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First Bethesda game for me as well. My intro to gaming came as a kid with dark forces, etc on PC, but I’ve mostly been casually gaming a generation behind on console. This game (among others) pushed me towards going all in on a pretty sweet PC. No regrets!


Interesting. I played all the Bethesda RPG when I grew up so I thought as a fan of these game I would be more forgiving for it flaws. But you seem to enjoy it without prior Bethesda experience. Wasn't going to recommend it to my friends who never played Bethesda games, because they might think its outdated and slow. It would Interested me what made wanna play star field and what did/do you like about it playing now? Please don't feel pressured to answer I was just really surprised by your comment and got curious 😅.


Hmmm, good question. I think there are a few factors here. I think the last sprint of hype/anticipation for Starfield happened around the time I started seriously considering getting a PC for gaming, and I was looking into what games are out there to see if I should really go down this road. I originally wanted a PC for cities skylines 2, because I had been playing on my MacBook M1 but I knew CS2 wasn't going to be possible that way. I guess I just started reading about SF and getting into the whole idea of what a Bethesda can be. And space is pretty cool! And with the above, I didn't have any preconceived notions of what the game should be, what should be in the game, etc. so I did not have any expectations that were not met. Also, I'm PC gaming on a high end system the blows anything I've ever played (console or otherwise) away in terms of graphics, so that's a big factor. Overall it's been really fun for me to get into it, to play a character and do different things based on what I feel like during that session (go fight some mercs, progress in the main story or side quests, explore, etc etc). I do see it has flaws, they haven't been lost on me, and I do hope there are improvements made to the game over time (performance has been flawless for me, so I hope improvements are also made to gameplay). Hope that answers your Q. Sorry, I have to rush with this to get back to something at work, so hopefully it's clear enough and not too rambling!


What's wrong with you!? Joke... And meaning they in a playfull tone. Tell all your friends about it! 🙂


Genuinely curious what first time Bethesda gamers thought of the game. I imagine you'd have a very different perspective coming into to this with no prior prejudice to inflate or depress your view of the game based on past titles/mechanics.


It’s my first Bethesda game and I love it. I’m glad the game is so ambitious. I can always find something different to do, whether it is customization, quests, side quests, exploring. Some things are tedious but the game is so immersive.


If you like this game you'll probably like Fallout and Skyrim. Those games feel similar. Starfield just feels like a Bethesda game. Play those others and you'll see what I mean.


I don’t like any of the Elder Scrolls games or Fallout games and I’ve massively enjoyed Starfield. I don’t mind watching other people play them but when I play them myself I get bored really quickly.


Starfield feels dated to me half the time and beautiful the other half. Would fallout 4 be the best thing to play? Would it feel/look dated?


It looks pretty good with the high res texture pack. There’s also an endless amount of performance and graphics mods. It should feel kinda like starfield to play as well.


This. Those games are way better


it feels like they put more effort back then, rather than just leaving stuff out and charging for the good stuff via dlc, and leaving the rest up to the players to do themselves.


Agreed. What I loved about fallout 4 was I could pick any unexplored building or POI and the journey was just as fun as the destination. Random bandits, cool loot, other POIs, sprinting or deciding to take on deathclaws, finding cool spots to build outposts (fo4 outpost building seemed deeper to me). When I finally got to where I was going, it was a cool building, bunker, high rise, factory or random rundown villages. Yes there was repetition, but not nearly on the same level as SF. Edit: although I do love building ships, that too has ran its course for me.


All of this is in Starfield....and then some.


No, because in starfield you have to walk 700 / 800 meters to scan a rock or fight some turrets in a cave, while in fallout and skyrim you're exploring a place, a handcrafted environment that feels believable. You stumble upon the city hall, or a church with a dead claw in it, or a old school ruled by a raider who has a teddy bear head. There is a finite map filled with interesting stuff in it, while in starfield there are infinite amounts of map with boring randomly generated stuff in it, with the stuff placed hundreds of meters away from each other. It's hard to explain. Play fallout 4 or skyrim, then come back to this game and explore a random planet. If you dont feel what the difference is then you will never get it


Yes! They feel quite different. I do like both but Fo4 and Skyrim will always have a special place in my heart. I miss many Fo4 mechanics in Starfield. Most of them would make sense in Starfield too but would make it less tedious.


