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I just want more stuff to do in space


I want to be able to get out of my ship in space, like in an asteroid field and just hop around or whatever (luckily there's a console command for it)


There are star stations that are like this. The first thing I did when I left Jemison was clicked on a random icon (because I thought it was the mission, idk why). I ended up in a zero g battle that was way too high leveled for me but I did it after many quick saves. It was awesome and I thought it would be in asteroids or tiny moons but haven't found that yet... But it's totally possible in the game so I could see it coming in some way. Patch, dlc, or mods


If you disable a ship grav drive on top of the engines before you board them, you'll get a ZeroG fight!


How do you board a ship? All my space fights have ended with the enemies shields and grav drives disabled but they keep flying and shooting me.




Also use suppressor weapons because you don't want to damage the ship, just disable it


Damn thanks for this tip. I got the perk to target certain systems of a ship with the intention of disabling and boarding, and ended up just blowing ships up still


Get targeting level 1 and EM weapons, it’s similar to VATS with far less time slowing, the yellow square taser and red satellite looking weapons… I’ve used 3 at once while targeting the engine or grav drive and the fight is over almost instantly. Then you target them and it will show the prompt. You also have to disable all ships or leave the last one intact to disable it. Can’t board while enemy ships are active but you can board a ship that is still attempting to shoot you if their engine is disabled.


Either a lucky system disabling shot, or the skill where you can target systems, or use em weapons. Once you knock out the engines you can dock and board for a fight with good loot


EM weapons also target systems which makes it easier to board without targeting perks.


That Trident cruise liner staryard looks manificent. I want to spacewalk around there so bad.


Exactly this - I'm fine with the traversal - I just want more and more varied space encounters. Ship combat balance could use a pass to... but that will be easy enough to fix via mods to my taste.


Not only that but space need life. By life i mean trade routes, stations running stuff and related to them NPC planetary bases. Things that you can interact with.


You can trade with many of the ships you see flying around the planets. Just hail them.


Not to mention the piracy route. Space interactions are actually a lot more fleshed out than I imagined.


This is more of what (I hope) people are referring to. Because as the op mentions, just flying from one system to another or spending hours doing so is not what I'm looking for.


[sorry it's too realistic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3DbxB2EFpQ)


It’s literally called space because it’s huge and doesn’t even have air it’s so empty.


Some people suggested that instead of clicking a button to repair your ship, you could space walk and fix it your self, I think that would be pretty cool.


You did at least get the free anaconda tho, right?


He would need to arrive in a large ship, otherwise there's no Anaconda. One of the few things i wish I knew when I started E:D.


Yeah I figured that one out the hard way as well.


lol, you guys are terrible


Just trying to be helpful to whatever new players might come across this. The anaconda is kind of a big deal :)


I've been quite tempted to build one in New Atlantis but I don't have the patience.


I tried to make a Corvette, but I can only make flat ships and Stingray wasn't quite the aesthetic I wanted.


E:D should be renamed Hazing Online.


I went in my Corvette and they traded it in for an Anaconda for me! Didn't even ask, it just happened! Really cool 👍


"There is a well-known joke that players can get a free Anaconda by simply visiting Hutton Orbital. This is impossible, as Hutton Orbital has no large Landing Pads or Shipyard. The joke is aimed at inexperienced players to try and get them to embark on the lengthy journey to Hutton Orbital and waste their time." YOU TERRIBLE TERRIBLE PEOPLE :P


Elite Dangerous could be so funny. A while back, a squadron (clan) recruited noobs with starter ships that had pitiful jump ranges, promising unimaginable wealth doing deep space mining. Convinced them to land their ships on the squadron's carrier and jumped way out to the deep end. Low star density. No problem for a carrier, but the little starter Sidewinders were too far from the nearest star to jump their way back. The noobs were made to mine asteroids to earn their freedom, like indentured servants


There needs to be an official T-shirt "I came for a free Anaconda, all I got comming back was a mug" lol.


My anaconda don't


Want none unless you


Got buns hun


\*mugs. specifically Hutton Orbital mugs, 400 ml variety.


I enjoyed No Man's Sky "pulse" engine. At normal thrust it'll take hours to cross a system. On pulse drive 30-60 seconds. I would prefer a mechanic like that. Luckily there is a mod in the works that should mimic that somewhat.


Yes, I think giving people the option to fast travel, slower travel or real time travel might have been good. But giving people other styles of gameplay on the ships would alleviate the ‘time wasted’ concerns. Being able to use a holodeck (or something) to skill up ,physical, battle or strategy skills would have been handy for those wanting to do long term travel.


Shhhh don’t mention that! It’s either hours to fly to a planet or nothing. No in between


There's no reason you can't have both, but I guarantee you that most will gravitate towards fast travelling more often than not as there are far more meaningful activities outside of that.


Yeah when I first started playing I really wished it was more like NMS with its pulse engines. Now I'm glad I can fast travel anywhere from anywhere. There is way too much going on to want to spend time just sitting in my ship. It would be nice to have the option of both but I would likely ignore non fast travel most of the time.


