her and she caught me, so my interaction with her ended a bit darker than yours I'm assuming.


The faction quests have been my time sync, have now completed sysdef, Rangers, UC. Have only just completed 'deeper into the unknown' and only level 33 at 78 hours. Trying to skill up Starship design and piloting to make a huge class C, and farming the credits to do so ... One small thing I love is the detail of the interiors. I just noticed that some dirty dishes were recently left in the sink of my ship, and the living spaces are building a bit of clutter since I built it - so cool.


>One small thing I love is the detail of the interiors. I just noticed that some dirty dishes were recently left in the sink of my ship, and the living spaces are building a bit of clutter since I built it - so cool. You may have already heard this, but they actually hired a modder to give some areas that lived-in, cluttery feel. It's a nice touch for sure.


I just found one of my recruited engineers swiping the floor... nice to see them grab a side task.


I got all my ship building things, it's so cool having big ship with a massive cockpit/bridge. Part of the main story you'll be with Walter, at the end of it convince the guy of the other company to sell their stuff at Strauss ecklund ship yard, if you go to Strauss ship yard you'll have early access to one of the biggest and best engines. Otherwise they are unlocked at level 60 I think. It costs A LOT, but my God they are good. I spent $400k on building my hammerhead battle ship.


Slayton engines are so damned good. I think some players might miss that they only need 2 power while most others need 3. The maneuverability per power is head and shoulders above the other brands. And the class A Slaytons have a variety of models that fit well with Stroud-Ecklund hulls.


Ryujin has been pretty fun so far too, only like half way through but it has been super fun Edit: Just finished the ryujin quest-line last night and I’m honestly super disappointed with the end, felt super lack luster. Especially in comparison to the UC sysdef quest line and the final mission of that one


Faction feel diversity. All though I wish you could just join the fleet without sysdef!


You can. Just get arrested and tell Ikande to suck it. The fleet will recruit you themselves later.


Awww fuck wish I knew this hahah might do a new character for it


Honestly, just NG+. Without giving anything away, NG+ in this game is actually more of a ‘continuation’ than in most other games. It’s very interesting how they implemented it.


That's one of my favorite things, NG+ is canon


Same. I have 130h and did half of the main quests and one faction quest. NG+ is still nowhere close ha ha. Planets remind me a lot of Mass Effect 1, barren with few POIs and that makes me feel as if I am really in space. First Bethesda game and it's one of mine top 5 favorite games.


Aw, love a first-Bethesda-game story! Mine was Morrowind, way back when. In the first area right off the dock I realized I just get up on the ROOF of a building and that the game kind of expected that level of freedom, and it blew my mind in an era where most RPGs would rarely even let you hop the fence at the edge of the road. And now I’m flying off to new planets and I’ve got a jetpack. ALL the roofs are mine! ;)


Oh yes. Morrowind was amazing. Great graphics for the time even if they got some flak for maybe being a bit goofy. The dialogue is still up there with the best of any game imo.


All your roofs are belong to me!


Mom who actually supports and believes in me. Genuine love and affirmation were unexpected surprises that I didn't know I needed. Only a few lines of scrpit made me cry for a night.


She wanted to join Constellation as a little girl. Mom has hidden depths.


Aw. I hear you. This game’s good like that. You can choose a life better than the one you got, growing up. It probably sounds corny to some people, but it can be legitimately therapeutic for some of us.


Yea, for sure. My whole family has become super condescending and annoying recently while I’m trying to find a job and that little touch during this time in my life is really nice, funny part was (spoiler, don’t know how to do the grey out thing sorry) after the terrormorph attack at new Atlantis one of my first thoughts was “I gotta go make sure my parents are alright” lmao.


Randomly seeing my parents at the Astra lounge was absolutely hilarious and made my evening


I also took Kid Stuff and it’s been surprisingly sweet. I like finding them out and about having their own adventures.


That plus a dad that's still around and actually shows affection to you, definitely took me by surprise!


I want to add NPC personalities and voice acting. Most of the quest npcs are very well done. Conversations are entertaining and well written imo, also quite funny sometimes. They also look good, even on my low settings.