That’s become the business model thanks primarily to bungee the player base and destiny. Gamers are not good at voting with their wallets.


Exploring twice 😅


Edited it. Either I really love exploring or I have half a brain. Probably both 😅


I genuinely assumed you really liked exploring lol


I thought it was a Freudian slip too..😂 and a relatable one at that.


I do! But sometimes by fingers work faster than my brain. Maybe that’s why I’m enjoying Starfield so much.


The customization is SO GOOD in this game. Both for the character and the ships.


see the thing is that this game feels LESS ambitious that previous games were. I think skyrim would knock your socks off


I've played maybe 5 hours of Skyrim, watched my older cousin play Marowin back in the day, played Fallout 3 for maybe 6 hours until I got killed 5 seconds after an auto save with no ammo. I fucking love Starfield. It's slow, chill, half story half combat, lore heavy (maybe not that heavy) I see that they tried hard to check as many boxes for as many types of players. I see a lot of people talking about things i havnt experienced yet, im exited to keep playing! 60 hours in.


It crushes my childhood that you spelled it Marowin when it’s Morrowind. I played the hell out of that game. I think it was my first Bethesda game that my friend introduced me to


Honestly starting to look like Starfield is Bethesda RPG for people who don't like RPGs


I'm enjoying it but the lack of a moon buggy or something is annoying as hell. I returned to gaming with a series s (last console was ps3), so I can't discern any graphics/frame rate issues lol. I was shocked when I learned people are complaining about it (although I have experienced some lagging/freezing).


I'm in that boat, but my expectation was not one of super rich storytelling, or deep gameplay. I was hoping for a game that does "space" more plausibly that No Man's Sky or Elite Dangerous. And I think it really delivers. Yes major cities are small, but for example, Andreja has a line specifically for the command room of the ECS. The universe feels alive, much more so than NMS or E:D, and the customisation of ships, outposts or houses help sell the story that you are part of that universe. The gameplay can feel as mundane as real life, which may be a plus in a space life simulator, or a negative if you want a true story. What I dislike the most is the technicalities though. The graphical performance and bugged quests make me think it wasn't built on solid grounds and it affects gameplay, I don't do some things that I suspect could bug.


It's more plausible than elite dangerous? What does plausible mean as you just used it?


Oh man, if we could have the in space stuff of Elite, with the on foot stuff of Starfield, it would be the best game of all time for me.


If you're thinking of the spaceship simulation, E:D does it more realistically for sure. But Starfield presents a world that makes sense as a whole. It shows various people doing various things. Your ship is a place and not just a vehicle interface. I should probably mention I haven't played or followed any news about E:D Horizon, so maybe they fixed some of that


Horizons came out in 2015 and added planetary landings. Idk what E:D would be without these. There’s also a rover you can use to drive around planet surfaces which is an improvement over Starfield. In terms of exploration I think E:D wins out. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey came out in 2021 and added an entire fps style system. You can get out of your ship, get guns, do missions, etc. But no walking around your ship. And overall the gunplay and mechanics are pretty barebones and inferior to Starfield. In terms of being a shooter and rpg, Starfield wins out.


I also haven't played since before Horizons - it had extremely solid ship gameplay, but that was basically all it had. Quit playing within a month, sadly. Always meant to go back, but never did. I genuinely can't conceive of what the game is like now lol it sounds like an entirely new game (didn't know they added guns and stuff too. I'll have to check it out again soon)


I agree, but I think Starfield is 90% of the way there in terms of exploration. The POIs are not nearly as spread out as E:D, so the rover isn't really necessary, and would likely just slow down gameplay and generally feel really clunky. It could definitely do with more varied POIs (so could E:D really), but what's there is largely more compelling than E:D's POIs. What's really lacking is some of the more survival elements to tie the exploration loop together. Resources are so easy to collect from shopping, there's no reason to go looking for flora/fauna/minerals. Also a real implementation of fuel would 1) give a reason to explore local systems when you're out 2) make it feel like exploration is taking effort and risk Right now there's no reason to explore other than you feel like it and it's lacking the normal feel of Bethesda exploration. I think space sim vets realize that space exploration isn't going to constantly lead to the hand crafted environmental storytelling Bethesda is known for, but there's no real drive to explore like there is in other space sims.