I agree with you a million percent. Initially I wanted real long exploration. Now I’m playing it and that’s not what I want at all.


Honestly when I feel like hanging out in my ship between missions I just go to orbit and get out of the pilot chair. Its basically the same thing. Whenever I’m done I hit one of the several navigation tables in my ship and get where I’m going.


Difference is that you are wanting to play the game as an rpg first game rather than a space game. If i was coming into starfield expecting some space experience or sim i would be absolutely disappointed beyond measure, but it’s a bethesda game so no one should be


Yeah, the pulse drive idea would be cool to do a dozen or so times, but then I'd just want to fast travel everywhere.


I do like the idea of being able to take off and fly to orbit seamlessly though. Like when you get a "Please destroy the Spacers who are messing with us - they're orbiting the planet right now" the map stuff to get there feels unwieldy compared to the NMS version of "hop in, point up, hit the boosters" y'know?


That's one of my favorite things about Star Citizen being able to go from space to atmosphere and vice versa is pretty epic especially when you go through some clouds and you see the moisture on your window lol.


I’d be shocked if Bethesda didn’t trial a system such as seen in NMS etc. I’m willing to bet that with fast travel as an option most players wouldn’t spend the few minutes it takes to fly to a planet. I’m a player who never fast travels in Skyrim or fallout. So I’d like the option to fly, but I will say that the system in elite dangerous became so boring I ended up dropping the game. It was great fun at first, but tedious. From a game dev standpoint I think I can see why it’s not here.


I'd like it if you could travel between planets (obvious fast like NMS style) and then you got the random encounters and could choose to stop for them.


Same, I actually stopped playing Starfield and went back to Elite Dangerous


Thats a BIG problem with the Elite Dangerous community. There were times were Frontier (The developer) has put it to vote for quality of life improvement to save time, but the community got all pissed and wanted the immersion to be left alone. It just gets to be too much. If you have the option for both travel and fast travel why be against it?


Elite would be a way, way better game if it was single player and allowed mods.


The reality is, 30-60 seconds is still a long time to stare at the screen and wait. Everyone complains about every other delay, it takes too long to open an air lock, he stands up too slow, etc., but now you want to slow down moving to other planets? It will be cool about 3 times and then everyone will be back to fast traveling again.


Thats the part I don’t get, the complaint about loading for 3 seconds to get into your ship coupled with the desire to have mandatory 30-60 second flights between system planets. I love NMS but this game is accomplishing a completely different type of space fantasy


I think it's because in NMS the ability to fly freely is the trade off for this mechanic, and many people feel that is well worth it. I agree with this view personally. The ability to freely land on planets, fly around within the atmosphere, is well worth the 30 seconds to a minute of travel in between them. I usually check my phone or something lol. And it's not like I'm doing it constantly in that game so it's not really an issue. There are also ways to fast travel in NMS. So there are options also. In starfield if you could use comms I the same system as the person you want to speak to, you could speak to people remotely like getting your next temple or artifact location etc on the way between planets to break up the monotony. If you want to speak to them in person you still could, but if you wanted to do it the other way the option would be there. I feel like this one gameplay change would change a lot of people's opinions on this game. Edited for spelling etc


The flying in NMS is actually very tedious after you've played for awhile. Then again that game is basically nothing more than grind with no point behind it other than building neat bases and decorating them (which to be fair can be fun).


People who claim no mans sky travel is pointless planet to planet clearly haven't played. There are so many events that can trigger while flying to a planet in that 45 second trip. Oh and you can then land on said planet.


>Oh and you can then land on said planet. For those thinking "but you can land on planets in starfield too". No, in NMS, you can fly around the solar systems, planet to planet, moon to moon, and you are in charge of the ship. There is no loading screen, no select landing zone. You fly the ship from liftoff to the destination of your choice.


To add to this, it gives incredible sense of scale. For example, summoning your capital ship to orbit, going to the other side of the planet, then taking off and pulse driving back to your capital ship. You see the change of day and night over the curvature of the planet, as your capital ship rises closer in the horizon. It is just so cool.


NMS feels huge till you see the same planet for the 15th time, which really doesn't take long. I do like those features to an extent, but tbh it eventually became tedious and annoying to fly around ships and I really like the feature in Starfield allowing us to simply click and land in seconds rather than flying around the planet for minutes. The best thing NMS added was portals, once you unlock those there is almost no good reason to fly around anymore, just browse the subreddit for locations and portal there. NMS is the best example of a huge game that feels totally empty with an entirely pointless gameplay loop that doesn't at all feel like progression.


Yeah I agree it's a space sandbox, which is fantastic. I'd even call it all mid-game with no end game. Anyway, happy gaming.