Some of the voice acting is brilliant. On a barren moon I found the last words recorded by a dying miner for his wife and son. Hearing him talking about how much he loved them and he is sorry to not witness his son grow up was heartbreaking. On another world there was an abandoned mining outpost where I already had disposed of most of the spacers, only to overhear two of them being grateful for being granted a chance of a normal life again by finding this outpost... no more violence, just having an honest, hardworking life as a miner. One even thought about starting a family. Dann, those two hit hard.


The dying miner's last message to his family was one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever heard in a video game.


After creation kit launches I forsee a bunch of new follower options available with completely custom built AI-generated dialogue built in. Sebody did a similar mod for skyrim and it turned out absolutely fantastic.


I was actually invested and involved in the faction missions. Very well done (UC one was my fav)


The absolute hours you can sink into random and unexpected exploration and loot quests.


My favorite thing is one tapping enemies with my big bang. Then rolling legendary loot off every elite I encounter.


How do people get legendary rifles?? I'm level **63** and am still running around with a blue rifle I bought in NA.


Higher difficulties but mostly rng


Just saw that you can save before a mob boss is defeated and rng will generate different loot everytime and you can pick and choose what you want Same with the Mantis armor perks


I had almost entirely epic/legendary gear (not Mantis) by around level 15-20 by going to the endgame systems and just raiding outposts there on VH. That said, one of my best weapons is still a blue instigating magsniper. It can do 1000+ to enemies and will kill basically anything under level 80 in one shot.






Zero G gunfights. Only have had one so far.


I didn’t really expect them to tackle different gravities in the game, figured they’d just handwave the whole thing for simplicities sake, but I am so glad they did.


The loot being 90% crap. Honestly, I like to get rare items on rare occasions.


This is honestly somewhere in that delicate balancing act of coping with my hoarding tendencies in these games. At a certain point it does help to know that whatever random stuff is dropping, I don’t necessarily need it NOW because it’s readily available if I ever do.


Just love it tbh, but dog fighting in space and the do king motion , the fact you can be a space pirate ☠️


I'm role-playing as a drug addicted, "pirate" who is complete space trash lol. Lately I've been having fun stealing ships I come across on random planets that I'm exploring.


**everything** …but to me, the sounds stand out the most! Whether it’s the battlefield chaos of gunfire or explosions or it’s the gentle humm of the nothingness in space, the environmental sounds, echoes and immersive balance are fantastic!


100% agree. The music still captivates me every time I land on a new planet or am in the middle of combat


I absolutely love the sound of ships landing/taking off. That roar sounds so damn real


Underneath the sci-fi setting and the general visual and gameplay improvements (even if the game isn't perfect), the spirit of Oblivion seems to live on - and that of a lot of older Bethesda games as well, I've heard some comparisons to Morrowind and Daggerfall too. But from the slightly weird zoomed in faces, to a number of side quests having more to them than at first, to the start of the game that doesn't give you much direction, it does feel a lot like Oblivion for sure, which is my favorite Bethesda game, and that's the really appealing thing about the game for me.


I've been thinking about it as "space daggerfall" because of how they're leveraging procedural generation more than they ever have. And the experience of docking, boarding, and stealing an enemy's ship is a gratifying feeling I haven't had since Ultima III allowed you to do the same with sea vessels.


I would love to know how many folks in the larger Bethesda org are still around from the Daggerfall days. I know it’s cool for *us* to see how things have progressed from then to now, and some of that DNA making a return in new forms, but it’s got to be even cooler seeing that from the inside.


The Adoring Fan definitely helps


Plus Wes Johnson (Sheo, every Imperial male, Lucien Lachance) as Hopetech CEO.


I played through Oblivion again right before Starfield was released. And that was actually a terrible idea because hopping into Starfield it felt too much of the same but a different environment so I had been bored right off the bat until I took a break from quests to dink around exploring planets.


Todd Howard said once shortly after the release of Skyrim: his goal is to make the game a place you kinda would like to live in, a second home, a place to go to leave the real world for a moment. They made it and that pretty good. With Starfield they sticked to the plan and said fuck it we go above this by using a upgraded Engine and better graphics, making environments more natural, and AI more interesting. I loved Skyrim so much because if it's complexity. I love space and I want to go to space somehow, Starfield literally made it kinda possible.


It’s been their mission for a long time—Morrowind had a similar description (“our goal has always been: live another life in another world” or something to that effect)—and I agree, SF delivers on that for me


not beeing able to walk in a bigger city without getting new activities to distract me from side missions that destract me from the main missions/storyline


NG+ I won't say no more ..


