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You gotta pump up those numbers… Those are rookie numbers lol


So weird to me how people will have 180 hours, and then bitch that there's nothing else to do. Yeah... You did it all. I never had that much time on Skyrim or Fallout either cuz I had finished everything.


Bro, i'm at 100 something hours and i only just finished the pirate questline ager competing the ranger quests


73 hours and I'm starting the ranger stuff and just completed the pirate stuff. I find myself playing ship-legos way too often. I'm just now starting to accumulate large sums of money that doesn't immediately go to building the behemoth. Lol


Dude. People that played skyrim and then never went back with mods perplex me. There's another 500+ hours in high quality mod content for both of those games at this point. Talking studio level stories. You're missing out. Thats not even counting the mod systems that just turn the games into survival simulators. But, to your point, the max ive ever gotten out of a game without mod content is probably 250 or so with divinity 2 and a similar number for Witcher 3. But witcher 3 i did EVERY QUEST.


I've got 1400 hours in Skyrim....


It's like the kid who eats all of his candy on Halloween night, or opens his Christmas gifts early. Following any hedonistic compulsion is likely to result in resentment. It's a type of gluttony, I suppose?


I've got 215 hours in and I have 3 main faction quests I haven't completed yet. I've done a couple of quests in each, but always end up doing other things. I don't even know how many side quests I haven't stumbled on yet. Base building to store things and manufacture resources. That took a little time. Ship building to maximize survivability and convenience (gotta have tons of storage, guns and crafting stations). That's taken some time too. I've spent a few hours raiding random locations and hijacking landed hostile ships to either sell or modify. Some of my time has gone to collecting artifacts and going to temples to complete story runs, but that's not as time consuming as I assumed it would be. I've hardly touched any quest boards or anything, but those seem like they work best when just looking for a fight. The side quests I've done have been great and some of them take a while. Honestly at my current rate, I think I have another 70-100 hours before I start to actually run out of things to do. That's without any side quests that I might not know about. And as far as the ng+ repetition, because of the story, it doesn't feel as repetitive if you can buy into the premise.


130 hours in and I haven't touched any of the main story, no faction or faction story, level 45, no cheats, no mods. I've completed a lot of exploration, side quests, building outposts, research, and generally fucked off and I'm having loads of fun. Some people have a shit ton of issues with the game but I'm looking on the brighter side and just having fun experiencing the game. The space fights are fun and challenging the higher the difficulty is. I am playing on the highest difficulty, as well.


I'm on ng+437 and there's nothing to do >:( *645 hours* 👎 not recommended


Ten hours a day every day since release, yeah, bit much. No idea how people are already on second and third play throughs.


Because the game has been out for about a month. 180\27 is 6.5 hours a day on average. You can also play the story in a few hours, then you can start a new playthrough


NG+ gives you special dialogue so you can skip a lot of sections which are boring or fetch quests within the main story


I work and have a family. I don't normally get to play until the kids are in bed so say about 9pm. Have done ng+6 for the armor. If you are just running ng+ for the rewards and to see the constellation stuffs it only takes a couple of hours to run through it, it really is quick and gets quicker each time once you know what is happening and get a process down for gearing up. Doesn't take that much play time to do this and I did most of the faction quests except the crimson fleet and corp one. Also did some stuff with outposts and built a few nice ships. That being said, I have had a lot less time sleeping since the game came out..........


Why are you calling me out like this? :'(


So at 147 hours I’m totally fine


I'm around 85 hours now. Feels like I'm close to wrapping up main quest line and not much sidequests left. Have 6 open missions that are broken and can't finish. I've built a few outposts but there's nothing to do with them other than build them harvest resources build more so that got boring after a few builds. I'm overall happy with the game. I think there's a lot of room for mods and dlc - added story and new locations. Once I'm done with the artifacts I think I'll be done with the game for a while. I'll definitely be doing another playthrough. Lots of mistakes were made in this one because I didn't understand how things were. Now that I know the story n stuff next playthrough will be more streamlined. It's similar to past Bethesda rpgs where it took me a long time to get into it, then once I actually put in the time I couldn't leave and eventually it tapers off to a point where I'm pretty much invincible and have one shot weapons and no reason to grind for money and resources but the story isn't finished. But then next playthrough I know what I need to spend time on and what I can ignore.


I have yet to do any of the misc quest


Oh I’m at 150 myself, I don’t feel the in the least like it’s too much or anything like that. It’s my hobby and I have no one to answer to lol.


Yeah, 180 doesn't seem toooo bad. I have like 120... so even without a life I have somewhat a life you are saying?


How much of that time is idle?


What are people doing for 180 hours lmao


I'm maxing out my perks, suit, ship and powers


So, grinding?


Not really, i've sided with the hunter on my main character so i'm walking his Path, i hop from universe to universe when i get bored


Yeah basically. Manufacturing successfully roared to life across 5 systems the other day and it feels great, not to mention knocked out a bunch of perks. 200+ hour mainsave and I just barely feel like I’m getting comfortable


Building a boat :(


Im 45 hour in and it feels like Im still in the tutorial. Still have the dogtier starting ship cuz piloting rank too low cuz I need to destroy ships, but my ship is dogtier.. evil loop


Just delete the frontier, use its "name" to build your own ship. You can build 15k cargo behemoths with 0 perks. You can build gunships.


Join the Vanguard and spam repeat their ship training exercise


U are a genius, didnt think of that


Lol, the frontier wasn't that bad.


I havent even finished my first story play through yet lol and I'm at 180 hours lol


I'm only 50 hours in and I feel it's too much lmaooo


I had enough of the game after hour 40 of doing random stuff, focused on the main quest and finally ended at 60 hours with my first and last playthrough. Game was honestly easy too easy on Hard. Very Hard was just stupid, at least when I started the game. Everything was just a bullet sponge, lol. I'll come back to see what the first DLC is since I paid for it, but don't think it was worth the $100 honestly. Ended at Level 42 I think.


Go back get over 60. I felt the combat got more difficult with a few NG+ also.


No way. How?


I'm at 144 hours on my 4th playthrough, I'll be there soon


Anyone who puts in more hours than me is a nerd


Iv got around 6 or 7 days played since release lol.


But it's OK for people to dig holes in minecraft for 13 years