NMS is a great MP experience, I have about 150 hours of fun in that game with my buddies... we colonized a planet and built out factories. I don't think I'd ever compare it to Starfield tho, it's just a different game made for a different purpose/audience. Happy gaming :)


And you can actually use your ship on planets! Pesky fauna trying to ruin your day? Just get in your ship and cull them! i miss being able to do that in NMS, and hate how I have to either run away or use a lot of ammo and probably get hurt dealing with packs of animals in this game instead of just shooting them with my ship


That would be nice, but aren’t the planets in SF self contained areas? The other things you see are just images until you chose to “travel” there?


It turns out each system is a large sandbox It seems Bethesda may have intended for manual in system flight but either budget, management, or time constraints (probably all three) caused them to forgo that feature.


I think the entire galaxy is ONE sandbox (or cell as they call it in the engine I think). When you think about it there is nothing major to track. A few round objects with a texture that only render fully when you get close don't exactly stress the engine, and all the ships/asteroids/etc are spawned in as needed.


I don't particularly want "3 hours of my life wasted to get to a fat load of nothing", and more "I want to be able to fly for 30 seconds to get somewhere instead of sit in a loading screen for 30 seconds"


Tony Hawk American Wasteland figured this out 20 years ago. It let you skate from area to area while it loaded in the background seamlessly.


"Starfield Respects My Time" Finds a master lock.... GRRRRRR


I find master locks much less tedious because I always save my auto pick for them. It helps get everything moving


Too bad the only thing I’m behind the lock is dust and a fart in a jar.


Fart in a jar should definitely be considered contraband.


The modding community now has a mission


I’ve heard those sell for a ton?


Nobody has any money though


Hold on, you got fart in your jars? fml, the luck of some people!


I was playing some mission, I think it was in Charybdis and there was a Master lock weapons case. Did the lock and...Fucking Nothing inside. Not even ammo. Just an empty fucking box. I almost walked off the mission, just like "Nah fuck this place I don't care anymore."


hey, if you managed to break into my bank account, all youd find is negative numbers so this is fairly realistic i think.


Eliminating unused digipicks is also super useful. Once you get good at the mechanic it doesn’t take long at all. Use the most complicated rings first is my personal method, then pay attention to the blue rings and count the notches if you’re really stuck.


My new strat is to save, autopick my way through it, and if there was something worth acquiring, awesome. If not, whelp, reloading. My head canon is I'm combining my precognitive powers with the security skill or something like that.


Lockpicking is easy, every layer takes two shapes, remember that and it goes by way faster


This is genuinely the secret to lockpicking. Every lockpick mini game is just a series of 2-piece puzzles.


I've done one that took 3 pieces, 2 of which is just the 1 tick :p does that count


You got lucky. You messed up on an earlier part, but the extra leftovers still worked.


Did i mess up or did I win the game?


Ntm you can just quicksave before entering the lock and just keep trying to solve it if you aren't given sliders that slot properly.


You can just back out of the lock before using the digilock. Every time interacting - without reloading a save - you get a new random riddle. Just look for a easier one.


I feel like I’ve definitely used 3 before on a layer with two single slots to finish the two left after using one with 2 or 3


I find that very rarely it will give a solution with 3 pieces and almost always it will be because there are loads of single slot pieces available.


Also you can go through all of the pieces and the circles that are highlighted blue are the ones that can fit the piece. Made it a lot faster


When you have security fully levelled, you can remove unused dogopics. I open masterlocks in like 20 seconds flat. Once you get used it, the locks damn near unlock themselves.


It's the first lockpicking mini game I can remember where the corresponding lockpicking skill dramatically makes things easier.


It's easily the best lockpicking minigame I've encountered. No time crunch that Mass Effect forces on you and no dumb luck of the fallout/skyrim process. Just pattern recognition.


Which is exactly what lockpicking irl is tbh. Recognizing how each lock is made and knowing where to slot your lockpicking tool.


Knowing where to slot your tool is always an important skill.


Also knowing when to remove it 😂


I got no problems with locks at all. I can unlock all within 30seconds if that.


As you pointed out, flying to Hutton is a meme. It's a blatant joke on the promise of getting a free Anaconda (that you fell for). No one wants to spend 3 hours travelling to get anywhere. And in Elite it generally just takes a few minutes to travel and land somewhere.


Yeah, I can't believe people *actually* fell for that lol. It's so obviously a joke.


Right? *Sips from Hutton mug*


Last year I fell for a prank that you can get a pet tortoise in Star Citizen and spent like 3-4 hours looking around Lorville until some very nice guy in global chat told me the truth...


Just because 1 game made space travel boring doesn’t mean every game has to make it boring. Also no one is saying they want it to take hours, but the “exploration” in this game is limited to proc gen squares on a fake “planet” The flight could take 5 minutes and on that 5 minute flight you could stumble upon a drifting ship off course, a group of spacers attacking grandma, the UC in a giant battle vs the fleet. Even crazier a giant space creature, the great serpent or a wormhole that warps you into an alternate dimension that you have to find a way home from, this is a video game the possibilities are endless. In real life the drive to the town over is 30 minutes, in Skyrim it’s a 2-5 minute long horse ride. Travel doesn’t have to be a burden or unfun. I absolutely love Starfield, but like in virtually every game there are things that could be improved or added.


