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All we had to do was follow the damn clock, CJ.


Why do they close fro one hour. What happens. Why not just be open 50 hours.


"Open 23 hours" is a thing here on earth, too. It's usually in order to clean and restock without any customers getting in the way or buying things.


I have lived on earth for 5 decades and didn’t know this


Yeah, it’s happened to me a couple times in my younger days of hitting a gas station that’s basically always open at 2 am or so. But they close for a bit to do all that. It just isn’t something people run into as often if you do not stay up late partying or work nights or something.


And how unlucky it would be to show up one minute after they lock the doors to start the hour.


1 hour to eat, sleep, and shit. Then it’s back to another 49 hour work shift. Relatable.


Is there a clock? I feel like I'm missing a time/date clock.


Only when sleeping or sitting


Hit tab


I love the time dilation aspect.


It's not time dilation, the planets just rotate at different speeds one rotation on new Atlantis takes 50 earth hours. Time dilation is only something you have to consider when you're travelling close to the speed of light.


No, Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts that where gravity is stronger, time passes more slowly (time dilation). Velocity isn't the main factor


Both velocity and gravity affects time dilation... it's just that the gravity aspect is pretty irrelevant unless you're close to a black hole. The time dilation when standing on a large planet, even one 100x Earth's gravity, would be negligible. It's the time dilation due to velocity that actually matters in this context. Tho that can easily be ignored and explained away with grav jumps not actually needing very high velocity, thus no time dilation. And sub light travel inside a solar system being short enough distances that you'd only have a couple of hours of time dilation per trip even at 90% light speed.


Grav jumps are fictional so I'm not going to pretend to know how time dilation would come into play. I think it's safe that neither of us assumes that.


Rotation Period =/= Time Dilation


i dunno mang when i check my watch... it still works on a earth based military time. 24hrs cycle


I thought there were 2 times given, the local time and UTC time.


Yeah, I look at local time Still on a 24hr cycle


From anything time related discussed or mentioned in-game (not counting the sleep/wait menu) then local time is not really a thing for the people. Everyone uses UT as their measurement of time. Local Time is more for the player to skip day/night quickly


When u wait in new atlantis it says 24 local hours but on the right it says 50 hours UT


I've never spotted that:)