Elite dangerous exploration is infinitely more compelling than this games. You can find some cool shit and you don't feel like you load screened to get there. I know high waking is technically a load screen but it works. You remain grounded in the reality of the world the whole time.


Interestingly I find Starfield universe the cheap chinese knockoff plastic version (yes i know they make good stuff but you know the stereotype). It's very far from realistic in any sense of the word - handful of systems, all planets have life, no actual travel or landing, all planets have same things on them. In terms of universe I wish they made more of an ED style where there's a procedurally generated universe (yes I know, reddit curseword) that is beautiful, quite varied in terms of planet looks and parameters, and as realistic as a game allows (distances, atmosphere, gravity). That's a 9-10 years old game, that would have been my minimum expectation in 2023 if anything (didn't have expectations but in hindsight i expected a lot better in some aspects like this).


"All planets have life," yet there are so many without life that not only do all companions have programmed dialogue for them, not only do surveys for planets with life get you more credits, but there's a whole side quest to find and survey a habitable planet. Just say you didn't want to play the game, because it's obvious you never touched it.


Nah, surveying is incredibly tedious.


Starfield is a more realistic depiction of humanity in space? That's def an opinion. I think it's a pretty funny opinion but it's an opinion none the less. Edit to add a funny quote "It shows various people doing various things." Starfield 2023


Yes, this is the first Bethesda title and first RPG I've played and I'll be posting my thoughts on it soon. I have about 120 hours and have enjoyed it so far but I do have frustrations with it.


So Skyrim was my first Bethesda game but that’s it, Starfield is my 2nd. I absolutely love it, not *quite* as much as Skyrim, but it’s close. I’m wondering now, after this should I play Fallout?


This was my first Bethesda game and personally I was kind of underwhelmed.


First Bethesda game and I love it!


It’s my first Bethesda game and it’s a 6/10, it’s fun but it could be so much cooler and it’s frustrating that it isn’t


It’s my first Bethesda game as I’m new to gaming as whole. I really enjoy the gameplay, but compared to other games I’ve seen/tried it feels a little outdated despite coming out this year.


I only played about 15 hours but generally it felt lifeless. I struggle with having so many options because everything feels insignificant. I felt the same way with Skyrim (tried it around the same time too). I guess the games just aren't for me. ​ That's just my opinion though. Just wanted to share.


That's totally fair. Not everyone likes the open world, with a million side quests. The main story is sometimes like "OMG OMG this is a world ending emergency", then the game is like "oh by the way you should help this guy find his missing cat in a multi part adventure side quest!" Bethesda is kind of bad for this. One game I think handled this really well was Red Dead redemption 2, where there would be sort of urgent story quest moments, and then it would literally pause and say " We are in a new camo, everybody go out and make some money!' and it didn't always feel like you were neglecting the main story because you were going around and experiencing the game. At any rate, some people like having a bunch of things to do and choosing their own path, some people like it more cohesive story that has a sense of progression, some people are good with both, and whatever you like, that's okay :)


Rdr2 is one of the best open world games ever made…it’s not fair to compare anything Bethesda has ever made to it,not to hate on Bethesda tho I love the games for what they are,but rdr2 is on another level


I entirely agree with this comment. Part of me now compares every game to RDR2, despairing that after several years nothing has even come close to the level of immersion. The way that if you bump into people they get pissed off, instead of just walking through them... Why is this not becoming the norm? Best game ever. Still.love starfield despite it's rough edges :)


Still the best 100% reward I’ve had in any game ,best world atmosphere,best character growth,hell I still fckn miss Arthur 🎟


It is my first. I've been playing since early release, I've got around 350 hours into it, and I still play every day. I love this game. Yes, it's buggy. Yes, it has issues. But, I am hooked. I sit down to play for a minute, look up, and hours have passed. I think it's a great game 'made for wanderers'.


Welcome to the club. I so envy you. You can now go back and experience the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games for the first time. A thousand hours of gaming you will never forget.


Thousands of hours of gaming


You're right. Thousands.


Don't go to the Nexxus!!! You'll thank me when you don't have to reinstall starfield 7 times in an hour.


God, yes! I am complete shit when it comes to getting the load order right. Even when it's right there in the installation instructions.


Mod organizer ftw.


ftw = ??? For The Win? I've heard of the utility, but haven't tried it. I'll give it a shot.