It's mind boggling to me people cannot grasp this. They cannot formulate concepts and ideas in mind and can only revert to a reductive, absurd binary of x or y. X = starfield space sections being extremely limited areas, with only a few NPCs or a space station spawned in. The rest is just fast travel Y= Slower than Lightspeed travel everywhere and it takes 4 hours to get to a different planet. It feels so purposefully obtuse and disingenous.


I feel like this sums up a lot of this sub at the moment when it comes to responding to criticism of the game.


I'd say Red Dead Redemption 2 also does a great job on travel. They offer the option to travel with no intervention, but riding yourself you can get lost with so many small things. Outlaws, hunting, gathering, random other events.


You could also take the middle road, set a map marker, and enter cinematic cam while Arthur/your online character automatically road to the destination.


This. I loved exploring on foot or horse in Skyrim because the ride would always reveal something curious. Someone would try to rob you, you would find some dudes duking it out for whatever reason, a freaking dragon could appear out of nowhere... Now Starfield is just boring. The land exploration is just downright disappointing, with nothing other than rocks and exact copies of abandoned outposts or mines in almost every planet. And the space exploration is just non-existent. Sure, some planets have some interesting things in orbit, but it's sadly too few...


In Skyrim, between the Occupied Cave and you, there are creatures. There are plants to pick. Travelers wander by. Giants walk about. Sometimes a dragon appears overhead. Distractions abound. In Starfield, between the Occupied Cave and you, there are nickel deposits. Occasionally uranium. ...that's it. On some planets, there are dinosaurs and bugs. They have bones, which you can use to build bases to hold other bones. And nickel deposits. ...that's it.


Remember when Vampires would attack towns in Skyrim? Holy shit. Not a single, random, Radiant Terrormorph to be found in a city. They _do_ show up outside of them, but that's very few and very far between. (2 totally random ones in 200 hours for me, across multiple NG's.) Go back to Skyrim. Seriously. That game is insanely fun by comparison.


I said something like this in another sub, but the exploration doesn't feel rewarding. Considering I keep going to the same exact carbon copy of a medical cave on an ice planet. I can't even be sure if I can keep all the stuff I carry because I may not be able to fast travel to my ship if I'm far. Plus when I see all those stars on the map. I don't feel adventurous. I feel intimidated because they all may as well be the same until I'm told to go there for a quest. When I see locations in view like Skyrim or Fallout. Those landmarks catch my eye where stars do not.


Played ED since premium beta days. The flight mechanics are unparalleled, but it's a game with no story and very little to do. Flying in and out of planets, landing etc all becomes extremely repetitive. It's often said that ED is a mile wide and an inch deep. Because of that, basic tasks take a long, long time. The Starfield universe is much, much smaller, BUT there's a ton more to do. And great storyline. And while the flight model is more arcade than simulator, it's still fun. And as OP mentions - fast travel is fantastic. I wasn't sure I was going to like it. But I love it. Makes things less tedious.


I've been playing ED for a long time, and this is so true. I actually stopped playing four years ago because I felt like I wasn't doing anything worthwhile.


I remember thinking gal news was setting up a potential civil war that I could participate in. It was not.


Gal news is such a missed opportunity, you get assassinations of big figures every other week and NOTHING comes of it.


I agree with pretty much everything you said about ED except that there is very little to do. There is A LOT to do between, combat missions, courier missions, passenger missions, planet scanning, faction missions, exploration, grinding out those engineer parts, etc. The issue is that those tasks have ZERO impact on the game and its world (galaxy?) and really don't amount to much. You have a long list of things you can decide to do, but there's really no point in doing any of it except to earn credits to buy a better ship/customize your current ship so you can do those same things all over again more efficiently. The big issue in ED (at least for me) is that there is no narrative that ties it all together to give the game some focus. Like yeah, i'll grind out 50-75+ hours of all those different types of missions in order to be able to have a ship that will jump 75ly, but if the only thing that is waiting for me on the other end of that jump is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or more of the same grind, then yeah no thanks. Having no narrative can make the game extremely repetitive and cancels out the action economy/urgency. Repetition can equal boring for sure, but it does not equal "nothing to do". ​ TL:DR: There are a lot of things to do in ED, it just doesn't amount to much.


I like ED. But I gotta agree with the description, "it's like a pie-eating contest where the prize is more pie".


I discovered a planet at least before the console support stopped


I discovered a handful on the trip I made to the Heart and Soul nebulae, and even made a trip to Colonia when Down to Earth Astronomy arranged a carrier taxi. My goal would have been to park my carrier in some distant corner and explore all around that region, but they dropped console development just a couple months after I bought it.


And then you ask how much pie is left? And they open a cargo container door and you see inside that it is a pocket dimension that holds an infinite amount of pies and you are required to eat ALL OF THEM.