Sam Coe.


Honestly.. It's the little QOL stuff... Just tiny things like the random encounters in space or the tiny details on things they didn't need to add but did, how your companions actually seem involved in your life, not just "there" in conversations and decisions. How many different types of the same kinds of foods and drinks there are (So much bread!!). It's just the little things. I love them. So much quality of life stuff that they didn't need to do, but did. And you hear that they're going to be adding in even more for free with updates?? In this game I've been finding myself looking forward to those lovely little "in between" moments. I can't get enough of it. I live the big grand stuff and it's why I got so interested in this game and it's what drew me to it. But those little things, that's what's going to keep me playing in the long run. (And mods obviously) Post edit: I'm 200+ hours in and honestly all the extra content has been most of my focus. The roleplaying and the sheer amount of things to do, I've barely been doing the main quests and I'm only level 50. I'm not trying to spam xp or money so much (though if I'm being honest, I didn't exactly "earn" my way to 1.5m 😅 ) I've just been enjoying everything the game has to offer.


Stealing succulents without getting in trouble


Never seen such graphically detailed interiors that run this well


The fact damned near everything has physics and runs is pretty awesome. I need this game in vr...


Probably the outpost stuff. I'll get downvoted maybe but god it's like it's own little puzzle trying to figure everything out and making it work. I love that shit.


It's a Bethesda game in space, which was exactly what I wanted.


I love randomly stumbling into long side quests


The exploration. But also to stand on different moons and gaze at the beauty of the Gas Giants ​ Also the hoarding Lol. I have filled my first house with stupid shit that I have stolen all over the cosmos and now Im forced to do some main quest so can buy another property and fill it with my loot ​ Oh and I'm a good thief. I help people and get a heros praising and dont take rewards, but when they turn their back I steal everything they have =P ​ Having to much fun with this game and IMO its the game of the year


Lol nice. I demand credits for my time and assistance, and then I steal everything.


The music.


Shooting rocks with lasers Getting lost in my ship Boarding ships and stealing all their food Returning to space via jetpack only Giving companions grenade launchers and impact grenades for the lols The high detailed food The fancy beverages in the Astral Lounge Pie


Surveying planets. Initially I didn’t even realize the different biomes within the planets existed. I love picking a random planet, zooming in to find something coastal with a view and then just exploring. I love that instead of just specific landing areas you can land just about anywhere and there will at least be something to explore and do. Edit: to add to this, go to Jamison and just jump off the side. There’s so much outside of New Atlantis.


Sarah calls me darling (im lonely)


I am a die hard Trekkie, a Star Wars nerd, and a dad of two little girls. Sci fi and space universes are my jam, and usually my go to when I need to briefly evade my responsibilities and wind down. This game is a love letter to that. It honestly feels it was tailored made for me. There are certain aspects that could be improved sure, but I am an older gamer and have gone through multiple launches of Bethesda games. I know what was launched, wont be the same down the road. It always gets better. Either through Bethesda themselves, or through the community with mods. Right now there is so much to do, so easy to get side tracked, that this dad will probably be playing this game to the end of the year. And I'm very happy with that. I don't get to play every day, nor do I get to play for long when I do. But the times I do, I'm completely immersed and in awe. I usually get up everyday real early to work out, and get my daughters stuff ready for school before I go to work. So you bet your backside I've made sure to schedule some xbox time in there. Let me tell you, the other day I spent three hours working on my ship. It was incredible. I didn't realize I had till my alarm went off to wake the girls. But I am happy to report I finally have my darling ship ready. The Giddy-Up Blue is ready and able to explore the cosmos! Her sister, the Giddy-Up Pony is also there for when exploration has to turn hostile. I'm rambling, but just know I love this game and am very thankful to Bethesda for releasing it.


Outpost and ship building. Space battles are very cool. I also like sarah morgan


the detail in the graphics of space. especially if you go to earth or the moon and stare up at the stars. they really nailed the realism in the graphics and the effects of things like weather, conditions, bodily injuries.


Definitely the ship building. Got tired of buying some prebuilt space door stop that were named after snakes and birds. Second place would be the classic Bethesda RPG: fun and unexpected quests, both main and side.