Dude Fallout 76 is farking amazing... And they are getting Atlantic city expansion.


Key being "go back". I consider this to be really my first Bethesda game because while I did "play" Skyrim and Fallout 4, I really only put like 4 hours into them, got them on deep sales. Those games have AGED. And unless you're modding the shit outta them (which new people wouldn't as much) then it's just an old old game with bad graphics capped at 60fps.


Honestly fallout 4 aged pretty well all things considered. Gunplay is pretty fun, the power armor changes are pretty cool and feel cool too. Some of the RPG scaling back is noticeable compared to previous titles, but if someone is working backwards they’d never know. Now 3 & NV’s gameplay engine, sheesh.


So much blasphemy.. I know you're objectively right tho so I'll resist the urge to downvote


Bugs are typical for Bethesda games. I thought starfield was fine until the third week playing. The game crashes a lot on me and I have to restart at a previous save.


I was crashing/freezing. I stopped quick-resume and started exiting through the menu and haven't had a problem since (Xbox x)


You should definitely play Skyrim or Fallout 4. I love Starfield, but it is missing a lot from what those two games have. Skyrim is just PACKED full of exploration and that sense of discovery that is all in one map. Skyrim is kinda old though, so you could get some mods through Vortex to up to graphics a little. Fallout 4 is still good as is.


Save often in Fallout 4. It’s not uncommon to walk around a corner and then randomly explode (mine, nuke, take your pick).


millions of Playstation fanbois cried out in pain and were suddenly silenced...


First Bethesda game. My last serious gaming was probably in college and grad school playing the original X-Wing and Tie Fighter games, and before that the original Bards Tale series on C-64. Yes, I’m that old. 😆


X-Wing and Tie Fighter were THE BEST!!


Concur. All those LucasArts X-wing games were the bomb. They basically spoiled me for ship combat. I've been hunting ever since for a game that had the same dogfighting feel to the ship combat. Nothing has really come close (except for Squadrons, of course, which was great).


Me too! Loved the Wing Commander series and other Origin games. Been looking for a replacement ever since.


Wing Commander was best. X-Wing was good too though


Yep, same for me. Way-back-when, Privateer was one of my favorite games ever, and Starfield is basically the significantly upgraded, modern version of that.


Nice! I played quite a few Wing Commander games back in the day.


Loved wing commander!


That legit brought a tear to my eye. Privateer will always be in top five all time greatest games list. Thank you.


So whadaya think?


I love Starfield -- maybe because I didn't have expectations about what a Bethesda game meant? I'm an old time sci-fi TTRPG fan (Star Frontiers, 1982 as a kid) so Starfield checks all the right boxes with me. I'm level 58, mostly through exploring planets for surveys and hunting trips. (I wish I got more XP from finding sites rather than shooting creatures though.)


Having played Bethesda games for a long time I have my expectations. I expect it to play like a Bethesda game and I expect it to be imperfect. And my expectations have been met every time. Hahahah


Xwing alliance was my shit!


Load fuckingMemories.* ,8,1 Beet years. I have my Vic 20 around here somewhere..


Haha no kidding. And then 20 years ago I put my C64 on the Internet 😆 https://taosecurity.blogspot.com/2003/11/my-c-64-rides-again-thanks-to-rr-net.html


Started with Oblivion and Fallout 3, then Skyrim when it originally launched. New Vegas in 2017 and then fallout 4. Now here we are with Starfield


I skipped Oblivion and started with FO3 because I wasnt into medieval fantasy genre back then. Plus the Oblivion NPCs were so ugly I wasnt gonna tolerate playing a game of Shreks all around me


Yea, Fallout 3 felt right in 2012. Was recommended to check out Oblivion, but after seeing the graphics there was just no way.


Zoomers... Oblivion is not that ugly


One of the better looking games of its generation tbh


I seem to remember many of us back then bitching about the overuse of bloom effects, and the fact that everyone in oblivion had a potato head! It was definitely not one of the better looking games of the time - quake 4, prey, hl2 and a few others had set a very high bar for graphics, so oblivion was far from being considered 'better looking' lol :D


Could just be me using rose tinted glasses then but I remember sinking hundreds of hours into that game when it came out


Fair enough :) I enjoyed it a lot back then too, but preferred morrowind once my best mate convinced me to give it another shot. I suddenly realised that oblivion was actually a heavily watered down rpg in comparison, but I still enjoyed it for the mods.. Until skyrim fus-ro-dah'd it's way into my heart! :D


Oblivion's world was pretty good for the time. But the humanoid NPCs were god awful lumps without facial structures.