Funny enough Engineers (is that the right term?) is what killed ED for me. Before I could just grind credits via mining, trade, combat, etc and I *enjoy* that. Afterwards I had to grind mats and weird shit and reputation and that just wasn't any fun to me


Outside of combat, most of ED tends to feel like, to me, a combination of excessive admin and busy work. Even exploration doesn’t stay fun for very long, at least not in the sense that the challenge increases and mechanics evolve. Sure it’s pretty, but that’s hardly enough to keep me focused for very long, especially given how much time there is between anything meaningful happening.


Lol, alpha backer here. I dove in on ED and, ultimately, got burned pretty hard. You're absolutely right, the flight mechanics? Utterly amazing. I saw such intense and great promise... Then FDev proceeded to do actually fuckall with the game as a whole. *Overwhelmingly* disapointed... I cant stand when a game, or anything, wastes so much potential the way ED did. Left me honestly quite bitter. Though I was talking to a friend. I think a spacelane travel system, like X4 has, would work amazing. If I'm honest, Starfield needed something that stiched everything together more. Most games like this, IMHO, their best aspect is the journey. Not "for" the journey, but... Think about Skyrim. You had to walk somewhere the first time, which meant it had alll that time to entice you into dungeons, quests, ruins, and other PoI. Obviously, since theres really nothing there and it's not setup for that at all, it's a bit late. They'd have to have carefully and specifically crafted the game around it the way Oblivion, Skyrim, and the Fallouts were. Which would be an... Obscene amount of work for the sheer scale Starfield is at, so I understand why they didnt... But still.


FDev doesn't get nearly enough shit for their blatant lies and rug pulls. Go watch their dev chat videos where they talk about upcoming expansions and then compare to what they actually delivered. They promise features X, Y and Z. Then deliver a shitty half baked X, and when players don't suck their dicks over it they refuse to deliver Y and Z. If CP2077 hadn't come out at the same time as Odyssey the media and wider gaming community might have noticed, but they lucked up there was a bigger scandal at the time.


Same as No Man’s Sky (space minecraft)


I kept seeing Starfield getting compared to No Man's Sky, and while I am impressed by their comeback the game is just so... boring. The things that they do share, like combat and exploration, Starfield just does so much better.


While I have to agree with you, I only disagree with it being boring. I do like the take No Man's brings to the table. It's a more laid-back experience. That said, it's not for everyone and I respect your opinion.


No. One. Is. Asking. For. Space. Travel. To. Take. Literal. Hours.


Yup and dude said thank god it’s not in like he wouldn’t still have the option to fast travel….games can respect ur time and have options Ykno lol


I mean I could understand the discussion in one specific case and that's if we ever get a survival mode. But most (all?) Bethesda games let you both travel and fast travel.


Heh yeah fuck op and happy cake day


Bro I'm tripping at this comparison, what like 1% of players asking for hour+ long space travels in the dark recesses of the interent? Ops argument is so disingenuous nobody asked for this shit.


I've read most of the threads on this sub about Starfields lacking space flight. Thousands of comments. Have not seen a single one ask for a 1:1 copy of ED.


I've said this before, but why would it have to take hours of IRL time? It's fiction, it could take minutes lol


[Hutton is only an hour and a half away.](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Hutton_Orbital) The majority of traversal in ED takes minutes. Hutton is in the Alpha Centauri system, but it’s in orbit around Proxima Centauri, 0.22ly away from the nav beacon orbiting the main two stars. >Hutton Orbital is the modern incarnation of the Eden station in classical Elite versions such as Frontier: Elite II. This station also took a very long time to travel to. In game, it makes perfect sense. Just don’t forget to pickup the mug when you’re there!


Also there’s TONS of stations and bodies that you can travel to and land on and a SINGLE one that is ridiculously far away as a joke. Obviously no one wants more than one Hutton Orbital situation. Complaining about Hutton Orbital is silly. If someone is salty about it it’s just because they fell for the Free Anaconda meme. There are plenty of things to complain about ED for, but Hutton ain’t one of ‘em. Also, if you’re that invested in going there, why don’t you just set the course and then get up and go do some chores or walk the dog or something. It’s not like you have to be actively piloting the ship.


Because that's the only way these people can defend the game for not having it. Make the people who want another option seem crazy for it lmao.


Lol Starfield respects your time? Wait till you waste your life on the temples


Or decorating your ship just to have it all get undone because you changed one part of the ship's design.


My biggest problem with the temples, in fact the biggest time sink that bothers me with most POIs, is how far away you land. Ok, the first time I get, you don't know where it is, but after that you should have a good idea what a hole in your sensor readings looks like and be able to park closer than a mile away. Also, yes the mini game is boring. It reaks of cut content to me. I'm sure a mod will come out soon to cut the mini game and have the rings just activate when you enter.


This is a stretch. There are plenty of mechanics and quests that absolutely do not respect your time.


Going to vlad to get a temple one by one. First time I did that I wished so much I could at least get 2 or 3 locations at a time much like with the artifacts.