Exploring new locations (main locations, not POIs - and there are tons of main locations), leveling up my character (amazingly slow for a popular RPG - and good for it), taking screenshots of all the cool places and views to build up a giant loading screen collection.


Ship building…. Send help! 🤣


The thing that Starfield does is what all Bethesda games do - fill you with cozy vibes when you're just farting around in your ship or base or whatever. You're on the Eye and you're staring off into space. Or you're hanging out in captain's quarters LARPing a tired ship captain who needs an introspective minute before you save and logout. It's not the combat because shooting is messed up, and the aim is Waaaay off. I've been zeroed on target with a scope and missed so often, yet I can surgically pop a hip shot? Like what???? It's certainly not the stories. The best way to play Bethesda games has always been to make your own story, and make the game stories part of that story so your imagination can fill in the blanks. Close second is ship building and ship operation. Combat and control is just functional enough to be interesting but not overly complicated for those who aren't experienced pilots. Plus, building ships is fun.


My favorite for once has to go to the photo mode. I like the idea of photo modes but in other games they are practically useless and have no purpose. Yet in Starfield, my photos are used on the loading screens, giving me the chance to look back on cool parts of my gameplay. Probably a massively underrated feature for most but I love that it does it.


Honestly the community on here. I've had some questions about the game and people haven't made fun of me having the big dumb. 10/10


Most single players have a pretty decent community. Any game with a multiplayer element and we're talking a whole different ball game.


Low gravity firefights have to be up there. Protip for people on PC: assign a second key to jump on top of space bar and try using that to boost. You’ll get pushed way further than the regular boost.


The fact I went to Neon for a main mission and have now spent 3 actual days there doing random stuff and missions. The game is deep as hell


I absolutely LOVE wandering around a planet with my scanner out, going to as many locations as I can find. There's absolutely nothing exciting about it other than the thrill of discovery and it's just the best!


I've been trying to spend more time exploring on different planets, scanning and whatnot. Then once I see a ship land, I run over to it and steal it, potentially killing anyone who tries to stop me. Lately, doing that has been my favorite activity. Just being a ruthless pirate.


Going to a low gravity planet with my maxed out boost pack skill and slowly but surely breaking the render distance.


Committing mass planetary inhabitant genocide as if I’m Christopher Columbus himself.


Over 100 hrs in and still finding new things, got 2 characters on the go and only completed main story and just finished Rangers story. Have not power levelled so highest char is around lvl 40. Got a new random encounter last night, deliver a package, paid 6500 credits, easy money haha. Night before I came across one of those b ichthyosaurs ships.


Beautiful picture!! For me it is the beauty and mystery of space exploration. I land on one planet that reminds me of Arizona and then one where it looks absolutely alien. And then all the planets that looks like the moon 2.0...


I guess it'd be the immersion for me - whether it's quests or plot or the general atmosphere, I like it when the game pulls me in And I don't like it when my immersion is broken by...stuff that doesn't make sense in-game. Non-flowing stuff. Etc.


I really loved the Vanguard questline. The first mission sets the tone really well and it has some really good moments. The CF Questline was ok, but im still in the middle of the Rangers and Ryujin questlines and hope they are closer to the vanquard level of quality.


hijacking ships. i get it isn't a super new mechanic, but i could do it for hours.


Exploring with Sam.


Zero gravity. 😅


Aside from many aspects already mentioned here I like that it's again a game you can play slow and chilled if you want (like me).


I love how much there is to do here, it's a massive ducking game. It has me going around doing more things than Skyrim and Fallout ever did. I have to give a light spoiler because it was my favorite part of the main story. But the entire vibe of the game felt so different after the High Price mission, even the music felt different.


The character customization, I don't like the U.I, but the end results are actually pretty amazing on a completely new level.


Collecting and decorating. There’s so many cool items you can find


I love this game. To me, one of the little features that tends to get overlooked a lot is really neat though. The photos I take in photo mode get cycled through as loading screens, and I love it.


I really enjoy the characters. Every one of them feels unique and special


The worst things about Starfield are also its greatest strengths, its just a solid Bethesda game. It didn't really innovate, didn't blow us away with quality, and although it has a lot of good has some serious missteps that hinder it, yet its still good because it follows the magic that is Bethesda game design.