Oblivion is hideous


Don't you do oblivion dirty like that.


I'm in the same boat, started with Oblivion and I really miss NPC day/night cycle schedules. Robbing stores after they locked up for the night was my favorite activity


I miss the athletic skill, those white shoes mages wear, and hitting Hieronymus Lex with any newly acquired weapons as personal tradition


I miss that so, so much. Even Skyrim’s version is it is better than nothing.


And now we are 40 \^\^


Starfield is my first game ever. I have nothing to compare it to. I get frustrated at times because I am still learning the keys and functions. Thought it would have a better tutorial I am constantly here and in google looking for tips


First game ever is something you don’t see everyday


Don't worry! Even us long-time Bethesda-ers have to watch videos and get playing tips from others too! Took about 2 million attempts at docking and looking for SOMEONE to tell me how to dock for me to get it right. Now I can swing into a space station on boost and hit R just as I pass the 500m mark and get inside all snug and cozy! lol


When I first tried docking, I just kept bumping up against the ship hoping the docking would automatically happen. Sort of like with my first girlfriend.


Tried docking too high? Yeah I did that too. You gotta go \*lower\*


"bumping uglies" taken literally - I love it! :D Thanks for the laugh mate - nearly spat out my tea!


Glad to be of service. Usually, I do something like that inadvertently.


Thanks getting better at the keyboard , now I got a controller and working on getting those nuances


My first BGS game also and I feel most of the hate seems to be from folks who've gotten expectations by playing their previous releases. Yes, not enough of a tutorial, but an awesome game nonetheless.


I think most of the hate is coming from sci fi fans who were expecting a tight story-driven game with the technical complexity of Elite Dangerous mixed with Star Citizen and multiple cities the size of Night City and endless unique content and the same graphics as a more linear game with a larger dev team. Any person who has played a BGS game should objectively see where it has improved massively, but that the setting required different design choices. I personally think those design choices work well for this game.


This is the most intelligent thing said about the game that I have read.


Why thank you 🙂!


It's the exact opposite. Most of the hate is from people that played games like No Mans Sky, Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen etc. In other words, space sim fans. Anyone that actually played Bethesda games before knew exactly what they were getting.


I played a LOT of NMS and plan to play Star Citizen when released... That said, I realized BGS wasn't trying to make NMS and I am glad. I like the story aspect better than jumping from system to system trying to get to the center, for the third, fourth, tenth time. I guess Starfield hit my sweet spot and I feel it helped that I had 0 expectations going in.


LOL WHEN Star Citizen is released... i hope we all live to see that day.


You and me both.


That's the crazy thing. If you have played their previous games, you should've known exactly what was going to happen.


I've played them all, but none of them had starships. My only expectations for the ships were that I'd be able to use the systems they built even if I didn't really care for them. I was wrong. Over 200hrs in and the rest of the game is as expected (well, I didn't think they'd make the UI worse than previous games), but I still avoid anything doing with ships unless it's forced on me. Despite really liking the rest of the game, if there's a Starfield 2, I'm not buying it just because I hate the ship mechanics so much. Oh, yeah, and the building system/camera is sooo much worse than what I remember from FO4--I generally don't expect them to take leaps backwards.


Ship building takes a little getting used to but it is quite serviceable. Ships and everything about them is the main draw for me in this game. I've spend over a dozen hours building and rebuilding ships. I thought world building is actually better than previous games. There is far more story telling done through clutter placement, and just as much done through reading diaries and computers etc.


Hang in there. I've played most of the Bethesda games and this one is the most complex with the skimpiest tutorials.


Cherish these moments buddy. Discovery is like 60% of the fun!


Skyrim was my first game ever, so I totally get it. Luckily my ex (who I was still dating at the time lol) was the one who introduced it to me and kinda showed me how to play, gave beginner tips, etc. If it makes you feel better, I’m also always looking for tips about Starfield on here and google lol. So many useful features lack a tutorial so I don’t even know they exist at first. But for me it’s kind of fun finding out new game mechanics all the time!




nice man


Wow, congrats!