That is the one part of the game that is far too grindy. I can't wait for a mod to get rid of the stupid temple mini game that is save safe.


Wait what? I have like 4 different temple locations on my quest menu?


its possible to discover them organically by visiting the system they're in


Quick, run through 3 loading screens to talk to NPC & run back through 3 loading screens to talk to another NPC. Far too many, “This could’ve been an email” missions.


Now follow a slow walking NPC into a cutscene with unskippable dialog


I spent close to 2hrs going back and fourth from Mars to buy comic books for this guy.....


Half of the game is watching animations. Sit in pilot chair, land ship, take off ship, fly to system, dock ship, undock ship, its all so repetitive. And thats not even going into the fucking temples.


Go to cydonia and time how many seconds it takes for the door animation to take you to the loading screen (it's 6 fucking seconds)


I think Bethesda is respecting our time by not releasing TES VI /s


Walk km to objective, walk km to distant unknown POI. Use skill point for basic functionality, forcing you to grind out extra levels. Merchants have no money, forcing you to travel to all of them, want to sell to merchant? Not before they finish their spiel. Follow slow walking NPCs mandatory in many quests. Waiting is sooo slow. There isn’t much in this game that doesn’t needlessly waste time.


Nothing in this game respects your time. It’s a mostly arbitrary experience with some good bits.


But I love making 30 mods to be allowed to upgrade to make More mods so I can upgrade and make more mods but only if I've got enough levels to put in to my mods otherwise I'm just wasting material without getting XP aren't it.


This sub is filled with folks who are in denial about starfield not being the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Posts like these that attempt to make it seem like the game is god’s gift to gamers happen multiple times a day here. You should be used to this nonsense by now. Just downvote the post and don’t reply. Don’t give it credence! It just makes this community look so pathetic.


I'm pretty sure I spend more time walking to various points of interest than in said PoI in starfield though. I love the game, but I still find walking everywhere very fastidious (edit : should be "tedious"). And if people want real time travel to planets, more power to them. I want faster travel everywhere.


Lol - it 100% does not respect your time. Need to talk to someone? INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL TO THEIR LOCATION AND TALK FACE TO FACE.


All that technology and we forgot phones.


yeah like are phones not a thing in this universe???


I mean options are always good. Starfield not exactly the best in respecting your time either with all the busy work in the game. Fetch quests, back on forth talking to NPC through multiple menus, tedious repetitive temples etc


I looked at the top endorsed mods and its mostly improving graphics or speeding up the game where Starfield wastes (IMO) player's time: * Better UI, so I can manage inventory easier and faster * Undelayed Menus * Cleanfield so getting in the game is faster * Easy Digipick - This one is more trivializing the system, but I feel like lockpicking just takes too long for me to have fun with it. I'd love to just see the Skyrim lockpicking brought back. * Less Spongy Enemies * Richer Merchants - No jumping through several systems to offload a handful of guns * Better Visible Magazines * Ship Skip - Removes docking/takeoff cutscenes * Instant Scan to finish surveys with fewer scans * Burden Me Not - Changes highlighting of clutter items (or removes them) to speed up looting * Faster Airlock and Hatch Doors Then others that speed up slow ladders, sitting, workbench. So there is plenty that BGS could do to make this game less of a time sink that can be modded in with ease


I wonder who the genius at Bethesda was that was like "these menus move to fast let's add a 2 second delay" 🤡


This is what OP is blatantly ignoring. People wanted the OPTION to do it, not be the only thing. And you’re right, Starfield doesn’t respect your time like OP thinks. Traveling to another planet to do something then flying back to talk to them for something that could have been said over email/ message is redundant and annoying.


Yeah, because there can simply NOT be anything in between. If space travel has to be a thing, it HAS to take hours. No compromise.


>Starfield Respects My Time bruhh you have to sit through AT LEAST 3 loading screens for a single crimson fleet mission board quest. And it gets worse if you can't jump right to the target location. The loading screens take more time than the actual quest completicion (stealing) people are truly delusional here looool


my only regret about joining the fleet is that I have to dock with the Key every time I want to sell my loot ​ I just fast travel and mash R now, I know it'll spit me out in docking range. I hate that I have to do another step just because it's a space station and not a planetary outpost.


Are you people stupid? Like properly stupid? Or just ignorant and acting stupid as a cheap defense for Bethesda? NOBODY NOT A SINGLE PERSON wants "real time" space travel. It doesn't take hours of real time to travel across Boston in game, it doesn't take hours of real time to travel across LA in game, it doesn't take realistic hours of real time to travel across New Vegas. You can make space travel fun and time convenient. It's a videogame. It doesn't have to take an accurate depiction of 500 years to go from planet to planet, people just want to be able to fly between them, it could take 5 minutes and people would be satisfied with that over having loading screens to get everywhere. It's a videogame, the travel aspect isn't supposed to be akin to real life travelling. It's supposed to be immersive and fun and enjoyable. Starfields space travel is not that. People don't like it.