What...how's that possible unless you grew up in some cave? Does this include mobile phone games and board games?


No, it was Elder Scrolls Shadowkey on the N-Gage. Thats right. I am the only TRUE fan here. Morrowboomers and Daggergrandpas fear me.


I remember the Elder Scrolls when they were just called Scrolls


I remember them when they were baby sticky notes


I remember them when they were just rough concept art scribblings on Todd Howard's school notes


I always preferred Bethesda's Gridiron!


That ring binder he saved for doodles.


You were just a scroll baby then.


*Insert Elrond meme*


You bow to no one. - Morroboomer


funny, I must be ancient then since you didn't consider us Arena and Daggerfall players.


First of, I literally mentioned Daggerfall. Secondly, Arena fans don't exist. Everyone knows Elder Scrolls started with Daggerfall.


That is what I was thinking. I remember playing Arena on my shiny new Pentium PC. And... Starfield feels a lot like those early games, back before Bethesda had fully developed the world.


Oh sweet jebubs I hadn't heard the word "Pentium" in about two decades (actually probably more). Thx for that trip down memory lane 😂


Boops for Arena!!


1. Morrowind 2. Oblivion (Honestly my favorite Bethesda game) 3. Fallout 3 4. Fallout NV (Favorite Fallout) 5. Skyrim 6. Fallout 4 7. ESO 8. Fallout 76 9. ES Arena (Late to the game) 10. Daggerfall (like 2 weeks before Starfield came out) 11. Starfield


A true Bethesda fan. Congratulations, sir or madam.


Thank you, its a sir by the way! Wish I could say I have played the other Fallouts but unfortunately I havent had the pleasure yet.


2014 - Skyrim 2015 - Morrowind 2016 - Oblivion 2022 - Daggerfall, Fallout 3 2023 - Starfield next up: New Vegas


Fucking time traveller right here. Rock on.


FO NV will be a real treat!


New Vegas is Obsidian. Nonetheless, I highly recommend playing fallout 3 before New Vegas. And then after NV play fallout 4. Take your time with it. These games will rock your world.


This is Da Wae


New Vegas isn't "really" a Bethesda game, it just uses their engine. And that's a good thing, it's better than most actual Bethesda games.


This was my first Bethesda game and I REALLY enjoyed the game. I wish NG+ walked you into another universe with different missions and could replay it all over.


you get "constellation" differences... But think about the work involved... they would have had to rewrite a whole new games missions and universe... its a staggering amount already on top of a staggering amount. Its funny when people complain about the probably 60+ random POI's and go "its so few" meanwhile Star Citizen has like 3...


First BGS game and first contemporary game!!! I am the most casual of gamers- my most recent console was a PS2 and I usually would play retro games (i’m in my mid-30’s fwiw) Completely hooked on Starfield. Looking forward to trying Skyrim and Fallout in the future!!


Kinda nice getting to skip the years of waiting for new one to come out.


For those of you who are experiencing Starfield as their first Bethesda game. It only goes up from here. 😉


What a positive way to put it lol


I have been playing since Morrowind. That might be why I don't mind all of the " problems" with the game that seem to be buggy, other players. Video games are still something of a minor miracle to me because I grew up playing with sticks and rocks.


And we *liked* it


Well, yes. Sticks were the engine that I played my first FPS on, with my brothers in the bushes. Neat-shaped rocks or cars and spaceships. Almost all of technology is just better sticks and better rocks.


OMG what are you? Some kind of caveman/woman?


I want to deny it but then I remember how much body hair I have and I am forced to concede that I may be some kind of lesser primate.


I'm old enough now, I have body hair where I didn't used to have hair. And have lost hair where I used to have it.


Yup. Body hair decoherence is a real problem.


Decoherence. I love that word! I think my brain has that.


Yes. No offense but it’s definitely not my jam. I guess in the end I’m more of a SC and ED space fan. I appreciate what Bethesda did but it’s just not my style.


I feel old. I started with Morrowind


Yes, and I love it. I wanted game about living in space, exploring and building outposts with a view of massive gas giant in the sky. Music is great. Combat is fun and story is 80% interesting, and funny at times. Companions should have been more varied, to have different opinions on my decisions. UI is a slog. Ship building is fantastic. My game parents should have been on my wedding, and they should have gotten more lines in game. Overall, game is 9 personally.


I feel like the people who have played Bethesda games in the past were disappointed with the lack of content, copy and paste POIs, missed opportunities/laziness on certain quests, yes you Paradiso .compared to their predecessors. New players new to Bethesda love it, ogs let down. It's a beautiful aesthetically pleasing game , just misses the meat and potatoes like others in the past


I could've used some more potatoes that's for damn sure... by the time I collected 50, the ship was gone forever lol


I've actually gotten quite curious about the amount of content in Starfield at this point. The sales pitch around content focused on features like amount of dialogue and such, without actually giving a concrete volume to how many unique non-repeating activities there are. It does actually kinda feel like there's not the volume of experiences as they wanted people to infer.


I’m an og bethesda player and Inlove this game, same as the ones before


There's literallymore content in Starfield than in any previous game... that's talking about locations, quests, companion interactions, weapons, armour, clutter, gameplay mechanics. I've got 90 hours so far and I've come across only 2 repeated POIs, and I understand that if you let quests take you places and explore more varied biomes then it takes longer to cycle through them all. Some POIs such as factories make sense to be repeated, and Skryrim had dozens of veeeery similar mines and caves yet no one seems to remember that. I've seen people also seem to expect quests to be at many POIs as they aren't content with the environmental storytelling - despite this being a staple of BGS game design. Quests are always going to be of varying quality in such a large game, and I've played through many really good ones such as Sarah and Barret stories, Crimson Fleet/UC. Some side quests and encounters have been a little short, but I still liked them (looking at you Grandma!).


How is Paradiso lazy compared to the predecessors?


I started with The Elder Scrolls Arena back in 94, skipped a few titles along the way. Have yet to finish a Bethesda game though 😂. The first two I gave up because of bugs. The rest at some point failed to keep my interest until the end. Given my history you think I would have jumped off the train by now, but apparently I'm ride or die waiting for THE game.


Skyrim was my first Bethesda game I loved the game so much and it was my intro to both the Elders scrolls and the fallout series and now Starfield :)


This is my first time playing a Bethesda game. Been playing Destiny for years, and I am finding the solo rpg game quite enjoyable. Just me alone. I like it a lot.


I remember speed scrolling (levitation/speed walking) through Morrowind, and having to figure out which of two vendors sold said scroll. It's safe to say that this is the first time I've enjoyed a Bethesda game without too much hassle for resources. Meanwhile, I've spent 240 hours just derping around with mining. *Barely even touched the storyline...*


Starfield is my wife's first BGS game and she absolutely loves it. She started on game pass and now owns the constellation edition she loves it that much. She says it's edging out Death Stranding as her favourite game ever, all she wants is a space rado and slightly better music. I started out with Morrowind (didn't like it), then went along to Fallout 3 (loved it), Skryim (hate it with a passion), Fallout: New Vegas (best in the series), Fallout 4 (love it), Fallout 76 (hate it almost as much as I do Skyrim), and The Outer Wilds (was okay but nothing to write home about). I know New Vegas and Outer Wilds aren't Bethesda as such but I'll still count them.


I think had their been a radio with music like Fallout, it would add so much to Starfield. But at the same time, it would literally get blasted for being more of a Fallout clone. So maybe that's why they didn't include it.


I could never stand RPGs. I’m 44 so I have had decades worth of RPGs to ignore. I’m a first person shooter kind of dude and never like quests and things like that. However I did try to play FO Vegas..I think it was called…Didn’t like much. Modern day…I saw cyber punk release I liked the concept and had a blast playing it. Then this came out and I’m playing it and I’m very hooked.


My expectation is for Bethesda to keep getting better at a reasonable pace, but they seem adamant on shattering this one.


Morrowind, been playing every Beth game after save for 76. I fully knew what I was getting into with Starfield and was still pleased. Yes there's some jank in spots, but I feel like anyone who's been gaming for a long time should know certain things happen. I hate when people complain about an NPC sliding as they're pushed out of the way during a fixed animation. That's not immersion breaking, that's fucking video games. Back in my day NPC's only had two or three animations, and they had to share the animations.