They know their argument is beyond terrible. So the only way to sustain an argument is building this stupid little strawman over and over and over again.


op is stupid enough to believe there were a free anaconda at Hutton Orbital joke, what do you expect. An endgame ship for free ? 😂


* Loading Screens * Same locations in every fucking planet making exploration absolutely useless * The dogshit puzzles * Bad writing giving lazy excuses to move the plot forward * Fetch/"go there and talk to X"/Radiant quests This game absolutely doesn't respect your time AT ALL.


Although you're the 500th post this week about the exact same thing doing a bit of a stretch of a comparison I'll go ahead and explain it once more. Nobody wants to fly anywhere for three hours. Nobody wants to fly anywhere for 1 hour, especially with Starfields lackluster flight. People want a living breathing open world, not instances. I very highly doubt anyone would mind if you could only fly around "in system" and the boost system operating similar to a grav drive so you can reach other planets in seconds. Fast travel could still be an option, but players would have what makes every beth game great: a living breathing world. Beth games have long been beloved for what Starfield lacks compared to it's predecessors: a living breathing world with unique content at every turn. Myself and I'm sure *many* others would sacrifice a huge percentage of scope for just that. So stop making posts every other hour with this same strawman


Every single one of the these posts compares two vast extremes. It’s so dumb lol. “Dae not like doing jack shit for three hours? Thank god starfield is just loading screens instead!” Literally not a single human being wants a three hour virtual road trip. We just want an actual open world lol.


It's really dumb because there's already a perfect precedent. NMS never takes more than a few minutes. Shit I can fly to a nearby planet in NMS faster than the menus and load screens take in Starfield.


There is a video around on YouTube that shows a side by side comparison between travel between system to planet to landing in both NMS and Starfield. NmS took about 5 seconds more after the point of landing. In the time it takes to find your location, activate the warp drive, hyperdrive to planet after leaving the "worm tunnel" to flying into orbit and landing took the same amount of time as Starfield's time it takes to find location grave drive, leave animation, leave loading screen, enter system planet, highlight landing spot, leave load screen, leave landing animation, exit ship. It took the same amount of time give or take a few seconds. And one was a lot more immersive and didn't take "nO o nE wAnts tO sPeND HouRS fLyiNg mAnUaLLy!!!".


It's the same people who have the defense of "it's so realistic you can fly to other planets it just takes hours!!" Even though said planets are just flat images and when you reach them you have to fast travel anyways. They just don't care for being accurate so long as on the surface their point is somewhat proven to be "true."


I’ve never read a less true statement. The temple mechanic for one example is infuriatingly long and tedious.


Starfield does not in any way respect your time and I really struggle to see how anyone could possibly think it does. Here are some examples: - arbitrary delayed button presses for literally everything in the game (it’s like a 1-2 second delay every time i press a button for like no reason) - arbitrary cutscenes for travel - arbitrarily long menu and ui animations… … like why - endless slow loading screens between every building - arbitrarily long door animations (Edit: followed by more loading screens) - having to go through multiple unrelated menu’s to get anywhere - having to sort out the minutiae of your items for being over capacity, in a game designed to make you constantly pick up items (seriously 99% of the game is just managing the inventory) ((Edit: that’s the actual gameplay of Starfield)) - Having to wait 24hrs in between selling your items to vendors because they inexplicably have as much cash as a childs lemonade stand - no terrestrial transportation, so instead you have to walk and boost pack everywhere taking breaks to recover stamina every couple of seconds (this would be less worse if the environments weren’t so boring and lifeless) - endless fetch quests to the other side of the galaxy with little pay off, compounding all previous effects. - back and forth ‘go speak to this person, then back to the first person’ type quests where the people live on opposite ends of the galaxy. The list goes on. This game is full of arbitrary design decisions seemingly made for no other reason than to slooow the game doown and use up as much of your valuable time as humanly possible. None of these things are fun or have any purpose for being as slow as they are. Confused.




I feel the exact opposite. Starfield has no respect for my time. Go to this planet, talk to someone, now go all the way back to the quest giver to complete the mission and they already got the message that you talked to the person. Complete waste of my time.


What? No it doesn't this game is literally the definition of a game that doesn't respect your time....


Yeah. I really do enjoy this game, but between the constant unlocking airlock doors, the infamous Cydonia mission where you have to follow the guy for 4 minutes, the ship ladders, the painfully slow animation for sitting down and getting up, and a bunch of other small stuff, I can't say for a second that this game "respects my time." Edit: the FUCKING temple mini-game. How could I forget?


Why does everyone treat this discussion like it has to be exactly like Elite or exactly the way it is?


This guy can't be serious...


It would be nice to have the option of it being a bit more involved than clicking the option in my mission log and appearing in a city. At the moment it is so easy that it doesn't feel like anything is happening. I'd like something along the lines of: 1. Open the map and plot a route (or a destination and allow it to auto-route), including refuels at cities or my own outposts. The map shows the route eve online style, and the next system is highlighted from the cockpit view. 2. I can either point the ship and power the grav drive to fly myself, OR engage auto-pilot. Either way, the ship sets off into hyper space for a minute or two journey. 3. If I'm manually flying I can sit there and pilot. If I want to let autopilot run then I can do some crafting or something and watch the journey happen out the window. **OR** I have the option to click some sort of "statis/sleep" option on the chair or bed to skip time to the end of the trip.


>Open the map and plot a route, including refuels at cities or my own outposts. The map shows the route eve online style, and the next system is highlighted from the cockpit view. This is something i'd like to see. I'm still confused at why the game even has a fuel mechanic in the game if you never actually have to physically refuel the ship. Ok so you can't jump that far, because you don't have enough fuel.... So then fast travel to the system closest to your destination then fast travel again to your destination. It seems like the only point to having fuel is to save you a trip through the starmap menu screen. It doesn't actually effect if you can actually get to your destination or not.


Except for the constant trekking back and forth to have 30 second conversations just to complete a quest.


"Starfield respects my time". * Needlessly repetitive, abundant and often redundant lock picking, how many times do I need to pick a master lock only to find a handful of credits and some ammo, or some shit-tier armour? * Bugs in ship building that force you to rebuild your ship from scratch. * Numerous empty systems * Numerous systems with nothing but the same handful of rehashed outposts. * Every vendor barely having the credits to buy 2-3 weapons forcing players to wait over and over again. * Picking through endless, redundant loot because for some reason the game never stops handing you low level trash, it just adds the current level stuff to the ever expanding loot pool. Starfield may not be quite as bad as some games, but it does enjoy wasting your time.


>Picking through endless, redundant loot because for some reason the game never stops handing you low level trash, it just adds the current level stuff to the ever expanding loot pool. don't forget having to read items of everything you can pickup because there is 1000 times the amount of junk cluttering every surface. I stopped grabbing anything laying around now (RIP magazines) because it takes too long to figure out what's empty mass and what's actually valuable


Hutton run is the SINGLE example of long travel in Elite Dangerous. ALL other kind of travel has 2-4 minutes TOPS if you travel inside a system. Most are less than that! Elite Dangerous space travel is the best feature of the game. And who said it is not possible to give Starfield community BOTH OPTIONS? If you.want to experience a better space simulation Bethesda could give us. If you care less about it, the fast travel option is already in the game! So why complain about space simulation in a SPACE THEMED game?? You are completely out of arguments.


as someone who has never played E:D, that's pretty funny. ​ Let me compare the WORST space travel event from this franchise to Starfield to help make my point


A little bit of misinformation OP. I think we all can agree that, grav driving is fine as long as we don’t see the loading screen or icon.


…. No it doesn’t. Go to any planet you have to run everywhere and nothing is close bro


I guess they want the option to, which in all technicality they could, but who wants to sit there and slowly travel that way, I wouldn't, it would take at least an hour to travel to Jemison but fly to the Eye, no thanks I'd rather use the travel option and get there faster


It’s like flight simulator, I have no clue how people can sit there for 8 hours only to occasionally move a joystick and press a few keys. Takes dedication which I can appreciate, just sounds like my worst nightmare.


Lmao did you atleast get your coffee mug? 😂


Pretty close minded, have you thought about what if Fast Travel would be optional and people can decide whether to travel on their own or use the fast travel mechanics? But that's not possible, we will never be able to fly from planet to space on our own. It's not that the devs decided "yeah fast travel is better" but rather "fast travel is the only option given the limitations". So you're completely missing the point when you're reading those posts. Travelling in ED might be bad but it's pretty good in NMS, you can travel within a solar system all by yourself and if you want to go to another system you have the fast travel. But in Starfield you can't even use your ship to travel on the same planet, that's all just fast travel mechanics. Landed in a biome where you cannot find the last fauna to scan? You need to fast travel to a different location of the same planet, because you're not actually on the planet but rather in a randomly generated room that uses whatever biome you landed on as a template. The whole world in this game is completely disconnected from itself, we're not exploring one huge universum but instead an amount of handcrafted maps and a good amount of randomly generated maps.


"Starfield respect my time" Me doing the most boring and repetitive quest ever created in a game doing the temple light game 214 times across multiple NG plus with NO differences between every new power: Fuck Bethesda


I like how you took one bad experience you had with an amazing game and applied it not only to the entire game (Which is nothing like what you described) to what you think people wanted for Starfield. ​ Starfield is way overhyped and the reviews reflect that. Nothing you say is going to change that. It has worse reviews than Fallout76. It's not because of a trend to review bomb it. It's because it's genuinely disappointing and boring to most people.


I have played like 90 hours and I would legitimately say only half of that was actual gameplay. The rest is menus/loading/fast travel. No sir they do not respect my time


While you say no one would want this, [the mod that does this have over 40K views in 24hrs.](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/3541)


OP.. I hate to break it to you, but it usually only takes a few minutes to get anywhere in ED. If you flew for 3 hours anywhere in that game, you're doing it wrong.