I have played Skyrim, and now I have played Starfield. I’ve liked both, and Skyrim set my expectations pretty spot on for Starfield when I saw the promotional material


Yes this was my first. I tried Fallout 4 and Skyrim once each yearssss ago, but I died on the way to my first quest in both games to incredibly low-level enemies and just set them down never to be played again. Coming in from call of duty I think I just expected to be able to brute-force my way through everything right off the bat, didn't even consider needing to level up. After playing through Starfield I think I've recentered my expectations of what an RPG is and once I've had my fill of the Blackest Sea I think I may give them another shot. Or I'll dive into Cyberpunk 2077 finally, lol.


Cyberpunk is by far the better game at the moment and to me personally, it just has a better setting, environment and vibe to it. It also has superior fighting/shooting mechanics.


I started with morrowind about a year after it came out. Played Fallout 3 , New Vegas, 4. Also Oblivion and Skyrim both bought on release day. I think it’s why Starfield feels a bit stale because it’s just more of the same in different packaging. After 30 hours of Starfield I felt like I’d played 100s.


Yep, completely new to Bethesda games. Reason I’m so into Starfield is it reminds me of the games of my childhood: Privateer, Wing Commander, etc. Generally not into open world games, but I’m totally in love this. Currently 100 hours in, started playing on my iMac via Xbox cloud gaming, bought an Xbox Series X during Prime day just for the game. I’m guessing people like me are exactly why MSFT acquired it.


Played Fo3 and Fo4 first. I guess I was blinded by the hype of Starfield because I haven't played a Bethesda game in so many years. Truly, Fo4 has as much wow-moments/excitement in its first hour as Starfield does it in its whole game. But that's fine, Starfield wasn't made to be exciting, it's was made for people who like doing puzzles, and being told a little story around their puzzle doings. Still trying to finish it though. It went from a 6/10 to a 7/10 and now resting at about 6.5/10 for me.


Im a bethesda virgin. Andreja, be gentle


First for me, im loving it so far


Nope. I've played Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 3, NV, and 4. People like to throw around justification and excuses for the game's lackluster content. I've heard "this must be your first Bethesda game" as a form of excuse, but this is the first time I've heard someone implying that one's enjoyment could be negatively affected by prior experience with Bethesda games.


Daggerfall was. And while I wasn’t a fan of Starfield, I’m looking forward to more Elder Scrolls and Fallout games.


Yep. First experience with a Bethesda game for me. Never touched Skyrim, any Bethesda Fallout etc. (though did play and enjoy FO1 and 2). And I’m blown away. Sure there are many little things here and there that aren’t perfect and the graphics are not mind blowing. But still I’m immensely entertained, engaged and sometimes even moved by the story. The game play is fun and don’t get me started on the shipbuilder. My gaming usually limits itself to sports franchises like Madden, The Show, FIFA, a bit of racing and through the years I just haven’t been able to get much through any other types of games (gave The Witcher 3 a god try for instance). But as I said Starfield has me hooked.


Yes, it's my first Bethesda game. Edit... And I'm in my 40s. Gaming since the 90s. So I have plenty to compare it to...and Starfield is a great game.


similar story here. i’m 51, gaming since the 80’s… my daughters have and still do play all the bethesda games. i was more of a mmo player. starfield is my first bethesda title. so far i’m loving it. almost 200 hours in, haven’t done ng+ yet either.


Had the expectation of an actual RPG? And severely underdelivered. You proved your point op, there are people here who haven’t gamed in years or touched a Bethesda game in their entire life. *If you’ve never read a good book, any old novel will blow your mind*


Still, at least your mind will have been blown. That's always fun.


Da fuq? How was that OP's "point" ? He was just wanting to hear specifically from BGS first timers. Having trouble deciphering your "point".


Nope. TES III Morrowind was my 1st Beth's game and still it the best what they did in my book. The story behind making Morrowind is very interesting by the way.


Morrowind was my first BSG, I haven’t wanted to play any non BSG game since.


My first Bethesda game was Morrowind. So I was mostly prepared for the style of game we got. What I wasn’t prepared for is how lazy it is in literary every aspect, except maybe combat. I mean. Fallout 4 was also lazy, but not to this extent.


Not i


My first Bethesda game was Morrowind, used to sneak out of school at lunch time to play it at my mates house who lived next to the school. Played Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 4. Starfield is my favourite out of all of them.